wroth 040 002 Gen /^{wroth /against two of his
officers , against the chief of the butlers , and against the
chief of the bakers .

wroth 005 022 Lam /^{wroth /against us.

wroth 009 019 Deu /^{wroth /against you to
destroy you. But the LORD hearkened unto me at that time also.

wroth 031 036 Gen /^{wroth /and chode with
Laban : and Jacob answered and said to Laban , What is my
trespass ? what is my sin , that thou hast so hotly pursued
after me ?

wroth 018 034 Mat /${wroth /and delivered him
to the tormentors , till he should pay all that was due unto him

wroth 078 059 Psa /^{wroth /and greatly
abhorred Israel :

wroth 026 019 IICh /^{wroth /and had a censer
in his hand to burn incense : and while he was wroth with the
priests , the leprosy even rose up in his forehead before the
priests in the house of the LORD , from beside the incense altar

wroth 022 007 Mat /${wroth /and he sent forth
his armies , and destroyed those murderers , and burned up their
city .

wroth 057 017 Isa /^{wroth /and he went on
frowardly in the way of his heart .

wroth 001 012 Est /^{wroth /and his anger
burned in him.

wroth 004 005 Gen /^{wroth /and his
countenance fell .

wroth 016 015 Num /^{wroth /and said unto the
LORD , Respect not thou their offering : I have not taken one
ass from them, neither have I hurt one of them.

wroth 002 016 Mat /${wroth /and sent forth ,
and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem , and in all
the coasts thereof , from two years old and under , according to
the time which he had diligently enquired of the wise men .

wroth 057 017 Isa /^{wroth /and smote him: I
hid me, and was wroth , and he went on frowardly in the way of
his heart .

wroth 002 021 Est /^{wroth /and sought to lay
hand on the king Ahasuerus .

wroth 001 034 Deu /^{wroth /and sware , saying

wroth 018 008 ISa /^{wroth /and the saying
displeased him; and he said , They have ascribed unto David ten
thousands , and to me they have ascribed but thousands : and
what can he have more but the kingdom ?

wroth 004 001 Neh /^{wroth /and took great
indignation , and mocked the Jews .

wroth 005 011 IIKi /^{wroth /and went away ,
and said , Behold, I thought , He will surely come out to me,
and stand , and call on the name of the LORD his God , and
strike his hand over the place , and recover the leper .

wroth 004 006 Gen /^{wroth /and why is thy
countenance fallen ?

wroth 028 021 Isa /^{wroth /as in the valley
of Gibeon , that he may do his work , his strange work ; and
bring to pass his act , his strange act .

wroth 034 007 Gen /^{wroth /because he had
wrought folly in Israel in lying with Jacob's daughter ; which
thing ought not to be done .

wroth 057 016 Isa /^{wroth /for the spirit
should fail before me, and the souls which I have made .

wroth 003 008 IISa /^{wroth /for the words of
Ishbosheth , and said , Am I a dog's head , which against Judah
do shew kindness this day unto the house of Saul thy father , to
his brethren , and to his friends , and have not delivered thee
into the hand of David , that thou chargest me to day with a
fault concerning this woman ?

wroth 064 005 Isa /^{wroth /for we have sinned
: in those is continuance , and we shall be saved .

wroth 078 021 Psa /^{wroth /so a fire was
kindled against Jacob , and anger also came up against Israel ;

wroth 020 007 ISa /^{wroth /then be sure that
evil is determined by him.

wroth 064 009 Isa /^{wroth /very sore , O LORD
, neither remember iniquity for ever : behold, see , we beseech
thee, we are all thy people .

wroth 016 022 Num /^{wroth /with all the
congregation ?

wroth 013 019 IIKi /^{wroth /with him, and said
, Thou shouldest have smitten five or six times ; then hadst
thou smitten Syria till thou hadst consumed it: whereas now thou
shalt smite Syria but thrice .

wroth 029 004 ISa /^{wroth /with him; and the
princes of the Philistines said unto him, Make this fellow
return , that he may go again to his place which thou hast
appointed him, and let him not go down with us to battle , lest
in the battle he be an adversary to us: for wherewith should he
reconcile himself unto his master ? should it not be with the
heads of these men ?

wroth 078 062 Psa /^{wroth /with his
inheritance .

wroth 041 010 Gen /^{wroth /with his servants ,
and put me in ward in the captain of the guard's house , both
me and the chief baker :

wroth 037 015 Jer /^{wroth /with Jeremiah ,
and smote him, and put him in prison in the house of Jonathan
the scribe : for they had made that the prison .

wroth 028 009 IICh /^{wroth /with Judah , he
hath delivered them into your hand , and ye have slain them in a
rage that reacheth up unto heaven .

wroth 003 026 Deu /^{wroth /with me for your
sakes, and would not hear me: and the LORD said unto me, Let it
suffice thee; speak no more unto me of this matter .

wroth 047 006 Isa /^{wroth /with my people , I
have polluted mine inheritance , and given them into thine hand :
thou didst shew them no mercy ; upon the ancient hast thou very
heavily laid thy yoke .

wroth 031 014 Num /^{wroth /with the officers
of the host , with the captains over thousands , and captains
over hundreds , which came from the battle .

wroth 026 019 IICh /^{wroth /with the priests ,
the leprosy even rose up in his forehead before the priests in
the house of the LORD , from beside the incense altar .

wroth 016 010 IICh /^{wroth /with the seer ,
and put him in a prison house ; for he was in a rage with him
because of this thing. And Asa oppressed some of the people the
same time .

wroth 022 018 Jos /^{wroth /with the whole
congregation of Israel .

wroth 012 017 Rev /${wroth /with the woman ,
and went to make war with the remnant of her seed , which keep
the commandments of God , and have the testimony of Jesus Christ

wroth 054 009 Isa /^{wroth /with thee, nor
rebuke thee.

wroth 016 020 Exo /^{wroth /with them.

wroth 089 038 Psa /^{wroth /with thine
anointed .
