Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.

Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary

0014 + good + That they do +/ . agathoergeo {ag-ath-er-gheh'-o}; from 0018 + Good + good + goods + A good + a good + A good + things + in well + to good + is good + of good + him Good + thy good + for good + and good + done good + that good + unto good + thou good + of a good + with good + for a good + and a good + it be good + to the good + and of good + He is a good + For the good + for his good + thou me good + is that good + and my goods + and of a good + unto him Good + done thou good + out of the good + and on the good + that thy benefit + to thee for good + For he was a good + and he was a good + that which is good + of that which is good + to that which is good + but that which is good + unto that which is good + the thing which is good + in me by that which is good +/ and 2041 + deeds 2041- deeds 2041- deed + work + doing + works + deeds + a work + in deed + of works + and deed + by works + and work + my works + his work + the work + his deeds + the deeds + the works + not works + his works + thy works + man s work + by my works + their works + as his work + but in deed + their deeds + of the work + is the work + in the work + to her works + me the works + by the works + for the work + man his work + and in deeds + but in works + to our works + in the works + Not by works + by the deeds + Not of works + to his works + and by works + not the work + and the work + to his deeds + not of works + of my labour + for the works + and thy works + his own works + not the works + and the works + not the works + are thy works + are the works + of their deeds + that his deeds + to their works + them the works + it be of works + with his works + and their works + and I have works + for their work s + not of the works + for by the works + how that by works + but that the works + not of their deeds + are not ye my work + as are of the works + of it that the works + and not by the works + me for the very works + not with them to the work + but as it were by the works +/ ; to work good: --do good .

0148 + filthy + communication +/ . aischrologia {ahee-skhrol-og-ee'-ah}; from 0150 + not for filthy + not given to filthy +/ and 3056 + work + word + thing + words + saying + speech + reason + intent + rumour + things + a word + a shew + matter + my word + by word + account + speaker + in word + tidings + sayings + and word + The Word + my words + the word + of words + question + The word + treatise + a matter + thy word + our word + his word + in words + the work + the Word + the words + in a word + my saying + utterance + of speech + in speech + our words + his words + my sayings + his speech + his saying + him a word + their word + the matter + in my word + an account + is the word + in the word + he the word + of the word + By the word + at the word + the sayings + that saying + of the Word + by the word + not in word + But the word + him the word + you a reason + not my words + of his words + not the word + not our word + and the Word + and the word + there a fame + not his word + of utterance + And the word + Let the word + out the word + And the Word + for the word + for his word + was the Word + For the word + but the word + but my words + of the words + and his word + with his word + them thy word + are the words + and utterance + And my speech + unto the word + for the cause + that the word + we have to do + things to say + communication + for the words + and reckoneth + in thy sayings + And the saying + from the words + And their word + and his speech + not the speech + her not a word + is that saying + is not in word + for the word s + not my sayings + of his own word + of the doctrine + That the saying + of these things + of those things + and by the word + and to the word + not the sayings + things by mouth + up in the words + him in his talk + not in the words + manner of saying + For by thy words + and for the word + him in his words + unto us the word + and by thy words + as we are in word + away but my words + For the preaching + unto him the word + unto you the word + it not as the word + to pass the saying + to you is the word + him for the saying + of that by the word + he us with the word + unto you by the word + for us that the word + not unto you in word + of me and of my words + with me as concerning + manner of communications + And for me that utterance + as unto them but the word + But this cometh to pass that the word +/ ; vile conversation: --filthy communication .

0249 + brute + as brute + to me unreasonable +/ . alogos {al'-og-os}; from 0001 + Alpha (as a negative particle) and 3056 + work + word + thing + words + saying + speech + reason + intent + rumour + things + a word + a shew + matter + my word + by word + account + speaker + in word + tidings + sayings + and word + The Word + my words + the word + of words + question + The word + treatise + a matter + thy word + our word + his word + in words + the work + the Word + the words + in a word + my saying + utterance + of speech + in speech + our words + his words + my sayings + his speech + his saying + him a word + their word + the matter + in my word + an account + is the word + in the word + he the word + of the word + By the word + at the word + the sayings + that saying + of the Word + by the word + not in word + But the word + him the word + you a reason + not my words + of his words + not the word + not our word + and the Word + and the word + there a fame + not his word + of utterance + And the word + Let the word + out the word + And the Word + for the word + for his word + was the Word + For the word + but the word + but my words + of the words + and his word + with his word + them thy word + are the words + and utterance + And my speech + unto the word + for the cause + that the word + we have to do + things to say + communication + for the words + and reckoneth + in thy sayings + And the saying + from the words + And their word + and his speech + not the speech + her not a word + is that saying + is not in word + for the word s + not my sayings + of his own word + of the doctrine + That the saying + of these things + of those things + and by the word + and to the word + not the sayings + things by mouth + up in the words + him in his talk + not in the words + manner of saying + For by thy words + and for the word + him in his words + unto us the word + and by thy words + as we are in word + away but my words + For the preaching + unto him the word + unto you the word + it not as the word + to pass the saying + to you is the word + him for the saying + of that by the word + he us with the word + unto you by the word + for us that the word + not unto you in word + of me and of my words + with me as concerning + manner of communications + And for me that utterance + as unto them but the word + But this cometh to pass that the word +/ ; irrational: --brute, unreasonable .

0289 + of his vineyard + he unto the dresser +/ . ampelourgos {am-pel-oor-gos'}; from 0288 + vine + a vine + the vine + in the vine + of the vine +/ and 2041 + deeds 2041- deeds 2041- deed + work + doing + works + deeds + a work + in deed + of works + and deed + by works + and work + my works + his work + the work + his deeds + the deeds + the works + not works + his works + thy works + man s work + by my works + their works + as his work + but in deed + their deeds + of the work + is the work + in the work + to her works + me the works + by the works + for the work + man his work + and in deeds + but in works + to our works + in the works + Not by works + by the deeds + Not of works + to his works + and by works + not the work + and the work + to his deeds + not of works + of my labour + for the works + and thy works + his own works + not the works + and the works + not the works + are thy works + are the works + of their deeds + that his deeds + to their works + them the works + it be of works + with his works + and their works + and I have works + for their work s + not of the works + for by the works + how that by works + but that the works + not of their deeds + are not ye my work + as are of the works + of it that the works + and not by the works + me for the very works + not with them to the work + but as it were by the works +/ ; a vine-worker, i .e . pruner: --vine-dresser .

0356 + to the proportion +/ . analogia {an-al-og-ee'-ah}; from a compound of 0303 + each + every + apiece + through +/ and 3056 + work + word + thing + words + saying + speech + reason + intent + rumour + things + a word + a shew + matter + my word + by word + account + speaker + in word + tidings + sayings + and word + The Word + my words + the word + of words + question + The word + treatise + a matter + thy word + our word + his word + in words + the work + the Word + the words + in a word + my saying + utterance + of speech + in speech + our words + his words + my sayings + his speech + his saying + him a word + their word + the matter + in my word + an account + is the word + in the word + he the word + of the word + By the word + at the word + the sayings + that saying + of the Word + by the word + not in word + But the word + him the word + you a reason + not my words + of his words + not the word + not our word + and the Word + and the word + there a fame + not his word + of utterance + And the word + Let the word + out the word + And the Word + for the word + for his word + was the Word + For the word + but the word + but my words + of the words + and his word + with his word + them thy word + are the words + and utterance + And my speech + unto the word + for the cause + that the word + we have to do + things to say + communication + for the words + and reckoneth + in thy sayings + And the saying + from the words + And their word + and his speech + not the speech + her not a word + is that saying + is not in word + for the word s + not my sayings + of his own word + of the doctrine + That the saying + of these things + of those things + and by the word + and to the word + not the sayings + things by mouth + up in the words + him in his talk + not in the words + manner of saying + For by thy words + and for the word + him in his words + unto us the word + and by thy words + as we are in word + away but my words + For the preaching + unto him the word + unto you the word + it not as the word + to pass the saying + to you is the word + him for the saying + of that by the word + he us with the word + unto you by the word + for us that the word + not unto you in word + of me and of my words + with me as concerning + manner of communications + And for me that utterance + as unto them but the word + But this cometh to pass that the word +/ ; proportion: --proportion .

0626 + spake + answer + excusing + have made + his defence + and answered + While he answered + ye that we excuse + what ye shall answer + thing ye shall answer + because I shall answer +/ . apologeomai {ap-ol-og-eh'-om-ahee}; middle voice from a compound of 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 3056 + work + word + thing + words + saying + speech + reason + intent + rumour + things + a word + a shew + matter + my word + by word + account + speaker + in word + tidings + sayings + and word + The Word + my words + the word + of words + question + The word + treatise + a matter + thy word + our word + his word + in words + the work + the Word + the words + in a word + my saying + utterance + of speech + in speech + our words + his words + my sayings + his speech + his saying + him a word + their word + the matter + in my word + an account + is the word + in the word + he the word + of the word + By the word + at the word + the sayings + that saying + of the Word + by the word + not in word + But the word + him the word + you a reason + not my words + of his words + not the word + not our word + and the Word + and the word + there a fame + not his word + of utterance + And the word + Let the word + out the word + And the Word + for the word + for his word + was the Word + For the word + but the word + but my words + of the words + and his word + with his word + them thy word + are the words + and utterance + And my speech + unto the word + for the cause + that the word + we have to do + things to say + communication + for the words + and reckoneth + in thy sayings + And the saying + from the words + And their word + and his speech + not the speech + her not a word + is that saying + is not in word + for the word s + not my sayings + of his own word + of the doctrine + That the saying + of these things + of those things + and by the word + and to the word + not the sayings + things by mouth + up in the words + him in his talk + not in the words + manner of saying + For by thy words + and for the word + him in his words + unto us the word + and by thy words + as we are in word + away but my words + For the preaching + unto him the word + unto you the word + it not as the word + to pass the saying + to you is the word + him for the saying + of that by the word + he us with the word + unto you by the word + for us that the word + not unto you in word + of me and of my words + with me as concerning + manner of communications + And for me that utterance + as unto them but the word + But this cometh to pass that the word +/ ; to give an account (legal plea) of oneself, i .e . exculpate (self): --answer (for self), make defence, excuse (self), speak for self .

0692 + slow + idle + be barren + to be idle +/ . argos {ar-gos'}; from 0001 + Alpha (as a negative particle) and 2041 + deeds 2041- deeds 2041- deed + work + doing + works + deeds + a work + in deed + of works + and deed + by works + and work + my works + his work + the work + his deeds + the deeds + the works + not works + his works + thy works + man s work + by my works + their works + as his work + but in deed + their deeds + of the work + is the work + in the work + to her works + me the works + by the works + for the work + man his work + and in deeds + but in works + to our works + in the works + Not by works + by the deeds + Not of works + to his works + and by works + not the work + and the work + to his deeds + not of works + of my labour + for the works + and thy works + his own works + not the works + and the works + not the works + are thy works + are the works + of their deeds + that his deeds + to their works + them the works + it be of works + with his works + and their works + and I have works + for their work s + not of the works + for by the works + how that by works + but that the works + not of their deeds + are not ye my work + as are of the works + of it that the works + and not by the works + me for the very works + not with them to the work + but as it were by the works +/ ; inactive, i .e . unemployed; (by implication) lazy, useless: --barren, idle, slow .

