Bible Word Index with Strong's Number

Language Tranliteration of original language words

eyewitnesses 61_2PE_01_16 . For we have not followed (1811 -exakoloutheo -) cunningly devised (4679 -sophizo -) fables (3454 -muthos -) , when we made (1107 -gnorizo -) known (1107 -gnorizo -) unto you the power (1411 -dunamis -) and coming (3952 -parousia -) of our Lord (2962 -kurios -) Jesus (2424 -Iesous -) Christ (5547 -Christos -) , but were {eyewitnesses} (2030 -epoptes -) of his majesty (3168 -megaleiotes -) .

eyewitnesses 42_LUK_01_02 Even 2531 -kathos - as they delivered 3860 -paradidomi - them unto us , which 3588 -ho - from the beginning 0746 -arche - were {eyewitnesses} 0845 -autoptes - , and ministers 5257 -huperetes - of the word 3056 -logos - ;

witnesses 46_1CO_15_15 Yea (1161 -de -) , and we are found (2147 -heurisko -) false (5575 -pseudomartur -) {witnesses} (5575 -pseudomartur -) of God (2316 -theos -) ; because (3754 -hoti -) we have testified (3140 -martureo -) of God (2316 -theos -) that he raised (1453 -egeiro -) up Christ (5547 -Christos -):whom (3739 -hos -) he raised (1453 -egeiro -) not up , if (1512 -ei per -) so (0686 -ara -) be that the dead (3498 -nekros -) rise (1453 -egeiro -) not .

witnesses 52_1TH_02_10 Ye [ are ] {witnesses} (3144 -martus -) , and God (2316 -theos -) [ also (2532 -kai -) ] , how (5613 -hos -) holily (3743 -hosios -) and justly (1346 -dikaios -) and unblameably (0274 -amemptos -) we behaved (1096 -ginomai -) ourselves among you that believe (4100 -pisteuo -) :

witnesses 54_1TI_05_19 Against (2596 -kata -) an elder (4245 -presbuteros -) receive (3858 -paradechomai -) not an accusation (2724 -kategoria -) , but before (1909 -epi -) two (1417 -duo -) or (2228 -e -) three (5140 -treis -) {witnesses} (3144 -martus -) .

witnesses 54_1TI_06_12 Fight (0075 -agonizomai -) the good (2570 -kalos -) fight (0073 -agon -) of faith (4102 -pistis -) , lay (1949 -epilambanomai -) hold (1949 -epilambanomai -) on (1949 -epilambanomai -) eternal (0166 -aionios -) life (2222 -zoe -) , whereunto (3739 -hos -) thou art also (2532 -kai -) called (2564 -kaleo -) , and hast professed (3670 -homologeo -) a good (2570 -kalos -) profession (3671 -homologia -) before (1799 -enopion -) many (4183 -polus -) {witnesses} (3144 -martus -) .

witnesses 47_2CO_13_01 . This (5124 -touto -) [ is ] the third (5154 -tritos -) [ time ] I am coming (2064 -erchomai -) to you . In the mouth (4750 -stoma -) of two (1417 -duo -) or (2532 -kai -) three (5140 -treis -) {witnesses} (3144 -martus -) shall every (3956 -pas -) word (4487 -rhema -) be established (2476 -histemi -) .

witnesses 55_2TI_02_02 And the things that thou hast heard (0191 -akouo -) of me among (1223 -dia -) many (4183 -polus -) {witnesses} (3144 -martus -) , the same (5023 -tauta -) commit (3908 -paratithemi -) thou to faithful (4103 -pistos -) men (0444 -anthropos -) , who (3748 -hostis -) shall be able (2425 -hikanos -) to teach (1321 -didasko -) others (2087 -heteros -) also (2532 -kai -) .

witnesses 44_ACT_01_08 But ye shall receive (2983 -lambano -) power (1411 -dunamis -) , after that the Holy (0040 -hagios -) Ghost (4151 -pneuma -) is come (1904 -eperchomai -) upon you:and ye shall be {witnesses} (3144 -martus -) unto me both (5037 -te -) in Jerusalem (2419 -Hierousalem -) , and in all (3956 -pas -) Judaea (2449 -Ioudaia -) , and in Samaria (4540 -Samareia -) , and unto the uttermost (2078 -eschatos -) part of the earth (1093 -ge -) .

