Bible Word Index with Strong's Number

Language Tranliteration of original language words

):woe 24_JER_50_27 Slay (02717 +charab ) all (03605 +kol ) her bullocks (06499 +par ) ; let them go (03381 +yarad ) down (03381 +yarad ) to the slaughter (02875 +Tebach {):woe} (01945 +howy ) unto them ! for their day (03117 +yowm ) is come (00935 +bow) ) , the time (06256 +(eth ) of their visitation (06486 +p@quddah ) .

):woe 25_LAM_05_16 The crown (05850 +(atarah ) is fallen (05307 +naphal ) [ from ] our head (07218 +ro)sh {):woe} (00188 +)owy ) unto us , that we have sinned (02398 +chata) ) !

Woe 09_1SA_04_07 And the Philistines (06430 +P@lishtiy ) were afraid (03372 +yare) ) , for they said (00559 +)amar ) , God (00430 +)elohiym ) is come (00935 +bow) ) into (00413 +)el ) the camp (04264 +machaneh ) . And they said (00559 +)amar ) , {Woe} (00188 +)owy ) unto us ! for there hath not been (01961 +hayah ) such (02063 +zo)th ) a thing heretofore (00865 +)ethmowl ) .

Woe 09_1SA_04_08 {Woe} (00188 +)owy ) unto us ! who (04310 +miy ) shall deliver (05337 +natsal ) us out of the hand (03027 +yad ) of these (00428 +)el - leh ) mighty (00117 +)addiyr ) Gods (00430 +)elohiym ) ? these (00428 +)el - leh ) [ are ] the Gods (00430 +)elohiym ) that smote (05221 +nakah ) the Egyptians (04714 +Mitsrayim ) with all (03605 +kol ) the plagues (04347 +makkah ) in the wilderness (04057 +midbar ) .

Woe 30_AMO_05_18 {Woe} (01945 +howy ) unto you that desire (00183 +)avah ) the day (03117 +yowm ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) ! to what (04100 +mah ) end [ is ] it for you ? the day (03117 +yowm ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) [ is ] darkness (02822 +choshek ) , and not light (00216 +)owr ) .

Woe 30_AMO_06_01 . {Woe} (01945 +howy ) to them [ that are ] at ease (07600 +sha)anan ) in Zion (06726 +Tsiyown ) , and trust (00982 +batach ) in the mountain (02022 +har ) of Samaria (08111 +Shom@rown ) , [ which are ] named (05344 +naqab ) chief (07225 +re)shiyth ) of the nations (01471 +gowy ) , to whom (01992 +hem ) the house (01004 +bayith ) of Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) came (00935 +bow) ) !

Woe 21_ECC_10_16 . {Woe} (00337 +)iy ) to thee , O land (00776 +)erets ) , when thy king (04428 +melek ) [ is ] a child (05288 +na(ar ) , and thy princes (08269 +sar ) eat (00398 +)akal ) in the morning (01242 +boqer ) !

Woe 26_EZE_13_03 Thus (03541 +koh ) saith (00559 +)amar ) the Lord (00136 +)Adonay ) GOD (03069 +Y@hovih ) ; {Woe} (01945 +howy ) unto the foolish (05036 +nabal ) prophets (05030 +nabiy) ) , that follow their own spirit (07307 +ruwach ) , and have seen (07200 +ra)ah ) nothing (01115 +biltiy ) !

Woe 26_EZE_13_18 And say (00559 +)amar ) , Thus (03541 +koh ) saith (00559 +)amar ) the Lord (00136 +)Adonay ) GOD (03069 +Y@hovih ) ; {Woe} (01945 +howy ) to the [ women ] that sew (08609 +taphar ) pillows (03704 +keceth ) to all (03605 +kol ) armholes , and make (06213 +(asah ) kerchiefs (04556 +micpachath ) upon the head (07218 +ro)sh ) of every (03605 +kol ) stature (06967 +qowmah ) to hunt (06679 +tsuwd ) souls (05315 +nephesh ) ! Will ye hunt (06679 +tsuwd ) the souls (05315 +nephesh ) of my people (05971 +(am ) , and will ye save (02421 +chayah ) the souls (05315 +nephesh ) alive (02421 +chayah ) [ that come ] unto you ?

Woe 26_EZE_24_06 Wherefore (03651 +ken ) thus (03541 +koh ) saith (00559 +)amar ) the Lord (00136 +)Adonay ) GOD (03069 +Y@hovih ) ; {Woe} (00188 +)owy ) to the bloody (01818 +dam ) city (05892 +(iyr ) , to the pot (05518 +ciyr ) whose (00834 +)aher ) scum (02457 +chel)ah ) [ is ] therein , and whose scum (02457 +chel)ah ) is not gone (03318 +yatsa) ) out of it ! bring (03318 +yatsa) ) it out piece (05409 +nethach ) by piece (05409 +nethach ) ; let no (03808 +lo) ) lot (01486 +gowral ) fall (05307 +naphal ) upon it .

Woe 26_EZE_24_09 Therefore (03651 +ken ) thus (03541 +koh ) saith (00559 +)amar ) the Lord (00136 +)Adonay ) GOD (03069 +Y@hovih ) ; {Woe} (00188 +)owy ) to the bloody (01818 +dam ) city (05892 +(iyr ) ! I will even make the pile (04071 +m@duwrah ) for fire great (01431 +gadal ) .

Woe 26_EZE_30_02 Son (01121 +ben ) of man (00120 +)adam ) , prophesy (05012 +naba) ) and say (00559 +)amar ) , Thus (03541 +koh ) saith (00559 +)amar ) the Lord (00136 +)Adonay ) GOD (03069 +Y@hovih ) ; Howl (03213 +yalal ) ye , {Woe} (01929 +hahh ) worth the day (03117 +yowm ) !

Woe 26_EZE_34_02 Son (01121 +ben ) of man (00120 +)adam ) , prophesy (05012 +naba) ) against (05921 +(al ) the shepherds (07462 +ra(ah ) of Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) , prophesy (05012 +naba) ) , and say (00559 +)amar ) unto them , Thus (03541 +koh ) saith (00559 +)amar ) the Lord (00136 +)Adonay ) GOD (03069 +Y@hovih ) unto the shepherds (07462 +ra(ah ) ; {Woe} (01945 +howy ) [ be ] to the shepherds (07462 +ra(ah ) of Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) that do feed (07462 +ra(ah ) themselves ! should not the shepherds (07462 +ra(ah ) feed (07462 +ra(ah ) the flocks (06629 +tso)n ) ?

Woe 35_HAB_02_06 Shall not all (03605 +kol ) these (00428 +)el - leh ) take (05375 +nasa) ) up a parable (04912 +mashal ) against (05921 +(al ) him , and a taunting (04426 +m@liytsah ) proverb (02420 +chiydah ) against him , and say (00559 +)amar ) , {Woe} (01945 +howy ) to him that increaseth (07235 +rabah ) [ that which is ] not his ! how (05704 +(ad ) long (05704 +(ad ) ? and to him that ladeth (03515 +kabed ) himself with thick clay (05671 +(abtiyt ) !

