understood GEN 042 023 And they knew <03045 +yada< > not that
Joseph <03130 +Yowceph > {understood} <08085 +shama< > [ them
] ; for he spake unto them by an interpreter <03887 +luwts > .

understood DEU 032 029 O that they were wise <02449 +chakam > ,
[ that ] they {understood} <07919 +sakal > this <02063
+zo>th > , [ that ] they would consider <00995 +biyn > their
latter <00319 +>achariyth > end !

* understood , 0050 agnoeo , 1097 ginosko , 1425 dusnoetos ,
2154 eusemos , 3129 manthano , 3539 noieo , 4441 punthanomai ,
4920 suniemi , 5426 phroneo ,


understood -0050 ignorant, ignorantly, knew, knowing,
understand, {understood}, unknown,

understood -1097 aware, can, canst, felt, knew, know, knowest,
knoweth, knowing, knowledge, known, perceive, perceived, speak,
sure, understand, understandest, {understood},

understood -1425 hard, {understood},

understood -2154 easy, {understood},

understood -3129 learn, learned, learning, {understood},

understood -3539 consider, perceive, think, understand,

understood -4441 ask, asked, demanded, enquire, enquired,

understood -4920 considered, understand, understandeth,
understanding, {understood}, wise,

understood -5426 affection, care, careful, likeminded, mind,
minded, savourest, set, think, thinkest, {understood},


understood -0995 attended , consider , considered , considereth
, considering , cunning , diligently , discern , discerned ,
discreet , eloquent , feel , informed , instruct , instructed ,
intelligence , know , looketh , mark , perceive , perceived ,
perceiveth , prudent , regard , regardest , regardeth , skilful ,
taught , teacher , think , understand , understandest ,
understandeth , understanding , {understood} , viewed , well ,
wise , wisely ,

understood -3045 acknowledge , acknowledged , acquaintance ,
acquainted , advise , answer , appointed , assuredly , aware ,
can , certain , come , comprehend , consider , considereth ,
could , cunning , declare , declared , discern , discerneth ,
discovered , endued , familiar , famous , feel , felt , have ,
images , instructed , kinsfolks , kinsman , knew , knewest ,
know , knowest , knoweth , knowing , knowledge , known , madest ,
mark , perceive , perceived , perceivest , privy ,
prognosticators , regardeth , respect , shew , shewed , skilful ,
skill , sure , surety , taught , teach , tell , unawares ,
understand , {understood} , will , wist , wit , wot , wotteth ,

understood -7919 behave , behaved , consider , considereth ,
expert , instruct , instructed , prosper , prospered ,
prospereth , prudent , prudently , skilful , skill , success ,
taught , teacheth , understand , understandeth , understanding ,
{understood} , wisdom , wise , wisely , wittingly ,

understood -8085 attentively , call , called , carefully ,
consented , considered , content , declare , discern , ear ,
gathered , hear , heard , heardest , hearest , heareth , hearing
, hearken , hearkened , hearkenedst , hearkeneth , hearkening ,
listen , loud , noise , obedient , obey , obeyed , obeyedst ,
obeyeth , obeying , perceive , perceived , proclaimed ,
proclamation , publish , published , publisheth , regardeth ,
reported , shew , shewed , sound , sounding , tell , the , told ,
understand , understandest , understanding , {understood} ,
witness ,


understood 1425 ** dusnoetos ** hard to be {understood}.

understood 2154 ** eusemos ** easy to be {understood}.


understood ......... And they understood 4920 -suniemi->

understood ......... being understood 3539 -noieo->

understood ......... But they understood 0050 -agnoeo->

understood ......... he was . And when he understood 4441 -

understood ......... him , having understood 3129 -manthano->

understood ......... I understood 5426 -phroneo->

understood ......... them : but they understood 4920 -suniemi->

understood ......... They understood 1097 -ginosko->

understood ......... things understood 1097 -ginosko->

understood ......... to be understood 1425 -dusnoetos->

understood ......... to be understood 2154 -eusemos->

understood ......... understood 1097 -ginosko->

understood ......... understood 4920 -suniemi->

understood ......... unto them , Have ye understood 4920 -

understood ......... unto them : but they understood 1097 -

understood ......... would have understood 4920 -suniemi->



understood 1425 # dusnoetos {doos-no'-ay-tos}; from 1418 and a
derivative of 3539; difficult of perception: -- hard to be

understood 2154 # eusemos {yoo'-say-mos}; from 2095 and the base
of 4591; well indicated, i.e. (figuratively) significant: --
easy to be {understood}.[ql


understood 013 051 Mat /${understood /all these
things ? They say unto him , Yea , Lord .

