Greek Cross References that shows all the ways the Greek is translated from the English word.

Greek Cross References translated from English

want 5303 husterema * {want} , {5303 husterema } , 5304 husteresis ,

want 5304 husteresis * {want} , 5303 husterema , {5304 husteresis } ,

wanted 5302 hustereo * {wanted} , {5302 hustereo } ,

wanting 3007 leipo * {wanting} , {3007 leipo } ,

wanton 2691 katastreniao * {wanton} , {2691 katastreniao } , 4684 spatalao ,

wanton 4684 spatalao * {wanton} , 2691 katastreniao , {4684 spatalao } ,

wantonness 0766 aselgeia * {wantonness} , {0766 aselgeia } ,

wants 5532 chreia * {wants} , {5532 chreia } ,