unwashen , MR , 7:2 , MR , 7:5
unwashen , MT , 15:20
wash , 1SA , 25:41
wash , 2CH , 4:6 , 2CH , 4:6
wash , 2KI , 5:10 , 2KI , 5:12 , 2KI , 5:13
wash , 2SA , 11:8
wash , AC , 22:16
wash , DE , 21:6 , DE , 23:11
wash , EX , 2:5 , EX , 19:10 , EX , 29:4 , EX , 29:17 , EX ,
30:18 , EX , 30:19 , EX , 30:20 , EX , 30:21 , EX , 40:12 ,
EX , 40:30
wash , EZE , 23:40
wash , GE , 18:4 , GE , 19:2 , GE , 24:32
wash , ISA , 1:16
wash , JER , 2:22 , JER , 4:14
wash , JOB , 9:30
wash , JOH , 9:7 , JOH , 9:11 , JOH , 13:5 , JOH , 13:6 ,
JOH , 13:8 , JOH , 13:8 , JOH , 13:10 , JOH , 13:14
wash , LE , 1:9 , LE , 1:13 , LE , 6:27 , LE , 9:14 , LE ,
11:25 , LE , 11:28 , LE , 11:40 , LE , 11:40 , LE , 13:6 ,
LE , 13:34 , LE , 13:54 , LE , 13:58 , LE , 14:8 , LE , 14:8
, LE , 14:9 , LE , 14:9 , LE , 14:47 , LE , 14:47 , LE , 15:
5 , LE , 15:6 , LE , 15:7 , LE , 15:8 , LE , 15:10 , LE ,
15:11 , LE , 15:13 , LE , 15:16 , LE , 15:21 , LE , 15:22 ,
LE , 15:27 , LE , 16:4 , LE , 16:24 , LE , 16:26 , LE , 16:
28 , LE , 17:15 , LE , 17:16 , LE , 22:6
wash , LU , 7:38
wash , MR , 7:3 , MR , 7:4
wash , MT , 6:17 , MT , 15:2
wash , NU , 8:7 , NU , 19:7 , NU , 19:8 , NU , 19:10 , NU ,
19:19 , NU , 19:21 , NU , 31:24
wash , PS , 26:6 , PS , 51:2 , PS , 51:7 , PS , 58:10
wash , RU , 3:3
washed , 1CO , 6:11
washed , 1KI , 22:38 , 1KI , 22:38
washed , 1TI , 5:10
washed , 2CH , 4:6
washed , 2PE , 2:22
washed , 2SA , 12:20 , 2SA , 19:24
washed , AC , 9:37 , AC , 16:33
washed , EX , 19:14 , EX , 40:31 , EX , 40:32
washed , EZE , 16:4 , EZE , 16:9 , EZE , 16:9 , EZE , 40:38
washed , GE , 43:24 , GE , 43:31 , GE , 49:11
washed , HEB , 10:22
washed , ISA , 4:4
washed , JG , 19:21
washed , JOB , 29:6
washed , JOH , 9:7 , JOH , 9:11 , JOH , 9:15 , JOH , 13:10 ,
JOH , 13:12 , JOH , 13:14
washed , LE , 8:6 , LE , 8:21 , LE , 13:55 , LE , 13:58 , LE
, 15:17
washed , LU , 7:44 , LU , 11:38
washed , MT , 27:24
washed , NU , 8:21
washed , PR , 30:12
washed , PS , 73:13
washed , RE , 1:5 , RE , 7:14
washed , SOS , 5:3 , SOS , 5:12
washest , JOB , 14:19
washing , 2SA , 11:2
washing , EPH , 5:26
washing , LE , 13:56
washing , LU , 5:2
washing , MR , 7:4 , MR , 7:8
washing , NE , 4:23
washing , SOS , 4:2 , SOS , 6:6
washing , TIT , 3:5
washings , HEB , 9:10
washpot , PS , 60:8 , PS , 108:9
away 0628 # apolouo {ap-ol-oo'-o}; from 575 and 3068; to wash
fully, i.e. (figuratively) have remitted (reflexively): -- wash
wash 0637 # apopluno {ap-op-loo'-no}; from 575 and 4150; to
rinse off: -- {wash}.[ql
wash 1026 # brecho {brekh'-o}; a primary verb; to moisten
(especially by a shower): -- (send) rain, {wash}.[ql
wash 0633 # aponipto {ap-on-ip'-to}; from 575 and 3538; to wash
off (reflexively, one's own hands symbolically): -- {wash}.[ql
wash 0628 # apolouo {ap-ol-oo'-o}; from 575 and 3068; to wash
fully, i.e. (figuratively) have remitted (reflexively): --
{wash} (away).[ql
wash 4150 # pluno {ploo'-no}; a prolonged form of an obsolete
pluo (to "flow"); to "plunge", i.e. launder clothing: -- {wash}.
Compare 3068, 3538.[ql
wash 3538 # nipto {nip'-to}; to cleanse (especially the hands
or the feet or the face); ceremonially, to perform ablution: --
{wash}. Compare 3068.[ql
wash 3068 # louo {loo'-o}; a primary verb; to bathe (the whole
person; whereas 3538 means to wet a part only, and 4150 to wash,
cleanse garments exclusively): -- {wash}.[ql
wash 0907 # baptizo {bap-tid'-zo}; from a derivative of 911; to
immerse, submerge; to make overwhelmed (i.e. fully wet); used
only (in the N.T.) of ceremonial ablution, especially
(technically) of the ordinance of Christian baptism: -- Baptist,
baptize, {wash}.[ql
wash Interlinear Index Study
wash GEN 018 004 Let a little <04592 +m@ water <04325
+mayim > , I pray <04994 +na> > you , be fetched <03947 +laqach
> , and {wash} <07364 +rachats > your feet <07272 +regel > , and
rest <08172 +sha yourselves under <08478 +tachath > the
tree <06086 + :
wash GEN 019 002 And he said <00559 +>amar > , Behold <02009
+hinneh > now <04994 +na> > , my lords <00113 +>adown > , turn
<05493 +cuwr > in , I pray <04994 +na> > you , into <00413 +>el
> your servant s <05650 + house <01004 +bayith > , and
tarry <03885 +luwn > all <03885 +luwn > night , and {wash}
<07364 +rachats > your feet <07272 +regel > , and ye shall rise
<07925 +shakam > up early <07925 +shakam > , and go <01980
+halak > on your ways <01870 +derek > . And they said <00559
+>amar > , Nay ; but we will abide <03885 +luwn > in the street
<07339 +r@chob > all <03885 +luwn > night .
wash GEN 024 032 And the man <00376 +>iysh > came <00935 +bow> >
into the house <01004 +bayith > : and he ungirded <06605
+pathach > his camels <01581 +gamal > , and gave <05414 +nathan
> straw <08401 +teben > and provender <04554 +micpow> > for the
camels <01581 +gamal > , and water <04325 +mayim > to {wash}
<07364 +rachats > his feet <07272 +regel > , and the men s
<00582 +>enowsh > feet <07272 +regel > that [ were ] with him .
wash EXO 002 005 . And the daughter <01323 +bath > of Pharaoh
<06547 +Par came <03381 +yarad > down <03381 +yarad > to
{wash} <07364 +rachats > [ herself ] at <05921 + the river
<02975 +y@ ; and her maidens <05291 +na walked
<01980 +halak > along by the river s <02975 +y@ side <03027
+yad > ; and when she saw <07200 +ra>ah > the ark <08392 +tebah
> among <08432 +tavek > the flags <05488 +cuwph > , she sent
<07971 +shalach > her maid <00519 +>amah > to fetch <03947
+laqach > it .
