whom 002 019 IIPe /${whom /a man is overcome ,
of the same is he brought in bondage .

whom 023 040 Eze /^{whom /a messenger was
sent ; and, lo, they came : for whom thou didst wash thyself,
paintedst thy eyes , and deckedst thyself with ornaments ,

whom 005 036 Act /${whom /a number of men ,
about four hundred , joined themselves : who was slain ; and all
, as many as obeyed him , were scattered , and brought to nought

whom 019 027 Act /${whom /all Asia and the
world worshippeth .

whom 002 021 Eph /${whom /all the building
fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord :

whom 025 024 Act /${whom /all the multitude
of the Jews have dealt with me , both at Jerusalem , and also
here , crying that he ought not to live any longer .

whom 029 001 ICh /^{whom /alone God hath
chosen , is yet young and tender , and the work is great : for
the palace is not for man , but for the LORD God .

whom 015 019 Job /^{whom /alone the earth was
given , and no stranger passed among them.

whom 007 002 Heb /${whom /also Abraham gave a
tenth part of all ; first being by interpretation King of
righteousness , and after that also King of Salem , which is ,
King of peace ;

whom 001 013 Eph /${whom /also after that ye
believed , ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise ,

whom 013 022 Act /${whom /also he gave
testimony , and said , I have found David the son of Jesse , a
man after mine own heart , which shall fulfil all my will .

whom 001 002 Heb /${whom /also he made the
worlds ;

whom 006 013 Luk /${whom /also he named
apostles ;

whom 001 003 Act /${whom /also he shewed
himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs ,
being seen of them forty days , and speaking of the things
pertaining to the kingdom of God :

whom 022 005 Act /${whom /also I received
letters unto the brethren , and went to Damascus , to bring them
which were there bound unto Jerusalem , for to be punished .

whom 026 026 Act /${whom /also I speak freely
: for I am persuaded that none of these things are hidden from
him ; for this thing was not done in a corner .

whom 002 003 Eph /${whom /also we all had our
conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh ,
fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind ; and were
by nature the children of wrath , even as others .

whom 005 002 Rom /${whom /also we have access
by faith into this grace wherein we stand , and rejoice in hope
of the glory of God .

whom 001 011 Eph /${whom /also we have
obtained an inheritance , being predestinated according to the
purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his
own will :

whom 002 011 Col /${whom /also ye are
circumcised with the circumcision made without hands , in
putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the
circumcision of Christ :

whom 020 014 IKi /^{whom /And he said , Thus
saith the LORD , Even by the young men of the princes of the
provinces . Then he said , Who shall order the battle ? And he
answered , Thou.

whom 002 010 Heb /${whom /are all things ,
and by whom are all things , in bringing many sons unto glory ,
to make the captain of their salvation perfect through
sufferings .

whom 008 006 ICo /${whom /are all things ,
and we by him .

whom 008 006 ICo /${whom /are all things ,
and we in him ; and one Lord Jesus Christ , by whom are all
things , and we by him .

whom 002 010 Heb /${whom /are all things , in
bringing many sons unto glory , to make the captain of their
salvation perfect through sufferings .

whom 002 003 Col /${whom /are hid all the
treasures of wisdom and knowledge .

whom 001 015 IITi /${whom /are Phygellus and
Hermogenes .

whom 001 006 Rom /${whom /are ye also the
called of Jesus Christ :

Whom 031 002 Eze /^{Whom /art thou like in
thy greatness ?

whom 031 018 Eze /^{whom /art thou thus like
in glory and in greatness among the trees of Eden ? yet shalt
thou be brought down with the trees of Eden unto the nether
parts of the earth : thou shalt lie in the midst of the
uncircumcised with them that be slain by the sword . This is
Pharaoh and all his multitude , saith the Lord GOD .

whom 009 005 Rom /${whom /as concerning the
flesh Christ came, who is over all , God blessed for ever . Amen

whom 011 036 Rom /${whom /be glory for ever .
Amen .

whom 004 018 IITi /${whom /be glory for ever
and ever . Amen .

whom 001 005 Gal /${whom /be glory for ever
and ever . Amen .

whom 013 021 Heb /${whom /be glory for ever
and ever . Amen .

whom 006 016 ITi /${whom /be honour and power
everlasting . Amen .

whom 004 011 IPe /${whom /be praise and
dominion for ever and ever . Amen .

whom 004 015 IITi /${whom /be thou ware also ;
for he hath greatly withstood our words .

whom 030 013 ISa /^{whom /belongest thou? and
whence art thou? And he said , I am a young man of Egypt ,
servant to an Amalekite ; and my master left me, because three
days agone I fell sick .

whom 004 001 Rut /^{whom /Boaz spake came by;
unto whom he said , Ho , such a one ! turn aside , sit down here.
And he turned aside , and sat down .

whom 004 025 Gen /^{whom /Cain slew .

whom 014 015 Rom /${whom /Christ died .

whom 008 011 ICo /${whom /Christ died ?

whom 026 005 Num /^{whom /cometh the family
of the Hanochites : of Pallu , the family of the Palluites :

whom 002 004 IPe /${whom /coming , as unto a
living stone , disallowed indeed of men , but chosen of God ,
and precious ,

whom 013 007 Rom /${whom /custom ; fear to
whom fear ; honour to whom honour .

whom 006 002 Dan /^{whom /Daniel was first :
that the princes might give accounts unto them, and the king
should have no damage .

whom 009 022 ICh /^{whom /David and Samuel
the seer did ordain in their set office .

whom 008 020 Ezr /^{whom /David and the
princes had appointed for the service of the Levites , two
hundred and twenty Nethinims : all of them were expressed by
name .

whom 023 018 IICh /^{whom /David had
distributed in the house of the LORD , to offer the burnt
offerings of the LORD , as it is written in the law of Moses ,
with rejoicing and with singing , as it was ordained by David .

whom 011 010 ICh /^{whom /David had, who
strengthened themselves with him in his kingdom , and with all
Israel , to make him king , according to the word of the LORD
concerning Israel .

whom 023 008 IISa /^{whom /David had: The
Tachmonite that sat in the seat , chief among the captains ; the
same was Adino the Eznite : he lift up his spear against eight
hundred , whom he slew at one time .

whom 011 011 ICh /^{whom /David had;
Jashobeam , an Hachmonite , the chief of the captains : he
lifted up his spear against three hundred slain by him at one
time .

whom 002 007 IICh /^{whom /David my father did
provide .

whom 015 033 IISa /^{whom /David said , If
thou passest on with me, then thou shalt be a burden unto me:

whom 006 031 ICh /^{whom /David set over the
service of song in the house of the LORD , after that the ark
had rest .

whom 004 008 Ecc /^{whom /do I labour , and
bereave my soul of good ? This is also vanity , yea, it is a
sore travail .

Whom 008 027 Mar /${Whom /do men say that I
am ?

Whom 016 013 Mat /${Whom /do men say that I
the Son of man am ?

whom 017 025 Mat /${whom /do the kings of the
earth take custom or tribute ? of their own children , or of
strangers ?

whom 057 004 Isa /^{whom /do ye sport
yourselves? against whom make ye a wide mouth , and draw out the
tongue ? are ye not children of transgression , a seed of
falsehood ,

whom 012 027 Mat /${whom /do your children
cast them out ? therefore they shall be your judges .

whom 011 019 Luk /${whom /do your sons cast
them out ? therefore shall they be your judges .

Whom 032 019 Eze /^{Whom /dost thou pass in
beauty ? go down , and be thou laid with the uncircumcised .

whom 024 014 ISa /^{whom /dost thou pursue ?
after a dead dog , after a flea .

whom 018 020 IIKi /^{whom /dost thou trust ,
that thou rebellest against me?

whom 036 005 Isa /^{whom /dost thou trust ,
that thou rebellest against me?

whom 025 003 Job /^{whom /doth not his light
arise ?

whom 008 005 IIKi /^{whom /Elisha restored to
life .

whom 007 004 Heb /${whom /even the patriarch
Abraham gave the tenth of the spoils .

whom 013 007 Rom /${whom /fear ; honour to
whom honour .

whom 005 017 Job /^{whom /God correcteth :
therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty :

whom 005 025 ICh /^{whom /God destroyed
before them.

whom 007 045 Act /${whom /God drave out
before the face of our fathers , unto the days of David ;

whom 048 009 Gen /^{whom /God hath given me
in this place. And he said , Bring them , I pray thee, unto me,
and I will bless them.

whom 006 002 Ecc /^{whom /God hath given
riches , wealth , and honour , so that he wanteth nothing for
his soul of all that he desireth , yet God giveth him not power
to eat thereof, but a stranger eateth it: this is vanity , and
it is an evil disease .

whom 005 019 Ecc /^{whom /God hath given
riches and wealth , and hath given him power to eat thereof, and
to take his portion , and to rejoice in his labour ; this is the
gift of God .

whom 005 032 Act /${whom /God hath given to
them that obey him .

whom 003 023 Job /^{whom /God hath hedged in ?

whom 023 008 Num /^{whom /God hath not cursed
? or how shall I defy , whom the LORD hath not defied ?

whom 003 015 Act /${whom /God hath raised
from the dead ; whereof we are witnesses .

Whom 002 024 Act /${Whom /God hath raised up ,
having loosed the pains of death : because it was not possible
that he should be holden of it .

whom 003 034 Joh /${whom /God hath sent
speaketh the words of God : for God giveth not the Spirit by
measure unto him.

Whom 003 025 Rom /${Whom /God hath set forth
to be a propitiation through faith in his blood , to declare his
righteousness for the remission of sins that are past , through
the forbearance of God ;

whom 004 006 Rom /${whom /God imputeth
righteousness without works ,

whom 013 037 Act /${whom /God raised again ,
saw no corruption .

whom 004 010 Act /${whom /God raised from the
dead , even by him doth this man stand here before you whole .

whom 007 023 IISa /^{whom /God went to redeem
for a people to himself, and to make him a name , and to do for
you great things and terrible , for thy land , before thy people
, which thou redeemedst to thee from Egypt , from the nations
and their gods ?

whom 017 021 ICh /^{whom /God went to redeem
to be his own people , to make thee a name of greatness and
terribleness , by driving out nations from before thy people ,
whom thou hast redeemed out of Egypt ?

whom 001 027 Col /${whom /God would make
known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the
Gentiles ; which is Christ in you , the hope of glory :

whom 025 012 Gen /^{whom /Hagar the Egyptian ,
Sarah's handmaid , bare unto Abraham :

whom 057 011 Isa /^{whom /hast thou been
afraid or feared , that thou hast lied , and hast not remembered
me, nor laid it to thy heart ? have not I held my peace even of
old , and thou fearest me not?

whom 037 023 Isa /^{whom /hast thou exalted
thy voice , and lifted up thine eyes on high ? even against the
Holy One of Israel .

whom 019 022 IIKi /^{whom /hast thou exalted
thy voice , and lifted up thine eyes on high ? even against the
Holy One of Israel .

whom 022 016 Isa /^{whom /hast thou here,
that thou hast hewed thee out a sepulchre here , as he that
heweth him out a sepulchre on high , and that graveth an
habitation for himself in a rock ?

whom 017 028 ISa /^{whom /hast thou left
those few sheep in the wilderness ? I know thy pride , and the
naughtiness of thine heart ; for thou art come down that thou
mightest see the battle .

