vengeance 5358 ## naqam {naw-kam'}; a primitive root; to grudge,
i.e. avenge or punish: -- avenge(-r, self), punish, revenge
(self), X surely, take {vengeance}.[ql

vengeance 5359 ## naqam {naw-kawm'}; from 5358; revenge: -- +
avenged, quarrel, {vengeance}.[ql

vengeance 5360 ## n@qamah {nek-aw-maw'}; feminine of 5359;
avengement, whether the act of the passion: -- + avenge,
revenge(-ing), {vengeance}.[ql

vengeance 1349 # dike {dee'-kay}; probably from 1166; right (as
self-evident), i.e. justice (the principle, a decision, or its
execution): -- judgment, punish, {vengeance}.[ql

vengeance 3709 # orge {or-gay'}; from 3713; properly, desire (as
a reaching forth or excitement of the mind), i.e. (by analogy,)
violent passion (ire, or [justifiable] abhorrence); by
implication punishment: -- anger, indignation, {vengeance},
