Bible Translation Phrases for Individual word studies

Bible Translation Phrase lists
-achuron- ......... but the chaff 0892 -achuron- >

-achuron- ......... up the chaff 0892 -achuron- >

-agkura- ......... anchors 0045 -agkura- >

-agkura- ......... as an anchor 0045 -agkura- >

-agkura- ......... up the anchors 0045 -agkura- >

-akuroo- ......... disannul 0208 -akuroo- >

-akuroo- ......... effect 0208 -akuroo- >

-akuroo- ......... have ye made 0208 -akuroo- >

-akuroo- ......... Making 0208 -akuroo- >

-akuroo- ......... of none 0208 -akuroo- >

-aleuron- ......... of meal 0224 -aleuron- >

-amarturos- ......... without 0267 -amarturos- >

-amarturos- ......... witness 0267 -amarturos- >

-ampelourgos- ......... he unto the dresser 0289 -ampelourgos- >

-ampelourgos- ......... of his vineyard 0289 -ampelourgos- >

-anastauroo- ......... afresh 0388 -anastauroo- >

-anastauroo- ......... seeing they crucify 0388 -anastauroo- >

-anazopureo- ......... that thou stir 0329 -anazopureo- >

-aneurisko- ......... And finding 0429 -aneurisko- >

-aneurisko- ......... and found 0429 -aneurisko- >

-aphilarguros- ......... be without 0866 -aphilarguros- >

-aphilarguros- ......... covetousness 0866 -aphilarguros- >

-aphilarguros- ......... not covetous 0866 -aphilarguros- >

-aphilarguros- ......... not greedy 0866 -aphilarguros- >

-aphilarguros- ......... of filthy lucre 0866 -aphilarguros- >

-apothesaurizo- ......... Laying 0597 -apothesaurizo- >

-apothesaurizo- ......... up in store 0597 -apothesaurizo- >

-argureos- ......... and of silver 0693 -argureos- >

-argureos- ......... and silver 0693 -argureos- >

-argureos- ......... silver 0693 -argureos- >

-argurion- ......... him money 0694 -argurion- >

-argurion- ......... money 0694 -argurion- >

-argurion- ......... my money 0694 -argurion- >

-argurion- ......... not thou my money 0694 -argurion- >

-argurion- ......... of money 0694 -argurion- >

-argurion- ......... pieces of silver 0694 -argurion- >

-argurion- ......... silver 0694 -argurion- >

-argurion- ......... Silver 0694 -argurion- >

-argurion- ......... the money 0694 -argurion- >

-argurion- ......... the pieces of silver 0694 -argurion- >

-argurion- ......... the silver 0694 -argurion- >

-argurion- ......... things , as silver 0694 -argurion- >

-argurion- ......... unto him , Thy money 0694 -argurion- >

-argurokopos- ......... a silversmith 0695 -argurokopos- >

-arguros- ......... and silver 0696 -arguros- >

-arguros- ......... silver 0696 -arguros- >

-aurion- ......... and to morrow 0839 -aurion- >

-aurion- ......... day 0839 -aurion- >

-aurion- ......... for the morrow 0839 -aurion- >

-aurion- ......... for to morrow 0839 -aurion- >

-aurion- ......... is , and to morrow 0839 -aurion- >

-aurion- ......... myself . To morrow 0839 -aurion- >

-aurion- ......... shall be on the morrow 0839 -aurion- >

-aurion- ......... the morrow 0839 -aurion- >

-aurion- ......... to morrow 0839 -aurion- >

-aurion- ......... unto the next 0839 -aurion- >

-aurion- ......... unto you to morrow 0839 -aurion- >

-burseus- ......... a tanner 1038 -burseus- >

-demiourgos- ......... and maker 1217 -demiourgos- >

-deuro- ......... and come 1204 -deuro- >

-deuro- ......... come 1204 -deuro- >

-deuro- ......... Come 1204 -deuro- >

-deuro- ......... hither 1204 -deuro- >

-deuro- ......... hitherto 1204 -deuro- >

-deuro- ......... unto me , Come 1204 -deuro- >

-diamarturomai- ......... and testified 1263 -diamarturomai- >

-diamarturomai- ......... And they , when they had testified 1263 -diamarturomai- >

-diamarturomai- ......... and to testify 1263 -diamarturomai- >

-diamarturomai- ......... charging 1263 -diamarturomai- >

-diamarturomai- ......... did he testify 1263 -diamarturomai- >

-diamarturomai- ......... for as thou hast testified 1263 -diamarturomai- >

-diamarturomai- ......... I charge 1263 -diamarturomai- >

-diamarturomai- ......... place testified 1263 -diamarturomai- >

-diamarturomai- ......... Testifying 1263 -diamarturomai- >

-diamarturomai- ......... that he may testify 1263 -diamarturomai- >

-diamarturomai- ......... to testify 1263 -diamarturomai- >

-diamarturomai- ......... witnesseth 1263 -diamarturomai- >

-diamarturomai- ......... you and testified 1263 -diamarturomai- >

-diischurizomai- ......... affirmed 1340 -diischurizomai- >

-diischurizomai- ......... But she constantly 1340 -diischurizomai- >

-diischurizomai- ......... confidently 1340 -diischurizomai- >

-Dioskouroi- ......... and Pollux 1359 -Dioskouroi- >

-Dioskouroi- ......... was Castor 1359 -Dioskouroi- >

-epaurion- ......... after 1887 -epaurion- >

-epaurion- ......... And on the morrow 1887 -epaurion- >

-epaurion- ......... And the morrow 1887 -epaurion- >

-epaurion- ......... And the next 1887 -epaurion- >

-epaurion- ......... and the next 1887 -epaurion- >

-epaurion- ......... day 1887 -epaurion- >

-epaurion- ......... following 1887 -epaurion- >

-epaurion- ......... on the morrow 1887 -epaurion- >

-epaurion- ......... On the morrow 1887 -epaurion- >

-epaurion- ......... On the next 1887 -epaurion- >

-epaurion- ......... The day 1887 -epaurion- >

-epaurion- ......... the next 1887 -epaurion- >

-epaurion- ......... The next 1887 -epaurion- >

-epaurion- ......... them . And on the morrow 1887 -epaurion- >

-epheuretes- ......... inventors 2182 -epheuretes- >

-Epikoureios- ......... of the Epicureans 1946 -Epikoureios- >

-epikouria- ......... help 1947 -epikouria- >

-epimartureo- ......... and testifying 1957 -epimartureo- >

-epouranios- ......... and as is the heavenly 2032 -epouranios- >

-epouranios- ......... but the heavenly 2032 -epouranios- >

-epouranios- ......... celestial 2032 -epouranios- >

-epouranios- ......... country , that is , an heavenly 2032 -epouranios- >

-epouranios- ......... hand in the heavenly 2032 -epouranios- >

-epouranios- ......... in heavenly 2032 -epouranios- >

-epouranios- ......... in high 2032 -epouranios- >

-epouranios- ......... me unto his heavenly 2032 -epouranios- >

-epouranios- ......... of heavenly 2032 -epouranios- >

-epouranios- ......... of the celestial 2032 -epouranios- >

-epouranios- ......... of the heavenly 2032 -epouranios- >

-epouranios- ......... of things in heaven 2032 -epouranios- >

-epouranios- ......... shall my heavenly 2032 -epouranios- >

-epouranios- ......... that are heavenly 2032 -epouranios- >

-epouranios- ......... the heavenly 2032 -epouranios- >

-epouranios- ......... the image of the heavenly 2032 -epouranios- >

-epouranios- ......... you of heavenly 2032 -epouranios- >

-Eurokludon- ......... Euroclydon 2148 -Eurokludon- >

-euruchoros- ......... and broad 2149 -euruchoros- >

-heurisko- ......... after him , and find 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... and are not , and hast found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... And be found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... And being found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... And could not find 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... and find 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... and findeth 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... and finding 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... And finding 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... And found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... and found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... and get 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... And in her was found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... and is found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... and shall not find 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... and that I shall be found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... And they found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... And though they found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... and was not found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... and we are found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... And when he had found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... And when he hath found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... And when she hath found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... And when they could not find 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... And when they found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... And when they had found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... and ye shall find 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... are found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... as they found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... as ye shall find 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... away ; and there was found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... be found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... be that he find 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... because I found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... But found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... day ; that they might find 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... down , and shall be found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... findeth 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... finding 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... for he found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... for him , and found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... for I have not found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... for thou hast found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... For we have found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... from thee , and thou shalt find 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... hath found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... he be , shall be found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... he find 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... he findeth 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... he found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... he might find 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... him : for I find 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... him out ; and when he had found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... I find 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... I found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... I have found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... I perceived 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... I shall not find 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... I was found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... in , and found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... in and out , and find 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... it , ye shall find 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... me , and shall not find 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... might be found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... of them , and found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... out , and found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... out , they found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... shall find 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... shall he find 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... she find 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... she found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... she was found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... that I find 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... that we shall not find 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... that ye may be found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... their way , and found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... There are not found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... there be that find 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... they found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... they had found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... they have found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... they may be found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... they saw 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... thou shalt find 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... to find 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... to it , and found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... to it , he found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... unto him , We have found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... unto him that he may find 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... unto them , I find 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... unto you , I have not found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... unto you ; Ye shall find 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... was found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... was not found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... We find 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... We found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... we found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... we shall not be found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... were not found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... when he had found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... with me , and find 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... with me ; for I have found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... ye be found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... ye have found 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... ye shall find 2147 -heurisko- >

