vengeance 003 060 Lam /^{vengeance /and all their
imaginations against me.

vengeance 025 012 Eze /^{vengeance /and hath
greatly offended , and revenged himself upon them;

vengeance 047 003 Isa /^{vengeance /and I will not
meet thee as a man .

vengeance 032 035 Deu /^{vengeance /and recompence
; their foot shall slide in due time : for the day of their
calamity is at hand , and the things that shall come upon them
make haste .

vengeance 034 008 Isa /^{vengeance /and the year
of recompences for the controversy of Zion .

vengeance 003 005 Rom /${vengeance /as a man

Vengeance 010 030 Heb /${Vengeance /belongeth unto
me , I will recompense , saith the Lord . And again , The Lord
shall judge his people .

vengeance 094 001 Psa /^{vengeance /belongeth,
shew thyself.

vengeance 094 001 Psa /^{vengeance /belongeth; O
God , to whom vengeance belongeth, shew thyself.

vengeance 035 004 Isa /^{vengeance /even God with
a recompence ; he will come and save you.

vengeance 059 017 Isa /^{vengeance /for clothing ,
and was clad with zeal as a cloke .

vengeance 051 036 Jer /^{vengeance /for thee ; and
I will dry up her sea , and make her springs dry .

vengeance 011 036 Jug /^{vengeance /for thee of
thine enemies , even of the children of Ammon .

vengeance 058 010 Psa /^{vengeance /he shall wash
his feet in the blood of the wicked .

vengeance 051 006 Jer /^{vengeance /he will render
unto her a recompence .

vengeance 024 008 Eze /^{vengeance /I have set her
blood upon the top of a rock , that it should not be covered .

vengeance 005 015 Mic /^{vengeance /in anger and
fury upon the heathen , such as they have not heard .

vengeance 063 004 Isa /^{vengeance /is in mine
heart , and the year of my redeemed is come .

Vengeance 012 019 Rom /${Vengeance /is mine ; I
will repay , saith the Lord .

vengeance 001 007 Jud /${vengeance /of eternal
fire .

vengeance 051 011 Jer /^{vengeance /of his temple .

vengeance 050 028 Jer /^{vengeance /of his temple .

vengeance 061 002 Isa /^{vengeance /of our God ;
to comfort all that mourn ;

vengeance 051 011 Jer /^{vengeance /of the LORD ,
the vengeance of his temple .

vengeance 050 015 Jer /^{vengeance /of the LORD :
take vengeance upon her; as she hath done , do unto her.

vengeance 050 028 Jer /^{vengeance /of the LORD
our God , the vengeance of his temple .

vengeance 099 008 Psa /^{vengeance /of their
inventions .

vengeance 001 002 Nah /^{vengeance /on his
adversaries , and he reserveth wrath for his enemies .

vengeance 001 008 IITh /${vengeance /on them that
know not God , and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus
Christ :

vengeance 020 012 Jer /^{vengeance /on them: for
unto thee have I opened my cause .

vengeance 011 020 Jer /^{vengeance /on them: for
unto thee have I revealed my cause .

vengeance 025 014 Eze /^{vengeance /saith the Lord

vengeance 004 015 Gen /^{vengeance /shall be taken
on him sevenfold . And the LORD set a mark upon Cain , lest any
finding him should kill him.

vengeance 028 004 Act /${vengeance /suffereth not
to live .

vengeance 021 022 Luk /${vengeance /that all
things which are written may be fulfilled .

vengeance 046 010 Jer /^{vengeance /that he may
avenge him of his adversaries : and the sword shall devour , and
it shall be satiate and made drunk with their blood : for the
Lord GOD of hosts hath a sacrifice in the north country by the
river Euphrates .

vengeance 032 043 Deu /^{vengeance /to his
adversaries , and will be merciful unto his land , and to his
people .

vengeance 032 041 Deu /^{vengeance /to mine
enemies , and will reward them that hate me.

vengeance 025 014 Eze /^{vengeance /upon Edom by
the hand of my people Israel : and they shall do in Edom
according to mine anger and according to my fury ; and they
shall know my vengeance , saith the Lord GOD .

vengeance 050 015 Jer /^{vengeance /upon her; as
she hath done , do unto her.

vengeance 149 007 Psa /^{vengeance /upon the
heathen , and punishments upon the people ;

vengeance 025 017 Eze /^{vengeance /upon them with
furious rebukes ; and they shall know that I am the LORD , when
I shall lay my vengeance upon them.

vengeance 025 017 Eze /^{vengeance /upon them.

vengeance 025 015 Eze /^{vengeance /with a
despiteful heart , to destroy it for the old hatred ;
