aaron whom he had chosen

about whom all

after whom dost thou pursue <1SA24 -:14 >

after whom is <1SA24 -:14 >

after whom they have gone

after whom they have walked

against whom do ye sport yourselves

against whom hast thou exalted <2KI19 -:22 >

against whom hast thou exalted

against whom he hath trespassed

against whom make ye

against whom thou hast dealt treacherously

against whom when

all nations whom thou hast made shall come

all your enemies against whom ye fight

among whom also we all had our conversation

among whom are ye also

among whom they

among whom was mary magdalene

among whom ye shine as lights

apostles whom he had chosen

as one whom his mother comforteth

before him whom he believed

before whom <1KI17 -:1 >

before whom <1KI18 -:15 >

before whom <2KI3 -:14 >

before whom

before whom also

before whom my fathers abraham

before whom there were three

before whom thou hast begun

before whom three fell

between whom

bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed -:7 >

but come not near any man upon whom

but ministers by whom ye believed <1CO3 -:5 >

but whom <2CO10 -:18 >

but whom <2SA16 -:18 >

but whom say ye

but whom say ye

but whom say ye

but with whom was he grieved forty years

by whom <1CO8 -:6 >

by whom <1KI20 -:14 >

by whom

by whom

by whom also he made

by whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we

by whom do your children cast

by whom do your sons cast

by whom shall

by whom shall jacob arise

by whom shall jacob arise

by whom we have now received

by whom we have received grace

by whom we may inquire <1KI22 -:8 >

by whom we may inquire <2CH18 -:7 >

by whom ye were called unto <1CO1 -:9 >

choose you this day whom ye will serve

disciple whom jesus loved following

disciple whom jesus loved saith unto peter

egyptians whom ye have seen

ethiopian woman whom he had married

every one whom his spirit made willing

for he whom god hath sent speaketh

for upon whom hath not thy wickedness passed continually -:19 >

for whom christ died <1CO8 -:11 >

for whom christ died

for whom do

for whom he did foreknow

for whom he hath sent

for whom it is prepared

for whom it is prepared

for whom thou didst wash thyself

found him whom my soul loveth

from whom also

from whom thy mind is alienated

from whom thy mind is alienated

god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold -:38 >

gods unto whom they offer incense

gods whom they knew not

gods whom they knew not

have given it unto whom it seemed meet unto me

he against whom we have sinned

he was worthy for whom he should do this

he whom thou blessest

he whom thou lovest is sick

he whom thou now hast is not thy husband

he whom ye seek

he with whom it is found shall be my servant

him whom man despiseth

him with whom we have

his brother whom he slew <2SA14 -:7 >

his children whom he shall eat

how can he love god whom he hath not seen <1JO4 -:20 >

jacob whom he loved

jesus whom thou persecutest

jesus whom thou persecutest

keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me

king whom ye have chosen <1SA12 -:13 >

kings whom thou hast set over us because

law with whom she had wrought

loveth not his brother whom he hath seen <1JO4 -:20 >

man by whom he is betrayed

man whom god correcteth

man whom he had formed

man whom he hath ordained

man whom thou chastenest

man whom thou seekest <2SA17 -:3 >

man whom thou seekest

man whom wine hath overcome

man whom ye seek <2KI6 -:19 >

men whom ye put

mighty men whom david had <1CH11 -:10 >

mighty men whom david had <1CH11 -:11 >

mighty men whom david had <2SA23 -:8 >

moreover whom he did predestinate

nations whom they carried away from thence <2KI17 -:33 >

nations whom they knew not

now on whom dost thou trust <2KI18 -:20 >

now on whom dost thou trust

o thou whom my soul loveth

on whom they believed

on whom this miracle

or whom have <1SA12 -:3 >

our god whom we serve is able

people among whom they are scattered

people whom he had recovered from ishmael

people whom nebuchadnezzar had carrie

people whom nebuchadrezzar carried away captive

priests whom they had carried away from samaria came <2KI17 -:
28 >

priests whom ye brought from thence <2KI17 -:27 >

prince whom thine eyes have seen

prophet whom he had brought back <1KI13 -:23 >

saw ye him whom my soul loveth

scourgeth every son whom he receiveth

seeking whom he may devour <1PE5 -:8 >

send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared 10 >

son quickeneth whom he will

sought him whom my soul loveth

them had wives by whom they had children

them whom <2CO12 -:17 >

them whom moses

there are certain jews whom thou hast set over

therefore hath he mercy on whom he will

they shall look on him whom they pierced

they shall look upon me whom they have pierced

they unto whom

they whom

they with whom <1CH29 -:8 >

this moses whom they refused

those whom thou hast wounded