0945 + use not vain repetitions +/ . battologeo {bat-tol-og-eh'-o}; from Battos (a proverbial stammerer) and 3056 + work + word + thing + words + saying + speech + reason + intent + rumour + things + a word + a shew + matter + my word + by word + account + speaker + in word + tidings + sayings + and word + The Word + my words + the word + of words + question + The word + treatise + a matter + thy word + our word + his word + in words + the work + the Word + the words + in a word + my saying + utterance + of speech + in speech + our words + his words + my sayings + his speech + his saying + him a word + their word + the matter + in my word + an account + is the word + in the word + he the word + of the word + By the word + at the word + the sayings + that saying + of the Word + by the word + not in word + But the word + him the word + you a reason + not my words + of his words + not the word + not our word + and the Word + and the word + there a fame + not his word + of utterance + And the word + Let the word + out the word + And the Word + for the word + for his word + was the Word + For the word + but the word + but my words + of the words + and his word + with his word + them thy word + are the words + and utterance + And my speech + unto the word + for the cause + that the word + we have to do + things to say + communication + for the words + and reckoneth + in thy sayings + And the saying + from the words + And their word + and his speech + not the speech + her not a word + is that saying + is not in word + for the word s + not my sayings + of his own word + of the doctrine + That the saying + of these things + of those things + and by the word + and to the word + not the sayings + things by mouth + up in the words + him in his talk + not in the words + manner of saying + For by thy words + and for the word + him in his words + unto us the word + and by thy words + as we are in word + away but my words + For the preaching + unto him the word + unto you the word + it not as the word + to pass the saying + to you is the word + him for the saying + of that by the word + he us with the word + unto you by the word + for us that the word + not unto you in word + of me and of my words + with me as concerning + manner of communications + And for me that utterance + as unto them but the word + But this cometh to pass that the word +/ ; to stutter, i .e . (by implication) to prate tediously: --use vain repetitions .

1075 + is not counted + But he whose descent +/ . genealogeo {ghen-eh-al-og-eh'-o}; from 1074 + ages + time + nation + in times + generation + generations + to generation + his generation + the generations + him from generation + with that generation + and from generations + are in their generation +/ and 3056 + work + word + thing + words + saying + speech + reason + intent + rumour + things + a word + a shew + matter + my word + by word + account + speaker + in word + tidings + sayings + and word + The Word + my words + the word + of words + question + The word + treatise + a matter + thy word + our word + his word + in words + the work + the Word + the words + in a word + my saying + utterance + of speech + in speech + our words + his words + my sayings + his speech + his saying + him a word + their word + the matter + in my word + an account + is the word + in the word + he the word + of the word + By the word + at the word + the sayings + that saying + of the Word + by the word + not in word + But the word + him the word + you a reason + not my words + of his words + not the word + not our word + and the Word + and the word + there a fame + not his word + of utterance + And the word + Let the word + out the word + And the Word + for the word + for his word + was the Word + For the word + but the word + but my words + of the words + and his word + with his word + them thy word + are the words + and utterance + And my speech + unto the word + for the cause + that the word + we have to do + things to say + communication + for the words + and reckoneth + in thy sayings + And the saying + from the words + And their word + and his speech + not the speech + her not a word + is that saying + is not in word + for the word s + not my sayings + of his own word + of the doctrine + That the saying + of these things + of those things + and by the word + and to the word + not the sayings + things by mouth + up in the words + him in his talk + not in the words + manner of saying + For by thy words + and for the word + him in his words + unto us the word + and by thy words + as we are in word + away but my words + For the preaching + unto him the word + unto you the word + it not as the word + to pass the saying + to you is the word + him for the saying + of that by the word + he us with the word + unto you by the word + for us that the word + not unto you in word + of me and of my words + with me as concerning + manner of communications + And for me that utterance + as unto them but the word + But this cometh to pass that the word +/ ; to reckon by generations, i .e . trace in genealogy: --count by descent .

1092 + husbandmen + to husbandmen + the husbandmen + the husbandman + The husbandman + is the husbandman + to the husbandmen + And the husbandmen + but the husbandmen + from the husbandmen + it out to husbandmen + But when the husbandmen +/ . georgos {gheh-ore-gos'}; from 1093 + land + earth + ground + to land + the land + in earth + of earth + The land + that land + and earth + from land + the earth + the world + their land + is earthly + the ground + upon earth + in the land + OF THE EARTH + not the land + and the land + for the land + and in earth + by the earth + in the earth + of the earth + that country + to the earth + to the ground + and the earth + And the earth + from the land + not the earth + For the earth + it the ground + from the earth + unto the earth + upon the earth + is of the earth + out of the land + men of the earth + and of the earth + them to the earth + part of the earth + are and the earth + up from the earth + us out of the land + are upon the earth + and upon the earth + us out of the land + sake for the earth + parts of the earth + he out of the land + were upon the earth + up out of the earth + them out of the land + that be in the earth + and that are in earth + they be things in earth + he that is of the earth + thee out of thy country + a fellow from the earth + and digged 3736 + and digged 3736 in the earth + and digged 3736 in the earth + and digged 3736 a winepress + and digged 3736 a winepress + it and digged 3736 a place for the winefat + it and digged 3736 a place for the winefat +/ in the earth + and digged 3736 + and digged 3736 in the earth + and digged 3736 in the earth + and digged 3736 a winepress + and digged 3736 a winepress + it and digged 3736 a place for the winefat + it and digged 3736 a place for the winefat +/ in the earth +/ and the base of 2041 + deeds 2041- deeds 2041- deed + work + doing + works + deeds + a work + in deed + of works + and deed + by works + and work + my works + his work + the work + his deeds + the deeds + the works + not works + his works + thy works + man s work + by my works + their works + as his work + but in deed + their deeds + of the work + is the work + in the work + to her works + me the works + by the works + for the work + man his work + and in deeds + but in works + to our works + in the works + Not by works + by the deeds + Not of works + to his works + and by works + not the work + and the work + to his deeds + not of works + of my labour + for the works + and thy works + his own works + not the works + and the works + not the works + are thy works + are the works + of their deeds + that his deeds + to their works + them the works + it be of works + with his works + and their works + and I have works + for their work s + not of the works + for by the works + how that by works + but that the works + not of their deeds + are not ye my work + as are of the works + of it that the works + and not by the works + me for the very works + not with them to the work + but as it were by the works +/ ; a land-worker, i .e . farmer: --husbandman .

1217 + and maker +/ . demiourgos {day-me-oor-gos'}; from 1218 + And the people + unto the people + in unto the people + them out to the people +/ and 2041 + deeds 2041- deeds 2041- deed + work + doing + works + deeds + a work + in deed + of works + and deed + by works + and work + my works + his work + the work + his deeds + the deeds + the works + not works + his works + thy works + man s work + by my works + their works + as his work + but in deed + their deeds + of the work + is the work + in the work + to her works + me the works + by the works + for the work + man his work + and in deeds + but in works + to our works + in the works + Not by works + by the deeds + Not of works + to his works + and by works + not the work + and the work + to his deeds + not of works + of my labour + for the works + and thy works + his own works + not the works + and the works + not the works + are thy works + are the works + of their deeds + that his deeds + to their works + them the works + it be of works + with his works + and their works + and I have works + for their work s + not of the works + for by the works + how that by works + but that the works + not of their deeds + are not ye my work + as are of the works + of it that the works + and not by the works + me for the very works + not with them to the work + but as it were by the works +/ ; a worker for the people, i .e . mechanic (spoken of the Creator): --maker .

1351 + not doubletongued +/ . dilogos {dil'-og-os}; from 1364 + twice + and again +/ and 3056 + work + word + thing + words + saying + speech + reason + intent + rumour + things + a word + a shew + matter + my word + by word + account + speaker + in word + tidings + sayings + and word + The Word + my words + the word + of words + question + The word + treatise + a matter + thy word + our word + his word + in words + the work + the Word + the words + in a word + my saying + utterance + of speech + in speech + our words + his words + my sayings + his speech + his saying + him a word + their word + the matter + in my word + an account + is the word + in the word + he the word + of the word + By the word + at the word + the sayings + that saying + of the Word + by the word + not in word + But the word + him the word + you a reason + not my words + of his words + not the word + not our word + and the Word + and the word + there a fame + not his word + of utterance + And the word + Let the word + out the word + And the Word + for the word + for his word + was the Word + For the word + but the word + but my words + of the words + and his word + with his word + them thy word + are the words + and utterance + And my speech + unto the word + for the cause + that the word + we have to do + things to say + communication + for the words + and reckoneth + in thy sayings + And the saying + from the words + And their word + and his speech + not the speech + her not a word + is that saying + is not in word + for the word s + not my sayings + of his own word + of the doctrine + That the saying + of these things + of those things + and by the word + and to the word + not the sayings + things by mouth + up in the words + him in his talk + not in the words + manner of saying + For by thy words + and for the word + him in his words + unto us the word + and by thy words + as we are in word + away but my words + For the preaching + unto him the word + unto you the word + it not as the word + to pass the saying + to you is the word + him for the saying + of that by the word + he us with the word + unto you by the word + for us that the word + not unto you in word + of me and of my words + with me as concerning + manner of communications + And for me that utterance + as unto them but the word + But this cometh to pass that the word +/ ; equivocal, i .e . telling a different story: --double-tongued .

1411 + work + might + deeds + power + powers + virtue + mighty + ability + workers + my power + in power + strength + miracles + the power + wonderful + and power + a miracle + and might + them power + and mighty + with power + the mighty + and powers + with might + their power + of miracles + that virtue + of his power + the miracles + by the power + the violence + of the power + but in power + and of power + but of power + in the power + and strength + to the power + hand of power + and the power + him his power + of his mighty + the abundance + that miracles + with the power + in me mightily + for the powers + and the powers + that the power + and with power + in his strength + it is the power + not the meaning + with his mighty + and the strength + up but the power + but in the power + hand of the power + him and the power + unto you the power + For to their power + and from his power + for it is the power + with him by the power + upon thee and the power + for thee for my strength +/ . dunamis {doo'-nam-is}; from 1410 + may + May + Can + can + able + I can + might + canst + Could + could + we may + cannot + we can + ye may + is able + but can + Who can + him can + was able + ye could + that can + he could + are able + then can + I cannot + I am able + me cannot + and could + it cannot + me ye can + ye cannot + he cannot + we cannot + Ye cannot + For ye may + and cannot + thou canst + they might + that could + they could + he is able + For we can + Are ye able + are ye able + be not able + thou mayest + out he could + unto him Can + and not able + which cannot + And he could + For it might + For we cannot + and we cannot + unto them Can + shall be able + to you cannot + when we might + and they could + that they could + it but he could + unto him We can + for thou mayest + it were possible + ye were not able + that ye are able + ye shall be able + but are not able + shall not be able + and when he could + thither ye cannot + ye that I am able + he was ; and could + thou that I cannot + him ; but she could + that we may be able + that ye may be able + And when they could + unto him We are able + in him and he cannot + that they which could + unto him that is able + him but if thou canst + with them they cannot + sake . He that is able + unto him that was able + unto you but ye cannot + to him that is of power + him out ; and they could + unto them as they were able +/ ; force (literally or figuratively); specially, miraculous power (usually by implication, a miracle itself): --ability, abundance, meaning, might(-ily, -y, -y deed), (worker of) miracle(-s), power, strength,violence, mighty (wonderful) work .

