Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the definitions plus combined with every place that word is used in the definitions.
Complete index of every word used in both the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary in English Word order.
Hebrew and Greek Expanded Dictionary
snow-white 07949 ## shalag {shaw-lag'} ; a primitive root ; properly , meaning to be white ; used only as denominative from 07950 ; to be {snow-white} (with the linen clothing of the slain) : -- be as snow .
white 00923 ## behat {bah'- hat} ; from an unused root (probably meaning to glisten) ; {white} marble or perhaps alabaster : -- red [marble ] .
white 00933 ## bohaq {bo'- hak} ; from an unused root meaning to be pale ; {white} scurf : -- freckled spot .
white 00948 ## buwts {boots} ; from an unused root (of the same form) meaning to bleach , i . e . (intransitive) be white ; probably cotton (of some sort) : -- fine ({white}) linen .
white 01858 ## dar {dar} ; apparently from the same as 01865 ; properly , a pearl (from its sheen as rapidly turned) ; by analogy , pearl-stone , i . e . mother-of-pearl or alabaster : -- X {white} .
white 02353 ## chuwr {khoor} ; from 02357 ; white linen : -- {white} .
white 02353 ## chuwr {khoor} ; from 02357 ; {white} linen : -- white .
white 02355 ## chowr {khore} ; the same as 02353 ; {white} linen : -- network . Compare 02715 .
white 02358 ## chivvar (Aramaic) {khiv-vawr'} ; from a root corresponding to 02357 ; white : -- {white} .
white 02358 ## chivvar (Aramaic) {khiv-vawr'} ; from a root corresponding to 02357 ; {white} : -- white .
white 02715 ## chor {khore} ; or (fully) chowr {khore} ; from 02787 ; properly , {white} or pure (from the cleansing or shining power of fire [compare 02751 ] ; hence (figuratively) noble (in rank) : -- noble .
white 02751 ## choriy {kho-ree'} ; from the same as 02353 ; white bread : -- {white} .
white 02751 ## choriy {kho-ree'} ; from the same as 02353 ; {white} bread : -- white .
white 03713 ## k@phowr {kef-ore'} ; from 03722 ; properly , a cover , i . e . (by implication) a tankard (or covered goblet) ; also {white} frost (as covering the ground) : -- bason , hoar (- y) frost .
white 03835 ## laban {law-ban'} ; a primitive root ; to be (or become) white ; also (as denominative from 03843) to make bricks : -- make brick , be (made , make) {white} (- r) .
white 03835 ## laban {law-ban'} ; a primitive root ; to be (or become) {white} ; also (as denominative from 03843) to make bricks : -- make brick , be (made , make) white (- r) .
white 03836 ## laban {law-bawn'} ; or (Gen . 49 : 12) laben {law-bane'} ; from 03835 ; white : -- {white} .
white 03836 ## laban {law-bawn'} ; or (Gen . 49 : 12) laben {law-bane'} ; from 03835 ; {white} : -- white .
white 03842 ## l@banah {leb-aw-naw'} ; from 03835 ; properly , (the) {white} , i . e . the moon : -- moon . See also 03838 .
white 03844 ## L@banown {leb-aw-nohn'} ; from 03825 ; (the) {white} mountain (from its snow) ; Lebanon , a mountain range in Palestine : -- Lebanon .
white 03845 ## Libniy {lib-nee'} ; from 03835 ; {white} ; Libni , an Israelite : -- Libni .
white 06703 ## tsach {tsakh} ; from 06705 ; dazzling , i . e . sunny , bright , (figuratively) evident : -- clear , dry , plainly , {white} .
white 06705 ## tsachach {tsaw-khakh'} ; a primitive root ; to glare , i . e . be dazzling {white} : -- be whiter .
white 06713 ## tsachar {tsakh'- ar} ; from an unused root meaning to dazzle ; sheen , i . e . whiteness : -- {white} .
white 06715 ## tsachor {tsaw-khore'} ; from the same as 06713 ; white : -- {white} .
white 06715 ## tsachor {tsaw-khore'} ; from the same as 06713 ; {white} : -- white .
white 07388 ## riyr {reer} ; from 07325 ; saliva ; by resemblance , broth : -- spittle , {white} [of an egg ] .
white 07893 ## shayish {shah'- yish} ; from an unused root meaning to bleach , i . e . whiten ; {white} , i . e .-- marble . See 08336 .
white 07949 ## shalag {shaw-lag'} ; a primitive root ; properly , meaning to be {white} ; used only as denominative from 07950 ; to be snow-white (with the linen clothing of the slain) : -- be as snow .
white 08336 ## shesh {shaysh} ; or (for alliteration with 04897) sh@shiy {shesh-ee'} ; for 07893 ; bleached stuff , i . e . {white} linen or (by analogy) marble : -- X blue , fine ([twined ]) linen , marble , silk .