Woe 35_HAB_02_09 {Woe} (01945 +howy ) to him that coveteth (01214 +batsa( ) an evil (07451 +ra( ) covetousness (01215 +betsa( ) to his house (01004 +bayith ) , that he may set (07760 +suwm ) his nest (07064 +qen ) on high (04791 +marowm ) , that he may be delivered (05337 +natsal ) from the power (03709 +kaph ) of evil (07451 +ra( ) !

Woe 35_HAB_02_12 {Woe} (01945 +howy ) to him that buildeth (01129 +banah ) a town (05892 +(iyr ) with blood (01818 +dam ) , and stablisheth (03559 +kuwn ) a city (07151 +qiryah ) by iniquity (05766 +(evel ) !

Woe 35_HAB_02_15 . {Woe} (01945 +howy ) unto him that giveth his neighbour (07453 +rea( ) drink (08248 +shaqah ) , that puttest (05596 +caphach ) thy bottle (02573 +chemeth ) to [ him ] , and makest [ him ] drunken (07937 +shakar ) also (00637 +)aph ) , that thou mayest look (05027 +nabat ) on (05921 +(al ) their nakedness (04589 +ma(owr ) !

Woe 35_HAB_02_19 {Woe} (01945 +howy ) unto him that saith (00559 +)amar ) to the wood (06086 +(ets ) , Awake (06974 +quwts ) ; to the dumb (01748 +duwmam ) stone (68) , Arise (05782 +(uwr ) , it shall teach (03384 +yarah ) ! Behold (02009 +hinneh ) , it [ is ] laid (08610 +taphas ) over with gold (02091 +zahab ) and silver (03701 +keceph ) , and [ there is ] no (00369 +)ayin ) breath (07307 +ruwach ) at all (03605 +kol ) in the midst (07130 +qereb ) of it .

Woe 28_HOS_07_13 {Woe} (00188 +)owy ) unto them ! for they have fled (05074 +nadad ) from me:destruction (07701 +shod ) unto them ! because (03588 +kiy ) they have transgressed (06586 +pasha( ) against me:though I have redeemed (06299 +padah ) them , yet they have spoken (01696 +dabar ) lies (03576 +kazab ) against (05921 +(al ) me .

Woe 23_ISA_03_09 . The shew (01971 +hakkarah ) of their countenance (06440 +paniym ) doth witness (05707 +(ed ) against them ; and they declare (05046 +nagad ) their sin (02403 +chatta)ah ) as Sodom (05467 +C@dom ) , they hide (03582 +kachad ) [ it ] not . {Woe} (00188 +)owy ) unto their soul (05315 +nephesh ) ! for they have rewarded (01580 +gamal ) evil (07451 +ra( ) unto themselves (01992 +hem ) .

Woe 23_ISA_03_11 {Woe} (00188 +)owy ) unto the wicked (07563 +rasha( ) ! [ it shall be ] ill (07451 +ra( ) [ with him ] :for the reward (01576 +g@muwl ) of his hands (03027 +yad ) shall be given (06213 +(asah ) him .

Woe 23_ISA_05_08 . {Woe} (01945 +howy ) unto them that join (05060 +naga( ) house (01004 +bayith ) to house (01004 +bayith ) , [ that ] lay (07126 +qarab ) field (07704 +sadeh ) to field (07704 +sadeh ) , till (05704 +(ad ) [ there be ] no (00675 +)Etsbown ) place (04725 +maqowm ) , that they may be placed (03427 +yashab ) alone (00905 +bad ) in the midst (07130 +qereb ) of the earth (00776 +)erets ) !

Woe 23_ISA_05_11 {Woe} (01945 +howy ) unto them that rise (07925 +shakam ) up early (07925 +shakam ) in the morning (01242 +boqer ) , [ that ] they may follow (07291 +radaph ) strong drink (07941 +shekar ) ; that continue (00309 +)achar ) until night (05399 +nesheph ) , [ till ] wine (03196 +yayin ) inflame (01814 +dalaq ) them !

Woe 23_ISA_05_18 . {Woe} (01945 +howy ) unto them that draw (04900 +mashak ) iniquity (05771 +(avon ) with cords (02256 +chebel ) of vanity (07723 +shav) ) , and sin (02402 +chatta)ah ) as it were with a cart (05699 +(agalah ) rope (05688 +(aboth ) :

Woe 23_ISA_05_20 {Woe} (01945 +howy ) unto them that call (00559 +)amar ) evil (07451 +ra( ) good (02896 +towb ) , and good (02896 +towb ) evil (07451 +ra( ) ; that put (07760 +suwm ) darkness (02822 +choshek ) for light (00216 +)owr ) , and light (00216 +)owr ) for darkness (02822 +choshek ) ; that put (07760 +suwm ) bitter (04751 +mar ) for sweet (04966 +mathowq ) , and sweet (04966 +mathowq ) for bitter (04751 +mar ) !

Woe 23_ISA_05_21 {Woe} (01945 +howy ) unto [ them that are ] wise (02450 +chakam ) in their own eyes (05869 +(ayin ) , and prudent (00995 +biyn ) in their own sight (06440 +paniym ) !

Woe 23_ISA_05_22 {Woe} (01945 +howy ) unto [ them that are ] mighty (01368 +gibbowr ) to drink (08354 +shathah ) wine (03196 +yayin ) , and men (00582 +)enowsh ) of strength (02428 +chayil ) to mingle (04537 +macak ) strong drink (07941 +shekar ) :

Woe 23_ISA_06_05 . Then said (00559 +)amar ) I , {Woe} (00188 +)owy ) [ is ] me ! for I am undone (01820 +damah ) ; because (03588 +kiy ) I [ am ] a man (00376 +)iysh ) of unclean (02931 +tame) ) lips (08193 +saphah ) , and I dwell (03427 +yashab ) in the midst (08432 +tavek ) of a people (05971 +(am ) of unclean (02931 +tame) ) lips (08193 +saphah ):for mine eyes (05869 +(ayin ) have seen (07200 +ra)ah ) the King (04428 +melek ) , the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) of hosts (06635 +tsaba) ) .

Woe 23_ISA_10_01 . {Woe} (01945 +howy ) unto them that decree (02710 +chaqaq ) unrighteous (0205)aven ) decrees (02711 +cheqeq ) , and that write (03789 +kathab ) grievousness (05999 +(amal ) [ which ] they have prescribed (03789 +kathab ) ;

Woe 23_ISA_17_12 . {Woe} (01945 +howy ) to the multitude (01995 +hamown ) of many (07227 +rab ) people (05971 +(am ) , [ which ] make a noise (01993 +hamah ) like the noise (01993 +hamah ) of the seas (03220 +yam ) ; and to the rushing (07588 +sha)own ) of nations (03816 +l@om ) , [ that ] make a rushing (07582 +sha)ah ) like the rushing (07582 +sha)ah ) of mighty (03524 +kabbiyr ) waters (04325 +mayim ) !