1412 + Strengthened +/ . dunamoo {doo-nam-o'-o}; from 1411 + work + might + deeds + power + powers + virtue + mighty + ability + workers + my power + in power + strength + miracles + the power + wonderful + and power + a miracle + and might + them power + and mighty + with power + the mighty + and powers + with might + their power + of miracles + that virtue + of his power + the miracles + by the power + the violence + of the power + but in power + and of power + but of power + in the power + and strength + to the power + hand of power + and the power + him his power + of his mighty + the abundance + that miracles + with the power + in me mightily + for the powers + and the powers + that the power + and with power + in his strength + it is the power + not the meaning + with his mighty + and the strength + up but the power + but in the power + hand of the power + him and the power + unto you the power + For to their power + and from his power + for it is the power + with him by the power + upon thee and the power + for thee for my strength +/ ; to enable: --strengthen .

1677 + put + account + that on + is not imputed +/ . ellogeo {el-log-eh'-o}; from 1722 + at + On + on + At + over + used + into + sake + Among + us at + is at + me at + among + after + out at + having + him at + and on + yet at + Not on + toward + are at + And at + not at + within + namely + by way + was at + against + through + they on + were at + That at + because + up into + between + them on + Through + be about + I say at + ye among + in among + you into + up among + as among + man among + fields on + things on + for us at + him among + and is on + and ye on + and among + to pass on + that is at + throughout + him out on + us through + unto me at + them under + things into + thing among + And through + them before + that was at + for them at + unto you at + there is at + But that on + not accused + which are at + wilt thou at + them through + himself into + they were at + that were at + there was at + which were at + And it was at + to thee among + of throughout + that it was at + unto you Among + things through + shall it be at + let us wait on + and throughout + esteemed among + there is among + ye and believe + thyself wholly + art thou among + which is among + he which among + in you through + unto us through + to pass that on + with us through + which are among + sake . And be at + unto you through + man that is among + to you that are at + not for him and at + of men we were among + And when they were at + shall it not be among + to them who are under + that whilst we are at + for you and for them at +/ and 3056 + work + word + thing + words + saying + speech + reason + intent + rumour + things + a word + a shew + matter + my word + by word + account + speaker + in word + tidings + sayings + and word + The Word + my words + the word + of words + question + The word + treatise + a matter + thy word + our word + his word + in words + the work + the Word + the words + in a word + my saying + utterance + of speech + in speech + our words + his words + my sayings + his speech + his saying + him a word + their word + the matter + in my word + an account + is the word + in the word + he the word + of the word + By the word + at the word + the sayings + that saying + of the Word + by the word + not in word + But the word + him the word + you a reason + not my words + of his words + not the word + not our word + and the Word + and the word + there a fame + not his word + of utterance + And the word + Let the word + out the word + And the Word + for the word + for his word + was the Word + For the word + but the word + but my words + of the words + and his word + with his word + them thy word + are the words + and utterance + And my speech + unto the word + for the cause + that the word + we have to do + things to say + communication + for the words + and reckoneth + in thy sayings + And the saying + from the words + And their word + and his speech + not the speech + her not a word + is that saying + is not in word + for the word s + not my sayings + of his own word + of the doctrine + That the saying + of these things + of those things + and by the word + and to the word + not the sayings + things by mouth + up in the words + him in his talk + not in the words + manner of saying + For by thy words + and for the word + him in his words + unto us the word + and by thy words + as we are in word + away but my words + For the preaching + unto him the word + unto you the word + it not as the word + to pass the saying + to you is the word + him for the saying + of that by the word + he us with the word + unto you by the word + for us that the word + not unto you in word + of me and of my words + with me as concerning + manner of communications + And for me that utterance + as unto them but the word + But this cometh to pass that the word +/ (in the sense of account); to reckon in, i .e . attribute: --impute, put on account . *** . hellomai . See 0138 + chosen + Choosing + I shall choose +/ .

1754 + work + forth + worketh + did work + and to do + was mighty + he wrought + effectually + and worketh + is effectual + that worketh + The effectual + which worketh + works do shew + of him who worketh + For he that wrought +/ . energeo {en-erg-eh'-o}; from 1756 + effectual + and powerful + and effectual +/ ; to be active, efficient: --do, (be) effectual (fervent), be mighty in, shew forth self, work (effectually in) .

1755 + the working + of operations +/ . energema {en-erg'-ay-mah}; from 1754 + work + forth + worketh + did work + and to do + was mighty + he wrought + effectually + and worketh + is effectual + that worketh + The effectual + which worketh + works do shew + of him who worketh + For he that wrought +/ ; an effect: --operation, working .

1756 + effectual + and powerful + and effectual +/ . energes {en-er-gace'}; from 1722 + at + On + on + At + over + used + into + sake + Among + us at + is at + me at + among + after + out at + having + him at + and on + yet at + Not on + toward + are at + And at + not at + within + namely + by way + was at + against + through + they on + were at + That at + because + up into + between + them on + Through + be about + I say at + ye among + in among + you into + up among + as among + man among + fields on + things on + for us at + him among + and is on + and ye on + and among + to pass on + that is at + throughout + him out on + us through + unto me at + them under + things into + thing among + And through + them before + that was at + for them at + unto you at + there is at + But that on + not accused + which are at + wilt thou at + them through + himself into + they were at + that were at + there was at + which were at + And it was at + to thee among + of throughout + that it was at + unto you Among + things through + shall it be at + let us wait on + and throughout + esteemed among + there is among + ye and believe + thyself wholly + art thou among + which is among + he which among + in you through + unto us through + to pass that on + with us through + which are among + sake . And be at + unto you through + man that is among + to you that are at + not for him and at + of men we were among + And when they were at + shall it not be among + to them who are under + that whilst we are at + for you and for them at +/ and 2041 + deeds 2041- deeds 2041- deed + work + doing + works + deeds + a work + in deed + of works + and deed + by works + and work + my works + his work + the work + his deeds + the deeds + the works + not works + his works + thy works + man s work + by my works + their works + as his work + but in deed + their deeds + of the work + is the work + in the work + to her works + me the works + by the works + for the work + man his work + and in deeds + but in works + to our works + in the works + Not by works + by the deeds + Not of works + to his works + and by works + not the work + and the work + to his deeds + not of works + of my labour + for the works + and thy works + his own works + not the works + and the works + not the works + are thy works + are the works + of their deeds + that his deeds + to their works + them the works + it be of works + with his works + and their works + and I have works + for their work s + not of the works + for by the works + how that by works + but that the works + not of their deeds + are not ye my work + as are of the works + of it that the works + and not by the works + me for the very works + not with them to the work + but as it were by the works +/ ; active, operative: --effectual, powerful .

1765 + strengthening + he was strengthened +/ . enischuo {en-is-khoo'-o}; from 1722 + at + On + on + At + over + used + into + sake + Among + us at + is at + me at + among + after + out at + having + him at + and on + yet at + Not on + toward + are at + And at + not at + within + namely + by way + was at + against + through + they on + were at + That at + because + up into + between + them on + Through + be about + I say at + ye among + in among + you into + up among + as among + man among + fields on + things on + for us at + him among + and is on + and ye on + and among + to pass on + that is at + throughout + him out on + us through + unto me at + them under + things into + thing among + And through + them before + that was at + for them at + unto you at + there is at + But that on + not accused + which are at + wilt thou at + them through + himself into + they were at + that were at + there was at + which were at + And it was at + to thee among + of throughout + that it was at + unto you Among + things through + shall it be at + let us wait on + and throughout + esteemed among + there is among + ye and believe + thyself wholly + art thou among + which is among + he which among + in you through + unto us through + to pass that on + with us through + which are among + sake . And be at + unto you through + man that is among + to you that are at + not for him and at + of men we were among + And when they were at + shall it not be among + to them who are under + that whilst we are at + for you and for them at +/ and 2480 + do + work + good + could + I can + might + I cannot + strength + availeth + and could + they could + man availeth + we were able + thou couldest + and prevailed + And prevailed + And they could + and is not able + and was not able + they were not able + them and prevailed + And they were not able + in and shall not be able + unto them They that be whole + unto them They that are whole +/ ; to invigorate (transitively or reflexively): --strengthen .

1840 + May be able +/ . exischuo {ex-is-khoo'-o}; from 1537 + at + on + off + over + among + Since + you on + through + thou on + betwixt + because + and over + by reason + hand and on + hand and on + for he is on + unto them on + ye out among + not unto you at + shall there be among +/ and 2480 + do + work + good + could + I can + might + I cannot + strength + availeth + and could + they could + man availeth + we were able + thou couldest + and prevailed + And prevailed + And they could + and is not able + and was not able + they were not able + them and prevailed + And they were not able + in and shall not be able + unto them They that be whole + unto them They that are whole +/ ; to have full strength, i .e . be entirely competent: --be able .

2001 + more + fierce + And they were the more +/ . episucho {ep-is-khoo'-o}; from 1909 + at + on + into + over + over + above + be on + ye at + Above + under + being + among + us on + up on + it on + about + after + are at + behalf + not on + before + are on + beside + was at + toward + and at + him on + old on + but on + And on + and on + They on + that on + down at + down on + them on + foot on + thee on + even at + against + as long + is over + because + up into + through + and over + are over + the time + him over + is above + touching + us and on + the space + And above + for under + for under + is against + but toward + but before + up against + And beside + to believe + he were on + throughout + them as on + to pass on + in the days + in the time + And through + as touching + by the space + unto thee on + of it and on + things before + I made before + for the space + out as against + was throughout + unto them over + and not before + out as against + that was about + had the charge + and that before + divided against + that were under + and he anointed + me is with me on + not on things on + in and out among + And when he was at + Let him which is on + to pass in the days + that were with him at + And let him that is on +/ and 2480 + do + work + good + could + I can + might + I cannot + strength + availeth + and could + they could + man availeth + we were able + thou couldest + and prevailed + And prevailed + And they could + and is not able + and was not able + they were not able + them and prevailed + And they were not able + in and shall not be able + unto them They that be whole + unto them They that are whole +/ ; to avail further, i .e . (figuratively) insist stoutly: --be the more fierce .

