wagon Interlinear Index Study

wagon NUM 007 003 And they brought <00935 +bow> > their offering
<07133 +qorban > before <06440 +paniym > the LORD <03068
+Y@hovah > , six <08337 +shesh > covered <06632 +tsab > wagons
<05699 + , and twelve oxen <01241 +baqar > ; a {wagon}
<05699 + for two <08147 +sh@nayim > of the princes
<05387 +nasiy> > , and for each one an ox <07794 +showr > : and
they brought <07126 +qarab > them before <06440 +paniym > the
tabernacle <04908 +mishkan > .

wagons GEN 045 019 Now thou art commanded <06680 +tsavah > ,
this <02063 +zo>th > do <06213 + ye ; take <03947 +laqach
> you {wagons} <05699 + out of the land <00776 +>erets
> of Egypt <04714 +Mitsrayim > for your little <02945 +taph >
ones , and for your wives <00802 +>ishshah > , and bring <05375
+nasa> > your father <1> , and come <00935 +bow> > .

wagons GEN 045 021 And the children <01121 +ben > of Israel
<03478 +Yisra>el > did <06213 + so <03651 +ken > : and
Joseph <03130 +Yowceph > gave <05414 +nathan > them {wagons}
<05699 + , according <05921 + to the commandment
<06310 +peh > of Pharaoh <06547 +Par , and gave <05414
+nathan > them provision <06720 +tseydah > for the way <01870
+derek > .

wagons GEN 045 027 And they told <01696 +dabar > him all <03605
+kol > the words <01697 +dabar > of Joseph <03130 +Yowceph > ,
which <00834 +>aher > he had said <01697 +dabar > unto them :
and when he saw <07200 +ra>ah > the {wagons} <05699 +
which <00834 +>aher > Joseph <03130 +Yowceph > had sent <07971
+shalach > to carry <05375 +nasa> > him , the spirit <07307
+ruwach > of Jacob <03290 +Ya their father <1> revived
<02421 +chayah > :

wagons GEN 046 005 . And Jacob <03290 +Ya rose <06965
+quwm > up from Beersheba <00884 +B@>er Sheba< > : and the sons
<01121 +ben > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > carried <05375 +nasa>
> Jacob <03290 +Ya their father <1> , and their little
<02945 +taph > ones , and their wives <00802 +>ishshah > , in
the {wagons} <05699 + which <00834 +>aher > Pharaoh
<06547 +Par had sent <07971 +shalach > to carry <05375
+nasa> > him .

wagons NUM 007 003 And they brought <00935 +bow> > their
offering <07133 +qorban > before <06440 +paniym > the LORD
<03068 +Y@hovah > , six <08337 +shesh > covered <06632 +tsab >
{wagons} <05699 + , and twelve oxen <01241 +baqar > ; a
wagon <05699 + for two <08147 +sh@nayim > of the
princes <05387 +nasiy> > , and for each one an ox <07794 +showr
> : and they brought <07126 +qarab > them before <06440 +paniym
> the tabernacle <04908 +mishkan > .

wagons NUM 007 006 And Moses <04872 +Mosheh > took <03947
+laqach > the {wagons} <05699 + and the oxen <01241
+baqar > , and gave <05414 +nathan > them unto the Levites
<03881 +Leviyiy > .

wagons NUM 007 007 Two <08147 +sh@nayim > {wagons} <05699
+ and four <00702 +>arba< > oxen <01241 +baqar > he
gave <05414 +nathan > unto the sons <01121 +ben > of Gershon
<01647 +Ger@shom > , according <06310 +peh > to their service
<05656 + :

wagons NUM 007 008 And four <00702 +>arba< > {wagons} <05699
+ and eight <08083 +sh@moneh > oxen <01241 +baqar > he
gave <05414 +nathan > unto the sons <01121 +ben > of Merari
<04847 +M@rariy > , according <06310 +peh > unto their service
<05656 + , under the hand <03027 +yad > of Ithamar
<00385 +>Iythamar > the son <01121 +ben > of Aaron <00175
+>Aharown > the priest <03548 +kohen > .

wagons EZE 023 024 And they shall come <00935 +bow> > against
<05921 + thee with chariots <02021 +hotsen > , {wagons}
<07393 +rekeb > , and wheels <01534 +galgal > , and with an
assembly <06951 +qahal > of people <05971 + , [ which ]
shall set <07760 +suwm > against <05921 + thee buckler
<06793 +tsinnah > and shield <04043 +magen > and helmet <06959
+qowba< > round <05439 +cabiyb > about : and I will set <05414
+nathan > judgment <04941 +mishpat > before <06440 +paniym >
them , and they shall judge <08199 +shaphat > thee according to
their judgments <04941 +mishpat > .