Woe 23_ISA_18_01 . {Woe} (01945 +howy ) to the land (00776 +)erets ) shadowing (06767 +ts@latsal ) with wings (03671 +kanaph ) , which (00834 +)aher ) [ is ] beyond (05676 +(eber ) the rivers (05104 +nahar ) of Ethiopia (03568 +Kuwsh ) :

Woe 23_ISA_28_01 . {Woe} (01945 +howy ) to the crown (05850 +(atarah ) of pride (01348 +ge)uwth ) , to the drunkards (07910 +shikkowr ) of Ephraim (00669 +)Ephrayim ) , whose glorious (06643 +ts@biy ) beauty (08597 +tiph)arah ) [ is ] a fading (05034 +nabel ) flower (06731 +tsiyts ) , which (00834 +)aher ) [ are ] on the head (07218 +ro)sh ) of the fat (08081 +shemen ) valleys (01516 +gay) ) of them that are overcome (01986 +halam ) with wine (03196 +yayin ) !

Woe 23_ISA_29_01 . {Woe} (01945 +howy ) to Ariel (00740 +)Ari)el ) , to Ariel (00740 +)Ari)el ) , the city (07151 +qiryah ) [ where ] David (01732 +David ) dwelt (02583 +chanah ) ! add (05595 +caphah ) ye year (08141 +shaneh ) to year (08141 +shaneh ) ; let them kill (05362 +naqaph ) sacrifices (02282 +chag ) .

Woe 23_ISA_29_15 {Woe} (01945 +howy ) unto them that seek deep (06009 +(amaq ) to hide (05641 +cathar ) their counsel (06098 +(etsah ) from the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) , and their works (04639 +ma(aseh ) are in the dark (04285 +machshak ) , and they say (00559 +)amar ) , Who (04310 +miy ) seeth (07200 +ra)ah ) us ? and who (04310 +miy ) knoweth (03045 +yada( ) us ?

Woe 23_ISA_30_01 . {Woe} (01945 +howy ) to the rebellious (05637 +carar ) children (01121 +ben ) , saith (05002 +n@)um ) the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) , that take (06213 +(asah ) counsel (06098 +(etsah ) , but not of me ; and that cover (05258 +nacak ) with a covering (04541 +maccekah ) , but not of my spirit (07307 +ruwach ) , that they may add (05595 +caphah ) sin (02403 +chatta)ah ) to sin (02403 +chatta)ah ) :

Woe 23_ISA_31_01 . {Woe} (01945 +howy ) to them that go (03381 +yarad ) down (03381 +yarad ) to Egypt (04714 +Mitsrayim ) for help (05833 +(ezrah ) ; and stay (08172 +sha(an ) on (05921 +(al ) horses (05483 +cuwc ) , and trust (00982 +batach ) in chariots (07393 +rekeb ) , because (03588 +kiy ) [ they are ] many (07227 +rab ) ; and in horsemen (06571 +parash ) , because (03588 +kiy ) they are very (03966 +m@(od ) strong (06105 +(atsam ) ; but they look (08159 +sha(ah ) not unto the Holy (06918 +qadowsh ) One of Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) , neither (03808 +lo) ) seek (01875 +darash ) the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) !

Woe 23_ISA_33_01 . {Woe} (01945 +howy ) to thee that spoilest (07703 +shadad ) , and thou [ wast ] not spoiled (07703 +shadad ) ; and dealest treacherously (00898 +bagad ) , and they dealt not treacherously (00898 +bagad ) with thee ! when thou shalt cease (08552 +tamam ) to spoil (07703 +shadad ) , thou shalt be spoiled (07703 +shadad ) ; [ and ] when thou shalt make an end (05239 +nalah ) to deal treacherously (00898 +bagad ) , they shall deal treacherously (00898 +bagad ) with thee .

Woe 23_ISA_45_09 {Woe} (01945 +howy ) unto him that striveth (07378 +riyb ) with his Maker (03335 +yatsar ) ! [ Let ] the potsherd (02789 +cheres ) [ strive ] with the potsherds (02789 +cheres ) of the earth (00127 +)adamah ) . Shall the clay (02563 +chomer ) say (00559 +)amar ) to him that fashioneth (03335 +yatsar ) it , What (04100 +mah ) makest (06213 +(asah ) thou ? or thy work (06467 +po(al ) , He hath no (00369 +)ayin ) hands (03027 +yad ) ?

Woe 23_ISA_45_10 {Woe} (01945 +howy ) unto him that saith (00559 +)amar ) unto [ his ] father (1) , What (04100 +mah ) begettest (03205 +yalad ) thou ? or to the woman (00802 +)ishshah ) , What (04100 +mah ) hast thou brought (02342 +chuwl ) forth (02342 +chuwl ) ?

Woe 24_JER_04_13 Behold (02009 +hinneh ) , he shall come (05927 +(alah ) up as clouds (06053 +(ananah ) , and his chariots (04818 +merkabah ) [ shall be ] as a whirlwind (05492 +cuwphah ):his horses (05483 +cuwc ) are swifter (07043 +qalal ) than eagles (05404 +nesher ) . {Woe} (00188 +)owy ) unto us ! for we are spoiled (07703 +shadad ) .

Woe 24_JER_04_31 For I have heard (08085 +shama( ) a voice (06963 +qowl ) as of a woman in travail (02470 +chalah ) , [ and ] the anguish (06869 +tsarah ) as of her that bringeth (01069 +bakar ) forth her first (01069 +bakar ) child , the voice (06963 +qowl ) of the daughter (01323 +bath ) of Zion (06726 +Tsiyown ) , [ that ] bewaileth (03306 +yaphach ) herself , [ that ] spreadeth (06566 +paras ) her hands (03709 +kaph ) , [ saying ] , {Woe} (00188 +)owy ) [ is ] me now (04994 +na) ) ! for my soul (05315 +nephesh ) is wearied (05888 +(ayeph ) because of murderers (02026 +harag ) .

Woe 24_JER_06_04 Prepare (06942 +qadash ) ye war (04421 +milchamah ) against (05921 +(al ) her ; arise (06965 +quwm ) , and let us go (05927 +(alah ) up at noon (06672 +tsohar ) . {Woe} (00188 +)owy ) unto us ! for the day (03117 +yowm ) goeth (06437 +panah ) away , for the shadows (06752 +tselel ) of the evening (06153 +(ereb ) are stretched (05186 +natah ) out .

