vile , 1SA , 3:13 , 1SA , 15:9

vile , 2SA , 6:22

vile , DA , 11:21

vile , DE , 25:3

vile , ISA , 32:5 , ISA , 32:6

vile , JAS , 2:2

vile , JER , 15:19 , JER , 29:17

vile , JG , 19:24

vile , JOB , 18:3 , JOB , 40:4

vile , LA , 1:11

vile , NA , 1:14 , NA , 3:6

vile , PHP , 3:21

vile , PS , 15:4

vile , RO , 1:26

vilely , 2SA , 1:21

viler , JOB , 30:8

vilest , PS , 12:8


again 0486 # antiloidoreo {an-tee-loy-dor-eh'-o}; from 473 and
3058; to rail in reply: -- revile {again}.[ql

communication 0148 # aischrologia {ahee-skhrol-og-ee'-ah}; from
150 and 3056; vile conversation: -- filthy {communication}.[ql

filthy 0148 # aischrologia {ahee-skhrol-og-ee'-ah}; from 150
and 3056; vile conversation: -- {filthy} communication.[ql

foam 1890 # epaphrizo {ep-af-rid'-zo}; from 1909 and 875; to
foam upon, i.e. (figuratively) to exhibit (a vile passion): --
{foam} out.[ql

out 1890 # epaphrizo {ep-af-rid'-zo}; from 1909 and 875; to
foam upon, i.e. (figuratively) to exhibit (a vile passion): --
foam {out}.[ql

revile 3058 # loidoreo {loy-dor-eh'-o}; from 3060; to reproach,
i.e. vilify: -- {revile}.[ql

revile 0486 # antiloidoreo {an-tee-loy-dor-eh'-o}; from 473 and
3058; to rail in reply: -- {revile} again.[ql

revile 3679 # oneidizo {on-i-did'-zo}; from 3681; to defame, i.
e. rail at, chide, taunt: -- cast in teeth, (suffer) reproach,
{revile}, upbraid.[ql

revile 0987 # blasphemeo {blas-fay-meh'-o}; from 989; to vilify;
specially, to speak impiously: -- (speak) blaspheme(-er, -
mously, -my), defame, rail on, {revile}, speak evil.[ql

vile 4508 # rhuparos {rhoo-par-os'}; from 4509; dirty, i.e.
(relatively) cheap or shabby; morally, wicked: -- {vile}.[ql

vile 5014 # tapeinosis {tap-i'-no-sis}; from 5013; depression
(in rank or feeling): -- humiliation, be made low, low estate,

vile 0819 # atimia {at-ee-mee'-ah}; from 820; infamy, i.e.
(subjectively) comparative indignity, (objectively) disgrace: --
dishonour, reproach, shame, {vile}.[ql


vile Interlinear Index Study

vile DEU 025 003 Forty <00705 +>arba stripes <05221 +nakah
> he may give him , [ and ] not exceed <03254 +yacaph > : lest
<06435 +pen > , [ if ] he should exceed <03254 +yacaph > , and
beat <05221 +nakah > him above <05921 + these with many
<07227 +rab > stripes <04347 +makkah > , then thy brother <00251
+>ach > should seem <07034 +qalah > {vile} <07034 +qalah > unto
thee .

vile JUDG 019 024 Behold <02009 +hinneh > , [ here is ] my
daughter <01323 +bath > a maiden <01330 +b@thuwlah > , and his
concubine <06370 +piylegesh > ; them I will bring <03318 +yatsa>
> out now <04994 +na> > , and humble <06031 + ye them ,
and do <06213 + with them what seemeth <05869 +
good <02896 +towb > unto you : but unto this <02088 +zeh > man
<00376 +>iysh > do <06213 + not so <02063 +zo>th > {vile}
<05039 +n@balah > a thing <01697 +dabar > .

vile 1SA 003 013 For I have told <05046 +nagad > him that I will
judge <08199 +shaphat > his house <01004 +bayith > for ever
<05769 + for the iniquity <05771 + which <00834
+>aher > he knoweth <03045 +yada< > ; because <03588 +kiy > his
sons <01121 +ben > made themselves <01992 +hem > {vile} <07043
+qalal > , and he restrained <03543 +kahah > them not .