witnesses 44_ACT_02_32 This (5126 -touton -) Jesus (2424 -Iesous -) hath God (2316 -theos -) raised (0450 -anistemi -) up , whereof (3739 -hos -) we all (3956 -pas -) are {witnesses} (3144 -martus -) .

witnesses 44_ACT_03_15 And killed (0615 -apokteino -) the Prince (0747 -archegos -) of life (2222 -zoe -) , whom (3739 -hos -) God (2316 -theos -) hath raised (1453 -egeiro -) from the dead (3498 -nekros -) ; whereof (3739 -hos -) we are {witnesses} (3144 -martus -) .

witnesses 44_ACT_05_32 And we are his {witnesses} (3144 -martus -) of these (5130 -touton -) things (4487 -rhema -) ; and [ so is ] also (2532 -kai -) the Holy (0040 -hagios -) Ghost (4151 -pneuma -) , whom (3739 -hos -) God (2316 -theos -) hath given (1325 -didomi -) to them that obey (3980 -peitharcheo -) him .

witnesses 44_ACT_06_13 And set (2476 -histemi -) up false (5571 -pseudes -) {witnesses} (3144 -martus -) , which said (3004 -lego -) , This (5127 -toutou -) man (0444 -anthropos -) ceaseth (3973 -pauo -) not to speak (2980 -laleo -) blasphemous (0989 -blasphemos -) words (4487 -rhema -) against (2596 -kata -) this (3778 -houtos -) holy (0040 -hagios -) place (5117 -topos -) , and the law (3551 -nomos -) :

witnesses 44_ACT_07_58 And cast (1544 -ekballo -) [ him ] out of the city (4172 -polis -) , and stoned (3036 -lithoboleo -) [ him ]:and the {witnesses} (3144 -martus -) laid (0659 -apotithemi -) down their clothes (2440 -himation -) at (3844 -para -) a young (3494 -neanias -) man s (3494 -neanias -) feet (4228 -pous -) , whose name (2564 -kaleo -) was Saul (4569 -Saulos -) .

witnesses 44_ACT_10_39 And we are {witnesses} (3144 -martus -) of all (3956 -pas -) things which (3739 -hos -) he did (4160 -poieo -) both (5037 -te -) in the land (5561 -chora -) of the Jews (2453 -Ioudaios -) , and in Jerusalem (2419 -Hierousalem -) ; whom (3739 -hos -) they slew (0337 -anaireo -) and hanged (2910 -kremannumi -) on (1909 -epi -) a tree (3586 -xulon -) :

witnesses 44_ACT_10_41 Not to all (3956 -pas -) the people (2992 -laos -) , but unto {witnesses} (3144 -martus -) chosen (4401 -procheirotoneo -) before (4401 -procheirotoneo -) of God (2316 -theos -) , [ even ] to us , who (3748 -hostis -) did eat (4906 -sunesthio -) and drink (4844 -sumpino -) with him after (3326 -meta -) he rose (0450 -anistemi -) from the dead (3498 -nekros -) .

witnesses 44_ACT_13_31 And he was seen (3700 -optanomai -) many (4119 -pleion -) days (2250 -hemera -) of them which came (4872 -sunanabaino -) up with him from Galilee (1056 -Galilaia -) to Jerusalem (2419 -Hierousalem -) , who (3748 -hostis -) are his {witnesses} (3144 -martus -) unto the people (2992 -laos -) .

witnesses 05_DEU_17_06 At (05921 +(al ) the mouth (06310 +peh ) of two (08147 +sh@nayim ) witnesses (05707 +(ed ) , or (00176 +)ow ) three (07969 +shalowsh ) {witnesses} (05707 +(ed ) , shall he that is worthy of death (04191 +muwth ) be put to death (04191 +muwth ) ; [ but ] at (05921 +(al ) the mouth (06310 +peh ) of one (00259 +)echad ) witness (05707 +(ed ) he shall not be put to death (04191 +muwth ) .

witnesses 05_DEU_17_06 At (05921 +(al ) the mouth (06310 +peh ) of two (08147 +sh@nayim ) {witnesses} (05707 +(ed ) , or (00176 +)ow ) three (07969 +shalowsh ) witnesses (05707 +(ed ) , shall he that is worthy of death (04191 +muwth ) be put to death (04191 +muwth ) ; [ but ] at (05921 +(al ) the mouth (06310 +peh ) of one (00259 +)echad ) witness (05707 +(ed ) he shall not be put to death (04191 +muwth ) .

