English Theasurus that shows all the ways the English word is translated from the original Greek and Hebrew.

English Theasurus from the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary

wave 1116 -- bamah -- height, high place, {wave}.

wave 1530 -- gal -- billow, heap, spring, {wave}.

wave 1796 -- dokiy -- {wave}.

wave 2830 ** kludon ** raging, {wave}.

wave 2949 ** kuma ** {wave}.

wave 4535 ** salos ** {wave}.

wave 4867 -- mishbar -- billow, {wave}.

wave 5130 -- nuwph -- lift up, move, offer, perfume, send, shake, sift, strike,{wave}.

wave 8573 -- t@nuwphah -- offering, shaking, {wave} (offering).

waver 1252 ** diakrino ** contend, make (to) differ(-ence), discern, doubt, judge, bepartial, stagger, {waver}.

wavering 0186 ** aklines ** without {wavering}.