Woe 24_JER_10_19 {Woe} (00188 +)owy ) is me for my hurt (07667 +sheber ) ! my wound (04347 +makkah ) is grievous (02470 +chalah ):but I said (00559 +)amar ) , Truly (00389 +)ak ) this (02088 +zeh ) [ is ] a grief (02483 +choliy ) , and I must bear (05375 +nasa) ) it .

Woe 24_JER_13_27 I have seen (07200 +ra)ah ) thine adulteries (05004 +ni)uph ) , and thy neighings (04684 +matshalah ) , the lewdness (02154 +zimmah ) of thy whoredom (02184 +z@nuwth ) , [ and ] thine abominations (08251 +shiqquwts ) on (05921 +(al ) the hills (01389 +gib(ah ) in the fields (07704 +sadeh ) . {Woe} (00188 +)owy ) unto thee , O Jerusalem (03389 +Y@ruwshalaim ) ! wilt thou not be made clean (02891 +taher ) ? when [ shall it ] once (05750 +(owd ) [ be ] ?

Woe 24_JER_15_10 . {Woe} (00188 +)owy ) is me , my mother (00517 +)em ) , that thou hast borne (03205 +yalad ) me a man (00376 +)iysh ) of strife (07379 +riyb ) and a man (00376 +)iysh ) of contention (04066 +madown ) to the whole (03605 +kol ) earth (00776 +)erets ) ! I have neither (03808 +lo) ) lent (05383 +nashah ) on usury (05383 +nashah ) , nor (03808 +lo) ) men have lent (05383 +nashah ) to me on usury (05383 +nashah ) ; [ yet ] every (03605 +kol ) one of them doth curse (07043 +qalal ) me .

Woe 24_JER_22_13 {Woe} (01945 +howy ) unto him that buildeth (01129 +banah ) his house (01004 +bayith ) by unrighteousness , and his chambers (05944 +(aliyah ) by wrong ; [ that ] useth his neighbour s (07453 +rea( ) service (05647 +(abad ) without (02600 +chinnam ) wages (02600 +chinnam ) , and giveth (05414 +nathan ) him not for his work (06467 +po(al ) ;

Woe 24_JER_23_01 . {Woe} (01945 +howy ) be unto the pastors (07462 +ra(ah ) that destroy (6) and scatter (06327 +puwts ) the sheep (06629 +tso)n ) of my pasture (04830 +mir(iyth ) ! saith (05002 +n@)um ) the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) .

Woe 24_JER_45_03 Thou didst say (00559 +)amar ) , {Woe} (00188 +)owy ) is me now (04994 +na) ) ! for the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) hath added (03254 +yacaph ) grief (03015 +yagown ) to my sorrow (04341 +mak)ob ) ; I fainted (03021 +yaga( ) in my sighing (00585 +)anachah ) , and I find (04672 +matsa) ) no (03808 +lo) ) rest (04496 +m@nuwchah ) .

Woe 24_JER_48_01 . Against Moab (04124 +Mow)ab ) thus (03541 +koh ) saith (00559 +)amar ) the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) of hosts (06635 +tsaba) ) , the God (00430 +)elohiym ) of Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) ; {Woe} (01945 +howy ) unto Nebo (05015 +N@bow ) ! for it is spoiled (07703 +shadad ):Kiriathaim (07156 +Qiryathayim ) is confounded (03001 +yabesh ) [ and ] taken (03920 +lakad ):Misgab (04869 +misgab ) is confounded (03001 +yabesh ) and dismayed (02865 +chathath ) .

Woe 24_JER_48_46 {Woe} (00188 +)owy ) be unto thee , O Moab (04124 +Mow)ab ) ! the people (05971 +(am ) of Chemosh (03645 +K@mowsh ) perisheth (6):for thy sons (01121 +ben ) are taken (03947 +laqach ) captives (07628 +sh@biy ) , and thy daughters (01121 +ben ) captives (07633 +shibyah ) .

Woe Jude_01_11 {Woe} (3759 -ouai -) unto them ! for they have gone (4198 -poreuomai -) in the way (3598 -hodos -) of Cain (2535 -Kain -) , and ran (1632 -ekcheo -) greedily (1632 -ekcheo -) after the error (4106 -plane -) of Balaam (0903 -Balaam -) for reward (3408 -misthos -) , and perished (0622 -apollumi -) in the gainsaying (0485 -antilogia -) of Core (2879 -Kore -) .

Woe 42_LUK_06_25 Woe 3759 -ouai - unto you that are full 1705 -empiplemi - ! for ye shall hunger 3983 -peinao - . {Woe} 3759 -ouai - unto you that laugh 1070 -gelao - now 3568 -nun - ! for ye shall mourn 3996 -pentheo - and weep 2799 -klaio - .

Woe 42_LUK_06_25 {Woe} 3759 -ouai - unto you that are full 1705 -empiplemi - ! for ye shall hunger 3983 -peinao - . Woe 3759 -ouai - unto you that laugh 1070 -gelao - now 3568 -nun - ! for ye shall mourn 3996 -pentheo - and weep 2799 -klaio - .

Woe 42_LUK_06_26 {Woe} 3759 -ouai - unto you , when 3752 -hotan - all 3956 -pas - men 0444 -anthropos - shall speak 2036 -epo - well 2573 -kalos - of you ! for so 5623 -opheleo - did 4160 -poieo - their fathers 3962 -pater - to the false 5578 -pseudoprophetes - prophets 5578 -pseudoprophetes - .

Woe 42_LUK_10_13 {Woe} 3759 -ouai - unto thee , Chorazin 5523 -Chorazin - ! woe 3759 -ouai - unto thee , Bethsaida 0966 -Bethsaida - ! for if 1487 -ei - the mighty 1411 -dunamis - works had been done 1096 -ginomai - in Tyre 5184 -Turos - and Sidon 4605 -Sidon - , which 3739 -hos - have been done 1096 -ginomai - in you , they had a great 3819 -palai - while ago 3819 -palai - repented 3340 -metanoeo - , sitting 2521 -kathemai - in sackcloth 4526 -sakkos - and ashes 4700 -spodos - .

Woe 42_LUK_11_43 {Woe} 3759 -ouai - unto you , Pharisees 5330 -Pharisaios - ! for ye love 0025 -agapao - the uppermost 4410 -protokathedria - seats 4410 -protokathedria - in the synagogues 4864 -sunagoge - , and greetings 0783 -aspasmos - in the markets 0058 -agora - .

Woe 42_LUK_11_44 {Woe} 3759 -ouai - unto you , scribes 1122 -grammateus - and Pharisees 5330 -Pharisaios - , hypocrites 5273 -hupokrites - ! for ye are as graves 3419 -mnemeion - which 3588 -ho - appear 0082 -adelos - not , and the men 0444 -anthropos - that walk 4043 -peripateo - over 1883 -epano - [ them ] are not aware 1492 -eido - [ of them ] .