vile 1SA 015 009 But Saul <07586 +Sha>uwl > and the people
<05971 + spared <02550 +chamal > Agag <90> , and the best
<04315 +meytab > of the sheep <06629 +tso>n > , and of the oxen
<01241 +baqar > , and of the fatlings <04932 +mishneh > , and
the lambs <03733 +kar > , and all <03605 +kol > [ that was ]
good <02896 +towb > , and would <14> not utterly destroy <02763
+charam > them : but every <03605 +kol > thing <04399 +m@la>kah
> [ that was ] {vile} <05240 +n@mibzeh > and refuse <04549
+macac > , that they destroyed <02763 +charam > utterly .

vile 2SA 006 022 And I will yet <05750 + be more {vile}
<07043 +qalal > than thus <02063 +zo>th > , and will be base
<08217 +shaphal > in mine own sight <05869 + : and of the
maidservants <00519 +>amah > which <00834 +>aher > thou hast
spoken <00559 +>amar > of , of them shall I be had in honour
<03513 +kabad > .

vile JOB 018 003 Wherefore <04069 +madduwa< > are we counted
<02803 +chashab > as beasts <00929 +b@hemah > , [ and ] reputed
<02804 +chashab > {vile} <02933 +tamah > in your sight <05869
+ ?

vile JOB 040 004 Behold <02005 +hen > , I am {vile} <07043
+qalal > ; what <04100 +mah > shall I answer <07725 +shuwb >
thee ? I will lay <07760 +suwm > mine hand <03027 +yad > upon my
mouth <06310 +peh > .

vile PSA 015 004 In whose eyes <05869 + a {vile} <00959
+bazah > person is contemned <00959 +bazah > ; but he honoureth
<03513 +kabad > them that fear <03373 +yare> > the LORD <03068
+Y@hovah > . [ He that ] sweareth <07650 +shaba< > to [ his own
] hurt <07489 +ra , and changeth <04171 +muwr > not .

vile ISA 032 005 The {vile} <05036 +nabal > person shall be no
<03808 +lo> > more <05750 + called <07121 +qara> > liberal
<05081 +nadiyb > , nor <03808 +lo> > the churl <03596 +kiylay >
said <00559 +>amar > [ to be ] bountiful <07771 +showa< > .

vile ISA 032 006 For the {vile} <05036 +nabal > person will
speak <01696 +dabar > villany <05039 +n@balah > , and his heart
<03820 +leb > will work <06213 + iniquity <00205 +>aven >
, to practise <06213 + hypocrisy <02612 +choneph > , and
to utter <01696 +dabar > error <08432 +tavek > against <00413
+>el > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , to make empty <07324 +ruwq >
the soul <05315 +nephesh > of the hungry <07456 +ra , and
he will cause the drink <04945 +mashqeh > of the thirsty <06771
+tsame> > to fail <02637 +chacer > .

vile JER 015 019 Therefore <03651 +ken > thus <03541 +koh >
saith <00559 +>amar > the LORD <3068Y@hovah > , If <00518 +>im >
thou return <07725 +shuwb > , then will I bring <07725 +shuwb >
thee again <07725 +shuwb > , [ and ] thou shalt stand <05975
+ before <06440 +paniym > me : and if <00518 +>im > thou
take <03318 +yatsa> > forth <03318 +yatsa> > the precious <03368
+yaqar > from the {vile} <02151 +zalal > , thou shalt be as my
mouth <06310 +peh > : let them return <07725 +shuwb > unto thee ;
but return <07725 +shuwb > not thou unto them .

vile JER 029 017 Thus <03541 +koh > saith <00559 +>amar > the
LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > of hosts <06635 +tsaba> > ; Behold <02005
+hen > , I will send <07971 +shalach > upon them the sword
<02719 +chereb > , the famine <07458 +ra , and the
pestilence <01698 +deber > , and will make <05414 +nathan > them
like {vile} <08182 +sho figs <08384 +t@>en > , that cannot
<03808 +lo> > be eaten <00398 +>akal > , they are so evil <07455
+roa< > .

vile LAM 001 011 All <03605 +kol > her people <05971 + sigh
<00584 +>anach > , they seek <01245 +baqash > bread <03899
+lechem > ; they have given <05414 +nathan > their pleasant
<04622 +ma things for meat <00400 +>okel > to relieve
<07725 +shuwb > the soul <05315 +nephesh > : see <07200 +ra>ah >
, O LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , and consider <05027 +nabat > ; for
I am become <01961 +hayah > {vile} <02151 +zalal > .

