Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.

Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary

1444 + and Hebrew +/ . Hebraikos {heb-rah-ee-kos'}; from 1443 + which was the son of Heber +/ ; Aramaic or the Jewish language: --Hebrew .

1446 + an Hebrew + in the Hebrew + unto them in the Hebrew +/ . Hebrais {heb-rah-is'}; from 1443 + which was the son of Heber +/ ; the Hebrew or Jewish (Aramaic) language: --Hebrew .

1447 + tongue + tongue + in Hebrew + in the Hebrew + in the Hebrew + but in the Hebrew +/ . Hebraisti {heb-rah-is-tee'}; adverb from 1446 + an Hebrew + in the Hebrew + unto them in the Hebrew +/ ; Hebraistically or in the Jewish (Aramaic) language: --in (the) Hebrew (tongue) .

2171 + a vow + And the prayer +/ . euche {yoo-khay'}; from 2172 + I pray + I wish + we wish + I would + and pray + and wished + For I could wish +/ ; properly, a wish, expressed as a petition to God, or in votive obligation: --prayer, vow .

2172 + I pray + I wish + we wish + I would + and pray + and wished + For I could wish +/ . euchomai {yoo'-khom-ahee}; middle voice of a primary verb; to wish; by implication, to pray to God: --pray, will, wish .

2451 + to Jewish +/ . Ioudaikos {ee-oo-dah-ee-kos'}; from 2453 + Jew + Jews + a Jew + of Jews + I a Jew + the Jews + as a Jew + The Jews + O ye Jews + of Judaea + we be Jews + of the Jew + to the Jew + to the Jews + Of the Jews + OF THE JEWS + of the Jews + hath the Jew + certain Jews + But the Jews + for the Jews + did the Jews + For the Jews + And the Jews + and the Jews + unto the Jews + with the Jews + that is a Jew + they are Jews + is of the Jews + which am a Jew + words the Jews + shall the Jews + not of the Jews + between the Jew + We who are Jews + But he is a Jew + him but the Jews + but unto the Jews + But when the Jews + And unto the Jews + And when the Jews + that he was a Jew + which was a Jewess + neither to the Jews + For he is not a Jew + and also of the Jews + me how that the Jews + as they have of the Jews +/ ; Judaic, i .e . resembling a Judaean: --Jewish .

2452 + and not as do the Jews +/ . Ioudaikos {ee-oo-dah-ee-koce'}; adverb from 2451 + to Jewish +/ ; Judaically or in a manner resembling a Judaean: --as do the Jews .

2744 + joy + glory + I boast + rejoice + to glory + thy boast + and makest + they glory + ye rejoice + needs glory + in glorying + and rejoice + should glory + I will glory + Not boasting + let him glory + I have boasted + I should boast + so but we glory + dost thou glory + Thou that makest + He that glorieth + I will not glory + man should boast + that I should glory + me that I may boast + that they may glory + an one will I glory + But he that glorieth + But we will not boast + somewhat to answer them which glory +/ . kauchaomai {kow-khah'-om-ahee}; from some (obsolete) base akin to that of aucheo (to boast) and 2172 + I pray + I wish + we wish + I would + and pray + and wished + For I could wish +/ ; to vaunt (in a good or a bad sense): --(make) boast, glory, joy, rejoice .

4336 + Pray + pray + make + prayed + I pray + prayer + prayers + praying + we pray + prayeth + to pray + Praying + ye pray + But pray + and pray + And pray + I prayed + he prayed + us to pray + he prayeth + and prayed + and praying + I will pray + ye and pray + I shall pray + that prayeth + thou prayest + when ye pray + let him pray + were praying + And he prayed + them and pray + in and prayed + and had prayed + we should pray + unto them Pray + and I will pray + And they prayed + down and prayed + time and prayed + And as he prayed + But when ye pray + and let them pray + even while I prayed + as we are and he prayed + and when they had prayed + to pass that as he was praying +/ . proseuchomai {pros-yoo'-khom-ahee}; from 4314 + at + nigh + among + toward + within + because + whereby + against + between + me among + as about + not among + according + himself at + concerning + conditions + not against + but against + things before + but not before + they had against + of speech toward + is he that condemneth + with us for it is toward +/ and 2172 + I pray + I wish + we wish + I would + and pray + and wished + For I could wish +/ ; to pray to God, i .e . supplicate, worship: --pray (X earnestly, for), make prayer .

4607 + that were murderers +/ . sikarios {sik-ar'-ee-os}; of Latin origin; a dagger-man or assassin; a freebooter (Jewish fanatic outlawed by the Romans): --murderer . Compare 5406 + murderers + a murderer + as a murderer + is a murderer + and murderers +/ .