Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
wives ^ 46_1CO_07_29 But <1161> this <5124> I say <5346> (5748), brethren <0080>, the time <2540> is short <4958> (5772): it remaineth <2076> (5748) <3063>, that <2443> both <2532> they that have <2192> (5723) {wives} <1135> be <5600> (5753) as though <5613> they had <2192> (5723) none <3361>;

wives ^ 60_1PE_03_01 Likewise <3668>, ye {wives} <1135>, be in subjection <5293> (5746) to your own <2398> husbands <0435>; that <2443>, if any <1536> obey not <0544> (5719) the word <3056>, they <2770> <0> also <2532> may <2770> <0> without <0427> the word <3056> be won <2770> (5686) by <1223> the conversation <0391> of the wives <1135>;

wives ^ 60_1PE_03_01 Likewise <3668>, ye wives <1135>, be in subjection <5293> (5746) to your own <2398> husbands <0435>; that <2443>, if any <1536> obey not <0544> (5719) the word <3056>, they <2770> <0> also <2532> may <2770> <0> without <0427> the word <3056> be won <2770> (5686) by <1223> the conversation <0391> of the {wives} <1135>;

wives ^ 54_1TI_03_11 Even so <5615> must their {wives} <1135> be grave <4586>, not <3361> slanderers <1228>, sober <3524>, faithful <4103> in <1722> all things <3956>.

wives ^ 54_1TI_04_07 But <1161> refuse <3868> (5737) profane <0952> and <2532> old {wives} <1126> fables <3454>, and <1161> exercise <1128> (5720) thyself <4572> rather unto <4314> godliness <2150>.

wives ^ 44_ACT_21_05 And <1161> when <3753> we <2248> had <1096> (5633) accomplished <1822> (5658) those days <2250>, we departed <1831> (5631) and went our way <4198> (5711); and they all <3956> brought <4311> <0> us <2248> on our way <4311> (5723), with <4862> {wives} <1135> and <2532> children <5043>, till <2193> we were out of <1854> the city <4172>: and <2532> we kneeled down <5087> (5631) <1119> on <1909> the shore <0123>, and prayed <4336> (5662).

Wives ^ 51_COL_03_18 {Wives} <1135>, submit yourselves <5293> (5732) unto your own <2398> husbands <0435>, as <5613> it is fit <0433> (5707) in <1722> the Lord <2962>.

wives ^ 51_COL_03_19 Husbands <0435>, love <0025> (5720) your {wives} <1135>, and <2532> be <4087> <0> not <3361> bitter <4087> (5744) against <4314> them <0846>.

Wives ^ 49_EPH_05_22 {Wives} <1135>, submit yourselves <5293> (5732) unto your own <2398> husbands <0435>, as <5613> unto the Lord <2962>.

wives ^ 49_EPH_05_28 So <3779> ought <3784> (5719) men <0435> to love <0025> (5721) their <1438> {wives} <1135> as <5613> their own <1438> bodies <4983>. He that loveth <0025> (5723) his <1438> wife <1135> loveth <0025> (5719) himself <1438>.

wives ^ 49_EPH_05_24 Therefore <0235> as <5618> the church <1577> is subject <5293> (5743) unto Christ <5547>, so <3779> <2532> let the {wives} <1135> be to their own <2398> husbands <0435> in <1722> every thing <3956>.

wives ^ 49_EPH_05_25 Husbands <0435>, love <0025> (5720) your <1438> {wives} <1135>, even as <2531> Christ <5547> also <2532> loved <0025> (5656) the church <1577>, and <2532> gave <3860> (5656) himself <1438> for <5228> it <0846>;

wives ^ 42_LUK_17_27 They did eat <2068> (5707), they drank <4095> (5707), they married {wives} <1060> (5707), they were given in marriage <1547> (5712), until <0891> the day <2250> that <3739> Noe <3575> entered <1525> (5627) into <1519> the ark <2787>, and <2532> the flood <2627> came <2064> (5627), and <2532> destroyed <0622> (5656) them all <0537>.

wives ^ 40_MAT_19_08 He saith <3004> (5719) unto them <0846>, <3754> Moses <3475> because of <4314> the hardness <4641> <0> of your <5216> hearts <4641> suffered <2010> (5656) you <5213> to put away <0630> (5658) your <5216> {wives} <1135>: but <1161> from <0575> the beginning <0746> it was <1096> (5754) not <3756> so <3779>.