understood 013 011 ICo /${understood /as a child ,
I thought as a child : but when I became a man , I put away
childish things .

understood 009 002 Dan /^{understood /by books the
number of the years , whereof the word of the LORD came to
Jeremiah the prophet , that he would accomplish seventy years in
the desolations of Jerusalem .

understood 001 020 Rom /${understood /by the things
that are made , even his eternal power and Godhead ; so that
they are without excuse :

understood 044 018 Isa /^{understood /for he hath
shut their eyes , that they cannot see ; and their hearts , that
they cannot understand .

understood 040 021 Isa /^{understood /from the
foundations of the earth ?

understood 014 009 ICo /${understood /how shall it
be known what is spoken ? for ye shall speak into the air .

understood 007 025 Act /${understood /how that God
by his hand would deliver them : but they understood not .

understood 073 017 Psa /^{understood /I their end .

understood 026 010 Mat /${understood /it, he said
unto them , Why trouble ye the woman ? for she hath wrought a
good work upon me .

understood 008 027 Dan /^{understood /it.

understood 013 001 Job /^{understood /it.

understood 018 034 Luk /${understood /none of these
things : and this saying was hid from them , neither knew they
the things which were spoken .

understood 007 025 Act /${understood /not .

understood 012 016 Joh /${understood /not his
disciples at the first : but when Jesus was glorified , then
remembered they that these things were written of him , and that
they had done these things unto him .

understood 008 027 Joh /${understood /not that he
spake to them of the Father .

understood 009 032 Mar /${understood /not that
saying , and were afraid to ask him .

understood 002 050 Luk /${understood /not the
saying which he spake unto them .

understood 009 045 Luk /${understood /not this
saying , and it was hid from them , that they perceived it not :
and they feared to ask him of that saying .

understood 106 007 Psa /^{understood /not thy
wonders in Egypt ; they remembered not the multitude of thy
mercies ; but provoked him at the sea , even at the Red sea .

understood 010 006 Joh /${understood /not what
things they were which he spake unto them .

understood 081 005 Psa /^{understood /not.

understood 012 008 Dan /^{understood /not: then
said I, O my Lord , what shall be the end of these things?

understood 042 003 Job /^{understood /not; things
too wonderful for me, which I knew not.

understood 013 007 Neh /^{understood /of the evil
that Eliashib did for Tobiah , in preparing him a chamber in the
courts of the house of God .

understood 003 037 IISa /^{understood /that day that
it was not of the king to slay Abner the son of Ner .

understood 017 013 Mat /${understood /that he spake
unto them of John the Baptist .

understood 023 027 Act /${understood /that he was a
Roman .

understood 023 034 Act /${understood /that he was
of Cilicia ;

understood 026 004 ISa /^{understood /that Saul was
come in very deed .

understood 004 006 ISa /^{understood /that the ark
of the LORD was come into the camp .

understood 010 001 Dan /^{understood /the thing ,
and had understanding of the vision .

understood 008 012 Neh /^{understood /the words
that were declared unto them.

understood 042 023 Gen /^{understood /them; for he
spake unto them by an interpreter .

understood 016 012 Mat /${understood /they how that
he bade them not beware of the leaven of bread , but of the
doctrine of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees .

understood 032 029 Deu /^{understood /this, that
they would consider their latter end !

understood 003 016 IIPe /${understood /which they
that are unlearned and unstable wrest , as they do also the
other scriptures , unto their own destruction .