vile DAN 011 021 . And in his estate <03653 +ken > shall stand
<05975 + up a {vile} <00959 +bazah > person , to whom
<05921 + they shall not give <05414 +nathan > the honour
<01935 +howd > of the kingdom <04438 +malkuwth > : but he shall
come <00935 +bow> > in peaceably <07962 +shalvah > , and obtain
<02388 +chazaq > the kingdom <04438 +malkuwth > by flatteries
<02519 +chalaqlaqqah > .

vile NAH 001 014 And the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > hath given a
commandment <06680 +tsavah > concerning <05921 + thee , [
that ] no <03808 +lo> > more <05750 + of thy name <08034
+shem > be sown <02232 +zara< > : out of the house <01004
+bayith > of thy gods <00430 +>elohiym > will I cut <03772
+karath > off the graven <06459 +pecel > image and the molten
<04541 +maccekah > image : I will make <07760 +suwm > thy grave
<06913 +qeber > ; for thou art {vile} <07043 +qalal > .

vile NAH 003 006 And I will cast <07993 +shalak > abominable
<08251 +shiqquwts > filth upon thee , and make thee {vile}
<05034 +nabel > , and will set <07760 +suwm > thee as a
gazingstock <07210 +ro>iy > .

vile ROM 001 026 For this <5124 -touto -> cause <1223 -dia ->
God <2316 -theos -> gave <3860 -paradidomi -> them up unto
{vile} <0819 -atimia -> affections <3806 -pathos -> : for even
<5037 -te -> their women <2338 -thelus -> did change <3337 -
metallasso -> the natural <5446 -phusikos -> use <5540 -chresis -
> into <1519 -eis -> that which is against <3844 -para -> nature
<5449 -phusis -> :

vile PHP 003 021 Who shall change <3345 -metaschematizo -> our
{vile} <5014 -tapeinosis -> body <4983 -soma -> , that it may be
fashioned <4832 -summorphos -> like <4832 -summorphos -> unto
his glorious <1391 -doxa -> body <4983 -soma -> , according
<2596 -kata -> to the working <1753 -energeia -> whereby <3588 -
ho -> he is able <1410 -dunamai -> even <2532 -kai -> to subdue
<5293 -hupotasso -> all <3956 -pas -> things unto himself <1438 -
heautou -> .

vile JAS 002 002 For if <1437 -ean -> there come <1525 -
eiserchomai -> unto your <5216 -humon -> assembly <4864 -
sunagoge -> a man <0435 -aner -> with a gold <5554 -
chrusodaktulios -> ring <5554 -chrusodaktulios -> , in goodly
<2986 -lampros -> apparel <2066 -esthes -> , and there come
<1525 -eiserchomai -> in also <2532 -kai -> a poor <4434 -
ptochos -> man in {vile} <4508 -rhuparos -> raiment <2066 -
esthes -> ;


because his sons made themselves vile <1SA3 -:13 >

become vile

but unto this man do not so vile

for this cause god gave them up unto vile affections 26 >

servile work

shall revile you

then thy brother should seem vile unto thee

thou shalt not revile

vile person

vile person is contemned

vile person shall be no more called liberal

vile person will speak villany

vile raiment

who shall change our vile body

will make them like vile figs

will yet be more vile than thus <2SA6 -:22 >

ye shall do no servile work

ye shall do no servile work

ye shall do no servile work

ye shall do no servile work

ye shall do no servile work

ye shall do no servile work

ye shall do no servile work

ye shall do no servile work

ye shall do no servile work

ye shall do no servile work

ye shall do no servile work therein

* revile , 3679 ,

- revile , 7043 ,

- servile , 5656 ,

* vile , 0819 , 4508 , 5014 ,

- vile , 0959 , 2151 , 2933 , 5034 , 5036 , 5039 , 5240 , 7034 ,
7043 , 8182 ,

revile EXO 022 028 Thou shalt not {revile} <07043 +qalal > the
gods <00430 +>elohiym > , nor <03808 +lo> > curse <00779
+>arar > the ruler <05387 +nasiy> > of thy people <05971 + > .

