whirlwind 007 014 Zec /^{whirlwind /among all the
nations whom they knew not. Thus the land was desolate after
them, that no man passed through nor returned : for they laid
the pleasant land desolate .

whirlwind 037 009 Job /^{whirlwind /and cold out
of the north .

whirlwind 001 003 Nah /^{whirlwind /and in the
storm , and the clouds are the dust of his feet .

whirlwind 038 001 Job /^{whirlwind /and said ,

whirlwind 040 006 Job /^{whirlwind /and said ,

whirlwind 058 009 Psa /^{whirlwind /both living ,
and in his wrath .

whirlwind 001 004 Eze /^{whirlwind /came out of
the north , a great cloud , and a fire infolding itself, and a
brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof as the
colour of amber , out of the midst of the fire .

whirlwind 004 013 Jer /^{whirlwind /his horses are
swifter than eagles . Woe unto us! for we are spoiled .

whirlwind 002 011 IIKi /^{whirlwind /into heaven .

whirlwind 008 007 Hos /^{whirlwind /it hath no
stalk : the bud shall yield no meal : if so be it yield , the
strangers shall swallow it up .

whirlwind 023 019 Jer /^{whirlwind /it shall fall
grievously upon the head of the wicked .

whirlwind 030 023 Jer /^{whirlwind /it shall fall
with pain upon the head of the wicked .

whirlwind 030 023 Jer /^{whirlwind /of the LORD
goeth forth with fury , a continuing whirlwind : it shall fall
with pain upon the head of the wicked .

whirlwind 023 019 Jer /^{whirlwind /of the LORD is
gone forth in fury , even a grievous whirlwind : it shall fall
grievously upon the head of the wicked .

whirlwind 013 003 Hos /^{whirlwind /out of the
floor , and as the smoke out of the chimney .

whirlwind 010 025 Pro /^{whirlwind /passeth , so
is the wicked no more: but the righteous is an everlasting
foundation .

whirlwind 025 032 Jer /^{whirlwind /shall be
raised up from the coasts of the earth .

whirlwind 041 016 Isa /^{whirlwind /shall scatter
them: and thou shalt rejoice in the LORD , and shalt glory in
the Holy One of Israel .

whirlwind 040 024 Isa /^{whirlwind /shall take
them away as stubble .

whirlwind 002 001 IIKi /^{whirlwind /that Elijah
went with Elisha from Gilgal .

whirlwind 066 015 Isa /^{whirlwind /to render his
anger with fury , and his rebuke with flames of fire .

whirlwind 003 014 Hab /^{whirlwind /to scatter me:
their rejoicing was as to devour the poor secretly .

whirlwind 001 027 Pro /^{whirlwind /when distress
and anguish cometh upon you.

whirlwind 011 040 Dan /^{whirlwind /with chariots ,
and with horsemen , and with many ships ; and he shall enter
into the countries , and shall overflow and pass over .

whirlwinds 021 001 Isa /^{whirlwinds /in the south
pass through; so it cometh from the desert , from a terrible
land .

whirlwinds 009 014 Zec /^{whirlwinds /of the south .