Whom 019 022 IIKi /^{Whom /hast thou
reproached and blasphemed ? and against whom hast thou exalted
thy voice , and lifted up thine eyes on high ? even against the
Holy One of Israel .

Whom 037 023 Isa /^{Whom /hast thou
reproached and blasphemed ? and against whom hast thou exalted
thy voice , and lifted up thine eyes on high ? even against the
Holy One of Israel .

whom 026 004 Job /^{whom /hast thou uttered
words ? and whose spirit came from thee?

whom 003 019 Nah /^{whom /hath not thy
wickedness passed continually ?

whom 012 038 Joh /${whom /hath the arm of the
Lord been revealed ?

whom 012 003 ISa /^{whom /have I defrauded ?
whom have I oppressed ? or of whose hand have I received any
bribe to blind mine eyes therewith? and I will restore it you.

Whom 073 025 Psa /^{Whom /have I in heaven
but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee.

whom 012 003 ISa /^{whom /have I oppressed ?
or of whose hand have I received any bribe to blind mine eyes
therewith? and I will restore it you.

Whom 001 008 IPe /${Whom /having not seen ,
ye love ; in whom , though now ye see him not , yet believing ,
ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory :

whom 004 017 Rom /${whom /he believed , even
God , who quickeneth the dead , and calleth those things which
be not as though they were .

whom 009 025 IICh /^{whom /he bestowed in the
chariot cities , and with the king at Jerusalem .

whom 010 026 IKi /^{whom /he bestowed in the
cities for chariots , and with the king at Jerusalem .

whom 008 030 Rom /${whom /he called , them he
also justified : and whom he justified , them he also glorified .

Whom 019 025 Act /${Whom /he called together
with the workmen of like occupation , and said , Sirs , ye know
that by this craft we have our wealth .

whom 003 003 Num /^{whom /he consecrated to
minister in the priest's office .

whom 003 012 Pro /^{whom /he delighteth .

whom 031 004 Deu /^{whom /he destroyed .

whom 008 029 Rom /${whom /he did foreknow ,
he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son
, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren .

whom 008 030 Rom /${whom /he did predestinate
, them he also called : and whom he called , them he also
justified : and whom he justified , them he also glorified .

whom 028 023 Act /${whom /he expounded and
testified the kingdom of God , persuading them concerning Jesus ,
both out of the law of Moses , and out of the prophets , from
morning till evening .

whom 007 043 Luk /${whom /he forgave most .
And he said unto him , Thou hast rightly judged .

whom 004 005 Est /^{whom /he had appointed to
attend upon her, and gave him a commandment to Mordecai , to
know what it was, and why it was.

whom 041 016 Jer /^{whom /he had brought
again from Gibeon :

whom 013 023 IKi /^{whom /he had brought back

whom 016 009 Mar /${whom /he had cast seven
devils .

whom 105 026 Psa /^{whom /he had chosen .

whom 001 002 Act /${whom /he had chosen :

whom 018 009 Exo /^{whom /he had delivered
out of the hand of the Egyptians .

whom 002 008 Gen /^{whom /he had formed .

whom 019 015 Luk /${whom /he had given the
money , that he might know how much every man had gained by
trading .

whom 020 003 IISa /^{whom /he had left to keep
the house , and put them in ward , and fed them, but went not in
unto them. So they were shut up unto the day of their death ,
living in widowhood .

whom 005 014 Ezr /^{whom /he had made
governor ;

whom 012 001 Num /^{whom /he had married :
for he had married an Ethiopian woman .

whom 029 026 Deu /^{whom /he had not given
unto them:

whom 004 004 Jos /^{whom /he had prepared of
the children of Israel , out of every tribe a man :

whom 012 009 Joh /${whom /he had raised from
the dead .

whom 041 016 Jer /^{whom /he had recovered
from Ishmael the son of Nethaniah , from Mizpah , after that he
had slain Gedaliah the son of Ahikam , even mighty men of war ,
and the women , and the children , and the eunuchs , whom he had
brought again from Gibeon :

whom 041 009 Jer /^{whom /he had slain
because of Gedaliah , was it which Asa the king had made for
fear of Baasha king of Israel : and Ishmael the son of Nethaniah
filled it with them that were slain .

whom 007 008 IKi /^{whom /he had taken to
wife, like unto this porch .

whom 014 020 Jug /^{whom /he had used as his
friend .

whom 019 004 Deu /^{whom /he hated not in
time past ;

whom 001 002 Heb /${whom /he hath appointed
heir of all things , by whom also he made the worlds ;

whom 009 024 Rom /${whom /he hath called ,
not of the Jews only , but also of the Gentiles ?

whom 013 020 Mar /${whom /he hath chosen , he
hath shortened the days .

whom 033 012 Psa /^{whom /he hath chosen for
his own inheritance .

whom 016 005 Num /^{whom /he hath chosen will
he cause to come near unto him.

whom 004 020 IJo /${whom /he hath not seen ?

whom 017 031 Act /${whom /he hath ordained ;
whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath
raised him from the dead .

whom 107 002 Psa /^{whom /he hath redeemed
from the hand of the enemy ;

whom 004 020 IJo /${whom /he hath seen , how
can he love God whom he hath not seen ?

whom 005 038 Joh /${whom /he hath sent , him
ye believe not .

whom 006 029 Joh /${whom /he hath sent .

whom 005 007 Num /^{whom /he hath trespassed .

whom 022 022 Luk /${whom /he is betrayed !

whom 006 047 Luk /${whom /he is like :

whom 008 030 Rom /${whom /he justified , them
he also glorified .

whom 019 026 Joh /${whom /he loved , he saith
unto his mother , Woman , behold thy son !

whom 047 004 Psa /^{whom /he loved . Selah .

whom 002 021 ICh /^{whom /he married when he
was threescore years old ; and she bare him Segub .

whom 005 008 IPe /${whom /he may devour :

whom 022 005 Lev /^{whom /he may take
uncleanness , whatsoever uncleanness he hath;

whom 017 034 IIKi /^{whom /he named Israel ;

whom 001 010 ITh /${whom /he raised from the
dead , even Jesus , which delivered us from the wrath to come .

whom 012 001 Joh /${whom /he raised from the
dead .

whom 015 015 ICo /${whom /he raised not up ,
if so be that the dead rise not .

whom 005 007 Jos /^{whom /he raised up in
their stead, them Joshua circumcised : for they were
uncircumcised , because they had not circumcised them by the way

whom 012 006 Heb /${whom /he receiveth .

whom 004 001 Rut /^{whom /he said , Ho , such
a one ! turn aside , sit down here. And he turned aside , and
sat down .

whom 028 012 Isa /^{whom /he said , This is
the rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest ; and this is
the refreshing : yet they would not hear .

whom 012 009 Jug /^{whom /he sent abroad ,
and took in thirty daughters from abroad for his sons . And he
judged Israel seven years .

whom 011 039 Dan /^{whom /he shall
acknowledge and increase with glory : and he shall cause them to
rule over many , and shall divide the land for gain .

whom 016 032 Lev /^{whom /he shall anoint ,
and whom he shall consecrate to minister in the priest's office
in his father's stead, shall make the atonement , and shall put
on the linen clothes , even the holy garments :

whom 016 032 Lev /^{whom /he shall consecrate
to minister in the priest's office in his father's stead, shall
make the atonement , and shall put on the linen clothes , even
the holy garments :

whom 028 055 Deu /^{whom /he shall eat :
because he hath nothing left him in the siege , and in the
straitness , wherewith thine enemies shall distress thee in all
thy gates .

whom 007 004 Luk /${whom /he should do this :

whom 002 005 IKi /^{whom /he slew , and shed
the blood of war in peace , and put the blood of war upon his
girdle that was about his loins , and in his shoes that were on
his feet .

whom 014 007 IISa /^{whom /he slew ; and we
will destroy the heir also: and so they shall quench my coal
which is left , and shall not leave to my husband neither name
nor remainder upon the earth .

whom 023 008 IISa /^{whom /he slew at one time

whom 025 027 Lev /^{whom /he sold it; that he
may return unto his possession .

whom 013 022 Joh /${whom /he spake .

whom 013 024 Joh /${whom /he spake .

whom 015 021 Rom /${whom /he was not spoken
of , they shall see : and they that have not heard shall
understand .

whom 005 021 Joh /${whom /he will .

whom 009 018 Rom /${whom /he will have mercy,
and whom he will he hardeneth .

whom 009 018 Rom /${whom /he will he
hardeneth .

whom 003 013 Mar /${whom /he would : and they
came unto him .

whom 005 019 Dan /^{whom /he would he kept
alive ; and whom he would he set up ; and whom he would he put
down .

whom 005 019 Dan /^{whom /he would he put
down .

whom 005 019 Dan /^{whom /he would he set up ;
and whom he would he put down .

whom 005 019 Dan /^{whom /he would he slew ;
and whom he would he kept alive ; and whom he would he set up ;
and whom he would he put down .

whom 026 059 Num /^{whom /her mother bare to
Levi in Egypt : and she bare unto Amram Aaron and Moses , and
Miriam their sister .

whom 011 038 Dan /^{whom /his fathers knew
not shall he honour with gold , and silver , and with precious
stones , and pleasant things .

whom 024 045 Mat /${whom /his lord hath made
ruler over his household , to give them meat in due season ?

whom 012 042 Luk /${whom /his lord shall make
ruler over his household , to give them their portion of meat in
due season ?

whom 024 046 Mat /${whom /his lord when he
cometh shall find so doing .

whom 012 043 Luk /${whom /his lord when he
cometh shall find so doing .

whom 066 013 Isa /^{whom /his mother
comforteth , so will I comfort you; and ye shall be comforted in
Jerusalem .

whom 035 021 Exo /^{whom /his spirit made
willing , and they brought the LORD'S offering to the work of
the tabernacle of the congregation , and for all his service ,
and for the holy garments .

whom 013 007 Rom /${whom /honour .

whom 001 015 ITi /${whom /I am chief .

whom 001 014 Lam /^{whom /I am not able to
rise up .

whom 003 017 Mat /${whom /I am well pleased .

whom 001 011 Mar /${whom /I am well pleased .

whom 001 017 IIPe /${whom /I am well pleased .

whom 017 005 Mat /${whom /I am well pleased ;
hear ye him .

