weapon 0240 ## >azen {aw-zane'}; from 238; a spade or paddle (as
having a broad end): -- {weapon}. [ql

weapon 3627 ## k@liy {kel-ee'}; from 3615; something prepared, i.
e . any apparatus (as an implement, utensil, dress, vessel or
weapon): -- armour ([-bearer]), artillery, bag, carriage, +
furnish, furniture, instrument, jewel, that is made of, X one
from another, that which pertaineth, pot, + psaltery, sack,
stuff, thing, tool, vessel, ware, {weapon}, + whatsoever [ql

weapon 5402 ## nesheq {neh'-shek}; or nesheq {nay'-shek}; from
5401; military equipment, i.e. (collectively) arms (offensive or
defensive), or (concretely) an arsenal: -- armed men, armour(-y),
battle, harness, {weapon}.[ql

weapon 7973 ## shelach {sheh'-lakh}; from 7971; a missile of
attack, i.e. spear; also (figuratively) a shoot of growth; i.e.
branch: -- dart, plant, X put off, sword, {weapon}.[ql

weapon 3696 # hoplon {hop'-lon}; probably from a primary hepo
(to be busy about); an implement or utensil or tool (literally
or figuratively, especially offensive for war): -- armour,
instrument, {weapon}.[ql
