swords 030 011 Eze /^{swords /against Egypt ,
and fill the land with the slain .

swords 028 007 Eze /^{swords /against the
beauty of thy wisdom , and they shall defile thy brightness .

swords 022 038 Luk /${swords /And he said unto
them , It is enough .

swords 026 047 Mat /${swords /and staves , from
the chief priests and elders of the people .

swords 014 043 Mar /${swords /and staves , from
the chief priests and the scribes and the elders .

swords 022 052 Luk /${swords /and staves ?

swords 026 055 Mat /${swords /and staves for to
take me ? I sat daily with you teaching in the temple , and ye
laid no hold on me .

swords 030 014 Pro /^{swords /and their jaw
teeth as knives , to devour the poor from off the earth , and
the needy from among men .

swords 014 048 Mar /${swords /and with staves
to take me ?

swords 003 010 Joe /^{swords /and your
pruninghooks into spears : let the weak say , I am strong .

swords 059 007 Psa /^{swords /are in their lips
: for who, say they, doth hear ?

swords 003 008 Son /^{swords /being expert in
war : every man hath his sword upon his thigh because of fear in
the night .

swords 021 015 Isa /^{swords /from the drawn
sword , and from the bent bow , and from the grievousness of war

swords 004 003 Mic /^{swords /into plowshares ,
and their spears into pruninghooks : nation shall not lift up a
sword against nation , neither shall they learn war any more.

swords 002 004 Isa /^{swords /into plowshares ,
and their spears into pruninghooks : nation shall not lift up
sword against nation , neither shall they learn war any more.

swords 032 012 Eze /^{swords /of the mighty
will I cause thy multitude to fall , the terrible of the nations
, all of them: and they shall spoil the pomp of Egypt , and all
the multitude thereof shall be destroyed .

swords 013 019 ISa /^{swords /or spears :

swords 004 013 Neh /^{swords /their spears ,
and their bows .

swords 023 047 Eze /^{swords /they shall slay
their sons and their daughters , and burn up their houses with
fire .

swords 003 026 IIKi /^{swords /to break through
even unto the king of Edom : but they could not.

swords 032 027 Eze /^{swords /under their heads
, but their iniquities shall be upon their bones , though they
were the terror of the mighty in the land of the living .

words 010 014 Ecc /^{words /a man cannot tell
what shall be; and what shall be after him, who can tell him?

words 015 007 Joh /${words /abide in you , ye
shall ask what ye will , and it shall be done unto you .

words 034 037 Job /^{words /against God .

words 035 013 Eze /^{words /against me: I have
heard them.

words 032 014 Job /^{words /against me:
neither will I answer him with your speeches .

words 006 011 Act /${words /against Moses ,
and against God .

words 007 025 Dan /^{words /against the most
High , and shall wear out the saints of the most High , and
think to change times and laws : and they shall be given into
his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time .

words 006 013 Act /${words /against this holy
place , and the law :

words 034 027 IICh /^{words /against this place
, and against the inhabitants thereof, and humbledst thyself
before me, and didst rend thy clothes , and weep before me; I
have even heard thee also, saith the LORD .

words 016 004 Job /^{words /against you, and
shake mine head at you.

words 056 005 Psa /^{words /all their thoughts
are against me for evil .

words 017 027 Pro /^{words /and a man of
understanding is of an excellent spirit .

words 017 015 ICh /^{words /and according to
all this vision , so did Nathan speak unto David .

words 007 017 IISa /^{words /and according to
all this vision , so did Nathan speak unto David .

words 012 047 Joh /${words /and believe not ,
I judge him not : for I came not to judge the world , but to
save the world .

words 001 013 Zec /^{words /and comfortable
words .

words 015 032 Act /${words /and confirmed them.

words 017 023 ISa /^{words /and David heard

words 016 018 Rom /${words /and fair speeches
deceive the hearts of the simple .

words 002 001 Pro /^{words /and hide my
commandments with thee;

words 007 022 Act /${words /and in deeds .

words 042 004 Jer /^{words /and it shall come
to pass, that whatsoever thing the LORD shall answer you, I will
declare it unto you; I will keep nothing back from you.

words 007 001 Pro /^{words /and lay up my
commandments with thee.

words 036 016 IICh /^{words /and misused his
prophets , until the wrath of the LORD arose against his people ,
till there was no remedy .

words 014 023 Joh /${words /and my Father will
love him , and we will come unto him , and make our abode with
him .

words 001 006 Zec /^{words /and my statutes ,
which I commanded my servants the prophets , did they not take
hold of your fathers ? and they returned and said , Like as the
LORD of hosts thought to do unto us, according to our ways , and
according to our doings , so hath he dealt with us.

words 018 015 Act /${words /and names , and of
your law , look ye to it; for I will be no judge of such matters.

words 001 103 Jo /${words /and not content
therewith , neither doth he himself receive the brethren , and
forbiddeth them that would , and casteth them out of the church .

words 009 040 Joh /${words /and said unto him ,
Are we blind also ?

words 025 030 Jer /^{words /and say unto them,
The LORD shall roar from on high , and utter his voice from his
holy habitation ; he shall mightily roar upon his habitation ;
he shall give a shout , as they that tread the grapes, against
all the inhabitants of the earth .

words 012 004 Dan /^{words /and seal the book ,
even to the time of the end : many shall run to and fro , and
knowledge shall be increased .

words 024 007 ISa /^{words /and suffered them
not to rise against Saul . But Saul rose up out of the cave ,
and went on his way .

words 012 010 Ecc /^{words /and that which was
written was upright , even words of truth .

words 012 011 Job /^{words /and the mouth
taste his meat ?

words 015 008 IICh /^{words /and the prophecy
of Oded the prophet , he took courage , and put away the
abominable idols out of all the land of Judah and Benjamin , and
out of the cities which he had taken from mount Ephraim , and
renewed the altar of the LORD , that was before the porch of the

words 006 026 Job /^{words /and the speeches
of one that is desperate , which are as wind ?

words 009 003 Jug /^{words /and their hearts
inclined to follow Abimelech ; for they said , He is our brother

words 016 010 Jer /^{words /and they shall say
unto thee, Wherefore hath the LORD pronounced all this great
evil against us? or what is our iniquity ? or what is our sin
that we have committed against the LORD our God ?

words 011 010 Jer /^{words /and they went
after other gods to serve them: the house of Israel and the
house of Judah have broken my covenant which I made with their
fathers .

words 038 024 Jer /^{words /and thou shalt not
die .

words 014 002 Hos /^{words /and turn to the
LORD : say unto him, Take away all iniquity , and receive us
graciously : so will we render the calves of our lips .