witnesses 05_DEU_17_07 The hands (03027 +yad ) of the {witnesses} (05707 +(ed ) shall be first (07223 +ri)shown ) upon him to put him to death (04191 +muwth ) , and afterward (00314 +)acharown ) the hands (03027 +yad ) of all (03605 +kol ) the people (05971 +(am ) . So thou shalt put (01197 +ba(ar ) the evil (07451 +ra( ) away (01197 +ba(ar ) from among (07130 +qereb ) you .

witnesses 05_DEU_19_15 One (00259 +)echad ) witness (05707 +(ed ) shall not rise (06965 +quwm ) up against a man (00376 +)iysh ) for any (03605 +kol ) iniquity (05771 +(avon ) , or for any (03605 +kol ) sin (02403 +chatta)ah ) , in any (03605 +kol ) sin (02399 +chet) ) that he sinneth (02398 +chata) ):at (05921 +(al ) the mouth (06310 +peh ) of two (08147 +sh@nayim ) witnesses (05707 +(ed ) , or at (05921 +(al ) the mouth (06310 +peh ) of three (07969 +shalowsh ) {witnesses} (05707 +(ed ) , shall the matter (01697 +dabar ) be established (06965 +quwm ) .

witnesses 05_DEU_19_15 One (00259 +)echad ) witness (05707 +(ed ) shall not rise (06965 +quwm ) up against a man (00376 +)iysh ) for any (03605 +kol ) iniquity (05771 +(avon ) , or for any (03605 +kol ) sin (02403 +chatta)ah ) , in any (03605 +kol ) sin (02399 +chet) ) that he sinneth (02398 +chata) ):at (05921 +(al ) the mouth (06310 +peh ) of two (08147 +sh@nayim ) {witnesses} (05707 +(ed ) , or at (05921 +(al ) the mouth (06310 +peh ) of three (07969 +shalowsh ) witnesses (05707 +(ed ) , shall the matter (01697 +dabar ) be established (06965 +quwm ) .

witnesses 58_HEB_10_28 He that despised (0114 -atheteo -) Moses (3475 -Moseus -) law (3551 -nomos -) died (0599 -apothnesko -) without (5565 -choris -) mercy (3628 -oiktirmos -) under (1909 -epi -) two (1417 -duo -) or (2228 -e -) three (5140 -treis -) {witnesses} (3144 -martus -) :

witnesses 58_HEB_12_01 . Wherefore (5105 -toigaroun -) seeing we also (2532 -kai -) are compassed (4029 -perikeimai -) about (4029 -perikeimai -) with so (5118 -tosoutos -) great (5118 -tosoutos -) a cloud (3509 -nephos -) of {witnesses} (3144 -martus -) , let us lay (0659 -apotithemi -) aside (0659 -apotithemi -) every (3956 -pas -) weight (3591 -ogkos -) , and the sin (0266 -hamartia -) which doth so easily beset (2139 -euperistatos -) [ us ] , and let us run (5143 -trecho -) with patience (5281 -hupomone -) the race (0073 -agon -) that is set (4295 -prokeimai -) before (4295 -prokeimai -) us ,

witnesses 23_ISA_08_02 And I took unto me faithful (00539 +)aman ) {witnesses} (05707 +(ed ) to record (05749 +(uwd ) , Uriah (00223 +)Uwriyah ) the priest (03548 +kohen ) , and Zechariah (02148 +Z@karyah ) the son (01121 +ben ) of Jeberechiah (03000 +Y@berekyahuw ) .

witnesses 23_ISA_43_09 Let all (03605 +kol ) the nations (01471 +gowy ) be gathered (06908 +qabats ) together (03162 +yachad ) , and let the people (03816 +l@om ) be assembled:who (04310 +miy ) among them can declare (05046 +nagad ) this (02063 +zo)th ) , and shew (08085 +shama( ) us former (07223 +ri)shown ) things ? let them bring (05414 +nathan ) forth their {witnesses} (05707 +(ed ) , that they may be justified (06663 +tsadaq ):or let them hear (08085 +shama( ) , and say (00559 +)amar ) , [ It is ] truth (00571 +)emeth ) .

