heaviness 009 027 Job /^{heaviness /and comfort

heaviness 009 002 Rom /${heaviness /and continual
sorrow in my heart .

heaviness 009 005 Ezr /^{heaviness /and having
rent my garment and my mantle , I fell upon my knees , and
spread out my hands unto the LORD my God ,

heaviness 069 020 Psa /^{heaviness /and I looked
for some to take pity , but there was none; and for comforters ,
but I found none.

heaviness 029 002 Isa /^{heaviness /and sorrow :
and it shall be unto me as Ariel .

heaviness 002 026 Php /${heaviness /because that
ye had heard that he had been sick .

Heaviness 012 025 Pro /^{Heaviness /in the heart
of man maketh it stoop : but a good word maketh it glad .

heaviness 010 001 Pro /^{heaviness /of his mother .

heaviness 119 002 Psa /^{heaviness /strengthen
thou me according unto thy word .

heaviness 061 003 Isa /^{heaviness /that they
might be called trees of righteousness , the planting of the
LORD , that he might be glorified .

heaviness 001 006 IPe /${heaviness /through
manifold temptations :

vines 105 033 Psa /^{vines /also and their fig
trees ; and brake the trees of their coasts .

vines 008 008 Deu /^{vines /and fig trees ,
and pomegranates ; a land of oil olive , and honey ;

vines 002 012 Hos /^{vines /and her fig trees ,
whereof she hath said , These are my rewards that my lovers
have given me: and I will make them a forest , and the beasts of
the field shall eat them.

vines 005 017 Jer /^{vines /and thy fig trees :
they shall impoverish thy fenced cities , wherein thou
trustedst , with the sword .

vines 007 023 Isa /^{vines /at a thousand
silverlings , it shall even be for briers and thorns .

vines 002 015 Son /^{vines /for our vines have
tender grapes .

vines 002 015 Son /^{vines /have tender grapes

vines 020 005 Num /^{vines /or of pomegranates
; neither is there any water to drink .

vines 003 017 Hab /^{vines /the labour of the
olive shall fail , and the fields shall yield no meat ; the
flock shall be cut off from the fold , and there shall be no
herd in the stalls :

vines 031 005 Jer /^{vines /upon the mountains
of Samaria : the planters shall plant , and shall eat them as
common things .

vines 078 047 Psa /^{vines /with hail , and
their sycomore trees with frost .

vines 002 013 Son /^{vines /with the tender
grape give a good smell . Arise , my love , my fair one , and
come away .
