Bible Translation Phrases for Individual word studies
Bible Translation Phrase lists
-Adramuttenos- ......... of Adramyttium 0098 -Adramuttenos- >
-akatalutos- ......... of an endless 0179 -akatalutos- >
-akoloutheo- ......... and as they followed 0190 -akoloutheo- >
-akoloutheo- ......... and follow 0190 -akoloutheo- >
-akoloutheo- ......... and followed 0190 -akoloutheo- >
-akoloutheo- ......... and followeth 0190 -akoloutheo- >
-akoloutheo- ......... and have followed 0190 -akoloutheo- >
-akoloutheo- ......... and he followeth 0190 -akoloutheo- >
-akoloutheo- ......... and that followed 0190 -akoloutheo- >
-akoloutheo- ......... And there followed 0190 -akoloutheo- >
-akoloutheo- ......... and they followed 0190 -akoloutheo- >
-akoloutheo- ......... and they that followed 0190 -akoloutheo- >
-akoloutheo- ......... but thou shalt follow 0190 -akoloutheo- >
-akoloutheo- ......... do follow 0190 -akoloutheo- >
-akoloutheo- ......... follow 0190 -akoloutheo- >
-akoloutheo- ......... Follow 0190 -akoloutheo- >
-akoloutheo- ......... followed 0190 -akoloutheo- >
-akoloutheo- ......... following 0190 -akoloutheo- >
-akoloutheo- ......... have followed 0190 -akoloutheo- >
-akoloutheo- ......... have reached 0190 -akoloutheo- >
-akoloutheo- ......... he followeth 0190 -akoloutheo- >
-akoloutheo- ......... he that followeth 0190 -akoloutheo- >
-akoloutheo- ......... I follow 0190 -akoloutheo- >
-akoloutheo- ......... I will follow 0190 -akoloutheo- >
-akoloutheo- ......... is that to thee ? follow 0190 -akoloutheo- >
-akoloutheo- ......... it , followed 0190 -akoloutheo- >
-akoloutheo- ......... me , let him follow 0190 -akoloutheo- >
-akoloutheo- ......... men followed 0190 -akoloutheo- >
-akoloutheo- ......... not follow 0190 -akoloutheo- >
-akoloutheo- ......... out , and followed 0190 -akoloutheo- >
-akoloutheo- ......... out , followed 0190 -akoloutheo- >
-akoloutheo- ......... speak , and followed 0190 -akoloutheo- >
-akoloutheo- ......... that followed 0190 -akoloutheo- >
-akoloutheo- ......... thee , and follow 0190 -akoloutheo- >
-akoloutheo- ......... them , and they follow 0190 -akoloutheo- >
-akoloutheo- ......... them following 0190 -akoloutheo- >
-akoloutheo- ......... thereof , they followed 0190 -akoloutheo- >
-akoloutheo- ......... to them that followed 0190 -akoloutheo- >
-akoloutheo- ......... unto him , Follow 0190 -akoloutheo- >
-akoloutheo- ......... up , and followed 0190 -akoloutheo- >
-akoloutheo- ......... will they not follow 0190 -akoloutheo- >
-akolutos- ......... man forbidding 0209 -akolutos- >
-akolutos- ......... no 0209 -akolutos- >
-aneuthetos- ......... was not commodious 0428 -aneuthetos- >
-antilutron- ......... a ransom 0487 -antilutron- >
-apaideutos- ......... and unlearned 0521 -apaideutos- >
-apeleutheros- ......... freeman 0558 -apeleutheros- >
-apolutrosis- ......... and redemption 0629 -apolutrosis- >
-apolutrosis- ......... deliverance 0629 -apolutrosis- >
-apolutrosis- ......... for the redemption 0629 -apolutrosis- >
-apolutrosis- ......... of redemption 0629 -apolutrosis- >
-apolutrosis- ......... redemption 0629 -apolutrosis- >
-apolutrosis- ......... the redemption 0629 -apolutrosis- >
-apolutrosis- ......... to wit , the redemption 0629 -apolutrosis- >
-asaleutos- ......... be moved 0761 -asaleutos- >
-asaleutos- ......... unmoveable 0761 -asaleutos- >
-asaleutos- ......... which cannot 0761 -asaleutos- >
-autarkeia- ......... sufficiency 0841 -autarkeia- >
-autarkeia- ......... who 0841 -autarkeia- >
-autarkeia- ......... with contentment 0841 -autarkeia- >
-autarkes- ......... therewith to be content 0842 -autarkes- >
-authades- ......... are they , selfwilled 0829 -authades- >
-authades- ......... not selfwilled 0829 -authades- >
-authairetos- ......... accord 0830 -authairetos- >
-authairetos- ......... of his own 0830 -authairetos- >
-authairetos- ......... of themselves 0830 -authairetos- >
-authairetos- ......... they were willing 0830 -authairetos- >
-authenteo- ......... authority 0831 -authenteo- >
-authenteo- ......... to usurp 0831 -authenteo- >
-autocheir- ......... hands 0849 -autocheir- >
-autocheir- ......... out with our own 0849 -autocheir- >
-autokatakritos- ......... condemned 0843 -autokatakritos- >
-autokatakritos- ......... of himself 0843 -autokatakritos- >
-automatos- ......... accord 0844 -automatos- >
-automatos- ......... of herself 0844 -automatos- >
-autoptes- ......... were eyewitnesses 0845 -autoptes- >
-autos- ......... And beside 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... and he himself 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... and himself 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... And in that same 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... and in the same 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... And in the same 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... and not the very 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... and of myself 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... And the same 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... and the selfsame 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... and the things that therein 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... and the things which are therein 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... And the very 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... And there were in the same 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... and therewith 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... and they themselves 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... and ye yourselves 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... be of one 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... Be of the same 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... both together 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... but he himself 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... But in those 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... but it is the same 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... but that thou thyself 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... but the same 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... by the same 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... cause 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... do the same 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... doth he himself 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... For in that he himself 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... for that he himself 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... for the same 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... For the same 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... for theirs 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... For therein 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... For they themselves 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... For with the same 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... For yourselves 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... for yourselves 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... from among yourselves 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... Having 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... he himself 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... herself 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... him : for he himself 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... him thereon 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... himself 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... Himself 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... in