thou hast not let me know whom thou wilt send with me 12 >

thou whom

through whom they come

thus shall they be unto thee with whom thou hast laboured

thy god whom thou servest continually

touching whom ye received commandments

unto whom alone

unto whom david said <2SA15 -:33 >

unto whom even

unto whom god imputeth righteousness without works

unto whom he said

unto whom it happeneth according

unto whom it was revealed <1PE1 -:12 >

unto whom not only

unto whom now

unto whom ye sent me

upon whom doth not his light arise

upon whom my name is called

upon whom she doted

upon whom thou shalt see

walk after other gods whom ye know not

we adjure you by jesus whom paul preacheth

whom all

whom all asia

whom alone god hath chosen <1CH29 -:1 >

whom also abraham gave

whom also after

whom also he gave testimony

whom also he named apostles

whom also he showed himself alive after his passion by many
infallible proofs

whom also we have obtained an inheritance

whom also ye are circumcised with

whom are hid all

whom are phygellus <2TI1 -:15 >

whom art thou like

whom art thou thus like

whom as concerning

whom be praise <1PE4 -:11 >

whom be thou ware also <2TI4 -:15 >

whom boaz spake came by

whom cain slew

whom came <1CH1 -:12 >

whom came philistim

whom cometh

whom coming <1PE2 -:4 >

whom custom

whom daniel

whom david <1CH9 -:22 >

whom david

whom david had distributed <2CH23 -:18 >

whom david my fath <2CH2 -:7 >

whom david set over <1CH6 -:31 >

whom do

whom do men say

whom do men say

whom dost thou pass

whom fear

whom god destroyed before them <1CH5 -:25 >

whom god drave out before

whom god hath given

whom god hath given me

whom god hath given riches

whom god hath given riches

whom god hath hedged

whom god hath not cursed

whom god hath raised from

whom god hath raised up

whom god hath set forth

whom god raised again

whom god raised from

whom god went <1CH17 -:21 >

whom god went <2SA7 -:23 >

whom god would make known what

whom hagar

whom hast thou been afraid or feared

whom hast thou here

whom hast thou reproached <2KI19 -:22 >

whom hast thou reproached

whom hast thou uttered words

whom hath

whom have <1SA12 -:3 >

whom have

whom having not seen <1PE1 -:8 >

whom he also named peter

whom he bestowed <1KI10 -:26 >

whom he bestowed <2CH9 -:25 >

whom he called

whom he called together with

whom he consecrated

whom he destroyed

whom he expounded

whom he forgave most

whom he had appointed

whom he had cast seven devils

whom he had delivered out

whom he had given

whom he had left <2SA20 -:3 >

whom he had prepared

whom he had raised from

whom he had set at liberty at their pleasure

whom he had slain because

whom he had taken <1KI7 -:8 >

whom he had used as his friend

whom he hated not

whom he hath appointed heir

whom he hath called

whom he hath chosen

whom he hath chosen will he cause

whom he hath redeemed from

whom he is like

whom he justified

whom he loved

whom he married when he <1CH2 -:21 >

whom he may take uncleanness

whom he named israel <2KI17 -:34 >

whom he raised from <1TH1 -:10 >

whom he raised from

whom he raised not up <1CO15 -:15 >

whom he said

whom he shall acknowledge

whom he shall anoint

whom he shall consecrate

whom he slew <1KI2 -:5 >

whom he slew at one time <2SA23 -:8 >

whom he sold it

whom he spake

whom he spake

whom he was not spoken

whom he will he hardeneth

whom he would

whom he would he kept alive

whom he would he put down

whom he would he set up

whom he would he slew

whom his lord hath made ruler over his household

whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing

whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing

whom honour

whom if his son ask bread

whom if thou bring forward on their journey after <3JO1 -:6 >

whom is

whom is hymenaeus <1TI1 -:19 >

whom is hymenaeus <2TI2 -:17 >

whom is no guile

whom is reserved

whom it appertaineth

whom it happeneth according

whom it is due

whom it is given

whom it is witnessed

whom it is written

whom it is written

whom it shall be imputed

whom it was bought

whom it was first preached entered not

whom it was given

whom it was said

whom jason hath received

whom jesus loved

whom jesus loved

whom jezebel his wife stirred up <1KI21 -:25 >

whom jug

whom king david made rulers over <1CH26 -:32 >

whom laban gave

whom little is forgiven

whom makest thou thyself

whom men have committed much

whom milcah bare unto him

whom mordecai

whom moses

whom moses

whom moses

whom moses

whom moses

whom moses smote with

whom my soul is well pleased

whom nebuchadnezzar

whom nebuchadnezzar

whom nebuchadnezzar

whom nebuchadnezzar king <2KI25 -:22 >

whom nebuchadrezzar king

whom nebuzaradan

whom neither they nor their fathers have known

whom neither they nor their fathers have known

whom no man hath seen <1TI6 -:16 >

whom no man seeketh after