witnesses 23_ISA_43_10 Ye [ are ] my {witnesses} (05707 +(ed ) , saith (05002 +n@)um ) the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) , and my servant (05650 +(ebed ) whom (00834 +)aher ) I have chosen (00977 +bachar ):that ye may know (03045 +yada( ) and believe (00539 +)aman ) me , and understand (00995 +biyn ) that I [ am ] he:before (06440 +paniym ) me there was no (03808 +lo) ) God (00410 +)el ) formed (03335 +yatsar ) , neither (03808 +lo) ) shall there be after (00310 +)achar ) me .

witnesses 23_ISA_43_12 I have declared (05046 +nagad ) , and have saved (03467 +yasha( ) , and I have shewed (08085 +shama( ) , when [ there was ] no (00369 +)ayin ) strange (02114 +zuwr ) [ god ] among you:therefore ye [ are ] my {witnesses} (05707 +(ed ) , saith (05002 +n@)um ) the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) , that I [ am ] God (00410 +)el ) .

witnesses 23_ISA_44_08 Fear (06342 +pachad ) ye not , neither (00408 +)al ) be afraid (07297 +rahah ):have not I told (08085 +shama( ) thee from that time (00227 +)az ) , and have declared (05046 +nagad ) [ it ] ? ye [ are ] even my {witnesses} (05707 +(ed ) . Is there a God (00433 +)elowahh ) beside (01107 +bil(adey ) me ? yea , [ there is ] no (00369 +)ayin ) God (06697 +tsuwr ) ; I know (03045 +yada( ) not [ any ] .

witnesses 23_ISA_44_09 . They that make (03335 +yatsar ) a graven (06459 +pecel ) image [ are ] all (03605 +kol ) of them vanity (08414 +tohuw ) ; and their delectable (02530 +chamad ) things shall not profit (03276 +ya(al ) ; and they [ are ] their own {witnesses} (05707 +(ed ) ; they see (07200 +ra)ah ) not , nor (01077 +bal ) know (03045 +yada( ) ; that they may be ashamed (00954 +buwsh ) .

witnesses 24_JER_32_10 And I subscribed (03789 +kathab ) the evidence (05612 +cepher ) , and sealed (02856 +chatham ) [ it ] , and took {witnesses} (05707 +(ed ) , and weighed (08254 +shaqal ) [ him ] the money (03701 +keceph ) in the balances (03976 +mo)zen ) .

witnesses 24_JER_32_12 And I gave (05414 +nathan ) the evidence (05612 +cepher ) of the purchase (04736 +miqnah ) unto Baruch (01263 +Baruwk ) the son (01121 +ben ) of Neriah (05374 +Neriyah ) , the son (01121 +ben ) of Maaseiah (04271 +Machceyah ) , in the sight (05869 +(ayin ) of Hanameel (02601 +Chanam)el ) mine uncle s (01733 +dowdah ) [ son ] , and in the presence (05869 +(ayin ) of the {witnesses} (05707 +(ed ) that subscribed (03789 +kathab ) the book (05612 +cepher ) of the purchase (04736 +miqnah ) , before (05869 +(ayin ) all (03605 +kol ) the Jews (03064 +Y@huwdiy ) that sat (03427 +yashab ) in the court (02691 +chatser ) of the prison (04307 +mattara) ) .

witnesses 24_JER_32_25 And thou hast said (00559 +)amar ) unto me , O Lord (00136 +)Adonay ) GOD (03069 +Y@hovih ) , Buy (07069 +qanah ) thee the field (07704 +sadeh ) for money (03701 +keceph ) , and take (05749 +(uwd ) {witnesses} (05707 +(ed ) ; for the city (05892 +(iyr ) is given (05414 +nathan ) into the hand (03027 +yad ) of the Chaldeans (03778 +Kasdiy ) .

