walkest 002 042 IKi /^{walkest /abroad any
whither , that thou shalt surely die ? and thou saidst unto me,
The word that I have heard is good .

walkest 006 007 Deu /^{walkest /by the way , and
when thou liest down , and when thou risest up .

walkest 011 019 Deu /^{walkest /by the way ,
when thou liest down, and when thou risest up .

walkest 001 033 Jo /${walkest /in the truth .

walkest 021 024 Act /${walkest /orderly , and
keepest the law .

walkest 014 015 Rom /${walkest /thou not
charitably . Destroy not him with thy meat , for whom Christ
died .

walkest 043 002 Isa /^{walkest /through the fire
, thou shalt not be burned ; neither shall the flame kindle upon
