60 plus Audio and Video Media KJV Bible Products eBibleProductions.com KJV Bible Word Studies for JAZIZ KJV Bible Word Studies for KEZIZ KJV Bible Word Studies for ZIZ Bible Greek and Hebrew Dictionaries combined for Word Studies Jaziz 3151 ## Yaziyz {yaw-zeez'}; from the same as 2123; he will make prominent; Jaziz, an Israelite: -- {Jaziz}. Keziz 7104 ## Q@tsiyts {kets-eets'}; from 7112; abrupt; Keziz, a valley in Palestine: -- {Keziz}. Ziz 6732 ## Tsiyts {tseets}; the same as 6731; bloom; Tsits, a place in Palestine: -- {Ziz}. Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the definitions plus combined with every place that word is used in the definitions. Complete index of every word used in both the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary in English Word order. Aziza 05819 ## ` Aziyza'{az-ee-zaw'} ; from 05756 ; strengthfulness ; Aziza , an Israelite : -- {Aziza} . Aziza 05819 ## ` Aziyza'{az-ee-zaw'} ; from 05756 ; strengthfulness ; {Aziza} , an Israelite : -- Aziza . Jaziz 03151 ## Yaziyz {yaw-zeez'} ; from the same as 02123 ; he will make prominent ; Jaziz , an Israelite : -- {Jaziz} . Jaziz 03151 ## Yaziyz {yaw-zeez'} ; from the same as 02123 ; he will make prominent ; {Jaziz} , an Israelite : -- Jaziz . Keziz 07104 ## Q@tsiyts {kets-eets'} ; from 07112 ; abrupt ; Keziz , a valley in Palestine : -- {Keziz} . Keziz 07104 ## Q@tsiyts {kets-eets'} ; from 07112 ; abrupt ; {Keziz} , a valley in Palestine : -- Keziz . Ziz 06732 ## Tsiyts {tseets} ; the same as 06731 ; bloom ; Tsits , a place in Palestine : -- {Ziz} . Ziza 02124 ## Ziyza'{zee-zaw'} ; apparently from the same as 02123 ; prominence ; Ziza , the name of two Israelites : - - {Ziza} . Ziza 02124 ## Ziyza'{zee-zaw'} ; apparently from the same as 02123 ; prominence ; {Ziza} , the name of two Israelites : -- Ziza . Zizah 02125 ## Ziyzah {zee-zaw'} ; another form for 02124 ; Zizah , an Israelite : -- {Zizah} . Zizah 02125 ## Ziyzah {zee-zaw'} ; another form for 02124 ; {Zizah} , an Israelite : -- Zizah . zizanion 2215 - {zizanion} {dziz-an'-ee-on}; of uncertain origin; darnel or false grain: -- tares. {dziz-an'-ee-on} 2215 - zizanion {{dziz-an'-ee-on}}; of uncertain origin; darnel or false grain: -- tares. Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions. Root Words and their word stems. This helps you see all related words in the English. English Theasurus that shows all the ways the English word is translated from the original Greek and Hebrew. Aziza 5819 -- \Aziyza/ -- {Aziza}. Jaziz 3151 -- Yaziyz -- {Jaziz}. Keziz 7104 Q@tsiyts -- -- {Keziz}. Ziz 6732 -- Tsiyts -- {Ziz}. Ziza 2124 -- Ziyza/ -- {Ziza}. Zizah 2125 -- Ziyzah -- {Zizah}. Greek Cross References that shows all the ways the Greek is translated from the English word. zizanion 2215 zizanion * tares , {2215 {zizanion} } , zizanion 2215 {zizanion} * tares , {2215 zizanion } , English to Hebrew and Greek Thesaurus The - is marking the Old Testament words. The * is marking the New Testament Words. English list of words is 15,684 * Hebrew Numbers refered to 8,674 * Greek Numbers refered to 5,624 * Unique English words in N.T. 5,437 * Unique English words in O.T. 10,254 - jaziz , 3151 , - keziz , 7104 , English Synonyms with Greek Strong's Number. One Word English Phrase Index to the KJV Bible. Aziza 15_EZR_10_27 # And of the sons of Zattu; Elioenai, Eliashib, Mattaniah, and Jeremoth, and Zabad, and Aziza. Jaziz 13_1CH_27_31 # And over the flocks [was] Jaziz the Hagerite. All these [were] the rulers of the substance which [was] king David's. Keziz 06_JOS_18_21 # Now the cities of the tribe of the children of Benjamin according to their families were Jericho, and Bethhoglah, and the valley of Keziz. Ziz 14_2CH_20_16 # To morrow go ye down against them: behold, they come up by the cliff