whom 011 021 Num /^{whom /I am, are six
hundred thousand footmen ; and thou hast said , I will give them
flesh , that they may eat a whole month .

whom 025 016 Act /${whom /I answered , It is
not the manner of the Romans to deliver any man to die , before
that he which is accused have the accusers face to face , and
have licence to answer for himself concerning the crime laid
against him .

whom 020 042 IKi /^{whom /I appointed to
utter destruction , therefore thy life shall go for his life ,
and thy people for his people .

whom 006 016 Mar /${whom /I beheaded : he is
risen from the dead .

whom 025 055 Lev /^{whom /I brought forth out
of the land of Egypt : I am the LORD your God .

whom 026 045 Lev /^{whom /I brought forth out
of the land of Egypt in the sight of the heathen , that I might
be their God : I am the LORD .

whom 011 034 IKi /^{whom /I chose , because
he kept my commandments and my statutes :

whom 017 006 ICh /^{whom /I commanded to feed
my people , saying , Why have ye not built me an house of cedars

whom 007 007 IISa /^{whom /I commanded to feed
my people Israel , saying , Why build ye not me an house of
cedar ?

whom 024 003 Gen /^{whom /I dwell :

whom 002 010 IICo /${whom /I forgave it, for
your sakes forgave I it in the person of Christ ;

whom 009 021 Dan /^{whom /I had seen in the
vision at the beginning , being caused to fly swiftly , touched
me about the time of the evening oblation .

whom 001 010 Phm /${whom /I have begotten in
my bonds :

whom 001 012 IITi /${whom /I have believed ,
and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have
committed unto him against that day .

whom 010 024 IIKi /^{whom /I have brought into
your hands escape , he that letteth him go, his life shall be
for the life of him.

whom 029 004 Jer /^{whom /I have caused to be
carried away from Jerusalem unto Babylon ;

whom 041 008 Isa /^{whom /I have chosen , the
seed of Abraham my friend .

whom 044 002 Isa /^{whom /I have chosen .

whom 044 001 Isa /^{whom /I have chosen :

whom 013 018 Joh /${whom /I have chosen : but
that the scripture may be fulfilled , He that eateth bread with
me hath lifted up his heel against me .

whom 043 010 Isa /^{whom /I have chosen :
that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he:
before me there was no God formed , neither shall there be after

whom 012 018 Mat /${whom /I have chosen ; my
beloved , in whom my soul is well pleased : I will put my spirit
upon him , and he shall shew judgment to the Gentiles .

whom 006 007 Gen /^{whom /I have created from
the face of the earth ; both man , and beast , and the creeping
thing , and the fowls of the air ; for it repenteth me that I
have made them.

whom 001 020 ITi /${whom /I have delivered
unto Satan , that they may learn not to blaspheme .

whom 028 003 Exo /^{whom /I have filled with
the spirit of wisdom , that they may make Aaron's garments to
consecrate him, that he may minister unto me in the priest's
office .

whom 020 025 Act /${whom /I have gone
preaching the kingdom of God , shall see my face no more .

whom 001 011 IICh /^{whom /I have made thee
king :

whom 025 026 Act /${whom /I have no certain
thing to write unto my lord . Wherefore I have brought him forth
before you , and specially before thee , O king Agrippa , that ,
after examination had , I might have somewhat to write .

whom 018 043 Psa /^{whom /I have not known
shall serve me.

whom 013 022 Eze /^{whom /I have not made sad
; and strengthened the hands of the wicked , that he should not
return from his wicked way , by promising him life :

whom 018 008 Jer /^{whom /I have pronounced ,
turn from their evil , I will repent of the evil that I thought
to do unto them.

whom 050 001 Isa /^{whom /I have put away ?
or which of my creditors is it to whom I have sold you? Behold,
for your iniquities have ye sold yourselves, and for your
transgressions is your mother put away .

Whom 001 012 Phm /${Whom /I have sent again :
thou therefore receive him , that is , mine own bowels :

whom 029 020 Jer /^{whom /I have sent from
Jerusalem to Babylon :

whom 024 005 Jer /^{whom /I have sent out of
this place into the land of the Chaldeans for their good .

Whom 003 008 Col /${Whom /I have sent unto
you for the same purpose , that he might know your estate , and
comfort your hearts ;

Whom 006 022 Eph /${Whom /I have sent unto
you for the same purpose , that ye might know our affairs , and
that he might comfort your hearts .

whom 030 026 Gen /^{whom /I have served thee,
and let me go : for thou knowest my service which I have done

whom 033 005 Jer /^{whom /I have slain in
mine anger and in my fury , and for all whose wickedness I have
hid my face from this city .

whom 050 001 Isa /^{whom /I have sold you?
Behold, for your iniquities have ye sold yourselves, and for
your transgressions is your mother put away .

whom 038 017 Eze /^{whom /I have spoken in
old time by my servants the prophets of Israel , which
prophesied in those days many years that I would bring thee
against them?

whom 003 008 Php /${whom /I have suffered the
loss of all things , and do count them but dung , that I may win
Christ ,

whom 041 009 Isa /^{whom /I have taken from
the ends of the earth , and called thee from the chief men
thereof, and said unto thee, Thou art my servant ; I have chosen
thee, and not cast thee away .

whom 003 018 Php /${whom /I have told you
often , and now tell you even weeping , that they are the
enemies of the cross of Christ :

whom 009 009 Luk /${whom /I hear such things
? And he desired to see him .

whom 025 011 ISa /^{whom /I know not whence
they be?

whom 001 013 Jo /${whom /I love in the truth

whom 001 001 IIJo /${whom /I love in the truth
; and not I only , but also all they that have known the truth ;

whom 019 019 Job /^{whom /I loved are turned
against me.

whom 016 003 ISa /^{whom /I name unto thee.

whom 002 003 IICo /${whom /I ought to rejoice ;
having confidence in you all , that my joy is the joy of you
all .

Whom 023 029 Act /${Whom /I perceived to be
accused of questions of their law , but to have nothing laid to
his charge worthy of death or of bonds .

whom 017 003 Act /${whom /I preach unto you ,
is Christ .

whom 007 015 IISa /^{whom /I put away before

whom 050 020 Jer /^{whom /I reserve .

whom 001 030 Joh /${whom /I said , After me
cometh a man which is preferred before me : for he was before me

whom 003 003 Son /^{whom /I said, Saw ye him
whom my soul loveth ?

whom 011 001 Eze /^{whom /I saw Jaazaniah the
son of Azur , and Pelatiah the son of Benaiah , princes of the
people .

whom 007 004 Jug /^{whom /I say unto thee,
This shall go with thee, the same shall go with thee; and of
whomsoever I say unto thee, This shall not go with thee, the
same shall not go .

whom 025 015 Jer /^{whom /I send thee, to
drink it.

whom 012 017 IICo /${whom /I sent unto you ?

whom 026 005 Jer /^{whom /I sent unto you,
both rising up early , and sending them, but ye have not
hearkened ;

whom 027 023 Act /${whom /I serve ,

whom 001 003 IITi /${whom /I serve from my
forefathers with pure conscience , that without ceasing I have
remembrance of thee in my prayers night and day ;

whom 001 009 Rom /${whom /I serve with my
spirit in the gospel of his Son , that without ceasing I make
mention of you always in my prayers ;

whom 017 005 Num /^{whom /I shall choose ,
shall blossom : and I will make to cease from me the murmurings
of the children of Israel , whereby they murmur against you.

whom 013 026 Joh /${whom /I shall give a sop ,
when I have dipped it. And when he had dipped the sop , he gave
it to Judas Iscariot , the son of Simon .

whom 028 008 ISa /^{whom /I shall name unto

whom 002 033 ISa /^{whom /I shall not cut off
from mine altar , shall be to consume thine eyes , and to grieve
thine heart : and all the increase of thine house shall die in
the flower of their age .

whom 024 014 Gen /^{whom /I shall say , Let
down thy pitcher , I pray thee, that I may drink ; and she shall
say , Drink , and I will give thy camels drink also: let the
same be she that thou hast appointed for thy servant Isaac ; and
thereby shall I know that thou hast shewed kindness unto my
master .

Whom 019 027 Job /^{Whom /I shall see for
myself, and mine eyes shall behold , and not another ; though my
reins be consumed within me.

whom 017 020 IKi /^{whom /I sojourn , by
slaying her son ?

whom 001 015 Joh /${whom /I spake , He that
cometh after me is preferred before me : for he was before me .

whom 009 017 ISa /^{whom /I spake to thee of!
this same shall reign over my people .

whom 005 016 IIKi /^{whom /I stand , I will
receive none. And he urged him to take it; but he refused .

whom 018 015 IKi /^{whom /I stand , I will
surely shew myself unto him to day .

whom 003 014 IIKi /^{whom /I stand , surely,
were it not that I regard the presence of Jehoshaphat the king
of Judah , I would not look toward thee, nor see thee.

whom 017 001 IKi /^{whom /I stand , there
shall not be dew nor rain these years , but according to my word

whom 095 011 Psa /^{whom /I sware in my wrath
that they should not enter into my rest .

whom 004 019 Gal /${whom /I travail in birth
again until Christ be formed in you ,

whom 144 002 Psa /^{whom /I trust ; who
subdueth my people under me.

whom 041 009 Psa /^{whom /I trusted , which
did eat of my bread , hath lifted up his heel against me.

whom 042 001 Isa /^{whom /I uphold ; mine
elect , in whom my soul delighteth ; I have put my spirit upon
him: he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles .

whom 024 040 Gen /^{whom /I walk , will send
his angel with thee, and prosper thy way ; and thou shalt take a
wife for my son of my kindred , and of my father's house :

whom 049 003 Isa /^{whom /I will be glorified

whom 033 019 Exo /^{whom /I will be gracious ,
and will shew mercy on whom I will shew mercy .

whom 009 015 Rom /${whom /I will have
compassion .

whom 009 015 Rom /${whom /I will have mercy ,
and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion .

whom 030 009 Jer /^{whom /I will raise up
unto them.

whom 015 026 Joh /${whom /I will send unto
you from the Father , even the Spirit of truth , which
proceedeth from the Father , he shall testify of me :

whom 005 005 IKi /^{whom /I will set upon thy
throne in thy room, he shall build an house unto my name .

whom 033 019 Exo /^{whom /I will shew mercy .

whom 018 002 Psa /^{whom /I will trust ; my
buckler , and the horn of my salvation , and my high tower .