the same 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... in thereat 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... in you the same 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... in yourselves 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... into the same 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... is not the same 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... is very 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... it , this 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... itself 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... me there 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... mine 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... not in yourselves 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... not the same 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... not with them to the same 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... of the said 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... of the same 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... of themselves 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... of these 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... of those 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... of you , as ye yourselves 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... one 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... Out of the same 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... out the same 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... own 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... own selves 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... pit , whose 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... pit , whose 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... same 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... self 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... selfsame 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... should have the same 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... that are therein 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... that myself 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... that same 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... that the same 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... that therein 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... that they be of the same 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... that we ourselves 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... the same 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... The same 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... the things 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... themselves 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... thereby 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... therein 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... thereinto 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... thereof 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... thereon 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... Therewith 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... they themselves 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... thing thereon 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... things : to whom 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... things that are therein 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... things that himself 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... things themselves 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... things therein 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... things thereon 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... this 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... those 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... thyself 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... to Jesus 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... to pass there 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... together 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... unto you : for ye yourselves 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... unto you for the same 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... up the same 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... up together 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... very 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... was there 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... we not in the same 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... were together 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... when thou thyself 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... which 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... while the other 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... who 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... who himself 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... whom 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... whose 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... with the same 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... with those 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... ye yourselves 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... Ye yourselves 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... you : but as the same 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... you in the same 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... you the same 0846 -autos- >
-autos- ......... yourselves 0846 -autos- >
-autou- ......... them there 0847 -autou- >
-autou- ......... there 0847 -autou- >
-barutimos- ......... of very 0927 -barutimos- >
-barutimos- ......... precious 0927 -barutimos- >
-bouleutes- ......... a counsellor 1010 -bouleutes- >
-bouleutes- ......... counsellor 1010 -bouleutes- >
-bradutes- ......... slackness 1022 -bradutes- >
-buthizo- ......... drown 1036 -buthizo- >
-buthizo- ......... not obey 1036 -buthizo- >
-buthizo- ......... that they began to sink 1036 -buthizo- >
-buthos- ......... in the deep 1037 -buthos- >
-Dalmanoutha- ......... of Dalmanutha 1148 -Dalmanoutha- >
-deute- ......... Come 1205 -deute- >
-deute- ......... come 1205 -deute- >
-deute- ......... hand , Come 1205 -deute- >
-deute- ......... unto them , Come 1205 -deute- >
-deuteraios- ......... the next 1206 -deuteraios- >
-deuteroprotos- ......... after 1207 -deuteroprotos- >
-deuteroprotos- ......... the first 1207 -deuteroprotos- >
-deuteroprotos- ......... the second 1207 -deuteroprotos- >
-deuteros- ......... a second 1208 -deuteros- >
-deuteros- ......... afterward 1208 -deuteros- >
-deuteros- ......... again 1208 -deuteros- >
-deuteros- ......... And again 1208 -deuteros- >
-deuteros- ......... and second 1208 -deuteros- >
-deuteros- ......... And the second 1208 -deuteros- >
-deuteros- ......... and the second 1208 -deuteros- >
-deuteros- ......... for the second 1208 -deuteros- >
-deuteros- ......... in the second 1208 -deuteros- >
-deuteros- ......... is the second 1208 -deuteros- >
-deuteros- ......... me again 1208 -deuteros- >
-deuteros- ......... of the second 1208 -deuteros- >
-deuteros- ......... second 1208 -deuteros- >
-deuteros- ......... secondarily 1208 -deuteros- >
-deuteros- ......... the second 1208 -deuteros- >
-deuteros- ......... The second 1208 -deuteros- >
-deuteros- ......... time 1208 -deuteros- >
-deuteros- ......... to the second 1208 -deuteros- >
-diermeneutes- ......... interpreter 1328 -diermeneutes- >
-diermeneutes- ......... pearl 1328 -diermeneutes- >
