Whither 005 010 Zec /^{Whither /do these bear
the ephah ?

Whither 016 005 Joh /${Whither /goest thou ?

Whither 002 002 Zec /^{Whither /goest thou? And
he said unto me, To measure Jerusalem , to see what is the
breadth thereof, and what is the length thereof.

Whither 019 017 Jug /^{Whither /goest thou? and
whence comest thou?

whither 032 017 Gen /^{whither /goest thou? and
whose are these before thee?

whither 013 036 Joh /${whither /goest thou?
Jesus answered him , Whither I go , thou canst not follow me now
; but thou shalt follow me afterwards .

Whither 027 010 ISa /^{Whither /have ye made a
road to day ? And David said , Against the south of Judah , and
against the south of the Jerahmeelites , and against the south
of the Kenites .

whither 002 011 IJo /${whither /he goeth ,
because that darkness hath blinded his eyes .

whither 012 035 Joh /${whither /he goeth .

whither 016 015 Jer /^{whither /he had driven
them: and I will bring them again into their land that I gave
unto their fathers .

whither 010 002 IICh /^{whither /he had fled from
the presence of Solomon the king , heard it, that Jeroboam
returned out of Egypt .

whither 010 001 Luk /${whither /he himself would
come .

whither 021 018 IKi /^{whither /he is gone down
to possess it.

whither 021 013 Exo /^{whither /he shall flee .

whither 035 025 Num /^{whither /he was fled :
and he shall abide in it unto the death of the high priest ,
which was anointed with the holy oil .

whither 035 026 Num /^{whither /he was fled ;

whither 011 008 Heb /${whither /he went .

whither 020 022 Lev /^{whither /I bring you to
dwell therein, spue you not out .

whither 015 018 Num /^{whither /I bring you,

whither 018 003 Lev /^{whither /I bring you,
shall ye not do : neither shall ye walk in their ordinances .

Whither 013 036 Joh /${Whither /I go , thou
canst not follow me now ; but thou shalt follow me afterwards .

Whither 008 022 Joh /${Whither /I go , ye cannot
come .

whither 008 021 Joh /${whither /I go , ye cannot
come .

Whither 013 033 Joh /${Whither /I go , ye cannot
come ; so now I say to you .

whither 008 014 Joh /${whither /I go .

whither 008 014 Joh /${whither /I go ; but ye
cannot tell whence I come , and whither I go .

whither 014 004 Joh /${whither /I go ye know ,
and the way ye know .

whither 023 008 Jer /^{whither /I had driven
them; and they shall dwell in their own land .

whither 029 007 Jer /^{whither /I have caused
you to be carried away captives , and pray unto the LORD for it:
for in the peace thereof shall ye have peace .

whither 046 028 Jer /^{whither /I have driven
thee: but I will not make a full end of thee, but correct thee
in measure ; yet will I not leave thee wholly unpunished .

whither 032 037 Jer /^{whither /I have driven
them in mine anger , and in my fury , and in great wrath ; and I
will bring them again unto this place , and I will cause them to
dwell safely :

whither 023 003 Jer /^{whither /I have driven
them, and will bring them again to their folds ; and they shall
be fruitful and increase .

whither 008 003 Jer /^{whither /I have driven
them, saith the LORD of hosts .

whither 029 018 Jer /^{whither /I have driven

whither 029 014 Jer /^{whither /I have driven
you, saith the LORD ; and I will bring you again into the place
whence I caused you to be carried away captive .

whither 030 011 Jer /^{whither /I have scattered
thee, yet will I not make a full end of thee: but I will correct
thee in measure , and will not leave thee altogether unpunished .

whither 018 012 IKi /^{whither /I know not; and
so when I come and tell Ahab , and he cannot find thee, he shall
slay me: but I thy servant fear the LORD from my youth .

whither 015 020 IISa /^{whither /I may, return
thou, and take back thy brethren : mercy and truth be with thee.

whither 024 009 Jer /^{whither /I shall drive

whither 002 016 Neh /^{whither /I went , or what
I did ; neither had I as yet told it to the Jews , nor to the
priests , nor to the nobles , nor to the rulers , nor to the
rest that did the work .