-heurisko- ......... you , have found 2147 -heurisko- >

-hierourgeo- ......... ministering 2418 -hierourgeo- >

-Illurikon- ......... unto Illyricum 2437 -Illurikon- >

-ischuros- ......... a mighty 2478 -ischuros- >

-ischuros- ......... a strong 2478 -ischuros- >

-ischuros- ......... a stronger 2478 -ischuros- >

-ischuros- ......... And a mighty 2478 -ischuros- >

-ischuros- ......... and powerful 2478 -ischuros- >

-ischuros- ......... boisterous 2478 -ischuros- >

-ischuros- ......... but one mightier 2478 -ischuros- >

-ischuros- ......... but ye are strong 2478 -ischuros- >

-ischuros- ......... for strong 2478 -ischuros- >

-ischuros- ......... is stronger 2478 -ischuros- >

-ischuros- ......... man 2478 -ischuros- >

-ischuros- ......... me is mightier 2478 -ischuros- >

-ischuros- ......... mighty 2478 -ischuros- >

-ischuros- ......... of mighty 2478 -ischuros- >

-ischuros- ......... one mightier 2478 -ischuros- >

-ischuros- ......... that mighty 2478 -ischuros- >

-ischuros- ......... the strong 2478 -ischuros- >

-ischuros- ......... the things which are mighty 2478 -ischuros- >

-ischuros- ......... to jealousy ? are we stronger 2478 -ischuros- >

-ischuros- ......... valiant 2478 -ischuros- >

-ischuros- ......... with strong 2478 -ischuros- >

-ischuros- ......... ye are strong 2478 -ischuros- >

-Itouraia- ......... of Ituraea 2484 -Itouraia- >

-kakourgos- ......... as an evil 2557 -kakourgos- >

-kakourgos- ......... doer 2557 -kakourgos- >

-kakourgos- ......... him , and the malefactors 2557 -kakourgos- >

-kakourgos- ......... malefactors 2557 -kakourgos- >

-kakourgos- ......... of the malefactors 2557 -kakourgos- >

-katakurieuo- ......... as being lords 2634 -katakurieuo- >

-katakurieuo- ......... dominion 2634 -katakurieuo- >

-katakurieuo- ......... exercise 2634 -katakurieuo- >

-katakurieuo- ......... lordship 2634 -katakurieuo- >

-katakurieuo- ......... over 2634 -katakurieuo- >

-katakurieuo- ......... them , and overcame 2634 -katakurieuo- >

-katamartureo- ......... against 2649 -katamartureo- >

-katamartureo- ......... things they witness 2649 -katamartureo- >

-katamartureo- ......... witness 2649 -katamartureo- >

-katasuro- ......... he hale 2694 -katasuro- >

-kenturion- ......... And when the centurion 2760 -kenturion- >

-kenturion- ......... it of the centurion 2760 -kenturion- >

-kenturion- ......... unto him the centurion 2760 -kenturion- >

-kepouros- ......... him to be the gardener 2780 -kepouros- >

-kollourion- ......... religion 2854 -kollourion- >

-kollourion- ......... with eyesalve 2854 -kollourion- >

-Kurenaios- ......... a Cyrenian 2956 -Kurenaios- >

-Kurenaios- ......... and Cyrenians 2956 -Kurenaios- >

-Kurene- ......... and Cyrene 2957 -Kurene- >

-Kurene- ......... Cyrene 2957 -Kurene- >

-Kurene- ......... of Cyrene 2957 -Kurene- >

-Kurenios- ......... when Cyrenius 2958 -Kurenios- >

-kuriakos- ......... the Lord s 2960 -kuriakos- >

-kurieuo- ......... dominion 2961 -kurieuo- >

-kurieuo- ......... exercise 2961 -kurieuo- >

-kurieuo- ......... hath dominion 2961 -kurieuo- >

-kurieuo- ......... lordship 2961 -kurieuo- >

-kurieuo- ......... Not for that we have dominion 2961 -kurieuo- >

-kurieuo- ......... of lords 2961 -kurieuo- >

-kurieuo- ......... shall not have dominion 2961 -kurieuo- >

-kurieuo- ......... that he might be Lord 2961 -kurieuo- >

-kurios- ......... a Master 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... after that the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... And , Thou , Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... And , ye masters 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... and from our Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... and from the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... And his lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... and in the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... AND LORD 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... and Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... and lords 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... and of the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... and our Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... And the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... and the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... And the lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... And when her masters 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... And when the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... are in the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... are ye in the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... as his lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... as our Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... as the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... as to the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... as unto the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... away my Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... away the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... be the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... be with the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... but for the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... But the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... by our Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... by the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... even the words of our Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... fast in the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... following the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... for my lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... For the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... for the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... for the Lord s 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... for the things of the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... for the things that belong to the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... for their lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... from the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... from thee , Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... from their masters 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... hath the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... he is Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... her from the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... her in the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... her masters 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... him , Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... him , Sir 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... him lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... him Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... him to the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... His lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... his lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... his lord s 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... how that the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... I , not the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... I am here , Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... in our Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... in the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... is he , Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... is it , Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... is Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... is the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... is the Lord s 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... is with the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... It is the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... it unto the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... man , as the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... master 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... Master 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... Masters 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... masters 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... me is the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... my Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... My lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... not , to the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... not our Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... not the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... Notwithstanding the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... O Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... of God 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... of his lord s 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... OF LORDS 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... of lords 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... of my Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... of our Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... of the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... of the Lord s 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... of thee in the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... of thy lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... of us , and of the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... on me , O Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... on the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... on us , O Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... our Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... seeing that he is Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... shall the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... shall the lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... Sir 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... sir 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... Sirs 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... than his lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... that it was the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... that of the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... that our Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... that the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... The LORD 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... The Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... The lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... the lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... the Lord s 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... the master 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... the owners 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... the things of the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... thee , O Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... them : for he is Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... them to the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... they unto him , Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... thing of the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... things the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... Thou , Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... thou , Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... thou unto my lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... though he be lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... to my Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... to the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... to them that are your masters 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... unto him , Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... unto him , My Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... unto him , Sir 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... unto him , The Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... unto me , Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... unto me of the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... unto my lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... unto my Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... unto the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... unto their lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... unto you , That the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... up the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... upon the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... was the Lord s 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... we are the Lord s 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... will the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... with the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... ye me , Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... ye that the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... ye therefore the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... ye to the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... yet not I , but the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... you by the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kurios- ......... you in the Lord 2962 -kurios- >

-kuriotes- ......... and dominion 2963 -kuriotes- >

-kuriotes- ......... dominion 2963 -kuriotes- >

-kuriotes- ......... dominions 2963 -kuriotes- >

-kuriotes- ......... government 2963 -kuriotes- >

-kuroo- ......... yet if it be confirmed 2964 -kuroo- >

-kuroo- ......... you that ye would confirm 2964 -kuroo- >

-leitourgeo- ......... As they ministered 3008 -leitourgeo- >

-leitourgeo- ......... ministering 3008 -leitourgeo- >

-leitourgeo- ......... to minister 3008 -leitourgeo- >

-leitourgia- ......... and service 3009 -leitourgia- >

-leitourgia- ......... ministry 3009 -leitourgia- >

-leitourgia- ......... of his ministration 3009 -leitourgia- >

-leitourgia- ......... of service 3009 -leitourgia- >

-leitourgia- ......... of the ministry 3009 -leitourgia- >

-leitourgia- ......... service 3009 -leitourgia- >

-leitourgikos- ......... ministering 3010 -leitourgikos- >

-leitourgos- ......... A minister 3011 -leitourgos- >

-leitourgos- ......... and he that ministered 3011 -leitourgos- >

-leitourgos- ......... and his ministers 3011 -leitourgos- >

-leitourgos- ......... ministers 3011 -leitourgos- >

-leitourgos- ......... That I should be the minister 3011 -leitourgos- >

-martureo- ......... a good report 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... and bare 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... and do testify 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... and he bare 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... and testified 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... and testify 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... and they are they which testify 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... bare 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... bear 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... bear record 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... being witnessed 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... but was sent to bear 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... doth bear 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... For he testifieth 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... For I bear 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... gave 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... hath good report 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... have borne witness 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... having a good report 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... having obtained 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... he gave 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... he had this testimony 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... he hath testified 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... he obtained 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... he receiveth them , of whom it is witnessed 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... he shall testify 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... He which testifieth 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... he witnesseth 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... him record 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... him witness 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... I bear 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... I testify 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... is a witness 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... it , and bear 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... it bare 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... me , hath borne witness 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... me beareth 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... me witness 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... obtained 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... of honest report 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... one that bear 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... record 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... report 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... reported 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... shall bear 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... should testify 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... testified 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... testifieth 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... testify 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... testifying 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... testimony 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... that bear 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... that beareth 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... that he testifieth 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... that I should bear 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... them record 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... them witness 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... they bear 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... thou barest 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... thou bear 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... to bear 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... to testify 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... unto him , Thou bearest 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... was well 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... we have testified 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... Well 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... which testified 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... witness 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... witnessed 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... witnessing 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... ye be witnesses 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... ye bear 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... ye spake of ? for I bear 3140 -martureo- >

-martureo- ......... you record 3140 -martureo- >

-marturia- ......... and for the testimony 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... and his record 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... and of the testimony 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... did their witness 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... for a witness 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... for the testimony 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... for the witness 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... for witness 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... him , but their witness 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... his testimony 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... is the record 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... is the witness 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... my witness 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... not our witness 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... not testimony 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... not the record 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... of their testimony 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... report 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... that his testimony 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... that our record 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... that the testimony 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... that the witness 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... the testimony 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... the witness 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... their testimony 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... thy record 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... thy testimony 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... witness 3141 -marturia- >

-marturia- ......... yet my record 3141 -marturia- >

-marturion- ......... as the testimony 3142 -marturion- >

-marturion- ......... because our testimony 3142 -marturion- >

-marturion- ......... for a testimony 3142 -marturion- >

-marturion- ......... for a witness 3142 -marturion- >

-marturion- ......... of the testimony 3142 -marturion- >

-marturion- ......... of them shall be a witness 3142 -marturion- >

-marturion- ......... of witness 3142 -marturion- >

-marturion- ......... the testimony 3142 -marturion- >

-marturion- ......... to be testified 3142 -marturion- >

-marturion- ......... to you for a testimony 3142 -marturion- >

-marturion- ......... unto you the testimony 3142 -marturion- >

-marturion- ......... witness 3142 -marturion- >

-marturomai- ......... and testify 3143 -marturomai- >

-marturomai- ......... For I testify 3143 -marturomai- >

-marturomai- ......... I take you to record 3143 -marturomai- >

-mesouranema- ......... in the midst 3321 -mesouranema- >

-mesouranema- ......... of heaven 3321 -mesouranema- >

-mesouranema- ......... the midst 3321 -mesouranema- >

-Mura- ......... to Myra 3460 -Mura- >

-murias- ......... an innumerable 3461 -murias- >

-murias- ......... and to an innumerable 3461 -murias- >

-murias- ......... company 3461 -murias- >

-murias- ......... hundred 3461 -murias- >

-murias- ......... it fifty 3461 -murias- >

-murias- ......... multitude 3461 -murias- >

-murias- ......... of them was ten 3461 -murias- >

-murias- ......... thousand 3461 -murias- >

-murias- ......... thousands 3461 -murias- >

-murias- ......... times ten 3461 -murias- >

-murias- ......... with ten 3461 -murias- >

-murioi- ......... him ten 3463 -murioi- >

-murioi- ......... ten 3463 -murioi- >

-murioi- ......... thousand 3463 -murioi- >

-murizo- ......... to anoint 3462 -murizo- >

-muron- ......... and ointments 3464 -muron- >

-muron- ......... of ointment 3464 -muron- >

-muron- ......... of the ointment 3464 -muron- >

-muron- ......... ointment 3464 -muron- >

-muron- ......... them with the ointment 3464 -muron- >

-muron- ......... with ointment 3464 -muron- >

-ochuroma- ......... holds 3794 -ochuroma- >

-ochuroma- ......... of strong 3794 -ochuroma- >

-odurmos- ......... mourning 3602 -odurmos- >

-oikouros- ......... at 3626 -oikouros- >

-oikouros- ......... home 3626 -oikouros- >

-oikouros- ......... keepers 3626 -oikouros- >

-oura- ......... And his tail 3769 -oura- >

-oura- ......... and in their tails 3769 -oura- >

-oura- ......... for their tails 3769 -oura- >

-oura- ......... in their tails 3769 -oura- >

-oura- ......... tails 3769 -oura- >

-ouranios- ......... heavenly 3770 -ouranios- >

-ouranios- ......... my heavenly 3770 -ouranios- >

-ouranios- ......... of the heavenly 3770 -ouranios- >

-ouranios- ......... unto the heavenly 3770 -ouranios- >

-ouranos- ......... And the heaven 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... and the heaven 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... and the heavens 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... are in heaven 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... art in heaven 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... as in heaven 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... as it is in heaven 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... But the heavens 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... by heaven 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... down from heaven 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... for heaven 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... for the sky 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... from heaven 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... From heaven 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... from him that speaketh from heaven 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... heaven 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... Heaven 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... heavenly 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... heavens 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... her , thou heaven 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... him from heaven 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... in heaven 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... in the heavens 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... into the heavens 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... is from heaven 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... is in heaven 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... of heaven 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... of heaven s 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... of the air 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... of the heavens 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... of the sky 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... of things in the heavens 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... out of heaven 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... part of heaven 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... shall be in heaven 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... shall there be from heaven 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... than the heavens 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... that are in heaven 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... the heaven 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... the heavens 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... things in heaven 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... to heaven 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... unto heaven 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... unto him from heaven 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... unto me in heaven 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... unto you , That in heaven 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... up for you in heaven 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... up to heaven 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... was it ? from heaven 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... was it from heaven 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... were in heaven 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranos- ......... ye heavens 3772 -ouranos- >

