would 004 001 ITh /${would /abound more and
more .

would 009 002 Dan /^{would /accomplish seventy
years in the desolations of Jerusalem .

would 008 006 IICo /${would /also finish in you
the same grace also .

would 025 022 Act /${would /also hear the man
myself . To morrow , said he, thou shalt hear him .

would 013 005 Job /^{would /altogether hold
your peace ! and it should be your wisdom .

would 001 103 Jo /${would /and casteth them
out of the church .

would 012 020 IICo /${would /and that I shall
be found unto you such as ye would not : lest there be debates ,
envyings , wraths , strifes , backbitings , whisperings ,
swellings , tumults :

would 003 013 Mar /${would /and they came unto
him .

would 002 016 ISa /^{would /answer him, Nay;
but thou shalt give it me now: and if not, I will take it by
force .

would 031 035 Job /^{would /answer me, and
that mine adversary had written a book .

would 023 005 Job /^{would /answer me, and
understand what he would say unto me.

would 013 023 Jug /^{would /as at this time
have told us such things as these .

would 014 007 Mat /${would /ask .

would 008 011 Est /^{would /assault them, both
little ones and women , and to take the spoil of them for a prey

would 008 006 Job /^{would /awake for thee,
and make the habitation of thy righteousness prosperous .

would 002 004 Exo /^{would /be done to him.

would 006 003 Job /^{would /be heavier than
the sand of the sea : therefore my words are swallowed up .

would 023 021 Deu /^{would /be sin in thee.

would 005 004 IICo /${would /be unclothed , but
clothed upon , that mortality might be swallowed up of life .

would 011 012 Job /^{would /be wise , though
man be born like a wild ass's colt .

would 004 005 Jon /^{would /become of the city

would 018 010 Jer /^{would /benefit them.

would 014 027 IIKi /^{would /blot out the name
of Israel from under heaven : but he saved them by the hand of
Jeroboam the son of Joash .

would 005 042 Mat /${would /borrow of thee
turn not thou away .

would 038 017 Eze /^{would /bring thee against

would 027 004 Isa /^{would /burn them together

would 002 019 Gen /^{would /call them: and
whatsoever Adam called every living creature , that was the name
thereof .

would 007 026 Mar /${would /cast forth the
devil out of her daughter .

would 008 002 Son /^{would /cause thee to
drink of spiced wine of the juice of my pomegranate .

would 011 023 Act /${would /cleave unto the
Lord .

would 012 039 Luk /${would /come , he would
have watched , and not have suffered his house to be broken
through .

would 024 043 Mat /${would /come , he would
have watched , and would not have suffered his house to be
broken up .

would 010 001 Luk /${would /come .

would 007 003 Luk /${would /come and heal his
servant .

would 006 015 Joh /${would /come and take him
by force , to make him a king , he departed again into a
mountain himself alone .

would 004 047 Joh /${would /come down , and
heal his son : for he was at the point of death .

would 020 033 IKi /^{would /come from him, and
did hastily catch it: and they said , Thy brother Benhadad .
Then he said , Go ye, bring him. Then Benhadad came forth to him;
and he caused him to come up into the chariot .

would 016 026 Luk /${would /come from thence .

would 008 041 Luk /${would /come into his
house :

would 008 031 Act /${would /come up and sit
with him .

would 008 018 Jer /^{would /comfort myself
against sorrow , my heart is faint in me.

would 013 006 Eze /^{would /confirm the word .

would 002 008 IICo /${would /confirm your love
toward him .

would 032 029 Deu /^{would /consider their
latter end !

would 018 032 IKi /^{would /contain two
measures of seed .

would 001 011 IITh /${would /count you worthy
of this calling , and fulfil all the good pleasure of his
goodness , and the work of faith with power :

would 056 002 Psa /^{would /daily swallow me
up: for they be many that fight against me, O thou most High .

would 040 005 Psa /^{would /declare and speak
of them, they are more than can be numbered .

would 031 037 Job /^{would /declare unto him
the number of my steps ; as a prince would I go near unto him.

would 022 008 Psa /^{would /deliver him: let
him deliver him, seeing he delighted in him.

would 007 025 Act /${would /deliver them : but
they understood not .

would 008 034 Mat /${would /depart out of
their coasts .

would 025 004 Act /${would /depart shortly

would 008 024 Jug /^{would /desire a request
of you, that ye would give me every man the earrings of his prey

would 002 018 Dan /^{would /desire mercies of
the God of heaven concerning this secret ; that Daniel and his
fellows should not perish with the rest of the wise men of
Babylon .

would 012 006 IICo /${would /desire to glory ,
I shall not be a fool ; for I will say the truth : but now I
forbear , lest any man should think of me above that which he
seeth me to be, or that he heareth of me .

would 009 021 Job /^{would /despise my life .

would 014 016 IISa /^{would /destroy me and my
son together out of the inheritance of God .

would 069 004 Psa /^{would /destroy me, being
mine enemies wrongfully , are mighty : then I restored that
which I took not away .

would 106 023 Psa /^{would /destroy them, had
not Moses his chosen stood before him in the breach , to turn
away his wrath , lest he should destroy them.

would 009 025 Deu /^{would /destroy you.

would 044 022 Gen /^{would /die .

would 006 006 Joh /${would /do .

would 007 021 Rom /${would /do good , evil is
present with me .

would 015 004 IISa /^{would /do him justice !

would 013 004 ICh /^{would /do so : for the
thing was right in the eyes of all the people .

would 008 039 Joh /${would /do the works of
Abraham .

would 006 010 Eze /^{would /do this evil unto

would 003 010 Jon /^{would /do unto them; and
he did it not.

would 001 035 Jug /^{would /dwell in mount
Heres in Aijalon , and in Shaalbim : yet the hand of the house
of Joseph prevailed , so that they became tributaries .

