divisions 011 018 ICo /${divisions /among you ;
and I partly believe it .

divisions 001 010 ICo /${divisions /among you ;
but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in
the same judgment .

divisions 016 017 Rom /${divisions /and offences
contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned ; and avoid them .

divisions 006 018 Ezr /^{divisions /and the
Levites in their courses , for the service of God , which is at
Jerusalem ; as it is written in the book of Moses .

divisions 003 003 ICo /${divisions /are ye not
carnal , and walk as men ?

divisions 011 023 Jos /^{divisions /by their
tribes . And the land rested from war .

divisions 011 036 Neh /^{divisions /in Judah , and
in Benjamin .

divisions 005 016 Jug /^{divisions /of Reuben
there were great searchings of heart .

divisions 005 015 Jug /^{divisions /of Reuben
there were great thoughts of heart .

divisions 035 005 IICh /^{divisions /of the
families of the fathers of your brethren the people , and after
the division of the families of the Levites .

divisions 035 012 IICh /^{divisions /of the
families of the people , to offer unto the LORD , as it is
written in the book of Moses . And so did they with the oxen .

divisions 026 012 ICh /^{divisions /of the porters
, even among the chief men , having wards one against another ,
to minister in the house of the LORD .

divisions 026 001 ICh /^{divisions /of the porters
: Of the Korhites was Meshelemiah the son of Kore , of the sons
of Asaph .

divisions 026 019 ICh /^{divisions /of the porters
among the sons of Kore , and among the sons of Merari .

divisions 024 001 ICh /^{divisions /of the sons of
Aaron . The sons of Aaron ; Nadab , and Abihu , Eleazar , and
Ithamar .

visions 007 007 Dan /^{visions /and behold a
fourth beast , dreadful and terrible , and strong exceedingly ;
and it had great iron teeth : it devoured and brake in pieces ,
and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse
from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns .

visions 001 017 Dan /^{visions /and dreams .

visions 012 001 IICo /${visions /and revelations
of the Lord .

visions 012 010 Hos /^{visions /and used
similitudes , by the ministry of the prophets .

visions 002 017 Act /${visions /and your old men
shall dream dreams :

visions 007 013 Dan /^{visions /and, behold ,
one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven , and
came to the Ancient of days , and they brought him near before

visions 001 001 Eze /^{visions /of God .

visions 026 005 IICh /^{visions /of God : and as
long as he sought the LORD , God made him to prosper .

visions 040 002 Eze /^{visions /of God brought
he me into the land of Israel , and set me upon a very high
mountain , by which was as the frame of a city on the south .

visions 008 003 Eze /^{visions /of God to
Jerusalem , to the door of the inner gate that looketh toward
the north ; where was the seat of the image of jealousy , which
provoketh to jealousy .

visions 007 001 Dan /^{visions /of his head upon
his bed : then he wrote the dream , and told the sum of the
matters .

visions 009 029 IICh /^{visions /of Iddo the seer
against Jeroboam the son of Nebat ?

visions 004 010 Dan /^{visions /of mine head in
my bed ; I saw , and behold a tree in the midst of the earth ,
and the height thereof was great .

visions 004 009 Dan /^{visions /of my dream that
I have seen , and the interpretation thereof.

visions 004 005 Dan /^{visions /of my head
troubled me.

visions 007 015 Dan /^{visions /of my head
troubled me.

visions 004 013 Dan /^{visions /of my head upon
my bed , and, behold , a watcher and an holy one came down from
heaven ;

visions 013 016 Eze /^{visions /of peace for her,
and there is no peace , saith the Lord GOD .

visions 046 002 Gen /^{visions /of the night ,
and said , Jacob , Jacob . And he said , Here am I.

visions 004 013 Job /^{visions /of the night ,
when deep sleep falleth on men ,

visions 002 028 Dan /^{visions /of thy head upon
thy bed , are these ;

visions 043 003 Eze /^{visions /were like the
vision that I saw by the river Chebar ; and I fell upon my face .