wash EXO 019 010 And the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > said <00559
+>amar > unto Moses <04872 +Mosheh > , Go <03212 +yalak > unto
the people <05971 + , and sanctify <06942 +qadash > them to
day <03117 +yowm > and to morrow <04279 +machar > , and let them
{wash} <03526 +kabac > their clothes <08071 +simlah > ,
wash EXO 029 004 And Aaron <00175 +>Aharown > and his sons
<01121 +ben > thou shalt bring <7126qarab > unto the door <06607
+pethach > of the tabernacle <00168 +>ohel > of the congregation
<04150 +mow , and shalt {wash} <07364 +rachats > them with
water <04325 +mayim > .
wash EXO 029 017 And thou shalt cut <05408 +nathach > the ram
<00352 +>ayil > in pieces <05409 +nethach > , and {wash} <07364
+rachats > the inwards <07130 +qereb > of him , and his legs
<03767 +kara< > , and put <05414 +nathan > [ them ] unto his
pieces <05409 +nethach > , and unto his head <07218 +ro>sh > .
wash EXO 030 018 Thou shalt also make <06213 + a laver
<03595 +kiyowr > [ of ] brass <05178 +n@chosheth > , and his
foot <03653 +ken > [ also of ] brass <05178 +n@chosheth > , to
{wash} <07364 +rachats > [ withal ] : and thou shalt put <05414
+nathan > it between <00996 +beyn > the tabernacle <00168 +>ohel
> of the congregation <04150 +mow and the altar <04196
+mizbeach > , and thou shalt put <05414 +nathan > water <04325
+mayim > therein <08033 +sham > .
wash EXO 030 019 For Aaron <00175 +>Aharown > and his sons
<01121 +ben > shall {wash} <07364 +rachats > their hands <03027
+yad > and their feet <07272 +regel > thereat :
wash EXO 030 020 When they go <00935 +bow> > into <00413 +>el >
the tabernacle <00168 +>ohel > of the congregation <04150
+mow , they shall {wash} <07364 +rachats > with water
<04325 +mayim > , that they die <04191 +muwth > not ; or <00176
+>ow > when they come <05066 +nagash > near <05066 +nagash > to
the altar <04196 +mizbeach > to minister <08334 +sharath > , to
burn <06999 +qatar > offering made by fire unto the LORD <03068
+Y@hovah > :
wash EXO 030 021 So they shall {wash} <07364 +rachats > their
hands <03027 +yad > and their feet <07272 +regel > , that they
die <04191 +muwth > not : and it shall be a statute <02706 +choq
> for ever <05769 + to them , [ even ] to him and to his
seed <02233 +zera< > throughout their generations <01755 +dowr >
wash EXO 040 012 And thou shalt bring <07126 +qarab > Aaron
<00175 +>Aharown > and his sons <01121 +ben > unto the door
<06607 +pethach > of the tabernacle <00168 +>ohel > of the
congregation <04150 +mow , and {wash} <07364 +rachats >
them with water <04325 +mayim > .
wash EXO 040 030 And he set <07760 +suwm > the laver <03595
+kiyowr > between <00996 +beyn > the tent <00168 +>ohel > of the
congregation <04150 +mow and the altar <04196 +mizbeach > ,
and put <05414 +nathan > water <04325 +mayim > there <08033
+sham > , to {wash} <07364 +rachats > [ withal ] .
wash LEV 001 009 But his inwards <07130 +qereb > and his legs
<03767 +kara< > shall he {wash} <07364 +rachats > in water
<04325 +mayim > : and the priest <03548 +kohen > shall burn
<06999 +qatar > all <03605 +kol > on the altar <04196 +mizbeach
> , [ to be ] a burnt <05930 + sacrifice , an offering
made by fire , of a sweet <05207 +nichowach > savour <07381
+reyach > unto the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > .
wash LEV 001 013 But he shall {wash} <07364 +rachats > the
inwards <07130 +qereb > and the legs <03767 +kara< > with water
<04325 +mayim > : and the priest <03548 +kohen > shall bring
<07126 +qarab > [ it ] all <03605 +kol > , and burn <06999
+qatar > [ it ] upon the altar <04196 +mizbeach > : it [ is ] a
burnt <05930 + sacrifice , an offering made by fire , of
a sweet <05207 +nichowach > savour <07381 +reyach > unto the
LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > .
wash LEV 006 027 Whatsoever <03605 +kol > shall touch <05060
+naga< > the flesh <01320 +basar > thereof shall be holy <06942
+qadash > : and when <00834 +>aher > there is sprinkled <05137
+nazah > of the blood <01818 +dam > thereof upon any garment
<00899 +beged > , thou shalt {wash} <03526 +kabac > that whereon
it was sprinkled <05137 +nazah > in the holy <06918 +qadowsh >
place <04725 +maqowm > .
wash LEV 009 014 And he did {wash} <07364 +rachats > the inwards
<07130 +qereb > and the legs <03767 +kara< > , and burnt <06999
+qatar > [ them ] upon the burnt <05930 + offering on the
altar <04196 +mizbeach > .
wash LEV 011 025 And whosoever <03605 +kol > beareth <05375
+nasa> > [ ought ] of the carcase<05038 +n@belah > of them shall
{wash} <03526 +kabac > his clothes <00899 +beged > , and be
unclean <02930 +tame> > until <05704 + the even <06153
+ .
wash LEV 011 028 And he that beareth <05375 +nasa> > the carcase
<05038 +n@belah > of them shall {wash} <03526 +kabac > his
clothes <00899 +beged > , and be unclean <02930 +tame> > until
<05704 + the even <06153 + : they [ are ] unclean
<02931 +tame> > unto you .
wash LEV 011 040 And he that eateth <00398 +>akal > of the
carcase <05038 +n@belah > of it shall wash <03526 +kabac > his
clothes <00899 +beged > , and be unclean <02930 +tame> > until
<05704 + the even <06153 + : he also that beareth
<05375 +nasa> > the carcase <05038 +n@belah > of it shall {wash}
<03526 +kabac > his clothes <00899 +beged > , and be unclean
<02930 +tame> > until <05704 + the even <06153 + .
wash LEV 011 040 And he that eateth <00398 +>akal > of the
carcase <05038 +n@belah > of it shall {wash} <03526 +kabac > his
clothes <00899 +beged > , and be unclean <02930 +tame> > until
<05704 + the even <06153 + : he also that beareth
<05375 +nasa> > the carcase <05038 +n@belah > of it shall wash
<03526 +kabac > his clothes <00899 +beged > , and be unclean
<02930 +tame> > until <05704 + the even <06153 + .
wash LEV 013 006 And the priest <03548 +kohen > shall look
<07200 +ra>ah > on him again <08145 +sheniy > the seventh <07637
+sh@biy day <03117 +yowm > : and , behold <02009 +hinneh > ,
[ if ] the plague <05061 +nega< > [ be ] somewhat <03544 +keheh
> dark <03544 +keheh > , [ and ] the plague <05061 +nega< >
spread <06581 +pasah > not in the skin <05785 + , the
priest <03548 +kohen > shall pronounce him clean <02891 +taher >
: it [ is but ] a scab <04556 +micpachath > : and he shall
{wash} <03526 +kabac > his clothes <00899 +beged > , and be
clean <02891 +taher > .
wash LEV 013 034 And in the seventh <07637 +sh@biy day
<03117 +yowm > the priest <03548 +kohen > shall look <07200
+ra>ah > on the scall <05424 +netheq > : and , behold <02009
+hinneh > , [ if ] the scall <05424 +netheq > be not spread
<06581 +pasah > in the skin <05785 + , nor [ be ] in sight
<04758 +mar>eh > deeper <06013 + than <04480 +min > the
skin <05785 + ; then the priest <03548 +kohen > shall
pronounce him clean <02891 +taher > : and he shall {wash} <03526
+kabac > his clothes <00899 +beged > , and be clean <02891
+taher > .