words 016 016 Jug /^{words /and urged him, so
that his soul was vexed unto death ;

words 001 034 Deu /^{words /and was wroth ,
and sware , saying ,

words 010 009 Dan /^{words /and when I heard
the voice of his words , then was I in a deep sleep on my face ,
and my face toward the ground .

words 026 004 Job /^{words /and whose spirit
came from thee?

words 016 024 Pro /^{words /are as an
honeycomb , sweet to the soul , and health to the bones .

words 012 009 Dan /^{words /are closed up and
sealed till the time of the end .

words 009 016 Ecc /^{words /are not heard .

words 006 003 Job /^{words /are swallowed up .

words 021 005 Rev /${words /are true and
faithful .

words 012 006 Psa /^{words /as silver tried in
a furnace of earth , purified seven times .

words 034 003 Job /^{words /as the mouth
tasteth meat .

words 002 005 ITh /${words /as ye know , nor a
cloke of covetousness ; God is witness :

words 036 017 Jer /^{words /at his mouth ?

words 011 002 Job /^{words /be answered ? and
should a man full of talk be justified ?

words 005 002 Ecc /^{words /be few .

words 012 028 Eze /^{words /be prolonged any
more, but the word which I have spoken shall be done , saith the
Lord GOD .

words 007 028 IISa /^{words /be true , and thou
hast promised this goodness unto thy servant :

words 042 020 Gen /^{words /be verified , and
ye shall not die . And they did so.

words 015 024 ISa /^{words /because I feared
the people , and obeyed their voice .

words 011 011 Jug /^{words /before the LORD in
Mizpeh .

words 020 026 Luk /${words /before the people :
and they marvelled at his answer , and held their peace .

words 050 017 Psa /^{words /behind thee.

words 023 009 Luk /${words /but he answered
him nothing .

words 010 024 Mar /${words /But Jesus
answereth again , and saith unto them , Children , how hard is
it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of
God !

words 004 012 Deu /^{words /but saw no
similitude ; only ye heard a voice .

words 033 032 Eze /^{words /but they do them

words 033 031 Eze /^{words /but they will not
do them: for with their mouth they shew much love , but their
heart goeth after their covetousness .

words 006 025 Job /^{words /but what doth your
arguing reprove ?

words 031 002 Isa /^{words /but will arise
against the house of the evildoers , and against the help of
them that work iniquity .

words 008 009 Zec /^{words /by the mouth of
the prophets , which were in the day that the foundation of the
house of the LORD of hosts was laid , that the temple might be
built .

words 006 007 Neh /^{words /Come now therefore,
and let us take counsel together .

words 013 012 Jug /^{words /come to pass . How
shall we order the child , and how shall we do unto him?

words 043 007 Gen /^{words /could we certainly
know that he would say , Bring your brother down ?

words 002 040 Act /${words /did he testify and
exhort , saying , Save yourselves from this untoward generation .

words 002 007 Mic /^{words /do good to him
that walketh uprightly ?

words 014 009 ICo /${words /easy to be
understood , how shall it be known what is spoken ? for ye shall
speak into the air .

words 006 003 ITi /${words /even the words of
our Lord Jesus Christ , and to the doctrine which is according
to godliness ;

words 032 007 Isa /^{words /even when the
needy speaketh right .

words 023 030 Jer /^{words /every one from his
neighbour .

words 003 019 ISa /^{words /fall to the ground

words 005 005 Act /${words /fell down , and
gave up the ghost : and great fear came on all them that heard
these things .

words 034 027 Exo /^{words /for after the
tenor of these words I have made a covenant with thee and with
Israel .

words 005 006 Eph /${words /for because of
these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of
disobedience .

words 141 006 Psa /^{words /for they are sweet

words 009 008 Neh /^{words /for thou art
righteous :

words 029 019 Pro /^{words /for though he
understand he will not answer .

words 119 013 Psa /^{words /giveth light ; it
giveth understanding unto the simple .

words 015 013 Job /^{words /go out of thy
mouth ?

words 044 007 Gen /^{words /God forbid that
thy servants should do according to this thing :

words 036 012 Isa /^{words /hath he not sent
me to the men that sit upon the wall , that they may eat their
own dung , and drink their own piss with you?

words 018 027 IIKi /^{words /hath he not sent
me to the men which sit on the wall , that they may eat their
own dung , and drink their own piss with you?

words 012 048 Joh /${words /hath one that
judgeth him : the word that I have spoken , the same shall judge
him in the last day .

words 016 003 Job /^{words /have an end ? or
what emboldeneth thee that thou answerest ?

words 003 013 Mal /^{words /have been stout
against me, saith the LORD . Yet ye say , What have we spoken so
much against thee?

words 004 004 Job /^{words /have upholden him
that was falling , and thou hast strengthened the feeble knees .

words 001 016 Jud /${words /having men's
persons in admiration because of advantage .

words 018 001 Joh /${words /he went forth with
his disciples over the brook Cedron , where was a garden , into
the which he entered , and his disciples .

words 044 010 Gen /^{words /he with whom it is
found shall be my servant ; and ye shall be blameless .

words 024 052 Gen /^{words /he worshipped the
LORD , bowing himself to the earth .

words 032 011 Job /^{words /I gave ear to your
reasons , whilst ye searched out what to say .

words 034 027 Exo /^{words /I have made a
covenant with thee and with Israel .

words 022 005 Jer /^{words /I swear by myself,
saith the LORD , that this house shall become a desolation .

words 012 006 Num /^{words /If there be a
prophet among you, I the LORD will make myself known unto him in
a vision , and will speak unto him in a dream .

words 045 001 Jer /^{words /in a book at the
mouth of Jeremiah , in the fourth year of Jehoiakim the son of
Josiah king of Judah , saying ,

words 001 018 Jos /^{words /in all that thou
commandest him, he shall be put to death : only be strong and of
a good courage .

words 014 019 ICo /${words /in an unknown
tongue .

words 014 003 IISa /^{words /in her mouth .

words 021 012 ISa /^{words /in his heart , and
was sore afraid of Achish the king of Gath .

words 004 015 Exo /^{words /in his mouth : and
I will be with thy mouth , and with his mouth , and will teach
you what ye shall do .

words 018 018 Deu /^{words /in his mouth ; and
he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.

words 029 023 Jer /^{words /in my name , which
I have not commanded them; even I know , and am a witness ,
saith the LORD .

words 033 005 Job /^{words /in order before me,
stand up .

words 027 026 Jos /^{words /in the book of the
law of God , and took a great stone , and set it up there under
an oak , that was by the sanctuary of the LORD .

words 011 006 Jer /^{words /in the cities of
Judah , and in the streets of Jerusalem , saying , Hear ye the
words of this covenant , and do them.