-dusermeneutos- ......... and hard 1421 -dusermeneutos- >
-egguteron- ......... nearer 1452 -egguteron- >
-eidolothuton- ......... from meats offered 1494 -eidolothuton- >
-eidolothuton- ......... in sacrifice 1494 -eidolothuton- >
-eidolothuton- ......... is offered 1494 -eidolothuton- >
-eidolothuton- ......... it as a thing offered 1494 -eidolothuton- >
-eidolothuton- ......... that which is offered 1494 -eidolothuton- >
-eidolothuton- ......... themselves from things offered 1494 -eidolothuton- >
-eidolothuton- ......... things offered 1494 -eidolothuton- >
-eidolothuton- ......... things sacrificed 1494 -eidolothuton- >
-eidolothuton- ......... things that are offered 1494 -eidolothuton- >
-eidolothuton- ......... things which are offered 1494 -eidolothuton- >
-eidolothuton- ......... to idols 1494 -eidolothuton- >
-eidolothuton- ......... unto an idol 1494 -eidolothuton- >
-eidolothuton- ......... unto idols 1494 -eidolothuton- >
-eleutheria- ......... in the liberty 1657 -eleutheria- >
-eleutheria- ......... is liberty 1657 -eleutheria- >
-eleutheria- ......... is my liberty 1657 -eleutheria- >
-eleutheria- ......... liberty 1657 -eleutheria- >
-eleutheria- ......... of liberty 1657 -eleutheria- >
-eleutheria- ......... out our liberty 1657 -eleutheria- >
-eleutheria- ......... she is at 1657 -eleutheria- >
-eleutheria- ......... them liberty 1657 -eleutheria- >
-eleutheria- ......... unto liberty 1657 -eleutheria- >
-eleutheria- ......... use not liberty 1657 -eleutheria- >
-eleutheroo- ......... being made 1659 -eleutheroo- >
-eleutheroo- ......... free 1659 -eleutheroo- >
-eleutheroo- ......... hath made 1659 -eleutheroo- >
-eleutheroo- ......... made 1659 -eleutheroo- >
-eleutheroo- ......... me free 1659 -eleutheroo- >
-eleutheroo- ......... shall be delivered 1659 -eleutheroo- >
-eleutheroo- ......... shall make 1659 -eleutheroo- >
-eleutheroo- ......... us free 1659 -eleutheroo- >
-eleutheroo- ......... you free 1659 -eleutheroo- >
-eleutheros- ......... As free 1658 -eleutheros- >
-eleutheros- ......... being free 1658 -eleutheros- >
-eleutheros- ......... but he of the freewoman 1658 -eleutheros- >
-eleutheros- ......... but of the free 1658 -eleutheros- >
-eleutheros- ......... by a freewoman 1658 -eleutheros- >
-eleutheros- ......... For though I be free 1658 -eleutheros- >
-eleutheros- ......... free 1658 -eleutheros- >
-eleutheros- ......... I not free 1658 -eleutheros- >
-eleutheros- ......... is free 1658 -eleutheros- >
-eleutheros- ......... liberty 1658 -eleutheros- >
-eleutheros- ......... nor free 1658 -eleutheros- >
-eleutheros- ......... of the freewoman 1658 -eleutheros- >
-eleutheros- ......... she is free 1658 -eleutheros- >
-eleutheros- ......... ye shall be free 1658 -eleutheros- >
-eleutheros- ......... ye were free 1658 -eleutheros- >
-emautou- ......... as I myself 1683 -emautou- >
-emautou- ......... by myself 1683 -emautou- >
-emautou- ......... for myself 1683 -emautou- >
-emautou- ......... I of myself 1683 -emautou- >
-emautou- ......... it down of myself 1683 -emautou- >
-emautou- ......... mine 1683 -emautou- >
-emautou- ......... myself 1683 -emautou- >
-emautou- ......... myself 1683 -emautou- >
-emautou- ......... not mine 1683 -emautou- >
-emautou- ......... not of myself 1683 -emautou- >
-emautou- ......... of mine 1683 -emautou- >
-emautou- ......... of myself 1683 -emautou- >
-emautou- ......... own 1683 -emautou- >
-emautou- ......... own self 1683 -emautou- >
-emautou- ......... self 1683 -emautou- >
-emautou- ......... thought I myself 1683 -emautou- >
-emautou- ......... to myself 1683 -emautou- >
-emautou- ......... unto myself 1683 -emautou- >
-emautou- ......... with myself 1683 -emautou- >
-emautou- ......... you unto myself 1683 -emautou- >
-emphutos- ......... the engrafted 1721 -emphutos- >
-eniautos- ......... a year 1763 -eniautos- >
-eniautos- ......... and a year 1763 -eniautos- >
-eniautos- ......... and years 1763 -eniautos- >
-eniautos- ......... by year 1763 -eniautos- >
-eniautos- ......... every year 1763 -eniautos- >
-eniautos- ......... that year 1763 -eniautos- >
-eniautos- ......... there a year 1763 -eniautos- >
-eniautos- ......... year 1763 -eniautos- >
-eniautos- ......... years 1763 -eniautos- >
-enteuthen- ......... from hence 1782 -enteuthen- >
-enteuthen- ......... hence 1782 -enteuthen- >
-enteuthen- ......... not from hence 1782 -enteuthen- >
-enteuthen- ......... side 1782 -enteuthen- >
-enteuthen- ......... things hence 1782 -enteuthen- >
-enteuthen- ......... with him , on 1782 -enteuthen- >
-enteuthen- ......... you ? come they not hence 1782 -enteuthen- >
-epakoloutheo- ......... after 1872 -epakoloutheo- >
-epakoloutheo- ......... following 1872 -epakoloutheo- >
-epakoloutheo- ......... she have diligently followed 1872 -epakoloutheo- >
-epakoloutheo- ......... that ye should follow 1872 -epakoloutheo- >
-epakoloutheo- ......... they follow 1872 -epakoloutheo- >
-epautophoroi- ......... act 1888 -epautophoroi- >
-epautophoroi- ......... in the very 1888 -epautophoroi- >
-ependutes- ......... coat 1903 -ependutes- >
-ependutes- ......... his fisher s 1903 -ependutes- >
-eruthros- ......... and said 2063 -eruthros- >
-eruthros- ......... He said 2063 -eruthros- >
-eutheos- ......... and anon 2112 -eutheos- >
-eutheos- ......... and forthwith 2112 -eutheos- >
-eutheos- ......... And forthwith 2112 -eutheos- >
-eutheos- ......... And immediately 2112 -eutheos- >
-eutheos- ......... and immediately 2112 -eutheos- >
-eutheos- ......... and straightway 2112 -eutheos- >
-eutheos- ......... And straightway 2112 -eutheos- >
-eutheos- ......... And they immediately 2112 -eutheos- >
-eutheos- ......... And they straightway 2112 -eutheos- >
-eutheos- ......... and will not straightway 2112 -eutheos- >
-eutheos- ......... As soon 2112 -eutheos- >
-eutheos- ......... But straightway 2112 -eutheos- >
-eutheos- ......... her up ; and immediately 2112 -eutheos- >
-eutheos- ......... him , and forthwith 2112 -eutheos- >
-eutheos- ......... him , straightway 2112 -eutheos- >
-eutheos- ......... his way , and straightway 2112 -eutheos- >
-eutheos- ......... I shall shortly 2112 -eutheos- >
-eutheos- ......... Immediately 2112 -eutheos- >
-eutheos- ......... immediately 2112 -eutheos- >
-eutheos- ......... in straightway 2112 -eutheos- >
-eutheos- ......... of him ; and straightway 2112 -eutheos- >
-eutheos- ......... of them ; and straightway 2112 -eutheos- >
-eutheos- ......... sake , immediately 2112 -eutheos- >
-eutheos- ......... straightway 2112 -eutheos- >
-eutheos- ......... their eyes : and immediately 2112 -eutheos- >
-eutheos- ......... unto him immediately 2112 -eutheos- >
-eutheos- ......... wine straightway 2112 -eutheos- >
-eutheos- ......... you , and straightway 2112 -eutheos- >
-eutheos- ......... you : and as soon 2112 -eutheos- >
-euthetos- ......... fit 2111 -euthetos- >
-euthetos- ......... is fit 2111 -euthetos- >
-euthetos- ......... meet 2111 -euthetos- >
-euthudromeo- ......... course 2113 -euthudromeo- >
-euthudromeo- ......... we came 2113 -euthudromeo- >
-euthudromeo- ......... with a straight 2113 -euthudromeo- >
-euthumeo- ......... be of good cheer 2114 -euthumeo- >
-euthumeo- ......... merry 2114 -euthumeo- >
-euthumeo- ......... of good cheer 2114 -euthumeo- >
-euthumeo- ......... you to be of good cheer 2114 -euthumeo- >
-euthumos- ......... cheerfully 2115 -euthumos- >
-euthumos- ......... I do the more 2115 -euthumos- >
-euthuno- ......... Make 2116 -euthuno- >
-euthuno- ......... straight 2116 -euthuno- >
-euthuno- ......... the governor 2116 -euthuno- >
-euthus- ......... and anon 2117 -euthus- >
-euthus- ......... and forthwith 2117 -euthus- >
-euthus- ......... And immediately 2117 -euthus- >
-euthus- ......... and shall straightway 2117 -euthus- >
-euthus- ......... immediately 2117 -euthus- >