wash LEV 013 054 Then the priest <03548 +kohen > shall command
<06680 +tsavah > that they {wash} <03526 +kabac > [ the thing ]
wherein <00834 +>aher > the plague <05061 +nega< > [ is ] , and
he shall shut <05462 +cagar > it up seven <07651 +sheba< > days
<03117 +yowm > more <08145 +sheniy > :
wash LEV 013 058 And the garment <00899 +beged > , either <00176
+>ow > warp <08359 +sh@thiy > , or <00176 +>ow > woof <06154
+ , or <00176 +>ow > whatsoever <03605 +kol > thing
<03627 +k@liy > of skin <05785 + [ it be ] , which <00834
+>aher > thou shalt {wash} <03526 +kabac > , if the plague
<05061 +nega< > be departed <05493 +cuwr > from them , then it
shall be washed <03526 +kabac > the second <08145 +sheniy > time
, and shall be clean <02891 +taher > .
wash LEV 014 008 And he that is to be cleansed <02891 +taher >
shall wash <03526 +kabac > his clothes <00899 +beged > , and
shave <01548 +galach > off all <03605 +kol > his hair <08181
+se , and {wash} <07364 +rachats > himself in water <04325
+mayim > , that he may be clean <02891 +taher > : and after
<00310 +>achar > that he shall come <00935 +bow> > into <00413
+>el > the camp <04264 +machaneh > , and shall tarry <03427
+yashab > abroad <02351 +chuwts > out of his tent <00168 +>ohel
> seven <07651 +sheba< > days <03117 +yowm > .
wash LEV 014 008 And he that is to be cleansed <02891 +taher >
shall {wash} <03526 +kabac > his clothes <00899 +beged > , and
shave <01548 +galach > off all <03605 +kol > his hair <08181
+se , and wash <07364 +rachats > himself in water <04325
+mayim > , that he may be clean <02891 +taher > : and after
<00310 +>achar > that he shall come <00935 +bow> > into <00413
+>el > the camp <04264 +machaneh > , and shall tarry <03427
+yashab > abroad <02351 +chuwts > out of his tent <00168 +>ohel
> seven <07651 +sheba< > days <03117 +yowm > .
wash LEV 014 009 But it shall be on the seventh <07637
+sh@biy day <03117 +yowm > , that he shall shave <01548
+galach > all <03605 +kol > his hair <08181 +se off his
head <07218 +ro>sh > and his beard <02206 +zaqan > and his
eyebrows , even all <03605 +kol > his hair <08181 +se he
shall shave <01548 +galach > off : and he shall wash <03526
+kabac > his clothes <00899 +beged > , also he shall {wash}
<07364 +rachats > his flesh <01320 +basar > in water <04325
+mayim > , and he shall be clean <02891 +taher > .
wash LEV 014 009 But it shall be on the seventh <07637
+sh@biy day <03117 +yowm > , that he shall shave <01548
+galach > all <03605 +kol > his hair <08181 +se off his
head <07218 +ro>sh > and his beard <02206 +zaqan > and his
eyebrows , even all <03605 +kol > his hair <08181 +se he
shall shave <01548 +galach > off : and he shall {wash} <03526
+kabac > his clothes <00899 +beged > , also he shall wash <07364
+rachats > his flesh <01320 +basar > in water <04325 +mayim > ,
and he shall be clean <02891 +taher > .
wash LEV 014 047 And he that lieth <07901 +shakab > in the house
<01004 +bayith > shall wash <03526 +kabac > his clothes <00899
+beged > ; and he that eateth <00398 +>akal > in the house
<01004 +bayith > shall {wash} <03526 +kabac > his clothes <00899
+beged > .
wash LEV 014 047 And he that lieth <07901 +shakab > in the house
<01004 +bayith > shall {wash} <03526 +kabac > his clothes <00899
+beged > ; and he that eateth <00398 +>akal > in the house
<01004 +bayith > shall wash <03526 +kabac > his clothes <00899
+beged > .
wash LEV 015 005 And whosoever toucheth <05060 +naga< > his bed
<04904 +mishkab > shall {wash} <03526 +kabac > his clothes
<00899 +beged > , and bathe <07364 +rachats > [ himself ] in
water <04325 +mayim > , and be unclean <02930 +tame> > until
<05704 + the even <06153 + .
wash LEV 015 006 And he that sitteth <03427 +yashab > on <05921
+ [ any ] thing <03627 +k@liy > whereon he sat <03427
+yashab > that hath the issue <02100 +zuwb > shall {wash} <03526
+kabac > his clothes <00899 +beged > , and bathe <07364 +rachats
> [ himself ] in water <04325 +mayim > , and be unclean <02930
+tame> > until <05704 + the even <06153 + .
wash LEV 015 007 And he that toucheth <05060 +naga< > the flesh
<01320 +basar > of him that hath the issue <02100 +zuwb > shall
{wash} <03526 +kabac > his clothes <00899 +beged > , and bathe
<07364 +rachats > [ himself ] in water <04325 +mayim > , and be
unclean <02930 +tame> > until <05704 + the even <06153
+ .
wash LEV 015 008 And if <03588 +kiy > he that hath the issue
<02100 +zuwb > spit <07556 +raqaq > upon him that is clean
<02889 +tahowr > ; then he shall {wash} <03526 +kabac > his
clothes <00899 +beged > , and bathe <07364 +rachats > [ himself
] in water <04325 +mayim > , and be unclean <02930 +tame> >
until the even <06153 + .
wash LEV 015 010 And whosoever <03605 +kol > toucheth <05060
+naga< > any <03605 +kol > thing that was under <08478 +tachath
> him shall be unclean <02930 +tame> > until <05704 + the
even <06153 + : and he that beareth <05375 +nasa> > [ any
of ] those things shall {wash} <03526 +kabac > his clothes
<00899 +beged > , and bathe <07364 +rachats > [ himself ] in
water <04325 +mayim > , and be unclean <02930 +tame> > until
<05704 + the even <06153 + .
wash LEV 015 011 And whomsoever he toucheth <05060 +naga< > that
hath the issue <02100 +zuwb > , and hath not rinsed <07857
+shataph > his hands <03027 +yad > in water <04325 +mayim > , he
shall {wash} <03526 +kabac > his clothes <00899 +beged > , and
bathe <07364 +rachats > [ himself ] in water <04325 +mayim > ,
and be unclean <02930 +tame> > until the even <06153 + .
wash LEV 015 013 And when <03588 +kiy > he that hath an issue
<02100 +zuwb > is cleansed <02891 +taher > of his issue <02101
+zowb > ; then he shall number <05608 +caphar > to himself seven
<07651 +sheba< > days <03117 +yowm > for his cleansing <02893
+tohorah > , and {wash} <03526 +kabac > his clothes <00899
+beged > , and bathe <07364 +rachats > his flesh <01320 +basar >
in running <02416 +chay > water <04325 +mayim > , and shall be
clean <02891 +taher > .
wash LEV 015 016 And if <03588 +kiy > any man s <00376 +>iysh >
seed <02233 +zera< > of copulation <07902 +sh@kabah > go <03318
+yatsa> > out from him , then he shall {wash} <07364 +rachats >
all <03605 +kol > his flesh <01320 +basar > in water <04325
+mayim > , and be unclean <02930 +tame> > until <05704 +
the even <06153 + .
wash LEV 015 021 And whosoever <03605 +kol > toucheth <05060
+naga< > her bed <04904 +mishkab > shall {wash} <03526 +kabac >
his clothes <00899 +beged > , and bathe <07364 +rachats > [
himself ] in water <04325 +mayim > , and be unclean <02930
+tame> > until <05704 + the even <06153 + .
wash LEV 015 022 And whosoever <03605 +kol > toucheth <05060
+naga< > any <03605 +kol > thing <03627 +k@liy > that she sat
<03427 +yashab > upon shall {wash} <03526 +kabac > his clothes
<00899 +beged > , and bathe <07364 +rachats > [ himself ] in
water <04325 +mayim > , and be unclean <02930 +tame> > until
<05704 + the even <06153 + .