2038 + do + work + we have wrought 2038- we have wrought 2038- Labour + a work + worketh + working + to work + wrought + as trade + not work + let us do + ye commit + they work + for I work + and traded + and I work + but wrought + and to work + that worketh + dost thou work + for he worketh + him and worketh + that we might work + to him that worketh + from me ye that work + for she hath wrought + with them and wrought + that they are wrought + But to him that worketh + ye her she hath wrought + that they which minister +/ . ergazomai {er-gad'-zom-ahee}; middle voice from 2041 + deeds 2041- deeds 2041- deed + work + doing + works + deeds + a work + in deed + of works + and deed + by works + and work + my works + his work + the work + his deeds + the deeds + the works + not works + his works + thy works + man s work + by my works + their works + as his work + but in deed + their deeds + of the work + is the work + in the work + to her works + me the works + by the works + for the work + man his work + and in deeds + but in works + to our works + in the works + Not by works + by the deeds + Not of works + to his works + and by works + not the work + and the work + to his deeds + not of works + of my labour + for the works + and thy works + his own works + not the works + and the works + not the works + are thy works + are the works + of their deeds + that his deeds + to their works + them the works + it be of works + with his works + and their works + and I have works + for their work s + not of the works + for by the works + how that by works + but that the works + not of their deeds + are not ye my work + as are of the works + of it that the works + and not by the works + me for the very works + not with them to the work + but as it were by the works +/ ; to toil (as a task, occupation, etc .), (by implication) effect, be engaged in or with, etc .: --commit, do, labor for, minister about, trade (by), work .

2039 + gain + craft + to work + diligence + of their gains +/ . ergasia {er-gas-ee'-ah}; from 2040 + workers + labourers + a workman + ye workers + the labourers + for the workman + with the workmen + for the labourer + of the labourers + but the labourers + with the labourers + out the corn . And The labourer +/ ; occupation; by implication, profits, pains: --craft, diligence, gain, work .

2040 + workers + labourers + a workman + ye workers + the labourers + for the workman + with the workmen + for the labourer + of the labourers + but the labourers + with the labourers + out the corn . And The labourer +/ . ergates {er-gat'-ace}; from 2041 + deeds 2041- deeds 2041- deed + work + doing + works + deeds + a work + in deed + of works + and deed + by works + and work + my works + his work + the work + his deeds + the deeds + the works + not works + his works + thy works + man s work + by my works + their works + as his work + but in deed + their deeds + of the work + is the work + in the work + to her works + me the works + by the works + for the work + man his work + and in deeds + but in works + to our works + in the works + Not by works + by the deeds + Not of works + to his works + and by works + not the work + and the work + to his deeds + not of works + of my labour + for the works + and thy works + his own works + not the works + and the works + not the works + are thy works + are the works + of their deeds + that his deeds + to their works + them the works + it be of works + with his works + and their works + and I have works + for their work s + not of the works + for by the works + how that by works + but that the works + not of their deeds + are not ye my work + as are of the works + of it that the works + and not by the works + me for the very works + not with them to the work + but as it were by the works +/ ; a toiler; figuratively, a teacher: --labourer, worker(-men) .

2041 + deeds 2041- deeds 2041- deed + work + doing + works + deeds + a work + in deed + of works + and deed + by works + and work + my works + his work + the work + his deeds + the deeds + the works + not works + his works + thy works + man s work + by my works + their works + as his work + but in deed + their deeds + of the work + is the work + in the work + to her works + me the works + by the works + for the work + man his work + and in deeds + but in works + to our works + in the works + Not by works + by the deeds + Not of works + to his works + and by works + not the work + and the work + to his deeds + not of works + of my labour + for the works + and thy works + his own works + not the works + and the works + not the works + are thy works + are the works + of their deeds + that his deeds + to their works + them the works + it be of works + with his works + and their works + and I have works + for their work s + not of the works + for by the works + how that by works + but that the works + not of their deeds + are not ye my work + as are of the works + of it that the works + and not by the works + me for the very works + not with them to the work + but as it were by the works +/ . ergon {er'-gon}; from a primary (but obsolete) ergo (to work); toil (as an effort or occupation); by implication, an act: --deed, doing, labour, work .

2110 + benefactors +/ . euergetes {yoo-erg-et'-ace}; from 2095 + well + ye well + them good + unto him Well + That it may be well +/ and the base of 2041 + deeds 2041- deeds 2041- deed + work + doing + works + deeds + a work + in deed + of works + and deed + by works + and work + my works + his work + the work + his deeds + the deeds + the works + not works + his works + thy works + man s work + by my works + their works + as his work + but in deed + their deeds + of the work + is the work + in the work + to her works + me the works + by the works + for the work + man his work + and in deeds + but in works + to our works + in the works + Not by works + by the deeds + Not of works + to his works + and by works + not the work + and the work + to his deeds + not of works + of my labour + for the works + and thy works + his own works + not the works + and the works + not the works + are thy works + are the works + of their deeds + that his deeds + to their works + them the works + it be of works + with his works + and their works + and I have works + for their work s + not of the works + for by the works + how that by works + but that the works + not of their deeds + are not ye my work + as are of the works + of it that the works + and not by the works + me for the very works + not with them to the work + but as it were by the works +/ ; a worker of good, i .e . (specially) a philanthropist: --benefactor .

2127 + Bless + bless + blessed + Blessed + we bless + is blessed + he blessed + ye blessed + and blessed + and praised + are blessed + and blessed + him to bless + hath blessed + and blessing + I will bless + and he blessed + thou shalt bless + is with thee blessed + upon them and blessed + of Abraham 11 and blessed +/ . eulogeo {yoo-log-eh'-o}; from a compound of 2095 + well + ye well + them good + unto him Well + That it may be well +/ and 3056 + work + word + thing + words + saying + speech + reason + intent + rumour + things + a word + a shew + matter + my word + by word + account + speaker + in word + tidings + sayings + and word + The Word + my words + the word + of words + question + The word + treatise + a matter + thy word + our word + his word + in words + the work + the Word + the words + in a word + my saying + utterance + of speech + in speech + our words + his words + my sayings + his speech + his saying + him a word + their word + the matter + in my word + an account + is the word + in the word + he the word + of the word + By the word + at the word + the sayings + that saying + of the Word + by the word + not in word + But the word + him the word + you a reason + not my words + of his words + not the word + not our word + and the Word + and the word + there a fame + not his word + of utterance + And the word + Let the word + out the word + And the Word + for the word + for his word + was the Word + For the word + but the word + but my words + of the words + and his word + with his word + them thy word + are the words + and utterance + And my speech + unto the word + for the cause + that the word + we have to do + things to say + communication + for the words + and reckoneth + in thy sayings + And the saying + from the words + And their word + and his speech + not the speech + her not a word + is that saying + is not in word + for the word s + not my sayings + of his own word + of the doctrine + That the saying + of these things + of those things + and by the word + and to the word + not the sayings + things by mouth + up in the words + him in his talk + not in the words + manner of saying + For by thy words + and for the word + him in his words + unto us the word + and by thy words + as we are in word + away but my words + For the preaching + unto him the word + unto you the word + it not as the word + to pass the saying + to you is the word + him for the saying + of that by the word + he us with the word + unto you by the word + for us that the word + not unto you in word + of me and of my words + with me as concerning + manner of communications + And for me that utterance + as unto them but the word + But this cometh to pass that the word +/ ; to speak well of, i .e . (religiously) to bless (thank or invoke a benediction upon, prosper): --bless, praise .

2418 + ministering +/ . hierourgeo {hee-er-oorg-eh'-o}; from a compound of 2411 + the temple + in the temple + of the temple + that the temple + than the temple + from the temple + me in the temple + and in the temple + him in the temple + out of the temple + not from the temple + to him in the temple + him out of the temple + with you in the temple + of the things of the temple + came 3719 + came 3719 early 3719 in the morning to him in the temp came 3719 early 3719 in the morning to him in the temp / early 3719 + came 3719 early 3719 in the morning to him in the temp came 3719 early 3719 in the morning to him in the temp / in the morning to him in the temp / and the base of 2041 + deeds 2041- deeds 2041- deed + work + doing + works + deeds + a work + in deed + of works + and deed + by works + and work + my works + his work + the work + his deeds + the deeds + the works + not works + his works + thy works + man s work + by my works + their works + as his work + but in deed + their deeds + of the work + is the work + in the work + to her works + me the works + by the works + for the work + man his work + and in deeds + but in works + to our works + in the works + Not by works + by the deeds + Not of works + to his works + and by works + not the work + and the work + to his deeds + not of works + of my labour + for the works + and thy works + his own works + not the works + and the works + not the works + are thy works + are the works + of their deeds + that his deeds + to their works + them the works + it be of works + with his works + and their works + and I have works + for their work s + not of the works + for by the works + how that by works + but that the works + not of their deeds + are not ye my work + as are of the works + of it that the works + and not by the works + me for the very works + not with them to the work + but as it were by the works +/ ; to be a temple-worker, i .e . officiate as a priest (figuratively): --minister .

2480 + do + work + good + could + I can + might + I cannot + strength + availeth + and could + they could + man availeth + we were able + thou couldest + and prevailed + And prevailed + And they could + and is not able + and was not able + they were not able + them and prevailed + And they were not able + in and shall not be able + unto them They that be whole + unto them They that are whole +/ . ischuo {is-khoo'-o}; from 2479 + in power + mightily + and might + thy strength + and strength + the strength + of his might + of his power + of his mighty + let him do it as of the ability +/ ; to have (or exercise) force (literally or figuratively): --be able, avail, can do([-not]), could, be good, might, prevail, be of strength, be whole, + much work .

2551 + evil + speak + curseth + not but spake + and He that curseth +/ . kakologeo {kak-ol-og-eh'-o}; from a compound of 2556 + bad + ill + harm + evil + wicked + of evil + and evil + for evil + that evil + from evil + with evil + a noisome + of the evil + the uttermost + but it is evil + that doeth evil + but to the evil + not but the evil + that which is evil + them which are evil + not that which is evil +/ and 3056 + work + word + thing + words + saying + speech + reason + intent + rumour + things + a word + a shew + matter + my word + by word + account + speaker + in word + tidings + sayings + and word + The Word + my words + the word + of words + question + The word + treatise + a matter + thy word + our word + his word + in words + the work + the Word + the words + in a word + my saying + utterance + of speech + in speech + our words + his words + my sayings + his speech + his saying + him a word + their word + the matter + in my word + an account + is the word + in the word + he the word + of the word + By the word + at the word + the sayings + that saying + of the Word + by the word + not in word + But the word + him the word + you a reason + not my words + of his words + not the word + not our word + and the Word + and the word + there a fame + not his word + of utterance + And the word + Let the word + out the word + And the Word + for the word + for his word + was the Word + For the word + but the word + but my words + of the words + and his word + with his word + them thy word + are the words + and utterance + And my speech + unto the word + for the cause + that the word + we have to do + things to say + communication + for the words + and reckoneth + in thy sayings + And the saying + from the words + And their word + and his speech + not the speech + her not a word + is that saying + is not in word + for the word s + not my sayings + of his own word + of the doctrine + That the saying + of these things + of those things + and by the word + and to the word + not the sayings + things by mouth + up in the words + him in his talk + not in the words + manner of saying + For by thy words + and for the word + him in his words + unto us the word + and by thy words + as we are in word + away but my words + For the preaching + unto him the word + unto you the word + it not as the word + to pass the saying + to you is the word + him for the saying + of that by the word + he us with the word + unto you by the word + for us that the word + not unto you in word + of me and of my words + with me as concerning + manner of communications + And for me that utterance + as unto them but the word + But this cometh to pass that the word +/ ; to revile: --curse, speak evil of .