-euthus- ......... is not right 2117 -euthus- >
-euthus- ......... Straight 2117 -euthus- >
-euthus- ......... straight 2117 -euthus- >
-euthus- ......... the right 2117 -euthus- >
-euthus- ......... up straightway 2117 -euthus- >
-euthutes- ......... long 2118 -euthutes- >
-euthutes- ......... of righteousness 2118 -euthutes- >
-eutonos- ......... and vehemently 2159 -eutonos- >
-eutonos- ......... For he mightily 2159 -eutonos- >
-eutrapelia- ......... jesting 2160 -eutrapelia- >
-Eutuchos- ......... Eutychus 2161 -Eutuchos- >
-exakoloutheo- ......... following 1811 -exakoloutheo- >
-exakoloutheo- ......... For we have not followed 1811 -exakoloutheo- >
-exakoloutheo- ......... shall follow 1811 -exakoloutheo- >
-exautes- ......... aside 1824 -exautes- >
-exautes- ......... have turned 1824 -exautes- >
-exautes- ......... immediately 1824 -exautes- >
-exautes- ......... Immediately 1824 -exautes- >
-exautes- ......... presently 1824 -exautes- >
-exautes- ......... straightway 1824 -exautes- >
-exautes- ......... turned 1824 -exautes- >
-exoutheneo- ......... and despised 1848 -exoutheneo- >
-exoutheneo- ......... and things which are despised 1848 -exoutheneo- >
-exoutheneo- ......... at 1848 -exoutheneo- >
-exoutheneo- ......... contemptible 1848 -exoutheneo- >
-exoutheneo- ......... despise 1848 -exoutheneo- >
-exoutheneo- ......... Despise 1848 -exoutheneo- >
-exoutheneo- ......... dost thou set 1848 -exoutheneo- >
-exoutheneo- ......... esteemed 1848 -exoutheneo- >
-exoutheneo- ......... him at 1848 -exoutheneo- >
-exoutheneo- ......... nought 1848 -exoutheneo- >
-exoutheneo- ......... set 1848 -exoutheneo- >
-exoutheneo- ......... was set 1848 -exoutheneo- >
-exoutheneo- ......... who are least 1848 -exoutheneo- >
-exoutheneo- ......... ye despised 1848 -exoutheneo- >
-hautou- ......... and that he himself 0848 -hautou- >
-hautou- ......... for himself 0848 -hautou- >
-hautou- ......... from his own 0848 -hautou- >
-hautou- ......... himself 0848 -hautou- >
-hautou- ......... his own 0848 -hautou- >
-hautou- ......... in himself 0848 -hautou- >
-hautou- ......... in his own 0848 -hautou- >
-hautou- ......... in one 0848 -hautou- >
-hautou- ......... in their own 0848 -hautou- >
-hautou- ......... in themselves 0848 -hautou- >
-hautou- ......... nothing 0848 -hautou- >
-hautou- ......... of himself 0848 -hautou- >
-hautou- ......... of his own 0848 -hautou- >
-hautou- ......... their own 0848 -hautou- >
-hautou- ......... themselves 0848 -hautou- >
-hautou- ......... themselves with their own 0848 -hautou- >
-hautou- ......... things unto himself 0848 -hautou- >
-hautou- ......... to himself 0848 -hautou- >
-hautou- ......... to them of his own 0848 -hautou- >
-hautou- ......... up us by his own 0848 -hautou- >
-hautou- ......... ye here 0848 -hautou- >
-heautou- ......... among themselves 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... and his own 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... and ourselves 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... and that he himself 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... and was troubled 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... another 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... as himself 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... as their own 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... as thyself 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... but their own 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... by himself 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... by themselves 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... for himself 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... for the things of itself 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... for themselves 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... for yourselves 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... he not of himself 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... herself 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... him for her own 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... him in himself 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... himself 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... his own 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... home 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... in himself 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... in ourselves 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... in themselves 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... in your 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... in yourselves 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... it among yourselves 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... it to himself 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... itself 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... let him of himself 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... man on his own 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... not her own 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... not himself 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... not his own 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... not make ourselves 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... not ourselves 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... not thine 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... not yourselves 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... of himself 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... of his own 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... of itself 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... of ourselves 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... of your 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... of yourselves 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... one 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... one with another 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... our own 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... ourselves 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... out their own 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... out your 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... own 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... own selves 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... than himself 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... than themselves 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... that he himself 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... that not unto themselves 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... their own 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... their own selves 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... themselves 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... therefore unto yourselves 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... thing as of ourselves 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... thing of thyself 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... things unto himself 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... to another 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... to himself 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... to themselves 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... to yourselves 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... unto himself 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... unto himself 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... unto their own 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... unto themselves 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... unto yourselves 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... up yourselves 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... upon themselves 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... us to himself 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... when he had by himself 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... when he offered up himself 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... with another 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... with himself 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... with themselves 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... ye not that your 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... ye not your 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... your 1438 -heautou- >