-ouranothen- ......... from heaven 3771 -ouranothen- >

-Ourbanos- ......... Urbane 3773 -Ourbanos- >

-Ourias- ......... of her that had been the wife of Urias 3774 -Ourias- >

-paneguris- ......... To the general assembly 3831 -paneguris- >

-panourgia- ......... and cunning craftiness 3834 -panourgia- >

-panourgia- ......... his subtilty 3834 -panourgia- >

-panourgia- ......... in craftiness 3834 -panourgia- >

-panourgia- ......... in their own craftiness 3834 -panourgia- >

-panourgia- ......... their craftiness 3834 -panourgia- >

-philarguria- ......... For the love 5365 -philarguria- >

-philarguria- ......... of money 5365 -philarguria- >

-philarguros- ......... covetous 5366 -philarguros- >

-philarguros- ......... who were covetous 5366 -philarguros- >

-phroureo- ......... are kept 5432 -phroureo- >

-phroureo- ......... kept 5432 -phroureo- >

-phroureo- ......... shall keep 5432 -phroureo- >

-phroureo- ......... we were kept 5432 -phroureo- >

-phroureo- ......... with a garrison 5432 -phroureo- >

-phurama- ......... lump 5445 -phurama- >

-phurama- ......... the lump 5445 -phurama- >

-plemmura- ......... and when the flood 4132 -plemmura- >

-pleura- ......... and his side 4125 -pleura- >

-pleura- ......... his side 4125 -pleura- >

-pleura- ......... my side 4125 -pleura- >

-pleura- ......... on the side 4125 -pleura- >

-porphura- ......... and purple 4209 -porphura- >

-porphura- ......... him with purple 4209 -porphura- >

-porphura- ......... in purple 4209 -porphura- >

-porphura- ......... the purple 4209 -porphura- >

-porphuropolis- ......... a seller 4211 -porphuropolis- >

-porphuropolis- ......... of purple 4211 -porphuropolis- >

-porphurous- ......... and purple 4210 -porphurous- >

-porphurous- ......... and the purple 4210 -porphurous- >

-porphurous- ......... him a purple 4210 -porphurous- >

-prokuroo- ......... before 4300 -prokuroo- >

-prokuroo- ......... that was confirmed 4300 -prokuroo- >

-promarturomai- ......... beforehand 4303 -promarturomai- >

-promarturomai- ......... when it testified 4303 -promarturomai- >

-pseudomartur- ......... false 5575 -pseudomartur- >

-pseudomartur- ......... witnesses 5575 -pseudomartur- >

-pseudomartureo- ......... and bare 5576 -pseudomartureo- >

-pseudomartureo- ......... bare 5576 -pseudomartureo- >

-pseudomartureo- ......... Do not bear 5576 -pseudomartureo- >

-pseudomartureo- ......... false 5576 -pseudomartureo- >

-pseudomartureo- ......... Thou shalt not bear 5576 -pseudomartureo- >

-pseudomartureo- ......... witness 5576 -pseudomartureo- >

-pseudomarturia- ......... false 5577 -pseudomarturia- >

-pseudomarturia- ......... witness 5577 -pseudomarturia- >

-psithurismos- ......... whisperings 5587 -psithurismos- >

-psithuristes- ......... whisperers 5588 -psithuristes- >

-pturo- ......... terrified 4426 -pturo- >

-pur- ......... a fire 4442 -pur- >

-pur- ......... and fiery 4442 -pur- >

-pur- ......... and fire 4442 -pur- >

-pur- ......... and the fire 4442 -pur- >

-pur- ......... and with fire 4442 -pur- >

-pur- ......... as by fire 4442 -pur- >

-pur- ......... as it were fire 4442 -pur- >

-pur- ......... as of fire 4442 -pur- >

-pur- ......... by fire 4442 -pur- >

-pur- ......... by the fire 4442 -pur- >

-pur- ......... fire 4442 -pur- >

-pur- ......... her with fire 4442 -pur- >

-pur- ......... in the fire 4442 -pur- >

-pur- ......... is a fire 4442 -pur- >

-pur- ......... it with fire 4442 -pur- >

-pur- ......... not , and the fire 4442 -pur- >

-pur- ......... of fire 4442 -pur- >

-pur- ......... the fire 4442 -pur- >

-pur- ......... them , fire 4442 -pur- >

-pur- ......... them out of the fire 4442 -pur- >

-pur- ......... unto fire 4442 -pur- >

-pur- ......... with fire 4442 -pur- >

-pura- ......... a fire 4443 -pura- >

-pura- ......... the fire 4443 -pura- >

-puresso- ......... and sick 4445 -puresso- >

-puresso- ......... of a fever 4445 -puresso- >

-puresso- ......... sick 4445 -puresso- >

-puretos- ......... and the fever 4446 -puretos- >

-puretos- ......... fever 4446 -puretos- >

-puretos- ......... sick of a fever 4446 -puretos- >

-puretos- ......... the fever 4446 -puretos- >

-purgos- ......... a tower 4444 -purgos- >

-purgos- ......... and beggarly 4444 -purgos- >

-purgos- ......... the tower 4444 -purgos- >

-purinos- ......... of fire 4447 -purinos- >

-puroo- ......... and I burn 4448 -puroo- >

-puroo- ......... as if they burned 4448 -puroo- >

-puroo- ......... being on fire 4448 -puroo- >

-puroo- ......... the fiery 4448 -puroo- >

-puroo- ......... to burn 4448 -puroo- >

-puroo- ......... tried 4448 -puroo- >

-purosis- ......... of her burning 4451 -purosis- >

-purosis- ......... the fiery 4451 -purosis- >

-purrhazo- ......... is red 4449 -purrhazo- >

-purrhos- ......... red 4450 -purrhos- >

-purrhos- ......... that was red 4450 -purrhos- >

-rhaidiourgema- ......... lewdness 4467 -rhaidiourgema- >

-rhaidiourgia- ......... mischief 4468 -rhaidiourgia- >

-smurna- ......... and myrrh 4666 -smurna- >

-Smurna- ......... and unto Smyrna 4667 -Smurna- >

-Smurna- ......... and unto Smyrna 4667 -Smurna- >

-smurna- ......... of myrrh 4666 -smurna- >

-Smurnaios- ......... in Smyrna 4668 -Smurnaios- >

-smurnizo- ......... mingled with myrrh 4669 -smurnizo- >

-sphuron- ......... and ankle 4974 -sphuron- >

-sphuron- ......... bones 4974 -sphuron- >

-spuris- ......... baskets 4711 -spuris- >

-spuris- ......... in a basket 4711 -spuris- >

-stauroo- ......... and be crucified 4717 -stauroo- >

-stauroo- ......... and crucify 4717 -stauroo- >

-stauroo- ......... and have crucified 4717 -stauroo- >

-stauroo- ......... and him crucified 4717 -stauroo- >

-stauroo- ......... and they crucified 4717 -stauroo- >

-stauroo- ......... And they crucified 4717 -stauroo- >

-stauroo- ......... and to crucify 4717 -stauroo- >

-stauroo- ......... And when they had crucified 4717 -stauroo- >

-stauroo- ......... And with him they crucify 4717 -stauroo- >

-stauroo- ......... crucified 4717 -stauroo- >

-stauroo- ......... Crucify 4717 -stauroo- >

-stauroo- ......... have crucified 4717 -stauroo- >

-stauroo- ......... he was crucified 4717 -stauroo- >

-stauroo- ......... him , crucify 4717 -stauroo- >

-stauroo- ......... him , to be crucified 4717 -stauroo- >

-stauroo- ......... him out to crucify 4717 -stauroo- >

-stauroo- ......... him to be crucified 4717 -stauroo- >

-stauroo- ......... is crucified 4717 -stauroo- >

-stauroo- ......... it , they would not have crucified 4717 -stauroo- >

-stauroo- ......... Let him be crucified 4717 -stauroo- >

-stauroo- ......... that he might be crucified 4717 -stauroo- >

-stauroo- ......... they crucified 4717 -stauroo- >

-stauroo- ......... they had crucified 4717 -stauroo- >

-stauroo- ......... to be crucified 4717 -stauroo- >

-stauroo- ......... to crucify 4717 -stauroo- >

-stauroo- ......... unto him , Let him be crucified 4717 -stauroo- >

-stauroo- ......... unto them , Shall I crucify 4717 -stauroo- >

-stauroo- ......... unto them to be crucified 4717 -stauroo- >

-stauroo- ......... was crucified 4717 -stauroo- >

-stauroo- ......... with him , crucify 4717 -stauroo- >

-stauroo- ......... ye crucified 4717 -stauroo- >

-stauroo- ......... ye have crucified 4717 -stauroo- >

-stauroo- ......... ye him , and crucify 4717 -stauroo- >

-stauros- ......... by the cross 4716 -stauros- >

-stauros- ......... for the cross 4716 -stauros- >

-stauros- ......... from the cross 4716 -stauros- >

-stauros- ......... his cross 4716 -stauros- >

-stauros- ......... in the cross 4716 -stauros- >

-stauros- ......... it to his cross 4716 -stauros- >

-stauros- ......... not his cross 4716 -stauros- >

-stauros- ......... of his cross 4716 -stauros- >

-stauros- ......... of the cross 4716 -stauros- >

-stauros- ......... the cross 4716 -stauros- >

-stauros- ......... up his cross 4716 -stauros- >

-stauros- ......... up the cross 4716 -stauros- >

-stauros- ......... upon the cross 4716 -stauros- >

-sugkuria- ......... And by chance 4795 -sugkuria- >

-summartureo- ......... also 4828 -summartureo- >

-summartureo- ......... beareth 4828 -summartureo- >

-summartureo- ......... bearing 4828 -summartureo- >

-summartureo- ......... For I testify 4828 -summartureo- >

-summartureo- ......... me witness 4828 -summartureo- >

-summartureo- ......... witness 4828 -summartureo- >

-sunepimartureo- ......... also 4901 -sunepimartureo- >

-sunepimartureo- ......... bearing 4901 -sunepimartureo- >

-sunepimartureo- ......... them witness 4901 -sunepimartureo- >

-sunupourgeo- ......... helping 4943 -sunupourgeo- >

-sunupourgeo- ......... together 4943 -sunupourgeo- >

-Surakousai- ......... Syracuse 4946 -Surakousai- >

-Suria- ......... and Syria 4947 -Suria- >

-Suria- ......... of Syria 4947 -Suria- >

-Suria- ......... Syria 4947 -Suria- >

-suro- ......... and haling 4951 -suro- >

-suro- ......... dragging 4951 -suro- >

-suro- ......... drew 4951 -suro- >

-suro- ......... them not , they drew 4951 -suro- >

-Surophoinissa- ......... a Syrophenician 4949 -Surophoinissa- >

-Suros- ......... the Syrian 4948 -Suros- >

-surtis- ......... the quicksands 4950 -surtis- >

-sustauroo- ......... And they that were crucified 4957 -sustauroo- >

-sustauroo- ......... I am crucified 4957 -sustauroo- >

-sustauroo- ......... is crucified 4957 -sustauroo- >

-sustauroo- ......... was crucified 4957 -sustauroo- >

-sustauroo- ......... were crucified 4957 -sustauroo- >

-tauros- ......... my oxen 5022 -tauros- >

-tauros- ......... of bulls 5022 -tauros- >

-tauros- ......... oxen 5022 -tauros- >

-thesaurizo- ......... are kept 2343 -thesaurizo- >

-thesaurizo- ......... by him in store 2343 -thesaurizo- >

-thesaurizo- ......... in store 2343 -thesaurizo- >

-thesaurizo- ......... is he that layeth up treasure 2343 -thesaurizo- >

-thesaurizo- ......... not to lay 2343 -thesaurizo- >

-thesaurizo- ......... treasure 2343 -thesaurizo- >

-thesaurizo- ......... treasurest 2343 -thesaurizo- >

-thesaurizo- ......... Ye have heaped 2343 -thesaurizo- >

-thesauros- ......... a treasure 2344 -thesauros- >

-thesauros- ......... out of his treasure 2344 -thesauros- >

-thesauros- ......... than the treasures 2344 -thesauros- >