would 001 027 Jug /^{would /dwell in that land

would 017 012 Jos /^{would /dwell in that land

would 006 001 IICh /^{would /dwell in the thick
darkness .

would 008 012 IKi /^{would /dwell in the thick
darkness .

would 021 004 IKi /^{would /eat no bread .

would 007 036 Luk /${would /eat with him . And
he went into the Pharisee's house , and sat down to meat .

would 023 015 Act /${would /enquire something
more perfectly concerning him : and we , or ever he come near ,
are ready to kill him .

would 023 020 Act /${would /enquire somewhat
of him more perfectly .

would 005 007 Rom /${would /even dare to die .

would 011 007 Hos /^{would /exalt him.

would 004 017 Gal /${would /exclude you , that
ye might affect them .

would 011 032 Heb /${would /fail me to tell of
Gedeon , and of Barak , and of Samson , and of Jephthae ; of
David also , and Samuel , and of the prophets :

would 027 022 Job /^{would /fain flee out of
his hand .

would 015 016 Luk /${would /fain have filled
his belly with the husks that the swine did eat : and no man
gave unto him .

would 005 029 Deu /^{would /fear me, and keep
all my commandments always , that it might be well with them,
and with their children for ever !

would 022 049 Luk /${would /follow , they said
unto him , Lord , shall we smite with the sword ?

would 002 008 Dan /^{would /gain the time ,
because ye see the thing is gone from me.

would 008 007 Son /^{would /give all the
substance of his house for love , it would utterly be contemned .

would 002 016 Dan /^{would /give him time ,
and that he would shew the king the interpretation .

would 007 005 Act /${would /give it to him for
a possession , and to his seed after him , when as yet he had no
child .

would 011 017 ICh /^{would /give me drink of
the water of the well of Bethlehem , that is at the gate !

would 023 015 IISa /^{would /give me drink of
the water of the well of Bethlehem , which is by the gate !

would 008 024 Jug /^{would /give me every man
the earrings of his prey .

would 024 013 Num /^{would /give me his house
full of silver and gold , I cannot go beyond the commandment of
the LORD , to do either good or bad of mine own mind ; but what
the LORD saith , that will I speak ?

would 022 018 Num /^{would /give me his house
full of silver and gold , I cannot go beyond the word of the
LORD my God , to do less or more .

would 005 006 Jos /^{would /give us, a land
that floweth with milk and honey .

would 009 005 IICo /${would /go before unto you
, and make up beforehand your bounty , whereof ye had notice
before , that the same might be ready , as a matter of bounty ,
and not as of covetousness .

would 001 043 Joh /${would /go forth into
Galilee , and findeth Philip , and saith unto him , Follow me .

would 006 011 Neh /^{would /go into the temple
to save his life ? I will not go in .

would 027 004 Isa /^{would /go through them, I
would burn them together .

would 025 020 Act /${would /go to Jerusalem ,
and there be judged of these matters .

would 009 053 Luk /${would /go to Jerusalem .

would 018 033 IISa /^{would /God I had died for
thee , O Absalom , my son , my son !

Would 028 067 Deu /^{Would /God it were even !
and at even thou shalt say , Would God it were morning ! for the
fear of thine heart wherewith thou shalt fear , and for the
sight of thine eyes which thou shalt see .

Would 028 067 Deu /^{Would /God it were
morning ! for the fear of thine heart wherewith thou shalt fear ,
and for the sight of thine eyes which thou shalt see .

Would 005 003 IIKi /^{Would /God my lord were
with the prophet that is in Samaria ! for he would recover him
of his leprosy .

would 011 029 Num /^{would /God that all the
LORD'S people were prophets , and that the LORD would put his
spirit upon them!

Would 014 002 Num /^{Would /God that we had
died in the land of Egypt ! or would God we had died in this
wilderness !

Would 020 003 Num /^{Would /God that we had
died when our brethren died before the LORD !

would 014 002 Num /^{would /God we had died in
this wilderness !

would 006 008 Job /^{would /grant me the thing
that I long for !

would 001 074 Luk /${would /grant unto us ,
that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might
serve him without fear ,

would 003 016 Eph /${would /grant you ,
according to the riches of his glory , to be strengthened with
might by his Spirit in the inner man ;

would 005 024 Act /${would /grow .

would 006 010 Job /^{would /harden myself in
sorrow : let him not spare ; for I have not concealed the words
of the Holy One .

would 013 015 Exo /^{would /hardly let us go ,
that the LORD slew all the firstborn in the land of Egypt , both
the firstborn of man , and the firstborn of beast : therefore I
sacrifice to the LORD all that openeth the matrix , being males ;
but all the firstborn of my children I redeem .

would 055 008 Psa /^{would /hasten my escape
from the windy storm and tempest .

would 005 046 Joh /${would /have believed me :
for he wrote of me .

would 012 006 Act /${would /have brought him
forth , the same night Peter was sleeping between two soldiers ,
bound with two chains : and the keepers before the door kept the
prison .

would 027 030 Act /${would /have cast anchors
out of the foreship ,

would 002 018 ITh /${would /have come unto you
, even I Paul , once and again ; but Satan hindered us .

would 030 001 Job /^{would /have disdained to
have set with the dogs of my flock .

would 014 013 Act /${would /have done
sacrifice with the people .

would 010 010 Act /${would /have eaten : but
while they made ready , he fell into a trance ,

would 019 030 Act /${would /have entered in
unto the people , the disciples suffered him not .

would 004 006 IISa /^{would /have fetched wheat
; and they smote him under the fifth rib: and Rechab and Baanah
his brother escaped .

would 004 010 IISa /^{would /have given him a
reward for his tidings :

would 004 010 Joh /${would /have given thee
living water .

would 018 011 IISa /^{would /have given thee
ten shekels of silver , and a girdle .

would 024 028 Luk /${would /have gone further .

would 051 009 Jer /^{would /have healed
Babylon , but she is not healed : forsake her, and let us go
every one into his own country : for her judgment reacheth unto
heaven , and is lifted up even to the skies .

