Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.

Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary

0504 + dry + water + without + they are without +/ . anudros {an'-oo-dros}; from 0001 + Alpha (as a negative particle) and 5204 + water + waters + in water + of water + by water + and water + the water + of waters + with water + the waters + but by water + of the water + of the water + not by water + of the waters + in the waters + and the water + but the water + here is water + out of the water + and in the water + unto me The waters + part of the waters + up out of the water +/ ; waterless, i .e . dry: --dry, without water .

3318 + forth + in Mesopotamia + when he was in Mesopotamia + when he was in Mesopotamia +/ . Mesopotamia {mes-op-ot-am-ee'-ah}; from 3319 + among + forth + before + between + At midday + the midst + from among + in the midst + In the midst + out of the way + I in the midst + out from among + up in the midst + away from among + is in the midst + was in the midst + And in the midst + her in the midst + him in the midst + and in the midst + them in the midst + it out of the way + forth in the midst + by him in the midst + and let them which are in the midst +/ and 4215 + river + rivers + of waters + as a flood + by a river + the stream + up the flood + of the river + and the floods + upon the rivers + part of the rivers + of him in the river +/ ; Mesopotamia (as lying between the Euphrates and the Tigris; compare 0763 + ungodly + ungodliness + their ungodly + that are ungodly +/ ), a region of Asia: --Mesopotamia .

4215 + river + rivers + of waters + as a flood + by a river + the stream + up the flood + of the river + and the floods + upon the rivers + part of the rivers + of him in the river +/ . potamos {pot-am-os'}; probably from a derivative of the alternate of 4095 + drank + Drink + drink + I drink + drinketh + ye drink + drinking + to drink + nor drink + and drink + and drunk + not drink + and drank + they drink + they drank + as ye drink + shall drink + and drunken + me to drink + that I drink + and drinking + him to drink + having drunk + and drinketh + and to drink + shall we drink + for they drank + ye shall drink + and shall drink + unto me and drink + that I shall drink + me shall I not drink + unto you I will drink + unto them Ye shall drink + unto you I will not drink +/ (compare 4224 + banquetings +/ ); a current, brook or freshet (as drinkable), i .e . running water: --flood, river, stream, water .

4216 + her to be carried + away of the flood +/ . potamophoretos {pot-am-of-or'-ay-tos}; from 4215 + river + rivers + of waters + as a flood + by a river + the stream + up the flood + of the river + and the floods + upon the rivers + part of the rivers + of him in the river +/ and a derivative of 5409 + bear + wearing + they that wear + for he beareth + to him that weareth + And as we have borne +/ ; river-borne, i .e . overwhelmed by a stream: --carried away of the flood .

5201 + waterpots + her waterpot + the waterpots +/ . hudria {hoo-dree-ah'}; from 5204 + water + waters + in water + of water + by water + and water + the water + of waters + with water + the waters + but by water + of the water + of the water + not by water + of the waters + in the waters + and the water + but the water + here is water + out of the water + and in the water + unto me The waters + part of the waters + up out of the water +/ ; a water-jar, i .e . receptacle for family supply: --water-pot .

5202 + Drink +/ . hudropoteo {hoo-drop-ot-eh'-o}; from a compound of 5204 + water + waters + in water + of water + by water + and water + the water + of waters + with water + the waters + but by water + of the water + of the water + not by water + of the waters + in the waters + and the water + but the water + here is water + out of the water + and in the water + unto me The waters + part of the waters + up out of the water +/ and a derivative of 4095 + drank + Drink + drink + I drink + drinketh + ye drink + drinking + to drink + nor drink + and drink + and drunk + not drink + and drank + they drink + they drank + as ye drink + shall drink + and drunken + me to drink + that I drink + and drinking + him to drink + having drunk + and drinketh + and to drink + shall we drink + for they drank + ye shall drink + and shall drink + unto me and drink + that I shall drink + me shall I not drink + unto you I will drink + unto them Ye shall drink + unto you I will not drink +/ ; to be a water-drinker, i .e . to abstain from vinous beverages: --drink water .

5203 + water + with water + him which had the dropsy +/ . hudropikos {hoo-dro-pik-os'}; from a compound of 5204 + water + waters + in water + of water + by water + and water + the water + of waters + with water + the waters + but by water + of the water + of the water + not by water + of the waters + in the waters + and the water + but the water + here is water + out of the water + and in the water + unto me The waters + part of the waters + up out of the water +/ and a derivative of 3700 + seen + look + appeared + shall see + he shewed + I will see + person see + being seen + unto me See + he was seen + ye shall see + shall ye see + I will appear + shall not see + that appeared + but I will see + shall they see + there appeared + And he was seen + They shall look + and ye shall see + that he was seen + is that to us see + of they shall see + and hath appeared + thou shouldest see + And there appeared + for they shall see + and there was seen + and they shall see + thou thou shalt see + for I have appeared + and ye shall not see + And that he was seen + him ; for we shall see + while and ye shall see + for him shall he appear +/ (as if looking watery); to be "dropsical": --have the dropsy .

5204 + water + waters + in water + of water + by water + and water + the water + of waters + with water + the waters + but by water + of the water + of the water + not by water + of the waters + in the waters + and the water + but the water + here is water + out of the water + and in the water + unto me The waters + part of the waters + up out of the water +/ . hudor {hoo'-dore}; genitive case, hudatos {hoo'-dat-os}, etc .; from the base of 5205 + rain + us rain + in the rain + that it rain +/ ; water (as if rainy) literally or figuratively: --water .