servile LEV 023 007 In the first <07223 +ri>shown > day <03117
+yowm > ye shall have <01961 +hayah > an holy <06944 +qodesh
> convocation <04744 +miqra> > : ye shall do <06213 +
no {servile} <05656 + work <04399 +m@la>kah > therein

servile LEV 023 008 But ye shall offer <07126 +qarab > an
offering made by fire <00784 +>esh > unto the LORD <03068
+Y@hovah > seven <07651 +sheba< > days <03117 +yowm > : in the
seventh <07637 +sh@biy day <03117 +yowm > [ is ] an
holy <06944 +qodesh > convocation <04744 +miqra> > : ye shall
do <06213 + no {servile} <05656 + work <04399
+m@la>kah > [ therein ] .

servile LEV 023 021 And ye shall proclaim <07121 +qara> > on
the selfsame day <03117 +yowm > , [ that ] it may be an holy
<06944 +qodesh > convocation <04744 +miqra> > unto you : ye
shall do <06213 + no {servile} <05656 + work
<04399 +m@la>kah > [ therein : it shall be ] a statute <02708
+chuqqah > for ever <05769 + in all <03605 +kol >
your dwellings <04186 +mowshab > throughout your generations
<01755 +dowr > .

servile LEV 023 025 Ye shall do <06213 + no {servile}
<05656 + work <04399 +m@la>kah > [ therein ] : but
ye shall offer <07126 +qarab > an offering made by fire unto
the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > .

servile LEV 023 035 On the first <07223 +ri>shown > day <03117
+yowm > [ shall be ] an holy <06944 +qodesh > convocation
<04744 +miqra> > : ye shall do <06213 + no {servile}
<05656 + work <04399 +m@la>kah > [ therein ] .

servile LEV 023 036 Seven <07651 +sheba< > days <03117 +yowm
> ye shall offer <07126 +qarab > an offering made by fire unto
the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > : on the eighth <08066 +sh@miyniy >
day <03117 +yowm > shall be an holy <06944 +qodesh >
convocation <04744 +miqra> > unto you ; and ye shall offer
<07126 +qarab > an offering made by fire unto the LORD <03068
+Y@hovah > : it [ is ] a solemn <06116 + assembly
<06116 + ; [ and ] ye shall do <06213 + no
{servile} <05656 + work <04399 +m@la>kah > [ therein
] .

servile NUM 028 018 In the first <07223 +ri>shown > day <03117
+yowm > [ shall be ] an holy <6944qodesh > convocation <04744
+miqra> > ; ye shall do <06213 + no <03808 +lo> >
manner of {servile} <05656 + work <04399 +m@la>kah >
[ therein ] :

servile NUM 028 025 And on the seventh <07637 +sh@biy day
<03117 +yowm > ye shall have <01961 +hayah > an holy <06944
+qodesh > convocation <04744 +miqra> > ; ye shall do <06213
+ no {servile} <05656 + work <04399 +m@la>kah
> .

servile NUM 028 026 Also in the day <03117 +yowm > of the
firstfruits <01061 +bikkuwr > , when ye bring <07126 +qarab >
a new <02319 +chadash > meat offering <04503 +minchah > unto
the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , after your weeks <07620
+shabuwa< > [ be out ] , ye shall have <01961 +hayah > an
holy <06944 +qodesh > convocation <04744 +miqra> > ; ye shall
do <06213 + no {servile} <05656 + work <04399
+m@la>kah > :

servile NUM 029 001 . And in the seventh <07637 +sh@biy
month <02320 +chodesh > , on the first <00259 +>echad > [
day ] of the month <02320 +chodesh > , ye shall have <01961
+hayah > an holy <06944 +qodesh > convocation <04744 +miqra> >
; ye shall do <06213 + no {servile} <05656 +
work <04399 +m@la>kah > : it is a day <03117 +yowm > of
blowing <08643 +t@ruw the trumpets unto you .

