eyewitnesses 001 002 Luk /${eyewitnesses /and
ministers of the word ;

eyewitnesses 001 016 IIPe /${eyewitnesses /of his
majesty .

witness 005 013 Num /^{witness /against her,
neither she be taken with the manner;

witness 014 056 Mar /${witness /against him ,
but their witness agreed not together .

witness 014 057 Mar /${witness /against him ,
saying ,

witness 021 010 IKi /^{witness /against him,
saying , Thou didst blaspheme God and the king . And then carry
him out , and stone him, that he may die .

witness 025 018 Pro /^{witness /against his
neighbour is a maul , and a sword , and a sharp arrow .

witness 026 059 Mat /${witness /against Jesus ,
to put him to death ;

witness 014 055 Mar /${witness /against Jesus to
put him to death ; and found none .

witness 012 003 ISa /^{witness /against me
before the LORD , and before his anointed : whose ox have I
taken ? or whose ass have I taken ? or whom have I defrauded ?
whom have I oppressed ? or of whose hand have I received any
bribe to blind mine eyes therewith? and I will restore it you.

witness 016 008 Job /^{witness /against me: and
my leanness rising up in me beareth witness to my face .

witness 003 005 Mal /^{witness /against the
sorcerers , and against the adulterers , and against false
swearers , and against those that oppress the hireling in his
wages , the widow , and the fatherless , and that turn aside the
stranger from his right, and fear not me, saith the LORD of
hosts .

witness 015 004 Mar /${witness /against thee .

witness 026 062 Mat /${witness /against thee ?

witness 014 060 Mar /${witness /against thee ?

witness 027 013 Mat /${witness /against thee ?

witness 031 026 Deu /^{witness /against thee.

witness 003 009 Isa /^{witness /against them ;
and they declare their sin as Sodom , they hide it not. Woe unto
their soul ! for they have rewarded evil unto themselves.

witness 005 020 Deu /^{witness /against thy
neighbour .

witness 020 016 Exo /^{witness /against thy
neighbour .

witness 024 028 Pro /^{witness /against thy
neighbour without cause ; and deceive not with thy lips .

witness 005 003 Jam /${witness /against you ,
and shall eat your flesh as it were fire . Ye have heaped
treasure together for the last days .

witness 004 026 Deu /^{witness /against you this
day , that ye shall soon utterly perish from off the land
whereunto ye go over Jordan to possess it; ye shall not prolong
your days upon it, but shall utterly be destroyed .

witness 012 005 ISa /^{witness /against you, and
his anointed is witness this day , that ye have not found ought
in my hand . And they answered , He is witness .

witness 001 002 Mic /^{witness /against you, the
Lord from his holy temple .

witness 014 059 Mar /${witness /agree together .

witness 014 056 Mar /${witness /agreed not
together .

witness 023 011 Act /${witness /also at Rome .

witness 022 005 Act /${witness /and all the
estate of the elders : from whom also I received letters unto
the brethren , and went to Damascus , to bring them which were
there bound unto Jerusalem , for to be punished .

witness 019 018 Deu /^{witness /and hath
testified falsely against his brother ;

witness 022 013 Exo /^{witness /and he shall not
make good that which was torn .

witness 001 002 IJo /${witness /and shew unto
you that eternal life , which was with the Father , and was
manifested unto us ;

witness 001 005 Rev /${witness /and the first
begotten of the dead , and the prince of the kings of the earth .
Unto him that loved us , and washed us from our sins in his own
blood ,

witness 002 015 Rom /${witness /and their
thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another ;

witness 031 052 Gen /^{witness /and this pillar
be witness , that I will not pass over this heap to thee, and
that thou shalt not pass over this heap and this pillar unto me,
for harm .

witness 004 022 Luk /${witness /and wondered at
the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth . And they
said , Is not this Joseph's son ?

witness 017 008 Num /^{witness /and, behold, the
rod of Aaron for the house of Levi was budded , and brought
forth buds , and bloomed blossoms , and yielded almonds .

witness 019 018 Deu /^{witness /be a false
witness , and hath testified falsely against his brother ;

witness 005 006 IJo /${witness /because the
Spirit is truth .

witness 015 027 Joh /${witness /because ye have
been with me from the beginning .

witness 003 026 Joh /${witness /behold , the
same baptizeth , and all men come to him .

witness 031 048 Gen /^{witness /between me and
thee this day . Therefore was the name of it called Galeed ;

witness 031 044 Gen /^{witness /between me and

witness 002 014 Mal /^{witness /between thee and
the wife of thy youth , against whom thou hast dealt
treacherously : yet is she thy companion , and the wife of thy
covenant .

witness 022 028 Jos /^{witness /between us and

witness 022 034 Jos /^{witness /between us that
the LORD is God .