understood 37 -


understood , RO , 1:20

understood , MR , 9:32

understood , 2SA , 3:37

understood , DE , 32:29

understood , GE , 42:23

understood , 2PE , 3:16

understood , NE , 8:12 , NE , 13:7

understood , 1SA , 4:6 , 1SA , 26:4

understood , JOB , 13:1 , JOB , 42:3

understood , 1CO , 13:11 , 1CO , 14:9

understood , ISA , 40:21 , ISA , 44:18

understood , LU , 2:50 , LU , 9:45 , LU , 18:34

understood , PS , 73:17 , PS , 81:5 , PS , 106:7

understood , JOH , 8:27 , JOH , 10:6 , JOH , 12:16

understood , DA , 8:27 , DA , 9:2 , DA , 10:1 , DA , 12:8

understood , AC , 7:25 , AC , 7:25 , AC , 23:27 , AC , 23:34

understood , MT , 13:51 , MT , 16:12 , MT , 17:13 , MT , 26:10


understood 1425 # dusnoetos {doos-no'-ay-tos}; from 1418 and a
derivative of 3539; difficult of perception: -- hard to be

understood 2154 # eusemos {yoo'-say-mos}; from 2095 and the
base of 4591; well indicated, i.e. (figuratively) significant: --
easy to be {understood}.[ql


understood Interlinear Index Study

understood GEN 042 023 And they knew <03045 +yada< > not that
Joseph <03130 +Yowceph > {understood} <08085 +shama< > [ them ] ;
for he spake unto them by an interpreter <03887 +luwts > .

understood DEU 032 029 O that they were wise <02449 +chakam > ,
[ that ] they {understood} <07919 +sakal > this <02063 +zo>th > ,
[ that ] they would consider <00995 +biyn > their latter <00319
+>achariyth > end !

understood 1SA 004 006 And when the Philistines <06430
+P@lishtiy > heard <08085 +shama< > the noise <06963 +qowl > of
the shout <08643 +t@ruw , they said <00559 +>amar > , What
<04100 +mah > [ meaneth ] the noise <06963 +qowl > of this
<02063 +zo>th > great <01419 +gadowl > shout in the camp <04264
+machaneh > of the Hebrews <05680 + ? And they
{understood} <03045 +yada< > that the ark <00727 +>arown > of
the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > was come <00935 +bow> > into <00413
+>el > the camp <04264 +machaneh > .

understood 1SA 026 004 David <01732 +David > therefore sent
<07971 +shalach > out spies <07270 +ragal > , and {understood}
<03045 +yada< > that Saul <07586 +Sha>uwl > was come <00935
+bow> > in very <03559 +kuwn > deed <03559 +kuwn > .

understood 2SA 003 037 For all <03605 +kol > the people <05971
+ and all <03605 +kol > Israel <03478 +Yisra>el >
{understood} <03045 +yada< > that day <03117 +yowm > that it was
not of the king <04428 +melek > to slay <04191 +muwth > Abner
<74> the son <01121 +ben > of Ner <05369 +Ner > .

understood NEH 008 012 And all <03605 +kol > the people <05971
+ went <03212 +yalak > their way <01870 +derek > to eat
<00398 +>akal > , and to drink <08354 +shathah > , and to send
<07971 +shalach > portions <04490 +manah > , and to make <06213
+ great <01419 +gadowl > mirth <08057 +simchah > ,
because <03588 +kiy > they had {understood} <00995 +biyn > the
words <01697 +dabar > that were declared <03045 +yada< > unto
them .

understood NEH 013 007 And I came <00935 +bow> > to Jerusalem
<03389 +Y@ruwshalaim > , and {understood} <00995 +biyn > of the
evil <07451 +ra< > that Eliashib <00475 +>Elyashiyb > did <06213
+ for Tobiah <02900 +Towbiyah > , in preparing <06213
+ him a chamber <05393 +nishkah > in the courts <02691
+chatser > of the house <01004 +bayith > of God <00430 +>elohiym
> .

understood JOB 013 001 . Lo <02005 +hen > , mine eye <05869
+ hath seen <07200 +ra>ah > all <03605 +kol > [ this ] ,
mine ear <00241 +>ozen > hath heard <08085 +shama< > and
{understood} <00995 +biyn > it .