Woe 42_LUK_11_46 And he said 2036 -epo - , {Woe} 3759 -ouai - unto you also 2532 -kai - , [ ye ] lawyers 3544 -nomikos - ! for ye lade 5412 -phortizo - men 0444 -anthropos - with burdens 5413 -phortion - grievous 1418 -dus - - to be borne 1418 -dus - - , and ye yourselves 0846 -autos - touch 4379 -prospsauo - not the burdens 5413 -phortion - with one 1520 -heis - of your 5216 -humon - fingers 1147 -daktulos - .

Woe 42_LUK_11_47 {Woe} 3759 -ouai - unto you ! for ye build 3618 -oikodomeo - the sepulchres 3419 -mnemeion - of the prophets 4396 -prophetes - , and your 5216 -humon - fathers 3962 -pater - killed 0615 -apokteino - them .

Woe 42_LUK_11_52 {Woe} 3759 -ouai - unto you , lawyers 3544 -nomikos - ! for ye have taken 0142 -airo - away the key 2807 -kleis - of knowledge 1108 -gnosis -:ye entered 1525 -eiserchomai - not in yourselves 0846 -autos - , and them that were entering 1525 -eiserchomai - in ye hindered 2967 -koluo - .

Woe 40_MAT_11_21 {Woe} (3759 -ouai -) unto thee , Chorazin (5523 -Chorazin -) ! woe (3759 -ouai -) unto thee , Bethsaida (0966 -Bethsaida -) ! for if (1487 -ei -) the mighty (1411 -dunamis -) works , which (3588 -ho -) were done (1096 -ginomai -) in you , had been done (1096 -ginomai -) in Tyre (5184 -Turos -) and Sidon (4605 -Sidon -) , they would have repented (3340 -metanoeo -) long (3819 -palai -) ago (3819 -palai -) in sackcloth (4526 -sakkos -) and ashes (4700 -spodos -) .

Woe 40_MAT_18_07 . {Woe} (3759 -ouai -) unto the world (2889 -kosmos -) because (0575 -apo -) of offences (4625 -skandalon -) ! for it must (0318 -anagke -) needs (0318 -anagke -) be that offences (4625 -skandalon -) come (2064 -erchomai -) ; but woe (3759 -ouai -) to that man (0444 -anthropos -) by whom (3739 -hos -) the offence (4625 -skandalon -) cometh (2064 -erchomai -) !

Woe 40_MAT_23_14 {Woe} (3759 -ouai -) unto you , scribes (1122 -grammateus -) and Pharisees (5330 -Pharisaios -) , hypocrites (5273 -hupokrites -) ! for ye devour (2719 -katesthio -) widows (5503 -chera -) houses (3614 -oikia -) , and for a pretence (4392 -prophasis -) make (4336 -proseuchomai -) long (3117 -makros -) prayer (4336 -proseuchomai -):therefore (5124 -touto -) ye shall receive (2983 -lambano -) the greater (4055 -perissoteros -) damnation (2917 -krima -) .

Woe 40_MAT_23_15 {Woe} (3759 -ouai -) unto you , scribes (1122 -grammateus -) and Pharisees (5330 -Pharisaios -) , hypocrites (5273 -hupokrites -) ! for ye compass (4013 -periago -) sea (2281 -thalassa -) and land (3584 -xeros -) to make (4160 -poieo -) one (1520 -heis -) proselyte (4339 -proselutos -) , and when (3752 -hotan -) he is made (1096 -ginomai -) , ye make (4160 -poieo -) him twofold (1366 -distomos -) more the child (5207 -huios -) of hell (1067 -geena -) than yourselves (5216 -humon -) .

Woe 40_MAT_23_16 {Woe} (3759 -ouai -) unto you , [ ye ] blind (5185 -tuphlos -) guides (3595 -hodegos -) , which (3588 -ho -) say (3004 -lego -) , Whosoever (0302 -an -) shall swear (3660 -omnuo -) by the temple (3485 -naos -) , it is nothing (3762 -oudeis -) ; but whosoever (0302 -an -) shall swear (3660 -omnuo -) by the gold (5557 -chrusos -) of the temple (3485 -naos -) , he is a debtor (3784 -opheilo -) !

Woe 40_MAT_23_23 {Woe} (3759 -ouai -) unto you , scribes (1122 -grammateus -) and Pharisees (5330 -Pharisaios -) , hypocrites (5273 -hupokrites -) ! for ye pay (0586 -apodekatoo -) tithe (0586 -apodekatoo -) of mint (2238 -heduosmon -) and anise (0432 -anethon -) and cummin (2951 -kuminon -) , and have omitted (0863 -aphiemi -) the weightier (0926 -barus -) [ matters ] of the law (3551 -nomos -) , judgment (2920 -krisis -) , mercy (1656 -eleos -) , and faith (4102 -pistis -):these (5023 -tauta -) ought (1163 -dei -) ye to have done (4160 -poieo -) , and not to leave (0863 -aphiemi -) the other (2548 -kakeinos -) undone .

Woe 40_MAT_23_25 {Woe} (3759 -ouai -) unto you , scribes (1122 -grammateus -) and Pharisees (5330 -Pharisaios -) , hypocrites (5273 -hupokrites -) ! for ye make (2511 -katharizo -) clean (2511 -katharizo -) the outside (1855 -exothen -) of the cup (4221 -poterion -) and of the platter (3953 -paropsis -) , but within (2081 -esothen -) they are full (1073 -gemo -) of extortion (0724 -harpage -) and excess (0192 -akrasia -) .

Woe 40_MAT_23_27 {Woe} (3759 -ouai -) unto you , scribes (1122 -grammateus -) and Pharisees (5330 -Pharisaios -) , hypocrites (5273 -hupokrites -) ! for ye are like (3945 -paromoiazo -) unto whited (2867 -koniao -) sepulchres (5028 -taphos -) , which (3748 -hostis -) indeed (3303 -men -) appear (5316 -phaino -) beautiful (5611 -horaios -) outward (1855 -exothen -) , but are within (2081 -esothen -) full (1073 -gemo -) of dead (3498 -nekros -) [ men s ] bones (3747 -osteon -) , and of all (3956 -pas -) uncleanness (0167 -akatharsia -) .

Woe 40_MAT_23_29 {Woe} (3759 -ouai -) unto you , scribes (1122 -grammateus -) and Pharisees (5330 -Pharisaios -) , hypocrites (5273 -hupokrites -) ! because (3754 -hoti -) ye build (3618 -oikodomeo -) the tombs (5028 -taphos -) of the prophets (4396 -prophetes -) , and garnish (2885 -kosmeo -) the sepulchres (3419 -mnemeion -) of the righteous (1342 -dikaios -) ,

Woe 33_MIC_02_01 . {Woe} (01945 +howy ) to them that devise (02803 +chashab ) iniquity (00205 +)aven ) , and work (06466 +pa(al ) evil (07451 +ra( ) upon their beds (04904 +mishkab ) ! when the morning (01242 +boqer ) is light (00216 +)owr ) , they practise (06213 +(asah ) it , because (03588 +kiy ) it is in the power (00410 +)el ) of their hand (03027 +yad ) .

