vain 002 014 Lam /^{vain /and foolish things
for thee: and they have not discovered thine iniquity , to turn
away thy captivity ; but have seen for thee false burdens and
causes of banishment .

vain 009 004 Jug /^{vain /and light persons ,
which followed him .

vain 051 058 Jer /^{vain /and the folk in the
fire , and they shall be weary .

vain 030 007 Isa /^{vain /and to no purpose :
therefore have I cried concerning this , Their strength is to
sit still .

vain 073 013 Psa /^{vain /and washed my hands
in innocency .

vain 017 015 IIKi /^{vain /and went after the
heathen that were round about them, concerning whom the LORD had
charged them, that they should not do like them.

vain 015 014 ICo /${vain /and your faith is
also vain .

vain 006 020 ITi /${vain /babblings , and
oppositions of science falsely so called :

vain 002 016 IITi /${vain /babblings : for
they will increase unto more ungodliness .

vain 031 030 Pro /^{vain /but a woman that
feareth the LORD , she shall be praised .

vain 015 010 ICo /${vain /but I laboured more
abundantly than they all : yet not I , but the grace of God
which was with me .

vain 001 018 IPe /${vain /conversation
received by tradition from your fathers ;

vain 002 008 Col /${vain /deceit , after the
tradition of men , after the rudiments of the world , and not
after Christ .

vain 007 007 Mar /${vain /do they worship me ,
teaching for doctrines the commandments of men .

vain 006 020 IISa /^{vain /fellows shamelessly
uncovereth himself!

vain 013 004 Rom /${vain /for he is the
minister of God , a revenger to execute wrath upon him that
doeth evil .

vain 010 003 Jer /^{vain /for one cutteth a
tree out of the forest , the work of the hands of the workman ,
with the axe .

vain 020 007 Exo /^{vain /for the LORD will
not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain .

vain 005 011 Deu /^{vain /for the LORD will
not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain .

vain 006 029 Jer /^{vain /for the wicked are
not plucked away .

vain 127 002 Psa /^{vain /for you to rise up
early , to sit up late , to eat the bread of sorrows : for so he
giveth his beloved sleep .

vain 026 016 Lev /^{vain /for your enemies
shall eat it.

vain 026 020 Lev /^{vain /for your land shall
not yield her increase , neither shall the trees of the land
yield their fruits .

vain 005 026 Gal /${vain /glory , provoking
one another , envying one another .

vain 025 021 ISa /^{vain /have I kept all
that this fellow hath in the wilderness , so that nothing was
missed of all that pertained unto him: and he hath requited me
evil for good .

vain 002 030 Jer /^{vain /have I smitten your
children ; they received no correction : your own sword hath
devoured your prophets , like a destroying lion .

vain 045 018 Isa /^{vain /he formed it to be
inhabited : I am the LORD ; and there is none else.

vain 039 006 Psa /^{vain /he heapeth up
riches, and knoweth not who shall gather them.

vain 035 016 Job /^{vain /he multiplieth
words without knowledge .

vain 004 017 Lam /^{vain /help : in our
watching we have watched for a nation that could not save us.

vain 049 004 Isa /^{vain /I have spent my
strength for nought , and in vain : yet surely my judgment is
with the LORD , and my work with my God .

vain 045 019 Isa /^{vain /I the LORD speak
righteousness , I declare things that are right .

vain 003 004 Gal /${vain /if it be yet in
vain .

vain 062 010 Psa /^{vain /in robbery : if
riches increase , set not your heart upon them.

vain 015 058 ICo /${vain /in the Lord .

vain 001 021 Rom /${vain /in their
imaginations , and their foolish heart was darkened .

vain 009 003 IICo /${vain /in this behalf ;
that , as I said , ye may be ready :

vain 003 023 Jer /^{vain /is salvation hoped
for from the hills , and from the multitude of mountains : truly
in the LORD our God is the salvation of Israel .

vain 060 011 Psa /^{vain /is the help of man .

vain 108 012 Psa /^{vain /is the help of man .

vain 001 006 ITi /${vain /jangling ;

vain 015 002 Job /^{vain /knowledge , and
fill his belly with the east wind ?

vain 006 012 Ecc /^{vain /life which he
spendeth as a shadow ? for who can tell a man what shall be
after him under the sun ?