-thesauros- ......... the treasures 2344 -thesauros- >

-thesauros- ......... their treasures 2344 -thesauros- >

-thesauros- ......... treasure 2344 -thesauros- >

-thesauros- ......... treasures 2344 -thesauros- >

-thesauros- ......... unto treasure 2344 -thesauros- >

-thura- ......... a door 2374 -thura- >

-thura- ......... and a door 2374 -thura- >

-thura- ......... and the door 2374 -thura- >

-thura- ......... at the door 2374 -thura- >

-thura- ......... by the door 2374 -thura- >

-thura- ......... door 2374 -thura- >

-thura- ......... doors 2374 -thura- >

-thura- ......... from the door 2374 -thura- >

-thura- ......... in by the door 2374 -thura- >

-thura- ......... me not : the door 2374 -thura- >

-thura- ......... not by the door 2374 -thura- >

-thura- ......... the door 2374 -thura- >

-thura- ......... the doors 2374 -thura- >

-thura- ......... the gate 2374 -thura- >

-thura- ......... thy door 2374 -thura- >

-thura- ......... to the door 2374 -thura- >

-thura- ......... unto the door 2374 -thura- >

-thura- ......... unto us a door 2374 -thura- >

-thura- ......... when the doors 2374 -thura- >

-thureos- ......... the shield 2375 -thureos- >

-thuris- ......... a window 2376 -thuris- >

-thuris- ......... in a window 2376 -thuris- >

-thuroros- ......... that kept 2377 -thuroros- >

-thuroros- ......... the door 2377 -thuroros- >

-thuroros- ......... the porter 2377 -thuroros- >

-thuroros- ......... To him the porter 2377 -thuroros- >

-thuroros- ......... unto her that kept 2377 -thuroros- >

-Turannos- ......... Tyrannus 5181 -Turannos- >

-turbazo- ......... and troubled 5182 -turbazo- >

-Turios- ......... with them of Tyre 5183 -Turios- >

-Turos- ......... for Tyre 5184 -Turos- >

-Turos- ......... from Tyre 5184 -Turos- >

-Turos- ......... in Tyre 5184 -Turos- >

-Turos- ......... of Tyre 5184 -Turos- >

-Turos- ......... Tyre 5184 -Turos- >

-xurao- ......... as if she were shaven 3587 -xurao- >

-xurao- ......... shaven 3587 -xurao- >

-xurao- ......... with them , that they may shave 3587 -xurao- >

accursed ......... accursed 0331 -anathema->

accursed ......... let him be accursed 0331 -anathema->

accursed ......... unto you , let him be accursed 0331 -anathema->

accursed ......... were accursed 0331 -anathema->

adjure ......... I adjure 3726 -horkizo->

adjure ......... unto him , I adjure 1844 -exorkizo->

adjure ......... We adjure 3726 -horkizo->

adventure ......... him that he would not adventure 1325 -didomi->

allure ......... they allure 1185 -deleazo->

armour ......... by the armour 3696 -hoplon->

armour ......... his armour 3833 -panoplia->

armour ......... the armour 3696 -hoplon->

armour ......... the whole armour 3833 -panoplia->

armour ......... unto you the whole armour 3833 -panoplia->

assurance ......... assurance 4102 -pistis->

assurance ......... assurance 4136 -plerophoria->

assure ......... and shall assure 3982 -peitho->

assured ......... and hast been assured 4104 -pistoo->

assuredly ......... assuredly 0806 -asphalos->

assuredly ......... assuredly 4822 -sumbibazo->

behaviour ......... of good behaviour 2887 -kosmios->

behaviour ......... that they be in behaviour 2688 -katastema->

burden ......... and my burden 5413 -phortion->

burden ......... burden 0922 -baros->

burden ......... burden 5413 -phortion->

burden ......... But be it so , I did not burden 2599 -katabareo->

burden ......... her burden 1117 -gomos->

burden ......... the burden 0922 -baros->

burdened ......... and ye burdened 2347 -thlipsis->

burdened ......... being burdened 0916 -bareo->

burdens ......... burdens 0922 -baros->

burdens ......... burdens 5413 -phortion->

burdens ......... not the burdens 5413 -phortion->

burdens ......... with burdens 5413 -phortion->

burdensome ......... from being burdensome 0004 -abares->

burdensome ......... from being burdensome 0004 -abares->

burdensome ......... have been burdensome 0922 -baros->

burdensome ......... it be that I myself was not burdensome 2655 -katanarkao->

burdensome ......... to you ; and I will not be burdensome 2655 -katanarkao->

burial ......... it for my burial 1779 -entaphiazo->

burial ......... to his burial , and made 4160 -poieo->

buried ......... and buried 2290 -thapto->

buried ......... And that he was buried 2290 -thapto->

buried ......... and was buried 2290 -thapto->

buried ......... buried 2290 -thapto->

Buried ......... Buried 4916 -sunthapto->

buried ......... him out , and buried 2290 -thapto->

buried ......... of them which have buried 2290 -thapto->

buried ......... we are buried 4916 -sunthapto->

burn ......... and burn 2618 -katakaio->

burn ......... and I burn 4448 -puroo->

burn ......... burn 2545 -kaio->

burn ......... burn 2618 -katakaio->

burn ......... he will burn 2618 -katakaio->

burn ......... to burn 2618 -katakaio->

burn ......... to burn 4448 -puroo->

burn ......... was to burn 2370 -thumiao->

burned ......... and burned 1714 -empretho->

burned ......... and burned 2618 -katakaio->

burned ......... and that burned 2545 -kaio->

burned ......... and they are burned 2545 -kaio->

burned ......... are burned 2618 -katakaio->

burned ......... as if they burned 4448 -puroo->

burned ......... burned 1572 -ekkaio->

burned ......... burned 2618 -katakaio->

burned ......... is to be burned 2740 -kausis->

burned ......... shall be burned 2618 -katakaio->

burned ......... to be burned 2545 -kaio->

burneth ......... burneth 2545 -kaio->

burning ......... burning 2545 -kaio->

burning ......... He was a burning 2545 -kaio->

burning ......... of her burning 4451 -purosis->

burning ......... with a burning 2742 -kauson->

burnt ......... and burnt 3646 -holokautoma->

burnt ......... burnt 3646 -holokautoma->

burnt ......... In burnt 3646 -holokautoma->

burnt ......... was burnt 2618 -katakaio->

burst ......... doth burst 4486 -rhegnumi->

burst ......... he burst 2997 -lascho->

burst ......... will burst 4486 -rhegnumi->

bury ......... and bury 2290 -thapto->

bury ......... bury 2290 -thapto->

bury ......... is to bury 1779 -entaphiazo->

bury ......... to bury 5027 -taphe->

burying ......... of my burying 1780 -entaphiasmos->

burying ......... to the burying 1780 -entaphiasmos->

centurion ......... a centurion 1543 -hekatontarches->

centurion ......... And when the centurion 2760 -kenturion->

centurion ......... But the centurion 1543 -hekatontarches->

centurion ......... centurion s 1543 -hekatontarches->

centurion ......... it of the centurion 2760 -kenturion->

centurion ......... the centurion 1543 -hekatontarches->

centurion ......... The centurion 1543 -hekatontarches->

centurion ......... to the centurion 1543 -hekatontarches->

centurion ......... unto him a centurion 1543 -hekatontarches->

centurion ......... unto him the centurion 2760 -kenturion->

centurion ......... unto the centurion 1543 -hekatontarches->

centurion ......... when the centurion 1543 -hekatontarches->

centurion ......... When the centurion 1543 -hekatontarches->

centurions ......... and centurions 1543 -hekatontarches->

centurions ......... centurions 1543 -hekatontarches->

centurions ......... of the centurions 1543 -hekatontarches->

church ......... and church 1577 -ekklesia->

church ......... and the church 1577 -ekklesia->

church ......... and to the church 1577 -ekklesia->

church ......... as the church 1577 -ekklesia->

church ......... by the church 1577 -ekklesia->

church ......... church 1577 -ekklesia->

church ......... greet the church 1577 -ekklesia->

church ......... in the church 1577 -ekklesia->

church ......... is he , that was in the church 1577 -ekklesia->

church ......... is the church 1577 -ekklesia->

church ......... it unto the church 1577 -ekklesia->

church ......... my church 1577 -ekklesia->

church ......... of the church 1577 -ekklesia->

church ......... that the church 1577 -ekklesia->

church ......... The church 1577 -ekklesia->

church ......... the church 1577 -ekklesia->

church ......... them , and let not the church 1577 -ekklesia->

church ......... them out of the church 1577 -ekklesia->

church ......... themselves with the church 1577 -ekklesia->

church ......... there were in the church 1577 -ekklesia->

church ......... things to the church 1577 -ekklesia->

church ......... to the church 1577 -ekklesia->

church ......... Unto the church 1577 -ekklesia->

church ......... unto the church 1577 -ekklesia->

church ......... with the church 1577 -ekklesia->

church ......... ye the church 1577 -ekklesia->

churches ......... churches 1577 -ekklesia->

churches ......... churches 1577 -ekklesia->

churches ......... in the churches 1577 -ekklesia->

churches ......... in you in the churches 1577 -ekklesia->

churches ......... of churches 2417 -hierosulos->

churches ......... of the churches 1577 -ekklesia->

churches ......... The churches 1577 -ekklesia->

churches ......... the churches 1577 -ekklesia->

churches ......... things in the churches 1577 -ekklesia->

churches ......... to the churches 1577 -ekklesia->

churches ......... unto the churches 1577 -ekklesia->

churches ......... were the churches 1577 -ekklesia->

churches ......... which are with me , unto the churches 1577 -ekklesia->

clamour ......... and clamour 2906 -krauge->

colour ......... colour , and decked 5558 -chrusoo->

colour ......... under colour 4392 -prophasis->

coloured ......... coloured beast 2342 -therion->

concourse ......... concourse 4963 -sustrophe->

courage ......... courage 2294 -tharsos->

course ......... and that by course 3313 -meros->

course ......... course 2113 -euthudromeo->

course ......... course 4144 -ploos->

course ......... his course 1408 -dromos->

course ......... may have free course 5143 -trecho->

course ......... my course 1408 -dromos->

course ......... of his course 2183 -ephemeria->

course ......... of the course 2183 -ephemeria->

course ......... our course 4144 -ploos->

course ......... the course 5164 -trochos->

course ......... to the course 0165 -aion->

court ......... But the court 0833 -aule->

courteous ......... be courteous 5391 -philophron->

courteously ......... courteously 5364 -philanthropos->

courteously ......... courteously 5390 -philophronos->

courts ......... courts .