Woe 33_MIC_07_01 . {Woe} (00480 +)al@lay ) is me ! for I am as when they have gathered (00622 +)acaph ) the summer (07019 +qayits ) fruits , as the grapegleanings (05955 +(olelah ) of the vintage (01210 +batsiyr ):[ there is ] no (00369 +)ayin ) cluster (00811 +)eshkowl ) to eat (00398 +)akal ):my soul (05315 +nephesh ) desired (00183 +)avah ) the firstripe (01063 +bikkuwrah ) fruit .

Woe 34_NAH_03_01 . {Woe} (01945 +howy ) to the bloody (01818 +dam ) city (05892 +(iyr ) ! it [ is ] all (03605 +kol ) full (04392 +male) ) of lies (03585 +kachash ) [ and ] robbery (06503 +Parbar ) ; the prey (02964 +tereph ) departeth (04185 +muwsh ) not ;

Woe 04_NUM_21_29 {Woe} (00188 +)owy ) to thee , Moab (04124 +Mow)ab ) ! thou art undone (6) , O people (05971 +(am ) of Chemosh (03645 +K@mowsh ):he hath given (05414 +nathan ) his sons (01121 +ben ) that escaped (06412 +paliyt ) , and his daughters (01121 +ben ) , into captivity (07628 +sh@biy ) unto Sihon (05511 +Ciychown ) king (04428 +melek ) of the Amorites (00567 +)Emoriy ) .

Woe 19_PSA_120_05 . {Woe} (00190 +)owyah ) is me , that I sojourn (01481 +guwr ) in Mesech (04902 +Meshek ) , [ that ] I dwell (07931 +shakan ) in the tents (00168 +)ohel ) of Kedar (06938 +Qedar ) !

Woe 66_REV_08_13 And I beheld (1492 -eido -) , and heard (0191 -akouo -) an angel (0032 -aggelos -) flying (4072 -petomai -) through (1722 -en -) the midst (3321 -mesouranema -) of heaven (3321 -mesouranema -) , saying (3004 -lego -) with a loud (3173 -megas -) voice (5456 -phone -) , {Woe} (3759 -ouai -) , woe (3759 -ouai -) , woe (3759 -ouai -) , to the inhabiters (2730 -katoikeo -) of the earth (1093 -ge -) by reason (1537 -ek -) of the other (3062 -loipoy -) voices (5456 -phone -) of the trumpet (4536 -salpigx -) of the three (5140 -treis -) angels (0032 -aggelos -) , which (3588 -ho -) are yet (3195 -mello -) to sound (4537 -salpizo -) !

Woe 66_REV_12_12 . Therefore (5124 -touto -) rejoice (2165 -euphraino -) , [ ye ] heavens (3772 -ouranos -) , and ye that dwell (4637 -skenoo -) in them . {Woe} (3759 -ouai -) to the inhabiters (2730 -katoikeo -) of the earth (1093 -ge -) and of the sea (2281 -thalassa -) ! for the devil (1228 -diabolos -) is come (2597 -katabaino -) down (2597 -katabaino -) unto you , having (2192 -echo -) great (3173 -megas -) wrath (2372 -thumos -) , because he knoweth (1492 -eido -) that he hath (2192 -echo -) but a short (3641 -oligos -) time (2540 -kairos -) .

Woe 38_ZEC_11_17 {Woe} (01945 +howy ) to the idol (00457 +)eliyl ) shepherd (07473 +ro(iy ) that leaveth (05800 +(azab ) the flock (06629 +tso)n ) ! the sword (02719 +chereb ) [ shall be ] upon his arm (02220 +z@rowa( ) , and upon his right (03225 +yamiyn ) eye (05869 +(ayin ):his arm (02220 +z@rowa( ) shall be clean dried (03001 +yabesh ) up , and his right (03225 +yamiyn ) eye (05869 +(ayin ) shall be utterly darkened (03543 +kahah ) .

Woe 36_ZEP_02_05 {Woe} (01945 +howy ) unto the inhabitants (03427 +yashab ) of the sea (03220 +yam ) coast (02256 +chebel ) , the nation (01471 +gowy ) of the Cherethites (03774 +K@rethiy ) ! the word (01697 +dabar ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) [ is ] against (05921 +(al ) you ; O Canaan (03667 +K@na(an ) , the land (00776 +)erets ) of the Philistines (06430 +P@lishtiy ) , I will even destroy (6) thee , that there shall be no (00369 +)ayin ) inhabitant (03427 +yashab ) .

Woe 36_ZEP_03_01 . {Woe} (01945 +howy ) to her that is filthy (04754 +mara) ) and polluted (01351 +ga)al ) , to the oppressing (03238 +yanah ) city (05892 +(iyr ) !

twoedged 58_HEB_04_12 For the word (3056 -logos -) of God (2316 -theos -) [ is ] quick (2198 -zao -) , and powerful (1756 -energes -) , and sharper (5114 -tomoteros -) than (5228 -huper -) any (3956 -pas -) {twoedged} (1366 -distomos -) sword (3162 -machaira -) , piercing (1338 -diikneomai -) even to the dividing (3311 -merismos -) asunder of soul (5590 -psuche -) and spirit (4151 -pneuma -) , and of the joints (0719 -harmos -) and marrow (3452 -muelos -) , and [ is ] a discerner (2924 -kritikos -) of the thoughts (1761 -enthumesis -) and intents (1771 -ennoia -) of the heart (2588 -kardia -) .

twoedged 20_PRO_05_04 But her end (00319 +)achariyth ) is bitter (04751 +mar ) as wormwood (03939 +la(anah ) , sharp (02290 +chagowr ) as a {twoedged} (06310 +peh ) sword (02719 +chereb ) .

twoedged 19_PSA_149_06 . [ Let ] the high (07319 +rowm@mah ) [ praises ] of God (00410 +)el ) [ be ] in their mouth (01627 +garown ) , and a {twoedged} (06374 +piyphiyah ) sword (02719 +chereb ) in their hand (03027 +yad ) ;

twoedged 66_REV_01_16 And he had (2192 -echo -) in his right (1188 -dexios -) hand (5495 -cheir -) seven (2033 -hepta -) stars (0792 -aster -):and out of his mouth (4750 -stoma -) went (1607 -ekporeuomai -) a sharp (3691 -oxus -) {twoedged} (1366 -distomos -) sword (4501 -rhomphaia -):and his countenance (3799 -opsis -) [ was ] as the sun (2246 -helios -) shineth (5316 -phaino -) in his strength (1411 -dunamis -) .