2557 + doer + as an evil + malefactors + of the malefactors + him and the malefactors +/ . kakourgos {kak-oor'-gos}; from 2556 + bad + ill + harm + evil + wicked + of evil + and evil + for evil + that evil + from evil + with evil + a noisome + of the evil + the uttermost + but it is evil + that doeth evil + but to the evil + not but the evil + that which is evil + them which are evil + not that which is evil +/ and the base of 2041 + deeds 2041- deeds 2041- deed + work + doing + works + deeds + a work + in deed + of works + and deed + by works + and work + my works + his work + the work + his deeds + the deeds + the works + not works + his works + thy works + man s work + by my works + their works + as his work + but in deed + their deeds + of the work + is the work + in the work + to her works + me the works + by the works + for the work + man his work + and in deeds + but in works + to our works + in the works + Not by works + by the deeds + Not of works + to his works + and by works + not the work + and the work + to his deeds + not of works + of my labour + for the works + and thy works + his own works + not the works + and the works + not the works + are thy works + are the works + of their deeds + that his deeds + to their works + them the works + it be of works + with his works + and their works + and I have works + for their work s + not of the works + for by the works + how that by works + but that the works + not of their deeds + are not ye my work + as are of the works + of it that the works + and not by the works + me for the very works + not with them to the work + but as it were by the works +/ ; a wrong-doer, i .e . criminal: --evil-doer, malefactor .

2716 + done + work + I do + wrought + causeth + working + worketh + I that do + it wrought + were wrought + and having done + hath not wrought + us to have wrought + he that hath wrought + is present 3873 + is present 3873 with me . is present 3873 with me . is present 3873 with me ; but how to perform + is present 3873 with me ; but how to perform +/ with me ; but how to perform + is present 3873 + is present 3873 with me . is present 3873 with me . is present 3873 with me ; but how to perform + is present 3873 with me ; but how to perform +/ with me ; but how to perform +/ . katergazomai {kat-er-gad'-zom-ahee}; from 2596 + after 2596- after 2596- at + on + At + yet + own + into + over + after + where + every + about + after + it on + cause + And at + before + toward + matter + Against + covered + through + against + in every + me after + my state + touching + us after + is after + But after + According + men after + not after + it be yet + of but on + according + and every + but after + in respect + Concerning + ye against + my affairs + that after + throughout + concerning + upon you on + not against + place every + and against + being alone + him against + as touching + that through + unto them at + things after + laid against + is according + it not after + we according + not ye after + and in every + particularly + it according + him according + you according + as concerning + and not after + not according + As concerning + for him after + man according + Not according + day according + but according + violently down + itself against + when he was at + can be against + for that after + of him through + things against + thing according + which are among + be done through + by you according + things according + somewhat against + that was against + unto me according + but not according + which is according + shall be according + of me is not after + with them according + to him out of every + one of you according + unto thee that after + sakes but as touching + be it unto me according + For they that are after + him that was born after + any thing to the charge + but they that are after + let us prophesy according + For he that is not against + in you and ye in him according + He that is not with me is against + him not for he that is not against +/ and 2038 + do + work + we have wrought 2038- we have wrought 2038- Labour + a work + worketh + working + to work + wrought + as trade + not work + let us do + ye commit + they work + for I work + and traded + and I work + but wrought + and to work + that worketh + dost thou work + for he worketh + him and worketh + that we might work + to him that worketh + from me ye that work + for she hath wrought + with them and wrought + that they are wrought + But to him that worketh + ye her she hath wrought + that they which minister +/ ; do work fully, i .e . accomplish; by implication, to finish, fashion: --cause, to (deed), perform, work (out) .

2729 + against + in secret + prevailed + is in secret + shall not prevail +/ . katischuo {kat-is-khoo'-o}; from 2596 + after 2596- after 2596- at + on + At + yet + own + into + over + after + where + every + about + after + it on + cause + And at + before + toward + matter + Against + covered + through + against + in every + me after + my state + touching + us after + is after + But after + According + men after + not after + it be yet + of but on + according + and every + but after + in respect + Concerning + ye against + my affairs + that after + throughout + concerning + upon you on + not against + place every + and against + being alone + him against + as touching + that through + unto them at + things after + laid against + is according + it not after + we according + not ye after + and in every + particularly + it according + him according + you according + as concerning + and not after + not according + As concerning + for him after + man according + Not according + day according + but according + violently down + itself against + when he was at + can be against + for that after + of him through + things against + thing according + which are among + be done through + by you according + things according + somewhat against + that was against + unto me according + but not according + which is according + shall be according + of me is not after + with them according + to him out of every + one of you according + unto thee that after + sakes but as touching + be it unto me according + For they that are after + him that was born after + any thing to the charge + but they that are after + let us prophesy according + For he that is not against + in you and ye in him according + He that is not with me is against + him not for he that is not against +/ and 2480 + do + work + good + could + I can + might + I cannot + strength + availeth + and could + they could + man availeth + we were able + thou couldest + and prevailed + And prevailed + And they could + and is not able + and was not able + they were not able + them and prevailed + And they were not able + in and shall not be able + unto them They that be whole + unto them They that are whole +/ ; to overpower: --prevail (against) .

3011 + ministers + A minister + and his ministers + and he that ministered + That I should be the minister +/ . leitourgos {li-toorg-os'}; from a derivative of 2992 + people + peoples + a people + people s + ye people + my people + of people + The people + his people + the people + and people + the people + are peoples + of my people + it the people + it the people + up the people + of thy people + to the people + of the people + them my people + and the people + for the people + And the people + unto his people + with his people + unto the people + with the people + for the people s + And as the people + as for the people + he unto the people + out of her my people + thee from the people + out of them a people + from among the people + past were not a people + And they of the people + which were not my people + to Abraham 11 the people + and they shall be my people + unto them Ye are not my people + himself to them but the people + and they shall be to me a people + with them and they shall be his people +/ and 2041 + deeds 2041- deeds 2041- deed + work + doing + works + deeds + a work + in deed + of works + and deed + by works + and work + my works + his work + the work + his deeds + the deeds + the works + not works + his works + thy works + man s work + by my works + their works + as his work + but in deed + their deeds + of the work + is the work + in the work + to her works + me the works + by the works + for the work + man his work + and in deeds + but in works + to our works + in the works + Not by works + by the deeds + Not of works + to his works + and by works + not the work + and the work + to his deeds + not of works + of my labour + for the works + and thy works + his own works + not the works + and the works + not the works + are thy works + are the works + of their deeds + that his deeds + to their works + them the works + it be of works + with his works + and their works + and I have works + for their work s + not of the works + for by the works + how that by works + but that the works + not of their deeds + are not ye my work + as are of the works + of it that the works + and not by the works + me for the very works + not with them to the work + but as it were by the works +/ ; a public servant, i .e . a functionary in the Temple or Gospel, or (genitive case) a worshipper (of God) or benefactor (of man): --minister(-ed) .

3048 + gatherings + the collection +/ . logia {log-ee'-ah}; from 3056 + work + word + thing + words + saying + speech + reason + intent + rumour + things + a word + a shew + matter + my word + by word + account + speaker + in word + tidings + sayings + and word + The Word + my words + the word + of words + question + The word + treatise + a matter + thy word + our word + his word + in words + the work + the Word + the words + in a word + my saying + utterance + of speech + in speech + our words + his words + my sayings + his speech + his saying + him a word + their word + the matter + in my word + an account + is the word + in the word + he the word + of the word + By the word + at the word + the sayings + that saying + of the Word + by the word + not in word + But the word + him the word + you a reason + not my words + of his words + not the word + not our word + and the Word + and the word + there a fame + not his word + of utterance + And the word + Let the word + out the word + And the Word + for the word + for his word + was the Word + For the word + but the word + but my words + of the words + and his word + with his word + them thy word + are the words + and utterance + And my speech + unto the word + for the cause + that the word + we have to do + things to say + communication + for the words + and reckoneth + in thy sayings + And the saying + from the words + And their word + and his speech + not the speech + her not a word + is that saying + is not in word + for the word s + not my sayings + of his own word + of the doctrine + That the saying + of these things + of those things + and by the word + and to the word + not the sayings + things by mouth + up in the words + him in his talk + not in the words + manner of saying + For by thy words + and for the word + him in his words + unto us the word + and by thy words + as we are in word + away but my words + For the preaching + unto him the word + unto you the word + it not as the word + to pass the saying + to you is the word + him for the saying + of that by the word + he us with the word + unto you by the word + for us that the word + not unto you in word + of me and of my words + with me as concerning + manner of communications + And for me that utterance + as unto them but the word + But this cometh to pass that the word +/ (in the commercial sense); a contribution: --collection, gathering .

3049 + think + reckon + I count + account + I think + imputeth + thinketh + reckoned + to think + I thought + is counted + Accounting + be counted + we conclude + are counted + not reckoned + was reckoned + And thinkest + For I reckon + an one think + not imputing + For I suppose + it was imputed + will not impute + to their charge + man should think + might be imputed + And they reasoned + should be despised + and it was counted + and it was imputed + that it was imputed + it shall be imputed + And he was numbered + and it was accounted + unto you as I suppose + long ; we are accounted + but to him that esteemeth + in me And he was reckoned + me I pray God that it may not be laid +/ . logizomai {log-id'-zom-ahee}; middle voice from 3056 + work + word + thing + words + saying + speech + reason + intent + rumour + things + a word + a shew + matter + my word + by word + account + speaker + in word + tidings + sayings + and word + The Word + my words + the word + of words + question + The word + treatise + a matter + thy word + our word + his word + in words + the work + the Word + the words + in a word + my saying + utterance + of speech + in speech + our words + his words + my sayings + his speech + his saying + him a word + their word + the matter + in my word + an account + is the word + in the word + he the word + of the word + By the word + at the word + the sayings + that saying + of the Word + by the word + not in word + But the word + him the word + you a reason + not my words + of his words + not the word + not our word + and the Word + and the word + there a fame + not his word + of utterance + And the word + Let the word + out the word + And the Word + for the word + for his word + was the Word + For the word + but the word + but my words + of the words + and his word + with his word + them thy word + are the words + and utterance + And my speech + unto the word + for the cause + that the word + we have to do + things to say + communication + for the words + and reckoneth + in thy sayings + And the saying + from the words + And their word + and his speech + not the speech + her not a word + is that saying + is not in word + for the word s + not my sayings + of his own word + of the doctrine + That the saying + of these things + of those things + and by the word + and to the word + not the sayings + things by mouth + up in the words + him in his talk + not in the words + manner of saying + For by thy words + and for the word + him in his words + unto us the word + and by thy words + as we are in word + away but my words + For the preaching + unto him the word + unto you the word + it not as the word + to pass the saying + to you is the word + him for the saying + of that by the word + he us with the word + unto you by the word + for us that the word + not unto you in word + of me and of my words + with me as concerning + manner of communications + And for me that utterance + as unto them but the word + But this cometh to pass that the word +/ ; to take an inventory, i .e . estimate (literally or figuratively): --conclude, (ac-)count (of), + despise, esteem, impute, lay, number, reason, reckon, suppose, think (on) .

