Bible Phrases for Individual word studies
Bible Phrase lists
witness against me before 09_1SA_12_03
witness against thee 05_DEU_31_26
witness against thy neighbour without cause 20_PRO_24_28
witness against you 09_1SA_12_05
witness against you 59_JAM_05_03
witness against you this day 05_DEU_04_26
witness between me 01_GEN_31_44
witness between me 01_GEN_31_48
witness between us 06_JOS_22_27
witness between us 06_JOS_22_34
witness betwixt me 01_GEN_31_50
witness both 44_ACT_26_16
witness for me against 05_DEU_31_19
witness for thee 25_LAM_02_13
witness this day 09_1SA_12_05
witness unto 23_ISA_19_20
witness unto all nations 40_MAT_24_14
witness unto me 01_GEN_21_30
witness unto us 06_JOS_24_27
witness unto you 06_JOS_24_27
witness which he witnesseth 43_JOH_05_32
witness with us 44_ACT_01_22
witnesses against yourselves 06_JOS_24_22
witnesses laid down their clothes at 44_ACT_07_58
witnesses shall be first upon him 05_DEU_17_07
witnesses this day 08_RUT_04_09