Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
weary ^ 53_2TH_03_13 But <1161> ye <5210>, brethren <0080>, be <1573> <0> not <3361> {weary} <1573> (5661) in well doing <2569> (5723).

weary ^ 48_GAL_06_09 And <1161> let us <1573> <0> not <3361> be {weary} <1573> (5725) in well <2570> doing <4160> (5723): for <1063> in due <2398> season <2540> we shall reap <2325> (5692), if we faint <1590> (5746) not <3361>.

weary ^ 42_LUK_18_05 Yet <1065> because <1223> this <5026> widow <5503> troubleth <3930> (5721) <2873> me <3427>, I will avenge <1556> (5692) her <0846>, lest <3363> by <1519> her continual <5056> coming <2064> (5740) she {weary} <5299> (5725) me <3165>.