of Ziz; and ye shall find them at the end of the brook, before the wilderness of Jeruel. Ziza 13_1CH_04_37 # And Ziza the son of Shiphi, the son of Allon, the son of Jedaiah, the son of Shimri, the son of Shemaiah; Ziza 14_2CH_11_20 # And after her he took Maachah the daughter of Absalom; which bare him Abijah, and Attai, and Ziza, and Shelomith. Zizah 13_1CH_23_11 # And Jahath was the chief, and Zizah the second: but Jeush and Beriah had not many sons; therefore they were in one reckoning, according to [their] father's house. Two Word English Phrase Index to the KJV Bible. Aziza 15_EZR_10_27 # And of the sons of Zattu; Elioenai, Eliashib, Mattaniah, and Jeremoth, and Zabad, and Aziza. Jaziz the 13_1CH_27_31 # And over the flocks [was] Jaziz the Hagerite. All these [were] the rulers of the substance which [was] king David's. Keziz 06_JOS_18_21 # Now the cities of the tribe of the children of Benjamin according to their families were Jericho, and Bethhoglah, and the valley of Keziz. Ziz and 14_2CH_20_16 # To morrow go ye down against them: behold, they come up by the cliff of Ziz; and ye shall find them at the end of the brook, before the wilderness of Jeruel. Ziza and 14_2CH_11_20 # And after her he took Maachah the daughter of Absalom; which bare him Abijah, and Attai, and Ziza, and Shelomith. Ziza the 13_1CH_04_37 # And Ziza the son of Shiphi, the son of Allon, the son of Jedaiah, the son of Shimri, the son of Shemaiah; Zizah the 13_1CH_23_11 # And Jahath was the chief, and Zizah the second: but Jeush and Beriah had not many sons; therefore they were in one reckoning, according to [their] father's house. Three Word English Phrase Index to the KJV Bible. Aziza 15_EZR_10_27 # And of the sons of Zattu; Elioenai, Eliashib, Mattaniah, and Jeremoth, and Zabad, and Aziza. Jaziz the Hagerite 13_1CH_27_31 # And over the flocks [was] Jaziz the Hagerite. All these [were] the rulers of the substance which [was] king David's. Keziz 06_JOS_18_21 # Now the cities of the tribe of the children of Benjamin according to their families were Jericho, and Bethhoglah, and the valley of Keziz. Ziz and ye 14_2CH_20_16 # To morrow go ye down against them: behold, they come up by the cliff of Ziz; and ye shall find them at the end of the brook, before the wilderness of Jeruel. Ziza and Shelomith 14_2CH_11_20 # And after her he took Maachah the daughter of Absalom; which bare him Abijah, and Attai, and Ziza, and Shelomith. Ziza the son 13_1CH_04_37 # And Ziza the son of Shiphi, the son of Allon, the son of Jedaiah, the son of Shimri, the son of Shemaiah; Zizah the second 13_1CH_23_11 # And Jahath was the chief, and Zizah the second: but Jeush and Beriah had not many sons; therefore they were in one reckoning, according to [their] father's house. Four Word English Phrase Index to the KJV Bible. Aziza 15_EZR_10_27 # And of the sons of Zattu; Elioenai, Eliashib, Mattaniah, and Jeremoth, and Zabad, and Aziza. Jaziz the Hagerite All 13_1CH_27_31 # And over the flocks [was] Jaziz the Hagerite. All these [were] the rulers of the substance which [was] king David's. Keziz 06_JOS_18_21 # Now the cities of the tribe of the children of Benjamin according to their families were Jericho, and Bethhoglah, and the valley of Keziz. Ziz and ye shall 14_2CH_20_16 # To morrow go ye down against them: behold, they come up by the cliff of Ziz; and ye shall find them at the end of the brook, before the wilderness of Jeruel. Ziza and Shelomith 14_2CH_11_20 # And after her he took Maachah the daughter of Absalom; which bare him Abijah, and Attai, and Ziza, and Shelomith. Ziza the son of 13_1CH_04_37 # And Ziza the son of Shiphi, the son of Allon, the son of Jedaiah, the son of Shimri, the son of Shemaiah; Zizah the second but 13_1CH_23_11 # And Jahath was the chief, and Zizah the