woe 46_1CO_09_16 For though (1437 -ean -) I preach (2097 -euaggelizo -) the gospel (2097 -euaggelizo -) , I have (2076 -esti -) nothing (3756 -ou -) to glory (2745 -kauchema -) of:for necessity (0318 -anagke -) is laid (1945 -epikeimai -) upon me ; yea (1161 -de -) , {woe} (3759 -ouai -) is unto me , if (1437 -ean -) I preach (2097 -euaggelizo -) not the gospel (2097 -euaggelizo -) !

woe 21_ECC_04_10 For if (00518 +)im ) they fall (05307 +naphal ) , the one (00259 +)echad ) will lift (06965 +quwm ) up his fellow (02270 +chaber ):but {woe} (00337 +)iy ) to him [ that is ] alone (00259 +)echad ) when he falleth (05307 +naphal ) ; for [ he hath ] not another (08145 +sheniy ) to help (06965 +quwm ) him up .

woe 26_EZE_02_10 And he spread (06566 +paras ) it before (06440 +paniym ) me ; and it [ was ] written (03789 +kathab ) within (06440 +paniym ) and without (00268 +)achowr ):and [ there was ] written (03789 +kathab ) therein (00413 +)el ) lamentations (07015 +qiynah ) , and mourning (01899 +hegeh ) , and {woe} (01958 +hiy ) .

woe 26_EZE_16_23 And it came (01961 +hayah ) to pass after (00310 +)achar ) all (03605 +kol ) thy wickedness (07451 +ra( ) , ( woe , {woe} (00188 +)owy ) unto thee ! saith (05002 +n@)um ) the Lord (00136 +)Adonay ) GOD (03069 +Y@hovih ) ; )

woe 26_EZE_16_23 And it came (01961 +hayah ) to pass after (00310 +)achar ) all (03605 +kol ) thy wickedness (07451 +ra( ) , ( {woe} , woe (00188 +)owy ) unto thee ! saith (05002 +n@)um ) the Lord (00136 +)Adonay ) GOD (03069 +Y@hovih ) ; )

woe 28_HOS_09_12 Though they bring (01431 +gadal ) up their children (01121 +ben ) , yet will I bereave (07921 +shakol ) them , [ that there shall ] not [ be ] a man (00120 +)adam ) [ left ] :yea (03588 +kiy ) , {woe} (00188 +)owy ) also (01571 +gam ) to them when I depart (05493 +cuwr ) from them !

woe 23_ISA_24_16 . From the uttermost (03671 +kanaph ) part of the earth (00776 +)erets ) have we heard (08085 +shama( ) songs (02158 +zamiyr ) , [ even ] glory (06643 +ts@biy ) to the righteous (06662 +tsaddiyq ) . But I said (00559 +)amar ) , My leanness (07334 +raziy ) , my leanness (07334 +raziy ) , {woe} (00188 +)owy ) unto me ! the treacherous (00898 +bagad ) dealers have dealt treacherously (00898 +bagad ) ; yea , the treacherous (00898 +bagad ) dealers have dealt very (00899 +beged ) treacherously (00898 +bagad ) .

woe 18_JOB_10_15 If (00518 +)im ) I be wicked (07561 +rasha( ) , {woe} (00480 +)al@lay ) unto me ; and [ if (00518 +)im ) ] I be righteous (06662 +tsaddiyq ) , [ yet ] will I not lift (05375 +nasa) ) up my head (07218 +ro)sh ) . [ I am ] full (07646 +saba( ) of confusion (07036 +qalown ) ; therefore see (07200 +ra)ah ) thou mine affliction (06040 +(oniy ) ;

woe 42_LUK_06_24 But {woe} 3759 -ouai - unto you that are rich 4145 -plousios - ! for ye have received 0568 -apecho - your 5216 -humon - consolation 3874 -paraklesis - .

woe 42_LUK_10_13 Woe 3759 -ouai - unto thee , Chorazin 5523 -Chorazin - ! {woe} 3759 -ouai - unto thee , Bethsaida 0966 -Bethsaida - ! for if 1487 -ei - the mighty 1411 -dunamis - works had been done 1096 -ginomai - in Tyre 5184 -Turos - and Sidon 4605 -Sidon - , which 3739 -hos - have been done 1096 -ginomai - in you , they had a great 3819 -palai - while ago 3819 -palai - repented 3340 -metanoeo - , sitting 2521 -kathemai - in sackcloth 4526 -sakkos - and ashes 4700 -spodos - .

woe 42_LUK_11_42 But {woe} 3759 -ouai - unto you , Pharisees 5330 -Pharisaios - ! for ye tithe 0586 -apodekatoo - mint 2238 -heduosmon - and rue 4076 -peganon - and all 3956 -pas - manner of herbs 3001 -lachanon - , and pass 3928 -parerchomai - over 3928 -parerchomai - judgment 2920 -krisis - and the love 0026 -agape - of God 2316 -theos -:these 5023 -tauta - ought 1163 -dei - ye to have done 4160 -poieo - , and not to leave 0863 -aphiemi - the other 2548 -kakeinos - undone .

woe 42_LUK_17_01 . Then 1161 -de - said 2036 -epo - he unto the disciples 3101 -mathetes - , It is impossible 0418 -anendektos - but that offences 4625 -skandalon - will come 2064 -erchomai -:but {woe} 3759 -ouai - [ unto him ] , through 1223 -dia - whom 3739 -hos - they come 2064 -erchomai - !

woe 42_LUK_21_23 But {woe} 3759 -ouai - unto them that are with child 1064 -gaster - , and to them that give suck 2337 -thelazo - , in those 1565 -ekeinos - days 2250 -hemera - ! for there shall be great 3173 -megas - distress 0318 -anagke - in the land 1093 -ge - , and wrath 3709 -orge - upon this 5129 -toutoi - people 2992 -laos - .

woe 42_LUK_22_22 And truly 3303 -men - the Son 5207 -huios - of man 0444 -anthropos - goeth 4198 -poreuomai - , as it was determined 3724 -horizo -:but {woe} 3759 -ouai - unto that man 0444 -anthropos - by whom 3739 -hos - he is betrayed 3860 -paradidomi - !

woe 41_MAR_13_17 But {woe} (3759 -ouai -) to them that are with child (1064 -gaster -) , and to them that give suck (2337 -thelazo -) in those (1565 -ekeinos -) days (2250 -hemera -) !

woe 41_MAR_14_21 The Son (5207 -huios -) of man (0444 -anthropos -) indeed (3303 -men -) goeth (5217 -hupago -) , as it is written (1125 -grapho -) of him:but {woe} (3759 -ouai -) to that man (0444 -anthropos -) by whom (3739 -hos -) the Son (5207 -huios -) of man (0444 -anthropos -) is betrayed (3860 -paradidomi -) ! good (2570 -kalos -) were it for that man (0444 -anthropos -) if (1487 -ei -) he had never (3756 -ou -) been born (1080 -gennao -) .