witnesses 24_JER_32_44 Men shall buy (07069 +qanah ) fields (07704 +sadeh ) for money (03701 +keceph ) , and subscribe (03789 +kathab ) evidences (05612 +cepher ) , and seal (02856 +chatham ) [ them ] , and take (05749 +(uwd ) {witnesses} (05707 +(ed ) in the land (00776 +)erets ) of Benjamin (01144 +Binyamiyn ) , and in the places about (05439 +cabiyb ) Jerusalem (03389 +Y@ruwshalaim ) , and in the cities (05892 +(iyr ) of Judah (03063 +Y@huwdah ) , and in the cities (05892 +(iyr ) of the mountains (02022 +har ) , and in the cities (05892 +(iyr ) of the valley (08219 +sh@phelah ) , and in the cities (05892 +(iyr ) of the south (05045 +negeb ):for I will (07522 +ratsown ) cause their captivity (07622 +sh@buwth ) to return (07725 +shuwb ) , saith (05002 +n@)um ) the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) .

witnesses 18_JOB_10_17 Thou renewest (02318 +chadash ) thy {witnesses} (05707 +(ed ) against (05048 +neged ) me , and increasest (07235 +rabah ) thine indignation (03708 +ka(ac ) upon me ; changes (02487 +chaliyphah ) and war (06635 +tsaba) ) [ are ] against (05973 +(im ) me .

witnesses 06_JOS_24_22 And Joshua (03091 +Y@howshuwa( ) said (00559 +)amar ) unto the people (05971 +(am ) , Ye [ are ] witnesses (05707 +(ed ) against yourselves that ye have chosen (00977 +bachar ) you the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) , to serve (05647 +(abad ) him . And they said (00559 +)amar ) , [ We are ] {witnesses} (05707 +(ed ) .

witnesses 06_JOS_24_22 And Joshua (03091 +Y@howshuwa( ) said (00559 +)amar ) unto the people (05971 +(am ) , Ye [ are ] {witnesses} (05707 +(ed ) against yourselves that ye have chosen (00977 +bachar ) you the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) , to serve (05647 +(abad ) him . And they said (00559 +)amar ) , [ We are ] witnesses (05707 +(ed ) .

witnesses 42_LUK_24_48 And ye are {witnesses} 3144 -martus - of these 5130 -touton - things .

witnesses 41_MAR_14_63 Then (1161 -de -) the high (0749 -archiereus -) priest (0749 -archiereus -) rent (1284 -diarrhesso -) his clothes (5509 -chiton -) , and saith (3004 -lego -) , What (5101 -tis -) need (5532 -chreia -) we any (2089 -eti -) further (2089 -eti -) {witnesses} (3144 -martus -) ?

witnesses 40_MAT_18_16 But if (1437 -ean -) he will not hear (0191 -akouo -) [ thee , then ] take (3880 -paralambano -) with thee one (1520 -heis -) or (2228 -e -) two (1417 -duo -) more (2089 -eti -) , that in the mouth (4750 -stoma -) of two (1417 -duo -) or (2228 -e -) three (5140 -treis -) {witnesses} (3144 -martus -) every (3956 -pas -) word (4487 -rhema -) may be established (2476 -histemi -) .

witnesses 40_MAT_23_31 Wherefore (5620 -hoste -) ye be {witnesses} (3140 -martureo -) unto yourselves (1438 -heautou -) , that ye are the children (5207 -huios -) of them which killed (5407 -phoneuo -) the prophets (4396 -prophetes -) .

witnesses 40_MAT_26_60 But found (2147 -heurisko -) none (3756 -ou -):yea (2532 -kai -) , though many (4183 -polus -) false (5575 -pseudomartur -) witnesses (5575 -pseudomartur -) came (4334 -proserchomai -) , [ yet ] found they none (3756 -ou -) . At the last (5305 -husteron -) came (4334 -proserchomai -) two (1417 -duo -) false (5575 -pseudomartur -) {witnesses} (5575 -pseudomartur -) ,

witnesses 40_MAT_26_60 But found (2147 -heurisko -) none (3756 -ou -):yea (2532 -kai -) , though many (4183 -polus -) false (5575 -pseudomartur -) {witnesses} (5575 -pseudomartur -) came (4334 -proserchomai -) , [ yet ] found they none (3756 -ou -) . At the last (5305 -husteron -) came (4334 -proserchomai -) two (1417 -duo -) false (5575 -pseudomartur -) witnesses (5575 -pseudomartur -) ,

witnesses 40_MAT_26_65 Then (5119 -tote -) the high (0749 -archiereus -) priest (0749 -archiereus -) rent (1284 -diarrhesso -) his clothes (2440 -himation -) , saying (3004 -lego -) , He hath spoken (0987 -blasphemeo -) blasphemy (0987 -blasphemeo -) ; what (5101 -tis -) further (2089 -eti -) need (5532 -chreia -) have (2192 -echo -) we of {witnesses} (3144 -martus -) ? behold (2396 -ide -) , now (3568 -nun -) ye have heard (0191 -akouo -) his blasphemy (0988 -blasphemia -) .