would 007 001 Hos /^{would /have healed Israel
, then the iniquity of Ephraim was discovered , and the
wickedness of Samaria : for they commit falsehood ; and the
thief cometh in , and the troop of robbers spoileth without .

would 003 006 Eze /^{would /have hearkened
unto thee.

would 055 012 Psa /^{would /have hid myself
from him:

would 001 062 Luk /${would /have him called .

would 012 017 Heb /${would /have inherited the
blessing , he was rejected : for he found no place of repentance
, though he sought it carefully with tears .

would 024 006 Act /${would /have judged
according to our law .

would 006 019 Mar /${would /have killed him ;
but she could not :

would 016 027 Act /${would /have killed
himself , supposing that the prisoners had been fled .

would 023 028 Act /${would /have known the
cause wherefore they accused him , I brought him forth into
their council :

would 022 030 Act /${would /have known the
certainty wherefore he was accused of the Jews , he loosed him
from his bands , and commanded the chief priests and all their
council to appear , and brought Paul down , and set him before
them .

would 007 039 Luk /${would /have known who and
what manner of woman this is that toucheth him : for she is a
sinner .

would 028 018 Act /${would /have let me go ,
because there was no cause of death in me .

would 019 033 Act /${would /have made his
defence unto the people .

would 007 024 Mar /${would /have no man know
it: but he could not be hid .

would 006 048 Mar /${would /have passed by
them .

would 004 015 Gal /${would /have plucked out
your own eyes , and have given them to me .

would 014 005 Mat /${would /have put him to
death , he feared the multitude , because they counted him as a
prophet .

would 006 014 Neh /^{would /have put me in
fear .

would 011 023 Mat /${would /have remained
until this day .

would 014 006 Jug /^{would /have rent a kid ,
and he had nothing in his hand : but he told not his father or
his mother what he had done .

would 011 021 Mat /${would /have repented long
ago in sackcloth and ashes .

would 001 013 Phm /${would /have retained with
me , that in thy stead he might have ministered unto me in the
bonds of the gospel :

would 021 007 Gen /^{would /have said unto
Abraham , that Sarah should have given children suck ? for I
have born him a son in his old age .

would 007 026 Act /${would /have set them at
one again , saying , Sirs , ye are brethren ; why do ye wrong
one to another ?

would 007 044 Joh /${would /have taken him ;
but no man laid hands on him .

would 014 002 Joh /${would /have told you . I
go to prepare a place for you .

would 007 025 Act /${would /have understood
how that God by his hand would deliver them : but they
understood not .

would 012 039 Luk /${would /have watched , and
not have suffered his house to be broken through .

would 024 043 Mat /${would /have watched , and
would not have suffered his house to be broken up .

would 011 003 ICo /${would /have you know ,
that the head of every man is Christ ; and the head of the woman
is the man ; and the head of Christ is God .

would 016 019 Rom /${would /have you wise unto
that which is good , and simple concerning evil .

would 007 032 ICo /${would /have you without
carefulness . He that is unmarried careth for the things that
belong to the Lord , how he may please the Lord :

would 013 033 IKi /^{would /he consecrated him,
and he became one of the priests of the high places .

would 036 016 Job /^{would /he have removed
thee out of the strait into a broad place , where there is no
straitness ; and that which should be set on thy table should be
full of fatness .

would 013 023 Jug /^{would /he have shewed us
all these things, nor would as at this time have told us such
things as these .

would 005 019 Dan /^{would /he kept alive ;
and whom he would he set up ; and whom he would he put down .

would 009 035 Exo /^{would /he let the
children of Israel go ; as the LORD had spoken by Moses .

would 008 032 Exo /^{would /he let the people
go .

would 004 008 Heb /${would /he not afterward
have spoken of another day .

would 005 019 Dan /^{would /he put down .

would 005 019 Dan /^{would /he set up ; and
whom he would he put down .

would 005 019 Dan /^{would /he slew ; and whom
he would he kept alive ; and whom he would he set up ; and whom
he would he put down .

would 003 002 Mar /${would /heal him on the
sabbath day ; that they might accuse him .

would 006 007 Luk /${would /heal on the
sabbath day ; that they might find an accusation against him .

would 031 035 Job /^{would /hear me! behold,
my desire is, that the Almighty would answer me, and that mine
adversary had written a book .

would 003 004 Jug /^{would /hearken unto the
commandments of the LORD , which he commanded their fathers by
the hand of Moses .

would 005 008 Job /^{would /I commit my cause :

would 007 019 Rom /${would /I do not : but the
evil which I would not , that I do .

would 001 014 Phm /${would /I do nothing ;
that thy benefit should not be as it were of necessity , but
willingly .

would 055 006 Psa /^{would /I fly away , and
be at rest .

would 051 016 Psa /^{would /I give it: thou
delightest not in burnt offering .

would 031 037 Job /^{would /I go near unto him.

would 013 034 Luk /${would /I have gathered
thy children together , as a hen doth gather her brood under her
wings , and ye would not !

would 023 037 Mat /${would /I have gathered
thy children together , even as a hen gathereth her chickens
under her wings , and ye would not !

would 022 029 Num /^{would /I kill thee.

would 003 002 Gal /${would /I learn of you ,
Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law , or by the
hearing of faith ?

would 009 015 Job /^{would /I not answer , but
I would make supplication to my judge .

would 009 016 Job /^{would /I not believe that
he had hearkened unto my voice .

would 009 021 Job /^{would /I not know my soul
: I would despise my life .

would 018 012 IISa /^{would /I not put forth
mine hand against the king's son : for in our hearing the king
charged thee and Abishai and Ittai , saying , Beware that none
touch the young man Absalom .

would 022 024 Jer /^{would /I pluck thee

would 009 029 Jug /^{would /I remove Abimelech
. And he said to Abimelech , Increase thine army , and come out .