creature ......... creature 2937 -ktisis->

creature ......... creature 2938 -ktisma->

creature ......... For the creature 2937 -ktisis->

creature ......... is there any creature 2937 -ktisis->

creature ......... of the creature 2937 -ktisis->

creature ......... the creature 2937 -ktisis->

creatures ......... of his creatures 2938 -ktisma->

creatures ......... part of the creatures 2938 -ktisma->

cure ......... and to cure 2323 -therapeuo->

cure ......... not cure 2323 -therapeuo->

cured ......... he cured 2323 -therapeuo->

cured ......... unto him that was cured 2323 -therapeuo->

cured ......... was cured 2323 -therapeuo->

cures ......... and I do cures 2392 -iasis->

curious ......... curious 4021 -periergos->

curse ......... a curse 0332 -anathematizo->

curse ......... a curse 2671 -katara->

curse ......... a great curse 0332 -anathematizo->

curse ......... and curse 2672 -kataraomai->

curse ......... curse 2652 -katanathema->

curse ......... curse 2672 -kataraomai->

curse ......... he to curse 2653 -katanathematizo->

curse ......... the curse 2671 -katara->

curse ......... them that curse 2672 -kataraomai->

curse ......... to curse 0332 -anathematizo->

curse ......... us from the curse 2671 -katara->

cursed ......... are cursed 1944 -epikataratos->

Cursed ......... Cursed 1944 -epikataratos->

cursed ......... from me , ye cursed 2672 -kataraomai->

cursed ......... practices ; cursed 2671 -katara->

cursedst ......... thou cursedst 2672 -kataraomai->

curseth ......... and , He that curseth 2551 -kakologeo->

curseth ......... curseth 2551 -kakologeo->

cursing ......... and cursing 2671 -katara->

cursing ......... of cursing 0685 -ara->

cursing ......... unto cursing 2671 -katara->

departure ......... of my departure 0359 -analusis->

devour ......... and devour 2719 -katesthio->

devour ......... devour 2719 -katesthio->

devour ......... for to devour 2719 -katesthio->

devour ......... for ye devour 2719 -katesthio->

devour ......... he may devour 2666 -katapino->

devour ......... which shall devour 2068 -esthio->

devoured ......... and devoured 2719 -katesthio->

devoured ......... devoured 2719 -katesthio->

devoured ......... hath devoured 2719 -katesthio->

devoureth ......... and devoureth 2719 -katesthio->

discouraged ......... they be discouraged 0120 -athumeo->

disfigure ......... for they disfigure 0853 -aphanizo->

dishonour ......... and dishonour 0819 -atimia->

dishonour ......... and ye do dishonour 0818 -atimazo->

dishonour ......... in dishonour 0819 -atimia->

dishonour ......... to dishonour 0818 -atimazo->

dishonour ......... to dishonour 0819 -atimia->

dishonour ......... unto dishonour 0819 -atimia->

dishonourest ......... dishonourest 0818 -atimazo->

dishonoureth ......... dishonoureth 2617 -kataischuno->

dureth ......... but dureth 2076 -esti->

durst ......... and durst 5111 -tolmao->

durst ......... durst 5111 -tolmao->

durst ......... that durst 5111 -tolmao->

durst ......... that they durst 5111 -tolmao->

endeavour ......... I will endeavour 4704 -spoudazo->

endeavoured ......... endeavoured 4704 -spoudazo->

endeavoured ......... we endeavoured 2212 -zeteo->

Endeavouring ......... Endeavouring 4704 -spoudazo->

endure ......... and so endure 2076 -esti->

endure ......... But he that shall endure 5278 -hupomeno->

endure ......... endure 2553 -kakopatheo->

endure ......... endure 5297 -hupophero->

endure ......... For they could not endure 5342 -phero->

endure ......... sake : but he that shall endure 5278 -hupomeno->

endure ......... that ye endure 0430 -anechomai->

endure ......... Therefore I endure 5278 -hupomeno->

endure ......... they will not endure 0430 -anechomai->

endure ......... things , endure 2553 -kakopatheo->

endure ......... which endure 5278 -hupomeno->

endure ......... ye endure 5278 -hupomeno->

endured ......... endured 3114 -makrothumeo->

endured ......... endured 5342 -phero->

endured ......... for he endured 2594 -kartereo->

endured ......... him endured 5278 -hupomeno->

endured ......... him that endured 5278 -hupomeno->

endured ......... I endured 5297 -hupophero->

endured ......... ye endured 5278 -hupomeno->

endureth ......... endureth 3306 -meno->

endureth ......... sake : but he that endureth 5278 -hupomeno->

endureth ......... that endureth 5278 -hupomeno->

endureth ......... things , endureth 5278 -hupomeno->

enduring ......... and an enduring 3306 -meno->

enduring ......... in the enduring 5281 -hupomone->

Epicureans ......... of the Epicureans 1946 -Epikoureios->

Euroclydon ......... Euroclydon 2148 -Eurokludon->

favour ......... and in favour 5485 -charis->

favour ......... favour 5485 -charis->

favour ......... him favour 5485 -charis->

favoured ......... thou that art highly favoured 5487 -charitoo->

fellowlabourer ......... and fellowlabourer 4904 -sunergos->

fellowlabourer ......... and our fellowlabourer 4904 -sunergos->

fellowlabourers ......... my fellowlabourers 4904 -sunergos->

figure ......... figure 0499 -antitupon->

figure ......... him in a figure 3850 -parabole->

figure ......... I have in a figure 3345 -metaschematizo->

figure ......... is the figure 5179 -tupos->

figure ......... was a figure 3850 -parabole->

figures ......... figures 5179 -tupos->

figures ......... which are the figures 0499 -antitupon->

flour ......... flour 4585 -semidalis->

flourished ......... of me hath flourished 0330 -anathallo->

four ......... and four 5064 -tessares->

four ......... and of the four 5064 -tessares->

four ......... and the four 5064 -tessares->

four ......... And the four 5064 -tessares->

four ......... are in the four 5064 -tessares->

four ......... at the four 5064 -tessares->

four ......... by four 5064 -tessares->

four ......... dead four 5066 -tetartaios->

four ......... four 5064 -tessares->

Four ......... Four 5067 -tetartos->

four ......... four 5070 -tetrakischilioi->

four ......... four 5072 -tetramenon->

four ......... four hundred 5071 -tetrakosioi->

four ......... from the four 5064 -tessares->

four ......... him to four 5064 -tessares->

four ......... of four 5064 -tessares->

four ......... of the four 5064 -tessares->

four ......... of the four 5070 -tetrakischilioi->

four ......... The four 5064 -tessares->

four ......... the four 5064 -tessares->

four ......... the space of four 5071 -tetrakosioi->

four ......... to the four 5064 -tessares->

four ......... were four 5064 -tessares->

four ......... were four 5070 -tetrakischilioi->

four ......... which was four 5071 -tetrakosioi->

fourfold ......... him fourfold 5073 -tetraploos->

fourfooted ......... and fourfooted 5074 -tetrapous->

fourfooted ......... fourfooted 5074 -tetrapous->

fourfooted ......... of fourfooted 5074 -tetrapous->

fourscore ......... fourscore 3589 -ogdoekonta->

foursquare ......... foursquare 5068 -tetragonos->

fourteen ......... are fourteen 1180 -dekatessares->

fourteen ......... fourteen 1180 -dekatessares->

fourteenth ......... is the fourteenth 5065 -tessareskaidekatos->

fourteenth ......... the fourteenth 5065 -tessareskaidekatos->

fourth ......... And in the fourth 5067 -tetartos->

fourth ......... And the fourth 5067 -tetartos->

fourth ......... and the fourth 5067 -tetartos->

fourth ......... of the fourth 5067 -tetartos->

fourth ......... the fourth 5067 -tetartos->

furlongs ......... furlongs 4712 -stadion->

furnace ......... a furnace 2575 -kaminos->

furnace ......... furnace 2575 -kaminos->

furnace ......... in a furnace 2575 -kaminos->

furnace ......... the furnace 2575 -kaminos->

furnished ......... furnished 1822 -exartizo->

furnished ......... furnished 4766 -stronnumi->

furnished ......... room furnished 4766 -stronnumi->

furnished ......... was furnished 4130 -pletho->

further ......... and further 2089 -eti->

further ......... further 1339 -diistemi->

further ......... further 2089 -eti->

further ......... further 2089 -eti->

further ......... further 4208 -porrhotero->

further ......... further 4260 -probaino->

further ......... further 4281 -proerchomai->

further ......... further to take 4815 -sullambano->

further ......... Notwithstanding , that I be not further 4208 -porrhotero->

further ......... when they had further threatened 4324 -prosapeileo->

furtherance ......... furtherance 4297 -prokope->

furtherance ......... unto the furtherance 4297 -prokope->

Furthermore ......... Furthermore 1161 -de->

Furthermore ......... Furthermore 1534 -eita->

Furthermore ......... Furthermore 3063 -loipon->

heurisko- ......... heurisko- >

honour ......... And honour 5091 -timao->

honour ......... and honour 5092 -time->

honour ......... as they honour 5091 -timao->

honour ......... be honour 5092 -time->

honour ......... but I honour 5091 -timao->

honour ......... By honour 1391 -doxa->

honour ......... honour 0820 -atimos->

honour ......... honour 1391 -doxa->

Honour ......... Honour 5091 -timao->

honour ......... honour 5091 -timao->

honour ......... honour 5092 -time->

honour ......... honour 5092 -time->

honour ......... I honour 1392 -doxazo->

honour ......... in honour 5092 -time->

honour ......... men should honour 5091 -timao->

honour ......... my honour 1391 -doxa->

Honour ......... not , Honour 5091 -timao->

honour ......... not honour 1391 -doxa->

honour ......... not the honour 1391 -doxa->

honour ......... to honour 5092 -time->

honour ......... unto honour 5092 -time->

honourable ......... a more honourable 1784 -entimos->

honourable ......... an honourable 2158 -euschemon->

honourable ......... and honourable 2158 -euschemon->

honourable ......... honourable 0820 -atimos->

honourable ......... is honourable 5093 -timios->

honourable ......... of honourable 2158 -euschemon->

honourable ......... ye are honourable 1741 -endoxos->

honoured ......... be honoured 1392 -doxazo->

honoured ......... honoured 5092 -time->

honoureth ......... and honoureth 5091 -timao->

honoureth ......... He that honoureth 5091 -timao->

honoureth ......... honoureth 5091 -timao->

honoureth ......... that honoureth 1392 -doxazo->

honours ......... honours 5091 -timao->

hour ......... an hour 2256 -hemiorion->

hour ......... an hour 5610 -hora->

hour ......... And from that hour 5610 -hora->

hour ......... and hour 5610 -hora->

hour ......... and that hour 5610 -hora->

hour ......... at an hour 5610 -hora->

hour ......... But the hour 5610 -hora->

hour ......... for an hour 5610 -hora->

hour ......... for in one hour 5610 -hora->

hour ......... for in such an hour 5610 -hora->

hour ......... for the hour 5610 -hora->

hour ......... from that hour 5610 -hora->

hour ......... he of them the hour 5610 -hora->

hour ......... her hour 5610 -hora->

hour ......... his hour 5610 -hora->

hour ......... hour .

hour ......... hour 0734 -Artemas->

hour ......... hour 5610 -hora->

hour ......... In that hour 5610 -hora->

hour ......... me , the hour 5610 -hora->

hour ......... no , not for an hour 5610 -hora->

hour ......... not for him , and in an hour 5610 -hora->

hour ......... on him ; for his hour 5610 -hora->

hour ......... that his hour 5610 -hora->

hour ......... the hour 5610 -hora->

hour ......... The hour 5610 -hora->

hour ......... thee from the hour 5610 -hora->

hour ......... to him ; for the hour 5610 -hora->

hour ......... unto you , The hour 5610 -hora->

hour ......... you in that hour 5610 -hora->

hours ......... hours 5610 -hora->

hurt ......... and see thou hurt 0091 -adikeo->

hurt ......... and with them they do hurt 0091 -adikeo->

hurt ......... be with hurt 5196 -hubris->

hurt ......... hurt 0091 -adikeo->

Hurt ......... Hurt 0091 -adikeo->

hurt ......... out of him , and hurt 0984 -blapto->

hurt ......... shall not be hurt 0091 -adikeo->

hurt ......... thee to hurt 2559 -kakoo->

hurt ......... them that they should not hurt 0091 -adikeo->

hurt ......... thing , it shall not hurt 0984 -blapto->

hurt ......... to hurt 0091 -adikeo->

hurt ......... was to hurt 0091 -adikeo->

hurtful ......... and hurtful 0983 -blaberos->

injured ......... you , be as I am ; for I am as ye are : ye have not injured 0091 -adikeo->

injurious ......... and injurious 5197 -hubristes->

insurrection ......... in the insurrection 4714 -stasis->

insurrection ......... insurrection 2721 -katephistemi->

insurrection ......... insurrection 4955 -sustasiastes->

Ituraea ......... of Ituraea 2484 -Itouraia->

journey ......... day s journey 3598 -hodos->

journey ......... for their journey 3598 -hodos->

journey ......... for your journey 3598 -hodos->

journey ......... his journey 0589 -apodemeo->

journey ......... I take my journey 4198 -poreuomai->

journey ......... in his journey 3598 -hodos->

journey ......... journey 2137 -euodoo->

journey ......... journey 3598 -hodos->

journey ......... me on my journey whithersoever 1437 -ean->

journey ......... my journey 4198 -poreuomai->

journey ......... on their journey 3596 -hodoiporeo->

journey ......... on their journey after 0516 -axios->

journey ......... on their journey diligently 4709 -spoudaios->

journey ......... taking a far journey 0590 -apodemos->

journey ......... with his journey 3597 -hodoiporia->

journey ......... you in my journey 1279 -diaporeuomai->

journeyed ......... And as he journeyed 4198 -poreuomai->

journeyed ......... as he journeyed 3593 -hodeuo->

journeyed ......... journeyed 4922 -sunodeuo->

journeyed ......... me and them which journeyed 4198 -poreuomai->

journeying ......... and journeying 4160 -poieo->

journeyings ......... In journeyings 3597 -hodoiporia->

jurisdiction ......... jurisdiction 1849 -exousia->

Kuria- ......... Kuria- >

kurios- ......... kurios- >

labour ......... And labour 2872 -kopiao->

labour ......... and labour 2873 -kopos->

labour ......... and thy labour 2873 -kopos->

labour ......... in labour 4904 -sunergos->

Labour ......... Labour 2038 -ergazomai->

labour ......... labour 2872 -kopiao->

labour ......... labour 2873 -kopos->

labour ......... let him labour 2872 -kopiao->

labour ......... Let us labour 4704 -spoudazo->

labour ......... of my labour 2041 -ergon->

labour ......... our labour 2873 -kopos->

labour ......... they who labour 2872 -kopiao->

labour ......... upon you labour 2872 -kopiao->

labour ......... we labour 5389 -philotimeomai->

labour ......... with labour 2873 -kopos->

labour ......... ye that labour 2872 -kopiao->

labour ......... you , and our labour 2873 -kopos->

laboured ......... but I laboured 2872 -kopiao->

laboured ......... laboured 2872 -kopiao->

laboured ......... laboured 4866 -sunathleo->

laboured ......... men laboured 2872 -kopiao->

laboured ......... sake hast laboured 2872 -kopiao->

labourer ......... for the labourer 2040 -ergates->

labourer ......... out the corn . And , The labourer 2040 -ergates->

labourers ......... but the labourers 2040 -ergates->

labourers ......... For we are labourers 4904 -sunergos->

labourers ......... labourers 2040 -ergates->

labourers ......... of the labourers 2040 -ergates->

labourers ......... the labourers 2040 -ergates->

labourers ......... with the labourers 2040 -ergates->

laboureth ......... that laboureth 2872 -kopiao->

laboureth ......... with us , and laboureth 2872 -kopiao->

labouring ......... for labouring 2873 -kopos->

labouring ......... labouring 0075 -agonizomai->

labouring ......... labouring 2872 -kopiao->

labours ......... from their labours 2873 -kopos->

labours ......... in labours 2873 -kopos->

labours ......... men s labours 2873 -kopos->

labours ......... their labours 2873 -kopos->

leisure ......... leisure 2119 -eukaireo->

measure ......... A measure 5518 -choinix->

measure ......... above measure .