second: but Jeush and Beriah had not many sons; therefore they were in one reckoning, according to [their] father's house. Five Word English Phrase Index to the KJV Bible. Aziza 15_EZR_10_27 # And of the sons of Zattu; Elioenai, Eliashib, Mattaniah, and Jeremoth, and Zabad, and Aziza. Jaziz the Hagerite All these 13_1CH_27_31 # And over the flocks [was] Jaziz the Hagerite. All these [were] the rulers of the substance which [was] king David's. Keziz 06_JOS_18_21 # Now the cities of the tribe of the children of Benjamin according to their families were Jericho, and Bethhoglah, and the valley of Keziz. Ziz and ye shall find 14_2CH_20_16 # To morrow go ye down against them: behold, they come up by the cliff of Ziz; and ye shall find them at the end of the brook, before the wilderness of Jeruel. Ziza and Shelomith 14_2CH_11_20 # And after her he took Maachah the daughter of Absalom; which bare him Abijah, and Attai, and Ziza, and Shelomith. Ziza the son of Shiphi 13_1CH_04_37 # And Ziza the son of Shiphi, the son of Allon, the son of Jedaiah, the son of Shimri, the son of Shemaiah; Zizah the second but Jeush 13_1CH_23_11 # And Jahath was the chief, and Zizah the second: but Jeush and Beriah had not many sons; therefore they were in one reckoning, according to [their] father's house. Six Word English Phrase Index to the KJV Bible. Aziza 15_EZR_10_27 # And of the sons of Zattu; Elioenai, Eliashib, Mattaniah, and Jeremoth, and Zabad, and Aziza. Jaziz the Hagerite All these were 13_1CH_27_31 # And over the flocks [was] Jaziz the Hagerite. All these [were] the rulers of the substance which [was] king David's. Keziz 06_JOS_18_21 # Now the cities of the tribe of the children of Benjamin according to their families were Jericho, and Bethhoglah, and the valley of Keziz. Ziz and ye shall find them 14_2CH_20_16 # To morrow go ye down against them: behold, they come up by the cliff of Ziz; and ye shall find them at the end of the brook, before the wilderness of Jeruel. Ziza and Shelomith 14_2CH_11_20 # And after her he took Maachah the daughter of Absalom; which bare him Abijah, and Attai, and Ziza, and Shelomith. Ziza the son of Shiphi the 13_1CH_04_37 # And Ziza the son of Shiphi, the son of Allon, the son of Jedaiah, the son of Shimri, the son of Shemaiah; Zizah the second but Jeush and 13_1CH_23_11 # And Jahath was the chief, and Zizah the second: but Jeush and Beriah had not many sons; therefore they were in one reckoning, according to [their] father's house. Seven Word English Phrase Index to the KJV Bible. Aziza 15_EZR_10_27 # And of the sons of Zattu; Elioenai, Eliashib, Mattaniah, and Jeremoth, and Zabad, and Aziza. Jaziz the Hagerite All these were the 13_1CH_27_31 # And over the flocks [was] Jaziz the Hagerite. All these [were] the rulers of the substance which [was] king David's. Keziz 06_JOS_18_21 # Now the cities of the tribe of the children of Benjamin according to their families were Jericho, and Bethhoglah, and the valley of Keziz. Ziz and ye shall find them at 14_2CH_20_16 # To morrow go ye down against them: behold, they come up by the cliff of Ziz; and ye shall find them at the end of the brook, before the wilderness of Jeruel. Ziza and Shelomith 14_2CH_11_20 # And after her he took Maachah the daughter of Absalom; which bare him Abijah, and Attai, and Ziza, and Shelomith. Ziza the son of Shiphi the son 13_1CH_04_37 # And Ziza the son of Shiphi, the son of Allon, the son of Jedaiah, the son of Shimri, the son of Shemaiah; Zizah the second but Jeush and Beriah 13_1CH_23_11 # And Jahath was the chief, and Zizah the second: but Jeush and Beriah had not many sons; therefore they were in one reckoning, according to [their] father's house. English Concordance to the KJV Bible. aziza , 15_EZR_10_27, keziz , 06_JOS_18_21, ziz , 