words 018 023 ISa /^{words /in the ears of
David . And David said , Seemeth it to you a light thing to be a
king's son in law , seeing that I am a poor man , and lightly
esteemed ?

words 036 020 Jer /^{words /in the ears of the
king .

words 026 007 Jer /^{words /in the house of
the LORD .

words 014 019 IISa /^{words /in the mouth of
thine handmaid :

words 025 009 ISa /^{words /in the name of
David , and ceased .

words 031 028 Deu /^{words /in their ears ,
and call heaven and earth to record against them.

words 022 022 Job /^{words /in thine heart .

words 008 038 Mar /${words /in this adulterous
and sinful generation ; of him also shall the Son of man be
ashamed , when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the
holy angels .

words 051 016 Isa /^{words /in thy mouth , and
I have covered thee in the shadow of mine hand , that I may
plant the heavens , and lay the foundations of the earth , and
say unto Zion , Thou art my people .

words 001 009 Jer /^{words /in thy mouth .

words 005 014 Jer /^{words /in thy mouth fire ,
and this people wood , and it shall devour them.

words 026 015 Jer /^{words /in your ears .

words 011 018 Deu /^{words /in your heart and
in your soul , and bind them for a sign upon your hand , that
they may be as frontlets between your eyes .

words 004 020 Pro /^{words /incline thine ear
unto my sayings .

words 018 026 ISa /^{words /it pleased David
well to be the king's son in law : and the days were not expired

words 002 022 Act /${words /Jesus of Nazareth ,
a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and
signs , which God did by him in the midst of you , as ye
yourselves also know :

words 004 004 Pro /^{words /keep my
commandments , and live .

words 030 006 Pro /^{words /lest he reprove
thee, and thou be found a liar .

words 001 017 ICo /${words /lest the cross of
Christ should be made of none effect .

words 010 006 Dan /^{words /like the voice of
a multitude .

words 003 012 IKi /^{words /lo, I have given
thee a wise and an understanding heart ; so that there was none
like thee before thee, neither after thee shall any arise like
unto thee.

words 002 003 IIPe /${words /make merchandise
of you : whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not , and
their damnation slumbereth not .

words 008 030 Joh /${words /many believed on
him .

words 018 002 Job /^{words /mark , and
afterwards we will speak .

words 042 016 Gen /^{words /may be proved ,
whether there be any truth in you: or else by the life of
Pharaoh surely ye are spies .

words 013 042 Act /${words /might be preached
to them the next sabbath .

words 002 006 Eze /^{words /nor be dismayed at
their looks , though they be a rebellious house .

words 006 019 Jer /^{words /nor to my law ,
but rejected it.

words 005 001 Psa /^{words /O LORD , consider
my meditation .

words 052 004 Psa /^{words /O thou deceitful
tongue .

words 034 002 Job /^{words /O ye wise men; and
give ear unto me, ye that have knowledge .

words 029 011 Isa /^{words /of a book that is
sealed , which men deliver to one that is learned , saying ,
Read this, I pray thee: and he saith , I cannot ; for it is
sealed :

words 018 004 Pro /^{words /of a man's mouth
are as deep waters , and the wellspring of wisdom as a flowing
brook .

words 026 022 Pro /^{words /of a talebearer
are as wounds , and they go down into the innermost parts of the
belly .

words 018 008 Pro /^{words /of a talebearer
are as wounds , and they go down into the innermost parts of the
belly .

words 010 012 Ecc /^{words /of a wise man's
mouth are gracious ; but the lips of a fool will swallow up

words 030 001 Pro /^{words /of Agur the son of
Jakeh , even the prophecy : the man spake unto Ithiel , even
unto Ithiel and Ucal ,

words 001 001 Amo /^{words /of Amos , who was
among the herdmen of Tekoa , which he saw concerning Israel in
the days of Uzziah king of Judah , and in the days of Jeroboam
the son of Joash king of Israel , two years before the
earthquake .

words 022 007 Num /^{words /of Balak .

words 007 001 Psa /^{words /of Cush the
Benjamite .>> O LORD my God , in thee do I put my trust : save
me from all them that persecute me, and deliver me:

words 029 030 IICh /^{words /of David , and of
Asaph the seer . And they sang praises with gladness , and they
bowed their heads and worshipped .

words 023 001 IISa /^{words /of David . David
the son of Jesse said , and the man who was raised up on high ,
the anointed of the God of Jacob , and the sweet psalmist of
Israel , said ,

words 023 027 ICh /^{words /of David the
Levites were numbered from twenty years old and above :

words 003 004 Luk /${words /of Esaias the
prophet , saying , The voice of one crying in the wilderness ,
Prepare ye the way of the Lord , make his paths straight .

words 027 042 Gen /^{words /of Esau her elder
son were told to Rebekah : and she sent and called Jacob her
younger son , and said unto him, Behold, thy brother Esau , as
touching thee, doth comfort himself, purposing to kill thee.

words 006 068 Joh /${words /of eternal life .

words 004 006 ITi /${words /of faith and of
good doctrine , whereunto thou hast attained .

words 059 013 Isa /^{words /of falsehood .

words 009 030 Jug /^{words /of Gaal the son of
Ebed , his anger was kindled .

words 107 011 Psa /^{words /of God , and
contemned the counsel of the most High :

words 024 016 Num /^{words /of God , and knew
the knowledge of the most High , which saw the vision of the
Almighty , falling into a trance, but having his eyes open :

words 025 005 ICh /^{words /of God , to lift
up the horn . And God gave to Heman fourteen sons and three
daughters .

words 024 004 Num /^{words /of God , which saw
the vision of the Almighty , falling into a trance, but having
his eyes open :

words 003 034 Joh /${words /of God : for God
giveth not the Spirit by measure unto him.

words 017 017 Rev /${words /of God shall be
fulfilled .

words 001 012 Hag /^{words /of Haggai the
prophet , as the LORD their God had sent him, and the people did
fear before the LORD .

words 109 003 Psa /^{words /of hatred ; and
fought against me without a cause .

words 032 008 IICh /^{words /of Hezekiah king
of Judah .

words 009 026 Luk /${words /of him shall the
Son of man be ashamed , when he shall come in his own glory ,
and in his Father's , and of the holy angels .

words 010 021 Joh /${words /of him that hath a
devil . Can a devil open the eyes of the blind ?

words 027 034 Gen /^{words /of his father , he
cried with a great and exceeding bitter cry , and said unto his
father , Bless me, even me also, O my father .

words 023 009 Jer /^{words /of his holiness .

words 036 003 Psa /^{words /of his mouth are
iniquity and deceit : he hath left off to be wise , and to do
good .