would 009 035 Job /^{would /I speak , and not
fear him; but it is not so with me.

would 055 007 Psa /^{would /I wander far off ,
and remain in the wilderness . Selah .

would 019 040 Luk /${would /immediately cry
out .

would 027 023 ICh /^{would /increase Israel
like to the stars of the heavens .

would 008 002 Son /^{would /instruct me: I
would cause thee to drink of spiced wine of the juice of my
pomegranate .

would 030 034 Gen /^{would /it might be
according to thy word .

would 011 031 ICo /${would /judge ourselves ,
we should not be judged .

would 003 008 Gal /${would /justify the
heathen through faith , preached before the gospel unto Abraham ,
saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed .

would 007 008 Deu /^{would /keep the oath
which he had sworn unto your fathers , hath the LORD brought you
out with a mighty hand , and redeemed you out of the house of
bondmen , from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt .

would 009 027 Est /^{would /keep these two
days according to their writing , and according to their
appointed time every year ;

would 119 005 Psa /^{would /keep thy words .

would 008 001 Son /^{would /kiss thee; yea, I
should not be despised .

would 142 004 Psa /^{would /know me: refuge
failed me; no man cared for my soul .

would 007 019 Dan /^{would /know the truth of
the fourth beast , which was diverse from all the others,
exceeding dreadful , whose teeth were of iron , and his nails of
brass ; which devoured , brake in pieces , and stamped the
residue with his feet ;

would 023 005 Job /^{would /know the words
which he would answer me, and understand what he would say unto

would 017 020 Act /${would /know therefore
what these things mean .

would 008 002 Son /^{would /lead thee, and
bring thee into my mother's house , who would instruct me: I
would cause thee to drink of spiced wine of the juice of my
pomegranate .

would 010 031 Neh /^{would /leave the seventh
year , and the exaction of every debt .

would 018 002 ISa /^{would /let him go no more
home to his father's house .

would 006 009 Job /^{would /let loose his hand
, and cut me off !

would 015 019 Joh /${would /love his own : but
because ye are not of the world , but I have chosen you out of
the world , therefore the world hateth you .

would 008 042 Joh /${would /love me : for I
proceeded forth and came from God ; neither came I of myself ,
but he sent me .

would 001 027 Col /${would /make known what is
the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles ;
which is Christ in you , the hope of glory :

would 009 015 Job /^{would /make supplication
to my judge .

would 032 026 Deu /^{would /make the
remembrance of them to cease from among men :

would 007 002 IIKi /^{would /make windows in
heaven , might this thing be? And he said , Behold, thou shalt
see it with thine eyes , but shalt not eat thereof.

would 012 008 IISa /^{would /moreover have
given unto thee such and such things .

would 018 036 Joh /${would /my servants fight ,
that I should not be delivered to the Jews : but now is my
kingdom not from hence .

would 023 012 Act /${would /neither eat nor
drink till they had killed Paul .

would 002 019 IJo /${would /no doubt have
continued with us : but they went out, that they might be made
manifest that they were not all of us .

would 081 011 Psa /^{would /none of me.

would 001 030 Pro /^{would /none of my counsel
: they despised all my reproof .

would 001 025 Pro /^{would /none of my reproof

would 023 037 Mat /${would /not !

would 013 034 Luk /${would /not !

would 001 008 IICo /${would /not , brethren ,
have you ignorant of our trouble which came to us in Asia , that
we were pressed out of measure , above strength , insomuch that
we despaired even of life :

would 011 025 Rom /${would /not , brethren ,
that ye should be ignorant of this mystery , lest ye should be
wise in your own conceits ; that blindness in part is happened
to Israel , until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in .

would 007 016 Rom /${would /not , I consent
unto the law that it is good .

would 007 020 Rom /${would /not , it is no
more I that do it , but sin that dwelleth in me .

would 007 019 Rom /${would /not , that I do .

would 018 030 Mat /${would /not : but went and
cast him into prison , till he should pay the debt .

would 012 020 IICo /${would /not : lest there
be debates , envyings , wraths , strifes , backbitings ,
whisperings , swellings , tumults :

would 019 031 Act /${would /not adventure
himself into the theatre .

would 028 056 Deu /^{would /not adventure to
set the sole of her foot upon the ground for delicateness and
tenderness , her eye shall be evil toward the husband of her
bosom , and toward her son , and toward her daughter ,

would 002 009 ITh /${would /not be chargeable
unto any of you , we preached unto you the gospel of God .

would 002 018 Mat /${would /not be comforted ,
because they are not .

would 008 020 Deu /^{would /not be obedient
unto the voice of the LORD your God .

would 021 014 Act /${would /not be persuaded ,
we ceased , saying , The will of the Lord be done .

would 054 009 Isa /^{would /not be wroth with
thee, nor rebuke thee.

would 020 015 Eze /^{would /not bring them
into the land which I had given them, flowing with milk and
honey , which is the glory of all lands ;

would 036 025 Jer /^{would /not burn the roll :
but he would not hear them.

would 010 031 Neh /^{would /not buy it of them
on the sabbath , or on the holy day : and that we would leave
the seventh year , and the exaction of every debt .

would 038 026 Jer /^{would /not cause me to
return to Jonathan's house , to die there.

would 014 029 IISa /^{would /not come .

would 022 003 Mat /${would /not come .

would 002 001 IICo /${would /not come again to
you in heaviness .

would 014 029 IISa /^{would /not come to him:
and when he sent again the second time , he would not come .

would 004 018 ICo /${would /not come to you .

would 010 008 Ezr /^{would /not come within
three days , according to the counsel of the princes and the
elders , all his substance should be forfeited , and himself
separated from the congregation of those that had been carried
away .

would 008 031 Luk /${would /not command them
to go out into the deep .

would 011 017 Jug /^{would /not consent: and
Israel abode in Kadesh .