understood JOB 042 003 Who <04310 +miy > [ is ] he that hideth
<05956 + counsel <06098 + without <01097 +b@liy >
knowledge <01847 +da ? therefore <03651 +ken > have I
uttered <05046 +nagad > that I {understood} <00995 +biyn > not ;
things too wonderful <06381 +pala> > for me , which I knew
<03045 +yada< > not .

understood PSA 073 017 Until <05704 + I went <00935 +bow> >
into <00413 +>el > the sanctuary <04720 +miqdash > of God <00410
+>el > ; [ then ] {understood} <00995 +biyn > I their end <00319
+>achariyth > .

understood PSA 081 005 This he ordained <07760 +suwm > in Joseph
<03084 +Y@howceph > [ for ] a testimony <5715> , when he went
<03318 +yatsa> > out through <05921 + the land <00776
+>erets > of Egypt <04714 +Mitsrayim > : [ where ] I heard
<08085 +shama< > a language <08193 +saphah > [ that ] I
{understood} <03045 +yada< > not .

understood PSA 106 007 Our fathers <1> {understood} <07919
+sakal > not thy wonders <06381 +pala> > in Egypt <04714
+Mitsrayim > ; they remembered <02142 +zakar > not the multitude
<07230 +rob > of thy mercies <02617 +checed > ; but provoked
<04784 +marah > [ him ] at <05921 + the sea <03220 +yam > ,
[ even ] at <05921 + the Red <05488 +cuwph > sea <03220
+yam > .

understood ISA 040 021 Have ye not known <03045 +yada< > ? have
ye not heard <08085 +shama< > ? hath it not been told <05046
+nagad > you from the beginning <07218 +ro>sh > ? have ye not
{understood} <00995 +biyn > from the foundations <04146
+mowcadah > of the earth <00776 +>erets > ?

understood ISA 044 018 They have not known <03045 +yada< > nor
{understood} <00995 +biyn > : for he hath shut <02902 +tuwach >
their eyes <05869 + , that they cannot see <07200 +ra>ah
> ; [ and ] their hearts <03826 +libbah > , that they cannot
understand <07919 +sakal > .

understood DAN 008 027 And I Daniel <01840 +Daniye>l > fainted
<01961 +hayah > , and was sick <02470 +chalah > [ certain ] days
<03117 +yowm > ; afterward I rose <06965 +quwm > up , and did
<06213 + the king s <04428 +melek > business <04399
+m@la>kah > ; and I was astonished <08074 +shamem > at <05921
+ the vision <04758 +mar>eh > , but none <00369 +>ayin >
{understood} <00995 +biyn > [ it ] .

understood DAN 009 002 In the first <00259 +>echad > year <08141
+shaneh > of his reign <04427 +malak > I Daniel <01840 +Daniye>l
> {understood} <00995 +biyn > by books <05612 +cepher > the
number <04557 +micpar > of the years <08141 +shaneh > , whereof
<00834 +>aher > the word <01697 +dabar > of the LORD <03068
+Y@hovah > came <01961 +hayah > to Jeremiah <03414 +Yirm@yah >
the prophet <05030 +nabiy> > , that he would accomplish <04390
+male> > seventy <07657 +shib years <08141 +shaneh > in
the desolations <02723 +chorbah > of Jerusalem <03389
+Y@ruwshalaim > .

understood DAN 010 001 . In the third <07969 +shalowsh > year
<08141 +shaneh > of Cyrus <03566 +Kowresh > king <04428 +melek >
of Persia <06539 +Parac > a thing <01697 +dabar > was revealed
<01540 +galah > unto Daniel <01840 +Daniye>l > , whose <00834
+>aher > name <08034 +shem > was called <07121 +qara> >
Belteshazzar <01095 +Belt@sha>tstsar > ; and the thing <01697
+dabar > [ was ] true <00571 +>emeth > , but the time appointed
<06635 +tsaba> > [ was ] long <01419 +gadowl > : and he
{understood} <00995 +biyn > the thing <01697 +dabar > , and had
understanding <00998 +biynah > of the vision <04758 +mar>eh > .