words 010 013 Ecc /^{words /of his mouth is
foolishness : and the end of his talk is mischievous madness .

words 023 012 Job /^{words /of his mouth more
than my necessary food.

words 055 021 Psa /^{words /of his mouth were
smoother than butter , but war was in his heart : his words were
softer than oil , yet were they drawn swords .

words 026 019 ISa /^{words /of his servant .
If the LORD have stirred thee up against me, let him accept an
offering : but if they be the children of men , cursed be they
before the LORD ; for they have driven me out this day from
abiding in the inheritance of the LORD , saying , Go , serve
other gods .

words 039 019 Gen /^{words /of his wife ,
which she spake unto him, saying , After this manner did thy
servant to me; that his wrath was kindled .

words 003 008 IISa /^{words /of Ishbosheth ,
and said , Am I a dog's head , which against Judah do shew
kindness this day unto the house of Saul thy father , to his
brethren , and to his friends , and have not delivered thee into
the hand of David , that thou chargest me to day with a fault
concerning this woman ?

words 011 028 Jug /^{words /of Jephthah which
he sent him.

words 051 064 Jer /^{words /of Jeremiah .

words 026 020 Jer /^{words /of Jeremiah :

words 036 010 Jer /^{words /of Jeremiah in the
house of the LORD , in the chamber of Gemariah the son of
Shaphan the scribe , in the higher court , at the entry of the
new gate of the LORD'S house , in the ears of all the people .

words 001 001 Jer /^{words /of Jeremiah the
son of Hilkiah , of the priests that were in Anathoth in the
land of Benjamin :

words 031 040 Job /^{words /of Job are ended .

words 035 014 Jer /^{words /of Jonadab the son
of Rechab , that he commanded his sons not to drink wine , are
performed ; for unto this day they drink none, but obey their
father's commandment : notwithstanding I have spoken unto you,
rising early and speaking ; but ye hearkened not unto me.

words 045 027 Gen /^{words /of Joseph , which
he had said unto them: and when he saw the wagons which Joseph
had sent to carry him, the spirit of Jacob their father revived :

words 031 001 Pro /^{words /of king Lemuel ,
the prophecy that his mother taught him.

words 019 027 Pro /^{words /of knowledge .

words 023 012 Pro /^{words /of knowledge .

words 031 001 Gen /^{words /of Laban's sons ,
saying , Jacob hath taken away all that was our father's ; and
of that which was our father's hath he gotten all this glory .

words 002 004 ICo /${words /of man's wisdom ,
but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power :

words 004 009 Est /^{words /of Mordecai .

words 044 024 Gen /^{words /of my lord .

words 019 014 Psa /^{words /of my mouth , and
the meditation of my heart , be acceptable in thy sight , O LORD
, my strength , and my redeemer .

words 054 002 Psa /^{words /of my mouth .

words 005 007 Pro /^{words /of my mouth .

words 004 005 Pro /^{words /of my mouth .

words 078 001 Psa /^{words /of my mouth .

words 032 001 Deu /^{words /of my mouth .

words 007 024 Pro /^{words /of my mouth .

words 006 005 Hos /^{words /of my mouth : and
thy judgments are as the light that goeth forth .

words 008 008 Pro /^{words /of my mouth are in
righteousness ; there is nothing froward or perverse in them.

words 022 001 Psa /^{words /of my roaring ?

words 026 005 Jer /^{words /of my servants the
prophets , whom I sent unto you, both rising up early , and
sending them, but ye have not hearkened ;

words 035 022 IICh /^{words /of Necho from the
mouth of God , and came to fight in the valley of Megiddo .

words 001 001 Neh /^{words /of Nehemiah the
son of Hachaliah . And it came to pass in the month Chisleu , in
the twentieth year , as I was in Shushan the palace ,

words 006 003 ITi /${words /of our Lord Jesus
Christ , and to the doctrine which is according to godliness ;

words 002 026 Deu /^{words /of peace , saying ,

words 009 030 Est /^{words /of peace and truth

words 037 004 Isa /^{words /of Rabshakeh ,
whom the king of Assyria his master hath sent to reproach the
living God , and will reprove the words which the LORD thy God
hath heard : wherefore lift up thy prayer for the remnant that
is left .

words 019 004 IIKi /^{words /of Rabshakeh ,
whom the king of Assyria his master hath sent to reproach the
living God ; and will reprove the words which the LORD thy God
hath heard : wherefore lift up thy prayer for the remnant that
are left .

words 036 022 Isa /^{words /of Rabshakeh .

words 018 037 IIKi /^{words /of Rabshakeh .

words 024 030 Gen /^{words /of Rebekah his
sister , saying , Thus spake the man unto me; that he came unto
the man ; and, behold, he stood by the camels at the well .

words 028 020 ISa /^{words /of Samuel : and
there was no strength in him; for he had eaten no bread all the
day , nor all the night .

words 019 016 IIKi /^{words /of Sennacherib ,
which hath sent him to reproach the living God .

words 037 017 Isa /^{words /of Sennacherib ,
which hath sent to reproach the living God .

words 005 007 IKi /^{words /of Solomon , that
he rejoiced greatly , and said , Blessed be the LORD this day ,
which hath given unto David a wise son over this great people .

words 013 003 Deu /^{words /of that prophet ,
or that dreamer of dreams : for the LORD your God proveth you,
to know whether ye love the LORD your God with all your heart
and with all your soul .

words 029 018 Isa /^{words /of the book , and
the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity , and out of
darkness .

words 034 030 IICh /^{words /of the book of the
covenant that was found in the house of the LORD .

words 023 002 IIKi /^{words /of the book of the
covenant which was found in the house of the LORD .

words 022 011 IIKi /^{words /of the book of the
law , that he rent his clothes .

words 022 019 Rev /${words /of the book of
this prophecy , God shall take away his part out of the book of
life , and out of the holy city , and from the things which are
written in this book .

words 034 021 IICh /^{words /of the book that
is found : for great is the wrath of the LORD that is poured out
upon us, because our fathers have not kept the word of the LORD ,
to do after all that is written in this book .

words 036 032 Jer /^{words /of the book which
Jehoiakim king of Judah had burned in the fire : and there were
added besides unto them many like words .

words 022 016 IIKi /^{words /of the book which
the king of Judah hath read :

words 007 011 Ezr /^{words /of the
commandments of the LORD , and of his statutes to Israel .

words 034 028 Exo /^{words /of the covenant ,
the ten commandments .

words 029 001 Deu /^{words /of the covenant ,
which the LORD commanded Moses to make with the children of
Israel in the land of Moab , beside the covenant which he made
with them in Horeb .