would 034 027 Job /^{would /not consider any
of his ways :

would 001 008 Dan /^{would /not defile himself
with the portion of the king's meat , nor with the wine which he
drank : therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that
he might not defile himself.

would 009 038 Act /${would /not delay to come
to them .

would 012 012 IICh /^{would /not destroy him
altogether : and also in Judah things went well .

would 008 019 IIKi /^{would /not destroy Judah
for David his servant's sake, as he promised him to give him
alway a light , and to his children .

would 021 007 IICh /^{would /not destroy the
house of David , because of the covenant that he had made with
David , and as he promised to give a light to him and to his
sons for ever .

would 010 010 Deu /^{would /not destroy thee.

would 013 023 IIKi /^{would /not destroy them,
neither cast he them from his presence as yet .

would 027 034 Mat /${would /not drink .

would 011 019 ICh /^{would /not drink it.
These things did these three mightiest .

would 023 017 IISa /^{would /not drink it.
These things did these three mighty men .

would 011 018 ICh /^{would /not drink of it,
but poured it out to the LORD ,

would 023 016 IISa /^{would /not drink thereof,
but poured it out unto the LORD .

would 010 007 Jer /^{would /not fear thee, O
King of nations ? for to thee doth it appertain : forasmuch as
among all the wise men of the nations , and in all their
kingdoms , there is none like unto thee.

would 018 004 Luk /${would /not for a while :
but afterward he said within himself , Though I fear not God ,
nor regard man ;

would 024 019 IICh /^{would /not give ear .

would 010 030 Neh /^{would /not give our
daughters unto the people of the land , nor take their daughters
for our sons :

would 013 025 IISa /^{would /not go , but
blessed him.

would 015 028 Luk /${would /not go in :
therefore came his father out , and intreated him .

would 001 026 Deu /^{would /not go up , but
rebelled against the commandment of the LORD your God :

would 023 030 Mat /${would /not have been
partakers with them in the blood of the prophets .

would 004 012 Lam /^{would /not have believed
that the adversary and the enemy should have entered into the
gates of Jerusalem .

would 012 007 Mat /${would /not have condemned
the guiltless .

would 002 008 ICo /${would /not have crucified
the Lord of glory .

would 018 030 Joh /${would /not have delivered
him up unto thee .

would 013 023 Jug /^{would /not have received
a burnt offering and a meat offering at our hands , neither
would he have shewed us all these things, nor would as at this
time have told us such things as these .

would 024 043 Mat /${would /not have suffered
his house to be broken up .

would 001 013 Rom /${would /not have you
ignorant , brethren , that oftentimes I purposed to come unto
you , hitherto , that I might have some fruit among you also ,
even as among other Gentiles .

would 012 001 ICo /${would /not have you
ignorant .

would 004 013 ITh /${would /not have you to be
ignorant , brethren , concerning them which are asleep , that ye
sorrow not , even as others which have no hope .

would 017 014 IIKi /^{would /not hear , but
hardened their necks , like to the neck of their fathers , that
did not believe in the LORD their God .

would 001 043 Deu /^{would /not hear , but
rebelled against the commandment of the LORD , and went
presumptuously up into the hill .

would 029 019 Jer /^{would /not hear , saith
the LORD .

would 007 013 Zec /^{would /not hear , saith
the LORD of hosts :

would 009 029 Neh /^{would /not hear .

would 028 012 Isa /^{would /not hear .

would 013 011 Jer /^{would /not hear .

would 014 011 IIKi /^{would /not hear .
Therefore Jehoash king of Israel went up ; and he and Amaziah
king of Judah looked one another in the face at Bethshemesh ,
which belongeth to Judah .

would 025 020 IICh /^{would /not hear ; for it
came of God , that he might deliver them into the hand of their
enemies, because they sought after the gods of Edom .

would 007 013 Zec /^{would /not hear ; so they
cried , and I would not hear , saith the LORD of hosts :

would 042 021 Gen /^{would /not hear ;
therefore is this distress come upon us.

would 042 022 Gen /^{would /not hear ?
therefore, behold, also his blood is required .

would 003 026 Deu /^{would /not hear me: and
the LORD said unto me, Let it suffice thee; speak no more unto
me of this matter .

would 018 012 IIKi /^{would /not hear them, nor
do them.

would 036 025 Jer /^{would /not hear them.

would 033 010 IICh /^{would /not hearken .

would 011 017 Jug /^{would /not hearken
thereto. And in like manner they sent unto the king of Moab :
but he would not consent: and Israel abode in Kadesh .

would 019 025 Jug /^{would /not hearken to him:
so the man took his concubine , and brought her forth unto them;
and they knew her, and abused her all the night until the
morning : and when the day began to spring , they let her go .

would 081 011 Psa /^{would /not hearken to my
voice ; and Israel would none of me.

would 020 013 Jug /^{would /not hearken to the
voice of their brethren the children of Israel :

would 001 045 Deu /^{would /not hearken to
your voice , nor give ear unto you.

would 023 005 Deu /^{would /not hearken unto
Balaam ; but the LORD thy God turned the curse into a blessing
unto thee, because the LORD thy God loved thee.

would 027 010 Jos /^{would /not hearken unto
Balaam ; therefore he blessed you still : so I delivered you out
of his hand .

would 013 014 IISa /^{would /not hearken unto
her voice : but, being stronger than she, forced her, and lay
with her.

would 013 016 IISa /^{would /not hearken unto

would 020 008 Eze /^{would /not hearken unto
me: they did not every man cast away the abominations of their
eyes , neither did they forsake the idols of Egypt : then I said
, I will pour out my fury upon them, to accomplish my anger
against them in the midst of the land of Egypt .

would 012 018 IISa /^{would /not hearken unto
our voice : how will he then vex himself , if we tell him that
the child is dead ?

would 002 017 Jug /^{would /not hearken unto
their judges , but they went a whoring after other gods , and
bowed themselves unto them: they turned quickly out of the way
which their fathers walked in , obeying the commandments of the
LORD ; but they did not so.

