Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the definitions plus combined with every place that word is used in the definitions.

Complete index of every word used in both the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary in English Word order.

Hebrew and Greek Expanded Dictionary

notwithstanding 00389 ## 'ak {ak} ; akin to 00403 ; a particle of affirmation , surely ; hence (by limitation) only : -- also , in any wise , at least , but , certainly , even , howbeit , nevertheless , {notwithstanding} , only , save , surely , of a surety , truly , verily , + wherefore , yet (but) .

notwithstanding 07535 ## raq {rak} ; the same as 07534 as a noun ; properly , leanness , i . e . (figuratively) limitation ; only adverbial , merely , or conjunctional , although : -- but , even , except , howbeit howsoever , at the least , nevertheless , nothing but , {notwithstanding} , only , save , so [that ] , surely , yet (so) , in any wise .

notwithstanding 0235 - alla {al-lah'}; neuter plural of 0243; properly, other things, i.e. (adverbially) contrariwise (in many relations): -- and, but (even), howbeit, indeed, nay, nevertheless, no, {notwithstanding}, save, therefore, yea, yet.

notwithstanding 2539 - kaiper {kah'-ee-per}; from 2532 and 4007; and indeed, i.e. nevertheless or {notwithstanding}: -- and yet, although.

notwithstanding 3676 - homos {hom'-oce}; adverb from the base of 3674; at the same time, i.e. (conjunctionally) {notwithstanding}, yet still: -- and even, nevertheless, though but.

notwithstanding 4133 - plen {plane}; from 4119; moreover (besides), i.e. albeit, save that, rather, yet: -- but (rather), except, nevertheless, {notwithstanding}, save, than.

wherewithsoever 3745 - hosos {hos'-os}; by reduplication from 3739; as (much, great, long, etc.) as: -- all (that), as (long, many, much) (as), how great (many, much), [in-]asmuch as, so many as, that (ever), the more, those things, what (great, -soever), wheresoever, {wherewithsoever}, which, X while, who(-soever).

withstand 02388 ## chazaq {khaw-zak'} ; a primitive root ; to fasten upon ; hence , to seize , be strong (figuratively , courageous , causatively strengthen , cure , help , repair , fortify) , obstinate ; to bind , restrain , conquer : -- aid , amend , X calker , catch , cleave , confirm , be constant , constrain , continue , be of good (take) courage (- ous ,-- ly) , encourage (self) , be established , fasten , force , fortify , make hard , harden , help , (lay) hold (fast) , lean , maintain , play the man , mend , become (wax) mighty , prevail , be recovered , repair , retain , seize , be (wax) sore , strengthen (self) , be stout , be (make , shew , wax) strong (- er) , be sure , take (hold) , be urgent , behave self valiantly , {withstand} .

withstand 07854 ## satan {saw-tawn'} ; from 07853 ; an opponent ; especially (with the article prefixed) Satan , the arch-enemy of good : -- adversary , Satan , {withstand} .

withstand 0436 - anthistemi {anth-is'-tay-mee}; from 0473 and 2476; to stand against, i.e. oppose: -- resist, {withstand}.

withstand 0478 - antikathistemi {an-tee-kath-is'-tay-mee}; from 0473 and 2525; to set down (troops) against, i.e. {withstand}: -- resist.

withstand 2967 - koluo {ko-loo'-o}; from the base of 2849; to estop, i.e. prevent (by word or act): -- forbid, hinder, keep from, let, not suffer, {withstand}.

withstanding 00657 ## 'ephec {eh'- fes} ; from 00656 ; cessation , i . e . an end (especially of the earth) ; often used adverb , no further ; also (like 06466) the ankle (in the dual) , as being the extremity of the leg or foot : -- ankle , but (only) , end , howbeit , less than nothing , nevertheless (where) , no , none (beside) , not (any {,-withstanding}) , thing of nought , save (- ing) , there , uttermost part , want , without (cause) .