measure ......... above measure through the abundance 5236 -huperbole->

measure ......... according to the measure 3358 -metron->

measure ......... and measure 3354 -metreo->

measure ......... by measure 3358 -metron->

measure ......... in the measure 3358 -metron->

measure ......... man the measure 3358 -metron->

measure ......... measure 3358 -metron->

measure ......... measure 4053 -perissos->

measure ......... measure 5234 -huperballontos->

measure ......... measure 5236 -huperbole->

measure ......... measure 5249 -huperperissos->

measure ......... our measure , as though we reached 2185 -ephikneomai->

measure ......... our measure 0280 -ametros->

measure ......... out , and measure 3354 -metreo->

measure ......... out of measure 4057 -perissos->

measure ......... out of measure 5236 -huperbole->

measure ......... the measure 3358 -metron->

measure ......... to measure 3354 -metreo->

measure ......... to the measure 3358 -metron->

measure ......... to us , a measure 3358 -metron->

measure ......... unto the measure 3358 -metron->

measure ......... with what measure 3358 -metron->

measured ......... And he measured 3354 -metreo->

measured ......... and he measured 3354 -metreo->

measured ......... it shall be measured 0488 -antimetreo->

measured ......... it shall be measured 3354 -metreo->

measured ......... withal it shall be measured 0488 -antimetreo->

measures ......... measures 0942 -batos->

measures ......... measures 2884 -koros->

measures ......... measures 4568 -saton->

measures ......... measures 5518 -choinix->

measuring ......... but they measuring 3354 -metreo->

Mercurius ......... Mercurius 2060 -Hermes->

mixture ......... a mixture 3395 -migma->

mixture ......... mixture 0194 -akratos->

moisture ......... moisture 2429 -hikmas->

mourn ......... and mourn 3996 -pentheo->

mourn ......... are they that mourn 3996 -pentheo->

mourn ......... for ye shall mourn 3996 -pentheo->

mourn ......... mourn 2875 -kopto->

mourn ......... mourn 3996 -pentheo->

mourned ......... mourned 3996 -pentheo->

mourned ......... we have mourned 2354 -threneo->

mourned ......... with him , as they mourned 3996 -pentheo->

mourning ......... and mourning 3997 -penthos->

mourning ......... mourning 3602 -odurmos->

mourning ......... to mourning 3997 -penthos->

murder ......... and for murder 5408 -phonos->

murder ......... and murder 5408 -phonos->

murder ......... murder 5407 -phoneuo->

murder ......... murder 5408 -phonos->

murderer ......... a murderer 5406 -phoneus->

murderer ......... as a murderer 5406 -phoneus->

murderer ......... He was a murderer 0443 -anthropoktonos->

murderer ......... is a murderer 0443 -anthropoktonos->

murderer ......... is a murderer 5406 -phoneus->

murderer ......... murderer 0443 -anthropoktonos->

murderers ......... and murderers 3389 -metraloias->

murderers ......... and murderers 5406 -phoneus->

murderers ......... for murderers 3964 -patraloias->

murderers ......... murderers 5406 -phoneus->

murderers ......... that were murderers 4607 -sikarios->

murders ......... murders 5408 -phonos->

murders ......... they of their murders 5408 -phonos->

murmur ......... murmur 1111 -gogguzo->

Murmur ......... unto them , Murmur 1111 -gogguzo->

murmured ......... And they murmured 1690 -embrimaomai->

murmured ......... it , they murmured 1111 -gogguzo->

murmured ......... murmured 1111 -gogguzo->

murmured ......... murmured 1234 -diagogguzo->

murmurers ......... are murmurers 1113 -goggustes->

murmuring ......... a murmuring 1112 -goggusmos->

murmuring ......... murmuring 1112 -goggusmos->

murmurings ......... murmurings 1112 -goggusmos->

natural ......... a natural 5591 -psuchikos->

natural ......... as natural 5446 -phusikos->

natural ......... but that which is natural 5591 -psuchikos->

natural ......... But the natural 5591 -psuchikos->

natural ......... his natural 1083 -gennesis->

natural ......... natural affection 0794 -astorgos->

natural ......... not the natural 5449 -phusis->

natural ......... the natural 5446 -phusikos->

natural ......... There is a natural 5591 -psuchikos->

natural ......... which be the natural 5449 -phusis->

naturally ......... naturally 5447 -phusikos->

naturally ......... will naturally 1103 -gnesios->

nature ......... and were by nature 5449 -phusis->

nature ......... by nature 5449 -phusis->

nature ......... him the nature of angels 0032 -aggelos->

nature ......... nature 5449 -phusis->

nature ......... of nature 1078 -genesis->

nature ......... to nature 5449 -phusis->

nature ......... unto them which by nature 5449 -phusis->

nature ......... which is by nature 5449 -phusis->

neighbour ......... and thy neighbour 4139 -plesion->

neighbour ......... his neighbour 4139 -plesion->

neighbour ......... is my neighbour 4139 -plesion->

neighbour ......... man his neighbour 4139 -plesion->

neighbour ......... thou , was neighbour 4139 -plesion->

neighbour ......... thy neighbour 4139 -plesion->

neighbour ......... to his neighbour 4139 -plesion->

neighbour ......... with his neighbour 4139 -plesion->

neighbours ......... and her neighbours 1069 -geiton->

neighbours ......... And her neighbours 4040 -perioikos->

neighbours ......... and neighbours 1069 -geiton->

neighbours ......... neighbours 1069 -geiton->

neighbours ......... The neighbours 1069 -geiton->

nourished ......... and nourished 0396 -anatrepo->

nourished ......... him up , and nourished 0397 -anatrepho->

nourished ......... nourished 1789 -entrepho->

nourished ......... she is nourished 5142 -trepho->

nourished ......... was nourished 5142 -trepho->

nourished ......... ye have nourished 5142 -trepho->

nourisheth ......... but nourisheth 1625 -ektrepho->

nourishment ......... having nourishment 2023 -epichoregeo->

nurse ......... you , even as a nurse 5162 -trophos->

nurture ......... them up in the nurture 3809 -paideia->

odour ......... the things which were sent from you , an odour 3744 -osme->

odour ......... with the odour 3744 -osme->

odours ......... and odours 2368 -thumiama->

odours ......... of odours 2368 -thumiama->

offscouring ......... and are the offscouring 4067 -peripsoma->

our ......... and by our gathering 1997 -episunagoge->

our ......... and by our law 3551 -nomos->

our ......... and from our Lord 2962 -kurios->

our ......... and have our being 2070 -esmen->

our ......... and of our boasting 2746 -kauchesis->

our ......... and our bodies 4983 -soma->

our ......... and our Father 3962 -pater->

our ......... and our fathers 3962 -pater->

our ......... and our fellowlabourer 4904 -sunergos->

our ......... And our hope 1680 -elpis->

our ......... and our Lord 2962 -kurios->

our ......... and our rulers 0758 -archon->

our ......... and our Saviour 4990 -soter->

our ......... and our uncomely 0809 -askemon->

our ......... And to our beloved 0027 -agapetos->

our ......... and with our fathers 3962 -pater->

our ......... as our beloved 0027 -agapetos->

our ......... as our Lord 2962 -kurios->

our ......... away our sins 0266 -hamartia->

Our ......... be to thee . Our friends 5384 -philos->

our ......... be unto our God 2316 -theos->

our ......... because our testimony 3142 -marturion->

our ......... but he for our profit 4851 -sumphero->

our ......... but our sufficiency 2426 -hikanotes->

our ......... but that our care 4710 -spoude->

our ......... by our Lord 2962 -kurios->

our ......... Did not our heart 2588 -kardia->

our ......... Doth our law 3551 -nomos->

our ......... even by our father 3962 -pater->

our ......... even our faith 4102 -pistis->

our ......... even the words of our Lord 2962 -kurios->

our ......... fast our profession 3671 -homologia->

our ......... For he is our peace 1515 -eirene->

our ......... for our admonition 3559 -nouthesia->

our ......... For our comely 2158 -euschemon->

our ......... For our conversation 4175 -politeuma->

our ......... For our exhortation 3874 -paraklesis->

our ......... For our God 2316 -theos->

our ......... For our gospel 2098 -euaggelion->

our ......... for our justification 1347 -dikaiosis->

our ......... for our lamps 2985 -lampas->

our ......... for our learning 1319 -didaskalia->

our ......... For our light 1645 -elaphros->

our ......... for our offences 3900 -paraptoma->

our ......... For our rejoicing 2746 -kauchesis->

our ......... for our sakes ? For our sakes , no 1063 -gar->

our ......... for our sakes ? For our sakes , no 1063 -gar->

our ......... for our sins 0266 -hamartia->

our ......... For ye are our glory 1391 -doxa->

our ......... for you , that our God 2316 -theos->

our ......... from our enemies 2190 -echthros->

our ......... had our conversation 0390 -anastrepho->

our ......... having our hearts 2588 -kardia->

our ......... he , and our fathers 3962 -pater->

our ......... in our body 4983 -soma->

our ......... in our eyes 3788 -ophthalmos->

our ......... in our God 2316 -theos->

our ......... in our hearts 2588 -kardia->

our ......... in our Lord 2962 -kurios->

our ......... in our members 3196 -melos->

our ......... in our mortal 2349 -thnetos->

our ......... in our own 2398 -idios->

our ......... in our streets 4113 -plateia->

our ......... in our tongues 1100 -glossa->

our ......... is our father 3962 -pater->

our ......... is our hope 1680 -elpis->

our ......... is our love 0026 -agape->

our ......... is our preaching 2782 -kerugma->

our ......... is our salvation 4991 -soteria->

our ......... is our son 5207 -huios->

our ......... not our Lord 2962 -kurios->

our ......... not our witness 3141 -marturia->

our ......... not our word 3056 -logos->

our ......... of our authority 1849 -exousia->

our ......... of our body 4983 -soma->

our ......... of our brethren 0080 -adephos->

our ......... of our company made 1839 -existemi->

our ......... of our confidence 5287 -hupostasis->

our ......... of our conscience 4893 -suneidesis->

our ......... of our deeds 4238 -prasso->

our ......... of our enemies 2190 -echthros->

our ......... of our faith 1680 -elpis->

our ......... of our faith 4102 -pistis->

our ......... of our father 3962 -pater->

our ......... of our fathers 3962 -pater->

our ......... of our fathers 3971 -patroios->

our ......... of our flesh 4561 -sarx->

our ......... of our God 2316 -theos->

our ......... of our infirmities 0769 -astheneia->

our ......... of our inheritance 2817 -kleronomia->

our ......... of our life 0979 -bios->

our ......... of our life 2222 -zoe->

our ......... of our lips 5491 -cheilos->

our ......... of our lives 5590 -psuche->

our ......... of our Lord 2962 -kurios->

our ......... of our profession 3671 -homologia->

our ......... of our religion 2356 -threskeia->

our ......... of our Saviour 4990 -soter->

our ......... of our trouble 2347 -thlipsis->

our ......... of our warfare 4752 -strateia->

our ......... of you in our prayers 4335 -proseuche->

our ......... our abode 3438 -mone->

our ......... our affairs 4012 -peri->

our ......... our affliction 2347 -thlipsis->

our ......... our behalf 5228 -huper->

our ......... our blood 0129 -haima->

our ......... our boasting 2745 -kauchema->

our ......... our boasting 2746 -kauchesis->

our ......... our brethren 0080 -adephos->

our ......... our brother 0080 -adephos->

our ......... our children 5043 -teknon->

our ......... our city 4172 -polis->

our ......... our consolation 3874 -paraklesis->

our ......... our course 4144 -ploos->

our ......... our craft 3313 -meros->

our ......... our daily 1967 -epiousios->

our ......... our dear 0027 -agapetos->

our ......... our dearly beloved 0027 -agapetos->

our ......... our debtors 3781 -opheiletes->

our ......... our earthly 1919 -epigeios->

our ......... our entrance 1529 -eisodos->

our ......... our epistle 1992 -epistole->

our ......... our faith 4102 -pistis->

our ......... our father 3962 -pater->

Our ......... Our Father 3962 -pater->

our ......... our Father 3962 -pater->

our ......... our fathers 3962 -pater->

Our ......... Our fathers 3962 -pater->

our ......... our feet 4228 -pous->

our ......... our fellowship 2842 -koinonia->

our ......... our fellowsoldier 4961 -sustratiotes->

our ......... our flesh 4561 -sarx->

our ......... our God 2316 -theos->

our ......... our gospel 2098 -euaggelion->

our ......... our heart 2588 -kardia->

our ......... our hearts 2588 -kardia->

our ......... our helper 4904 -sunergos->

our ......... our infirmities 0769 -astheneia->

our ......... our labour 2873 -kopos->

our ......... our leave 0782 -aspazomai->

our ......... our lives 5590 -psuche->

our ......... our Lord 2962 -kurios->

our ......... our measure , as though we reached 2185 -ephikneomai->

our ......... our measure 0280 -ametros->

our ......... our members 3196 -melos->

our ......... our ministering 1248 -diakonia->

our ......... our mouth 4750 -stoma->

our ......... our nation 1484 -ethnos->

our ......... our outward 1854 -exo->

our ......... our own 1438 -heautou->

our ......... our part .

our ......... our passover 3957 -pascha->

our ......... our place 5117 -topos->

our ......... our report 0189 -akoe->

our ......... our Saviour 4990 -soter->

our ......... our sicknesses 3554 -nosos->

our ......... our sins 0266 -hamartia->

our ......... our sister 0079 -adelphe->

our ......... our tribulation 2347 -thlipsis->

our ......... our unrighteousness 0093 -adikia->

our ......... our vile 5014 -tapeinosis->

our ......... our way 3598 -hodos->

our ......... our way 4311 -propempo->

our ......... our wealth 2142 -euporia->

our ......... our word 3056 -logos->

our ......... our words 3056 -logos->

our ......... out of our hands 5495 -cheir->

our ......... out our fathers 3962 -pater->

our ......... out our liberty 1657 -eleutheria->

our ......... out with our own 0849 -autocheir->

our ......... promise our twelve 1429 -dodekaphulon->

our ......... promised to our fathers 3962 -pater->

our ......... than our father 3962 -pater->

our ......... than our heart 2588 -kardia->

our ......... that our eyes 3788 -ophthalmos->

our ......... that our joy 5479->

our ......... that our joy 5479->

our ......... that our Lord 2962 -kurios->

our ......... that our old 3820 -palaios->

our ......... that our record 3141 -marturia->

our ......... that ye are in our hearts 2588 -kardia->

our ......... things to our ears 0189 -akoe->

our ......... things were our examples 5179 -tupos->

our ......... to our father 3962 -pater->

our ......... to our fathers 3962 -pater->

our ......... to our God 2316 -theos->

our ......... to our hand .

