woe 0188 ## >owy {o'-ee}; probably from 183 (in the sense of
crying out after); lamentation; also interjectionally Oh!: --
alas, {woe}. [ql

woe 0190 ## >owyah {o-yaw'}; feminine of 188: -- {woe}. [ql woe
0337 ## >iy {ee}; short from 188; alas!: -- {woe}. [ql

woe 0480 ## >al@lay {al-le-lah'ee}; by reduplication from 421;
alas!: -- {woe}. [ql

woe 1929 ## hahh {haw}; a shortened form of 162; ah! expressing
grief: -- {woe} worth. [ql

woe 1945 ## howy {hoh'ee}; a prolonged form of 1930 [akin to
188]; oh!: -- ah, alas, ho, O, {woe}. [ql

woe 1958 ## hiy {he}; for 5092; lamentation: -- {woe}. (For hiy>.
See 1931, 1932.) [ql

woe 3759 # ouai {oo-ah'-ee}; a primary exclamation of grief;
"woe": -- alas, {woe}.[ql

woeful 0605 ## >anash {aw-nash'}; a primitive root; to be frail,
feeble, or (figuratively) melancholy: -- desperate(-ly wicked),
incurable, sick, {woeful}. [ql