witness 022 027 Jos /^{witness /between us, and
you, and our generations after us, that we might do the service
of the LORD before him with our burnt offerings , and with our
sacrifices , and with our peace offerings ; that your children
may not say to our children in time to come , Ye have no part in
the LORD .

witness 042 005 Jer /^{witness /between us, if
we do not even according to all things for the which the LORD
thy God shall send thee to us.

witness 011 010 Jug /^{witness /between us, if
we do not so according to thy words .

witness 031 050 Gen /^{witness /betwixt me and

witness 015 019 Mat /${witness /blasphemies :

witness 026 016 Act /${witness /both of these
things which thou hast seen , and of those things in the which I
will appear unto thee ;

witness 002 004 Heb /${witness /both with signs
and wonders , and with divers miracles , and gifts of the Holy
Ghost , according to his own will ?

witness 012 017 Pro /^{witness /deceit .

witness 010 019 Mar /${witness /Defraud not ,
Honour thy father and mother .

witness 014 025 Pro /^{witness /delivereth souls
: but a deceitful witness speaketh lies .

witness 031 021 Deu /^{witness /for it shall not
be forgotten out of the mouths of their seed : for I know their
imagination which they go about , even now , before I have
brought them into the land which I sware .

witness 031 019 Deu /^{witness /for me against
the children of Israel .

witness 002 013 Lam /^{witness /for thee? what
thing shall I liken to thee, O daughter of Jerusalem ? what
shall I equal to thee, that I may comfort thee, O virgin
daughter of Zion ? for thy breach is great like the sea : who
can heal thee?

witness 022 071 Luk /${witness /for we ourselves
have heard of his own mouth .

witness 015 008 Act /${witness /giving them the
Holy Ghost , even as he did unto us ;

witness 017 006 Deu /^{witness /he shall not be
put to death .

witness 018 020 Luk /${witness /Honour thy
father and thy mother .

witness 005 008 IJo /${witness /in earth , the
Spirit , and the water , and the blood : and these three agree
in one .

witness 089 037 Psa /^{witness /in heaven .
Selah .

witness 005 010 IJo /${witness /in himself : he
that believeth not God hath made him a liar ; because he
believeth not the record that God gave of his Son .

witness 014 017 Act /${witness /in that he did
good , and gave us rain from heaven , and fruitful seasons ,
filling our hearts with food and gladness .

witness 009 001 Rom /${witness /in the Holy
Ghost ,

witness 007 044 Act /${witness /in the
wilderness , as he had appointed , speaking unto Moses , that he
should make it according to the fashion that he had seen .

witness 016 019 Job /^{witness /is in heaven ,
and my record is on high .

witness 005 031 Joh /${witness /is not true .

witness 001 013 Tit /${witness /is true .
Wherefore rebuke them sharply , that they may be sound in the
faith ;

witness 005 009 IJo /${witness /of God is
greater : for this is the witness of God which he hath testified
of his Son .

witness 005 009 IJo /${witness /of God which he
hath testified of his Son .

witness 001 015 Joh /${witness /of him , and
cried , saying , This was he of whom I spake , He that cometh
after me is preferred before me : for he was before me .

witness 020 004 Rev /${witness /of Jesus , and
for the word of God , and which had not worshipped the beast ,
neither his image , neither had received his mark upon their
foreheads , or in their hands ; and they lived and reigned with
Christ a thousand years .

witness 005 036 Joh /${witness /of me , that the
Father hath sent me .

witness 008 018 Joh /${witness /of me .

witness 010 025 Joh /${witness /of me .

witness 005 037 Joh /${witness /of me . Ye have
neither heard his voice at any time , nor seen his shape .

witness 005 032 Joh /${witness /of me ; and I
know that the witness which he witnesseth of me is true .

witness 005 009 IJo /${witness /of men , the
witness of God is greater : for this is the witness of God which
he hath testified of his Son .

witness 008 018 Joh /${witness /of myself , and
the Father that sent me beareth witness of me .

witness 005 031 Joh /${witness /of myself , my
witness is not true .

witness 001 008 Joh /${witness /of that Light .

witness 018 023 Joh /${witness /of the evil :
but if well , why smitest thou me ?

witness 001 007 Joh /${witness /of the Light ,
that all men through him might believe .

witness 004 033 Act /${witness /of the
resurrection of the Lord Jesus : and great grace was upon them
all .

witness 005 001 IPe /${witness /of the
sufferings of Christ , and also a partaker of the glory that
shall be revealed :

witness 001 063 Jo /${witness /of thy charity
before the church : whom if thou bring forward on their journey
after a godly sort , thou shalt do well :

witness 019 016 Deu /^{witness /rise up against
any man to testify against him that which is wrong ;

witness 029 023 Jer /^{witness /saith the LORD .