understood DAN 012 008 And I heard <08085 +shama< > , but I
{understood} <00995 +biyn > not : then said <00559 +>amar > I ,
O my Lord <00113 +>adown > , what <04100 +mah > [ shall be ] the
end <00319 +>achariyth > of these <00428 +>el - leh > [ things ]

understood MAT 013 051 Jesus <2424 -Iesous -> saith <3004 -lego -
> unto them , Have ye {understood} <4920 -suniemi -> all <3956 -
pas -> these <5023 -tauta -> things ? They say <3004 -lego ->
unto him , Yea <3483 -nai -> , Lord <2962 -kurios -> .

understood MAT 016 012 Then <5119 -tote -> {understood} <4920 -
suniemi -> they how that he bade <2036 -epo -> [ them ] not
beware <4337 -prosecho -> of the leaven <2219 -zume -> of bread
<0740 -artos -> , but of the doctrine <1322 -didache -> of the
Pharisees <5330 -Pharisaios -> and of the Sadducees <4523 -
Saddoukaios -> .

understood MAT 017 013 Then <5119 -tote -> the disciples <3101 -
mathetes -> {understood} <4920 -suniemi -> that he spake <2036 -
epo -> unto them of John <2491 -Ioannes -> the Baptist <0910 -
Baptistes -> .

understood MAT 026 010 When Jesus <2424 -Iesous -> {understood}
<1097 -ginosko -> [ it ] , he said <2036 -epo -> unto them , Why
<5101 -tis -> trouble <3930 -parecho -> ye the woman <1135 -gune
-> ? for she hath wrought <2038 -ergazomai -> a good <0018 -
agathos -> work <2041 -ergon -> upon me .

understood MAR 009 032 But they {understood} <0050 -agnoeo ->
not that saying <4487 -rhema -> , and were afraid <5399 -phobeo -
> to ask <1905 -eperotao -> him .

understood LUK 002 050 And they {understood} 4920 -suniemi - not
the saying 4487 -rhema - which 3739 -hos - he spake 2980 -laleo -
unto them .

understood LUK 009 045 But they {understood} LUK 0050 -agnoeo -
not this 5127 -toutou - saying 4487 -rhema - , and it was hid
3871 -parakalupto - from them , that they perceived LUK 0143 -
aisthanomai - it not : and they feared 5399 -phobeo - to ask
2065 -erotao - him of that saying 4487 -rhema - .

understood LUK 018 034 And they {understood} 4920 -suniemi -
none 3762 -oudeis - of these 5130 -touton - things : and this
5124 -touto - saying 4487 -rhema - was hid 2928 -krupto - from
them , neither 3756 -ou - knew 1097 -ginosko - they the things
which were spoken 3004 -lego - .

understood JOH 008 027 They {understood} <1097 -ginosko -> not
that he spake <3004 -lego -> to them of the Father <3962 -pater -
> .

understood JOH 010 006 This parable <3942 -paroimia -> spake
<2036 -epo -> Jesus <2424 -Iesous -> unto them : but they
{understood} <1097 -ginosko -> not what <5101 -tis -> things
they were which <3739 -hos -> he spake <2980 -laleo -> unto them

understood JOH 012 016 These <5023 -tauta -> things {understood}
<1097 -ginosko -> not his disciples <3101 -mathetes -> at <4412 -
proton -> the first <4412 -proton -> : but when <3753 -hote ->
Jesus <2424 -Iesous -> was glorified <1392 -doxazo -> , then
<5119 -tote -> remembered <3415 -mnaomai -> they that these
<5023 -tauta -> things were written <1125 -grapho -> of him ,
and [ that ] they had done <4160 -poieo -> these <5023 -tauta ->
things unto him .

understood ACT 007 025 For he supposed <3543 -nomizo -> his
brethren <0080 -adephos -> would have understood <4920 -suniemi -
> how that God <2316 -theos -> by his hand <5495 -cheir -> would
deliver <1325 -didomi -> them : but they {understood} <4920 -
suniemi -> not .