would 010 016 IICh /^{would /not hearken unto
them, the people answered the king , saying , What portion have
we in David ? and we have none inheritance in the son of Jesse :
every man to your tents , O Israel : and now, David , see to
thine own house . So all Israel went to their tents .

would 020 009 ISa /^{would /not I tell it thee?

would 003 004 Son /^{would /not let him go ,
until I had brought him into my mother's house , and into the
chamber of her that conceived me.

would 010 020 Exo /^{would /not let the
children of Israel go .

would 011 010 Exo /^{would /not let the
children of Israel go out of his land .

would 010 027 Exo /^{would /not let them go .

would 002 030 Deu /^{would /not let us pass by
him: for the LORD thy God hardened his spirit , and made his
heart obstinate , that he might deliver him into thy hand , as
appeareth this day .

would 018 013 Luk /${would /not lift up so
much as his eyes unto heaven , but smote upon his breast ,
saying , God be merciful to me a sinner .

would 007 016 Job /^{would /not live alway :
let me alone ; for my days are vanity .

would 003 014 IIKi /^{would /not look toward
thee, nor see thee.

would 007 039 Act /${would /not obey , but
thrust him from them , and in their hearts turned back again
into Egypt ,

would 024 004 IIKi /^{would /not pardon .

would 018 017 IICh /^{would /not prophesy good
unto me, but evil ?

would 022 017 ISa /^{would /not put forth
their hand to fall upon the priests of the LORD .

would 006 026 Mar /${would /not reject her .

would 006 010 IISa /^{would /not remove the ark
of the LORD unto him into the city of David : but David carried
it aside into the house of Obededom the Gittite .

would 015 013 IICh /^{would /not seek the LORD
God of Israel should be put to death , whether small or great ,
whether man or woman .

would 005 010 Mar /${would /not send them away
out of the country .

would 005 006 Jos /^{would /not shew them the
land , which the LORD sware unto their fathers that he would
give us, a land that floweth with milk and honey .

would 008 019 Jug /^{would /not slay you.

would 020 016 Act /${would /not spend the time
in Asia : for he hasted , if it were possible for him , to be at
Jerusalem the day of Pentecost .

would 026 023 ISa /^{would /not stretch forth
mine hand against the LORD'S anointed .

would 015 001 Jug /^{would /not suffer him to
go in .

would 021 023 Num /^{would /not suffer Israel
to pass through his border : but Sihon gathered all his people
together , and went out against Israel into the wilderness : and
he came to Jahaz , and fought against Israel .

would 011 016 Mar /${would /not suffer that
any man should carry any vessel through the temple .

would 001 034 Jug /^{would /not suffer them to
come down to the valley :

would 019 010 Jug /^{would /not tarry that
night , but he rose up and departed , and came over against
Jebus , which is Jerusalem ; and there were with him two asses
saddled , his concubine also was with him.

would 050 012 Psa /^{would /not tell thee: for
the world is mine, and the fulness thereof.

would 009 030 Mar /${would /not that any man
should know it.

would 019 027 Luk /${would /not that I should
reign over them , bring hither , and slay them before me .

would 010 001 ICo /${would /not that ye should
be ignorant , how that all our fathers were under the cloud ,
and all passed through the sea ;

would 010 020 ICo /${would /not that ye should
have fellowship with devils .

would 002 021 IISa /^{would /not turn aside
from following of him.

would 035 022 IICh /^{would /not turn his face
from him, but disguised himself, that he might fight with him,
and hearkened not unto the words of Necho from the mouth of God ,
and came to fight in the valley of Megiddo .

would 015 009 ISa /^{would /not utterly
destroy them: but every thing that was vile and refuse , that
they destroyed utterly .

would 042 024 Isa /^{would /not walk in his
ways , neither were they obedient unto his law .

would 007 001 Joh /${would /not walk in Jewry ,
because the Jews sought to kill him .

would 003 010 IITh /${would /not work , neither
should he eat .

would 013 015 Rev /${would /not worship the
image of the beast should be killed .

would 001 001 IIJo /${would /not write with
paper and ink : but I trust to come unto you , and speak face to
face , that our joy may be full .

would 012 017 IISa /^{would /not, neither did
he eat bread with them.

would 022 049 IKi /^{would /not.

would 030 015 Isa /^{would /not.

would 010 004 ICh /^{would /not; for he was
sore afraid . So Saul took a sword , and fell upon it.

would 031 004 ISa /^{would /not; for he was
sore afraid . Therefore Saul took a sword , and fell upon it.

would 003 003 Col /${would /open unto us a
door of utterance , to speak the mystery of Christ , for which I
am also in bonds :

would 023 004 Job /^{would /order my cause
before him, and fill my mouth with arguments .

would 016 026 Luk /${would /pass from hence to
you cannot ; neither can they pass to us , that would come from
thence .

would 016 003 Act /${would /Paul have to go
forth with him ; and took and circumcised him because of the
Jews which were in those quarters : for they knew all that his
father was a Greek .

would 001 007 Gal /${would /pervert the gospel
of Christ .

would 006 009 Job /^{would /please God to
destroy me; that he would let loose his hand , and cut me off !

would 020 013 Eze /^{would /pour out my fury
upon them in the wilderness , to consume them.

would 020 021 Eze /^{would /pour out my fury
upon them, to accomplish my anger against them in the wilderness

would 107 015 Psa /^{would /praise the LORD
for his goodness , and for his wonderful works to the children
of men !

would 107 008 Psa /^{would /praise the LORD
for his goodness , and for his wonderful works to the children
of men !

would 107 031 Psa /^{would /praise the LORD
for his goodness , and for his wonderful works to the children
of men !

would 107 021 Psa /^{would /praise the LORD
for his goodness , and for his wonderful works to the children
of men !