words 034 031 IICh /^{words /of the covenant
which are written in this book .

words 034 018 Jer /^{words /of the covenant
which they had made before me, when they cut the calf in twain ,
and passed between the parts thereof,

words 009 004 Ezr /^{words /of the God of
Israel , because of the transgression of those that had been
carried away ; and I sat astonied until the evening sacrifice .

words 036 013 Isa /^{words /of the great king ,
the king of Assyria .

words 006 010 Job /^{words /of the Holy One .

words 005 010 Dan /^{words /of the king and
his lords , came into the banquet house : and the queen spake
and said , O king , live for ever : let not thy thoughts trouble
thee, nor let thy countenance be changed :

words 034 019 IICh /^{words /of the law , that
he rent his clothes .

words 008 034 Jos /^{words /of the law , the
blessings and cursings , according to all that is written in the
book of the law .

words 008 009 Neh /^{words /of the law .

words 008 013 Neh /^{words /of the law .

words 023 024 IIKi /^{words /of the law which
were written in the book that Hilkiah the priest found in the
house of the LORD .

words 029 001 Jer /^{words /of the letter that
Jeremiah the prophet sent from Jerusalem unto the residue of the
elders which were carried away captives , and to the priests ,
and to the prophets , and to all the people whom Nebuchadnezzar
had carried away captive from Jerusalem to Babylon ;

words 023 036 Jer /^{words /of the living God ,
of the LORD of hosts our God .

words 036 011 Jer /^{words /of the LORD ,

words 024 003 Exo /^{words /of the LORD , and
all the judgments : and all the people answered with one voice ,
and said , All the words which the LORD hath said will we do .

words 011 024 Num /^{words /of the LORD , and
gathered the seventy men of the elders of the people , and set
them round about the tabernacle .

words 011 004 IICh /^{words /of the LORD , and
returned from going against Jeroboam .

words 024 004 Exo /^{words /of the LORD , and
rose up early in the morning , and builded an altar under the
hill , and twelve pillars , according to the twelve tribes of
Israel .

words 029 015 IICh /^{words /of the LORD , to
cleanse the house of the LORD .

words 036 004 Jer /^{words /of the LORD ,
which he had spoken unto him, upon a roll of a book .

words 037 002 Jer /^{words /of the LORD ,
which he spake by the prophet Jeremiah .

words 015 001 ISa /^{words /of the LORD .

words 008 011 Amo /^{words /of the LORD :

words 012 006 Psa /^{words /of the LORD are
pure words : as silver tried in a furnace of earth , purified
seven times .

words 036 006 Jer /^{words /of the LORD in the
ears of the people in the LORD'S house upon the fasting day :
and also thou shalt read them in the ears of all Judah that come
out of their cities .

words 036 008 Jer /^{words /of the LORD in the
LORD'S house .

words 020 035 Act /${words /of the Lord Jesus ,
how he said , It is more blessed to give than to receive .

words 043 001 Jer /^{words /of the LORD their
God , for which the LORD their God had sent him to them, even
all these words ,

words 008 010 ISa /^{words /of the LORD unto
the people that asked of him a king .

words 027 027 Jos /^{words /of the LORD which
he spake unto us: it shall be therefore a witness unto you, lest
ye deny your God .

words 004 028 Exo /^{words /of the LORD who
had sent him, and all the signs which he had commanded him.

words 003 009 Jos /^{words /of the LORD your
God .

words 019 043 IISa /^{words /of the men of
Israel .

words 019 043 IISa /^{words /of the men of
Judah were fiercer than the words of the men of Israel .

words 008 021 ISa /^{words /of the people ,
and he rehearsed them in the ears of the LORD .

words 019 009 Exo /^{words /of the people unto
the LORD .

words 019 008 Exo /^{words /of the people unto
the LORD .

words 017 011 ISa /^{words /of the Philistine ,
they were dismayed , and greatly afraid .

words 001 001 Ecc /^{words /of the Preacher ,
the son of David , king in Jerusalem .

words 022 018 Rev /${words /of the prophecy of
this book , If any man shall add unto these things , God shall
add unto him the plagues that are written in this book :

words 015 015 Act /${words /of the prophets ;
as it is written ,

words 018 012 IICh /^{words /of the prophets
declare good to the king with one assent ; let thy word
therefore, I pray thee, be like one of theirs, and speak thou
good .

words 022 013 IKi /^{words /of the prophets
declare good unto the king with one mouth : let thy word , I
pray thee, be like the word of one of them, and speak that which
is good .

words 023 016 Jer /^{words /of the prophets
that prophesy unto you: they make you vain : they speak a vision
of their own heart , and not out of the mouth of the LORD .

words 027 014 Jer /^{words /of the prophets
that speak unto you, saying , Ye shall not serve the king of
Babylon : for they prophesy a lie unto you.

words 015 026 Pro /^{words /of the pure are
pleasant words .

words 023 008 Exo /^{words /of the righteous .

words 016 019 Deu /^{words /of the righteous .

words 033 018 IICh /^{words /of the seers that
spake to him in the name of the LORD God of Israel , behold,
they are written in the book of the kings of Israel .

words 022 012 Pro /^{words /of the
transgressor .

words 012 006 Pro /^{words /of the wicked are
to lie in wait for blood : but the mouth of the upright shall
deliver them.

words 022 017 Pro /^{words /of the wise , and
apply thine heart unto my knowledge .

words 001 006 Pro /^{words /of the wise , and
their dark sayings .

words 012 011 Ecc /^{words /of the wise are as
goads , and as nails fastened by the masters of assemblies ,
which are given from one shepherd .

words 006 030 IIKi /^{words /of the woman ,
that he rent his clothes ; and he passed by upon the wall , and
the people looked , and, behold, he had sackcloth within upon
his flesh .

words 010 022 Act /${words /of thee .

words 059 012 Psa /^{words /of their lips let
them even be taken in their pride : and for cursing and lying
which they speak .

words 025 024 ISa /^{words /of thine handmaid .

words 020 017 IISa /^{words /of thine handmaid .
And he answered , I do hear .

words 022 013 IIKi /^{words /of this book , to
do according unto all that which is written concerning us.

words 022 013 IIKi /^{words /of this book that
is found : for great is the wrath of the LORD that is kindled
against us, because our fathers have not hearkened unto the
words of this book , to do according unto all that which is
written concerning us.

words 011 003 Jer /^{words /of this covenant ,

words 029 009 Deu /^{words /of this covenant ,
and do them, that ye may prosper in all that ye do .

words 011 006 Jer /^{words /of this covenant ,
and do them.

words 011 002 Jer /^{words /of this covenant ,
and speak unto the men of Judah , and to the inhabitants of
Jerusalem ;

words 011 008 Jer /^{words /of this covenant ,
which I commanded them to do ; but they did them not.