Whom 001 013 Phm /${Whom /I would have
retained with me , that in thy stead he might have ministered
unto me in the bonds of the gospel :

whom 002 019 Rut /^{whom /I wrought to day is
Boaz .

whom 013 023 Heb /${whom /if he come shortly ,
I will see you .

whom 007 009 Mat /${whom /if his son ask
bread , will he give him a stone ?

whom 001 063 Jo /${whom /if thou bring
forward on their journey after a godly sort , thou shalt do well

whom 016 003 Psa /^{whom /is all my delight .

whom 009 020 ISa /^{whom /is all the desire
of Israel ? Is it not on thee, and on all thy father's house ?

whom 020 008 Rev /${whom /is as the sand of
the sea .

whom 001 020 ITi /${whom /is Hymenaeus and
Alexander ; whom I have delivered unto Satan , that they may
learn not to blaspheme .

whom 002 017 IITi /${whom /is Hymenaeus and
Philetus ;

whom 032 020 Deu /^{whom /is no faith .

whom 001 047 Joh /${whom /is no guile !

whom 001 017 Jam /${whom /is no variableness ,
neither shadow of turning .

whom 001 013 Jud /${whom /is reserved the
blackness of darkness for ever .

whom 053 001 Isa /^{whom /is the arm of the
LORD revealed ?

whom 024 014 ISa /^{whom /is the king of
Israel come out ? after whom dost thou pursue ? after a dead dog
, after a flea .

whom 009 006 Eze /^{whom /is the mark ; and
begin at my sanctuary . Then they began at the ancient men which
were before the house .

whom 014 032 Lev /^{whom /is the plague of
leprosy , whose hand is not able to get that which pertaineth to
his cleansing .

whom 027 018 Num /^{whom /is the spirit , and
lay thine hand upon him;

whom 004 008 Dan /^{whom /is the spirit of
the holy gods : and before him I told the dream , saying,

whom 005 011 Dan /^{whom /is the spirit of
the holy gods ; and in the days of thy father light and
understanding and wisdom , like the wisdom of the gods , was
found in him; whom the king Nebuchadnezzar thy father , the king
, I say, thy father , made master of the magicians , astrologers
, Chaldeans , and soothsayers ;

whom 006 005 Lev /^{whom /it appertaineth, in
the day of his trespass offering .

whom 008 014 Ecc /^{whom /it happeneth
according to the work of the righteous : I said that this also
is vanity .

whom 008 014 Ecc /^{whom /it happeneth
according to the work of the wicked ; again, there be wicked men,
to whom it happeneth according to the work of the righteous : I
said that this also is vanity .

whom 006 007 Heb /${whom /it is dressed ,
receiveth blessing from God :

whom 003 027 Pro /^{whom /it is due , when it
is in the power of thine hand to do it.

whom 044 010 Gen /^{whom /it is found shall
be my servant ; and ye shall be blameless .

whom 019 011 Mat /${whom /it is given .

whom 010 040 Mar /${whom /it is prepared .

whom 020 023 Mat /${whom /it is prepared of
my Father .

whom 007 008 Heb /${whom /it is witnessed
that he liveth .

whom 011 010 Mat /${whom /it is written ,
Behold , I send my messenger before thy face , which shall
prepare thy way before thee .

whom 007 027 Luk /${whom /it is written ,
Behold , I send my messenger before thy face , which shall
prepare thy way before thee .

whom 027 005 Jer /^{whom /it seemed meet unto

whom 004 024 Rom /${whom /it shall be imputed
, if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the
dead ;

whom 027 024 Lev /^{whom /it was bought ,
even to him to whom the possession of the land did belong.

whom 004 006 Heb /${whom /it was first
preached entered not in because of unbelief :

whom 007 002 Rev /${whom /it was given to
hurt the earth and the sea ,

whom 001 012 IPe /${whom /it was revealed ,
that not unto themselves , but unto us they did minister the
things , which are now reported unto you by them that have
preached the gospel unto you with the Holy Ghost sent down from
heaven ; which things the angels desire to look into .

whom 011 018 Heb /${whom /it was said , That
in Isaac shall thy seed be called :

Whom 017 007 Act /${Whom /Jason hath received
: and these all do contrary to the decrees of Caesar , saying
that there is another king , one Jesus .

whom 020 002 Joh /${whom /Jesus loved , and
saith unto them , They have taken away the Lord out of the
sepulchre , and we know not where they have laid him .

whom 013 023 Joh /${whom /Jesus loved .

whom 021 020 Joh /${whom /Jesus loved
following ; which also leaned on his breast at supper , and said
, Lord , which is he that betrayeth thee ?

whom 021 007 Joh /${whom /Jesus loved saith
unto Peter , It is the Lord . Now when Simon Peter heard that it
was the Lord , he girt his fisher's coat unto him, naked , and
did cast himself into the sea .

whom 021 025 IKi /^{whom /Jezebel his wife
stirred up .

whom 026 032 ICh /^{whom /king David made
rulers over the Reubenites , the Gadites , and the half tribe of
Manasseh , for every matter pertaining to God , and affairs of
the king .

whom 046 018 Gen /^{whom /Laban gave to Leah
his daughter , and these she bare unto Jacob , even sixteen
souls .

whom 007 047 Luk /${whom /little is forgiven ,
the same loveth little .

whom 057 004 Isa /^{whom /make ye a wide
mouth , and draw out the tongue ? are ye not children of
transgression , a seed of falsehood ,

whom 008 053 Joh /${whom /makest thou thyself

whom 049 007 Isa /^{whom /man despiseth , to
him whom the nation abhorreth , to a servant of rulers , Kings
shall see and arise , princes also shall worship , because of
the LORD that is faithful , and the Holy One of Israel , and he
shall choose thee.

whom 015 018 Lev /^{whom /man shall lie with
seed of copulation , they shall both bathe themselves in water ,
and be unclean until the even .

whom 012 048 Luk /${whom /men have committed
much , of him they will ask the more .

whom 024 047 Gen /^{whom /Milcah bare unto
him: and I put the earring upon her face , and the bracelets
upon her hands .

whom 002 007 Est /^{whom /Mordecai , when her
father and mother were dead , took for his own daughter .

whom 004 046 Num /^{whom /Moses and Aaron and
the chief of Israel numbered , after their families , and after
the house of their fathers ,

whom 004 041 Num /^{whom /Moses and Aaron did
number according to the commandment of the LORD .

whom 004 045 Num /^{whom /Moses and Aaron
numbered according to the word of the LORD by the hand of Moses .

whom 026 064 Num /^{whom /Moses and Aaron the
priest numbered , when they numbered the children of Israel in
the wilderness of Sinai .

whom 004 046 Deu /^{whom /Moses and the
children of Israel smote , after they were come forth out of
Egypt :

whom 001 045 Joh /${whom /Moses in the law ,
and the prophets , did write , Jesus of Nazareth , the son of
Joseph .

whom 013 021 Jos /^{whom /Moses smote with
the princes of Midian , Evi , and Rekem , and Zur , and Hur ,
and Reba , which were dukes of Sihon , dwelling in the country .

whom 048 015 Gen /^{whom /my fathers Abraham
and Isaac did walk , the God which fed me all my life long unto
this day ,

whom 089 021 Psa /^{whom /my hand shall be
established : mine arm also shall strengthen him.

whom 015 017 Act /${whom /my name is called ,
saith the Lord , who doeth all these things .

whom 042 001 Isa /^{whom /my soul delighteth ;
I have put my spirit upon him: he shall bring forth judgment to
the Gentiles .

whom 012 018 Mat /${whom /my soul is well
pleased : I will put my spirit upon him , and he shall shew
judgment to the Gentiles .

whom 001 007 Son /^{whom /my soul loveth ,
where thou feedest , where thou makest thy flock to rest at noon
: for why should I be as one that turneth aside by the flocks of
thy companions ?

whom 003 004 Son /^{whom /my soul loveth : I
held him, and would not let him go , until I had brought him
into my mother's house , and into the chamber of her that
conceived me.

whom 003 002 Son /^{whom /my soul loveth : I
sought him, but I found him not.

whom 003 001 Son /^{whom /my soul loveth : I
sought him, but I found him not.

whom 003 003 Son /^{whom /my soul loveth ?

whom 029 001 Jer /^{whom /Nebuchadnezzar had
carried away captive from Jerusalem to Babylon ;

whom 025 022 IIKi /^{whom /Nebuchadnezzar king
of Babylon had left , even over them he made Gedaliah the son of
Ahikam , the son of Shaphan , ruler .

whom 007 006 Neh /^{whom /Nebuchadnezzar the
king of Babylon had carried away , and came again to Jerusalem
and to Judah , every one unto his city ;

whom 002 006 Est /^{whom /Nebuchadnezzar the
king of Babylon had carried away .

whom 002 001 Ezr /^{whom /Nebuchadnezzar the
king of Babylon had carried away unto Babylon , and came again
unto Jerusalem and Judah , every one unto his city ;

whom 052 028 Jer /^{whom /Nebuchadrezzar
carried away captive : in the seventh year three thousand Jews
and three and twenty :

whom 037 001 Jer /^{whom /Nebuchadrezzar king
of Babylon made king in the land of Judah .

whom 041 010 Jer /^{whom /Nebuzaradan the
captain of the guard had committed to Gedaliah the son of Ahikam
: and Ishmael the son of Nethaniah carried them away captive ,
and departed to go over to the Ammonites .

whom 019 004 Jer /^{whom /neither they nor
their fathers have known , nor the kings of Judah , and have
filled this place with the blood of innocents ;

whom 009 016 Jer /^{whom /neither they nor
their fathers have known : and I will send a sword after them,
till I have consumed them.

whom 006 016 ITi /${whom /no man hath seen ,
nor can see : to whom be honour and power everlasting . Amen .

whom 030 017 Jer /^{whom /no man seeketh
after .

whom 016 004 Rom /${whom /not only I give
thanks , but also all the churches of the Gentiles .

whom 008 010 Neh /^{whom /nothing is prepared
: for this day is holy unto our Lord : neither be ye sorry ; for
the joy of the LORD is your strength .

whom 026 017 Act /${whom /now I send thee ,

whom 030 002 Job /^{whom /old age was
perished ?

whom 007 039 Act /${whom /our fathers would
not obey , but thrust him from them , and in their hearts turned
back again into Egypt ,

whom 025 019 Act /${whom /Paul affirmed to be
alive .

whom 028 008 Act /${whom /Paul entered in ,
and prayed , and laid his hands on him , and healed him .

whom 019 013 Act /${whom /Paul preacheth .

whom 009 004 Rom /${whom /pertaineth the
adoption , and the glory , and the covenants , and the giving of
the law , and the service of God, and the promises ;

whom 029 008 ICh /^{whom /precious stones
were found gave them to the treasure of the house of the LORD ,
by the hand of Jehiel the Gershonite .

Whom 005 009 IPe /${Whom /resist stedfast in
the faith , knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished
in your brethren that are in the world .

whom 021 003 Gen /^{whom /Sarah bare to him,
Isaac .

whom 013 016 Luk /${whom /Satan hath bound ,
lo , these eighteen years , be loosed from this bond on the
sabbath day ?