would 022 018 IKi /^{would /prophesy no good
concerning me, but evil ?

would 010 019 Ezr /^{would /put away their
wives ; and being guilty , they offered a ram of the flock for
their trespass .

would 011 029 Num /^{would /put his spirit
upon them!

would 023 006 Job /^{would /put strength in me.

would 002 030 Act /${would /raise up Christ to
sit on his throne ;

would 008 004 IICo /${would /receive the gift ,
and take upon us the fellowship of the ministering to the saints

would 005 003 IIKi /^{would /recover him of his
leprosy .

would 014 028 Joh /${would /rejoice , because
I said , I go unto the Father : for my Father is greater than I .

would 031 012 Job /^{would /root out all mine
increase .

would 043 007 Gen /^{would /say , Bring your
brother down ?

would 023 005 Job /^{would /say unto me.

would 020 023 Eze /^{would /scatter them among
the heathen , and disperse them through the countries ;

would 032 026 Deu /^{would /scatter them into
corners , I would make the remembrance of them to cease from
among men :

would 012 038 Mat /${would /see a sign from
thee .

would 012 021 Joh /${would /see Jesus .

would 005 008 Job /^{would /seek unto God ,
and unto God would I commit my cause :

would 025 003 Act /${would /send for him to
Jerusalem , laying wait in the way to kill him .

would 010 002 Luk /${would /send forth
labourers into his harvest .

would 027 004 Isa /^{would /set the briers and
thorns against me in battle ? I would go through them, I would
burn them together .

would 002 016 Dan /^{would /shew the king the
interpretation .

would 011 006 Job /^{would /shew thee the
secrets of wisdom , that they are double to that which is ! Know
therefore that God exacteth of thee less than thine iniquity

would 016 001 Mat /${would /shew them a sign
from heaven .

would 011 020 IISa /^{would /shoot from the
wall ?

would 001 010 Mal /^{would /shut the doors for
nought? neither do ye kindle fire on mine altar for nought . I
have no pleasure in you, saith the LORD of hosts , neither will
I accept an offering at your hand .

would 002 025 ISa /^{would /slay them.

would 032 022 Job /^{would /soon take me away .

would 011 005 Job /^{would /speak , and open
his lips against thee;

would 013 003 Job /^{would /speak to the
Almighty , and I desire to reason with God .

would 003 004 Est /^{would /stand : for he had
told them that he was a Jew .

would 016 005 Job /^{would /strengthen you
with my mouth , and the moving of my lips should asswage your

would 008 032 Luk /${would /suffer them to
enter into them . And he suffered them .

would 022 022 ISa /^{would /surely tell Saul :
I have occasioned the death of all the persons of thy father's
house .

would 057 003 Psa /^{would /swallow me up .
Selah . God shall send forth his mercy and his truth .

would 056 001 Psa /^{would /swallow me up ; he
fighting daily oppresseth me.

would 018 023 Mat /${would /take account of
his servants .

would 031 036 Job /^{would /take it upon my
shoulder , and bind it as a crown to me.

would 002 001 IIKi /^{would /take up Elijah
into heaven by a whirlwind , that Elijah went with Elisha from
Gilgal .

would 004 040 Joh /${would /tarry with them :
and he abode there two days .

would 010 009 IICo /${would /terrify you by
letters .

would 026 005 Act /${would /testify , that
after the most straitest sect of our religion I lived a Pharisee

would 007 007 ICo /${would /that all men were
even as I myself . But every man hath his proper gift of God ,
one after this manner , and another after that .

would 007 015 Rom /${would /that do I not ;
but what I hate , that do I .

would 018 014 Act /${would /that I should bear
with you :

would 006 031 Luk /${would /that men should do
to you , do ye also to them likewise .

would 007 012 Mat /${would /that men should do
to you , do ye even so to them : for this is the law and the
prophets .

would 010 035 Mar /${would /that thou
shouldest do for us whatsoever we shall desire .

would 002 010 Gal /${would /that we should
remember the poor ; the same which I also was forward to do .

would 014 005 ICo /${would /that ye all spake
with tongues , but rather that ye prophesied : for greater is he
that prophesieth than he that speaketh with tongues , except he
interpret , that the church may receive edifying .

would 002 001 Col /${would /that ye knew what
great conflict I have for you , and for them at Laodicea , and
for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh ;

would 006 006 Est /^{would /the king delight
to do honour more than to myself?

would 013 013 ISa /^{would /the LORD have
established thy kingdom upon Israel for ever .

would 019 019 ICh /^{would /the Syrians help
the children of Ammon any more.

would 022 029 Num /^{would /there were a sword
in mine hand , for now would I kill thee.

would 009 030 Neh /^{would /they not give ear :
therefore gavest thou them into the hand of the people of the
lands .

would 010 002 Heb /${would /they not have
ceased to be offered ? because that the worshippers once purged
should have had no more conscience of sins .

would 001 005 Oba /^{would /they not have
stolen till they had enough ? if the grapegatherers came to thee,
would they not leave some grapes ?

would 049 009 Jer /^{would /they not leave
some gleaning grapes ? if thieves by night , they will destroy
till they have enough .

would 001 005 Oba /^{would /they not leave
some grapes ?

would 005 012 Gal /${would /they were even cut
off which trouble you .

would 041 032 Job /^{would /think the deep to
be hoary .

would 003 015 Rev /${would /thou wert cold or
hot .

would 005 003 Luk /${would /thrust out a
little from the land . And he sat down , and taught the people
out of the ship .

would 026 029 Act /${would /to God , that not
only thou , but also all that hear me this day , were both
almost , and altogether such as I am , except these bonds .

would 009 029 Jug /^{would /to God this people
were under my hand ! then would I remove Abimelech . And he said
to Abimelech , Increase thine army , and come out .

would 007 007 Jos /^{would /to God we had been
content , and dwelt on the other side Jordan !