words 023 003 IIKi /^{words /of this covenant
that were written in this book . And all the people stood to the
covenant .

words 029 019 Deu /^{words /of this curse ,
that he bless himself in his heart , saying , I shall have peace
, though I walk in the imagination of mine heart , to add
drunkenness to thirst :

words 027 003 Deu /^{words /of this law , when
thou art passed over , that thou mayest go in unto the land
which the LORD thy God giveth thee, a land that floweth with
milk and honey ; as the LORD God of thy fathers hath promised

words 032 046 Deu /^{words /of this law .

words 029 029 Deu /^{words /of this law .

words 031 012 Deu /^{words /of this law :

words 017 019 Deu /^{words /of this law and
these statutes , to do them:

words 031 024 Deu /^{words /of this law in a
book , until they were finished ,

words 028 058 Deu /^{words /of this law that
are written in this book , that thou mayest fear this glorious
and fearful name , THE LORD THY GOD ;

words 027 026 Deu /^{words /of this law to do
them. And all the people shall say , Amen .

words 027 008 Deu /^{words /of this law very
plainly .

words 009 026 Est /^{words /of this letter ,
and of that which they had seen concerning this matter , and
which had come unto them,

words 005 020 Act /${words /of this life .

words 005 028 Deu /^{words /of this people ,
which they have spoken unto thee: they have well said all that
they have spoken .

words 001 003 Rev /${words /of this prophecy ,
and keep those things which are written therein : for the time
is at hand .

words 031 030 Deu /^{words /of this song ,
until they were ended .

words 018 001 Psa /^{words /of this song in
the day that the LORD delivered him from the hand of all his
enemies , and from the hand of Saul : And he said ,>> I will
love thee, O LORD , my strength .

words 022 001 IISa /^{words /of this song in
the day that the LORD had delivered him out of the hand of all
his enemies , and out of the hand of Saul :

words 032 044 Deu /^{words /of this song in
the ears of the people , he, and Hoshea the son of Nun .

words 006 002 Pro /^{words /of thy mouth ,
thou art taken with the words of thy mouth .

words 006 002 Pro /^{words /of thy mouth .

words 138 004 Psa /^{words /of thy mouth .

words 008 002 Job /^{words /of thy mouth be
like a strong wind ?

words 012 010 Ecc /^{words /of truth .

words 022 021 Pro /^{words /of truth ; that
thou mightest answer the words of truth to them that send unto

words 026 025 Act /${words /of truth and
soberness .

words 022 021 Pro /^{words /of truth to them
that send unto thee?

words 001 002 Pro /^{words /of understanding ;

words 002 018 IIPe /${words /of vanity , they
allure through the lusts of the flesh , through much wantonness ,
those that were clean escaped from them who live in error .

words 009 017 Ecc /^{words /of wise men are
heard in quiet more than the cry of him that ruleth among fools .

words 027 016 Jer /^{words /of your prophets
that prophesy unto you, saying , Behold, the vessels of the
LORD'S house shall now shortly be brought again from Babylon :
for they prophesy a lie unto you.

words 004 036 Deu /^{words /out of the midst
of the fire .

words 008 010 Job /^{words /out of their heart

words 034 018 Gen /^{words /pleased Hamor ,
and Shechem Hamor's son .

words 029 019 Jer /^{words /saith the LORD ,
which I sent unto them by my servants the prophets , rising up
early and sending them; but ye would not hear , saith the LORD .

words 035 013 Jer /^{words /saith the LORD .

words 020 001 Exo /^{words /saying ,

words 024 009 ISa /^{words /saying , Behold,
David seeketh thy hurt ?

words 027 012 Jer /^{words /saying , Bring
your necks under the yoke of the king of Babylon , and serve him
and his people , and live .

words 039 017 Gen /^{words /saying , The
Hebrew servant , which thou hast brought unto us, came in unto
me to mock me:

words 007 004 Jer /^{words /saying , The
temple of the LORD , The temple of the LORD , The temple of the
LORD , are these.

words 001 021 Pro /^{words /saying,

words 033 008 Job /^{words /saying,

words 024 011 Luk /${words /seemed to them as
idle tales , and they believed them not .

words 033 003 Job /^{words /shall be of the
uprightness of my heart : and my lips shall utter knowledge
clearly .

words 036 004 Job /^{words /shall not be false
: he that is perfect in knowledge is with thee.

words 013 031 Mar /${words /shall not pass
away .

words 021 033 Luk /${words /shall not pass
away .

words 024 035 Mat /${words /shall not pass
away .

words 044 028 Jer /^{words /shall stand , mine,
or theirs.

words 044 029 Jer /^{words /shall surely stand
against you for evil :

words 002 021 Jos /^{words /so be it. And she
sent them away , and they departed : and she bound the scarlet
line in the window .

words 009 022 Joh /${words /spake his parents ,
because they feared the Jews : for the Jews had agreed already ,
that if any man did confess that he was Christ , he should be
put out of the synagogue .

words 017 001 Joh /${words /spake Jesus , and
lifted up his eyes to heaven , and said , Father , the hour is
come ; glorify thy Son , that thy Son also may glorify thee :

words 008 020 Joh /${words /spake Jesus in the
treasury , as he taught in the temple : and no man laid hands on
him ; for his hour was not yet come .

words 015 001 Pro /^{words /stir up anger .

words 015 024 Act /${words /subverting your
souls , saying , Ye must be circumcised , and keep the law : to
whom we gave no such commandment :

words 010 004 Hos /^{words /swearing falsely
in making a covenant : thus judgment springeth up as hemlock in
the furrows of the field .

words 007 021 Ecc /^{words /that are spoken ;
lest thou hear thy servant curse thee:

words 051 060 Jer /^{words /that are written
against Babylon .

words 007 008 Jer /^{words /that cannot profit

words 036 013 Jer /^{words /that he had heard ,
when Baruch read the book in the ears of the people .

words 002 018 Neh /^{words /that he had spoken
unto me. And they said , Let us rise up and build . So they
strengthened their hands for this good work.

words 021 027 IKi /^{words /that he rent his
clothes , and put sackcloth upon his flesh , and fasted , and
lay in sackcloth , and went softly .

words 026 002 Jer /^{words /that I command
thee to speak unto them; diminish not a word :

words 036 002 Jer /^{words /that I have spoken
unto thee against Israel , and against Judah , and against all
the nations , from the day I spake unto thee, from the days of
Josiah , even unto this day .

words 030 002 Jer /^{words /that I have spoken
unto thee in a book .