witnesses 04_NUM_35_30 Whoso (03605 +kol ) killeth (05221 +nakah ) any person (05315 +nephesh ) , the murderer (07523 +ratsach ) shall be put to death (07523 +ratsach ) by the mouth (06310 +peh ) of {witnesses} (05707 +(ed ):but one (00259 +)echad ) witness (05707 +(ed ) shall not testify (06030 +(anah ) against any person (05315 +nephesh ) [ to cause him ] to die (04191 +muwth ) .

witnesses 19_PSA_27_12 Deliver (05414 +nathan ) me not over unto the will (05315 +nephesh ) of mine enemies (06862 +tsar ):for false (08267 +sheqer ) {witnesses} (05707 +(ed ) are risen (06965 +quwm ) up against me , and such as breathe (03307 +yapheach ) out cruelty (02555 +chamac ) .

witnesses 19_PSA_35_11 . False (02555 +chamac ) {witnesses} (05707 +(ed ) did rise (06965 +quwm ) up ; they laid to my charge (07592 +sha)al ) [ things ] that I knew (03045 +yada( ) not .

witnesses 66_REV_11_03 . And I will give (1325 -didomi -) [ power ] unto my two (1417 -duo -) {witnesses} (3144 -martus -) , and they shall prophesy (4395 -propheteuo -) a thousand (5507 -chilioi -) two (1250 -diakosioi -) hundred (1250 -diakosioi -) [ and ] threescore (1835 -hexekonta -) days (2250 -hemera -) , clothed (4016 -periballo -) in sackcloth (4526 -sakkos -) .

witnesses 08_RUT_04_09 . And Boaz (01162 +Bo(az ) said (00559 +)amar ) unto the elders (02205 +zaqen ) , and [ unto ] all (03605 +kol ) the people (05971 +(am ) , Ye [ are ] {witnesses} (05707 +(ed ) this day (03117 +yowm ) , that I have bought (07069 +qanah ) all (03605 +kol ) that [ was ] Elimelech s (00458 +)Eliymelek ) , and all (03605 +kol ) that [ was ] Chilion s (03630 +Kilyown ) and Mahlon s (04248 +Machlown ) , of the hand (03027 +yad ) of Naomi (05281 +No(omiy ) .

witnesses 08_RUT_04_10 Moreover (01571 +gam ) Ruth (07327 +Ruwth ) the Moabitess (04125 +Mow)abiy ) , the wife (00802 +)ishshah ) of Mahlon (04248 +Machlown ) , have I purchased (07069 +qanah ) to be my wife (00802 +)ishshah ) , to raise (06965 +quwm ) up the name (08034 +shem ) of the dead (04191 +muwth ) upon his inheritance (05159 +nachalah ) , that the name (08034 +shem ) of the dead (04191 +muwth ) be not cut (03772 +karath ) off from among (05973 +(im ) his brethren (00251 +)ach ) , and from the gate (08179 +sha(ar ) of his place (04725 +maqowm ):ye [ are ] {witnesses} (05707 +(ed ) this day (03117 +yowm ) .

witnesses 08_RUT_04_11 And all (03605 +kol ) the people (05971 +(am ) that [ were ] in the gate (08179 +sha(ar ) , and the elders (02205 +zaqen ) , said (00559 +)amar ) , [ We are ] {witnesses} (05707 +(ed ) . The LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) make (05414 +nathan ) the woman (00802 +)ishshah ) that is come (00935 +bow) ) into (00413 +)el ) thine house (01004 +bayith ) like Rachel (07354 +Rachel ) and like Leah (03812 +Le)ah ) , which (00834 +)aher ) two (08147 +sh@nayim ) did build (01129 +banah ) the house (01004 +bayith ) of Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ):and do (06213 +(asah ) thou worthily (02428 +chayil ) in Ephratah (00672 +)Ephraath ) , and be famous (08034 +shem ) in Bethlehem (01035 +Beyth Lechem ) :

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