witness 019 028 Pro /^{witness /scorneth
judgment : and the mouth of the wicked devoureth iniquity .

witness 019 005 Pro /^{witness /shall not be
unpunished , and he that speaketh lies shall not escape .

witness 019 009 Pro /^{witness /shall not be
unpunished , and he that speaketh lies shall perish .

witness 019 015 Deu /^{witness /shall not rise
up against a man for any iniquity , or for any sin , in any sin
that he sinneth : at the mouth of two witnesses , or at the
mouth of three witnesses , shall the matter be established .

witness 035 030 Num /^{witness /shall not
testify against any person to cause him to die .

witness 021 028 Pro /^{witness /shall perish :
but the man that heareth speaketh constantly .

witness 014 025 Pro /^{witness /speaketh lies .

witness 005 036 Joh /${witness /than that of
John : for the works which the Father hath given me to finish ,
the same works that I do , bear witness of me , that the Father
hath sent me .

witness 011 004 Heb /${witness /that he was
righteous , God testifying of his gifts : and by it he being
dead yet speaketh .

witness 003 028 Joh /${witness /that I said , I
am not the Christ , but that I am sent before him .

witness 031 052 Gen /^{witness /that I will not
pass over this heap to thee, and that thou shalt not pass over
this heap and this pillar unto me, for harm .

witness 006 019 Pro /^{witness /that speaketh
lies , and he that soweth discord among brethren .

witness 010 043 Act /${witness /that through his
name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins .

witness 011 048 Luk /${witness /that ye allow
the deeds of your fathers : for they indeed killed them , and ye
build their sepulchres .

witness 003 014 Rev /${witness /the beginning of
the creation of God ;

witness 012 005 ISa /^{witness /this day , that
ye have not found ought in my hand . And they answered , He is
witness .

witness 013 009 Rom /${witness /Thou shalt not
covet ; and if there be any other commandment , it is briefly
comprehended in this saying , namely , Thou shalt love thy
neighbour as thyself .

witness 001 007 Joh /${witness /to bear witness
of the Light , that all men through him might believe .

witness 029 011 Job /^{witness /to me:

witness 016 008 Job /^{witness /to my face .

witness 055 004 Isa /^{witness /to the people ,
a leader and commander to the people .

witness 010 015 Heb /${witness /to us : for
after that he had said before ,

witness 022 015 Act /${witness /unto all men of
what thou hast seen and heard .

witness 024 014 Mat /${witness /unto all nations
; and then shall the end come .

witness 021 030 Gen /^{witness /unto me, that I
have digged this well .

witness 019 020 Isa /^{witness /unto the LORD of
hosts in the land of Egypt : for they shall cry unto the LORD
because of the oppressors , and he shall send them a saviour ,
and a great one , and he shall deliver them.

witness 005 033 Joh /${witness /unto the truth .

witness 018 037 Joh /${witness /unto the truth .
Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice .

witness 027 027 Jos /^{witness /unto us; for it
hath heard all the words of the LORD which he spake unto us: it
shall be therefore a witness unto you, lest ye deny your God .

witness 027 027 Jos /^{witness /unto you, lest
ye deny your God .

witness 005 001 Lev /^{witness /whether he hath
seen or known of it; if he do not utter it, then he shall bear
his iniquity .

witness 005 032 Joh /${witness /which he
witnesseth of me is true .

witness 001 009 Rom /${witness /whom I serve
with my spirit in the gospel of his Son , that without ceasing I
make mention of you always in my prayers ;

witness 014 005 Pro /^{witness /will not lie :
but a false witness will utter lies .

witness 014 005 Pro /^{witness /will utter lies .

witness 008 016 Rom /${witness /with our spirit ,
that we are the children of God :

witness 001 022 Act /${witness /with us of his
resurrection .

witnessed 006 013 ITi /${witnessed /a good
confession ;

witnessed 021 013 IKi /^{witnessed /against him,
even against Naboth , in the presence of the people , saying ,
Naboth did blaspheme God and the king . Then they carried him
forth out of the city , and stoned him with stones , that he
died .

witnessed 003 021 Rom /${witnessed /by the law and
the prophets ;

witnessed 007 008 Heb /${witnessed /that he liveth

witnesses 010 017 Job /^{witnesses /against me,
and increasest thine indignation upon me ; changes and war are
against me.

witnesses 027 022 Jos /^{witnesses /against
yourselves that ye have chosen you the LORD , to serve him. And
they said , We are witnesses .

witnesses 002 010 ITh /${witnesses /and God also,
how holily and justly and unblameably we behaved ourselves among
you that believe :

witnesses 011 003 Rev /${witnesses /and they shall
prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days , clothed in
sackcloth .

