Bible Greek and Hebrew Dictionaries combined for Word Studies

Genesis Chapter 1

about 2280 ## chabash {khaw-bash'}; a primitive root; to wrap firmly (especially a turban, compress, or saddle); figuratively, to stop, to rule: -- bind (up), gird about, govern, healer, put, saddle, wrap {about}.

about 2280 ## chabash {khaw-bash'}; a primitive root; to wrap firmly (especially a turban, compress, or saddle); figuratively, to stop, to rule: -- bind (up), gird {about}, govern, healer, put, saddle, wrap about.

bind 2280 ## chabash {khaw-bash'}; a primitive root; to wrap firmly (especially a turban, compress, or saddle); figuratively, to stop, to rule: -- {bind} (up), gird about, govern, healer, put, saddle, wrap about.

cast 3874 ## luwt {loot}; a primitive root; to wrap up: -- {cast}, wrap.

clothes 4683 # sparganoo {spar-gan-o'-o}; from sparganon (a strip; from a derivative of the base of 4682 meaning to strap or wrap with strips); to swathe (an infant after the Oriental custom): -- wrap in swaddling {clothes}.

gird 2280 ## chabash {khaw-bash'}; a primitive root; to wrap firmly (especially a turban, compress, or saddle); figuratively, to stop, to rule: -- bind (up), {gird} about, govern, healer, put, saddle, wrap about.

govern 2280 ## chabash {khaw-bash'}; a primitive root; to wrap firmly (especially a turban, compress, or saddle); figuratively, to stop, to rule: -- bind (up), gird about, {govern}, healer, put, saddle, wrap about.

healer 2280 ## chabash {khaw-bash'}; a primitive root; to wrap firmly (especially a turban, compress, or saddle); figuratively, to stop, to rule: -- bind (up), gird about, govern, {healer}, put, saddle, wrap about.

in 1750 # eneileo {en-i-leh'-o}; from 1772 and the base of 1507; to enwrap: -- wrap {in}.

in 4683 # sparganoo {spar-gan-o'-o}; from sparganon (a strip; from a derivative of the base of 4682 meaning to strap or wrap with strips); to swathe (an infant after the Oriental custom): -- wrap {in} swaddling clothes.

put 2280 ## chabash {khaw-bash'}; a primitive root; to wrap firmly (especially a turban, compress, or saddle); figuratively, to stop, to rule: -- bind (up), gird about, govern, healer, {put}, saddle, wrap about.

saddle 2280 ## chabash {khaw-bash'}; a primitive root; to wrap firmly (especially a turban, compress, or saddle); figuratively, to stop, to rule: -- bind (up), gird about, govern, healer, put, {saddle}, wrap about.

swaddling 4683 # sparganoo {spar-gan-o'-o}; from sparganon (a strip; from a derivative of the base of 4682 meaning to strap or wrap with strips); to swathe (an infant after the Oriental custom): -- wrap in {swaddling} clothes.

together 1563 ## galam {gaw-lam'}; a primitive root; to fold: -- wrap {together}.

together 8276 ## sarag {saw-rag'}; a primitive root; to intwine: -- wrap {together}, wreath.

up 2280 ## chabash {khaw-bash'}; a primitive root; to wrap firmly (especially a turban, compress, or saddle); figuratively, to stop, to rule: -- bind ({up}), gird about, govern, healer, put, saddle, wrap about.

vail 6809 ## tsa`iyph {tsaw-eef'}; from an unused root meaning to wrap over; a veil: -- {vail}.

wrap 1563 ## galam {gaw-lam'}; a primitive root; to fold: -- {wrap} together.

wrap 1750 # eneileo {en-i-leh'-o}; from 1772 and the base of 1507; to enwrap: -- {wrap} in.

wrap 1794 # entulisso {en-too-lis'-so}; from 1722 and tulisso (to twist; probably akin to 1507); to entwine, i.e. wind up in: -- {wrap} in (together).

wrap 2280 ## chabash {khaw-bash'}; a primitive root; to wrap firmly (especially a turban, compress, or saddle); figuratively, to stop, to rule: -- bind (up), gird about, govern, healer, put, saddle, {wrap} about.

wrap 3664 ## kanac {kaw-nas'}; a primitive root; to collect; hence, to enfold: -- gather (together), heap up, {wrap} self.

wrap 3874 ## luwt {loot}; a primitive root; to wrap up: -- cast, {wrap}.

wrap 4683 # sparganoo {spar-gan-o'-o}; from sparganon (a strip; from a derivative of the base of 4682 meaning to strap or wrap with strips); to swathe (an infant after the Oriental custom): -- {wrap} in swaddling clothes.

wrap 5440 ## cabak {saw-bak'}; a primitive root; to entwine: -- fold together, {wrap}.

wrap 5686 ## `abath {aw-bath'}; a primitive root; to interlace, i.e. (figuratively) to pervert: -- {wrap} up.

wrap 5968 ## `alaph {aw-laf'}; a primitive root; to veil or cover; figuratively, to be languid: -- faint, overlaid, {wrap} self.

wrap 8276 ## sarag {saw-rag'}; a primitive root; to intwine: -- {wrap} together, wreath.

wreath 8276 ## sarag {saw-rag'}; a primitive root; to intwine: -- wrap together, {wreath}.