wash LEV 015 027 And whosoever <03605 +kol > toucheth <05060
+naga< > those things shall be unclean <02930 +tame> > , and
shall {wash} <03526 +kabac > his clothes <00899 +beged > , and
bathe <07364 +rachats > [ himself ] in water <04325 +mayim > ,
and be unclean <02930 +tame> > until <05704 + the even
<06153 + .
wash LEV 016 004 He shall put <03847 +labash > on the holy
<06944 +qodesh > linen <00906 +bad > coat <03801 +k@thoneth > ,
and he shall have <01961 +hayah > the linen <00906 +bad >
breeches <04370 +miknac > upon his flesh <01320 +basar > , and
shall be girded <02296 +chagar > with a linen <00906 +bad >
girdle <73> , and with the linen <00906 +bad > mitre <04701
+mitsnepheth > shall he be attired <06801 +tsanaph > : these
<01992 +hem > [ are ] holy <06944 +qodesh > garments <00899
+beged > ; therefore shall he {wash} <07364 +rachats > his flesh
<01320 +basar > in water <04325 +mayim > , and [ so ] put <03847
+labash > them on .
wash LEV 016 024 And he shall {wash} <07364 +rachats > his flesh
<01320 +basar > with water <04325 +mayim > in the holy <06918
+qadowsh > place <04725 +maqowm > , and put <03847 +labash > on
his garments <00899 +beged > , and come <03318 +yatsa> > forth
<03318 +yatsa> > , and offer <06213 + his burnt <05930
+ offering , and the burnt <05930 + offering of
the people <05971 + , and make an atonement <03722 +kaphar
> for himself , and for the people <05971 + .
wash LEV 016 026 And he that let go <07971 +shalach > the goat
<08163 +sa for the scapegoat <05799 +zel > shall
{wash} <03526 +kabac > his clothes <00899 +beged > , and bathe
<07364 +rachats > his flesh <01320 +basar > in water <04325
+mayim > , and afterward come <00935 +bow> > into <00413 +>el >
the camp <04264 +machaneh > .
wash LEV 016 028 And he that burneth <08313 +saraph > them shall
{wash} <03526 +kabac > his clothes <00899 +beged > , and bathe
<07364 +rachats > his flesh <01320 +basar > in water <04325
+mayim > , and afterward he shall come <00935 +bow> > into
<00413 +>el > the camp <04264 +machaneh > .
wash LEV 017 015 And every <03605 +kol > soul <05315 +nephesh >
that eateth <00398 +>akal > that which died <05038 +n@belah > [
of itself ] , or that which was torn <02966 +t@rephah > [ with
beasts <02966 +t@rephah > , whether it be ] one of your own
<00249 +>ezrach > country <00249 +>ezrach > , or a stranger
<01616 +ger > , he shall both {wash} <03526 +kabac > his clothes
<00899 +beged > , and bathe <07364 +rachats > [ himself ] in
water <04325 +mayim > , and be unclean <02930 +tame> > until
<05704 + the even <06153 + : then shall he be clean
<02891 +taher > .
wash LEV 017 016 But if <00518 +>im > he {wash} <03526 +kabac >
[ them ] not , nor <03808 +lo> > bathe <07364 +rachats > his
flesh <01320 +basar > ; then he shall bear <05375 +nasa> > his
iniquity <05771 + .
wash LEV 022 006 The soul <05315 +nephesh > which <00834 +>aher
> hath touched <05060 +naga< > any such shall be unclean <02930
+tame> > until <05704 + even <06153 + , and shall
not eat <00398 +>akal > of the holy <06944 +qodesh > things ,
unless he {wash} <07364 +rachats > his flesh <01320 +basar >
with water <04325 +mayim > .
wash NUM 008 007 And thus <03541 +koh > shalt thou do <06213
+ unto them , to cleanse <02891 +taher > them : Sprinkle
<05137 +nazah > water <04325 +mayim > of purifying <02403
+chatta>ah > upon them , and let them shave <05674 + all
<03605 +kol > their flesh <01320 +basar > , and let them {wash}
<03526 +kabac > their clothes <00899 +beged > , and [ so ] make
themselves <01992 +hem > clean <02891 +taher > .
wash NUM 019 007 Then the priest <03548 +kohen > shall {wash}
<03526 +kabac > his clothes <00899 +beged > , and he shall bathe
<07364 +rachats > his flesh <01320 +basar > in water <04325
+mayim > , and afterward <00310 +>achar > he shall come <00935
+bow> > into <00413 +>el > the camp <04264 +machaneh > , and the
priest <03548 +kohen > shall be unclean <02930 +tame> > until
<05704 + the even <06153 + .
wash NUM 019 008 And he that burneth <08313 +saraph > her shall
{wash} <03526 +kabac > his clothes <00899 +beged > in water
<04325 +mayim > , and bathe <07364 +rachats > his flesh <01320
+basar > in water <04325 +mayim > , and shall be unclean <02930
+tame> > until <05704 + the even <06153 + .
wash NUM 019 010 And he that gathereth <00622 +>acaph > the
ashes <00665 +>epher > of theheifer <06510 +parah > shall {wash}
<03526 +kabac > his clothes <00899 +beged > , and be unclean
<02930 +tame> > until <05704 + the even <06153 + :
and it shall be unto the children <01121 +ben > of Israel <03478
+Yisra>el > , and unto the stranger <01616 +ger > that
sojourneth <01481 +guwr > among <08432 +tavek > them , for a
statute <02708 +chuqqah > for ever <05769 + .
wash NUM 019 019 And the clean <02889 +tahowr > [ person ] shall
sprinkle <05137 +nazah > upon the unclean <02931 +tame> > on the
third <07992 +sh@liyshiy > day <03117 +yowm > , and on the
seventh <07637 +sh@biy day <03117 +yowm > : and on the
seventh <07637 +sh@biy day <03117 +yowm > he shall purify
<02398 +chata> > himself , and {wash} <03526 +kabac > his
clothes <00899 +beged > , and bathe <07364 +rachats > himself in
water <04325 +mayim > , and shall be clean <02891 +taher > at
even <06153 + .
wash NUM 019 021 And it shall be a perpetual <05769 +
statute <02708 +chuqqah > unto them , that he that sprinkleth
<05137 +nazah > the water <04325 +mayim > of separation <05079
+niddah > shall {wash} <03526 +kabac > his clothes <00899 +beged
> ; and he that toucheth <05060 +naga< > the water <04325 +mayim
> of separation <05079 +niddah > shall be unclean <02930 +tame>
> until <05704 + even <06153 + .
wash NUM 031 024 And ye shall {wash} <03526 +kabac > your
clothes <00899 +beged > on the seventh <07637 +sh@biy day
<03117 +yowm > , and ye shall be clean <02891 +taher > , and
afterward <00310 +>achar > ye shall come <00935 +bow> > into the
camp <04264 +machaneh > .
wash DEU 021 006 And all <03605 +kol > the elders <02205 +zaqen
> of that city <05892 + , [ that are ] next <07138 +qarowb
> unto the slain <02491 +chalal > [ man ] , shall {wash} <07364
+rachats > their hands <03027 +yad > over <05921 + the
heifer <05697 + that is beheaded <06202 + in the
valley <05158 +nachal > :
wash DEU 023 011 But it shall be , when evening <06153 +
cometh <06437 +panah > on , he shall {wash} <07364 +rachats > [
himself ] with water <04325 +mayim > : and when the sun <08121
+shemesh > is down <00935 +bow> > , he shall come <00935 +bow> >
into <08432 +tavek > the camp <04264 +machaneh > [ again ] .