words 001 004 Neh /^{words /that I sat down
and wept , and mourned certain days , and fasted , and prayed
before the God of heaven ,

words 003 010 Eze /^{words /that I shall speak
unto thee receive in thine heart , and hear with thine ears .

words 019 002 Jer /^{words /that I shall tell

words 010 011 Dan /^{words /that I speak unto
thee, and stand upright : for unto thee am I now sent . And when
he had spoken this word unto me, I stood trembling .

words 006 063 Joh /${words /that I speak unto
you , they are spirit , and they are life .

words 014 010 Joh /${words /that I speak unto
you I speak not of myself : but the Father that dwelleth in me ,
he doeth the works .

words 038 001 Jer /^{words /that Jeremiah had
spoken unto all the people , saying ,

words 020 020 Luk /${words /that so they might
deliver him unto the power and authority of the governor .

words 022 030 Jos /^{words /that the children
of Reuben and the children of Gad and the children of Manasseh
spake , it pleased them.

words 016 031 Num /^{words /that the ground
clave asunder that was under them:

words 038 027 Jer /^{words /that the king had
commanded . So they left off speaking with him; for the matter
was not perceived .

words 030 004 Jer /^{words /that the LORD
spake concerning Israel and concerning Judah .

words 004 010 Deu /^{words /that they may
learn to fear me all the days that they shall live upon the
earth , and that they may teach their children .

words 037 006 Isa /^{words /that thou hast
heard , wherewith the servants of the king of Assyria have
blasphemed me.

words 006 012 IIKi /^{words /that thou speakest
in thy bedchamber .

words 008 012 Neh /^{words /that were declared
unto them.

words 036 028 Jer /^{words /that were in the
first roll , which Jehoiakim the king of Judah hath burned .

words 034 001 Exo /^{words /that were in the
first tables , which thou brakest .

words 010 002 Deu /^{words /that were in the
first tables which thou brakest , and thou shalt put them in the
ark .

words 026 012 Jer /^{words /that ye have heard

words 010 044 Act /${words /the Holy Ghost
fell on all them which heard the word .

words 028 029 Act /${words /the Jews departed ,
and had great reasoning among themselves .

words 026 021 Jer /^{words /the king sought to
put him to death : but when Urijah heard it, he was afraid , and
fled , and went into Egypt ;

words 005 022 Deu /^{words /the LORD spake
unto all your assembly in the mount out of the midst of the fire
, of the cloud , and of the thick darkness , with a great voice :
and he added no more . And he wrote them in two tables of stone
, and delivered them unto me.

words 023 022 Jer /^{words /then they should
have turned them from their evil way , and from the evil of
their doings .

words 010 009 Dan /^{words /then was I in a
deep sleep on my face , and my face toward the ground .

words 005 007 Ecc /^{words /there are also
divers vanities : but fear thou God .

words 029 020 Pro /^{words /there is more hope
of a fool than of him.

words 010 019 Pro /^{words /there wanteth not
sin : but he that refraineth his lips is wise .

words 022 022 Mat /${words /they marvelled ,
and left him , and went their way .

words 106 012 Psa /^{words /they sang his
praise .

words 029 022 Job /^{words /they spake not
again ; and my speech dropped upon them.

words 036 016 Jer /^{words /they were afraid
both one and other , and said unto Baruch , We will surely tell
the king of all these words .

words 003 006 Eze /^{words /thou canst not
understand . Surely, had I sent thee to them, they would have
hearkened unto thee.

words 012 037 Mat /${words /thou shalt be
condemned .

words 012 037 Mat /${words /thou shalt be
justified , and by thy words thou shalt be condemned .

words 002 006 Eze /^{words /though briers and
thorns be with thee, and thou dost dwell among scorpions : be
not afraid of their words , nor be dismayed at their looks ,
though they be a rebellious house .

words 032 045 Deu /^{words /to all Israel :

words 006 019 Neh /^{words /to him. And Tobiah
sent letters to put me in fear .

words 002 014 IITi /${words /to no profit , but
to the subverting of the hearers .

words 009 014 Job /^{words /to reason with him?

words 002 009 Dan /^{words /to speak before me,
till the time be changed : therefore tell me the dream , and I
shall know that ye can shew me the interpretation thereof.

words 019 004 Psa /^{words /to the end of the
world . In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun ,

words 012 007 IKi /^{words /to them, then they
will be thy servants for ever .

words 010 007 IICh /^{words /to them, they will
be thy servants for ever .

words 003 012 Jer /^{words /toward the north ,
and say , Return , thou backsliding Israel , saith the LORD ;
and I will not cause mine anger to fall upon you: for I am
merciful , saith the LORD , and I will not keep anger for ever .

words 010 007 IKi /^{words /until I came , and
mine eyes had seen it: and, behold, the half was not told me:
thy wisdom and prosperity exceedeth the fame which I heard .

words 009 006 IICh /^{words /until I came , and
mine eyes had seen it: and, behold, the one half of the
greatness of thy wisdom was not told me: for thou exceedest the
fame that I heard .

words 031 001 Deu /^{words /unto all Israel .

words 002 004 Jug /^{words /unto all the
children of Israel , that the people lifted up their voice , and
wept .

words 042 007 Job /^{words /unto Job , the
LORD said to Eliphaz the Temanite , My wrath is kindled against
thee, and against thy two friends : for ye have not spoken of me
the thing that is right , as my servant Job hath.

words 036 018 Jer /^{words /unto me with his
mouth , and I wrote them with ink in the book .

words 010 015 Dan /^{words /unto me, I set my
face toward the ground , and I became dumb .

words 119 010 Psa /^{words /unto my taste !
yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth !

words 024 016 ISa /^{words /unto Saul , that
Saul said , Is this thy voice , my son David ? And Saul lifted
up his voice , and wept .

words 010 018 Rom /${words /unto the ends of
the world .

words 016 038 Act /${words /unto the
magistrates : and they feared , when they heard that they were
Romans .

words 012 006 Jer /^{words /unto thee.

words 041 003 Job /^{words /unto thee?

words 007 009 Joh /${words /unto them , he
abode still in Galilee .

words 002 007 Eze /^{words /unto them, whether
they will hear , or whether they will forbear : for they are
most rebellious .

words 003 004 Eze /^{words /unto them.

words 038 004 Jer /^{words /unto them: for
this man seeketh not the welfare of this people , but the hurt .

words 007 027 Jer /^{words /unto them; but
they will not hearken to thee: thou shalt also call unto them;
but they will not answer thee.

words 001 023 Pro /^{words /unto you.

words 034 006 Jer /^{words /unto Zedekiah king
of Judah in Jerusalem ,

words 039 016 Jer /^{words /upon this city for
evil , and not for good ; and they shall be accomplished in that
day before thee.

