worldly , HEB , 9:1

worldly , TIT , 2:12


earth 1919 # epigeios {ep-ig'-i-os}; from 1909 and 1093;
worldly (physically or morally): -- earthly, in {earth},

earthly 1919 # epigeios {ep-ig'-i-os}; from 1909 and 1093;
worldly (physically or morally): -- {earthly}, in earth,

in 1919 # epigeios {ep-ig'-i-os}; from 1909 and 1093; worldly
(physically or morally): -- earthly, {in} earth, terrestrial.[ql

terrestrial 1919 # epigeios {ep-ig'-i-os}; from 1909 and 1093;
worldly (physically or morally): -- earthly, in earth,

wisdom 4678 # sophia {sof-ee'-ah}; from 4680; wisdom (higher or
lower, worldly or spiritual): -- {wisdom}.[ql

worldly 2886 # kosmikos {kos-mee-kos'}; from 2889 (in its
secondary sense); terrene ("cosmic"), literally (mundane) or
figuratively (corrupt): -- {worldly}.[ql


worldly Interlinear Index Study

worldly TIT 002 012 Teaching <3811 -paideuo -> us that , denying
<0720 -arneomai -> ungodliness <0763 -asebeia -> and {worldly}
<2886 -kosmikos -> lusts <1939 -epithumia -> , we should live
<2198 -zao -> soberly <4996 -sophronos -> , righteously <1346 -
dikaios -> , and godly <2153 -eusebos -> , in this <3588 -ho ->
present <3568 -nun -> world <0165 -aion -> ;

worldly HEB 009 001 . Then <3767 -oun -> verily <3303 -men ->
the first <4413 -protos -> [ covenant ] had <2192 -echo -> also
<2532 -kai -> ordinances <1345 -dikaioma -> of divine <2999 -
latreia -> service <2999 -latreia -> , and a {worldly} <2886 -
kosmikos -> sanctuary <0039 -hagion -> .


worldly lusts

worldly sanctuary

* worldly , 2886 ,

* worldly , 2886 kosmikos ,


worldly -2886 {worldly},



worldly 2886 ** kosmikos ** {worldly}.


worldly ......... and a worldly 2886 -kosmikos->

worldly ......... and worldly 2886 -kosmikos->



worldly 2886 # kosmikos {kos-mee-kos'}; from 2889 (in its
secondary sense); terrene ("cosmic"), literally (mundane) or
figuratively (corrupt): -- {worldly}.[ql


worldly 002 012 Tit /${worldly /lusts , we
should live soberly , righteously , and godly , in this present
world ;

worldly 009 001 Heb /${worldly /sanctuary .


worldly 2 -


worldly Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and
{worldly} lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly,
in this present world;

worldly Then verily the first covenant] had also
ordinances of divine service, and a {worldly} sanctuary.