3050 + reasonable + of the word +/ . logikos {log-ik-os'}; from 3056 + work + word + thing + words + saying + speech + reason + intent + rumour + things + a word + a shew + matter + my word + by word + account + speaker + in word + tidings + sayings + and word + The Word + my words + the word + of words + question + The word + treatise + a matter + thy word + our word + his word + in words + the work + the Word + the words + in a word + my saying + utterance + of speech + in speech + our words + his words + my sayings + his speech + his saying + him a word + their word + the matter + in my word + an account + is the word + in the word + he the word + of the word + By the word + at the word + the sayings + that saying + of the Word + by the word + not in word + But the word + him the word + you a reason + not my words + of his words + not the word + not our word + and the Word + and the word + there a fame + not his word + of utterance + And the word + Let the word + out the word + And the Word + for the word + for his word + was the Word + For the word + but the word + but my words + of the words + and his word + with his word + them thy word + are the words + and utterance + And my speech + unto the word + for the cause + that the word + we have to do + things to say + communication + for the words + and reckoneth + in thy sayings + And the saying + from the words + And their word + and his speech + not the speech + her not a word + is that saying + is not in word + for the word s + not my sayings + of his own word + of the doctrine + That the saying + of these things + of those things + and by the word + and to the word + not the sayings + things by mouth + up in the words + him in his talk + not in the words + manner of saying + For by thy words + and for the word + him in his words + unto us the word + and by thy words + as we are in word + away but my words + For the preaching + unto him the word + unto you the word + it not as the word + to pass the saying + to you is the word + him for the saying + of that by the word + he us with the word + unto you by the word + for us that the word + not unto you in word + of me and of my words + with me as concerning + manner of communications + And for me that utterance + as unto them but the word + But this cometh to pass that the word +/ ; rational ("logical"): --reasonable, of the word .

3052 + an eloquent +/ . logios {log'-ee-os}; from 3056 + work + word + thing + words + saying + speech + reason + intent + rumour + things + a word + a shew + matter + my word + by word + account + speaker + in word + tidings + sayings + and word + The Word + my words + the word + of words + question + The word + treatise + a matter + thy word + our word + his word + in words + the work + the Word + the words + in a word + my saying + utterance + of speech + in speech + our words + his words + my sayings + his speech + his saying + him a word + their word + the matter + in my word + an account + is the word + in the word + he the word + of the word + By the word + at the word + the sayings + that saying + of the Word + by the word + not in word + But the word + him the word + you a reason + not my words + of his words + not the word + not our word + and the Word + and the word + there a fame + not his word + of utterance + And the word + Let the word + out the word + And the Word + for the word + for his word + was the Word + For the word + but the word + but my words + of the words + and his word + with his word + them thy word + are the words + and utterance + And my speech + unto the word + for the cause + that the word + we have to do + things to say + communication + for the words + and reckoneth + in thy sayings + And the saying + from the words + And their word + and his speech + not the speech + her not a word + is that saying + is not in word + for the word s + not my sayings + of his own word + of the doctrine + That the saying + of these things + of those things + and by the word + and to the word + not the sayings + things by mouth + up in the words + him in his talk + not in the words + manner of saying + For by thy words + and for the word + him in his words + unto us the word + and by thy words + as we are in word + away but my words + For the preaching + unto him the word + unto you the word + it not as the word + to pass the saying + to you is the word + him for the saying + of that by the word + he us with the word + unto you by the word + for us that the word + not unto you in word + of me and of my words + with me as concerning + manner of communications + And for me that utterance + as unto them but the word + But this cometh to pass that the word +/ ; fluent, i .e . an orator: --eloquent .

3054 + not about words + that they strive +/ . logomacheo {log-om-akh-eh'-o}; from a compound of 3056 + work + word + thing + words + saying + speech + reason + intent + rumour + things + a word + a shew + matter + my word + by word + account + speaker + in word + tidings + sayings + and word + The Word + my words + the word + of words + question + The word + treatise + a matter + thy word + our word + his word + in words + the work + the Word + the words + in a word + my saying + utterance + of speech + in speech + our words + his words + my sayings + his speech + his saying + him a word + their word + the matter + in my word + an account + is the word + in the word + he the word + of the word + By the word + at the word + the sayings + that saying + of the Word + by the word + not in word + But the word + him the word + you a reason + not my words + of his words + not the word + not our word + and the Word + and the word + there a fame + not his word + of utterance + And the word + Let the word + out the word + And the Word + for the word + for his word + was the Word + For the word + but the word + but my words + of the words + and his word + with his word + them thy word + are the words + and utterance + And my speech + unto the word + for the cause + that the word + we have to do + things to say + communication + for the words + and reckoneth + in thy sayings + And the saying + from the words + And their word + and his speech + not the speech + her not a word + is that saying + is not in word + for the word s + not my sayings + of his own word + of the doctrine + That the saying + of these things + of those things + and by the word + and to the word + not the sayings + things by mouth + up in the words + him in his talk + not in the words + manner of saying + For by thy words + and for the word + him in his words + unto us the word + and by thy words + as we are in word + away but my words + For the preaching + unto him the word + unto you the word + it not as the word + to pass the saying + to you is the word + him for the saying + of that by the word + he us with the word + unto you by the word + for us that the word + not unto you in word + of me and of my words + with me as concerning + manner of communications + And for me that utterance + as unto them but the word + But this cometh to pass that the word +/ and 3164 + strove + ye fight + not strive + and to scourge + him and shall scourge + and they will scourge + And they shall scourge + himself unto them as they strove + and some of them shall ye scourge +/ ; to be disputatious (on trifles): --strive about words .

3056 + work + word + thing + words + saying + speech + reason + intent + rumour + things + a word + a shew + matter + my word + by word + account + speaker + in word + tidings + sayings + and word + The Word + my words + the word + of words + question + The word + treatise + a matter + thy word + our word + his word + in words + the work + the Word + the words + in a word + my saying + utterance + of speech + in speech + our words + his words + my sayings + his speech + his saying + him a word + their word + the matter + in my word + an account + is the word + in the word + he the word + of the word + By the word + at the word + the sayings + that saying + of the Word + by the word + not in word + But the word + him the word + you a reason + not my words + of his words + not the word + not our word + and the Word + and the word + there a fame + not his word + of utterance + And the word + Let the word + out the word + And the Word + for the word + for his word + was the Word + For the word + but the word + but my words + of the words + and his word + with his word + them thy word + are the words + and utterance + And my speech + unto the word + for the cause + that the word + we have to do + things to say + communication + for the words + and reckoneth + in thy sayings + And the saying + from the words + And their word + and his speech + not the speech + her not a word + is that saying + is not in word + for the word s + not my sayings + of his own word + of the doctrine + That the saying + of these things + of those things + and by the word + and to the word + not the sayings + things by mouth + up in the words + him in his talk + not in the words + manner of saying + For by thy words + and for the word + him in his words + unto us the word + and by thy words + as we are in word + away but my words + For the preaching + unto him the word + unto you the word + it not as the word + to pass the saying + to you is the word + him for the saying + of that by the word + he us with the word + unto you by the word + for us that the word + not unto you in word + of me and of my words + with me as concerning + manner of communications + And for me that utterance + as unto them but the word + But this cometh to pass that the word +/ . logos {log'-os}; from 3004 + bid 3004- bid 3004- say + Say + Tell + tell + said + told + saith + forth + named + I say + saith + speak + spake + called + saying + to say + we say + I call + sayest + I shew + giving + Saying + I tell + Saying + ye say + to tell + and say + it said + him say + by said + ye call + you say + I speak + He said + calleth + he said + And say + callest + I asked + sayings + I saying + as saith + They say + me saith + and said + ye speak + they say + thou say + he saith + but said + speakest + him said + speaketh + And said + boasting + He spake + had said + to speak + He saith + me saith + he spake + And saith + and I say + for I say + us saying + and spake + And I say + him saith + For I say + he that biddeth 3004- is called + She saith + they said + him I say + But I say + that said + and saith + he that biddeth 3004- is to say + they tell + They said + he that biddeth 3004- they call + And saying + And he put + him Sayest + he calleth + which said + him saying + This I say + man saying + and ye say + out saying + that saith + her saying + not to say + are spoken + him saying + for we say + But I tell + then saith + it is said + describeth + was called + are called + But ye say + and to say + For I tell + and saying + And he said + As he saith + that we say + ye that say + thou sayest + it he saith + them saying + in he saith + and he said + But I speak + For he said + Thou sayest + but I speak + he to speak + him and say + and telleth + out and say + I have told + up and said + For I speak + and I speak + And he spake + and he saith + For she said + when he said + that he said + out and said + things I say + things saith + thing to say + For he saith + day and said + I should say + But he saith + me and I say + for he saith + I do not say + and speakest + him and said + But he spake + and they say + to be called + but he saith + for they say + And they say + and speaking + of them said + And he saith + house saying + unto him Say + on him saying + But they said + things to say + And yet I say + with They say + him up saying + him They said + He that saith + him and saith + to be uttered + is he He said + unto him Tell + as they speak + us . He saith + that he spake + to him saying + him they said + And they said + that he saith + of you saying + of him saying + one that saith + them and saith + them not saith + that is to say + is he They say + that is called + him and saying + him and to say + to thee saying + a place called + ye up They say + upon me saying + that as I said + unto you I say + they shall say + out and saying + thou She saith + time and saith + unto him I say + And as he said + with me saying + with you I told + is it I He said + him but he said + which is to say + unto him saying + and thou sayest + thee . He saith + thee and sayest + which is called + things They say + upon them saith + and Peter saith + that it was said + thou me He saith + one of you saith + unto them Ye say + unto them saying + Thou that sayest + it is that saith + ones ; for I say + we ( that we say + unto them I tell + that thou sayest + to him and saith + that he had said + And Pilate saith + In that he saith + by him that said + unto him he said + Not that I speak + herself and saith + of them and saith + seed ye might say + ow that they told + him not but saith + unto him to speak + and not be called + her for she saith + unto him he saith + not that he spake + and not be called + upon him and said + it to them saying + unto him and said + him . And he said + For they that say + it . And he saith + How that they told + that he had spoken + one of them to say + with them he saith + unto him and saith + unto me and saying + But unto you I say + with them and saith + us unto thee saying + not ; and yet I say + to pass as he spake + unto him Thou sayest + their minds and said + And when he had said + on him for they said + with me ; which said + in that case he saith + them to him and saith + them unto him and said + and he that was called + down to him and saying + And there was one named + For that ye ought to say + house certain which said + things which were spoken + there be that are called + me that I should not call + him by certain which said + them that they should tell + the things which were spoken + they the things which were spoken + of the things which we have spoken +/ ; something said (including the thought); by implication a topic (subject of discourse), also reasoning (the mental faculty) or motive; by extension, a computation; specifically (with the article in John) the Divine Expression (i .e . Christ): --account, cause, communication, X concerning, doctrine, fame, X have to do, intent, matter, mouth, preaching, question, reason, + reckon, remove, say(-ing), shew, X speaker, speech, talk, thing, + none of these things move me, tidings, treatise, utterance, word, work .