our ......... to our law 3551 -nomos->

our ......... to our rule 2583 -kanon->

our ......... to our works 2041 -ergon->

our ......... unto our father 3962 -pater->

our ......... unto our fathers 3962 -pater->

our ......... unto our glory 1391 -doxa->

Our ......... unto them , Our friend 5384 -philos->

our ......... unto you , our heart 2588 -kardia->

our ......... unto you with our beloved 0027 -agapetos->

our ......... up our carriages 0643 -aposkeuazo->

our ......... upon , and our hands 5495 -cheir->

our ......... upon with our house 3613 -oiketerion->

our ......... us , as though by our own 2398 -idios->

our ......... us from our sins 0266 -hamartia->

our ......... us our debts 3783 -opheilema->

our ......... us our sins 0266 -hamartia->

our ......... us unto our God 2316 -theos->

our ......... was our duty 3784 -opheilo->

our ......... was our schoolmaster 3807 -paidagogos->

our ......... we have had our conversation 0390 -anastrepho->

our ......... who is our life 2222 -zoe->

our ......... with our eyes 3788 -ophthalmos->

our ......... with our fathers 3962 -pater->

our ......... with our kindred 1085 -genos->

our ......... with our own 2398 -idios->

our ......... with our spirit 4151 -pneuma->

our ......... with them our brother 0080 -adephos->

Our ......... ye : Our Father 3962 -pater->

our ......... Ye are our epistle 1992 -epistole->

our ......... ye that our brother 0080 -adephos->

our ......... you , and our labour 2873 -kopos->

our ......... you by our gospel 2098 -euaggelion->

ours ......... And let ours 2251 -hemeteros->

ours ......... and not for ours 2251 -hemeteros->

ours ......... are ours 2257 -hemon->

ours ......... may be ours 2257 -hemon->

ours ......... shall be ours 2257 -hemon->

ours ......... theirs and ours 2257 -hemon->

ourselves ......... and ourselves 1438 -heautou->

ourselves ......... For we ourselves 2249 -hemeis->

ourselves ......... for we ourselves have heard 0191 -akouo->

ourselves ......... him ourselves , and know 1492 -eido->

ourselves ......... in ourselves 1438 -heautou->

ourselves ......... not make ourselves 1438 -heautou->

ourselves ......... not ourselves 1438 -heautou->

ourselves ......... not ourselves disorderly 0812 -atakteo->

ourselves ......... of ourselves 1438 -heautou->

ourselves ......... ourselves , it is to God 2316 -theos->

ourselves ......... ourselves 1438 -heautou->

ourselves ......... ourselves among you that believe 4100 -pisteuo->

ourselves ......... ourselves continually 4342 -proskartereo->

ourselves ......... ourselves unto you ? we speak 2980 -laleo->

ourselves ......... that we ourselves 0846 -autos->

ourselves ......... they , but ourselves also 2532 -kai->

ourselves ......... thing as of ourselves 1438 -heautou->

ourselves ......... we ourselves also 2532 -kai->

ourselves ......... we ourselves are comforted 3870 -parakaleo->

ourselves ......... we ourselves groan 4727 -stenazo->

pasture ......... pasture 3542 -nome->

penury ......... but she of her penury 5303 -husterema->

peradventure ......... peradventure 3379 -mepote->

peradventure ......... peradventure 5029 -tacha->

perjured ......... for perjured 1965 -epiorkos->

pleasure ......... a pleasure 5485 -charis->

pleasure ......... but had pleasure 2106 -eudokeo->

pleasure ......... but have pleasure 4909 -suneudokeo->

pleasure ......... good pleasure 2106 -eudokeo->

pleasure ......... hadst pleasure 2106 -eudokeo->

pleasure ......... I take pleasure 2106 -eudokeo->

pleasure ......... in pleasure 4684 -spatalao->

pleasure ......... in pleasure 5171 -truphao->

pleasure ......... it pleasure 2237 -hedone->

pleasure ......... of his good pleasure 2107 -eudokia->

pleasure ......... pleasure 1380 -dokeo->

pleasure ......... pleasure 2106 -eudokeo->

pleasure ......... the good pleasure 2107 -eudokia->

pleasure ......... things , and for thy pleasure 2307 -thelema->

pleasure ......... to his good pleasure 2107 -eudokia->

pleasure ......... to the good pleasure 2107 -eudokia->

pleasures ......... and pleasures 2237 -hedone->

pleasures ......... of pleasures 5569 -pseudadelphos->

pleasures ......... the pleasures of sin 0266 -hamartia->

pour ......... I will pour 1632 -ekcheo->

pour ......... your ways , and pour 1632 -ekcheo->

poured ......... and poured 1632 -ekcheo->

poured ......... and poured 2708 -katacheo->

poured ......... For in that she hath poured 0906 -ballo->

poured ......... is poured 2767 -kerannumi->

poured ......... poured 1632 -ekcheo->

poured ......... was poured 1632 -ekcheo->

poureth ......... that he poureth 0906 -ballo->

pouring ......... pouring in oil 1637 -elaion->

purchase ......... purchase 4046 -peripoieomai->

purchased ......... he hath purchased 4046 -peripoieomai->

purchased ......... man purchased 2932 -ktaomai->

purchased ......... may be purchased 2932 -ktaomai->

purchased ......... of the purchased 4047 -peripoiesis->

pure ......... are pure 2513 -katharos->

pure ......... are the pure 2513 -katharos->

pure ......... as he is pure 0053 -hagnos->

pure ......... in a pure 2513 -katharos->

pure ......... in pure 2513 -katharos->

pure ......... me a pure 2513 -katharos->

pure ......... out of a pure 2513 -katharos->

pure ......... pure 0053 -hagnos->

pure ......... pure 1506 -eilikrines->

pure ......... pure 2513 -katharos->

Pure ......... Pure 2513 -katharos->

pure ......... that I am pure 2513 -katharos->

pure ......... things are pure 0053 -hagnos->

pure ......... things are pure 2513 -katharos->

pure ......... Unto the pure 2513 -katharos->

pure ......... was pure 2513 -katharos->

pure ......... with a pure 2513 -katharos->

pure ......... with pure 2513 -katharos->

pureness ......... By pureness 0054 -hagnotes->

purge ......... purge 1245 -diakatharizo->

Purge ......... Purge 1571 -ekkathairo->

purge ......... purge 1571 -ekkathairo->

purge ......... purge 2511 -katharizo->

purged ......... purged 2508 -kathairo->

purged ......... purged 2511 -katharizo->

purged ......... purged 2512 -katharismos->

purged ......... that he was purged 2512 -katharismos->

purgeth ......... he purgeth 2508 -kathairo->

purging ......... purging 2511 -katharizo->

purification ......... of her purification 2512 -katharismos->

purification ......... of purification 0049 -hagnismos->

purified ......... me purified 0048 -hagnizo->

purified ......... Seeing ye have purified 0048 -hagnizo->

purified ......... should be purified 2511 -katharizo->

purifieth ......... in him purifieth 0048 -hagnizo->

purify ......... and purify 0048 -hagnizo->

purify ......... and purify 2511 -katharizo->

purify ......... to purify 0048 -hagnizo->

purifying ......... purifying 0048 -hagnizo->

purifying ......... purifying 2512 -katharismos->

purifying ......... the manner of the purifying 2512 -katharismos->

purifying ......... to the purifying 2514 -katharotes->

purifying ......... us and them , purifying 2511 -katharizo->

purity ......... in purity 0047 -hagneia->

purity ......... purity 0047 -hagneia->

purloining ......... Not purloining 3557 -nosphizomai->

purple ......... and purple 4209 -porphura->

purple ......... and purple 4210 -porphurous->

purple ......... and the purple 4210 -porphurous->

purple ......... him a purple 4210 -porphurous->

purple ......... him with purple 4209 -porphura->

purple ......... in purple 4209 -porphura->

purple ......... of purple 4211 -porphuropolis->

purple ......... the purple 4209 -porphura->

purpose ......... do I purpose 1011 -bouleuo->

purpose ......... purpose , that he might know 1097 -ginosko->

purpose ......... purpose , that ye might know 1097 -ginosko->

purpose ......... purpose , to make 4400 -procheirizomai->

purpose ......... purpose 4286 -prothesis->

purpose ......... purpose have I raised 1825 -exegeiro->

purpose ......... purpose is this 3778 -houtos->

purpose ......... purpose the Son 5207 -huios->

purpose ......... that the purpose 4286 -prothesis->

purpose ......... that with purpose 4286 -prothesis->

purpose ......... the things that I purpose 1011 -bouleuo->

purpose ......... their purpose 4286 -prothesis->

purpose ......... them from their purpose 1013 -boulema->

purpose ......... to his purpose 4286 -prothesis->

purpose ......... to the purpose 4286 -prothesis->

purposed ......... he hath purposed 4388 -protithemai->

purposed ......... he purposed 1106 -gnome->

purposed ......... he purposed 4160 -poieo->

purposed ......... I purposed 4388 -protithemai->

purposed ......... purposed 5087 -tithemi->

purposeth ......... as he purposeth 4255 -proaireomai->

purse ......... a purse 0905 -balantion->

purse ......... in their purse 2223 -zone->

purse ......... purse 0905 -balantion->

purses ......... purses 2223 -zone->

resurrection ......... and of resurrection 0386 -anastasis->

resurrection ......... and resurrection 0386 -anastasis->

resurrection ......... and the resurrection 0386 -anastasis->

resurrection ......... by the resurrection 0386 -anastasis->

resurrection ......... For in the resurrection 0386 -anastasis->

resurrection ......... his resurrection 1454 -egersis->

resurrection ......... in the likeness of his resurrection 0386 -anastasis->

resurrection ......... in the resurrection 0386 -anastasis->

resurrection ......... In the resurrection 0386 -anastasis->

resurrection ......... is the resurrection 0386 -anastasis->

resurrection ......... of his resurrection 0386 -anastasis->

resurrection ......... of the resurrection 0386 -anastasis->

resurrection ......... resurrection 0386 -anastasis->

resurrection ......... that the resurrection 0386 -anastasis->

resurrection ......... that there shall be a resurrection 0386 -anastasis->

resurrection ......... the resurrection 0386 -anastasis->

resurrection ......... unto the resurrection 0386 -anastasis->

resurrection ......... unto the resurrection 1815 -exanastasis->

resurrection ......... with us of his resurrection 0386 -anastasis->

return ......... and to return 5290 -hupostrepho->

return ......... but I will return 0344 -anakampto->

return ......... he will return 0360 -analuo->

return ......... I will return 0390 -anastrepho->

return ......... I will return 1994 -epistrepho->

return ......... I will return 5290 -hupostrepho->

return ......... not return 1994 -epistrepho->

return ......... return 1994 -epistrepho->

Return ......... Return 5290 -hupostrepho->

return ......... that they should not return 0344 -anakampto->

return ......... to return 5290 -hupostrepho->

returned ......... and returned 5290 -hupostrepho->

returned ......... And returned 5290 -hupostrepho->

returned ......... and they returned 5290 -hupostrepho->

returned ......... And they returned 5290 -hupostrepho->

returned ......... And when he returned 5290 -hupostrepho->

returned ......... as he returned 1877 -epanago->

returned ......... as they returned 5290 -hupostrepho->

returned ......... from them returned 5290 -hupostrepho->

returned ......... he was returned 1880 -epanerchomai->

returned ......... him , and returned 5290 -hupostrepho->

returned ......... returned 1994 -epistrepho->

returned ......... returned 5290 -hupostrepho->

returned ......... that returned 5290 -hupostrepho->

returned ......... they returned 0390 -anastrepho->

returned ......... they returned 5290 -hupostrepho->

returned ......... to have returned 0344 -anakampto->

returned ......... was returned 5290 -hupostrepho->

returned ......... when they were returned 5290 -hupostrepho->

returned ......... with him , and returned 5290 -hupostrepho->

returning ......... returning 5290 -hupostrepho->

returning ......... Was returning 5290 -hupostrepho->

rumour ......... rumour 3056 -logos->

rumours ......... and rumours 0189 -akoe->

Saviour ......... a Saviour 4990 -soter->

Saviour ......... and a Saviour 4990 -soter->

saviour ......... and he is the saviour 4990 -soter->

Saviour ......... and our Saviour 4990 -soter->

Saviour ......... and Saviour 4990 -soter->

Saviour ......... for the Saviour 4990 -soter->

Saviour ......... is the Saviour 4990 -soter->

Saviour ......... my Saviour 4990 -soter->

Saviour ......... of our Saviour 4990 -soter->

Saviour ......... our Saviour 4990 -soter->

Saviour ......... the Saviour 4990 -soter->

Saviour ......... to be the Saviour 4990 -soter->

savour ......... his savour 3471 -moraino->

savour ......... savour 2175 -euodia->

savour ......... savour 3744 -osme->

savour ......... the savour 3744 -osme->

savour ......... we are the savour 3744 -osme->

savourest ......... for thou savourest 5426 -phroneo->

savourest ......... unto me : for thou savourest 5426 -phroneo->

scourge ......... a scourge 5416 -phragellion->

scourge ......... and some of them shall ye scourge 3164 -machomai->

scourge ......... And they shall scourge 3164 -machomai->

scourge ......... and they will scourge 3164 -machomai->

scourge ......... and to scourge 3164 -machomai->

scourge ......... for you to scourge 3147 -mastizo->

scourge ......... him , and shall scourge 3164 -machomai->

scourged ......... and scourged 3146 -mastigoo->

scourged ......... unto them : and when he had scourged 5417 -phragelloo->

scourged ......... when he had scourged 5417 -phragelloo->

scourgeth ......... and scourgeth 3146 -mastigoo->

scourging ......... by scourging 3148 -mastix->

scourgings ......... and scourgings 3148 -mastix->

scripture ......... And the scripture 1124 -graphe->

scripture ......... and the scripture 1124 -graphe->

scripture ......... but that the scripture 1124 -graphe->

scripture ......... But the scripture 1124 -graphe->

scripture ......... For the scripture 1124 -graphe->

scripture ......... Hath not the scripture 1124 -graphe->

scripture ......... in the scripture 1124 -graphe->

scripture ......... it shall be : that the scripture 1124 -graphe->

scripture ......... me , as the scripture 1124 -graphe->

scripture ......... not the scripture 1124 -graphe->

scripture ......... of the scripture 1124 -graphe->

scripture ......... scripture 1124 -graphe->

scripture ......... that the scripture 1124 -graphe->

scripture ......... the scripture 1124 -graphe->

scripture ......... to the scripture 1124 -graphe->

scriptures ......... and by the scriptures 1124 -graphe->

scriptures ......... by the scriptures 1124 -graphe->

scriptures ......... in the scriptures 1124 -graphe->

scriptures ......... me not : but the scriptures 1124 -graphe->

scriptures ......... not the scriptures 1124 -graphe->

scriptures ......... of the scriptures 1124 -graphe->

scriptures ......... scriptures 1121 -gramma->

scriptures ......... scriptures 1124 -graphe->

scriptures ......... shall the scriptures 1124 -graphe->

scriptures ......... that the scriptures 1124 -graphe->

scriptures ......... the scriptures 1124 -graphe->

scriptures ......... to the scriptures 1124 -graphe->

scriptures ......... to us the scriptures 1124 -graphe->

scriptures ......... with them out of the scriptures 1124 -graphe->

secure ......... him , and secure 0275 -amerimnos->

security ......... security 2425 -hikanos->

sojourn ......... should sojourn 3941 -paroikos->

sojourned ......... he sojourned 3939 -paroikeo->

sojourning ......... sojourning 3940 -paroikia->

stature ......... and stature 2244 -helikia->

stature ......... of stature 2244 -helikia->

stature ......... of the stature 2244 -helikia->

stature ......... to his stature 2244 -helikia->

stature ......... unto his stature 2244 -helikia->

succour ......... to succour 0997 -boetheo->

succoured ......... have I succoured 0997 -boetheo->

succourer ......... a succourer 4368 -prostatis->

sure ......... a more sure 0949 -bebaios->

sure ......... and are sure 1097 -ginosko->

sure ......... And I am sure 1492 -eido->

sure ......... are we sure 1492 -eido->

sure ......... be ye sure 1097 -ginosko->

