womb 013 002 Exo /^{womb /among the children
of Israel , both of man and of beast : it is mine.

womb 003 004 Joh /${womb /and be born ?

womb 001 031 Luk /${womb /and bring forth a
son , and shalt call his name JESUS .

womb 012 003 Hos /^{womb /and by his strength
he had power with God :

womb 001 015 Gal /${womb /and called me by
his grace ,

womb 009 014 Hos /^{womb /and dry breasts .

womb 001 041 Luk /${womb /and Elisabeth was
filled with the Holy Ghost :

womb 009 011 Hos /^{womb /and from the
conception .

womb 013 005 Jug /^{womb /and he shall begin
to deliver Israel out of the hand of the Philistines .

womb 001 021 Job /^{womb /and naked shall I
return thither: the LORD gave , and the LORD hath taken away ;
blessed be the name of the LORD .

womb 007 013 Deu /^{womb /and the fruit of
thy land , thy corn , and thy wine , and thine oil , the
increase of thy kine , and the flocks of thy sheep , in the land
which he sware unto thy fathers to give thee.

womb 019 012 Mat /${womb /and there are some
eunuchs , which were made eunuchs of men : and there be eunuchs ,
which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's
sake . He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.

womb 025 023 Gen /^{womb /and two manner of
people shall be separated from thy bowels ; and the one people
shall be stronger than the other people ; and the elder shall
serve the younger .

womb 031 002 Pro /^{womb /and what, the son
of my vows ?

womb 029 031 Gen /^{womb /but Rachel was
barren .

womb 038 029 Job /^{womb /came the ice ? and
the hoary frost of heaven , who hath gendered it?

womb 008 016 Num /^{womb /even instead of the
firstborn of all the children of Israel , have I taken them unto

womb 001 044 Luk /${womb /for joy .

womb 049 001 Isa /^{womb /from the bowels of
my mother hath he made mention of my name .

womb 044 024 Isa /^{womb /I am the LORD that
maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that
spreadeth abroad the earth by myself;

womb 001 005 Jer /^{womb /I sanctified thee,
and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations .

womb 016 017 Jug /^{womb /if I be shaven ,
then my strength will go from me, and I shall become weak , and
be like any other man .

womb 127 003 Psa /^{womb /is his reward .

womb 031 015 Job /^{womb /make him? and did
not one fashion us in the womb ?

womb 005 015 Ecc /^{womb /naked shall he
return to go as he came , and shall take nothing of his labour ,
which he may carry away in his hand .

womb 003 010 Job /^{womb /nor hid sorrow from
mine eyes .

womb 011 005 Ecc /^{womb /of her that is with
child : even so thou knowest not the works of God who maketh all.

womb 110 003 Psa /^{womb /of the morning :
thou hast the dew of thy youth .

womb 010 018 Job /^{womb /Oh that I had given
up the ghost , and no eye had seen me!

womb 020 017 Jer /^{womb /or that my mother
might have been my grave , and her womb to be always great with

womb 066 009 Isa /^{womb /saith thy God .

womb 002 023 Luk /${womb /shall be called
holy to the Lord ;

womb 024 020 Job /^{womb /shall forget him;
the worm shall feed sweetly on him; he shall be no more
remembered ; and wickedness shall be broken as a tree .

womb 011 027 Luk /${womb /that bare thee ,
and the paps which thou hast sucked .

womb 020 026 Eze /^{womb /that I might make
them desolate , to the end that they might know that I am the

womb 001 011 Rut /^{womb /that they may be
your husbands ?

womb 030 016 Pro /^{womb /the earth that is
not filled with water ; and the fire that saith not, It is
enough .

womb 013 018 Isa /^{womb /their eye shall not
spare children .

womb 058 003 Psa /^{womb /they go astray as
soon as they be born , speaking lies .

womb 071 006 Psa /^{womb /thou art he that
took me out of my mother's bowels : my praise shall be
continually of thee.

womb 022 010 Psa /^{womb /thou art my God
from my mother's belly .

womb 022 009 Psa /^{womb /thou didst make me
hope when I was upon my mother's breasts .

womb 020 017 Jer /^{womb /to be always great
with me.

womb 049 005 Isa /^{womb /to be his servant ,
to bring Jacob again to him, Though Israel be not gathered , yet
shall I be glorious in the eyes of the LORD , and my God shall
be my strength .

womb 020 018 Jer /^{womb /to see labour and
sorrow , that my days should be consumed with shame ?

womb 013 007 Jug /^{womb /to the day of his
death .

womb 010 019 Job /^{womb /to the grave .

womb 003 002 Act /${womb /was carried , whom
they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called
Beautiful , to ask alms of them that entered into the temple ;

womb 044 002 Isa /^{womb /which will help
thee; Fear not, O Jacob , my servant ; and thou, Jesurun , whom
I have chosen .

womb 014 008 Act /${womb /who never had
walked :

womb 003 011 Job /^{womb /why did I not give
up the ghost when I came out of the belly ?

womb 049 015 Isa /^{womb /yea, they may
forget , yet will I not forget thee.

wombs 020 018 Gen /^{wombs /of the house of
Abimelech , because of Sarah Abraham's wife .

wombs 023 029 Luk /${wombs /that never bare ,
and the paps which never gave suck .