whither 004 013 Eze /^{whither /I will drive

Whither 006 001 Son /^{Whither /is thy beloved
gone , O thou fairest among women ? whither is thy beloved
turned aside ? that we may seek him with thee.

whither 006 001 Son /^{whither /is thy beloved
turned aside ? that we may seek him with thee.

whither 003 008 Joh /${whither /it goeth : so is
every one that is born of the Spirit .

whither 040 004 Jer /^{whither /it seemeth good
and convenient for thee to go , thither go .

whither 018 010 IKi /^{whither /my lord hath not
sent to seek thee: and when they said , He is not there; he took
an oath of the kingdom and nation , that they found thee not.

whither 013 013 IISa /^{whither /shall I cause my
shame to go ? and as for thee, thou shalt be as one of the fools
in Israel . Now therefore, I pray thee, speak unto the king ;
for he will not withhold me from thee.

whither 139 007 Psa /^{whither /shall I flee
from thy presence ?

whither 037 030 Gen /^{whither /shall I go ?

Whither 139 007 Psa /^{Whither /shall I go from
thy spirit ? or whither shall I flee from thy presence ?

Whither 002 001 IISa /^{Whither /shall I go up ?
And he said , Unto Hebron .

Whither 015 002 Jer /^{Whither /shall we go
forth ? then thou shalt tell them, Thus saith the LORD ; Such as
are for death , to death ; and such as are for the sword , to
the sword ; and such as are for the famine , to the famine ; and
such as are for the captivity , to the captivity .

Whither 001 028 Deu /^{Whither /shall we go up ?
our brethren have discouraged our heart , saying , The people is
greater and taller than we; the cities are great and walled up
to heaven ; and moreover we have seen the sons of the Anakims

whither 021 014 Deu /^{whither /she will ; but
thou shalt not sell her at all for money , thou shalt not make
merchandise of her, because thou hast humbled her.

whither 002 042 IKi /^{whither /that thou shalt
surely die ? and thou saidst unto me, The word that I have heard
is good .

Whither 006 020 Heb /${Whither /the forerunner
is for us entered , even Jesus , made an high priest for ever
after the order of Melchisedec .

whither 010 011 Eze /^{whither /the head looked
they followed it; they turned not as they went .

whither 018 020 Joh /${whither /the Jews always
resort ; and in secret have I said nothing .

whither 019 014 Jer /^{whither /the LORD had
sent him to prophesy ; and he stood in the court of the LORD'S
house ; and said to all the people ,

whither 028 037 Deu /^{whither /the LORD shall
lead thee.

whither 004 027 Deu /^{whither /the LORD shall
lead you.

whither 030 001 Deu /^{whither /the LORD thy God
hath driven thee,

whither 030 003 Deu /^{whither /the LORD thy God
hath scattered thee.

whither 002 005 Jos /^{whither /the men went I
wot not: pursue after them quickly ; for ye shall overtake them.

whither 049 036 Jer /^{whither /the outcasts of
Elam shall not come .

whither 047 009 Eze /^{whither /the river cometh

whither 001 012 Eze /^{whither /the spirit was
to go , they went ; and they turned not when they went .

Whither 122 004 Psa /^{Whither /the tribes go up
, the tribes of the LORD , unto the testimony of Israel , to
give thanks unto the name of the LORD .

whither 006 037 IICh /^{whither /they are carried
captive , and turn and pray unto thee in the land of their
captivity , saying , We have sinned , we have done amiss , and
have dealt wickedly ;

whither 037 021 Eze /^{whither /they be gone ,
and will gather them on every side , and bring them into their
own land :

whither 012 016 Eze /^{whither /they come ; and
they shall know that I am the LORD .

whither 031 016 Deu /^{whither /they go to be
among them, and will forsake me, and break my covenant which I
have made with them.

whither 043 005 Jer /^{whither /they had been
driven , to dwell in the land of Judah ;

whither 006 038 IICh /^{whither /they have
carried them captives , and pray toward their land , which thou
gavest unto their fathers , and toward the city which thou hast
chosen , and toward the house which I have built for thy name :

whither 022 012 Jer /^{whither /they have led
him captive , and shall see this land no more.

whither 006 009 Eze /^{whither /they shall be
carried captives , because I am broken with their whorish heart ,
which hath departed from me, and with their eyes , which go a
whoring after their idols : and they shall lothe themselves for
the evils which they have committed in all their abominations .