sure ......... But we are sure 1492 -eido->

sure ......... it as sure 0805 -asphalizo->

sure ......... might be sure 0949 -bebaios->

sure ......... sure 0804 -asphales->

sure ......... sure 0805 -asphalizo->

sure ......... sure 0949 -bebaios->

sure ......... sure 4731 -stereos->

sure ......... you the sure 4103 -pistos->

surely ......... surely 0230 -alethos->

Surely ......... Surely 0230 -alethos->

Surely ......... Surely 2229 -e->

Surely ......... Surely 3483 -nai->

surely ......... unto them , Ye will surely 3843 -pantos->

surely ......... which are most surely 4135 -plerophoreo->

surety ......... a surety 1450 -egguos->

surety ......... of a surety 0230 -alethos->

surfeiting ......... with surfeiting 2897 -kraipale->

surmisings ......... surmisings 5283 -huponoia->

surname ......... surname 1941 -epikaleomai->

surname ......... surname 2564 -kaleo->

surnamed ......... and he surnamed 3686 -onoma->

surnamed ......... he surnamed 3686 -onoma->

surnamed ......... surnamed 1941 -epikaleomai->

surnamed ......... was surnamed 1941 -epikaleomai->

tortured ......... were tortured 5178 -tumpanizo->

transfigured ......... and he was transfigured 3339 -metamorphoo->

transfigured ......... And was transfigured 3339 -metamorphoo->

treasure ......... a treasure 2344 -thesauros->

treasure ......... her treasure 1047 -gaza->

treasure ......... is he that layeth up treasure 2343 -thesaurizo->

treasure ......... out of his treasure 2344 -thesauros->

treasure ......... treasure 2343 -thesaurizo->

treasure ......... treasure 2344 -thesauros->

treasure ......... unto treasure 2344 -thesauros->

treasures ......... than the treasures 2344 -thesauros->

treasures ......... the treasures 2344 -thesauros->

treasures ......... their treasures 2344 -thesauros->

treasures ......... treasures 2344 -thesauros->

treasurest ......... treasurest 2343 -thesaurizo->

treasury ......... in the treasury 1049 -gazophulakion->

treasury ......... the treasury 1049 -gazophulakion->

treasury ......... the treasury 2878 -korban->

turn ......... And it shall turn 0576 -apobaino->

turn ......... and shall turn 0654 -apostrepho->

turn ......... And they shall turn 0654 -apostrepho->

turn ......... and to turn 1994 -epistrepho->

turn ......... and turn 1994 -epistrepho->

turn ......... and turn 4762 -strepho->

turn ......... if we turn 0654 -apostrepho->

turn ......... it , to turn 1994 -epistrepho->

turn ......... it shall turn 1994 -epistrepho->

turn ......... not , it shall turn 0344 -anakampto->

turn ......... not turn 1994 -epistrepho->

turn ......... of thee turn 0654 -apostrepho->

turn ......... shall he turn 1994 -epistrepho->

turn ......... shall turn 0576 -apobaino->

turn ......... that turn 0654 -apostrepho->

turn ......... to turn 1294 -diastrepho->

turn ......... to turn 1994 -epistrepho->

turn ......... to turn 4672 -Solomon->

turn ......... turn 0665 -apotrepo->

turn ......... turn 1994 -epistrepho->

turn ......... turn 4762 -strepho->

turn ......... unto you that ye should turn 1994 -epistrepho->

turn ......... us ; and we turn 3329 -metago->

turn ......... we turn 4762 -strepho->

turned ......... And he turned 4762 -strepho->

turned ......... And I turned 1994 -epistrepho->

turned ......... and shall be turned 0654 -apostrepho->

turned ......... and turned 1994 -epistrepho->

turned ......... and turned 3179 -methistemi->

turned ......... are turned 1994 -epistrepho->

turned ......... at him , and turned 4762 -strepho->

turned ......... be turned 0654 -apostrepho->

turned ......... be turned 1624 -ektrepo->

turned ......... be turned 3344 -metastrepho->

turned ......... But he turned 4672 -Solomon->

turned ......... But he turned 4762 -strepho->

turned ......... But when he had turned 1994 -epistrepho->

turned ......... have turned 1824 -exautes->

turned ......... he turned 0402 -anachoreo->

turned ......... him , and turned 1994 -epistrepho->

turned ......... him not , they turned 5290 -hupostrepho->

turned ......... is turned 1994 -epistrepho->

turned ......... out of him , turned 1994 -epistrepho->

turned ......... shall be turned 1096 -ginomai->

turned ......... shall be turned 4762 -strepho->

turned ......... She turned 4762 -strepho->

turned ......... she turned 4762 -strepho->

turned ......... that have turned 0387 -anastatoo->

turned ......... turned 1824 -exautes->

turned ......... turned 1994 -epistrepho->

turned ......... turned 2827 -klino->

turned ......... turned 4762 -strepho->

turned ......... turned 5290 -hupostrepho->

turned ......... with him : and he turned 4762 -strepho->

turned ......... with me . And being turned 1994 -epistrepho->

turned ......... ye turned 1994 -epistrepho->

turned ......... yet are they turned 3329 -metago->

turning ......... and turning 1994 -epistrepho->

turning ......... And turning 5077 -tephroo->

turning ......... men , turning 3346 -metatithemi->

turning ......... of turning 5157 -trope->

turning ......... turning 1994 -epistrepho->

turning ......... turning 4762 -strepho->

turning ......... you , in turning 0654 -apostrepho->

turtledoves ......... of turtledoves 5167 -trugon->

Urbane ......... Urbane 3773 -Ourbanos->

urge ......... to urge 1758 -enecho->

Urias ......... of her that had been the wife of Urias 3774 -Ourias->

usurp ......... to usurp 0831 -authenteo->

usury ......... own with usury 5110 -tokos->

vapour ......... a vapour 0822 -atmis->

vapour ......... and vapour 0822 -atmis->

vesture ......... among them , and for my vesture 2441 -himatismos->

vesture ......... among them , and upon my vesture 2441 -himatismos->

vesture ......... And as a vesture 4018 -peribolaion->

vesture ......... his vesture 2440 -himation->

vesture ......... with a vesture 2440 -himation->

your ......... am your 5216 -humon->

your ......... among you shall be your 5216 -humon->

your ......... and declaration of your 5216 -humon->

your ......... and for your 3588 -ho->

your ......... and for your 5216 -humon->

your ......... and I pray God your 3588 -ho->

your ......... and in your 5209 -humas->

your ......... and in your 5216 -humon->

your ......... and not for your 5216 -humon->

your ......... and of your 5209 -humas->

your ......... and take your rest 0373 -anapano->

your ......... and that your 5216 -humon->

your ......... and that your brethren 0080 -adephos->

your ......... and ye are not your 5216 -humon->

your ......... And your 3588 -ho->

your ......... and your 3588 -ho->

your ......... and your 5216 -humon->

your ......... are your 5216 -humon->

your ......... as your 5216 -humon->

your ......... be upon your 0546 -apeileo->

your ......... be with your 5212 -humeteros->

your ......... be with your 5216 -humon->

your ......... But let your 5216 -humon->

your ......... but let your 5216 -humon->

your ......... but your 5212 -humeteros->

your ......... but your 5216 -humon->

your ......... by your 3588 -ho->

your ......... by your 5212 -humeteros->

your ......... by your 5216 -humon->

your ......... by your letters 1992 -epistole->

your ......... do your 5216 -humon->

your ......... Doth not your 5216 -humon->

your ......... down your 5216 -humon->

your ......... even of your 5216 -humon->

your ......... even your 5216 -humon->

your ......... for it is your 5216 -humon->

your ......... for your 3588 -ho->

your ......... for your 5209 -humas->

your ......... for your 5216 -humon->

your ......... For your 5216 -humon->

your ......... for your faults 0264 -hamartano->

your ......... for your food 1035 -brosis->

your ......... for your journey 3598 -hodos->

your ......... from your 3588 -ho->

your ......... from your 5216 -humon->

your ......... have not your 5216 -humon->

your ......... having your 5216 -humon->

your ......... I unto you . Let not your 5216 -humon->

your ......... in you , and that your 5216 -humon->

your ......... in your 1438 -heautou->

your ......... in your 3588 -ho->

your ......... in your 5212 -humeteros->

your ......... in your 5213 -humin->

your ......... In your 5216 -humon->

your ......... in your 5216 -humon->

your ......... is for your 5212 -humeteros->

your ......... is unto you , and to your 5216 -humon->

your ......... is your 5216 -humon->

your ......... is your glory 1391 -doxa->

your ......... it , for your 5209 -humas->

your ......... it is for your 5213 -humin->

your ......... it is for your 5216 -humon->

your ......... it upon your 5216 -humon->

your ......... Let not your 5216 -humon->

your ......... Let your 3588 -ho->

your ......... Let your 5216 -humon->

your ......... let your 5216 -humon->

your ......... let your conversation 4176 -politeuomai->

your ......... man your 5216 -humon->

your ......... may be a supply for your 5216 -humon->

your ......... not as your 5216 -humon->

your ......... not your 5216 -humon->

your ......... of me , but for your 5209 -humas->

your ......... of your 1438 -heautou->

your ......... of your 5209 -humas->

your ......... of your 5212 -humeteros->

your ......... of your 5216 -humon->

your ......... of your souls 5590 -psuche->

your ......... on your 5216 -humon->

your ......... out of your 5216 -humon->

your ......... out your 1438 -heautou->

your ......... out your 5216 -humon->

your ......... over your 5216 -humon->

your ......... received by tradition from your 5216 -humon->

your ......... shall they be your 5216 -humon->

your ......... shall your 3588 -ho->

your ......... shall your 5216 -humon->

your ......... that he is your 5216 -humon->

your ......... that through your 5212 -humeteros->

your ......... that we are your 5216 -humon->

your ......... That your 5216 -humon->

your ......... that your 5216 -humon->

your ......... they may by your 3588 -ho->

your ......... they shall be your 5216 -humon->

your ......... things are for your 5209 -humas->

your ......... things in your 5216 -humon->

your ......... things of your 2398 -idios->

your ......... things to your 5209 -humas->

your ......... things your 3588 -ho->

your ......... this to your 5213 -humin->

your ......... through your 5216 -humon->

your ......... to them that are your masters 2962 -kurios->

your ......... to your 3588 -ho->

your ......... to your 5213 -humin->

your ......... to your 5216 -humon->

Your ......... unto them , Your 0546 -apeileo->

your ......... unto them : for your 5216 -humon->

your ......... unto us your 5216 -humon->

your ......... unto your 3588 -ho->

your ......... unto your 5216 -humon->

your ......... up unto you of your 5216 -humon->

your ......... up your 5216 -humon->

your ......... upon your 5216 -humon->

your ......... us of your 5216 -humon->

your ......... us your 5216 -humon->

your ......... we unto you , that your 5216 -humon->

your ......... were your 5216 -humon->

your ......... when your 5216 -humon->

your ......... which is your 5216 -humon->

your ......... will your 5216 -humon->

your ......... with me in your 3588 -ho->

your ......... with your 2398 -idios->

your ......... with your 5216 -humon->

your ......... Ye are of your father 3962 -pater->

your ......... ye from your 5216 -humon->

your ......... ye in your 5216 -humon->

your ......... ye not that your 1438 -heautou->

your ......... ye not that your 5216 -humon->

your ......... ye not your 1438 -heautou->

your ......... ye that your 5216 -humon->

your ......... ye your 5216 -humon->

your ......... yet for your 5216 -humon->

your ......... yet your 5216 -humon->

your ......... you , let him be your 5216 -humon->

your ......... you , shall be your 5216 -humon->

your ......... you for your 5209 -humas->

your ......... you not for your 5216 -humon->

your ......... you of your reward 2603 -katabrabeuo->

your ......... you that which is your 5212 -humeteros->

your ......... you your 5216 -humon->

your ......... your 1438 -heautou->

your ......... your 2398 -idios->

your ......... your 3588 -ho->

your ......... your 5209 -humas->

your ......... your 5213 -humin->

Your ......... Your 5216 -humon->

your ......... your 5216 -humon->

your ......... your affection 5426 -phroneo->

your ......... your entering 1531 -eisporeuomai->

your ......... your hands 5495 -cheir->

your ......... your hearts 2588 -kardia->

your ......... your house 3614->

your ......... your house 3614->

your ......... your love 0026 -agape->

your ......... your way , and tell 0518 -apaggello->

your ......... your way , make 0805 -asphalizo->

your ......... your way , tell 2036 -epo->

your ......... your way into 1519 -eis->

your ......... your ways , and pour 1632 -ekcheo->

your ......... your ways : behold 2400 -idou->

your ......... your ways out into 1519 -eis->

your ......... yourselves unto your 2398 -idios->

your ......... yourselves unto your 3588 -ho->

yours ......... and yours 5216 -humon->

yours ......... are yours 5216 -humon->

yours ......... for yours 5212 -humeteros->

yours ......... not yours 5216 -humon->

yours ......... of yours 5216 -humon->

yours ......... things are yours 5216 -humon->

yours ......... yours 5212 -humeteros->

yourselves ......... and that not of yourselves 5216 -humon->

yourselves ......... and ye yourselves 0846 -autos->

yourselves ......... And ye yourselves like 3664 -homoios->

yourselves ......... and you yourselves thrust 1544 -ekballo->

yourselves ......... But lay up for yourselves 5213 -humin->

yourselves ......... For yourselves 0846 -autos->

yourselves ......... for yourselves 0846 -autos->

yourselves ......... for yourselves 1438 -heautou->

yourselves ......... from among yourselves 0846 -autos->

yourselves ......... in yourselves , neither 3756 -ou->

yourselves ......... in yourselves 0846 -autos->

yourselves ......... in yourselves 1438 -heautou->

yourselves ......... it among yourselves 1438 -heautou->

yourselves ......... Lay not up for yourselves 5213 -humin->

yourselves ......... not in yourselves 0846 -autos->

yourselves ......... not yourselves 1438 -heautou->

yourselves ......... not yourselves ; for his life 5590 -psuche->

yourselves ......... of you , as ye yourselves 0846 -autos->

yourselves ......... of yourselves , yea 0235 -alla->

yourselves ......... of yourselves 1438 -heautou->

yourselves ......... seeing ye yourselves are wise 5429 -phronimos->

yourselves ......... suffer yourselves to be defrauded 0650 -apostereo->

yourselves ......... than yourselves 5216 -humon->

yourselves ......... therefore unto yourselves 1438 -heautou->

yourselves ......... to yourselves 1438 -heautou->

yourselves ......... to yourselves 1438->

yourselves ......... to yourselves 1438->

yourselves ......... unto you : for ye yourselves 0846 -autos->

yourselves ......... unto yourselves 1438 -heautou->

yourselves ......... up yourselves 1438 -heautou->

yourselves ......... ye yourselves 0846 -autos->

yourselves ......... Ye yourselves 0846 -autos->

yourselves ......... yourselves 0240 -allelon->

yourselves ......... yourselves 0846 -autos->

yourselves ......... yourselves 1438 -heautou->

yourselves ......... yourselves 5216 -humon->

yourselves ......... yourselves according 2596 -kata->

yourselves ......... yourselves from every 3956 -pas->

yourselves ......... yourselves from this 5026 -taute->

yourselves ......... yourselves in the sight 1799 -enopion->

yourselves ......... yourselves likewise 2532 -kai->

yourselves ......... yourselves one 0240 -allelon->

yourselves ......... yourselves therefore 3767 -oun->

yourselves ......... yourselves to every 3956 -pas->

yourselves ......... yourselves to fasting 3521 -nesteia->

yourselves ......... yourselves together 4863 -sunago->

yourselves ......... yourselves unto such 5108 -toioutos->

yourselves ......... yourselves unto the elder 4245 -presbuteros->

yourselves ......... yourselves unto your 2398 -idios->

yourselves ......... yourselves unto your 3588 -ho->