vain 008 008 Jer /^{vain /made he it; the pen
of the scribes is in vain .

vain 002 020 Jam /${vain /man , that faith
without works is dead ?

vain 011 012 Job /^{vain /man would be wise ,
though man be born like a wild ass's colt .

vain 013 007 IICh /^{vain /men , the children
of Belial , and have strengthened themselves against Rehoboam
the son of Solomon , when Rehoboam was young and tenderhearted ,
and could not withstand them .

vain 011 011 Job /^{vain /men : he seeth
wickedness also; will he not then consider it?

vain 011 003 Jug /^{vain /men to Jephthah ,
and went out with him.

vain 002 016 Php /${vain /neither laboured in
vain .

vain 065 023 Isa /^{vain /nor bring forth for
trouble ; for they are the seed of the blessed of the LORD , and
their offspring with them.

vain 001 013 Isa /^{vain /oblations ; incense
is an abomination unto me; the new moons and sabbaths , the
calling of assemblies , I cannot away with ; it is iniquity ,
even the solemn meeting .

vain 026 004 Psa /^{vain /persons , neither
will I go in with dissemblers .

vain 012 011 Pro /^{vain /persons is void of
understanding .

vain 028 019 Pro /^{vain /persons shall have
poverty enough .

vain 006 007 Mat /${vain /repetitions , as
the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for
their much speaking .

vain 021 034 Job /^{vain /seeing in your
answers there remaineth falsehood ?

vain 041 009 Job /^{vain /shall not one be
cast down even at the sight of him?

vain 004 030 Jer /^{vain /shalt thou make
thyself fair ; thy lovers will despise thee, they will seek thy
life .

vain 046 011 Jer /^{vain /shalt thou use many
medicines ; for thou shalt not be cured .

vain 039 006 Psa /^{vain /shew : surely they
are disquieted in vain : he heapeth up riches, and knoweth not
who shall gather them.

vain 001 010 Tit /${vain /talkers and
deceivers , specially they of the circumcision :

vain 127 001 Psa /^{vain /that build it:
except the LORD keep the city , the watchman waketh but in vain .

vain 006 010 Eze /^{vain /that I would do
this evil unto them.

vain 001 017 Pro /^{vain /the net is spread
in the sight of any bird .

vain 004 005 Jam /${vain /The spirit that
dwelleth in us lusteth to envy ?

vain 010 002 Zec /^{vain /therefore they went
their way as a flock , they were troubled , because there was no
shepherd .

vain 015 009 Mat /${vain /they do worship me ,
teaching for doctrines the commandments of men .

vain 023 016 Jer /^{vain /they speak a vision
of their own heart , and not out of the mouth of the LORD .

vain 002 001 Psa /^{vain /thing ?

vain 033 017 Psa /^{vain /thing for safety :
neither shall he deliver any by his great strength .

vain 032 047 Deu /^{vain /thing for you;
because it is your life : and through this thing ye shall
prolong your days in the land , whither ye go over Jordan to
possess it.

vain 004 025 Act /${vain /things ?

vain 012 021 ISa /^{vain /things, which
cannot profit nor deliver ; for they are vain .

vain 119 011 Psa /^{vain /thoughts : but thy
law do I love .

vain 004 014 Jer /^{vain /thoughts lodge
within thee?

vain 003 014 Mal /^{vain /to serve God : and
what profit is it that we have kept his ordinance , and that we
have walked mournfully before the LORD of hosts ?

vain 013 007 Eze /^{vain /vision , and have
ye not spoken a lying divination , whereas ye say , The LORD
saith it; albeit I have not spoken ?

vain 012 024 Eze /^{vain /vision nor
flattering divination within the house of Israel .

vain 039 016 Job /^{vain /without fear ;

vain 005 009 Exo /^{vain /words .

vain 005 006 Eph /${vain /words : for because
of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of
disobedience .

vain 016 003 Job /^{vain /words have an end ?
or what emboldeneth thee that thou answerest ?

vain 015 017 ICo /${vain /ye are yet in your
sins .

vain 049 004 Isa /^{vain /yet surely my
judgment is with the LORD , and my work with my God .

vainglory 002 003 Php /${vainglory /but in
lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves .

vainly 002 018 Col /${vainly /puffed up by his
fleshly mind ,