whither 036 020 Eze /^{whither /they went , they
profaned my holy name , when they said to them, These are the
people of the LORD , and are gone forth out of his land .

whither 036 021 Eze /^{whither /they went .

whither 006 021 Joh /${whither /they went .

whither 024 028 Luk /${whither /they went : and
he made as though he would have gone further .

whither 017 018 IISa /^{whither /they went down .

whither 008 047 IKi /^{whither /they were
carried captives , and repent , and make supplication unto thee
in the land of them that carried them captives , saying , We
have sinned , and have done perversely , we have committed
wickedness ;

whither 040 012 Jer /^{whither /they were driven
, and came to the land of Judah , to Gedaliah , unto Mizpah ,
and gathered wine and summer fruits very much .

whither 029 013 Eze /^{whither /they were
scattered :

whither 028 015 Gen /^{whither /thou goest , and
will bring thee again into this land ; for I will not leave thee,
until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of.

whither 001 016 Rut /^{whither /thou goest , I
will go ; and where thou lodgest , I will lodge : thy people
shall be my people , and thy God my God :

whither 034 012 Exo /^{whither /thou goest ,
lest it be for a snare in the midst of thee:

whither 009 010 Ecc /^{whither /thou goest .

whither 045 005 Jer /^{whither /thou goest .

whither 014 005 Joh /${whither /thou goest ; and
how can we know the way ?

whither 011 010 Deu /^{whither /thou goest in to
possess it, is not as the land of Egypt , from whence ye came
out , where thou sowedst thy seed , and wateredst it with thy
foot , as a garden of herbs :

whither 007 001 Deu /^{whither /thou goest to
possess it, and hath cast out many nations before thee, the
Hittites , and the Girgashites , and the Amorites , and the
Canaanites , and the Perizzites , and the Hivites , and the
Jebusites , seven nations greater and mightier than thou;

whither 011 029 Deu /^{whither /thou goest to
possess it, that thou shalt put the blessing upon mount Gerizim ,
and the curse upon mount Ebal .

whither 023 020 Deu /^{whither /thou goest to
possess it.

whither 030 016 Deu /^{whither /thou goest to
possess it.

whither 028 021 Deu /^{whither /thou goest to
possess it.

whither 028 063 Deu /^{whither /thou goest to
possess it.

whither 012 029 Deu /^{whither /thou goest to
possess them, and thou succeedest them, and dwellest in their
land ;

whither 032 050 Deu /^{whither /thou goest up ,
and be gathered unto thy people ; as Aaron thy brother died in
mount Hor , and was gathered unto his people :

whither 009 007 Dan /^{whither /thou hast driven
them, because of their trespass that they have trespassed
against thee.

whither 003 021 Deu /^{whither /thou passest .

whither 030 018 Deu /^{whither /thou passest
over Jordan to go to possess it.

whither 013 027 Num /^{whither /thou sentest us,
and surely it floweth with milk and honey ; and this is the
fruit of it.

whither 023 012 Deu /^{whither /thou shalt go
forth abroad :

whither 021 018 Joh /${whither /thou wouldest :
but when thou shalt be old , thou shalt stretch forth thy hands ,
and another shall gird thee , and carry thee whither thou
wouldest not .

whither 021 018 Joh /${whither /thou wouldest
not .

whither 020 006 Isa /^{whither /we flee for help
to be delivered from the king of Assyria : and how shall we
escape ?

whither 020 013 Gen /^{whither /we shall come ,
say of me, He is my brother .

Whither 010 014 ISa /^{Whither /went ye? And he
said , To seek the asses : and when we saw that they were no
where , we came to Samuel .