3670 + confess 3670- confess 3670- is made + confess + I confess + we confess + confession + he promised + They profess + shall confess + giving thanks + will I profess + that confesseth + man did confess + And he confessed + him will I confess + and hast professed + them and confessed + thou shalt confess + not ; but confessed + they did not confess +/ . homologeo {hom-ol-og-eh'-o}; from a compound of the base of 3674 + together + There were together +/ and 3056 + work + word + thing + words + saying + speech + reason + intent + rumour + things + a word + a shew + matter + my word + by word + account + speaker + in word + tidings + sayings + and word + The Word + my words + the word + of words + question + The word + treatise + a matter + thy word + our word + his word + in words + the work + the Word + the words + in a word + my saying + utterance + of speech + in speech + our words + his words + my sayings + his speech + his saying + him a word + their word + the matter + in my word + an account + is the word + in the word + he the word + of the word + By the word + at the word + the sayings + that saying + of the Word + by the word + not in word + But the word + him the word + you a reason + not my words + of his words + not the word + not our word + and the Word + and the word + there a fame + not his word + of utterance + And the word + Let the word + out the word + And the Word + for the word + for his word + was the Word + For the word + but the word + but my words + of the words + and his word + with his word + them thy word + are the words + and utterance + And my speech + unto the word + for the cause + that the word + we have to do + things to say + communication + for the words + and reckoneth + in thy sayings + And the saying + from the words + And their word + and his speech + not the speech + her not a word + is that saying + is not in word + for the word s + not my sayings + of his own word + of the doctrine + That the saying + of these things + of those things + and by the word + and to the word + not the sayings + things by mouth + up in the words + him in his talk + not in the words + manner of saying + For by thy words + and for the word + him in his words + unto us the word + and by thy words + as we are in word + away but my words + For the preaching + unto him the word + unto you the word + it not as the word + to pass the saying + to you is the word + him for the saying + of that by the word + he us with the word + unto you by the word + for us that the word + not unto you in word + of me and of my words + with me as concerning + manner of communications + And for me that utterance + as unto them but the word + But this cometh to pass that the word +/ ; to assent, i .e . covenant, acknowledge: --con- (pro-)fess, confession is made, give thanks, promise .

3835 + crafty +/ . panougos {pan-oor'-gos}; from 3956 + all 3956- all 3956- no + man + All + all + one + any + where + Every + every + In all + is all + it all + us all + me all + to all + we all + it all + do all + it any + in all + us all + To all + of all + me all + up all + ye all + by all + always + not all + but all + Let all + for all + out all + And all + and all + But all + man all + him all + That no + For all + let all + Are all + are all + you all + him all + That all + I in all + of every + over all + When any + than all + them all + that all + They all + in every + With all + is every + have all + shall no + unto all + to every + from all + us every + thee all + upon all + In every + they all + with all + were all + of us all + us in all + Not every + For every + And every + let every + but every + the whole + as ye all + whosoever + for every + shall all + me in all + and every + be ye all + do always + as in all + is in all + Let every + But every + not every + among all + in me all + things all + Ye are all + and in all + may be all + But we all + and of all + and in all + upon every + you in all + you of all + not in all + of you all + by you all + out of all + and ye all + men in all + Not to all + and to all + Whatsoever + whatsoever + to you all + in you all + him in all + But in all + him of all + that every + up and all + he and all + are we all + ye not all + in one all + unto every + of them all + thee of all + thou in all + unto us all + me When all + him and all + than ye all + neither any + them to all + unto me all + shall every + us from all + for you all + but not all + And did all + And let all + be with all + that ye all + to them all + that we all + from me all + us with all + in than all + are not all + that in all + and for all + with us all + unto him all + ye shall all + you in every + thou and all + you with all + of the whole + for that all + for they all + thing to all + unto you all + and were all + and from all + and unto all + but that all + and to every + but by every + But in every + and upon all + For they all + And were all + And with all + And they all + are they all + how that all + out of every + unto you All + with you all + unto him All + them and all + and that all + They are all + and they all + but unto all + And the whole + of whatsoever + were they all + but we do all + of him to all + men and every + place and all + that with all + and the whole + by him in all + than they all + unto me every + with them all + we are of all + they were all + me from every + me that every + things to all + unto them All + upon them all + man and every + that in every + That in every + That they all + in you in all + for me but all + not of you all + away and every + and in you all + but was in all + and unto every + that the whole + to him and all + him out of all + me that of all + And by him all + ye have to all + there shall no + For unto every + for ye are all + for we are all + for whatsoever + For whatsoever + throughout all + by us in every + For ye are all + unto him Every + shall be to all + unto them Every + with you at all + with me and all + with me but all + unto me but all + to me and every + To him give all + ye And they all + for you for all + there should no + be with you all + for him and all + that whatsoever + and they are all + by it and by all + unto me to every + We shall not all + but we shall all + out unto him all + for we shall all + And they did all + over you and all + unto them in all + are they not all + Are they not all + that they are all + was upon them all + but that with all + and have been all + but they were all + from thee and all + thing neither any + he Ye are not all + with you that all + he among them all + and they were all + him up for us all + among them of all + And they were all + And we were in all + to pass that every + that they were all + but out of them all + For by him were all + unto you That every + together ; and every + And when we were all + For they are not all + him for they were all + things and by him all + there is not in every + And they shall be all + them which are in any + But they have not all + is the joy of you all + that they were not all + away from you with all + unto them and unto all + him and to him are all + judgment came upon all + it to them and they all + men that I might by all + unto you That unto every + unto you as it is in all + but we have been throughly + of Abraham 11 are they all + the free gift came upon all + the Father that in him should all + them that are his . And Let every + unto Abraham 11 saying In thee shall all +/ and 2041 + deeds 2041- deeds 2041- deed + work + doing + works + deeds + a work + in deed + of works + and deed + by works + and work + my works + his work + the work + his deeds + the deeds + the works + not works + his works + thy works + man s work + by my works + their works + as his work + but in deed + their deeds + of the work + is the work + in the work + to her works + me the works + by the works + for the work + man his work + and in deeds + but in works + to our works + in the works + Not by works + by the deeds + Not of works + to his works + and by works + not the work + and the work + to his deeds + not of works + of my labour + for the works + and thy works + his own works + not the works + and the works + not the works + are thy works + are the works + of their deeds + that his deeds + to their works + them the works + it be of works + with his works + and their works + and I have works + for their work s + not of the works + for by the works + how that by works + but that the works + not of their deeds + are not ye my work + as are of the works + of it that the works + and not by the works + me for the very works + not with them to the work + but as it were by the works +/ ; all-working, i .e . adroit (shrewd): --crafty .

4020 + but are busybodies +/ . periergazomai {per-ee-er-gad'-zom-ahee}; from 4012 + at + on + how + over + above + About + about + state + estate + behalf + Against + against + company + affairs + touching + out about + And about + man about + concerning + Concerning + As touching + our affairs + as touching + thee touching + them Touching + As concerning + of such manner + him concerning + and they about + And as touching + But as touching + them concerning + and his company + For as touching + thing concerning + for as concerning + things concerning + and also concerning + unto you concerning + unto him Concerning + unto them and about + things which concern + they that were about + that were hired about + the things concerning + for himself concerning + of the things pertaining + it not to you concerning + for the things concerning + When they which were about + of the things which concern +/ and 2038 + do + work + we have wrought 2038- we have wrought 2038- Labour + a work + worketh + working + to work + wrought + as trade + not work + let us do + ye commit + they work + for I work + and traded + and I work + but wrought + and to work + that worketh + dost thou work + for he worketh + him and worketh + that we might work + to him that worketh + from me ye that work + for she hath wrought + with them and wrought + that they are wrought + But to him that worketh + ye her she hath wrought + that they which minister +/ ; to work all around, i .e . bustle about (meddle): --be a busybody .

4021 + arts + curious + and busybodies +/ . periergos {per-ee'-er-gos}; from 4012 + at + on + how + over + above + About + about + state + estate + behalf + Against + against + company + affairs + touching + out about + And about + man about + concerning + Concerning + As touching + our affairs + as touching + thee touching + them Touching + As concerning + of such manner + him concerning + and they about + And as touching + But as touching + them concerning + and his company + For as touching + thing concerning + for as concerning + things concerning + and also concerning + unto you concerning + unto him Concerning + unto them and about + things which concern + they that were about + that were hired about + the things concerning + for himself concerning + of the things pertaining + it not to you concerning + for the things concerning + When they which were about + of the things which concern +/ and 2041 + deeds 2041- deeds 2041- deed + work + doing + works + deeds + a work + in deed + of works + and deed + by works + and work + my works + his work + the work + his deeds + the deeds + the works + not works + his works + thy works + man s work + by my works + their works + as his work + but in deed + their deeds + of the work + is the work + in the work + to her works + me the works + by the works + for the work + man his work + and in deeds + but in works + to our works + in the works + Not by works + by the deeds + Not of works + to his works + and by works + not the work + and the work + to his deeds + not of works + of my labour + for the works + and thy works + his own works + not the works + and the works + not the works + are thy works + are the works + of their deeds + that his deeds + to their works + them the works + it be of works + with his works + and their works + and I have works + for their work s + not of the works + for by the works + how that by works + but that the works + not of their deeds + are not ye my work + as are of the works + of it that the works + and not by the works + me for the very works + not with them to the work + but as it were by the works +/ ; working all around, i .e . officious (meddlesome, neuter plural magic): --busybody, curious arts .

4086 + words +/ . pithanologia {pith-an-ol-og-ee'-ah}; from a compound of a derivative of 3982 + Obey + waxing + trusted + persuade + but obey + believed + my trust + man trust + as obeyed + persuaded + confident + he trusted + He trusted + I will put + confidence + persuading + we persuade + But I trust + their friend + am persuaded + and persuaded + and persuading + hath persuaded + Being confident + thou persuadest + and shall assure + and am persuaded + we are persuaded + of them believed + we will persuade + to them persuaded + I have confidence + And art confident + Having confidence + having confidence + For I am persuaded + that they may obey + and I am persuaded + for I am persuaded + for us for we trust + But do not thou yield + will they be persuaded + And to him they agreed + off and were persuaded + And we have confidence + to him and having made + us for they be persuaded + that we should not trust + is it for them that trust + And when he would not be persuaded + that he hath whereof he might trust +/ and 3056 + work + word + thing + words + saying + speech + reason + intent + rumour + things + a word + a shew + matter + my word + by word + account + speaker + in word + tidings + sayings + and word + The Word + my words + the word + of words + question + The word + treatise + a matter + thy word + our word + his word + in words + the work + the Word + the words + in a word + my saying + utterance + of speech + in speech + our words + his words + my sayings + his speech + his saying + him a word + their word + the matter + in my word + an account + is the word + in the word + he the word + of the word + By the word + at the word + the sayings + that saying + of the Word + by the word + not in word + But the word + him the word + you a reason + not my words + of his words + not the word + not our word + and the Word + and the word + there a fame + not his word + of utterance + And the word + Let the word + out the word + And the Word + for the word + for his word + was the Word + For the word + but the word + but my words + of the words + and his word + with his word + them thy word + are the words + and utterance + And my speech + unto the word + for the cause + that the word + we have to do + things to say + communication + for the words + and reckoneth + in thy sayings + And the saying + from the words + And their word + and his speech + not the speech + her not a word + is that saying + is not in word + for the word s + not my sayings + of his own word + of the doctrine + That the saying + of these things + of those things + and by the word + and to the word + not the sayings + things by mouth + up in the words + him in his talk + not in the words + manner of saying + For by thy words + and for the word + him in his words + unto us the word + and by thy words + as we are in word + away but my words + For the preaching + unto him the word + unto you the word + it not as the word + to pass the saying + to you is the word + him for the saying + of that by the word + he us with the word + unto you by the word + for us that the word + not unto you in word + of me and of my words + with me as concerning + manner of communications + And for me that utterance + as unto them but the word + But this cometh to pass that the word +/ ; persuasive language: --enticing words .