witnesses 032 010 Jer /^{witnesses /and weighed
him the money in the balances .

witnesses 027 012 Psa /^{witnesses /are risen up
against me, and such as breathe out cruelty .

witnesses 026 065 Mat /${witnesses /behold , now
ye have heard his blasphemy .

witnesses 035 030 Num /^{witnesses /but one
witness shall not testify against any person to cause him to die

witnesses 026 060 Mat /${witnesses /came , yet
found they none . At the last came two false witnesses ,

witnesses 010 041 Act /${witnesses /chosen before
of God , even to us , who did eat and drink with him after he
rose from the dead .

witnesses 035 011 Psa /^{witnesses /did rise up ;
they laid to my charge things that I knew not.

witnesses 018 016 Mat /${witnesses /every word may
be established .

witnesses 032 025 Jer /^{witnesses /for the city
is given into the hand of the Chaldeans .

witnesses 032 044 Jer /^{witnesses /in the land of
Benjamin , and in the places about Jerusalem , and in the cities
of Judah , and in the cities of the mountains , and in the
cities of the valley , and in the cities of the south : for I
will cause their captivity to return , saith the LORD .

witnesses 044 008 Isa /^{witnesses /Is there a God
beside me? yea, there is no God ; I know not any.

witnesses 007 058 Act /${witnesses /laid down
their clothes at a young man's feet , whose name was Saul .

witnesses 012 001 Heb /${witnesses /let us lay
aside every weight , and the sin which doth so easily beset us,
and let us run with patience the race that is set before us ,

witnesses 010 039 Act /${witnesses /of all things
which he did both in the land of the Jews , and in Jerusalem ;
whom they slew and hanged on a tree :

witnesses 015 015 ICo /${witnesses /of God ;
because we have testified of God that he raised up Christ : whom
he raised not up , if so be that the dead rise not .

witnesses 024 048 Luk /${witnesses /of these
things .

witnesses 005 032 Act /${witnesses /of these
things ; and so is also the Holy Ghost , whom God hath given to
them that obey him .

witnesses 019 015 Deu /^{witnesses /or at the
mouth of three witnesses , shall the matter be established .

witnesses 017 006 Deu /^{witnesses /or three
witnesses , shall he that is worthy of death be put to death ;
but at the mouth of one witness he shall not be put to death .

witnesses 043 010 Isa /^{witnesses /saith the LORD
, and my servant whom I have chosen : that ye may know and
believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no
God formed , neither shall there be after me.

witnesses 043 012 Isa /^{witnesses /saith the LORD
, that I am God .

witnesses 017 007 Deu /^{witnesses /shall be first
upon him to put him to death , and afterward the hands of all
the people . So thou shalt put the evil away from among you.

witnesses 013 001 IICo /${witnesses /shall every
word be established .

witnesses 017 006 Deu /^{witnesses /shall he that
is worthy of death be put to death ; but at the mouth of one
witness he shall not be put to death .

witnesses 019 015 Deu /^{witnesses /shall the
matter be established .

witnesses 032 012 Jer /^{witnesses /that
subscribed the book of the purchase , before all the Jews that
sat in the court of the prison .

witnesses 043 009 Isa /^{witnesses /that they may
be justified : or let them hear , and say , It is truth .

witnesses 004 011 Rut /^{witnesses /The LORD make
the woman that is come into thine house like Rachel and like
Leah , which two did build the house of Israel : and do thou
worthily in Ephratah , and be famous in Bethlehem :

witnesses 002 002 IITi /${witnesses /the same
commit thou to faithful men , who shall be able to teach others
also .

witnesses 044 009 Isa /^{witnesses /they see not,
nor know ; that they may be ashamed .

witnesses 004 009 Rut /^{witnesses /this day ,
that I have bought all that was Elimelech's , and all that was
Chilion's and Mahlon's , of the hand of Naomi .

witnesses 004 010 Rut /^{witnesses /this day .

witnesses 008 002 Isa /^{witnesses /to record ,
Uriah the priest , and Zechariah the son of Jeberechiah .

witnesses 001 008 Act /${witnesses /unto me both
in Jerusalem , and in all Judaea , and in Samaria , and unto the
uttermost part of the earth .

witnesses 013 031 Act /${witnesses /unto the
people .

witnesses 023 031 Mat /${witnesses /unto
yourselves , that ye are the children of them which killed the
prophets .

witnesses 006 013 Act /${witnesses /which said ,
This man ceaseth not to speak blasphemous words against this
holy place , and the law :

witnesseth 020 023 Act /${witnesseth /in every city
, saying that bonds and afflictions abide me .

witnesseth 005 032 Joh /${witnesseth /of me is true

witnessing 026 022 Act /${witnessing /both to small
and great , saying none other things than those which the
prophets and Moses did say should come :