servile NUM 029 012 . And on the fifteenth <06240 +
day <03117 +yowm > of the seventh <07637 +sh@biy month
<02320 +chodesh > ye shall have <01961 +hayah > an holy <06944
+qodesh > convocation ; ye shall do <06213 + no
{servile} <05656 + work <04399 +m@la>kah > , and ye
shall keep <02287 +chagag > a feast <02282 +chag > unto the
LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > seven <07651 +sheba< > days <03117
+yowm > :

servile NUM 029 035 On the eighth <08066 +sh@miyniy > day
<03117 +yowm > ye shall have <01961 +hayah > a solemn <06116
+ assembly <06116 + : ye shall do <06213
+ no {servile} <05656 + work <04399 +m@la>kah
> [ therein ] :

vile DEU 025 003 Forty <00705 +>arba stripes <05221
+nakah > he may give him , [ and ] not exceed <03254 +yacaph
> : lest <06435 +pen > , [ if ] he should exceed <03254
+yacaph > , and beat <05221 +nakah > him above <05921 +
these with many <07227 +rab > stripes <04347 +makkah > , then
thy brother <00251 +>ach > should seem <07034 +qalah > {vile}
<07034 +qalah > unto thee .

* revile , 3679 oneidizo ,

* vile , 0819 atimia , 4508 rhuparos , 5014 tapeinosis ,


revile -3679 cast, reproach, reproached, {revile}, reviled,
teeth, upbraid, upbraided, upbraideth,

reviled -0486 again, {reviled},

reviled -0987 blaspheme, blasphemed, blasphemers, blasphemest,
blasphemeth, blaspheming, blasphemy, defamed, evil, railed,
reported, {reviled}, slanderously, speak, speaking, spoken,

reviled -3058 {reviled}, revilest,

reviled -3679 cast, reproach, reproached, revile, {reviled},
teeth, upbraid, upbraided, upbraideth,

revilers -3060 railer, {revilers},

revilest -3058 reviled, {revilest},

vile -0819 dishonour, reproach, shame, {vile},

vile -4508 {vile},

vile -5014 humiliation, low, made, {vile},


revile -7043 abated , accursed , afflicted , bright , contempt ,
curse , cursed , curseth , despise , despised , ease , easier ,
easy , esteemed , light , lighten , lighter , lightly , moved ,
{revile} , slightly , swift , swifter , vile , whet ,

servile -5656 bondage , effect , labour , ministering , ministry
, office , serve , serveth , service , {servile} , servitude ,
tillage , use , work , wrought ,

vile -0959 contemned , contemptible , despise , despised ,
despiseth , disdained , scorn , {vile} ,

vile -2151 eaters , flow , flowed , glutton , riotous , {vile} ,

vile -2933 {vile} ,

vile -5034 cometh , disgrace , dishonoureth , esteemed , fade ,
fadeth , fading , fall , falleth , falling , foolishly , lightly
, nought , {vile} , wear , wither ,

vile -5036 fool , foolish , fools , {vile} ,

vile -5039 folly , foolish , {vile} , villany ,

vile -5240 {vile} ,

vile -7034 base , bring , contemned , despised , light , lightly
, seem , setteth , {vile} ,

vile -7043 abated , accursed , afflicted , bright , contempt ,
curse , cursed , curseth , despise , despised , ease , easier ,
easy , esteemed , light , lighten , lighter , lightly , moved ,
revile , slightly , swift , swifter , {vile} , whet ,

vile -8182 {vile} ,

vilely -1602 abhor , abhorred , cast , faileth , lothed ,
lotheth , {vilely} ,

viler -5217 {viler} ,

vilest -2149 {vilest} ,


revile 7043 qalal -- -- abate, make bright, bring into contempt,
(ac-)curse,despise, (be) ease(-y, -ier), (be a, make, make
somewhat, move, seem a,set) light(-en, -er, -ly, -ly afflict, -
ly esteem, thing), X slight[-ly],be swift(-er), (be, be more,
make, {re-)vile}, whet.

revile 0486 ** antiloidoreo ** {revile} again.

revile 0987 ** blasphemeo ** (speak) blaspheme(-er, -mously, -
my), defame, rail on,{revile}, speak evil.

revile 3058 ** loidoreo ** {revile}.

revile 3679 ** oneidizo ** cast in teeth, (suffer) reproach,
{revile}, upbraid.

reviler 3060 ** loidoros ** railer, {reviler}.

vile 0959 -- bazah -- despise, disdain, contemn(-ptible), +
think to scorn, {vile}person.

vile 2151 -- zalal -- blow down, glutton, riotous (eater),

vile 2933 -- tamah -- be defiled, be reputed {vile}.