Would 016 003 Exo /^{Would /to God we had died
by the hand of the LORD in the land of Egypt , when we sat by
the flesh pots , and when we did eat bread to the full ; for ye
have brought us forth into this wilderness , to kill this whole
assembly with hunger .

Would 011 001 IICo /${Would /to God ye could
bear with me a little in my folly : and indeed bear with me .

would 004 008 ICo /${would /to God ye did
reign , that we also might reign with you .

would 018 015 Luk /${would /touch them : but
when his disciples saw it, they rebuked them .

would 009 005 Est /^{would /unto those that
hated them.

would 008 007 Son /^{would /utterly be
contemned .

would 002 012 ITh /${would /walk worthy of God
, who hath called you unto his kingdom and glory .

would 035 025 Psa /^{would /we have it : let
them not say , We have swallowed him up .

would 009 027 Joh /${would /ye hear it again ?
will ye also be his disciples ?

would 001 012 Php /${would /ye should
understand , brethren , that the things which happened unto me
have fallen out rather unto the furtherance of the gospel ;

would 001 013 Rut /^{would /ye stay for them
from having husbands ? nay, my daughters ; for it grieveth me
much for your sakes that the hand of the LORD is gone out
against me.

Would 001 013 Rut /^{Would /ye tarry for them
till they were grown ? would ye stay for them from having
husbands ? nay, my daughters ; for it grieveth me much for your
sakes that the hand of the LORD is gone out against me.

would 010 036 Mar /${would /ye that I should
do for you ?

wouldest 014 013 Job /^{wouldest /appoint me a
set time , and remember me!

wouldest 011 040 Joh /${wouldest /believe , thou
shouldest see the glory of God ?

wouldest 004 010 ICh /^{wouldest /bless me indeed
, and enlarge my coast , and that thine hand might be with me,
and that thou wouldest keep me from evil , that it may not
grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested .

wouldest 023 020 Act /${wouldest /bring down Paul
to morrow into the council , as though they would enquire
somewhat of him more perfectly .

wouldest 021 018 Joh /${wouldest /but when thou
shalt be old , thou shalt stretch forth thy hands , and another
shall gird thee , and carry thee whither thou wouldest not .

wouldest 064 001 Isa /^{wouldest /come down ,
that the mountains might flow down at thy presence ,

wouldest 048 008 Isa /^{wouldest /deal very
treacherously , and wast called a transgressor from the womb .

wouldest 018 009 IKi /^{wouldest /deliver thy
servant into the hand of Ahab , to slay me?

wouldest 023 005 Exo /^{wouldest /forbear to help
him, thou shalt surely help with him.

wouldest 004 010 Joh /${wouldest /have asked of
him , and he would have given thee living water .

wouldest 021 011 Deu /^{wouldest /have her to thy
wife ;

wouldest 018 013 IISa /^{wouldest /have set
thyself against me.

wouldest 024 004 Act /${wouldest /hear us of thy
clemency a few words .

wouldest 014 013 Job /^{wouldest /hide me in the
grave , that thou wouldest keep me secret , until thy wrath be
past , that thou wouldest appoint me a set time , and remember

wouldest 008 002 Deu /^{wouldest /keep his
commandments , or no.

wouldest 004 010 ICh /^{wouldest /keep me from
evil , that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which
he requested .

wouldest 014 013 Job /^{wouldest /keep me secret ,
until thy wrath be past , that thou wouldest appoint me a set
time , and remember me!

wouldest 031 030 Gen /^{wouldest /needs be gone ,
because thou sore longedst after thy father's house , yet
wherefore hast thou stolen my gods ?

wouldest 010 005 Heb /${wouldest /not , but a
body hast thou prepared me :

wouldest 010 008 Heb /${wouldest /not , neither
hadst pleasure therein; which are offered by the law ;

wouldest 021 018 Joh /${wouldest /not .

wouldest 007 016 Exo /^{wouldest /not hear .

wouldest 020 010 IICh /^{wouldest /not let Israel
invade , when they came out of the land of Egypt , but they
turned from them, and destroyed them not;

wouldest 028 062 Deu /^{wouldest /not obey the
voice of the LORD thy God .

wouldest 014 011 IISa /^{wouldest /not suffer the
revengers of blood to destroy any more , lest they destroy my
son . And he said , As the LORD liveth , there shall not one
hair of thy son fall to the earth .

wouldest 009 014 Ezr /^{wouldest /not thou be
angry with us till thou hadst consumed us, so that there should
be no remnant nor escaping ?

wouldest 006 020 IICh /^{wouldest /put thy name
there; to hearken unto the prayer which thy servant prayeth
toward this place .

wouldest 064 001 Isa /^{wouldest /rend the
heavens , that thou wouldest come down , that the mountains
might flow down at thy presence ,

wouldest 008 005 Job /^{wouldest /seek unto God
betimes , and make thy supplication to the Almighty ;

wouldest 016 027 Luk /${wouldest /send him to my
father's house :

wouldest 002 005 Neh /^{wouldest /send me unto
Judah , unto the city of my fathers sepulchres , that I may
build it.

wouldest 031 031 Gen /^{wouldest /take by force
thy daughters from me.

wouldest 004 013 IIKi /^{wouldest /thou be spoken
for to the king , or to the captain of the host ? And she
answered , I dwell among mine own people .

wouldest 005 013 IIKi /^{wouldest /thou not have
done it? how much rather then , when he saith to thee, Wash ,
and be clean ?

wouldest 006 022 IIKi /^{wouldest /thou smite
those whom thou hast taken captive with thy sword and with thy
bow ? set bread and water before them, that they may eat and
drink , and go to their master .

wouldest 030 015 Gen /^{wouldest /thou take away
my son's mandrakes also? And Rachel said , Therefore he shall
lie with thee to night for thy son's mandrakes .

wouldest 001 016 IKi /^{wouldest /thou?

wouldest 015 018 Jos /^{wouldest /thou?