understood ACT 007 025 For he supposed <3543 -nomizo -> his
brethren <0080 -adephos -> would have {understood} <4920 -
suniemi -> how that God <2316 -theos -> by his hand <5495 -cheir
-> would deliver <1325 -didomi -> them : but they understood
<4920 -suniemi -> not .

understood ACT 023 027 This <5126 -touton -> man <0435 -aner ->
was taken <4815 -sullambano -> of the Jews <2453 -Ioudaios -> ,
and should <3195 -mello -> have been killed <0615 -apokteino ->
of them : then came <2186 -ephistemi -> I with an army <4753 -
strateuma -> , and rescued <1807 -exaireo -> him , having
{understood} <3129 -manthano -> that he was a Roman <4514 -
Rhomaios -> .

understood ACT 023 034 And when the governor <2232 -hegemon ->
had read <0314 -anaginosko -> [ the letter ] , he asked <1905 -
eperotao -> of what <4169 -poios -> province <1885 -eparchia ->
he was . And when he {understood} <4441 -punthanomai -> that [
he was ] of Cilicia <2791 -Kilikia -> ;

understood ROM 001 020 For the invisible <0517 -aoratos ->
things of him from the creation <2937 -ktisis -> of the world
<2889 -kosmos -> are clearly <2529 -kathorao -> seen <2529 -
kathorao -> , being {understood} <3539 -noieo -> by the things
that are made <4161 -poiema -> , [ even ] his eternal <0126 -
aidios -> power <1411 -dunamis -> and Godhead <2305 -theiotes ->
; so <1519 -eis -> that they are without <0379 -anapologetos ->
excuse <0379 -anapologetos -> :

understood 1CO 013 011 When <3753 -hote -> I was a child <3516 -
nepios -> , I spake <2980 -laleo -> as a child <3516 -nepios -> ,
I {understood} <5426 -phroneo -> as a child <3516 -nepios -> ,
I thought <3049 -logizomai -> as a child <3516 -nepios -> : but
when <3753 -hote -> I became <1096 -ginomai -> a man <0435 -aner
-> , I put <2673 -katargeo -> away <2673 -katargeo -> childish
<3516 -nepios -> things .

understood 1CO 014 009 So <3779 -houto -> likewise <2532 -kai ->
ye , except <3362 -ean me -> ye utter <1325 -didomi -> by the
tongue <1100 -glossa -> words <3056 -logos -> easy <2154 -
eusemos -> to be {understood} <2154 -eusemos -> , how <4459 -pos
-> shall it be known <1097 -ginosko -> what <3588 -ho -> is
spoken <2980 -laleo -> ? for ye shall speak <2980 -laleo -> into
<1519 -eis -> the air <0109 -aer -> .

understood 2PE 003 016 As also <2532 -kai -> in all <3956 -pas -
> [ his ] epistles <1992 -epistole -> , speaking <2980 -laleo ->
in them of these <5130 -touton -> things ; in which <3739 -hos -
> are some <5100 -tis -> things hard <1425 -dusnoetos -> to be
{understood} <1425 -dusnoetos -> , which <3739 -hos -> they that
are unlearned <0261 -amathes -> and unstable <0793 -asteriktos -
> wrest <4761 -strebloo -> , as [ they do ] also <2532 -kai ->
the other <3062 -loipoy -> scriptures <1124 -graphe -> , unto
their own <2398 -idios -> destruction <0684 -apoleia -> .


be understood <1CO14 -:9 >

be understood <2PE3 -:16 >

because they had understood

being understood by

but none understood

but they understood not

but they understood not

but they understood not this saying

but they understood not what things they were which he spake
unto them

daniel understood by books

for he supposed his brethren would have understood how 25 >

have ye not understood from

have ye understood all these things

our fathers understood not thy wonders

then understood they how

these things understood not his disciples at

they have not known nor understood

they understood <1SA4 -:6 >

they understood none

they understood not

they understood not

they understood this

when he understood

when jesus understood

understood And they knew not that Joseph
{understood} [them]; for he spake unto them by an interpreter.

understood O that they were wise, [that] they
{understood} this, [that] they would consider their latter end!