vile 3988 -- ma/ac -- abhor, cast away (off), contemn, despise,
disdain, (become)loathe(some), melt away, refuse, reject,
reprobate, X utterly, {vile}person

vile 5034 -- nabel -- disgrace, dishounour, lightly esteem, fade
(away, -ing), fall(down, -ling, off), do foolishly, come to
nought, X surely, make {vile},wither.

vile 5036 -- nabal -- fool(-ish, -ish man, -ish woman), {vile}

vile 5039 -- n@balah -- folly, {vile}, villany.

vile 5240 -- n@mibzeh -- {vile}.

vile 7034 qalah -- -- base, contemn, despise, lightly esteem,
set light, seem{vile}.

vile 8182 -- sho\ar -- {vile}.

vile 0819 ** atimia ** dishonour, reproach, shame, {vile}.

vile 4508 ** rhuparos ** {vile}.

vile 5014 ** tapeinosis ** humiliation, be made low, low estate,

vilely 1602 -- ga\al -- abhor, fail, lothe, {vilely} cast away.

viler 5217 -- naka/ -- be {viler}.

vilest 2149 -- zulluwth -- {vilest}.


revile ......... men shall revile 3679 -oneidizo->

reviled ......... being reviled 3058 -loidoreo->

reviled ......... by reviled 0987 -blasphemeo->

reviled ......... reviled 0486 -antiloidoreo->

reviled ......... they reviled 3058 -loidoreo->

reviled ......... when he was reviled 3058 -loidoreo->

reviled ......... with him reviled 3679 -oneidizo->

revilers ......... revilers 3060 -loidoros->

Revilest ......... Revilest 3058 -loidoreo->

vile ......... man in vile 4508 -rhuparos->

vile ......... our vile 5014 -tapeinosis->

vile ......... them up unto vile 0819 -atimia->



re-)vile 7043 ## qalal {kaw-lal'}; a primitive root; to be
(causatively, make) light, literally (swift, small, sharp, etc.)
or figuratively (easy, trifling, vile, etc.): -- abate, make
bright, bring into contempt, (ac-)curse, despise, (be) ease(-y, -
ier), (be a, make, make somewhat, move, seem a, set) light(-en, -
er, -ly, -ly afflict, -ly esteem, thing), X slight[-ly], be
swift(-er), (be, be more, make, {re-)vile}, whet.[ql

revile 0486 # antiloidoreo {an-tee-loy-dor-eh'-o}; from 473 and
3058; to rail in reply: -- {revile} again.[ql

revile 0987 # blasphemeo {blas-fay-meh'-o}; from 989; to vilify;
specially, to speak impiously: -- (speak) blaspheme(-er, -mously,
-my), defame, rail on, {revile}, speak evil.[ql

revile 3058 # loidoreo {loy-dor-eh'-o}; from 3060; to reproach,
i.e. vilify: -- {revile}.[ql

revile 3679 # oneidizo {on-i-did'-zo}; from 3681; to defame, i.e.
rail at, chide, taunt: -- cast in teeth, (suffer) reproach,
{revile}, upbraid.[ql

reviler 3060 # loidoros {loy'-dor-os}; from loidos (mischief);
abusive, i.e. a blackguard: -- railer, {reviler}.[ql

vile 0959 ## bazah {baw-zaw'}; a primitive root; to disesteem: --
despise, disdain, contemn(-ptible), + think to scorn, {vile}
person. [ql

vile 2151 ## zalal {zaw-lal'}; a primitive root [compare 2107];
to shake (as in the wind), i.e. to quake; figuratively, to be
loose morally, worthless or prodigal: -- blow down, glutton,
riotous (eater), {vile}. [ql

vile 2933 ## tamah {taw-maw'}; a collateral form of 2930; to be
impure in a religious sense: -- be defiled, be reputed {vile}.

