vow 006 002 Num /^{vow /a vow of a Nazarite ,
to separate themselves unto the LORD :

vow 030 003 Num /^{vow /a vow unto the LORD ,
and bind herself by a bond , being in her father's house in her
youth ;

vow 019 021 Isa /^{vow /a vow unto the LORD ,
and perform it.

vow 030 002 Num /^{vow /a vow unto the LORD ,
or swear an oath to bind his soul with a bond ; he shall not
break his word , he shall do according to all that proceedeth
out of his mouth .

vow 023 021 Deu /^{vow /a vow unto the LORD
thy God , thou shalt not slack to pay it: for the LORD thy God
will surely require it of thee; and it would be sin in thee.

vow 030 013 Num /^{vow /and every binding
oath to afflict the soul , her husband may establish it, or her
husband may make it void .

vow 030 004 Num /^{vow /and her bond
wherewith she hath bound her soul , and her father shall hold
his peace at her: then all her vows shall stand , and every bond
wherewith she hath bound her soul shall stand .

vow 005 005 Ecc /^{vow /and not pay .

Vow 076 011 Psa /^{Vow /and pay unto the
LORD your God : let all that be round about him bring presents
unto him that ought to be feared .

vow 001 011 ISa /^{vow /and said , O LORD of
hosts , if thou wilt indeed look on the affliction of thine
handmaid , and remember me, and not forget thine handmaid , but
wilt give unto thine handmaid a man child , then I will give him
unto the LORD all the days of his life , and there shall no
razor come upon his head .

vow 065 001 Psa /^{vow /be performed .

vow 023 018 Deu /^{vow /for even both these
are abomination unto the LORD thy God .

vow 023 022 Deu /^{vow /it shall be no sin
in thee.

vow 022 023 Lev /^{vow /it shall not be
accepted .

vow 006 002 Num /^{vow /of a Nazarite , to
separate themselves unto the LORD :

vow 030 009 Num /^{vow /of a widow , and of
her that is divorced , wherewith they have bound their souls ,
shall stand against her.

vow 006 005 Num /^{vow /of his separation
there shall no razor come upon his head : until the days be
fulfilled , in the which he separateth himself unto the LORD ,
he shall be holy , and shall let the locks of the hair of his
head grow .

vow 021 023 Act /${vow /on them ;

vow 022 021 Lev /^{vow /or a freewill
offering in beeves or sheep , it shall be perfect to be accepted
; there shall be no blemish therein.

vow 007 016 Lev /^{vow /or a voluntary
offering , it shall be eaten the same day that he offereth his
sacrifice : and on the morrow also the remainder of it shall be
eaten :

vow 015 003 Num /^{vow /or in a freewill
offering , or in your solemn feasts , to make a sweet savour
unto the LORD , of the herd , or of the flock :

vow 015 008 Num /^{vow /or peace offerings
unto the LORD :

vow 028 020 Gen /^{vow /saying , If God will
be with me, and will keep me in this way that I go , and will
give me bread to eat , and raiment to put on ,

vow 005 005 Ecc /^{vow /than that thou
shouldest vow and not pay .

vow 027 002 Lev /^{vow /the persons shall be
for the LORD by thy estimation .

vow 005 004 Ecc /^{vow /unto God , defer not
to pay it; for he hath no pleasure in fools : pay that which
thou hast vowed .

vow 031 013 Gen /^{vow /unto me: now arise ,
get thee out from this land , and return unto the land of thy
kindred .

vow 030 003 Num /^{vow /unto the LORD , and
bind herself by a bond , being in her father's house in her
youth ;

vow 019 021 Isa /^{vow /unto the LORD , and
perform it.

vow 011 030 Jug /^{vow /unto the LORD , and
said , If thou shalt without fail deliver the children of Ammon
into mine hands ,

vow 021 002 Num /^{vow /unto the LORD , and
said , If thou wilt indeed deliver this people into my hand ,
then I will utterly destroy their cities .

vow 030 002 Num /^{vow /unto the LORD , or
swear an oath to bind his soul with a bond ; he shall not break
his word , he shall do according to all that proceedeth out of
his mouth .

vow 012 011 Deu /^{vow /unto the LORD :

vow 023 021 Deu /^{vow /unto the LORD thy
God , thou shalt not slack to pay it: for the LORD thy God will
surely require it of thee; and it would be sin in thee.

vow 011 039 Jug /^{vow /which he had vowed :
and she knew no man . And it was a custom in Israel ,

vow 006 021 Num /^{vow /which he vowed , so
he must do after the law of his separation .

vow 015 007 IISa /^{vow /which I have vowed
unto the LORD , in Hebron .

vow 030 008 Num /^{vow /which she vowed ,
and that which she uttered with her lips , wherewith she bound
her soul , of none effect : and the LORD shall forgive her.

vow 015 008 IISa /^{vow /while I abode at
Geshur in Syria , saying , If the LORD shall bring me again
indeed to Jerusalem , then I will serve the LORD .

vowed 001 011 ISa /^{vowed /a vow , and said ,
O LORD of hosts , if thou wilt indeed look on the affliction of
thine handmaid , and remember me, and not forget thine handmaid ,
but wilt give unto thine handmaid a man child , then I will
give him unto the LORD all the days of his life , and there
shall no razor come upon his head .