Wash RUT 003 003 {Wash} <07364 +rachats > thyself therefore ,
and anoint <05480 +cuwk > thee , and put <07760 +suwm > thy
raiment <08071 +simlah > upon thee , and get <03381 +yarad >
thee down <03381 +yarad > to the floor <01637 +goren > : [ but ]
make not thyself known <03045 +yada< > unto the man <00376
+>iysh > , until <05704 + he shall have done <03615 +kalah
> eating <00398 +>akal > and drinking <08354 +shathah > .
wash 1SA 025 041 And she arose <06965 +quwm > , and bowed <07812
+shachah > herself on [ her ] face <00639 +>aph > to the earth
<00776 +>erets > , and said <00559 +>amar > , Behold <02009
+hinneh > , [ let ] thine handmaid <00519 +>amah > [ be ] a
servant <05650 + to {wash} <07364 +rachats > the feet
<07272 +regel > of the servants <05650 + of my lord
<00113 +>adown > .
wash 2SA 011 008 And David <01732 +David > said <00559 +>amar >
to Uriah <00223 +>Uwriyah > , Go <03381 +yarad > down <03381
+yarad > to thy house <01004 +bayith > , and {wash} <07364
+rachats > thy feet <07272 +regel > . And Uriah <00223 +>Uwriyah
> departed <03318 +yatsa> > out of the king s <04428 +melek >
house <01004 +bayith > , and there followed him a mess <04864
+mas>eth > [ of meat ] from the king <04428 +melek > .
wash 2KI 005 010 And Elisha <00477 +>Eliysha< > sent <07971
+shalach > a messenger <04397 +mal>ak > unto him , saying <00559
+>amar > , Go <01980 +halak > and {wash} <07364 +rachats > in
Jordan <03383 +Yarden > seven <07651 +sheba< > times <06471
+pa , and thy flesh <01320 +basar > shall come <07725
+shuwb > again <07725 +shuwb > to thee , and thou shalt be clean
<02891 +taher > .
wash 2KI 005 012 [ Are ] not Abana <71> and Pharpar <06554
+Parpar > , rivers <05104 +nahar > of Damascus <01834 +Dammeseq
> , better <02896 +towb > than all <03605 +kol > the waters
<04325 +mayim > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > ? may I not {wash}
<07364 +rachats > in them , and be clean <02891 +taher > ? So he
turned <06437 +panah > and went <03212 +yalak > away in a rage
<02534 +chemah > .
Wash 2KI 005 013 And his servants <05650 + came <05066
+nagash > near <05066 +nagash > , and spake <01696 +dabar > unto
him , and said <00559 +>amar > , My father <1> , [ if ] the
prophet <05030 +nabiy> > had bid <01696 +dabar > thee [ do some
] great <01419 +gadowl > thing <01697 +dabar > , wouldest thou
not have done <06213 + [ it ] ? how <00637 +>aph > much
rather then , when <03588 +kiy > he saith <00559 +>amar > to
thee , {Wash} <07364 +rachats > , and be clean <02891 +taher > ?
wash 2CH 004 006 He made <06213 + also ten <06235 +
> lavers <03595 +kiyowr > , and put <05414 +nathan > five <02568
+chamesh > on the right <03225 +yamiyn > hand , and five <02568
+chamesh > on the left <08040 +s@mo>wl > , to wash <07364
+rachats > in them : such things as they offered <04639 +ma
> for the burnt <05930 + offering they washed <01740
+duwach > in them ; but the sea <03220 +yam > [ was ] for the
priests <03548 +kohen > to {wash} <07364 +rachats > in .
wash 2CH 004 006 He made <06213 + also ten <06235 +
> lavers <03595 +kiyowr > , and put <05414 +nathan > five <02568
+chamesh > on the right <03225 +yamiyn > hand , and five <02568
+chamesh > on the left <08040 +s@mo>wl > , to {wash} <07364
+rachats > in them : such things as they offered <04639 +ma
> for the burnt <05930 + offering they washed <01740
+duwach > in them ; but the sea <03220 +yam > [ was ] for the
priests <03548 +kohen > to wash <07364 +rachats > in .
wash JOB 009 030 If <00518 +>im > I {wash} <07364 +rachats >
myself with snow <07950 +sheleg > water <01119 +b@mow > , and
make my hands <03709 +kaph > never <01253 +bor > so clean <02141
+zakak > ;
wash PSA 026 006 . I will {wash} <07364 +rachats > mine hands
<03709 +kaph > in innocency <05356 +niqqayown > : so will I
compass <05437 +cabab > thine altar <04196 +mizbeach > , O LORD
<03068 +Y@hovah > :
Wash PSA 051 002 {Wash} <03526 +kabac > me throughly <07235
+rabah > from mine iniquity <05771 + , and cleanse <05352
+naqah > me from my sin <02403 +chatta>ah > .
wash PSA 051 007 . Purge <02398 +chata> > me with hyssop <00231
+>ezowb > , and I shall be clean <02891 +taher > : {wash} <03526
+kabac > me , and I shall be whiter <03835 +laban > than snow
<07950 +sheleg > .
wash PSA 058 010 The righteous <06662 +tsaddiyq > shall rejoice
<08055 +samach > when <03588 +kiy > he seeth <02372 +chazah >
the vengeance <05359 +naqam > : he shall {wash} <07364 +rachats
> his feet <06471 +pa in the blood <01818 +dam > of the
wicked <07563 +rasha< > .
Wash ISA 001 016 . {Wash} <07364 +rachats > you , make you clean
<02135 +zakah > ; put <05493 +cuwr > away <05493 +cuwr > the
evil <07455 +roa< > of your doings <04611 +ma from before
<05048 +neged > mine eyes <05869 + ; cease <02308 +chadal
> to do evil <07489 +ra;
wash JER 002 022 For though <00518 +>im > thou {wash} <03526
+kabac > thee with nitre <05427 +nether > , and take thee much
<07235 +rabah > soap <01287 +boriyth > , [ yet ] thine iniquity
<05771 + is marked <03799 +katham > before <06440 +paniym
> me , saith <05002 +n@>um > the Lord <00136 +>Adonay > GOD
<03069 +Y@hovih > .
wash JER 004 014 O Jerusalem <03389 +Y@ruwshalaim > , {wash}
<03526 +kabac > thine heart <3820leb > from wickedness <07451
+ra< > , that thou mayest be saved <03467 +yasha< > . How <05704
+ long <05704 + shall thy vain <00205 +>aven >
thoughts <04284 +machashabah > lodge <03885 +luwn > within
<07130 +qereb > thee ?
wash EZE 023 040 And furthermore <00637 +>aph > , that ye have
sent <07971 +shalach > for men <00582 +>enowsh > to come <00935
+bow> > from far <04801 +merchaq > , unto whom a messenger
<04397 +mal>ak > [ was ] sent <07971 +shalach > ; and , lo
<02009 +hinneh > , they came <00935 +bow> > : for whom <00834
+>aher > thou didst {wash} <07364 +rachats > thyself , paintedst
<03583 +kachal > thy eyes <05869 + , and deckedst <05710
+ thyself with ornaments <05716 + ,
wash MAT 006 017 But thou , when thou fastest <3522 -nesteuo -> ,
anoint <0218 -aleipho -> thine <4675 -sou -> head <2776 -
kephale -> , and {wash} <3538 -nipto -> thy face <4383 -prosopon
-> ;
wash MAT 015 002 Why <1302 -diati -> do thy disciples <3101 -
mathetes -> transgress <3845 -parabaino -> the tradition <3862 -
paradosis -> of the elders <4245 -presbuteros -> ? for they
{wash} <3538 -nipto -> not their hands <5495 -cheir -> when
<3752 -hotan -> they eat <2068 -esthio -> bread <0740 -artos -> .
wash MAR 007 003 For the Pharisees <5330 -Pharisaios -> , and
all <3956 -pas -> the Jews <2453 -Ioudaios -> , except <3362 -
ean me -> they {wash} <3538 -nipto -> [ their ] hands <5495 -
cheir -> oft <4435 -pugme -> , eat <2068 -esthio -> not ,
holding <2902 -krateo -> the tradition <3862 -paradosis -> of
the elders <4245 -presbuteros -> .
