Bible Phrases for Individual word studies

Bible Phrase lists
why abodest thou among 07_JUD_05_16

why are they then baptized for 46_1CO_15_29

why are thy valiant 24_JER_46_15

why are ye 10_2SA_19_11

why are ye come out 09_1SA_17_08

why are ye come unto me now when ye are 07_JUD_11_07

why are ye come up against us 07_JUD_15_10

why are ye fearful 40_MAT_08_26

why are ye now turned back 12_2KI_01_05

why are ye so fearful 41_MAR_04_40

why are ye troubled 42_LUK_24_38

why art thou cast down 19_PSA_42_11

why art thou cast down 19_PSA_42_05

why art thou cast down 19_PSA_43_05

why art thou disquieted within me 19_PSA_42_11

why art thou disquieted within me 19_PSA_43_05

why art thou so 19_PSA_22_01

why art thou wroth 01_GEN_04_06

why askest thou me 43_JOH_18_21

why askest thou thus after my name 07_JUD_13_18

why baptizest thou then 43_JOH_01_25

why beholdest thou 42_LUK_06_41

why beholdest thou 40_MAT_07_03

why boastest thou thyself 19_PSA_52_01

why build ye not me an house 10_2SA_07_07

why call ye me 42_LUK_06_46

why callest thou me good 42_LUK_18_19

why callest thou me good 41_MAR_10_18

why callest thou me good 40_MAT_19_17

why came we forth out 04_NUM_11_20

why camest thou down hither 09_1SA_17_28

why cannot 43_JOH_13_37

why castest thou off my soul 19_PSA_88_14

why chide ye with me 02_EXO_17_02

why compellest thou 48_GAL_02_14

why could not we cast him out 41_MAR_09_28

why could not we cast him out 40_MAT_17_19

why criest thou for thine affliction 24_JER_30_15

why cumbereth it 42_LUK_13_07

why did 44_ACT_04_25

why did 18_JOB_03_12

why did dan remain 07_JUD_05_17

why did moses then command 40_MAT_19_07

why did ye not then believe him 40_MAT_21_25

why didst thou not smite him there 10_2SA_18_11

why didst thou not tell me 01_GEN_12_18

why do 48_GAL_05_11

why do 42_LUK_05_33

why do 41_MAR_02_18

why do 19_PSA_02_01

why do they on 41_MAR_02_24

why do thoughts arise 42_LUK_24_38

why do thy disciples transgress 40_MAT_15_02

why do we 40_MAT_09_14

why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother 39_MAL_02_10

why do we sit still 24_JER_08_14

why do ye 42_LUK_06_02

why do ye also transgress 40_MAT_15_03

why do ye eat 42_LUK_05_30

why do ye look one upon another 01_GEN_42_01

why do ye loose 42_LUK_19_31

why do ye not believe me 43_JOH_08_46

why do ye not rather 46_1CO_06_07

why do ye not rather take wrong 46_1CO_06_07

why do ye not understand my speech 43_JOH_08_43

why do ye persecute me as god 18_JOB_19_22

why do ye such things 09_1SA_02_23

why do ye these things 44_ACT_14_15

why do ye this 41_MAR_11_03

why do ye wrong one 44_ACT_07_26

why dost thou ask abishag 11_1KI_02_22

why dost thou cast me off 19_PSA_43_02

why dost thou glory 46_1CO_04_07

why dost thou not pardon my transgression 18_JOB_07_21

why dost thou show me iniquity 35_HAB_01_03

why dost thou strive against him 18_JOB_33_13

why doth he yet find fault 45_ROM_09_19

why doth he yet hope for 45_ROM_08_24

why doth thine heart carry thee away 18_JOB_15_12

why doth this 41_MAR_02_07

why doth this generation seek after 41_MAR_08_12

why doth thy wrath wax hot against thy people 02_EXO_32_11

why eatest thou not 09_1SA_01_08

why eateth your master with publicans 40_MAT_09_11

why even 42_LUK_12_57

why feignest thou thyself 11_1KI_14_06

why gaddest thou about so much 24_JER_02_36

why go 19_PSA_42_09

why go 19_PSA_43_02

why go ye about 43_JOH_07_19

why hast thou 19_PSA_80_12

why hast thou cast 19_PSA_74_01

why hast thou conceived this thing 44_ACT_05_04

why hast thou deceived me 09_1SA_28_12

why hast thou deceived me so 09_1SA_19_17

why hast thou disquieted me 09_1SA_28_15

why hast thou done so 11_1KI_01_06

why hast thou done this 32_JON_01_10

why hast thou forgotten me 19_PSA_42_09

why hast thou forsaken me 41_MAR_15_34

why hast thou forsaken me 40_MAT_27_46

why hast thou forsaken me 19_PSA_22_01

why hast thou given me 06_JOS_17_14

why hast thou made me thus 45_ROM_09_20

why hast thou made us 23_ISA_63_17

why hast thou not required 14_2CH_24_06

why hast thou prophesied 24_JER_26_09

why hast thou served us thus 07_JUD_08_01

why hast thou set me as 18_JOB_07_20

why hast thou smitten us 24_JER_14_19

why hast thou sought after 14_2CH_25_15

why hast thou thus dealt with us 42_LUK_02_48

why hast thou troubled us 06_JOS_07_25