vile 3988 ## ma>ac {maw-as'}; a primitive root; to spurn; also
(intransitively) to disappear: -- abhor, cast away (off),
contemn, despise, disdain, (become) loathe(some), melt away,
refuse, reject, reprobate, X utterly, {vile} person [ql

vile 5034 ## nabel {naw-bale'}; a primitive root; to wilt;
generally, to fall away, fail, faint; figuratively, to be
foolish or (morally) wicked; causatively, to despise, disgrace: -
- disgrace, dishounour, lightly esteem, fade (away, -ing), fall
(down, -ling, off), do foolishly, come to nought, X surely, make
{vile}, wither.[ql

vile 5036 ## nabal {naw-bawl'}; from 5034; stupid; wicked
(especially impious): -- fool(-ish, -ish man, -ish woman),
{vile} person.[ql

vile 5039 ## n@balah {neb-aw-law'}; feminine of 5036;
foolishness, i.e. (morally) wickedness; concretely, a crime; by
extension, punishment: -- folly, {vile}, villany.[ql

vile 5240 ## n@mibzeh {nem-ib-zeh'}; from 959, despised: --
{vile}.[ql vile 7034 ## qalah {kaw-law'}; a primitive root; to
be light (as implied in rapid motion), but figuratively, only
(be [causatively, hold] in contempt): -- base, contemn, despise,
lightly esteem, set light, seem {vile}.[ql

vile 8182 ## sho offensive: -- {vile}.[ql

vile 0819 # atimia {at-ee-mee'-ah}; from 820; infamy, i.e.
(subjectively) comparative indignity, (objectively) disgrace: --
dishonour, reproach, shame, {vile}.[ql

vile 4508 # rhuparos {rhoo-par-os'}; from 4509; dirty, i.e.
(relatively) cheap or shabby; morally, wicked: -- {vile}.[ql

vile 5014 # tapeinosis {tap-i'-no-sis}; from 5013; depression
(in rank or feeling): -- humiliation, be made low, low estate,

vilely 1602 ## ga implication, to reject: -- abhor, fail, lothe, {vilely} cast
away. [ql

viler 5217 ## naka> {naw-kaw'}; a primitive root; to smite, i.e.
drive away: -- be {viler}.[ql

vilest 2149 ## zulluwth {zool-looth'}; from 2151; properly, a
shaking, i.e. perhaps a tempest: -- {vilest}. [ql


revile 022 028 Exo /^{revile /the gods , nor
curse the ruler of thy people .

revile 005 011 Mat /${revile /you , and
persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you
falsely , for my sake .

reviled 009 028 Joh /${reviled /him , and said ,
Thou art his disciple ; but we are Moses disciples .

reviled 027 039 Mat /${reviled /him , wagging
their heads ,

reviled 015 032 Mar /${reviled /him .

reviled 002 023 IPe /${reviled /not again ; when
he suffered , he threatened not ; but committed himself to him
that judgeth righteously :

reviled 002 023 IPe /${reviled /reviled not
again ; when he suffered , he threatened not ; but committed
himself to him that judgeth righteously :

reviled 004 012 ICo /${reviled /we bless ; being
persecuted , we suffer it :

revilers 006 010 ICo /${revilers /nor
extortioners , shall inherit the kingdom of God .

Revilest 023 004 Act /${Revilest /thou God's high
priest ?

servile 029 012 Num /^{servile /work , and ye
shall keep a feast unto the LORD seven days :

servile 028 025 Num /^{servile /work .

servile 028 026 Num /^{servile /work :

servile 029 001 Num /^{servile /work : it is a
day of blowing the trumpets unto you.

servile 023 036 Lev /^{servile /work therein.

servile 023 007 Lev /^{servile /work therein.

servile 023 035 Lev /^{servile /work therein.

servile 023 008 Lev /^{servile /work therein.

servile 029 035 Num /^{servile /work therein:

servile 028 018 Num /^{servile /work therein:

servile 023 025 Lev /^{servile /work therein:
but ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD .

servile 023 021 Lev /^{servile /work therein: it
shall be a statute for ever in all your dwellings throughout
your generations .

vile 019 024 Jug /^{vile /a thing .

vile 001 026 Rom /${vile /affections : for
even their women did change the natural use into that which is
against nature :

vile 003 013 ISa /^{vile /and he restrained
them not.

vile 015 009 ISa /^{vile /and refuse , that
they destroyed utterly .

vile 003 006 Nah /^{vile /and will set thee
as a gazingstock .

vile 003 021 Php /${vile /body , that it may
be fashioned like unto his glorious body , according to the
working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto
himself .

vile 029 017 Jer /^{vile /figs , that cannot
be eaten , they are so evil .