-heautou- ......... yourselves 1438 -heautou- >
-holokautoma- ......... and burnt 3646 -holokautoma- >
-holokautoma- ......... burnt 3646 -holokautoma- >
-holokautoma- ......... In burnt 3646 -holokautoma- >
-holokautoma- ......... offerings 3646 -holokautoma- >
-holokautoma- ......... whole 3646 -holokautoma- >
-hosautos- ......... After 5615 -hosautos- >
-hosautos- ......... And likewise 5615 -hosautos- >
-hosautos- ......... Even 5615 -hosautos- >
-hosautos- ......... her ; and in like 5615 -hosautos- >
-hosautos- ......... In like 5615 -hosautos- >
-hosautos- ......... likewise 5615 -hosautos- >
-hosautos- ......... Likewise 5615 -hosautos- >
-hosautos- ......... manner 5615 -hosautos- >
-hosautos- ......... men likewise 5615 -hosautos- >
-hosautos- ......... so 5615 -hosautos- >
-hosautos- ......... the same 5615 -hosautos- >
-hosautos- ......... unto them likewise 5615 -hosautos- >
-hosautos- ......... wise . Likewise 5615 -hosautos- >
-houto- ......... After 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... after 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... and on this 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... And so 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... and so 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... and thus 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... And thus 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... and yet for all 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... are ye so 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... Are ye so 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... be so 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... But it shall not be so 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... But so 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... But ye have not so 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... But ye shall not be so 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... concerning him that hath so 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... day on this 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... even 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... even so 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... Even so 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... For after 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... For so 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... for so 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... for thus 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... hast thou thus 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... he hath so 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... him ? thus 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... him thus 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... in like 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... in this 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... in us , so 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... Is it so 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... it even 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... it on this 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... it was not so 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... like 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... Likewise 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... likewise 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... man thus 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... manner 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... me thus 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... not so 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... of them , and so 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... of them that were so 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... on this 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... one , so 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... shall so 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... she so 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... So 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... so 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... that he so 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... that it shall be even 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... that it was even so 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... that they so 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... that thus 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... that ye are so 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... them so 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... they , so 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... things , how that so 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... things , that it should be so 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... things so 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... things were so 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... things were thus 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... this 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... Thus 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... thus 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... unto me , so 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... unto them , Are ye so 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... unto them , Thus 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... unto you , that likewise 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... was on 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... we thus 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... were , so 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... were so 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... What 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... wise 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... ye , and so 3779 -houto- >
-houto- ......... you , so 3779 -houto- >