white 08377 ## t@'ow {teh-o'} ; and tow'(the original form) {toh} ; from 08376 ; a species of antelope (probably from the {white} stripe on the cheek) : -- wild bull (ox) .
white 08473 ## tachara'{takh-ar-aw'} ; from 02734 in the original sense of 02352 or 02353 ; a linen corslet (as {white} or hollow) : -- habergeon .
white 1040 - bussos {boos'-sos}; of Hebrew origin [0948]; {white} linen: -- fine linen.
white 1823 - exastrapto {ex-as-trap'-to}; from 1537 and 0797; to lighten forth, i.e. (figuratively) to be radiant (of very {white} garments): -- glistening.
white 2986 - lampros {lam-pros'}; from the same as 2985; radiant; by analogy, limpid; figuratively, magnificent or sumptuous (in appearance): -- bright, clear, gay, goodly, gorgeous, {white}.
white 3021 - leukaino {lyoo-kah'-ee-no}; from 3022; to whiten: -- make {white}, whiten.
white 3022 - leukos {lyoo-kos'}; from luke ( " light " ); white: -- {white}.
white 3022 - leukos {lyoo-kos'}; from luke ( " light " ); {white}: -- white.
white 3139 - marmaros {mar'-mar-os}; from marmairo (to glisten); marble (as sparkling {white}): -- marble. ***. martur. See 3144.
whiten 07893 ## shayish {shah'- yish} ; from an unused root meaning to bleach , i . e . {whiten} ; white , i . e .-- marble . See 08336 .
whiten 2867 - koniao {kon-ee-ah'-o}; from konia (dust; by analogy, lime); to whitewash: -- {whiten}.
whiten 3021 - leukaino {lyoo-kah'-ee-no}; from 3022; to whiten: -- make white, {whiten}.
whiten 3021 - leukaino {lyoo-kah'-ee-no}; from 3022; to {whiten}: -- make white, whiten.
whiteness 01000 ## beytsah {bay-tsaw'} ; from the same as 00948 ; an egg (from its {whiteness}) : -- egg .
whiteness 02361 ## Chuwram {khoo-rawm'} ; probably from 02353 ; {whiteness} , i . e . noble ; Churam , the name of an Israelite and two Syrians : -- Huram . Compare 02438 .
whiteness 03828 ## l@bownah {leb-o-naw'} ; or l@bonah {leb-o-naw'} ; from 03836 ; frankincense (from its {whiteness} or perhaps that of its smoke) : -- (frank-) incense .
whiteness 03840 ## libnah {lib-naw'} ; from 03835 ; properly , {whiteness} , i . e . (by implication) transparency : -- paved .
whiteness 03843 ## l@benah {leb-ay-naw'} ; from 03835 ; a brick (from the {whiteness} of the clay) : -- (altar of) brick , tile .
whiteness 06713 ## tsachar {tsakh'- ar} ; from an unused root meaning to dazzle ; sheen , i . e . {whiteness} : -- white .
whiteness 06714 ## Tsochar {tso'- khar} ; from the same as 06713 ; {whiteness} ; Tsochar , the name of a Hittite and of an Israelite : -- Zohar . Compare 03328 .
whiteness 07799 ## shuwshan {shoo-shan'} ; or showshan {sho-shawn'} ; or shoshan {sho-shawn'} ; and (feminine) showshannah {sho-shan-naw'} ; from 07797 ; a lily (from its {whiteness}) , as a flower of arch . ornament ; also a (straight) trumpet (from the tubular shape) : -- lily , Shoshannim .
whiteness 07884 ## Shiychowr Libnath {shee-khore'lib-nawth'} ; from the same as 07883 and 03835 ; darkish {whiteness} ; Shichor-Libnath , a stream of Palestine : -- Shihor-libnath .
whiteness 07894 ## Shiysah'{shee-shaw'} ; from the same as 07893 ; {whiteness} ; Shisha , an Israelite : -- Shisha .
whiteness 07950 ## sheleg {sheh'- leg} ; from 07949 ; snow (probably from its {whiteness}) : -- snow (- y) .
whiteness 08405 ## Tebets {tay-bates'} ; from the same as 00948 ; {whiteness} ; Tebets , a place in Palestine : -- Thebez .
whiteness 5474 - chalkolibanon {khal-kol-ib'-an-on}; neuter of a compound of 5475 and 3030 (in the implied mean of {whiteness} or brilliancy); burnished copper, an alloy of copper (or gold) and silver having a brilliant lustre: -- fine brass.
whiter 06705 ## tsachach {tsaw-khakh'} ; a primitive root ; to glare , i . e . be dazzling white : -- be {whiter} .
whitewash 2867 - koniao {kon-ee-ah'-o}; from konia (dust; by analogy, lime); to {whitewash}: -- whiten.