vowed 028 020 Gen /^{vowed /a vow , saying ,
If God will be with me, and will keep me in this way that I go ,
and will give me bread to eat , and raiment to put on ,

vowed 011 030 Jug /^{vowed /a vow unto the
LORD , and said , If thou shalt without fail deliver the
children of Ammon into mine hands ,

vowed 021 002 Num /^{vowed /a vow unto the
LORD , and said , If thou wilt indeed deliver this people into
my hand , then I will utterly destroy their cities .

vowed 015 008 IISa /^{vowed /a vow while I
abode at Geshur in Syria , saying , If the LORD shall bring me
again indeed to Jerusalem , then I will serve the LORD .

vowed 006 021 Num /^{vowed /and of his
offering unto the LORD for his separation , beside that that his
hand shall get : according to the vow which he vowed , so he
must do after the law of his separation .

vowed 011 039 Jug /^{vowed /and she knew no
man . And it was a custom in Israel ,

vowed 030 008 Num /^{vowed /and that which she
uttered with her lips , wherewith she bound her soul , of none
effect : and the LORD shall forgive her.

vowed 030 010 Num /^{vowed /in her husband's
house , or bound her soul by a bond with an oath ;

vowed 030 006 Num /^{vowed /or uttered ought
out of her lips , wherewith she bound her soul ;

vowed 002 009 Jon /^{vowed /Salvation is of
the LORD .

vowed 027 008 Lev /^{vowed /shall the priest
value him.

vowed 006 021 Num /^{vowed /so he must do
after the law of his separation .

vowed 044 025 Jer /^{vowed /to burn incense to
the queen of heaven , and to pour out drink offerings unto her:
ye will surely accomplish your vows , and surely perform your
vows .

vowed 015 007 IISa /^{vowed /unto the LORD , in
Hebron .

vowed 023 023 Deu /^{vowed /unto the LORD thy
God , which thou hast promised with thy mouth .

vowed 132 002 Psa /^{vowed /unto the mighty
God of Jacob ;

vowedst 031 013 Gen /^{vowedst /a vow unto me:
now arise , get thee out from this land , and return unto the
land of thy kindred .

vowest 005 004 Ecc /^{vowest /a vow unto God ,
defer not to pay it; for he hath no pleasure in fools : pay that
which thou hast vowed .

vowest 012 017 Deu /^{vowest /nor thy freewill
offerings , or heave offering of thine hand :

voweth 001 014 Mal /^{voweth /and sacrificeth
unto the Lord a corrupt thing : for I am a great King , saith
the LORD of hosts , and my name is dreadful among the heathen .

vows 023 038 Lev /^{vows /and beside all your
freewill offerings , which ye give unto the LORD .

vows 022 018 Lev /^{vows /and for all his
freewill offerings , which they will offer unto the LORD for a
burnt offering ;

vows 044 025 Jer /^{vows /and surely perform
your vows .

vows 012 006 Deu /^{vows /and your freewill
offerings , and the firstlings of your herds and of your flocks :

vows 029 039 Num /^{vows /and your freewill
offerings , for your burnt offerings , and for your meat
offerings , and for your drink offerings , and for your peace
offerings .

vows 056 012 Psa /^{vows /are upon me, O God :
I will render praises unto thee.

vows 022 025 Psa /^{vows /before them that
fear him.

vows 001 015 Nah /^{vows /for the wicked
shall no more pass through thee; he is utterly cut off .

vows 030 014 Num /^{vows /or all her bonds ,
which are upon her: he confirmeth them, because he held his
peace at her in the day that he heard them.

vows 030 012 Num /^{vows /or concerning the
bond of her soul , shall not stand : her husband hath made them
void ; and the LORD shall forgive her.

vows 030 005 Num /^{vows /or of her bonds
wherewith she hath bound her soul , shall stand : and the LORD
shall forgive her, because her father disallowed her.

vows 030 011 Num /^{vows /shall stand , and
every bond wherewith she bound her soul shall stand .

vows 030 004 Num /^{vows /shall stand , and
every bond wherewith she hath bound her soul shall stand .

vows 030 007 Num /^{vows /shall stand , and
her bonds wherewith she bound her soul shall stand .

vows 044 025 Jer /^{vows /that we have vowed ,
to burn incense to the queen of heaven , and to pour out drink
offerings unto her: ye will surely accomplish your vows , and
surely perform your vows .

vows 061 005 Psa /^{vows /thou hast given me
the heritage of those that fear thy name .

vows 012 026 Deu /^{vows /thou shalt take ,
and go unto the place which the LORD shall choose :

vows 020 025 Pro /^{vows /to make enquiry .

vows 116 018 Psa /^{vows /unto the LORD now
in the presence of all his people ,

vows 116 014 Psa /^{vows /unto the LORD now
in the presence of all his people .

vows 050 014 Psa /^{vows /unto the most High :

vows 012 017 Deu /^{vows /which thou vowest ,
nor thy freewill offerings , or heave offering of thine hand :

vows 012 011 Deu /^{vows /which ye vow unto
the LORD :