-houtos- ......... a man is this 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... age : and this 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... And let these 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... and that this 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... and the same 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... and these 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... And these 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... And this 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... and this 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... are these 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... as this 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... but these 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... But these 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... But this 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... but this 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... by , This 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... Cometh this 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... do these 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... doth this 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... else let these 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... fashion 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... For these 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... for these 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... for this 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... For this 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... hath this 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... have these 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... hereof 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... hese 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... him , the same 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... in me , and I in him , the same 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... is it which these 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... Is not this 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... is not this 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... Is this 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... is this 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... man this 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... me : but this 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... me is this 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... me of this 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... might this 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... namely this 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... not this 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... of man is this 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... Of the same 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... of the same 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... places , the same 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... purpose is this 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... same 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... shall these 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... shall this 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... such 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... that these 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... that this 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... the same 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... The same 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... thee , and these 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... them , the same 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... These 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... these 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... thing is this 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... THIS 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... this 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... This 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... to me , These 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... to them : for this 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... unto me , These 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... unto them , These 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... unto you , that this 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... unto you , That this 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... unto you , This 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... us : for as for this 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... us : for as for this 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... was this 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... we ? for this 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... which 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... who 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... ye that these 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... you , this 3778 -houtos- >
-houtos- ......... you all , the same 3778 -houtos- >
-katakoloutheo- ......... after 2628 -katakoloutheo- >
-katakoloutheo- ......... followed 2628 -katakoloutheo- >
-kateuthuno- ......... direct 2720 -kateuthuno- >
-kateuthuno- ......... to guide 2720 -kateuthuno- >
-kauteriazo- ......... seared 2743 -kauteriazo- >
-kauteriazo- ......... with a hot 2743 -kauteriazo- >
-klauthmos- ......... and weeping 2805 -klauthmos- >
-klauthmos- ......... shall be wailing 2805 -klauthmos- >
-klauthmos- ......... shall be weeping 2805 -klauthmos- >
-klauthmos- ......... wept 2805 -klauthmos- >
-laxeutos- ......... in stone 2991 -laxeutos- >
-laxeutos- ......... that was hewn 2991 -laxeutos- >
-loutron- ......... it with the washing 3067 -loutron- >
-loutron- ......... us , by the washing 3067 -loutron- >
-lutron- ......... a ransom 3083 -lutron- >
-lutroo- ......... for us , that he might redeem 3084 -lutroo- >
-lutroo- ......... have redeemed 3084 -lutroo- >
-lutroo- ......... that ye were not redeemed 3084 -lutroo- >
-lutrosis- ......... and redeemed 3085 -lutrosis- >
-lutrosis- ......... for redemption 3085 -lutrosis- >
-lutrosis- ......... redemption 3085 -lutrosis- >
-lutrotes- ......... and a deliverer 3086 -lutrotes- >
-muthos- ......... fables 3454 -muthos- >
-muthos- ......... to fables 3454 -muthos- >
-muthos- ......... unto fables 3454 -muthos- >
-nautes- ......... And as the shipmen 3492 -nautes- >
-nautes- ......... and sailors 3492 -nautes- >
-nautes- ......... the shipmen 3492 -nautes- >
-neophutos- ......... Not a novice 3504 -neophutos- >
-nouthesia- ......... admonition 3559 -nouthesia- >
-nouthesia- ......... and admonition 3559 -nouthesia- >
-nouthesia- ......... for our admonition 3559 -nouthesia- >
-noutheteo- ......... and admonish 3560 -noutheteo- >
-noutheteo- ......... and admonishing 3560 -noutheteo- >
-noutheteo- ......... but admonish 3560 -noutheteo- >
-noutheteo- ......... I warn 3560 -noutheteo- >
-noutheteo- ......... not to warn 3560 -noutheteo- >
-noutheteo- ......... to admonish 3560 -noutheteo- >
-noutheteo- ......... warn 3560 -noutheteo- >
-noutheteo- ......... warning 3560 -noutheteo- >
-olothreutes- ......... of the destroyer 3644 -olothreutes- >
-oute- ......... and neither 3777 -oute- >
-oute- ......... And they neither 3777 -oute- >
-oute- ......... for himself , Neither 3777 -oute- >
-oute- ......... for neither 3777 -oute- >
-oute- ......... For neither 3777 -oute- >
-oute- ......... for there is none 3777 -oute- >
-oute- ......... him , neither 3777 -oute- >
-oute- ......... him , no 3777 -oute- >
-oute- ......... It is neither 3777 -oute- >
-oute- ......... me , nor 3777 -oute- >
-oute- ......... Neither 3777 -oute- >
-oute- ......... neither 3777 -oute- >
-oute- ......... nor 3777 -oute- >
-oute- ......... Nor 3777 -oute- >
-oute- ......... not ; neither 3777 -oute- >
-oute- ......... nothing 3777 -oute- >
-oute- ......... of me . Ye have neither 3777 -oute- >
-oute- ......... of you , nor 3777 -oute- >
-oute- ......... that neither 3777 -oute- >
-oute- ......... thee , neither 3777 -oute- >
-oute- ......... then neither 3777 -oute- >
-oute- ......... they neither 3777 -oute- >
