Zimri 025 025 Jer /^{Zimri /and all the kings
of Elam , and all the kings of the Medes ,

Zimri 002 006 ICh /^{Zimri /and Ethan , and
Heman , and Calcol , and Dara : five of them in all.

Zimri 016 020 IKi /^{Zimri /and his treason
that he wrought , are they not written in the book of the
chronicles of the kings of Israel ?

Zimri 008 036 ICh /^{Zimri /and Zimri begat
Moza ,

Zimri 009 042 ICh /^{Zimri /and Zimri begat
Moza ;

Zimri 008 036 ICh /^{Zimri /begat Moza ,

Zimri 009 042 ICh /^{Zimri /begat Moza ;

Zimri 016 009 IKi /^{Zimri /captain of half
his chariots , conspired against him, as he was in Tirzah ,
drinking himself drunk in the house of Arza steward of his house
in Tirzah .

Zimri 016 012 IKi /^{Zimri /destroy all the
house of Baasha , according to the word of the LORD , which he
spake against Baasha by Jehu the prophet ,

Zimri 016 016 IKi /^{Zimri /hath conspired ,
and hath also slain the king : wherefore all Israel made Omri ,
the captain of the host , king over Israel that day in the camp .

Zimri 009 031 IIKi /^{Zimri /peace , who slew
his master ?

Zimri 016 015 IKi /^{Zimri /reign seven days
in Tirzah . And the people were encamped against Gibbethon ,
which belonged to the Philistines .

Zimri 016 018 IKi /^{Zimri /saw that the city
was taken , that he went into the palace of the king's house ,
and burnt the king's house over him with fire , and died ,

Zimri 025 014 Num /^{Zimri /the son of Salu ,
a prince of a chief house among the Simeonites .

Zimri 016 010 IKi /^{Zimri /went in and smote
him, and killed him, in the twenty and seventh year of Asa king
of Judah , and reigned in his stead.