4180 + speaking + for their much +/ . polulogia {pol-oo-log-ee'-ah}; from a compound of 4183 + many 4183- many 4183- For many 4183- For many 4183- oft + far + long + Much + much + many + Many + Great + great + a long + is far + of much + up many + in many + it much + me much + to much + in much + greatly + as many + a great + by many + of many + not many + and much + day many + not much + him much + for many + For many + for much + But many + And many + you much + is great + she many + him sore + out many + are many + and many + but many + were many + I greatly + and great + him great + And great + unto many + upon many + than many + that many + with many + for great + hath many + with much + them much + them Many + you great + them many + you often + is of many + with great + forth much + of a great + as of many + these many + words many + shall many + do greatly + and a great + out of many + and in much + him of many + of him many + though many + him a great + be not many + For in many + And a great + him greatly + up for many + us with much + we have many + With a great + that a great + And not many + But not long + is plenteous + Howbeit many + us with many + hand and many + for his great + we being many + And with many + them straitly + And when much + are they many + unto him many + unto him much + and unto many + not . And many + And the common + upon the great + there was much + are there many + shall be great + and altogether + things of many + thyself ; much + For out of much + for we are many + And he straitly + to his abundant + have ye not many + of him and great + unto him a great + with him and much + For we being many + shall he not much + shall we not much + how that not many + she was of a great + unto you That many + with them and many + And there was much + unto you with many + For there are many + From that time many + with him ; and much + How that in a great + for there were many + may be given by many + and with him a great + of him shall be much + unto him ; ) and many + of mind and with many + and there was a great + For we are not as many + upon us and with great + though I might be much + and had given them much + He that had gathered much + was with them and a great + unto me and there are many + bestowed upon us by the means of many +/ and 3056 + work + word + thing + words + saying + speech + reason + intent + rumour + things + a word + a shew + matter + my word + by word + account + speaker + in word + tidings + sayings + and word + The Word + my words + the word + of words + question + The word + treatise + a matter + thy word + our word + his word + in words + the work + the Word + the words + in a word + my saying + utterance + of speech + in speech + our words + his words + my sayings + his speech + his saying + him a word + their word + the matter + in my word + an account + is the word + in the word + he the word + of the word + By the word + at the word + the sayings + that saying + of the Word + by the word + not in word + But the word + him the word + you a reason + not my words + of his words + not the word + not our word + and the Word + and the word + there a fame + not his word + of utterance + And the word + Let the word + out the word + And the Word + for the word + for his word + was the Word + For the word + but the word + but my words + of the words + and his word + with his word + them thy word + are the words + and utterance + And my speech + unto the word + for the cause + that the word + we have to do + things to say + communication + for the words + and reckoneth + in thy sayings + And the saying + from the words + And their word + and his speech + not the speech + her not a word + is that saying + is not in word + for the word s + not my sayings + of his own word + of the doctrine + That the saying + of these things + of those things + and by the word + and to the word + not the sayings + things by mouth + up in the words + him in his talk + not in the words + manner of saying + For by thy words + and for the word + him in his words + unto us the word + and by thy words + as we are in word + away but my words + For the preaching + unto him the word + unto you the word + it not as the word + to pass the saying + to you is the word + him for the saying + of that by the word + he us with the word + unto you by the word + for us that the word + not unto you in word + of me and of my words + with me as concerning + manner of communications + And for me that utterance + as unto them but the word + But this cometh to pass that the word +/ ; loquacity, i .e . prolixity: --much speaking .

4229 + work + thing + things + matter + a matter + business + of things + in any matter + of the things +/ . pragma {prag'-mah}; from 4238 + do + Do + I do + doeth + to do + doest + and do + ye did + is done + that do + in me do + and to do + thou keep + which used + having done + ye shall do + of our deeds + and he doeth + not that I do + them which do + man hath done + have committed + in them that do + unto them Exact + them which commit + thing was not done + that they which do + upon him that doeth + they have committed + to that he hath done + I might have required + that he had committed + that they which commit + and they that have done +/ ; a deed; by implication, an affair; by extension, an object (material): --business, matter, thing, work .

4231 + unto them Occupy +/ . pragmateuomai {prag-mat-yoo'-om-ahee}; from 4229 + work + thing + things + matter + a matter + business + of things + in any matter + of the things +/ ; to busy oneself with, i .e . to trade: --occupy .

4333 + hath gained +/ . prosergazomai {pros-er-gad'-zom-ahee}; from 4314 + at + nigh + among + toward + within + because + whereby + against + between + me among + as about + not among + according + himself at + concerning + conditions + not against + but against + things before + but not before + they had against + of speech toward + is he that condemneth + with us for it is toward +/ and 2038 + do + work + we have wrought 2038- we have wrought 2038- Labour + a work + worketh + working + to work + wrought + as trade + not work + let us do + ye commit + they work + for I work + and traded + and I work + but wrought + and to work + that worketh + dost thou work + for he worketh + him and worketh + that we might work + to him that worketh + from me ye that work + for she hath wrought + with them and wrought + that they are wrought + But to him that worketh + ye her she hath wrought + that they which minister +/ ; to work additionally, i .e . (by implication) acquire besides: --gain .

4903 + working + wrought + together + as workers + things work + one that helpeth +/ . sunergeo {soon-erg-eh'-o}; from 4904 + together + in labour + our helper + my helpers + my workfellow + and companion + but are helpers + and fellowhelper + and fellowlabourer + my fellowlabourers + For we are labourers + are my fellowworkers + and our fellowlabourer + that we might be fellowhelpers +/ ; to be a fellow-worker, i .e . co-operate: --help (work) with, work(-er) together .

4904 + together + in labour + our helper + my helpers + my workfellow + and companion + but are helpers + and fellowhelper + and fellowlabourer + my fellowlabourers + For we are labourers + are my fellowworkers + and our fellowlabourer + that we might be fellowhelpers +/ . sunergos {soon-er-gos'}; from a presumed compound of 4862 + and beside + accompanied +/ and the base of 2041 + deeds 2041- deeds 2041- deed + work + doing + works + deeds + a work + in deed + of works + and deed + by works + and work + my works + his work + the work + his deeds + the deeds + the works + not works + his works + thy works + man s work + by my works + their works + as his work + but in deed + their deeds + of the work + is the work + in the work + to her works + me the works + by the works + for the work + man his work + and in deeds + but in works + to our works + in the works + Not by works + by the deeds + Not of works + to his works + and by works + not the work + and the work + to his deeds + not of works + of my labour + for the works + and thy works + his own works + not the works + and the works + not the works + are thy works + are the works + of their deeds + that his deeds + to their works + them the works + it be of works + with his works + and their works + and I have works + for their work s + not of the works + for by the works + how that by works + but that the works + not of their deeds + are not ye my work + as are of the works + of it that the works + and not by the works + me for the very works + not with them to the work + but as it were by the works +/ ; a co-laborer, i .e . coadjutor: --companion in labour, (fellow-)helper(-labourer, -worker), labourer together with, workfellow .

4943 + helping + together +/ . sunupourgeo {soon-oop-oorg-eh'-o}; from 4862 + and beside + accompanied +/ and a derivative of a compound of 5259 + into + under + among + as under + is under + it under + but under + are under + were under + to be under + But is under + as are under + things under + which is under + ye are not under + we are not under + them that are under + them that were under + to them that are under + out of the one part under + unto the other part under + over you for ye are not under +/ and the base of 2041 + deeds 2041- deeds 2041- deed + work + doing + works + deeds + a work + in deed + of works + and deed + by works + and work + my works + his work + the work + his deeds + the deeds + the works + not works + his works + thy works + man s work + by my works + their works + as his work + but in deed + their deeds + of the work + is the work + in the work + to her works + me the works + by the works + for the work + man his work + and in deeds + but in works + to our works + in the works + Not by works + by the deeds + Not of works + to his works + and by works + not the work + and the work + to his deeds + not of works + of my labour + for the works + and thy works + his own works + not the works + and the works + not the works + are thy works + are the works + of their deeds + that his deeds + to their works + them the works + it be of works + with his works + and their works + and I have works + for their work s + not of the works + for by the works + how that by works + but that the works + not of their deeds + are not ye my work + as are of the works + of it that the works + and not by the works + me for the very works + not with them to the work + but as it were by the works +/ ; to be a co-auxiliary, i .e . assist: --help together .

5378 + Philologus +/ . Philologos {fil-ol'-og-os}; from 5384 + friend + friends + a friend + the Friend + her friends + you friends + and friends + his friends + the friends + be a friend + For a friend + but the friend + unto him Friend + for his friends + not thy friends + with my friends + unto his friends + he is his friend + unto thee Friend + Ye are my friends + unto you my friends + unto them Our friend + which were his friends + be to thee . Our friends +/ and 3056 + work + word + thing + words + saying + speech + reason + intent + rumour + things + a word + a shew + matter + my word + by word + account + speaker + in word + tidings + sayings + and word + The Word + my words + the word + of words + question + The word + treatise + a matter + thy word + our word + his word + in words + the work + the Word + the words + in a word + my saying + utterance + of speech + in speech + our words + his words + my sayings + his speech + his saying + him a word + their word + the matter + in my word + an account + is the word + in the word + he the word + of the word + By the word + at the word + the sayings + that saying + of the Word + by the word + not in word + But the word + him the word + you a reason + not my words + of his words + not the word + not our word + and the Word + and the word + there a fame + not his word + of utterance + And the word + Let the word + out the word + And the Word + for the word + for his word + was the Word + For the word + but the word + but my words + of the words + and his word + with his word + them thy word + are the words + and utterance + And my speech + unto the word + for the cause + that the word + we have to do + things to say + communication + for the words + and reckoneth + in thy sayings + And the saying + from the words + And their word + and his speech + not the speech + her not a word + is that saying + is not in word + for the word s + not my sayings + of his own word + of the doctrine + That the saying + of these things + of those things + and by the word + and to the word + not the sayings + things by mouth + up in the words + him in his talk + not in the words + manner of saying + For by thy words + and for the word + him in his words + unto us the word + and by thy words + as we are in word + away but my words + For the preaching + unto him the word + unto you the word + it not as the word + to pass the saying + to you is the word + him for the saying + of that by the word + he us with the word + unto you by the word + for us that the word + not unto you in word + of me and of my words + with me as concerning + manner of communications + And for me that utterance + as unto them but the word + But this cometh to pass that the word +/ ; fond of words, i .e . talkative (argumentative, learned, "philological"); Philologus, a Christian: --Philologus .