Bible Word Index with Strong's Number

Language Tranliteration of original language words

watching 09_1SA_04_13 And when he came (00935 +bow) ) , lo (02009 +hinneh ) , Eli (05941 +(Eliy ) sat (03427 +yashab ) upon a seat (03678 +kicce) ) by the wayside {watching} (06822 +tsaphah ):for his heart (03820 +leb ) trembled (02730 +chared ) for the ark (00727 +)arown ) of God (00430 +)elohiym ) . And when the man (00376 +)iysh ) came (00935 +bow) ) into the city (05892 +(iyr ) , and told (05046 +nagad ) [ it ] , all (03605 +kol ) the city (05892 +(iyr ) cried (02199 +za(aq ) out .

watching 49_EPH_06_18 Praying (4336 -proseuchomai -) always (2540 -kairos -) with all (3956 -pas -) prayer (4335 -proseuche -) and supplication (1162 -deesis -) in the Spirit (4151 -pneuma -) , and {watching} (0069 -agrupneo -) thereunto (5124 -touto -) with all (3956 -pas -) perseverance (4343 -proskarteresis -) and supplication (1162 -deesis -) for all (3956 -pas -) saints (0040 -hagios -) ;

watching 25_LAM_04_17 As for us , our eyes (05869 +(ayin ) as yet (05750 +(owd ) failed (03615 +kalah ) for our vain (01892 +hebel ) help (05833 +(ezrah ):in our {watching} (06822 +tsaphah ) we have watched (06822 +tsaphah ) for a nation (01471 +gowy ) [ that ] could not save (03467 +yasha( ) [ us ] .

watching 42_LUK_12_37 Blessed 3107 -makarios - [ are ] those 1565 -ekeinos - servants 1401 -doulos - , whom 3739 -hos - the lord 2962 -kurios - when he cometh 2064 -erchomai - shall find 2147 -heurisko - {watching} 1127 -gregoreuo -:verily 0281 -amen - I say 3004 -lego - unto you , that he shall gird 4024 -perizonnumi - himself , and make 0347 -anaklino - them to sit 0347 -anaklino - down 0347 -anaklino - to meat , and will come 3928 -parerchomai - forth 3928 -parerchomai - and serve 1247 -diakoneo - them .

watching 40_MAT_27_54 Now (1161 -de -) when the centurion (1543 -hekatontarches -) , and they that were with him , {watching} (5083 -tereo -) Jesus (2424 -Iesous -) , saw (1492 -eido -) the earthquake (4578 -seismos -) , and those (3588 -ho -) things that were done (1096 -ginomai -) , they feared (5399 -phobeo -) greatly (4970 -sphodra -) , saying (3004 -lego -) , Truly (0230 -alethos -) this (3778 -houtos -) was the Son (5207 -huios -) of God (2316 -theos -) .

watching 20_PRO_08_34 Blessed (00835 +)esher ) [ is ] the man (00120 +)adam ) that heareth (08085 +shama( ) me , {watching} (08245 +shaqad ) daily (03117 +yowm ) at (05921 +(al ) my gates (01817 +deleth ) , waiting (08104 +shamar ) at the posts (04201 +m@zuwzah ) of my doors (06607 +pethach ) .

watchings 47_2CO_06_05 In stripes (4127 -plege -) , in imprisonments (5438 -phulake -) , in tumults (0181 -akatastasia -) , in labours (2873 -kopos -) , in {watchings} (0070 -agrupnia -) , in fastings (3521 -nesteia -) ;

watchings 47_2CO_11_27 In weariness (2873 -kopos -) and painfulness (3449 -mochthos -) , in {watchings} (0070 -agrupnia -) often (4178 -pollakis -) , in hunger (3042 -limos -) and thirst (1373 -dipsos -) , in fastings (3521 -nesteia -) often (4178 -pollakis -) , in cold (5592 -psuchos -) and nakedness (1132 -gumnotes -) .

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