woe 40_MAT_11_21 Woe (3759 -ouai -) unto thee , Chorazin (5523 -Chorazin -) ! {woe} (3759 -ouai -) unto thee , Bethsaida (0966 -Bethsaida -) ! for if (1487 -ei -) the mighty (1411 -dunamis -) works , which (3588 -ho -) were done (1096 -ginomai -) in you , had been done (1096 -ginomai -) in Tyre (5184 -Turos -) and Sidon (4605 -Sidon -) , they would have repented (3340 -metanoeo -) long (3819 -palai -) ago (3819 -palai -) in sackcloth (4526 -sakkos -) and ashes (4700 -spodos -) .

woe 40_MAT_18_07 . Woe (3759 -ouai -) unto the world (2889 -kosmos -) because (0575 -apo -) of offences (4625 -skandalon -) ! for it must (0318 -anagke -) needs (0318 -anagke -) be that offences (4625 -skandalon -) come (2064 -erchomai -) ; but {woe} (3759 -ouai -) to that man (0444 -anthropos -) by whom (3739 -hos -) the offence (4625 -skandalon -) cometh (2064 -erchomai -) !

woe 40_MAT_23_13 . But {woe} (3759 -ouai -) unto you , scribes (1122 -grammateus -) and Pharisees (5330 -Pharisaios -) , hypocrites (5273 -hupokrites -) ! for ye shut (2808 -kleio -) up the kingdom (0932 -basileia -) of heaven (3772 -ouranos -) against (1715 -emprosthen -) men (0444 -anthropos -):for ye neither (3761 -oude -) go (1525 -eiserchomai -) in [ yourselves ] , neither (3756 -ou -) suffer (0863 -aphiemi -) ye them that are entering (1525 -eiserchomai -) to go (1525 -eiserchomai -) in .

woe 40_MAT_24_19 And {woe} (3759 -ouai -) unto them that are with child (1064 -gaster -) , and to them that give suck (2337 -thelazo -) in those (1565 -ekeinos -) days (2250 -hemera -) !

woe 40_MAT_26_24 The Son (5207 -huios -) of man (0444 -anthropos -) goeth (5217 -hupago -) as it is written (1125 -grapho -) of him:but {woe} (3759 -ouai -) unto that man (0444 -anthropos -) by whom (3739 -hos -) the Son (5207 -huios -) of man (0444 -anthropos -) is betrayed (3860 -paradidomi -) ! it had been (2258 -en -) good (0018 -agathos -) for that man (0444 -anthropos -) if (1487 -ei -) he had not been born (1080 -gennao -) .

woe 20_PRO_23_29 . Who (04310 +miy ) hath {woe} (00188 +)owy ) ? who (04310 +miy ) hath sorrow (17) ? who (04310 +miy ) hath contentions (04079 +midyan ) ? who (04310 +miy ) hath babbling (07879 +siyach ) ? who (04310 +miy ) hath wounds (06482 +petsa( ) without (02600 +chinnam ) cause (02600 +chinnam ) ? who (04310 +miy ) hath redness (02498 +chalaph ) of eyes (05869 +(ayin ) ?

woe 66_REV_08_13 And I beheld (1492 -eido -) , and heard (0191 -akouo -) an angel (0032 -aggelos -) flying (4072 -petomai -) through (1722 -en -) the midst (3321 -mesouranema -) of heaven (3321 -mesouranema -) , saying (3004 -lego -) with a loud (3173 -megas -) voice (5456 -phone -) , Woe (3759 -ouai -) , woe (3759 -ouai -) , {woe} (3759 -ouai -) , to the inhabiters (2730 -katoikeo -) of the earth (1093 -ge -) by reason (1537 -ek -) of the other (3062 -loipoy -) voices (5456 -phone -) of the trumpet (4536 -salpigx -) of the three (5140 -treis -) angels (0032 -aggelos -) , which (3588 -ho -) are yet (3195 -mello -) to sound (4537 -salpizo -) !

woe 66_REV_08_13 And I beheld (1492 -eido -) , and heard (0191 -akouo -) an angel (0032 -aggelos -) flying (4072 -petomai -) through (1722 -en -) the midst (3321 -mesouranema -) of heaven (3321 -mesouranema -) , saying (3004 -lego -) with a loud (3173 -megas -) voice (5456 -phone -) , Woe (3759 -ouai -) , {woe} (3759 -ouai -) , woe (3759 -ouai -) , to the inhabiters (2730 -katoikeo -) of the earth (1093 -ge -) by reason (1537 -ek -) of the other (3062 -loipoy -) voices (5456 -phone -) of the trumpet (4536 -salpigx -) of the three (5140 -treis -) angels (0032 -aggelos -) , which (3588 -ho -) are yet (3195 -mello -) to sound (4537 -salpizo -) !

woe 66_REV_09_12 One (3391 -mia -) {woe} (3759 -ouai -) is past (0565 -aperchomai -) ; [ and ] , behold (2400 -idou -) , there come (2064 -erchomai -) two (1417 -duo -) woes (3759 -ouai -) more (2089 -eti -) hereafter (5023 -tauta -) .

woe 66_REV_11_14 . The second (1208 -deuteros -) woe (3759 -ouai -) is past (0565 -aperchomai -) ; [ and ] , behold (2400 -idou -) , the third (5154 -tritos -) {woe} (3759 -ouai -) cometh (2064 -erchomai -) quickly (5035 -tachu -) .

woe 66_REV_11_14 . The second (1208 -deuteros -) {woe} (3759 -ouai -) is past (0565 -aperchomai -) ; [ and ] , behold (2400 -idou -) , the third (5154 -tritos -) woe (3759 -ouai -) cometh (2064 -erchomai -) quickly (5035 -tachu -) .

woeful 24_JER_17_16 As for me , I have not hastened (00213 +)uwts ) from [ being ] a pastor (07462 +ra(ah ) to follow (00310 +)achar ) thee:neither (03808 +lo) ) have I desired (00183 +)avah ) the {woeful} (00605 +)anash ) day (03117 +yowm ) ; thou knowest (03045 +yada( ):that which came (04161 +mowtsa) ) out of my lips (08193 +saphah ) was [ right (05227 +nokach ) ] before (05227 +nokach ) thee .

woes 66_REV_09_12 One (3391 -mia -) woe (3759 -ouai -) is past (0565 -aperchomai -) ; [ and ] , behold (2400 -idou -) , there come (2064 -erchomai -) two (1417 -duo -) {woes} (3759 -ouai -) more (2089 -eti -) hereafter (5023 -tauta -) .

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