waited 019 005 Eze /^{waited /and her hope was
lost , then she took another of her whelps , and made him a
young lion .

waited 029 021 Job /^{waited /and kept silence
at my counsel .

waited 035 015 IICh /^{waited /at every gate ;
they might not depart from their service ; for their brethren
the Levites prepared for them.

waited 001 012 Mic /^{waited /carefully for
good : but evil came down from the LORD unto the gate of
Jerusalem .

waited 025 009 Isa /^{waited /for him, and he
will save us: this is the LORD ; we have waited for him, we will
be glad and rejoice in his salvation .

waited 025 009 Isa /^{waited /for him, we will
be glad and rejoice in his salvation .

waited 030 026 Job /^{waited /for light , there
came darkness .

waited 029 023 Job /^{waited /for me as for the
rain ; and they opened their mouth wide as for the latter rain .

waited 119 009 Psa /^{waited /for me to destroy
me: but I will consider thy testimonies .

waited 015 022 Job /^{waited /for of the sword .

waited 020 038 IKi /^{waited /for the king by
the way , and disguised himself with ashes upon his face .

waited 015 043 Mar /${waited /for the kingdom
of God , came , and went in boldly unto Pilate , and craved the
body of Jesus .

waited 023 051 Luk /${waited /for the kingdom
of God .

waited 033 002 Isa /^{waited /for thee: be thou
their arm every morning , our salvation also in the time of
trouble .

waited 026 008 Isa /^{waited /for thee; the
desire of our soul is to thy name , and to the remembrance of

waited 010 024 Act /${waited /for them , and
had called together his kinsmen and near friends .

waited 017 016 Act /${waited /for them at
Athens , his spirit was stirred in him , when he saw the city
wholly given to idolatry .

waited 006 019 Job /^{waited /for them.

waited 049 018 Gen /^{waited /for thy salvation
, O LORD .

waited 032 011 Job /^{waited /for your words ;
I gave ear to your reasons , whilst ye searched out what to say .

waited 001 021 Luk /${waited /for Zacharias ,
and marvelled that he tarried so long in the temple .

waited 003 020 IPe /${waited /in the days of
Noah , while the ark was a preparing , wherein few , that is ,
eight souls were saved by water .

waited 009 018 ICh /^{waited /in the king's
gate eastward : they were porters in the companies of the
children of Levi .

waited 106 013 Psa /^{waited /not for his
counsel :

waited 032 016 Job /^{waited /not, but stood
still , and answered no more;

waited 010 007 Act /${waited /on him
continually ;

waited 005 002 IIKi /^{waited /on Naaman's wife .

waited 017 019 IICh /^{waited /on the king ,
beside those whom the king put in the fenced cities throughout
all Judah .

waited 006 032 ICh /^{waited /on their office
according to their order .

waited 007 006 IICh /^{waited /on their offices :
the Levites also with instruments of musick of the LORD , which
David the king had made to praise the LORD , because his mercy
endureth for ever , when David praised by their ministry ; and
the priests sounded trumpets before them, and all Israel stood .

waited 040 001 Psa /^{waited /patiently for the
LORD ; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry .

waited 032 004 Job /^{waited /till Job had
spoken , because they were elder than he.

waited 011 011 Zec /^{waited /upon me knew that
it was the word of the LORD .

waited 006 033 ICh /^{waited /with their
children . Of the sons of the Kohathites : Heman a singer , the
son of Joel , the son of Shemuel ,
