Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the definitions plus combined with every place that word is used in the definitions.

Complete index of every word used in both the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary in English Word order.

Hebrew and Greek Expanded Dictionary

woe 00188 ## 'owy {o'- ee} ; probably from 00183 (in the sense of crying out after) ; lamentation ; also interjectionally Oh ! : -- alas , {woe} .

woe 00190 ## 'owyah {o-yaw'} ; feminine of 00188 : -- {woe} .

woe 00337 ## 'iy {ee} ; short from 00188 ; alas ! : -- {woe} .

woe 00480 ## 'al@lay {al-le-lah'ee} ; by reduplication from 00421 ; alas ! : -- {woe} .

woe 01929 ## hahh {haw} ; a shortened form of 00162 ; ah ! expressing grief : -- {woe} worth .

woe 01945 ## howy {hoh'ee} ; a prolonged form of 01930 [akin to 00188 ] ; oh ! : -- ah , alas , ho , O , {woe} .

woe 01958 ## hiy {he} ; for 05092 ; lamentation : -- {woe} . (For hiy'. See 01931 , 01932 .)

woe 3759 - ouai {oo-ah'-ee}; a primary exclamation of grief; " woe " : -- alas, {woe}.

woe 3759 - ouai {oo-ah'-ee}; a primary exclamation of grief; " {woe} " : -- alas, woe.

woeful 00605 ## 'anash {aw-nash'} ; a primitive root ; to be frail , feeble , or (figuratively) melancholy : -- desperate (- ly wicked) , incurable , sick , {woeful} .