understood <1SA4 -6> And when the Philistines heard the noise of
the shout, they said, What [meaneth] the noise of this great
shout in the camp of the Hebrews? And they {understood} that the
ark of the LORD was come into the camp.

understood <1SA26 -4> David therefore sent out spies, and
{understood} that Saul was come in very deed.

understood <2SA3 -37> For all the people and all Israel
{understood} that day that it was not of the king to slay Abner
the son of Ner.

understood And all the people went their way to eat,
and to drink, and to send portions, and to make great mirth,
because they had {understood} the words that were declared unto

understood And I came to Jerusalem, and {understood}
of the evil that Eliashib did for Tobiah, in preparing him a
chamber in the courts of the house of God.

understood Lo, mine eye hath seen all [this], mine
ear hath heard and {understood} it.

understood Who [is] he that hideth counsel without
knowledge? therefore have I uttered that I {understood} not;
things too wonderful for me, which I knew not.

understood Until I went into the sanctuary of God;
[then] {understood} I their end.

understood This he ordained in Joseph [for] a
testimony, when he went out through the land of Egypt: [where] I
heard a language [that] I {understood} not.

understood Our fathers {understood} not thy wonders
in Egypt; they remembered not the multitude of thy mercies; but
provoked [him] at the sea, [even] at the Red sea.

understood Have ye not known? have ye not heard?
hath it not been told you from the beginning? have ye not
{understood} from the foundations of the earth?

understood They have not known nor {understood}: for
he hath shut their eyes, that they cannot see; [and] their
hearts, that they cannot understand.

understood And I Daniel fainted, and was sick
[certain] days; afterward I rose up, and did the king's business;
and I was astonished at the vision, but none {understood} [it].

understood In the first year of his reign I Daniel
{understood} by books the number of the years, whereof the word
of the LORD came to Jeremiah the prophet, that he would
accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem.

understood In the third year of Cyrus king of Persia
a thing was revealed unto Daniel, whose name was called
Belteshazzar; and the thing [was] true, but the time appointed
[was] long: and he {understood} the thing, and had understanding
of the


understood And I heard, but I {understood} not: then
said I, O my Lord, what [shall be] the end of these [things]?

understood Jesus saith unto them, Have ye
{understood} all these things? They say unto him, Yea, Lord.

understood Then {understood} they how that he bade
[them] not beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of
the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.

understood Then the disciples {understood} that he
spake unto them of John the Baptist.

understood When Jesus {understood} [it], he said
unto them, Why trouble ye the woman? for she hath wrought a good
work upon me.

understood But they {understood} not that saying, and
were afraid to ask him.

understood And they {understood} not the saying which
he spake unto them.

understood But they {understood} not this saying, and
it was hid from them, that they perceived it not: and they
feared to ask him of that saying.

understood And they {understood} none of these
things: and this saying was hid from them, neither knew they the
things which were spoken.

understood They {understood} not that he spake to
them of the Father.

understood This parable spake Jesus unto them: but
they {understood} not what things they were which he spake unto

understood These things {understood} not his
disciples at the first: but when Jesus was glorified, then
remembered they that these things were written of him, and that]
they had done these things unto him.

understood For he supposed his brethren would have
understood how that God by his hand would deliver them: but they
{understood} not.

understood For he supposed his brethren would have
{understood} how that God by his hand would deliver them: but
they understood not.

understood This man was taken of the Jews, and
should have been killed of them: then came I with an army, and
rescued him, having {understood} that he was a Roman.

understood And when the governor had read the
letter], he asked of what province he was. And when he
{understood} that he was] of Cilicia;

understood For the invisible things of him from the
creation of the world are clearly seen, being {understood} by
the things that are made, even] his eternal power and Godhead;
so that they are without excuse:

understood <1CO13 -11> When I was a child, I spake as a child, I
{understood} as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became
a man, I put away childish things.

understood <1CO14 -9> So likewise ye, except ye utter by the
tongue words easy to be {understood}, how shall it be known what
is spoken? for ye shall speak into the air.

understood <2PE3 -16> As also in all his] epistles, speaking in
them of these things; in which are some things hard to be
{understood}, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest,
as they do] also the other scriptures, unto their own
