Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the definitions plus combined with every place that word is used in the definitions.

Complete index of every word used in both the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary in English Word order.

Hebrew and Greek Expanded Dictionary

whirlwind 01534 ## galgal {gal-gal'} ; by reduplication from 01556 ; a wheel ; by analogy , a {whirlwind} ; also dust (as whirled) : -- heaven , rolling thing , wheel .

whirlwind 05492 ## cuwphah {soo-faw'} ; from 05486 ; a hurricane : -- Red Sea , storm , tempest , {whirlwind} , Red sea .

whirlwind 05590 ## ca` ar {saw-ar'} ; a primitive root ; to rush upon ; by implication , to toss (transitive or intransitive , literal or figurative) : -- be (toss with) tempest (- uous) , be sore , troubled , come out as a (drive with the , scatter with a) {whirlwind} .

whirlwind 05591 ## ca` ar {sah'- ar} ; or (feminine) c@` arah {seh-aw-raw'} ; from 05590 ; a hurricane : -- storm (- y) , tempest , {whirlwind} .

whirlwind 08175 ## sa` ar {saw-ar'} ; a primitive root ; to storm ; by implication , to shiver , i . e . fear : -- be (horribly) afraid , fear , hurl as a storm , be tempestuous , come like (take away as with) a {whirlwind} .

whirlwind 2978 - lailaps {lah'-ee-laps}; of uncertain derivation; a {whirlwind} (squall): -- storm, tempest.