Bible Phrases for Individual word studies

Bible Phrase lists
wait abiding 07_JUD_16_12

wait against 06_JOS_08_04

wait all 19_PSA_25_05

wait as 20_PRO_23_28

wait at every corner 20_PRO_07_12

wait by 15_EZR_08_31

wait by course 14_2CH_05_11

wait drew 07_JUD_20_37

wait for 12_2KI_06_33

wait for 19_PSA_130_05

wait for blood 33_MIC_07_02

wait for blood 20_PRO_12_06

wait for him 44_ACT_23_21

wait for him 05_DEU_19_11

wait for him 23_ISA_30_18

wait for him 07_JUD_09_25

wait for him 25_LAM_03_25

wait for his son from heaven 52_1TH_01_10

wait for it 35_HAB_02_03

wait for my god 19_PSA_69_03

wait for my soul 19_PSA_59_03

wait for their lord 42_LUK_12_36

wait hasted 07_JUD_20_37

wait on 13_1CH_23_28

wait on 06_JOS_08_13

wait on 20_PRO_20_22

wait on 19_PSA_27_14

wait on 19_PSA_37_34

wait on thee 19_PSA_25_21

wait on thee 19_PSA_69_06

wait on thee be ashamed 19_PSA_25_03

wait on thy god continually 28_HOS_12_06

wait patiently for him 19_PSA_37_07

wait round about gibeah 07_JUD_20_29

wait secretly as 19_PSA_10_09

wait thou only upon god 19_PSA_62_05

wait upon 23_ISA_40_31

wait upon 04_NUM_08_24

wait upon 19_PSA_37_09

wait upon thee 19_PSA_59_09

wait which they had set beside gibeah 07_JUD_20_36

waited for 11_1KI_20_38

waited for light 18_JOB_30_26

waited for your words 18_JOB_32_11

waited on him continually 44_ACT_10_07

waited patiently for 19_PSA_40_01

waited upon me knew 38_ZEC_11_11

waited with their children 13_1CH_06_33

waiteth for him 23_ISA_64_04

waiteth on his master shall be honoured 20_PRO_27_18

waiting at 20_PRO_08_34

waiting for 46_1CO_01_07

waiting for 43_JOH_05_03

waiting for 42_LUK_02_25

waiting for 45_ROM_08_23