words 006 014 Dan /^{words /was sore
displeased with himself, and set his heart on Daniel to deliver
him: and he laboured till the going down of the sun to deliver

words 015 016 Jer /^{words /were found , and I
did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of
mine heart : for I am called by thy name , O LORD God of hosts .

words 010 012 Dan /^{words /were heard , and I
am come for thy words .

words 017 031 ISa /^{words /were heard which
David spake , they rehearsed them before Saul : and he sent for

words 019 023 Job /^{words /were now written !
oh that they were printed in a book !

words 055 021 Psa /^{words /were softer than
oil , yet were they drawn swords .

words 034 035 Job /^{words /were without
wisdom .

words 010 014 Mat /${words /when ye depart out
of that house or city , shake off the dust of your feet .

words 005 028 Deu /^{words /when ye spake unto
me; and the LORD said unto me, I have heard the voice of the
words of this people , which they have spoken unto thee: they
have well said all that they have spoken .

words 011 014 Act /${words /whereby thou and
all thy house shall be saved .

words 006 004 ITi /${words /whereof cometh
envy , strife , railings , evil surmisings ,

words 008 059 IKi /^{words /wherewith I have
made supplication before the LORD , be nigh unto the LORD our
God day and night , that he maintain the cause of his servant ,
and the cause of his people Israel at all times , as the matter
shall require:

words 036 027 Jer /^{words /which Baruch wrote
at the mouth of Jeremiah , saying ,

words 013 011 IKi /^{words /which he had
spoken unto the king , them they told also to their father .

words 018 019 Deu /^{words /which he shall
speak in my name , I will require it of him.

words 020 038 Act /${words /which he spake ,
that they should see his face no more . And they accompanied him
unto the ship .

words 009 012 Dan /^{words /which he spake
against us, and against our judges that judged us, by bringing
upon us a great evil : for under the whole heaven hath not been
done as hath been done upon Jerusalem .

words 023 005 Job /^{words /which he would
answer me, and understand what he would say unto me.

words 006 006 Deu /^{words /which I command
thee this day , shall be in thine heart :

words 028 014 Deu /^{words /which I command
thee this day , to the right hand , or to the left , to go after
other gods to serve them.

words 012 028 Deu /^{words /which I command
thee, that it may go well with thee, and with thy children after
thee for ever , when thou doest that which is good and right in
the sight of the LORD thy God .

words 025 013 Jer /^{words /which I have
pronounced against it, even all that is written in this book ,
which Jeremiah hath prophesied against all the nations .

words 059 021 Isa /^{words /which I have put
in thy mouth , shall not depart out of thy mouth , nor out of
the mouth of thy seed , nor out of the mouth of thy seed's seed ,
saith the LORD , from henceforth and for ever .

words 024 044 Luk /${words /which I spake unto
you , while I was yet with you , that all things must be
fulfilled , which were written in the law of Moses , and in the
prophets , and in the psalms , concerning me .

words 032 046 Deu /^{words /which I testify
among you this day , which ye shall command your children to
observe to do , all the words of this law .

words 012 004 IICo /${words /which it is not
lawful for a man to utter .

words 002 013 ICo /${words /which man's wisdom
teacheth , but which the Holy Ghost teacheth ; comparing
spiritual things with spiritual .

words 001 001 Deu /^{words /which Moses spake
unto all Israel on this side Jordan in the wilderness , in the
plain over against the Red sea, between Paran , and Tophel , and
Laban , and Hazeroth , and Dizahab .

words 004 022 Luk /${words /which proceeded
out of his mouth . And they said , Is not this Joseph's son ?

words 001 020 Luk /${words /which shall be
fulfilled in their season .

words 007 011 Dan /^{words /which the horn
spake : I beheld even till the beast was slain , and his body
destroyed , and given to the burning flame .

words 019 007 Exo /^{words /which the LORD
commanded him.

words 004 030 Exo /^{words /which the LORD had
spoken unto Moses , and did the signs in the sight of the people

words 035 001 Exo /^{words /which the LORD
hath commanded , that ye should do them.

words 007 007 Zec /^{words /which the LORD
hath cried by the former prophets , when Jerusalem was inhabited
and in prosperity , and the cities thereof round about her ,
when men inhabited the south and the plain ?

words 024 003 Exo /^{words /which the LORD
hath said will we do .

words 007 012 Zec /^{words /which the LORD of
hosts hath sent in his spirit by the former prophets : therefore
came a great wrath from the LORD of hosts .

words 009 010 Deu /^{words /which the LORD
spake with you in the mount out of the midst of the fire in the
day of the assembly .

words 019 004 IIKi /^{words /which the LORD thy
God hath heard : wherefore lift up thy prayer for the remnant
that are left .

words 037 004 Isa /^{words /which the LORD thy
God hath heard : wherefore lift up thy prayer for the remnant
that is left .

words 017 008 Joh /${words /which thou gavest
me ; and they have received them, and have known surely that I
came out from thee , and they have believed that thou didst send
me .

words 019 006 IIKi /^{words /which thou hast
heard , with which the servants of the king of Assyria have
blasphemed me.

words 022 018 IIKi /^{words /which thou hast
heard ;

words 034 026 IICh /^{words /which thou hast
heard ;

words 001 013 IITi /${words /which thou hast
heard of me , in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus .

words 028 006 Jer /^{words /which thou hast
prophesied , to bring again the vessels of the LORD'S house ,
and all that is carried away captive , from Babylon into this
place .

words 019 006 Exo /^{words /which thou shalt
speak unto the children of Israel .

words 028 021 ISa /^{words /which thou spakest
unto me.

words 012 019 Heb /${words /which voice they
that heard intreated that the word should not be spoken to them
any more :

words 013 010 Jer /^{words /which walk in the
imagination of their heart , and walk after other gods , to
serve them, and to worship them, shall even be as this girdle ,
which is good for nothing.

words 003 002 IIPe /${words /which were spoken
before by the holy prophets , and of the commandment of us the
apostles of the Lord and Saviour :

words 001 017 Jud /${words /which were spoken
before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ ;

words 014 019 ICo /${words /with my
understanding , that by my voice I might teach others also ,
than ten thousand words in an unknown tongue .

words 035 016 Job /^{words /without knowledge .

words 038 002 Job /^{words /without knowledge ?

words 008 047 Joh /${words /ye therefore hear
them not , because ye are not of God .

words 019 007 Pro /^{words /yet they are
wanting to him.

words 002 017 Mal /^{words /Yet ye say ,
Wherein have we wearied him? When ye say , Every one that doeth
evil is good in the sight of the LORD , and he delighteth in
them; or, Where is the God of judgment ?