-oute- ......... thing , neither 3777 -oute- >
-oute- ......... thing , nor 3777 -oute- >
-oute- ......... to bear it , neither 3777 -oute- >
-oute- ......... unto him , We neither 3777 -oute- >
-oute- ......... which are neither 3777 -oute- >
-oute- ......... Ye neither 3777 -oute- >
-oute- ......... ye shall neither 3777 -oute- >
-paideutes- ......... An instructor 3810 -paideutes- >
-paideutes- ......... which corrected 3810 -paideutes- >
-parakoloutheo- ......... But thou hast fully 3877 -parakoloutheo- >
-parakoloutheo- ......... known 3877 -parakoloutheo- >
-parakoloutheo- ......... shall follow 3877 -parakoloutheo- >
-parakoloutheo- ......... thou hast attained 3877 -parakoloutheo- >
-parakoloutheo- ......... understanding 3877 -parakoloutheo- >
-paralutikos- ......... and those that had the palsy 3885 -paralutikos- >
-paralutikos- ......... and was sick 3885 -paralutikos- >
-paralutikos- ......... he to the sick 3885 -paralutikos- >
-paralutikos- ......... of the palsy 3885 -paralutikos- >
-paralutikos- ......... one sick 3885 -paralutikos- >
-paralutikos- ......... sick 3885 -paralutikos- >
-paralutikos- ......... the sick 3885 -paralutikos- >
-paralutikos- ......... to him a man sick 3885 -paralutikos- >
-paralutikos- ......... to the sick 3885 -paralutikos- >
-paralutikos- ......... unto the sick 3885 -paralutikos- >
-paramutheomai- ......... and comforted 3888 -paramutheomai- >
-paramutheomai- ......... comfort 3888 -paramutheomai- >
-paramutheomai- ......... to comfort 3888 -paramutheomai- >
-paramutheomai- ......... we exhorted and comforted 3888 -paramutheomai- >
-paramuthia- ......... and comfort 3889 -paramuthia- >
-paramuthion- ......... comfort 3890 -paramuthion- >
-parautika- ......... is but for a moment 3910 -parautika- >
-philautos- ......... of their own selves 5367 -philautos- >
-philautos- ......... shall be lovers 5367 -philautos- >
-phuteia- ......... plant 5451 -phuteia- >
-phuteuo- ......... and be thou planted 5452 -phuteuo- >
-phuteuo- ......... hath not planted 5452 -phuteuo- >
-phuteuo- ......... he that planteth 5452 -phuteuo- >
-phuteuo- ......... I have planted 5452 -phuteuo- >
-phuteuo- ......... is he that planteth 5452 -phuteuo- >
-phuteuo- ......... planted 5452 -phuteuo- >
-phuteuo- ......... planteth 5452 -phuteuo- >
-phuteuo- ......... they planted 5452 -phuteuo- >
-plouteo- ......... and increased 4147 -plouteo- >
-plouteo- ......... and is not rich 4147 -plouteo- >
-plouteo- ......... are waxed 4147 -plouteo- >
-plouteo- ......... be rich 4147 -plouteo- >
-plouteo- ......... is rich 4147 -plouteo- >
-plouteo- ......... might be rich 4147 -plouteo- >
-plouteo- ......... rich 4147 -plouteo- >
-plouteo- ......... that they be rich 4147 -plouteo- >
-plouteo- ......... that thou mayest be rich 4147 -plouteo- >
-plouteo- ......... things ; and the rich 4147 -plouteo- >
-plouteo- ......... were made 4147 -plouteo- >
-plouteo- ......... with goods 4147 -plouteo- >
-plouteo- ......... ye are rich 4147 -plouteo- >
-ploutizo- ......... Being enriched 4148 -ploutizo- >
-ploutizo- ......... making 4148 -ploutizo- >
-ploutizo- ......... rich 4148 -ploutizo- >
-ploutizo- ......... thing ye are enriched 4148 -ploutizo- >
-ploutos- ......... and riches 4149 -ploutos- >
-ploutos- ......... is the riches 4149 -ploutos- >
-ploutos- ......... of riches 4149 -ploutos- >
-ploutos- ......... of the riches 4149 -ploutos- >
-ploutos- ......... of them be the riches 4149 -ploutos- >
-ploutos- ......... of them the riches 4149 -ploutos- >
-ploutos- ......... riches 4149 -ploutos- >
-ploutos- ......... the riches 4149 -ploutos- >
-ploutos- ......... thou the riches 4149 -ploutos- >
-ploutos- ......... to his riches 4149 -ploutos- >
-ploutos- ......... to the riches 4149 -ploutos- >
-ploutos- ......... unto the riches 4149 -ploutos- >
-poluteles- ......... costly 4185 -poluteles- >
-poluteles- ......... of great 4185 -poluteles- >
-poluteles- ......... precious 4185 -poluteles- >
-poluteles- ......... price 4185 -poluteles- >
-poluteles- ......... very 4185 -poluteles- >
-polutimos- ......... costly 4186 -polutimos- >
-polutimos- ......... of great 4186 -polutimos- >
-polutimos- ......... price 4186 -polutimos- >
-polutimos- ......... very 4186 -polutimos- >
-polutropos- ......... manners 4187 -polutropos- >
-polutropos- ......... times and in divers 4187 -polutropos- >
-prautes- ......... that is in you with meekness 4240 -prautes- >
-prautes- ......... with meekness 4240 -prautes- >
-presbuterion- ......... of the presbytery 4244 -presbuterion- >
-presbuterion- ......... the elders 4244 -presbuterion- >
-presbuterion- ......... the estate of the elders 4244 -presbuterion- >
-presbuteros- ......... an elder 4245 -presbuteros- >
-presbuteros- ......... and about the elders 4245 -presbuteros- >
-presbuteros- ......... and elders 4245 -presbuteros- >
-presbuteros- ......... and the elders 4245 -presbuteros- >
-presbuteros- ......... elders 4245 -presbuteros- >
-presbuteros- ......... For by it the elders 4245 -presbuteros- >
-presbuteros- ......... for the elders 4245 -presbuteros- >
-presbuteros- ......... his elder 4245 -presbuteros- >
-presbuteros- ......... it to the elders 4245 -presbuteros- >
-presbuteros- ......... Let the elders 4245 -presbuteros- >
-presbuteros- ......... not an elder 4245 -presbuteros- >
-presbuteros- ......... of the elders 4245 -presbuteros- >
-presbuteros- ......... old 4245 -presbuteros- >
-presbuteros- ......... The elder 4245 -presbuteros- >
-presbuteros- ......... the elders 4245 -presbuteros- >
-presbuteros- ......... The elders 4245 -presbuteros- >
-presbuteros- ......... the eldest 4245 -presbuteros- >
-presbuteros- ......... them elders 4245 -presbuteros- >
-presbuteros- ......... things of the elders 4245 -presbuteros- >
-presbuteros- ......... unto him the elders 4245 -presbuteros- >
-presbuteros- ......... upon him with the elders 4245 -presbuteros- >
-presbuteros- ......... with the elders 4245 -presbuteros- >
-presbuteros- ......... yourselves unto the elder 4245 -presbuteros- >
-presbutes- ......... for I am an old 4246 -presbutes- >
-presbutes- ......... That the aged 4246 -presbutes- >
-presbutes- ......... the aged 4246 -presbutes- >
-presbutis- ......... The aged 4247 -presbutis- >
-presbutis- ......... women 4247 -presbutis- >
-proselutos- ......... a proselyte 4339 -proselutos- >
-proselutos- ......... and proselytes 4339 -proselutos- >
-proselutos- ......... proselyte 4339 -proselutos- >
-proselutos- ......... proselytes 4339 -proselutos- >
-Puthon- ......... of divination 4436 -Puthon- >
-Rhouth- ......... of Ruth 4503 -Rhouth- >
-rhutis- ......... wrinkle 4512 -rhutis- >
-seautou- ......... as thyself 4572 -seautou- >
-seautou- ......... for thyself 4572 -seautou- >
-seautou- ......... it to thyself 4572 -seautou- >
-seautou- ......... of thyself 4572 -seautou- >
-seautou- ......... own 4572 -seautou- >
-seautou- ......... self 4572 -seautou- >
-seautou- ......... that thou thyself 4572 -seautou- >
-seautou- ......... thine 4572 -seautou- >
-seautou- ......... thou me with thine 4572 -seautou- >
-seautou- ......... thou not thyself 4572 -seautou- >
-seautou- ......... thou of thyself 4572 -seautou- >
-seautou- ......... thou thyself 4572 -seautou- >
-seautou- ......... thyself 4572 -seautou- >
-seautou- ......... unto thyself 4572 -seautou- >
-seautou- ......... up unto thyself 4572 -seautou- >
-siteutos- ......... for him the fatted 4618 -siteutos- >
-siteutos- ......... hither the fatted 4618 -siteutos- >
-siteutos- ......... the fatted 4618 -siteutos- >
-Skuthes- ......... Scythian 4658 -Skuthes- >
-skuthropos- ......... and are sad 4659 -skuthropos- >
-skuthropos- ......... countenance 4659 -skuthropos- >
-skuthropos- ......... of a sad 4659 -skuthropos- >
-strouthion- ......... sparrows 4765 -strouthion- >