wash MAR 007 004 And [ when they come ] from the market <0058 -
agora -> , except <3362 -ean me -> they {wash} <0907 -baptizo ->
, they eat <2068 -esthio -> not . And many <4183 -polus -> other
<0243 -allos -> things there be , which <3739 -hos -> they have
received <3880 -paralambano -> to hold <2902 -krateo -> , [ as ]
the washing <0909 -baptismos -> of cups <4221 -poterion -> , and
pots <3582 -xestes -> , brasen <5473 -chalkion -> vessels , and
of tables <2825 -kline -> .
wash LUK 007 038 And stood 2476 -histemi - at 3844 -para - his
feet 4228 -pous - behind 3694 -opiso - [ him ] weeping 2799 -
klaio - , and began 0756 -archomai - to {wash} 1026 -brecho -
his feet 4228 -pous - with tears 1144 -dakru - , and did wipe
1591 -ekmasso - [ them ] with the hairs 2359 -thrix - of her
head 2776 -kephale - , and kissed 2705 -kataphileo - his feet
4228 -pous - , and anointed LUK 0218 -aleipho - [ them ] with
the ointment 3464 -muron - .
wash JOH 009 007 And said <2036 -epo -> unto him , Go <5217 -
hupago -> , {wash} <3538 -nipto -> in the pool <2861 -
kolumbethra -> of Siloam <4611 -Siloam -> , ( which is by
interpretation <2059 -hermeneuo -> , Sent <0649 -apostello -> .
) He went <0565 -aperchomai -> his way therefore <3767 -oun -> ,
and washed <3538 -nipto -> , and came <2064 -erchomai -> seeing
<0991 -blepo -> .
wash JOH 009 011 He answered <0611 -apokrinomai -> and said
<2036 -epo -> , A man <0444 -anthropos -> that is called <3004 -
lego -> Jesus <2424 -Iesous -> made <4160 -poieo -> clay <4081 -
pelos -> , and anointed <2025 -epichrio -> mine <3450 -mou ->
eyes <3788 -ophthalmos -> , and said <2036 -epo -> unto me , Go
<5217 -hupago -> to the pool <2861 -kolumbethra -> of Siloam
<4611 -Siloam -> , and {wash} <3538 -nipto -> : and I went <0565
-aperchomai -> and washed <3538 -nipto -> , and I received <0308
-anablepo -> sight <0308 -anablepo -> .
wash JOH 013 005 After <1534 -eita -> that he poureth <0906 -
ballo -> water <5204 -hudor -> into <1519 -eis -> a bason <3537 -
nipter -> , and began <0756 -archomai -> to {wash} <3538 -nipto -
> the disciples <3101 -mathetes -> feet <4228 -pous -> , and to
wipe <1591 -ekmasso -> [ them ] with the towel <3012 -lention ->
wherewith <3739 -hos -> he was girded <1241 -diazonnumi -> .
wash JOH 013 006 Then <3767 -oun -> cometh <2064 -erchomai -> he
to Simon <4613 -Simon -> Peter <4074 -Petros -> : and Peter
saith <3004 -lego -> unto him , Lord <2962 -kurios -> , dost
thou {wash} <3538 -nipto -> my feet <4228 -pous -> ?
wash JOH 013 008 Peter <4074 -Petros -> saith <3004 -lego ->
unto him , Thou shalt never <0165 -aion -> wash <3538 -nipto ->
my feet <4228 -pous -> . Jesus <2424 -Iesous -> answered <0611 -
apokrinomai -> him , If <1437 -ean -> I {wash} <3538 -nipto ->
thee not , thou hast <2192 -echo -> no <3756 -ou -> part <3313 -
meros -> with me .
wash JOH 013 008 Peter <4074 -Petros -> saith <3004 -lego ->
unto him , Thou shalt never <0165 -aion -> {wash} <3538 -nipto -
> my feet <4228 -pous -> . Jesus <2424 -Iesous -> answered <0611
-apokrinomai -> him , If <1437 -ean -> I wash <3538 -nipto ->
thee not , thou hast <2192 -echo -> no <3756 -ou -> part <3313 -
meros -> with me .
wash JOH 013 010 Jesus <2424 -Iesous -> saith <3004 -lego -> to
him , He that is washed <3068 -louo -> needeth <5532 -chreia ->
not save <2228 -e -> to {wash} <3538 -nipto -> [ his ] feet
<4228 -pous -> , but is clean <2513 -katharos -> every <3650 -
holos -> whit <3650 -holos -> : and ye are clean <2513 -katharos
-> , but not all <3956 -pas -> .
wash JOH 013 014 If <1487 -ei -> I then <3767 -oun -> , [ your
<3588 -ho -> ] Lord <2962 -kurios -> and Master <1320 -
didaskalos -> , have washed <3538 -nipto -> your <5216 -humon ->
feet <4228 -pous -> ; ye also <2532 -kai -> ought <3784 -opheilo
-> to {wash} <3538 -nipto -> one <0240 -allelon -> another s
<0240 -allelon -> feet <4228 -pous -> .
wash ACT 022 016 And now <3568 -nun -> why <5101 -tis ->
tarriest <3195 -mello -> thou ? arise <0450 -anistemi -> , and
be baptized <0907 -baptizo -> , and {wash} <0628 -apolouo ->
away <0628 -apolouo -> thy sins <0266 -hamartia -> , calling
<1941 -epikaleomai -> on <1941 -epikaleomai -> the name <3686 -
onoma -> of the Lord <2962 -kurios -> .
also he shall wash his flesh
be cleansed shall wash his clothes
burneth her shall wash his clothes
burneth them shall wash his clothes
but he shall wash
but if he wash
dost thou wash my feet
for they wash not their hands when they eat bread
for though thou wash thee with nitre
for whom thou didst wash thyself
he shall both wash his clothes
he shall wash his clothes
he shall wash his clothes
he shall wash his clothes
he shall wash his clothes
he shall wash his feet
he shall wash his flesh with water
heifer shall wash his clothes
his sons shall wash their hands
house shall wash his clothes
house shall wash his clothes
issue shall wash his clothes
issue shall wash his clothes
it shall wash his clothes
it shall wash his clothes
let them wash their clothes
let them wash their clothes
priest shall wash his clothes
scapegoat shall wash his clothes
shall wash his clothes
shall wash their hands over
shalt wash them with water
she sat upon shall wash his clothes
so they shall wash their hands
them shall wash his clothes
them shall wash his clothes
then he shall wash all his flesh
then he shall wash his clothes
therefore shall he wash his flesh
they shall wash with water
they wash
those things shall wash his clothes
thou shalt never wash my feet
thou shalt wash
unless he wash his flesh with water
wash away thy sins
wash himself
wash his clothes
wash his clothes
wash his feet
wash his feet with tears
wash me
wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity
wash myself with snow water
wash one another's feet
wash thee not
wash them with water
wash thine heart from wickedness
wash thy face
wash thy feet <2SA11 -:8 >
wash thy self therefore
wash you
wash your feet
wash your feet
which thou shalt wash
whosoever toucheth her bed shall wash his clothes
whosoever toucheth his bed shall wash his clothes
will wash mine hands
ye shall wash your clothes on
* wash , 0628 , 0907 , 3538 ,
- wash , 3526 , 7364 ,
theywashed NUM 008 021 And the Levites <03881 +Leviyiy > were
purified <02398 +chata> > , and {theywashed} <03526 +kabac >
their clothes <00899 +beged > ; and Aaron <00175 +>Aharown >
offered <05130 +nuwph > them [ as ] an offering <08573
+t@nuwphah > before <06440 +paniym > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah
> ; and Aaron <00175 +>Aharown > made an atonement <03722
+kaphar > for them to cleanse <02891 +taher > them .