Whom 009 018 Luk /${Whom /say the people that
I am ?

whom 016 015 Mat /${whom /say ye that I am ?

whom 008 029 Mar /${whom /say ye that I am ?
And Peter answereth and saith unto him , Thou art the Christ .

whom 009 020 Luk /${whom /say ye that I am ?
Peter answering said , The Christ of God .

Whom 018 004 Joh /${Whom /seek ye ?

Whom 018 007 Joh /${Whom /seek ye ? And they
said , Jesus of Nazareth .

whom 020 015 Joh /${whom /seekest thou ? She ,
supposing him to be the gardener , saith unto him , Sir , if
thou have borne him hence , tell me where thou hast laid him ,
and I will take him away .

whom 006 020 ISa /^{whom /shall he go up from

whom 028 009 Isa /^{whom /shall he make to
understand doctrine ? them that are weaned from the milk , and
drawn from the breasts .

Whom 028 009 Isa /^{Whom /shall he teach
knowledge ? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine ? them
that are weaned from the milk , and drawn from the breasts .

whom 027 001 Psa /^{whom /shall I be afraid ?

Whom 028 011 ISa /^{Whom /shall I bring up
unto thee? And he said , Bring me up Samuel .

whom 051 019 Isa /^{whom /shall I comfort

whom 027 001 Psa /^{whom /shall I fear ? the
LORD is the strength of my life ; of whom shall I be afraid ?

Whom 006 008 Isa /^{Whom /shall I send , and
who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.

whom 006 010 Jer /^{whom /shall I speak , and
give warning , that they may hear ? behold, their ear is
uncircumcised , and they cannot hearken : behold, the word of
the LORD is unto them a reproach ; they have no delight in it.

whom 007 005 Amo /^{whom /shall Jacob arise ?
for he is small .

whom 007 002 Amo /^{whom /shall Jacob arise ?
for he is small .

whom 006 068 Joh /${whom /shall we go ? thou
hast the words of eternal life .

whom 007 014 ICh /^{whom /she bare : Machir
the father of Gilead :

whom 021 008 IISa /^{whom /she bare unto Saul ,
Armoni and Mephibosheth ; and the five sons of Michal the
daughter of Saul , whom she brought up for Adriel the son of
Barzillai the Meholathite :

whom 021 008 IISa /^{whom /she brought up for
Adriel the son of Barzillai the Meholathite :

whom 023 009 Eze /^{whom /she doted .

whom 023 007 Eze /^{whom /she doted : with
all their idols she defiled herself.

whom 002 019 Rut /^{whom /she had wrought ,
and said , The man's name with whom I wrought to day is Boaz .

whom 051 018 Isa /^{whom /she hath brought
forth ; neither is there any that taketh her by the hand of all
the sons that she hath brought up .

whom 007 039 ICo /${whom /she will ; only in
the Lord .

whom 016 019 IISa /^{whom /should I serve ?
should I not serve in the presence of his son ? as I have served
in thy father's presence , so will I be in thy presence .

whom 008 034 Act /${whom /speaketh the
prophet this ? of himself , or of some other man ?

whom 003 018 Heb /${whom /sware he that they
should not enter into his rest , but to them that believed not ?

whom 011 020 IKi /^{whom /Tahpenes weaned in
Pharaoh's house : and Genubath was in Pharaoh's household among
the sons of Pharaoh .

whom 004 012 Rut /^{whom /Tamar bare unto
Judah , of the seed which the LORD shall give thee of this young
woman .

whom 009 021 IKi /^{whom /the children of
Israel also were not able utterly to destroy , upon those did
Solomon levy a tribute of bondservice unto this day .

whom 008 008 IICh /^{whom /the children of
Israel consumed not, them did Solomon make to pay tribute until
this day .

whom 031 006 Isa /^{whom /the children of
Israel have deeply revolted .

whom 010 011 Jos /^{whom /the children of
Israel slew with the sword .

whom 019 017 Deu /^{whom /the controversy is,
shall stand before the LORD , before the priests and the judges ,
which shall be in those days ;

whom 044 016 Gen /^{whom /the cup is found .

whom 008 035 Luk /${whom /the devils were
departed , sitting at the feet of Jesus , clothed , and in his
right mind : and they were afraid .

whom 008 038 Luk /${whom /the devils were
departed besought him that he might be with him : but Jesus sent
him away , saying ,

whom 006 005 Exo /^{whom /the Egyptians keep
in bondage ; and I have remembered my covenant .

whom 010 011 ICo /${whom /the ends of the
world are come .

whom 019 016 Act /${whom /the evil spirit was
leaped on them , and overcame them , and prevailed against them ,
so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded .

whom 012 007 Heb /${whom /the father
chasteneth not ?

whom 010 036 Joh /${whom /the Father hath
sanctified , and sent into the world , Thou blasphemest ;
because I said , I am the Son of God ?

whom 014 026 Joh /${whom /the Father will
send in my name , he shall teach you all things , and bring all
things to your remembrance , whatsoever I have said unto you .

whom 012 012 Num /^{whom /the flesh is half
consumed when he cometh out of his mother's womb .

whom 001 004 Zec /^{whom /the former prophets
have cried , saying , Thus saith the LORD of hosts ; Turn ye now
from your evil ways , and from your evil doings : but they did
not hear , nor hearken unto me, saith the LORD .

whom 004 004 IICo /${whom /the god of this
world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not , lest
the light of the glorious gospel of Christ , who is the image of
God , should shine unto them .

whom 004 010 Ezr /^{whom /the great and noble
Asnappar brought over , and set in the cities of Samaria , and
the rest that are on this side the river , and at such a time .

whom 015 006 ICo /${whom /the greater part
remain unto this present , but some are fallen asleep .

Whom 003 021 Act /${Whom /the heaven must
receive until the times of restitution of all things , which God
hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the
world began .

whom 006 001 Amo /^{whom /the house of Israel
came !

whom 011 015 Eze /^{whom /the inhabitants of
Jerusalem have said , Get you far from the LORD : unto us is
this land given in possession .

whom 022 009 Exo /^{whom /the judges shall
condemn , he shall pay double unto his neighbour .

whom 006 007 Est /^{whom /the king delighteth
to honour ,

whom 006 009 Est /^{whom /the king delighteth
to honour , and bring him on horseback through the street of the
city , and proclaim before him, Thus shall it be done to the man
whom the king delighteth to honour .

whom 006 011 Est /^{whom /the king delighteth
to honour .

whom 006 009 Est /^{whom /the king delighteth
to honour .

whom 006 006 Est /^{whom /the king delighteth
to honour ? Now Haman thought in his heart , To whom would the
king delight to do honour more than to myself?

whom 002 024 Dan /^{whom /the king had
ordained to destroy the wise men of Babylon : he went and said
thus unto him; Destroy not the wise men of Babylon : bring me in
before the king , and I will shew unto the king the
interpretation .

whom 005 013 Dan /^{whom /the king my father
brought out of Jewry ?

whom 005 012 Dan /^{whom /the king named
Belteshazzar : now let Daniel be called , and he will shew the
interpretation .

whom 005 011 Dan /^{whom /the king
Nebuchadnezzar thy father , the king , I say, thy father , made
master of the magicians , astrologers , Chaldeans , and
soothsayers ;

whom 037 004 Isa /^{whom /the king of Assyria
his master hath sent to reproach the living God , and will
reprove the words which the LORD thy God hath heard : wherefore
lift up thy prayer for the remnant that is left .

whom 019 004 IIKi /^{whom /the king of Assyria
his master hath sent to reproach the living God ; and will
reprove the words which the LORD thy God hath heard : wherefore
lift up thy prayer for the remnant that are left .

whom 041 002 Jer /^{whom /the king of Babylon
had made governor over the land .

whom 040 005 Jer /^{whom /the king of Babylon
hath made governor over the cities of Judah , and dwell with him
among the people : or go wheresoever it seemeth convenient unto
thee to go . So the captain of the guard gave him victuals and a
reward , and let him go .

whom 041 018 Jer /^{whom /the king of Babylon
made governor in the land .

whom 029 022 Jer /^{whom /the king of Babylon
roasted in the fire ;

whom 017 019 IICh /^{whom /the king put in the
fenced cities throughout all Judah .

whom 004 011 Est /^{whom /the king shall hold
out the golden sceptre , that he may live : but I have not been
called to come in unto the king these thirty days .

whom 023 005 IIKi /^{whom /the kings of Judah
had ordained to burn incense in the high places in the cities of
Judah , and in the places round about Jerusalem ; them also that
burned incense unto Baal , to the sun , and to the moon , and to
the planets , and to all the host of heaven .

whom 017 002 Rev /${whom /the kings of the
earth have committed fornication , and the inhabitants of the
earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication .

whom 016 018 IISa /^{whom /the LORD , and this
people , and all the men of Israel , choose , his will I be, and
with him will I abide .

whom 010 003 Psa /^{whom /the LORD abhorreth .

whom 017 011 IIKi /^{whom /the LORD carried
away before them; and wrought wicked things to provoke the LORD
to anger :

whom 021 026 IKi /^{whom /the LORD cast out
before the children of Israel .

whom 021 002 IIKi /^{whom /the LORD cast out
before the children of Israel .

whom 017 008 IIKi /^{whom /the LORD cast out
from before the children of Israel , and of the kings of Israel ,
which they had made .

whom 016 003 IIKi /^{whom /the LORD cast out
from before the children of Israel .

whom 106 034 Psa /^{whom /the LORD commanded

whom 034 029 Num /^{whom /the LORD commanded
to divide the inheritance unto the children of Israel in the
land of Canaan .

whom 010 018 IICo /${whom /the Lord commendeth

whom 021 009 IIKi /^{whom /the LORD destroyed
before the children of Israel .

whom 021 006 IISa /^{whom /the LORD did choose
. And the king said , I will give them.

whom 016 007 Num /^{whom /the LORD doth
choose , he shall be holy : ye take too much upon you, ye sons
of Levi .

whom 022 007 IICh /^{whom /the LORD had
anointed to cut off the house of Ahab .

whom 033 002 IICh /^{whom /the LORD had cast
out before the children of Israel .

whom 028 003 IICh /^{whom /the LORD had cast
out before the children of Israel .

whom 017 015 IIKi /^{whom /the LORD had
charged them, that they should not do like them.

whom 033 009 IICh /^{whom /the LORD had
destroyed before the children of Israel .

whom 017 035 IIKi /^{whom /the LORD had made a
covenant , and charged them, saying , Ye shall not fear other
gods , nor bow yourselves to them, nor serve them, nor sacrifice
to them:

whom 025 017 Jer /^{whom /the LORD had sent

whom 024 044 Gen /^{whom /the LORD hath
appointed out for my master's son .

whom 010 024 ISa /^{whom /the LORD hath
chosen , that there is none like him among all the people ? And
all the people shouted , and said , God save the king .

whom 008 018 Isa /^{whom /the LORD hath given
me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the LORD of
hosts , which dwelleth in mount Zion .

whom 001 004 Mal /^{whom /the LORD hath
indignation for ever .

whom 023 008 Num /^{whom /the LORD hath not
defied ?

whom 001 010 Zec /^{whom /the LORD hath sent
to walk to and fro through the earth .

whom 032 002 Psa /^{whom /the LORD imputeth
not iniquity , and in whose spirit there is no guile .

whom 034 010 Deu /^{whom /the LORD knew face
to face ,

whom 012 006 Heb /${whom /the Lord loveth he
chasteneth , and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth .

whom 003 012 Pro /^{whom /the LORD loveth he
correcteth ; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth .

Whom 019 025 Isa /^{Whom /the LORD of hosts
shall bless , saying , Blessed be Egypt my people , and Assyria
the work of my hands , and Israel mine inheritance .

whom 036 001 Exo /^{whom /the LORD put wisdom
and understanding to know how to work all manner of work for the
service of the sanctuary , according to all that the LORD had
commanded .

whom 006 026 Exo /^{whom /the LORD said ,
Bring out the children of Israel from the land of Egypt
according to their armies .

whom 002 032 Joe /^{whom /the LORD shall call

whom 002 008 IITh /${whom /the Lord shall
consume with the spirit of his mouth , and shall destroy with
the brightness of his coming :

whom 005 006 Jos /^{whom /the LORD sware that
he would not shew them the land , which the LORD sware unto
their fathers that he would give us, a land that floweth with
milk and honey .

whom 017 015 Deu /^{whom /the LORD thy God
shall choose : one from among thy brethren shalt thou set king
over thee: thou mayest not set a stranger over thee, which is
not thy brother .

whom 012 037 Luk /${whom /the lord when he
cometh shall find watching : verily I say unto you , that he
shall gird himself , and make them to sit down to meat , and
will come forth and serve them .

whom 004 008 Rom /${whom /the Lord will not
impute sin .

whom 007 021 ICh /^{whom /the men of Gath
that were born in that land slew , because they came down to
take away their cattle .

whom 023 002 Isa /^{whom /the merchants of
Zidon , that pass over the sea , have replenished .

whom 002 017 IIPe /${whom /the mist of
darkness is reserved for ever .

whom 009 012 Jer /^{whom /the mouth of the
LORD hath spoken , that he may declare it, for what the land
perisheth and is burned up like a wilderness , that none passeth
through ?

whom 049 007 Isa /^{whom /the nation
abhorreth , to a servant of rulers , Kings shall see and arise ,
princes also shall worship , because of the LORD that is
faithful , and the Holy One of Israel , and he shall choose thee.

whom 018 007 Mat /${whom /the offence cometh !

whom 013 045 Lev /^{whom /the plague is, his
clothes shall be rent , and his head bare , and he shall put a
covering upon his upper lip , and shall cry , Unclean , unclean .

whom 027 024 Lev /^{whom /the possession of
the land did belong.

whom 001 007 Dan /^{whom /the prince of the
eunuchs gave names : for he gave unto Daniel the name of
Belteshazzar ; and to Hananiah , of Shadrach ; and to Mishael ,
of Meshach ; and to Azariah , of Abednego .

whom 001 011 Dan /^{whom /the prince of the
eunuchs had set over Daniel , Hananiah , Mishael , and Azariah ,

whom 003 019 Gal /${whom /the promise was
made ; and it was ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator .

whom 003 018 Zep /^{whom /the reproach of it
was a burden .

whom 013 008 Jos /^{whom /the Reubenites and
the Gadites have received their inheritance , which Moses gave
them, beyond Jordan eastward , even as Moses the servant of the
LORD gave them;

whom 014 021 Mar /${whom /the Son of man is
betrayed ! good were it for that man if he had never been born .

whom 026 024 Mat /${whom /the Son of man is
betrayed ! it had been good for that man if he had not been born

whom 010 022 Luk /${whom /the Son will reveal

whom 041 038 Gen /^{whom /the Spirit of God

whom 013 004 Luk /${whom /the tower in Siloam
fell , and slew them , think ye that they were sinners above all
men that dwelt in Jerusalem ?

whom 002 002 IIPe /${whom /the way of truth
shall be evil spoken of .

whom 004 016 Eph /${whom /the whole body
fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint
supplieth , according to the effectual working in the measure of
every part , maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of
itself in love .

whom 003 015 Eph /${whom /the whole family in
heaven and earth is named ,

whom 010 035 Joh /${whom /the word of God
came , and the scripture cannot be broken ;

whom 001 002 Jer /^{whom /the word of the
LORD came in the days of Josiah the son of Amon king of Judah ,
in the thirteenth year of his reign .

whom 018 031 IKi /^{whom /the word of the
LORD came, saying , Israel shall be thy name :

whom 014 017 Joh /${whom /the world cannot
receive , because it seeth him not , neither knoweth him : but
ye know him ; for he dwelleth with you , and shall be in you .

whom 006 014 Gal /${whom /the world is
crucified unto me , and I unto the world .

whom 040 018 Isa /^{whom /then will ye liken
God ? or what likeness will ye compare unto him?

whom 040 025 Isa /^{whom /then will ye liken
me, or shall I be equal ? saith the Holy One .

whom 146 003 Psa /^{whom /there is no help .

whom 030 031 Pro /^{whom /there is no rising
up .

whom 002 065 Ezr /^{whom /there were seven
thousand three hundred thirty and seven : and there were among
them two hundred singing men and singing women .

whom 007 067 Neh /^{whom /there were seven
thousand three hundred thirty and seven : and they had two
hundred forty and five singing men and singing women .

whom 007 008 Dan /^{whom /there were three of
the first horns plucked up by the roots : and, behold , in this
horn were eyes like the eyes of man , and a mouth speaking great
things .

Whom 017 023 Act /${Whom /therefore ye
ignorantly worship , him declare I unto you .

whom 007 013 Heb /${whom /these things are
spoken pertaineth to another tribe , of which no man gave
attendance at the altar .

whom 008 010 Act /${whom /they all gave heed ,
from the least to the greatest , saying , This man is the great
power of God .

whom 028 025 Eze /^{whom /they are scattered ,
and shall be sanctified in them in the sight of the heathen ,
then shall they dwell in their land that I have given to my
servant Jacob .

whom 023 037 Eze /^{whom /they bare unto me,
to pass for them through the fire, to devour them.

whom 014 023 Act /${whom /they believed .

whom 017 033 IIKi /^{whom /they carried away
from thence.

whom 021 023 Jug /^{whom /they caught : and
they went and returned unto their inheritance , and repaired the
cities , and dwelt in them.

whom 017 001 Luk /${whom /they come !

whom 017 028 IIKi /^{whom /they had carried
away from Samaria came and dwelt in Bethel , and taught them how
they should fear the LORD .

whom 010 044 Ezr /^{whom /they had children .

whom 023 025 Luk /${whom /they had desired ;
but he delivered Jesus to their will .

whom 034 011 Jer /^{whom /they had let go
free , to return , and brought them into subjection for servants
and for handmaids .

whom 030 021 ISa /^{whom /they had made also
to abide at the brook Besor : and they went forth to meet David ,
and to meet the people that were with him: and when David came
near to the people , he saluted them.

whom 038 009 Jer /^{whom /they have cast into
the dungeon ; and he is like to die for hunger in the place
where he is: for there is no more bread in the city .

whom 017 007 Lev /^{whom /they have gone a
whoring . This shall be a statute for ever unto them throughout
their generations .

whom 008 002 Jer /^{whom /they have loved ,
and whom they have served , and after whom they have walked ,
and whom they have sought , and whom they have worshipped : they
shall not be gathered , nor be buried ; they shall be for dung
upon the face of the earth .

whom 010 014 Rom /${whom /they have not
believed ? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have
not heard ? and how shall they hear without a preacher ?

whom 010 014 Rom /${whom /they have not heard
? and how shall they hear without a preacher ?

whom 012 010 Zec /^{whom /they have pierced ,
and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son,
and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness
for his firstborn .

whom 003 002 Joe /^{whom /they have scattered
among the nations , and parted my land .

whom 008 002 Jer /^{whom /they have served ,
and after whom they have walked , and whom they have sought ,
and whom they have worshipped : they shall not be gathered , nor
be buried ; they shall be for dung upon the face of the earth .

whom 008 002 Jer /^{whom /they have sought ,
and whom they have worshipped : they shall not be gathered , nor
be buried ; they shall be for dung upon the face of the earth .

whom 008 002 Jer /^{whom /they have walked ,
and whom they have sought , and whom they have worshipped : they
shall not be gathered , nor be buried ; they shall be for dung
upon the face of the earth .

whom 008 002 Jer /^{whom /they have
worshipped : they shall not be gathered , nor be buried ; they
shall be for dung upon the face of the earth .

whom 029 026 Deu /^{whom /they knew not, and
whom he had not given unto them:

whom 044 003 Jer /^{whom /they knew not,
neither they, ye, nor your fathers .

whom 032 017 Deu /^{whom /they knew not, to
new gods that came newly up , whom your fathers feared not.

whom 007 014 Zec /^{whom /they knew not. Thus
the land was desolate after them, that no man passed through nor
returned : for they laid the pleasant land desolate .

whom 003 002 Act /${whom /they laid daily at
the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful , to ask alms
of them that entered into the temple ;

whom 001 004 Dan /^{whom /they might teach
the learning and the tongue of the Chaldeans .

whom 027 009 Mat /${whom /they of the
children of Israel did value ;

whom 011 012 Jer /^{whom /they offer incense :
but they shall not save them at all in the time of their
trouble .

whom 019 037 Joh /${whom /they pierced .

whom 014 016 Jer /^{whom /they prophesy shall
be cast out in the streets of Jerusalem because of the famine
and the sword ; and they shall have none to bury them , them,
their wives , nor their sons , nor their daughters : for I will
pour their wickedness upon them.

whom 007 035 Act /${whom /they refused ,
saying , Who made thee a ruler and a judge ? the same did God
send to be a ruler and a deliverer by the hand of the angel
which appeared to him in the bush .

whom 106 038 Psa /^{whom /they sacrificed
unto the idols of Canaan : and the land was polluted with blood .

whom 029 005 ISa /^{whom /they sang one to
another in dances , saying , Saul slew his thousands , and David
his ten thousands ?

whom 007 025 Joh /${whom /they seek to kill ?

