wit 002 032 IKi /^{wit /Abner the son of Ner
, captain of the host of Israel , and Amasa the son of Jether ,
captain of the host of Judah .

wit 017 001 Jos /^{wit /for Machir the
firstborn of Manasseh , the father of Gilead : because he was a
man of war , therefore he had Gilead and Bashan .

wit 031 003 IICh /^{wit /for the morning and
evening burnt offerings , and the burnt offerings for the
sabbaths , and for the new moons , and for the set feasts , as
it is written in the law of the LORD .

wit 013 023 IKi /^{wit /for the prophet whom
he had brought back .

wit 011 003 Neh /^{wit /Israel , the priests
, and the Levites , and the Nethinims , and the children of
Solomon's servants .

wit 025 018 Jer /^{wit /Jerusalem , and the
cities of Judah , and the kings thereof, and the princes thereof,
to make them a desolation , an astonishment , an hissing , and
a curse ; as it is this day ;

wit 034 009 Jer /^{wit /of a Jew his brother

wit 008 001 IICo /${wit /of the grace of God
bestowed on the churches of Macedonia ;

wit 007 050 IKi /^{wit /of the temple .

wit 007 002 ICh /^{wit /of Tola : they were
valiant men of might in their generations ; whose number was in
the days of David two and twenty thousand and six hundred .

wit 002 012 Est /^{wit /six months with oil
of myrrh , and six months with sweet odours , and with other
things for the purifying of the women ;

wit 005 019 IICo /${wit /that God was in
Christ , reconciling the world unto himself , not imputing their
trespasses unto them ; and hath committed unto us the word of
reconciliation .

wit 025 010 IICh /^{wit /the army that was
come to him out of Ephraim , to go home again : wherefore their
anger was greatly kindled against Judah , and they returned home
in great anger .

wit 027 001 ICh /^{wit /the chief fathers
and captains of thousands and hundreds , and their officers that
served the king in any matter of the courses , which came in and
went out month by month throughout all the months of the year ,
of every course were twenty and four thousand .

wit 010 029 IIKi /^{wit /the golden calves
that were in Bethel , and that were in Dan .

wit 013 016 Eze /^{wit /the prophets of
Israel which prophesy concerning Jerusalem , and which see
visions of peace for her, and there is no peace , saith the Lord

wit 008 023 Rom /${wit /the redemption of
our body .

wit 003 012 IICh /^{wit /the two pillars ,
and the pommels , and the chapiters which were on the top of the
two pillars , and the two wreaths to cover the two pommels of
the chapiters which were on the top of the pillars ;

wit 002 004 Exo /^{wit /what would be done
to him.

wit 024 021 Gen /^{wit /whether the LORD had
made his journey prosperous or not.

wit 025 007 IICh /^{wit /with all the
children of Ephraim .