wash GEN 018 004 Let a little <04592 +m@ water <04325
+mayim > , I pray <04994 +na> > you , be fetched <03947
+laqach > , and {wash} <07364 +rachats > your feet <07272
+regel > , and rest <08172 +sha yourselves under <08478
+tachath > the tree <06086 + :
wash GEN 019 002 And he said <00559 +>amar > , Behold <02009
+hinneh > now <04994 +na> > , my lords <00113 +>adown > ,
turn <05493 +cuwr > in , I pray <04994 +na> > you , into
<00413 +>el > your servant s <05650 + house <01004
+bayith > , and tarry <03885 +luwn > all <03885 +luwn > night
, and {wash} <07364 +rachats > your feet <07272 +regel > ,
and ye shall rise <07925 +shakam > up early <07925 +shakam > ,
and go <01980 +halak > on your ways <01870 +derek > . And
they said <00559 +>amar > , Nay ; but we will abide <03885
+luwn > in the street <07339 +r@chob > all <03885 +luwn >
night .
wash GEN 024 032 And the man <00376 +>iysh > came <00935
+bow> > into the house <01004 +bayith > : and he ungirded
<06605 +pathach > his camels <01581 +gamal > , and gave
<05414 +nathan > straw <08401 +teben > and provender <04554
+micpow> > for the camels <01581 +gamal > , and water <04325
+mayim > to {wash} <07364 +rachats > his feet <07272 +regel > ,
and the men s <00582 +>enowsh > feet <07272 +regel > that [
were ] with him .
wash EXO 002 005 . And the daughter <01323 +bath > of Pharaoh
<06547 +Par came <03381 +yarad > down <03381 +yarad > to
{wash} <07364 +rachats > [ herself ] at <05921 + the
river <02975 +y@ ; and her maidens <05291 +na
walked <01980 +halak > along by the river s <02975 +y@
side <03027 +yad > ; and when she saw <07200 +ra>ah > the ark
<08392 +tebah > among <08432 +tavek > the flags <05488 +cuwph
> , she sent <07971 +shalach > her maid <00519 +>amah > to
fetch <03947 +laqach > it .
wash EXO 019 010 And the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > said <00559
+>amar > unto Moses <04872 +Mosheh > , Go <03212 +yalak >
unto the people <05971 + , and sanctify <06942 +qadash >
them to day <03117 +yowm > and to morrow <04279 +machar > ,
and let them {wash} <03526 +kabac > their clothes <08071
+simlah > ,
wash EXO 029 004 And Aaron <00175 +>Aharown > and his sons
<01121 +ben > thou shalt bring <7126qarab > unto the door
<06607 +pethach > of the tabernacle <00168 +>ohel > of the
congregation <04150 +mow , and shalt {wash} <07364
+rachats > them with water <04325 +mayim > .
wash EXO 029 017 And thou shalt cut <05408 +nathach > the ram
<00352 +>ayil > in pieces <05409 +nethach > , and {wash}
<07364 +rachats > the inwards <07130 +qereb > of him , and
his legs <03767 +kara< > , and put <05414 +nathan > [ them ]
unto his pieces <05409 +nethach > , and unto his head <07218
+ro>sh > .
wash EXO 030 018 Thou shalt also make <06213 + a laver
<03595 +kiyowr > [ of ] brass <05178 +n@chosheth > , and
his foot <03653 +ken > [ also of ] brass <05178 +n@chosheth
> , to {wash} <07364 +rachats > [ withal ] : and thou shalt
put <05414 +nathan > it between <00996 +beyn > the tabernacle
<00168 +>ohel > of the congregation <04150 +mow and the
altar <04196 +mizbeach > , and thou shalt put <05414 +nathan
> water <04325 +mayim > therein <08033 +sham > .
wash EXO 030 019 For Aaron <00175 +>Aharown > and his sons
<01121 +ben > shall {wash} <07364 +rachats > their hands
<03027 +yad > and their feet <07272 +regel > thereat :
wash EXO 030 020 When they go <00935 +bow> > into <00413 +>el
> the tabernacle <00168 +>ohel > of the congregation <04150
+mow , they shall {wash} <07364 +rachats > with water
<04325 +mayim > , that they die <04191 +muwth > not ; or
<00176 +>ow > when they come <05066 +nagash > near <05066
+nagash > to the altar <04196 +mizbeach > to minister <08334
+sharath > , to burn <06999 +qatar > offering made by fire
unto the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > :
wash EXO 030 021 So they shall {wash} <07364 +rachats > their
hands <03027 +yad > and their feet <07272 +regel > , that
they die <04191 +muwth > not : and it shall be a statute <02706
+choq > for ever <05769 + to them , [ even ] to him
and to his seed <02233 +zera< > throughout their generations
<01755 +dowr > .
wash EXO 040 012 And thou shalt bring <07126 +qarab > Aaron
<00175 +>Aharown > and his sons <01121 +ben > unto the door
<06607 +pethach > of the tabernacle <00168 +>ohel > of the
congregation <04150 +mow , and {wash} <07364 +rachats >
them with water <04325 +mayim > .
wash EXO 040 030 And he set <07760 +suwm > the laver <03595
+kiyowr > between <00996 +beyn > the tent <00168 +>ohel > of
the congregation <04150 +mow and the altar <04196
+mizbeach > , and put <05414 +nathan > water <04325 +mayim >
there <08033 +sham > , to {wash} <07364 +rachats > [ withal
] .
wash LEV 001 009 But his inwards <07130 +qereb > and his legs
<03767 +kara< > shall he {wash} <07364 +rachats > in water
<04325 +mayim > : and the priest <03548 +kohen > shall burn
<06999 +qatar > all <03605 +kol > on the altar <04196
+mizbeach > , [ to be ] a burnt <05930 + sacrifice ,
an offering made by fire , of a sweet <05207 +nichowach >
savour <07381 +reyach > unto the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > .
wash LEV 001 013 But he shall {wash} <07364 +rachats > the
inwards <07130 +qereb > and the legs <03767 +kara< > with
water <04325 +mayim > : and the priest <03548 +kohen > shall
bring <07126 +qarab > [ it ] all <03605 +kol > , and burn
<06999 +qatar > [ it ] upon the altar <04196 +mizbeach > :
it [ is ] a burnt <05930 + sacrifice , an offering
made by fire , of a sweet <05207 +nichowach > savour <07381
+reyach > unto the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > .
wash LEV 006 027 Whatsoever <03605 +kol > shall touch <05060
+naga< > the flesh <01320 +basar > thereof shall be holy <06942
+qadash > : and when <00834 +>aher > there is sprinkled <05137
+nazah > of the blood <01818 +dam > thereof upon any garment
<00899 +beged > , thou shalt {wash} <03526 +kabac > that
whereon it was sprinkled <05137 +nazah > in the holy <06918
+qadowsh > place <04725 +maqowm > .
wash LEV 009 014 And he did {wash} <07364 +rachats > the
inwards <07130 +qereb > and the legs <03767 +kara< > , and
burnt <06999 +qatar > [ them ] upon the burnt <05930 +
> offering on the altar <04196 +mizbeach > .
wash LEV 011 025 And whosoever <03605 +kol > beareth <05375
+nasa> > [ ought ] of the carcase<05038 +n@belah > of them
shall {wash} <03526 +kabac > his clothes <00899 +beged > ,
and be unclean <02930 +tame> > until <05704 + the even
<06153 + .
wash LEV 011 028 And he that beareth <05375 +nasa> > the
carcase <05038 +n@belah > of them shall {wash} <03526 +kabac >
his clothes <00899 +beged > , and be unclean <02930 +tame> >
until <05704 + the even <06153 + : they [ are ]
unclean <02931 +tame> > unto you .
wash LEV 011 040 And he that eateth <00398 +>akal > of the
carcase <05038 +n@belah > of it shall wash <03526 +kabac > his
clothes <00899 +beged > , and be unclean <02930 +tame> >
until <05704 + the even <06153 + : he also that
beareth <05375 +nasa> > the carcase <05038 +n@belah > of it
shall {wash} <03526 +kabac > his clothes <00899 +beged > ,
and be unclean <02930 +tame> > until <05704 + the even
<06153 + .