Whom 006 006 Act /${Whom /they set before the
apostles : and when they had prayed , they laid their hands on
them .

whom 007 007 Act /${whom /they shall be in
bondage will I judge , said God : and after that shall they come
forth , and serve me in this place .

whom 011 021 Dan /^{whom /they shall not give
the honour of the kingdom : but he shall come in peaceably , and
obtain the kingdom by flatteries .

whom 015 014 Gen /^{whom /they shall serve ,
will I judge : and afterward shall they come out with great
substance .

whom 010 039 Act /${whom /they slew and
hanged on a tree :

whom 021 029 Act /${whom /they supposed that
Paul had brought into the temple .

whom 036 006 Num /^{whom /they think best ;
only to the family of the tribe of their father shall they marry

whom 032 037 Deu /^{whom /they trusted ,

whom 020 009 Eze /^{whom /they were, in whose
sight I made myself known unto them, in bringing them forth out
of the land of Egypt .

whom 027 015 Mat /${whom /they would .

whom 025 007 Pro /^{whom /thine eyes have
seen .

Whom 013 025 Act /${Whom /think ye that I am
? I am not he. But , behold , there cometh one after me , whose
shoes of his feet I am not worthy to loose .

whom 004 022 Act /${whom /this miracle of
healing was shewed .

whom 008 012 Isa /^{whom /this people shall
say , A confederacy ; neither fear ye their fear , nor be afraid

whom 039 017 Jer /^{whom /thou art afraid .

whom 007 019 Deu /^{whom /thou art afraid .

whom 003 026 Joh /${whom /thou barest witness
, behold , the same baptizeth , and all men come to him .

whom 022 006 Num /^{whom /thou blessest is
blessed , and he whom thou cursest is cursed .

whom 094 012 Psa /^{whom /thou chastenest , O
LORD , and teachest him out of thy law ;

whom 065 004 Psa /^{whom /thou choosest , and
causest to approach unto thee, that he may dwell in thy courts :
we shall be satisfied with the goodness of thy house , even of
thy holy temple .

whom 022 006 Num /^{whom /thou cursest is
cursed .

whom 001 010 Lam /^{whom /thou didst command
that they should not enter into thy congregation .

whom 033 008 Deu /^{whom /thou didst prove at
Massah , and with whom thou didst strive at the waters of
Meribah ;

whom 025 025 ISa /^{whom /thou didst send .

whom 033 008 Deu /^{whom /thou didst strive
at the waters of Meribah ;

whom 023 040 Eze /^{whom /thou didst wash
thyself, paintedst thy eyes , and deckedst thyself with
ornaments ,

whom 024 011 Deu /^{whom /thou dost lend
shall bring out the pledge abroad unto thee.

whom 003 012 Gen /^{whom /thou gavest to be
with me , she gave me of the tree , and I did eat .

whom 004 027 Act /${whom /thou hast anointed ,
both Herod , and Pontius Pilate , with the Gentiles , and the
people of Israel , were gathered together ,

whom 006 013 Est /^{whom /thou hast begun to
fall , thou shalt not prevail against him, but shalt surely fall
before him.

whom 016 020 Eze /^{whom /thou hast borne
unto me, and these hast thou sacrificed unto them to be devoured
. Is this of thy whoredoms a small matter ,

whom 002 014 Mal /^{whom /thou hast dealt
treacherously : yet is she thy companion , and the wife of thy
covenant .

whom 017 045 ISa /^{whom /thou hast defied .

whom 002 020 Lam /^{whom /thou hast done this
. Shall the women eat their fruit , and children of a span long
? shall the priest and the prophet be slain in the sanctuary of
the Lord ?

whom 017 024 Joh /${whom /thou hast given me ,
be with me where I am ; that they may behold my glory , which
thou hast given me : for thou lovedst me before the foundation
of the world .

whom 017 011 Joh /${whom /thou hast given me ,
that they may be one , as we are.

whom 009 002 Deu /^{whom /thou hast heard say,
Who can stand before the children of Anak !

whom 047 015 Isa /^{whom /thou hast laboured ,
even thy merchants , from thy youth : they shall wander every
one to his quarter ; none shall save thee.

whom 003 014 IITi /${whom /thou hast learned

whom 086 009 Psa /^{whom /thou hast made
shall come and worship before thee, O Lord ; and shall glorify
thy name .

whom 104 026 Psa /^{whom /thou hast made to
play therein.

whom 020 006 Jer /^{whom /thou hast
prophesied lies .

whom 021 008 Deu /^{whom /thou hast redeemed ,
and lay not innocent blood unto thy people of Israel's charge .
And the blood shall be forgiven them.

whom 001 010 Neh /^{whom /thou hast redeemed
by thy great power , and by thy strong hand .

whom 017 021 ICh /^{whom /thou hast redeemed
out of Egypt ?

whom 017 003 Joh /${whom /thou hast sent .

whom 003 012 Dan /^{whom /thou hast set over
the affairs of the province of Babylon , Shadrach , Meshach ,
and Abednego ; these men , O king , have not regarded thee :
they serve not thy gods , nor worship the golden image which
thou hast set up .

whom 009 037 Neh /^{whom /thou hast set over
us because of our sins : also they have dominion over our bodies
, and over our cattle , at their pleasure , and we are in great
distress .

whom 069 026 Psa /^{whom /thou hast smitten ;
and they talk to the grief of those whom thou hast wounded .

whom 006 022 IIKi /^{whom /thou hast taken
captive with thy sword and with thy bow ? set bread and water
before them, that they may eat and drink , and go to their
master .

whom 016 037 Eze /^{whom /thou hast taken
pleasure , and all them that thou hast loved , with all them
that thou hast hated ; I will even gather them round about
against thee, and will discover thy nakedness unto them, that
they may see all thy nakedness .

whom 069 026 Psa /^{whom /thou hast wounded .

whom 023 028 Eze /^{whom /thou hatest , into
the hand of them from whom thy mind is alienated :

whom 009 002 Deu /^{whom /thou knowest , and
of whom thou hast heard say, Who can stand before the children
of Anak !

whom 011 016 Num /^{whom /thou knowest to be
the elders of the people , and officers over them; and bring
them unto the tabernacle of the congregation , that they may
stand there with thee.

whom 022 002 Gen /^{whom /thou lovest , and
get thee into the land of Moriah ; and offer him there for a
burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee

whom 009 009 Ecc /^{whom /thou lovest all the
days of the life of thy vanity , which he hath given thee under
the sun , all the days of thy vanity : for that is thy portion
in this life , and in thy labour which thou takest under the sun

whom 011 003 Joh /${whom /thou lovest is sick

whom 080 017 Psa /^{whom /thou madest strong
for thyself.

whom 045 016 Psa /^{whom /thou mayest make
princes in all the earth .

whom 004 018 Joh /${whom /thou now hast is
not thy husband : in that saidst thou truly .

whom 026 015 Act /${whom /thou persecutest .

whom 022 008 Act /${whom /thou persecutest .

whom 009 005 Act /${whom /thou persecutest :
it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks .

whom 088 005 Psa /^{whom /thou rememberest no
more: and they are cut off from thy hand .

whom 013 010 Hos /^{whom /thou saidst , Give
me a king and princes ?

whom 004 022 Jug /^{whom /thou seekest . And
when he came into her tent, behold, Sisera lay dead , and the
nail was in his temples .

whom 017 003 IISa /^{whom /thou seekest is as
if all returned : so all the people shall be in peace .

whom 006 020 Dan /^{whom /thou servest
continually , able to deliver thee from the lions ?

whom 006 016 Dan /^{whom /thou servest
continually , he will deliver thee.

whom 023 027 Exo /^{whom /thou shalt come ,
and I will make all thine enemies turn their backs unto thee.

whom 001 033 Joh /${whom /thou shalt see the
Spirit descending , and remaining on him , the same is he which
baptizeth with the Holy Ghost .

whom 021 009 ISa /^{whom /thou slewest in the
valley of Elah , behold, it is here wrapped in a cloth behind
the ephod : if thou wilt take that, take it: for there is no
other save that here . And David said , There is none like that;
give it me.

whom 032 013 Exo /^{whom /thou swarest by
thine own self, and saidst unto them, I will multiply your seed
as the stars of heaven , and all this land that I have spoken of
will I give unto your seed , and they shall inherit it for ever .

whom 037 010 Isa /^{whom /thou trustest ,
deceive thee, saying , Jerusalem shall not be given into the
hand of the king of Assyria .

whom 019 010 IIKi /^{whom /thou trustest
deceive thee, saying , Jerusalem shall not be delivered into the
hand of the king of Assyria .

whom 004 013 Exo /^{whom /thou wilt send .

whom 033 012 Exo /^{whom /thou wilt send with
me. Yet thou hast said , I know thee by name , and thou hast
also found grace in my sight .

whom 020 010 IICh /^{whom /thou wouldest not
let Israel invade , when they came out of the land of Egypt ,
but they turned from them, and destroyed them not;

whom 028 004 Act /${whom /though he hath
escaped the sea , yet vengeance suffereth not to live .

Whom 009 015 Job /^{Whom /though I were
righteous , yet would I not answer , but I would make
supplication to my judge .

whom 001 008 IPe /${whom /though now ye see
him not , yet believing , ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and
full of glory :

whom 007 020 Dan /^{whom /three fell ; even
of that horn that had eyes , and a mouth that spake very great
things , whose look was more stout than his fellows .

whom 049 008 Gen /^{whom /thy brethren shall
praise : thy hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies ; thy
father's children shall bow down before thee.

whom 023 022 Eze /^{whom /thy mind is
alienated , and I will bring them against thee on every side ;

whom 023 028 Eze /^{whom /thy mind is
alienated :

whom 024 008 Act /${whom /thyself mayest take
knowledge of all these things , whereof we accuse him .

whom 005 006 ICh /^{whom /Tilgathpilneser
king of Assyria carried away captive: he was prince of the
Reubenites .

whom 040 014 Isa /^{whom /took he counsel ,
and who instructed him, and taught him in the path of judgment ,
and taught him knowledge , and shewed to him the way of
understanding ?

whom 013 007 Rom /${whom /tribute is due;
custom to whom custom ; fear to whom fear ; honour to whom
honour .

whom 094 001 Psa /^{whom /vengeance belongeth,
shew thyself.

whom 094 001 Psa /^{whom /vengeance belongeth;
O God , to whom vengeance belongeth, shew thyself.

whom 001 016 Mat /${whom /was born Jesus ,
who is called Christ .

whom 035 023 Exo /^{whom /was found blue ,
and purple , and scarlet , and fine linen , and goats hair, and
red skins of rams , and badgers skins , brought them.

whom 035 024 Exo /^{whom /was found shittim
wood for any work of the service , brought it.

whom 003 017 Heb /${whom /was he grieved
forty years ? was it not with them that had sinned , whose
carcases fell in the wilderness ?

whom 015 040 Mar /${whom /was Mary Magdalene ,
and Mary the mother of James the less and of Joses , and Salome

whom 001 004 Dan /^{whom /was no blemish ,
but well favoured , and skilful in all wisdom , and cunning in
knowledge , and understanding science , and such as had ability
in them to stand in the king's palace , and whom they might
teach the learning and the tongue of the Chaldeans .