why hast thou written therein 24_JER_36_29

why hath 11_1KI_09_08

why hath 14_2CH_07_21

why hath satan filled thine heart 44_ACT_05_03

why have 08_RUT_02_10

why have our brethren 10_2SA_19_41

why have they provoked me 24_JER_08_19

why have we done this 02_EXO_14_05

why have ye brought up 04_NUM_20_04

why have ye conspired against me 09_1SA_22_13

why have ye done this 07_JUD_02_02

why have ye done this thing 02_EXO_01_18

why have ye not brought him 43_JOH_07_45

why have ye not built me an house 13_1CH_17_06

why hear ye him 43_JOH_10_20

why herein is 43_JOH_09_30

why is 16_NEH_13_11

why is he spoiled 24_JER_02_14

why is his chariot 07_JUD_05_28

why is light given 18_JOB_03_23

why is my pain perpetual 24_JER_15_18

why is this come 07_JUD_21_03

why is thy countenance fallen 01_GEN_04_06

why is thy heart grieved 09_1SA_01_08

why is thy spirit so sad 11_1KI_21_05

why it 17_EST_04_05

why leap ye 19_PSA_68_16

why lodge ye about 16_NEH_13_21

why loose ye 42_LUK_19_33

why make ye this ado 41_MAR_05_39

why marvel ye at this 44_ACT_03_12

why persecute we him 18_JOB_19_28

why persecutest thou me 44_ACT_22_07

why persecutest thou me 44_ACT_26_14

why persecutest thou me 44_ACT_09_04

why reason ye 41_MAR_08_17

why reason ye among yourselves 40_MAT_16_08

why reason ye these things 41_MAR_02_08

why repair ye not 12_2KI_12_07

why saidst thou 01_GEN_12_19

why say 41_MAR_09_11

why sayest thou 23_ISA_40_27

why seek ye 42_LUK_24_05

why should 09_1SA_19_17

why should 14_2CH_32_04

why should 10_2SA_19_36

why should 01_GEN_27_45

why should 16_NEH_06_03

why should 04_NUM_27_04

why should damage grow 15_EZR_04_22

why should he go with thee 10_2SA_13_26

why should he take away thy bed from under thee 20_PRO_22_27

why should it be thought 44_ACT_26_08

why should my father hide this thing from me 09_1SA_20_02

why should not my countenance be sad 16_NEH_02_03

why should not my spirit be troubled 18_JOB_21_04

why should this dead dog curse my lord 10_2SA_16_09

why should ye be stricken any more 23_ISA_01_05

why shouldest thou be as 24_JER_14_08

why shouldest thou be as 24_JER_14_09

why shouldest thou be smitten 14_2CH_25_16

why shouldest thou destroy thyself 21_ECC_08_16

why shouldest thou die before thy time 21_ECC_08_17

why shouldest thou meddle 14_2CH_25_19

why sit we here until we die 12_2KI_07_03

why sittest thou thyself alone 02_EXO_18_14

why sleep ye 42_LUK_22_46

why sleepest thou 19_PSA_44_23

why smitest thou me 43_JOH_18_23

why speakest thou any more 10_2SA_19_29

why speakest thou unto them 40_MAT_13_10

why stand we 46_1CO_15_30

why stand ye gazing up into heaven 44_ACT_01_11

why stand ye here all 40_MAT_20_06

why standest thou afar off 19_PSA_10_01

why take ye thought for 42_LUK_12_26

why take ye thought for raiment 40_MAT_06_28

why talkest thou with her 43_JOH_04_27

why tarry 07_JUD_05_28

why tempt ye me 42_LUK_20_23

why tempt ye me 41_MAR_12_15

why tempt ye me 40_MAT_22_18

why then are ye thus altogether vain 18_JOB_27_12

why then believed ye him not 42_LUK_20_05

why then did ye despise us 10_2SA_19_43

why then did ye not believe him 41_MAR_11_31

why then doth adonijah reign 11_1KI_01_13

why then doth my lord require this thing 13_1CH_21_03

why then hast thou not kept 11_1KI_02_43

why then is all this befallen us 07_JUD_06_13

why then is not 24_JER_08_22

why then labour 18_JOB_09_29

why then say 40_MAT_17_10

why then should 18_JOB_31_01

why therefore did ye not recover 07_JUD_11_26

why transgress ye 14_2CH_24_20

why transgressest thou 17_EST_03_03

why trimmest thou thy way 24_JER_02_33

why trouble ye 40_MAT_26_10

why trouble ye her 41_MAR_14_06

why troublest thou 41_MAR_05_35

why walk not thy disciples according 41_MAR_07_05

why was 21_ECC_03_15

why was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence 43_JOH_12_05

why was this waste 41_MAR_14_04

why weepest thou 09_1SA_01_08

why weepest thou 43_JOH_20_13

why weepest thou 43_JOH_20_15

why weepeth my lord 12_2KI_08_12

why went ye nigh 10_2SA_11_21

why wentest thou not with thy friend 10_2SA_16_17

why will he be 13_1CH_21_03

why will ye die 24_JER_27_13

why will ye go with me 08_RUT_01_11

why wilt thou 20_PRO_05_20

why wilt thou swallow up 10_2SA_20_19

why withdrawest thou thy hand 19_PSA_74_11

why yet 45_ROM_03_07