wash LEV 011 040 And he that eateth <00398 +>akal > of the
carcase <05038 +n@belah > of it shall {wash} <03526 +kabac >
his clothes <00899 +beged > , and be unclean <02930 +tame> >
until <05704 + the even <06153 + : he also that
beareth <05375 +nasa> > the carcase <05038 +n@belah > of it
shall wash <03526 +kabac > his clothes <00899 +beged > , and
be unclean <02930 +tame> > until <05704 + the even <06153
+ .
wash LEV 013 006 And the priest <03548 +kohen > shall look
<07200 +ra>ah > on him again <08145 +sheniy > the seventh
<07637 +sh@biy day <03117 +yowm > : and , behold <02009
+hinneh > , [ if ] the plague <05061 +nega< > [ be ]
somewhat <03544 +keheh > dark <03544 +keheh > , [ and ] the
plague <05061 +nega< > spread <06581 +pasah > not in the skin
<05785 + , the priest <03548 +kohen > shall pronounce
him clean <02891 +taher > : it [ is but ] a scab <04556
+micpachath > : and he shall {wash} <03526 +kabac > his clothes
<00899 +beged > , and be clean <02891 +taher > .
wash LEV 013 034 And in the seventh <07637 +sh@biy day
<03117 +yowm > the priest <03548 +kohen > shall look <07200
+ra>ah > on the scall <05424 +netheq > : and , behold <02009
+hinneh > , [ if ] the scall <05424 +netheq > be not spread
<06581 +pasah > in the skin <05785 + , nor [ be ] in
sight <04758 +mar>eh > deeper <06013 + than <04480
+min > the skin <05785 + ; then the priest <03548
+kohen > shall pronounce him clean <02891 +taher > : and he
shall {wash} <03526 +kabac > his clothes <00899 +beged > ,
and be clean <02891 +taher > .
wash LEV 013 054 Then the priest <03548 +kohen > shall command
<06680 +tsavah > that they {wash} <03526 +kabac > [ the thing
] wherein <00834 +>aher > the plague <05061 +nega< > [ is ]
, and he shall shut <05462 +cagar > it up seven <07651
+sheba< > days <03117 +yowm > more <08145 +sheniy > :
wash LEV 013 058 And the garment <00899 +beged > , either
<00176 +>ow > warp <08359 +sh@thiy > , or <00176 +>ow > woof
<06154 + , or <00176 +>ow > whatsoever <03605 +kol >
thing <03627 +k@liy > of skin <05785 + [ it be ] ,
which <00834 +>aher > thou shalt {wash} <03526 +kabac > , if
the plague <05061 +nega< > be departed <05493 +cuwr > from
them , then it shall be washed <03526 +kabac > the second
<08145 +sheniy > time , and shall be clean <02891 +taher > .
wash LEV 014 008 And he that is to be cleansed <02891 +taher >
shall wash <03526 +kabac > his clothes <00899 +beged > , and
shave <01548 +galach > off all <03605 +kol > his hair <08181
+se , and {wash} <07364 +rachats > himself in water
<04325 +mayim > , that he may be clean <02891 +taher > : and
after <00310 +>achar > that he shall come <00935 +bow> > into
<00413 +>el > the camp <04264 +machaneh > , and shall tarry
<03427 +yashab > abroad <02351 +chuwts > out of his tent
<00168 +>ohel > seven <07651 +sheba< > days <03117 +yowm > .
wash LEV 014 008 And he that is to be cleansed <02891 +taher >
shall {wash} <03526 +kabac > his clothes <00899 +beged > ,
and shave <01548 +galach > off all <03605 +kol > his hair
<08181 +se , and wash <07364 +rachats > himself in water
<04325 +mayim > , that he may be clean <02891 +taher > : and
after <00310 +>achar > that he shall come <00935 +bow> > into
<00413 +>el > the camp <04264 +machaneh > , and shall tarry
<03427 +yashab > abroad <02351 +chuwts > out of his tent
<00168 +>ohel > seven <07651 +sheba< > days <03117 +yowm > .
wash LEV 014 009 But it shall be on the seventh <07637
+sh@biy day <03117 +yowm > , that he shall shave <01548
+galach > all <03605 +kol > his hair <08181 +se off his
head <07218 +ro>sh > and his beard <02206 +zaqan > and his
eyebrows , even all <03605 +kol > his hair <08181 +se he
shall shave <01548 +galach > off : and he shall wash <03526
+kabac > his clothes <00899 +beged > , also he shall {wash}
<07364 +rachats > his flesh <01320 +basar > in water <04325
+mayim > , and he shall be clean <02891 +taher > .
wash LEV 014 009 But it shall be on the seventh <07637
+sh@biy day <03117 +yowm > , that he shall shave <01548
+galach > all <03605 +kol > his hair <08181 +se off his
head <07218 +ro>sh > and his beard <02206 +zaqan > and his
eyebrows , even all <03605 +kol > his hair <08181 +se he
shall shave <01548 +galach > off : and he shall {wash} <03526
+kabac > his clothes <00899 +beged > , also he shall wash
<07364 +rachats > his flesh <01320 +basar > in water <04325
+mayim > , and he shall be clean <02891 +taher > .
wash LEV 014 047 And he that lieth <07901 +shakab > in the
house <01004 +bayith > shall wash <03526 +kabac > his clothes
<00899 +beged > ; and he that eateth <00398 +>akal > in the
house <01004 +bayith > shall {wash} <03526 +kabac > his
clothes <00899 +beged > .
wash LEV 014 047 And he that lieth <07901 +shakab > in the
house <01004 +bayith > shall {wash} <03526 +kabac > his
clothes <00899 +beged > ; and he that eateth <00398 +>akal >
in the house <01004 +bayith > shall wash <03526 +kabac > his
clothes <00899 +beged > .
wash LEV 015 005 And whosoever toucheth <05060 +naga< > his
bed <04904 +mishkab > shall {wash} <03526 +kabac > his clothes
<00899 +beged > , and bathe <07364 +rachats > [ himself ]
in water <04325 +mayim > , and be unclean <02930 +tame> >
until <05704 + the even <06153 + .
wash LEV 015 006 And he that sitteth <03427 +yashab > on
<05921 + [ any ] thing <03627 +k@liy > whereon he sat
<03427 +yashab > that hath the issue <02100 +zuwb > shall
{wash} <03526 +kabac > his clothes <00899 +beged > , and
bathe <07364 +rachats > [ himself ] in water <04325 +mayim >
, and be unclean <02930 +tame> > until <05704 + the even
<06153 + .
wash LEV 015 007 And he that toucheth <05060 +naga< > the
flesh <01320 +basar > of him that hath the issue <02100 +zuwb
> shall {wash} <03526 +kabac > his clothes <00899 +beged > ,
and bathe <07364 +rachats > [ himself ] in water <04325
+mayim > , and be unclean <02930 +tame> > until <05704 +
the even <06153 + .
wash LEV 015 008 And if <03588 +kiy > he that hath the issue
<02100 +zuwb > spit <07556 +raqaq > upon him that is clean
<02889 +tahowr > ; then he shall {wash} <03526 +kabac > his
clothes <00899 +beged > , and bathe <07364 +rachats > [
himself ] in water <04325 +mayim > , and be unclean <02930
+tame> > until the even <06153 + .
wash LEV 015 010 And whosoever <03605 +kol > toucheth <05060
+naga< > any <03605 +kol > thing that was under <08478
+tachath > him shall be unclean <02930 +tame> > until <05704
+ the even <06153 + : and he that beareth <05375
+nasa> > [ any of ] those things shall {wash} <03526 +kabac >
his clothes <00899 +beged > , and bathe <07364 +rachats > [
himself ] in water <04325 +mayim > , and be unclean <02930
+tame> > until <05704 + the even <06153 +