vile 018 003 Job /^{vile /in your sight ?

vile 011 021 Dan /^{vile /person , to whom
they shall not give the honour of the kingdom : but he shall
come in peaceably , and obtain the kingdom by flatteries .

vile 015 004 Psa /^{vile /person is contemned
; but he honoureth them that fear the LORD . He that sweareth to
his own hurt , and changeth not.

vile 032 005 Isa /^{vile /person shall be no
more called liberal , nor the churl said to be bountiful .

vile 032 006 Isa /^{vile /person will speak
villany , and his heart will work iniquity , to practise
hypocrisy , and to utter error against the LORD , to make empty
the soul of the hungry , and he will cause the drink of the
thirsty to fail .

vile 002 002 Jam /${vile /raiment ;

vile 006 022 IISa /^{vile /than thus , and
will be base in mine own sight : and of the maidservants which
thou hast spoken of, of them shall I be had in honour .

vile 015 019 Jer /^{vile /thou shalt be as my
mouth : let them return unto thee; but return not thou unto them.

vile 025 003 Deu /^{vile /unto thee.

vile 040 004 Job /^{vile /what shall I answer
thee? I will lay mine hand upon my mouth .

vilely 001 021 IISa /^{vilely /cast away , the
shield of Saul , as though he had not been anointed with oil .

viler 030 008 Job /^{viler /than the earth .

vilest 012 008 Psa /^{vilest /men are exalted .


revile 2 *

reviled 6 -

revilers 1 -

revilest 1 -

vilely 1 *

viler 1 -

vilest 1 -


vile Forty stripes he may give him, [and] not

lest, [if] he should exceed, and beat him above these with many

stripes, then thy brother should seem {vile} unto thee.

vile Behold, [here is] my daughter a maiden, and his

concubine; them I will bring out now, and humble ye them, and do

with them what seemeth good unto you: but unto this man do not so

{vile} a thing.

vile <1SA3 -:13> For I have told him that I will judge his house

ever for the iniquity which he knoweth; because his sons made

themselves {vile}, and he restrained them not.

vile <1SA15 -:9> But Saul and the people spared Agag, and the

of the sheep, and of the oxen, and of the fatlings, and the

and all [that was] good, and would not utterly destroy them: but

every thing [that was] {vile} and refuse, that they dest

royed utterly.

vile <2SA6 -:22> And I will yet be more {vile} than thus, and

be base in mine own sight: and of the maidservants which thou

spoken of, of them shall I be had in honour.

vile Wherefore are we counted as beasts, [and]

{vile} in your sight?

vile Behold, I am {vile}; what shall I answer thee? I

will lay mine hand upon my mouth.

vile In whose eyes a {vile} person is contemned; but

honoureth them that fear the LORD. [He that] sweareth to [his

hurt, and changeth not.

vile The {vile} person shall be no more called

nor the churl said [to be] bountiful.

vile For the {vile} person will speak villany, and

heart will work iniquity, to practice hypocrisy, and to utter

against the LORD, to make empty the soul of the hungry, and he

cause the drink of the thirsty to fail.

vile Therefore thus saith the LORD, If thou return,

then will I bring thee again, [and] thou shalt stand before me:

if thou take forth the precious from the {vile}, thou shalt be
as my

mouth: let them return unto thee; but return not thou

unto them.


ile Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Behold, I will

upon them the sword, the famine, and the pestilence, and will

them like {vile} figs, that cannot be eaten, they are so evil.

vile All her people sigh, they seek bread; they have

given their pleasant things for meat to relieve the soul: see, O

LORD, and consider; for I am become {vile}.

vile And in his estate shall stand up a {vile}

to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he

come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.

vile And the LORD hath given a commandment concerning

thee, [that] no more of thy name be sown: out of the house of thy

gods will I cut off the graven image and the molten image: I will

make thy grave; for thou art {vile}.

vile And I will cast abominable filth upon thee, and

thee {vile}, and will set thee as a gazingstock.

vile For this cause God gave them up unto {vile}

affections: for even their women did change the natural use into

that which is against nature:

vile Who shall change our {vile} body, that it may be

fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working

whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.

vile For if there come unto your assembly a man with a

gold ring, in goodly apparel, and there come in also a poor man

{vile} raiment;