Whither 007 035 Joh /${Whither /will he go ,
that we shall not find him ? will he go unto the dispersed among
the Gentiles , and teach the Gentiles ?

whither 016 008 Gen /^{whither /wilt thou go ?
And she said , I flee from the face of my mistress Sarai .

whither 044 008 Jer /^{whither /ye be gone to
dwell , that ye might cut yourselves off , and that ye might be
a curse and a reproach among all the nations of the earth ?

whither 042 022 Jer /^{whither /ye desire to go
and to sojourn .

whither 032 047 Deu /^{whither /ye go over
Jordan to possess it.

whither 031 013 Deu /^{whither /ye go over
Jordan to possess it.

whither 004 014 Deu /^{whither /ye go over to
possess it.

whither 011 011 Deu /^{whither /ye go to possess
it, is a land of hills and valleys , and drinketh water of the
rain of heaven :

whither 004 005 Deu /^{whither /ye go to possess

whither 006 001 Deu /^{whither /ye go to possess

whither 011 008 Deu /^{whither /ye go to possess

whither 003 007 Joe /^{whither /ye have sold
them, and will return your recompence upon your own head :

whither 036 022 Eze /^{whither /ye went .

whithersoever 006 056 Mar /${whithersoever /he entered
, into villages , or cities , or country , they laid the sick in
the streets , and besought him that they might touch if it were
but the border of his garment : and as many as touched him were
made whole .

whithersoever 014 004 Rev /${whithersoever /he goeth .
These were redeemed from among men , being the firstfruits unto
God and to the Lamb .

whithersoever 014 047 ISa /^{whithersoever /he turned
himself, he vexed them.

whithersoever 018 006 ICh /^{whithersoever /he went .

whithersoever 008 014 IISa /^{whithersoever /he went .

whithersoever 008 006 IISa /^{whithersoever /he went .

whithersoever 018 013 ICh /^{whithersoever /he went .

whithersoever 018 007 IIKi /^{whithersoever /he went
forth : and he rebelled against the king of Assyria , and served
him not.

whithersoever 021 001 Pro /^{whithersoever /he will .

whithersoever 016 006 ICo /${whithersoever /I go .

whithersoever 017 008 Pro /^{whithersoever /it turneth
, it prospereth .

whithersoever 018 005 ISa /^{whithersoever /Saul sent
him, and behaved himself wisely : and Saul set him over the men
of war , and he was accepted in the sight of all the people ,
and also in the sight of Saul's servants .

whithersoever 003 004 Jam /${whithersoever /the
governor listeth .

whithersoever 008 017 Est /^{whithersoever /the king's
commandment and his decree came , the Jews had joy and gladness ,
a feast and a good day . And many of the people of the land
became Jews ; for the fear of the Jews fell upon them.

whithersoever 004 003 Est /^{whithersoever /the king's
commandment and his decree came , there was great mourning among
the Jews , and fasting , and weeping , and wailing ; and many
lay in sackcloth and ashes .

whithersoever 047 009 Eze /^{whithersoever /the rivers
shall come , shall live : and there shall be a very great
multitude of fish , because these waters shall come thither: for
they shall be healed ; and every thing shall live whither the
river cometh .

Whithersoever 001 020 Eze /^{Whithersoever /the spirit
was to go , they went , thither was their spirit to go ; and the
wheels were lifted up over against them: for the spirit of the
living creature was in the wheels .

whithersoever 023 013 ISa /^{whithersoever /they could
go . And it was told Saul that David was escaped from Keilah ;
and he forbare to go forth .

Whithersoever 002 015 Jug /^{Whithersoever /they went
out , the hand of the LORD was against them for evil , as the
LORD had said , and as the LORD had sworn unto them: and they
were greatly distressed .

whithersoever 008 019 Mat /${whithersoever /thou goest

whithersoever 009 057 Luk /${whithersoever /thou goest

whithersoever 001 009 Jos /^{whithersoever /thou goest

whithersoever 001 007 Jos /^{whithersoever /thou goest

whithersoever 017 008 ICh /^{whithersoever /thou hast
walked , and have cut off all thine enemies from before thee,
and have made thee a name like the name of the great men that
are in the earth .

whithersoever 001 016 Jos /^{whithersoever /thou
sendest us, we will go .

whithersoever 008 044 IKi /^{whithersoever /thou shalt
send them, and shall pray unto the LORD toward the city which
thou hast chosen , and toward the house that I have built for
thy name :

whithersoever 002 003 IKi /^{whithersoever /thou
turnest thyself:

whithersoever 007 009 IISa /^{whithersoever /thou
wentest , and have cut off all thine enemies out of thy sight ,
and have made thee a great name , like unto the name of the
great men that are in the earth .

whithersoever 021 016 Eze /^{whithersoever /thy face
is set .
