withholden 038 015 Job /^{withholden /and the high
arm shall be broken .

withholden 003 003 Jer /^{withholden /and there
hath been no latter rain ; and thou hadst a whore's forehead ,
thou refusedst to be ashamed .

withholden 022 007 Job /^{withholden /bread from
the hungry .

withholden 001 013 Joe /^{withholden /from the
house of your God .

withholden 042 002 Job /^{withholden /from thee.

withholden 005 025 Jer /^{withholden /good things
from you.

withholden 018 016 Eze /^{withholden /the pledge ,
neither hath spoiled by violence , but hath given his bread to
the hungry , and hath covered the naked with a garment ,

withholden 004 007 Amo /^{withholden /the rain from
you, when there were yet three months to the harvest : and I
caused it to rain upon one city , and caused it not to rain upon
another city : one piece was rained upon, and the piece
whereupon it rained not withered .

withholden 021 002 Psa /^{withholden /the request
of his lips . Selah .

withholden 025 026 ISa /^{withholden /thee from
coming to shed blood , and from avenging thyself with thine own
hand , now let thine enemies , and they that seek evil to my
lord , be as Nabal .