whom old age was perished

whom our fathers would not obey

whom paul affirmed

whom paul entered

whom resist stedfast <1PE5 -:9 >

whom sarah bare

whom satan hath bound

whom say

whom seek ye

whom seek ye

whom seekest thou

whom shall

whom shall

whom shall

whom shall

whom shall he go up from us <1SA6 -:20 >

whom shall he make

whom shall he teach knowledge

whom shall we go

whom she bare <1CH7 -:14 >

whom she bare unto saul <2SA21 -:8 >

whom she brought up for adriel <2SA21 -:8 >

whom she will <1CO7 -:39 >

whom should <2SA16 -:19 >

whom speaketh

whom sware he

whom tahpenes weaned <1KI11 -:20 >

whom tamar bare unto judah

whom then will ye liken god

whom then will ye liken me

whom therefore ye ignorantly worship

whom these things are spoken pertaineth

whom they

whom they all gave heed

whom they bare unto me

whom they caught

whom they had desired

whom they had let go free

whom they had made also <1SA30 -:21 >

whom they have cast into

whom they have loved

whom they have not believed

whom they have not heard

whom they have scattered among

whom they have served

whom they have sought

whom they have worshipped

whom they knew not

whom they laid daily at

whom they might teach

whom they prophesy shall be cast out

whom they sacrificed unto

whom they sang one <1SA29 -:5 >

whom they seek

whom they set before

whom they shall be

whom they shall not give

whom they shall serve

whom they slew

whom they supposed

whom they think best

whom they trusted

whom they would

whom think ye

whom this people shall say

whom thou

whom thou art afraid

whom thou barest witness

whom thou didst command

whom thou didst prove at massah

whom thou didst send <1SA25 -:25 >

whom thou didst strive at

whom thou dost lend shall bring out

whom thou hast anointed

whom thou hast borne unto me

whom thou hast defied <1SA17 -:45 >

whom thou hast done this

whom thou hast given me

whom thou hast learned <2TI3 -:14 >

whom thou hast prophesied lies

whom thou hast redeemed

whom thou hast redeemed by thy great power

whom thou hast redeemed out <1CH17 -:21 >

whom thou hast sent

whom thou hast smitten

whom thou hatest

whom thou knowest

whom thou knowest

whom thou lovest

whom thou mayest make princes

whom thou persecutest

whom thou rememberest no more

whom thou saidst

whom thou servest continually

whom thou shalt come

whom thou slewest <1SA21 -:9 >

whom thou swarest by thine own self

whom thou trustest

whom thou trustest deceive thee <2KI19 -:10 >

whom thou wouldest not let israel invade <2CH20 -:10 >

whom thy brethren shall praise

whom thyself mayest take knowledge

whom tilgathpilneser king <1CH5 -:6 >

whom tribute

whom vengeance belongeth

whom vengeance belongeth

whom was born jesus

whom we anointed over us <2SA19 -:10 >

whom we gave no

whom we gave place by subjection

whom we have boldness

whom we have many things

whom we have not preached <2CO11 -:4 >

whom we have oftentimes proved diligent <2CO8 -:22 >

whom we have redemption through his blood

whom we have redemption through his blood

whom we may appoint over this business

whom we preach

whom we said

whom we send thee

whom we took

whom we trust <2CO1 -:10 >

whom went seven devils

whom when aquila

whom when paul saw

whom when they had washed

whom will ye

whom will ye flee for help

whom will ye liken me

whom would

whom ye also

whom ye also are builded together for an habitation >

whom ye are afraid

whom ye call

whom ye crucified

whom ye delight

whom ye delivered up

whom ye forgive any thing <2CO2 -:10 >

whom ye have been now

whom ye have crucified

whom ye have desired <1SA12 -:13 >

whom ye hope

whom ye know not

whom ye know not

whom ye obey

whom ye say

whom ye seek

whom ye slew

whom ye slew at tabor

whom ye slew between

whom ye sold into egypt

whom ye spake

whom ye spake unto me

whom ye speak

whom ye trust

whom ye utterly destroyed

whom ye yield yourselves servants

whom your fathers feared not

whom zedekiah king

widow with whom <1KI17 -:20 >

wife whom thou lovest all

will destroy man whom

will forewarn you whom ye shall fear

will have compassion on whom

will have mercy on whom

will pardon them whom

will seek him whom my soul loveth

will show mercy on whom

with all on whom she doted

with whom <2KI17 -:35 >

with whom

with whom

with whom

with whom hast thou left those few sheep <1SA17 -:28 >

with whom is no variableness

with whom my hand shall be established

with whom thou hast taken pleasure

with whom took he counsel

with whom was found blue

with whom was found shittim wood for any work

with whom we should lodge

woman also with whom man shall lie

woman whom

woman whom thou gavest

wouldest thou smite those whom thou hast taken captive with thy
sword <2KI6 -:22 >

ye believe on him whom he hath sent

your daughters whom ye have left shall f

your slain whom ye have laid

zalmunna with whom ye did upbraid me