14_2CH_20_16, ziza , 13_1CH_04_37, ziza , 14_2CH_11_20, zizah , 13_1CH_23_11, Bible Phrases for Individual word studies Bible Quick Find Phrase Concordance for fast finding of phrases Aziza ^ 15_EZR_10_27 / Aziza /^ Jaziz ^ 13_1CH_27_31 / Jaziz /^the Hagerite. All these [were] the rulers of the substance which [was] king David's. Keziz ^ 06_JOS_18_21 / Keziz /^ Ziz ^ 14_2CH_20_16 / Ziz /^and ye shall find them at the end of the brook, before the wilderness of Jeruel. Ziza ^ 14_2CH_11_20 / Ziza /^and Shelomith. Ziza ^ 13_1CH_04_37 / Ziza /^the son of Shiphi, the son of Allon, the son of Jedaiah, the son of Shimri, the son of Shemaiah; Zizah ^ 13_1CH_23_11 / Zizah /^the second: but Jeush and Beriah had not many sons; therefore they were in one reckoning, according to [their] father's house. Bible Translation Phrases for Individual word studies -zizanion- ......... but the tares 2215 -zizanion- > -zizanion- ......... it tares 2215 -zizanion- > -zizanion- ......... of the tares 2215 -zizanion- > -zizanion- ......... tares 2215 -zizanion- > -zizanion- ......... the tares 2215 -zizanion- > -zizanion- ......... up the tares 2215 -zizanion- > Bible Word Index with the full text of each verse Aziza 15_EZR_10_27 And of the sons of Zattu; Elioenai, Eliashib, Mattaniah, and Jeremoth, and Zabad, and {Aziza}. Jaziz 13_1CH_27_31 And over the flocks [was] {Jaziz} the Hagerite. All these [were] the rulers of the substance which [was] king David's. Keziz 06_JOS_18_21 Now the cities of the tribe of the children of Benjamin according to their families were Jericho, and Bethhoglah, and the valley of {Keziz}. Ziz 14_2CH_20_16 To morrow go ye down against them: behold, they come up by the cliff of {Ziz}; and ye shall find them at the end of the brook, before the wilderness of Jeruel. Ziza 13_1CH_04_37 And {Ziza} the son of Shiphi, the son of Allon, the son of Jedaiah, the son of Shimri, the son of Shemaiah; Ziza 14_2CH_11_20 And after her he took Maachah the daughter of Absalom; which bare him Abijah, and Attai, and {Ziza}, and Shelomith. Zizah 13_1CH_23_11 And Jahath was the chief, and {Zizah} the second: but Jeush and Beriah had not many sons; therefore they were in one reckoning, according to [their] father's house. Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse Bible Word Index with Strong's Number Language Tranliteration of original language words -zizanion 40_MAT_13_25 But while (3588 -ho -) men (0444 -anthropos -) slept (2518 -katheudo -) , his enemy (2190 - echthros -) came (2064 -erchomai -) and sowed (4687 -speiro -) tares (2215 {-zizanion} -) among (3319 -mesos -) the wheat (4621 -sitos -) , and went (0565 -aperchomai -) his way . -zizanion 40_MAT_13_26 But when (3753 -hote -) the blade (5528 -chortos -) was sprung (0985 -blastano -) up , and brought (4160 -poieo -) forth (4160 -poieo -) fruit (2590 -karpos -) , then (5119 -tote -) appeared (5316 -phaino -) the tares (2215 {-zizanion} -) also (2532 -kai -) . -zizanion 40_MAT_13_27 So (1161 -de -) the servants (1401 -doulos -) of the householder (3617 -oikodespotes -) came (4334 -proserchomai -) and said (2063 -eruthros -) unto him , Sir (2962 -kurios -) , didst not thou sow (4687 - speiro -) good (2570 -kalos -) seed (4690 -sperma -) in thy field (0068 -agros -) ? from whence (4159 -pothen -) then (3767 -oun -) hath (2192 -echo -) it tares (2215 {-zizanion} -) ? -zizanion 40_MAT_13_29 But he said (5346 -phemi -) , Nay (3756 -ou -) ; lest (3379 -mepote -) while ye gather (4816 - sullego -) up the tares (2215 {-zizanion} -) , ye root (1610 -ekrizoo -) up also (0260 -hama -) the wheat (4621 -sitos -) with them . -zizanion 40_MAT_13_30 Let (0863 -aphiemi -) both (0297 -amphoteros -) grow (4885 -sunauxano -) together (4885 - sunauxano -) until (3360 -mechri -) the harvest (2326 -therismos -):and