whom 019 010 IISa /^{whom /we anointed over us,
is dead in battle . Now therefore why speak ye not a word of
bringing the king back ?

whom 015 024 Act /${whom /we gave no such
commandment :

whom 002 005 Gal /${whom /we gave place by
subjection , no, not for an hour ; that the truth of the gospel
might continue with you .

whom 003 012 Eph /${whom /we have boldness
and access with confidence by the faith of him .

whom 005 011 Heb /${whom /we have many things
to say , and hard to be uttered , seeing ye are dull of hearing .

whom 011 004 IICo /${whom /we have not
preached , or if ye receive another spirit , which ye have not
received , or another gospel , which ye have not accepted , ye
might well bear with him.

whom 005 011 Rom /${whom /we have now
received the atonement .

whom 008 022 IICo /${whom /we have oftentimes
proved diligent in many things , but now much more diligent ,
upon the great confidence which I have in you .

whom 001 005 Rom /${whom /we have received
grace and apostleship , for obedience to the faith among all
nations , for his name :

whom 001 014 Col /${whom /we have redemption
through his blood , even the forgiveness of sins :

whom 001 007 Eph /${whom /we have redemption
through his blood , the forgiveness of sins , according to the
riches of his grace ;

whom 042 024 Isa /^{whom /we have sinned ?
for they would not walk in his ways , neither were they obedient
unto his law .

whom 004 013 Heb /${whom /we have to do .

whom 006 003 Act /${whom /we may appoint over
this business .

whom 022 008 IKi /^{whom /we may enquire of
the LORD : but I hate him; for he doth not prophesy good
concerning me, but evil . And Jehoshaphat said , Let not the
king say so.

whom 018 007 IICh /^{whom /we may enquire of
the LORD : but I hate him; for he never prophesied good unto me,
but always evil : the same is Micaiah the son of Imla . And
Jehoshaphat said , Let not the king say so.

whom 027 017 Jos /^{whom /we passed :

Whom 001 028 Col /${Whom /we preach , warning
every man , and teaching every man in all wisdom ; that we may
present every man perfect in Christ Jesus :

whom 004 020 Lam /^{whom /we said , Under his
shadow we shall live among the heathen .

whom 042 006 Jer /^{whom /we send thee; that
it may be well with us, when we obey the voice of the LORD our
God .

whom 003 017 Dan /^{whom /we serve is able to
deliver us from the burning fiery furnace , and he will deliver
us out of thine hand , O king .

whom 021 016 Act /${whom /we should lodge .

whom 024 006 Act /${whom /we took , and would
have judged according to our law .

whom 001 010 IICo /${whom /we trust that he
will yet deliver us;

whom 008 002 Luk /${whom /went seven devils ,

whom 018 026 Act /${whom /when Aquila and
Priscilla had heard , they took him unto them, and expounded
unto him the way of God more perfectly .

whom 025 015 Act /${whom /when I was at
Jerusalem , the chief priests and the elders of the Jews
informed me, desiring to have judgment against him .

whom 028 015 Act /${whom /when Paul saw , he
thanked God , and took courage .

whom 025 018 Act /${whom /when the accusers
stood up , they brought none accusation of such things as I
supposed :

whom 009 037 Act /${whom /when they had
washed , they laid her in an upper chamber .

whom 010 003 Isa /^{whom /will ye flee for
help ? and where will ye leave your glory ?

whom 046 005 Isa /^{whom /will ye liken me,
and make me equal , and compare me, that we may be like ?

Whom 027 017 Mat /${Whom /will ye that I
release unto you ? Barabbas , or Jesus which is called Christ ?

whom 023 009 Jer /^{whom /wine hath overcome ,
because of the LORD , and because of the words of his holiness .

whom 006 006 Est /^{whom /would the king
delight to do honour more than to myself?

whom 002 022 Eph /${whom /ye also are builded
together for an habitation of God through the Spirit .

whom 001 013 Eph /${whom /ye also trusted,
after that ye heard the word of truth , the gospel of your
salvation : in whom also after that ye believed , ye were sealed
with that holy Spirit of promise ,

whom 042 011 Jer /^{whom /ye are afraid ; be
not afraid of him, saith the LORD : for I am with you to save
you, and to deliver you from his hand .

whom 003 005 ICo /${whom /ye believed , even
as the Lord gave to every man ?

whom 017 027 IIKi /^{whom /ye brought from
thence; and let them go and dwell there, and let him teach them
the manner of the God of the land .

whom 015 012 Mar /${whom /ye call the King of
the Jews ?

whom 004 010 Act /${whom /ye crucified , whom
God raised from the dead , even by him doth this man stand here
before you whole .

whom 003 001 Mal /^{whom /ye delight in:
behold, he shall come , saith the LORD of hosts .

whom 003 013 Act /${whom /ye delivered up ,
and denied him in the presence of Pilate , when he was
determined to let him go .

whom 008 015 Jug /^{whom /ye did upbraid me,
saying , Are the hands of Zebah and Zalmunna now in thine hand ,
that we should give bread unto thy men that are weary ?

whom 010 025 Jos /^{whom /ye fight .

whom 002 010 IICo /${whom /ye forgive any
thing , I forgive also : for if I forgave any thing , to whom I
forgave it, for your sakes forgave I it in the person of Christ ;

whom 034 016 Jer /^{whom /ye had set at
liberty at their pleasure , to return , and brought them into
subjection , to be unto you for servants and for handmaids .

whom 007 052 Act /${whom /ye have been now
the betrayers and murderers :

whom 012 013 ISa /^{whom /ye have chosen ,
and whom ye have desired ! and, behold, the LORD hath set a king
over you.

whom 002 036 Act /${whom /ye have crucified ,
both Lord and Christ .

whom 012 013 ISa /^{whom /ye have desired !
and, behold, the LORD hath set a king over you.

whom 011 007 Eze /^{whom /ye have laid in the
midst of it, they are the flesh , and this city is the caldron :
but I will bring you forth out of the midst of it.

whom 024 021 Eze /^{whom /ye have left shall
fall by the sword .

whom 014 013 Exo /^{whom /ye have seen to day
, ye shall see them again no more for ever .

whom 006 034 Luk /${whom /ye hope to receive ,
what thank have ye ? for sinners also lend to sinners , to
receive as much again .

whom 007 028 Joh /${whom /ye know not .

whom 001 026 Joh /${whom /ye know not ;

whom 007 009 Jer /^{whom /ye know not;

whom 006 016 Rom /${whom /ye obey ; whether
of sin unto death , or of obedience unto righteousness ?

whom 005 025 Act /${whom /ye put in prison
are standing in the temple , and teaching the people .

whom 008 054 Joh /${whom /ye say , that he is
your God :

whom 003 016 Act /${whom /ye see and know :
yea , the faith which is by him hath given him this perfect
soundness in the presence of you all .

whom 003 001 Mal /^{whom /ye seek , shall
suddenly come to his temple , even the messenger of the covenant
, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come , saith the LORD of
hosts .

whom 006 019 IIKi /^{whom /ye seek . But he
led them to Samaria .

whom 010 021 Act /${whom /ye seek : what is
the cause wherefore ye are come ?

whom 042 009 Jer /^{whom /ye sent me to
present your supplication before him;

whom 012 005 Luk /${whom /ye shall fear :
Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into
hell ; yea , I say unto you , Fear him .

whom 002 015 Php /${whom /ye shine as lights
in the world ;

whom 005 030 Act /${whom /ye slew and hanged
on a tree .

whom 008 018 Jug /^{whom /ye slew at Tabor ?
And they answered , As thou art, so were they; each one
resembled the children of a king .

whom 023 035 Mat /${whom /ye slew between the
temple and the altar .

whom 045 004 Gen /^{whom /ye sold into Egypt .

whom 043 027 Gen /^{whom /ye spake ? Is he
yet alive ?

whom 043 029 Gen /^{whom /ye spake unto me?
And he said , God be gracious unto thee, my son .

whom 014 071 Mar /${whom /ye speak .

whom 005 045 Joh /${whom /ye trust .

whom 002 010 Jos /^{whom /ye utterly
destroyed .

whom 001 009 ICo /${whom /ye were called unto
the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord .

whom 027 015 Jos /^{whom /ye will serve ;
whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the
other side of the flood , or the gods of the Amorites , in whose
land ye dwell : but as for me and my house , we will serve the

whom 006 016 Rom /${whom /ye yield yourselves
servants to obey , his servants ye are to whom ye obey ; whether
of sin unto death , or of obedience unto righteousness ?

whom 032 017 Deu /^{whom /your fathers feared

whomsoever 015 011 Lev /^{whomsoever /he toucheth
that hath the issue , and hath not rinsed his hands in water ,
he shall wash his clothes , and bathe himself in water , and be
unclean until the even .

whomsoever 004 017 Dan /^{whomsoever /he will , and
setteth up over it the basest of men .

whomsoever 005 021 Dan /^{whomsoever /he will .

whomsoever 004 032 Dan /^{whomsoever /he will .

whomsoever 004 025 Dan /^{whomsoever /he will .

whomsoever 008 019 Act /${whomsoever /I lay hands ,
he may receive the Holy Ghost .

whomsoever 007 004 Jug /^{whomsoever /I say unto
thee, This shall not go with thee, the same shall not go .

whomsoever 013 020 Joh /${whomsoever /I send
receiveth me ; and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent
me .

Whomsoever 026 048 Mat /${Whomsoever /I shall kiss ,
that same is he : hold him fast .

Whomsoever 014 044 Mar /${Whomsoever /I shall kiss ,
that same is he ; take him , and lead him away safely .

whomsoever 004 006 Luk /${whomsoever /I will I give
it .

whomsoever 021 044 Mat /${whomsoever /it shall fall
, it will grind him to powder .

whomsoever 020 018 Luk /${whomsoever /it shall fall
, it will grind him to powder .

whomsoever 012 048 Luk /${whomsoever /much is given
, of him shall be much required : and to whom men have committed
much , of him they will ask the more .

whomsoever 044 009 Gen /^{whomsoever /of thy
servants it be found , both let him die , and we also will be my
lord's bondmen .

whomsoever 011 024 Jug /^{whomsoever /the LORD our
God shall drive out from before us, them will we possess .

whomsoever 011 027 Mat /${whomsoever /the Son will
reveal him.

whomsoever 015 006 Mar /${whomsoever /they desired .

whomsoever 031 032 Gen /^{whomsoever /thou findest
thy gods , let him not live : before our brethren discern thou
what is thine with me, and take it to thee. For Jacob knew not
that Rachel had stolen them.

whomsoever 016 003 ICo /${whomsoever /ye shall
approve by your letters , them will I send to bring your
liberality unto Jerusalem .