in the time (2540 -kairos -) of harvest (2326 - therismos -) I will say (2046 -ereo -) to the reapers (2327 -theristes -) , Gather (4816 -sullego -) ye together (4816 - sullego -) first (4412 -proton -) the tares (2215 {-zizanion} -) , and bind (1210 -deo -) them in bundles (1197 -desme -) to burn (2618 -katakaio -) them:but gather (4863 -sunago -) the wheat (4621 -sitos -) into (1519 -eis -) my barn (0596 - apotheke -) . -zizanion 40_MAT_13_36 Then (5119 -tote -) Jesus (2424 -Iesous -) sent (0863 -aphiemi -) the multitude (3793 -ochlos -) away (0863 -aphiemi -) , and went (2064 -erchomai -) into (1519 -eis -) the house (3614 -oikia -):and his disciples (3101 -mathetes -) came (4334 -proserchomai -) unto him , saying (3004 -lego -) , Declare (5419 -phrazo -) unto us the parable (3850 -parabole -) of the tares (2215 {-zizanion} -) of the field (0068 -agros -) . -zizanion 40_MAT_13_38 The field (0068 -agros -) is the world (2889 -kosmos -) ; the good (2570 -kalos -) seed (4690 -sperma -) are the children (5207 -huios -) of the kingdom (0932 -basileia -) ; but the tares (2215 {-zizanion} -) are the children (5207 -huios -) of the wicked (4190 -poneros -) [ one ] ; -zizanion 40_MAT_13_40 As therefore (3767 -oun -) the tares (2215 {-zizanion} -) are gathered (4816 -sullego -) and burned (2618 -katakaio -) in the fire (4442 -pur -) ; so (3779 -houto -) shall it be in the end (4930 -sunteleia -) of this (5127 -toutou -) world (0165 -aion -) . Aziza 15_EZR_10_27 And of the sons (01121 +ben ) of Zattu (02240 +Zattuw) ) ; Elioenai (00454 +)Ely@how(eynay ) , Eliashib (00475 +)Elyashiyb ) , Mattaniah (04983 +Mattanyah ) , and Jeremoth (03406 +Y@riymowth ) , and Zabad (02066 +Zabad ) , and {Aziza} (05819 +(Aziyza) ) . Jaziz 13_1CH_27_31 And over (05921 +(al ) the flocks (06629 +tso)n ) [ was ] {Jaziz} (03151 +Yaziyz ) the Hagerite (01905 +Hagriy ) . All (03605 +kol ) these (00428 +)el - leh ) [ were ] the rulers (08269 +sar ) of the substance (07399 +r@kuwsh ) which (00834 +)aher ) [ was ] king (04428 +melek ) David s (01732 +David ) . Keziz 06_JOS_18_21 Now the cities (05892 +(iyr ) of the tribe (04294 +matteh ) of the children (01121 +ben ) of Benjamin (01144 +Binyamiyn ) according to their families (04940 +mishpachah ) were Jericho (03405 +Y@riychow ) , and Bethhoglah (01031 +Beyth Choglah ) , and the valley (06010 +(emeq ) of {Keziz} (07104 +Q@tsiyts ) , Ziz 14_2CH_20_16 To morrow (04279 +machar ) go (03381 +yarad ) ye down (03381 +yarad ) against (05921 +(al ) them:behold (02009 +hinneh ) , they come (05927 +(alah ) up by the cliff (04608 +ma(aleh ) of {Ziz} ; and ye shall find (04672 +matsa) ) them at the end (05490 +cowph ) of the brook (05158 +nachal ) , before (06440 +paniym ) the wilderness (04057 +midbar ) of Jeruel (03385 +Y@ruw)el ) . Ziza 13_1CH_04_37 And {Ziza} (02124 +Ziyza) ) the son (01121 +ben ) of Shiphi (08230 +Shiph(iy ) , the son (01121 +ben ) of Allon (00438 +)Allown ) , the son (01121 +ben ) of Jedaiah (03042 +Y@dayah ) , the son (01121 +ben ) of Shimri (08113 +Shimriy ) , the son (01121 +ben ) of Shemaiah (08098 +Sh@ma(yah ) ; Ziza 14_2CH_11_20 And after (00310 +)achar ) her he took (03947 +laqach ) Maachah (04601 +Ma(akah ) the daughter (01323 +bath ) of Absalom (53) ; which bare (03205 +yalad ) him Abijah (29) , and Attai (06262 +(Attay ) , and {Ziza} (02124 +Ziyza) ) , and Shelomith (08019 +Sh@lomiyth ) . Zizah 13_1CH_23_11 And Jahath (03189 +Yachath ) was the chief (07218 +ro)sh ) , and {Zizah} the second (08145 +sheniy ):but Jeush (03266 +Y@(uwsh ) and Beriah (01283 +B@riy(ah ) had not many (07235 +rabah ) sons (01121 +ben ) ; therefore they were in one (00259 +)echad ) reckoning (06486 +p@quddah ) , according to [ their ] father s (1) house (01004 +bayith ) . 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