-sumphutos- ......... together 4854 -sumphutos- >
-sumphutos- ......... we have been planted 4854 -sumphutos- >
-sumpresbuteros- ......... an elder 4850 -sumpresbuteros- >
-sunakoloutheo- ......... that followed 4870 -sunakoloutheo- >
-sunakoloutheo- ......... to follow 4870 -sunakoloutheo- >
-tauta- ......... Afterward 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... and afterward 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... And as he thus 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... And as they thus 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... And such 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... And these 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... and these 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... And when he had thus 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... And when he thus 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... And when she had so 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... And when she had thus 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... And with these 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... are these 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... Are these 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... As for these 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... be hereafter 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... but afterward 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... But these 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... but these 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... Even thus 5024 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... For if these 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... for in the like 5024 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... for such 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... For these 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... for these 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... from these 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... had thus 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... hereafter 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... I these 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... I to thee ; and these 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... like 5024 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... man these 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... me these 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... not these 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... of these 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... Of these 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... on these 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... shall be hereafter 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... shall these 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... such 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... that should follow 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... that these 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... the same 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... thee these 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... then would he not afterward 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... These 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... these 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... they that these 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... things 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... this 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... Those 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... those 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... thou these 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... thus 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... to me , those 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... to these 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... unto these 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... unto you these 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... upon these 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... When he had thus 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... While he thus 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... ye these 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... you of them . And these 5023 -tauta- >
-tauta- ......... you these 5023 -tauta- >
-tautais- ......... And in those 5025 -tautais- >
-tautais- ......... by these 5025 -tautais- >
-tautais- ......... hence 5025 -tautais- >
-tautais- ......... in these 5025 -tautais- >
-tautais- ......... In these 5025 -tautais- >
-tautais- ......... in those 5025 -tautais- >
-tautais- ......... of these 5025 -tautais- >
-tautais- ......... these 5025 -tautais- >
-tautais- ......... those 5025 -tautais- >
-tautais- ......... thou these 5025 -tautais- >
-tautais- ......... to pass in those 5025 -tautais- >
-taute- ......... And in this 5026 -taute- >
-taute- ......... And this 5026 -taute- >
-taute- ......... and upon this 5026 -taute- >
-taute- ......... are not of this 5026 -taute- >
-taute- ......... be to this 5026 -taute- >
-taute- ......... by me this 5026 -taute- >
-taute- ......... even in this 5026 -taute- >
-taute- ......... for thereby 5026 -taute- >
-taute- ......... For this 5026 -taute- >
-taute- ......... hereof 5026 -taute- >
-taute- ......... I this 5026 -taute- >
-taute- ......... I unto this 5026 -taute- >
-taute- ......... in the same 5026 -taute- >
-taute- ......... in this 5026 -taute- >
-taute- ......... is with us unto this 5026 -taute- >
-taute- ......... it be for this 5026 -taute- >
-taute- ......... me from this 5026 -taute- >
-taute- ......... me this 5026 -taute- >
-taute- ......... not this 5026 -taute- >
-taute- ......... of me this 5026 -taute- >
-taute- ......... of this 5026 -taute- >
-taute- ......... same 5026 -taute- >
-taute- ......... than this 5026 -taute- >
-taute- ......... that by this 5026 -taute- >
-taute- ......... that is to say , not of this 5026 -taute- >
-taute- ......... that the same 5026 -taute- >
-taute- ......... that this 5026 -taute- >
-taute- ......... the same 5026 -taute- >
-taute- ......... thee this 5026 -taute- >
-taute- ......... This 5026 -taute- >
-taute- ......... this 5026 -taute- >
-taute- ......... thou this 5026 -taute- >
-taute- ......... unto me this 5026 -taute- >
-taute- ......... unto thee , That this 5026 -taute- >
-taute- ......... unto this 5026 -taute- >
-taute- ......... unto us this 5026 -taute- >
-taute- ......... up in this 5026 -taute- >
-taute- ......... upon this 5026 -taute- >
-taute- ......... us in this 5026 -taute- >
-taute- ......... when this 5026 -taute- >
-taute- ......... with this 5026 -taute- >
-taute- ......... ye not this 5026 -taute- >
-taute- ......... ye up unto this 5026 -taute- >
-taute- ......... you , and thereby 5026 -taute- >
-taute- ......... you in this 5026 -taute- >
-taute- ......... you this 5026 -taute- >
-taute- ......... yourselves from this 5026 -taute- >
-teleutao- ......... a wife , deceased 5053 -teleutao- >
-teleutao- ......... and died 5053 -teleutao- >
-teleutao- ......... dead 5053 -teleutao- >
-teleutao- ......... dieth 5053 -teleutao- >
-teleutao- ......... let him die 5053 -teleutao- >
-teleutao- ......... to die 5053 -teleutao- >
-teleutao- ......... was dead 5053 -teleutao- >
-teleutao- ......... when he died 5053 -teleutao- >
-teleute- ......... the death 5054 -teleute- >
-telikoutos- ......... great 5082 -telikoutos- >
-telikoutos- ......... mighty 5082 -telikoutos- >
-telikoutos- ......... so 5082 -telikoutos- >
-telikoutos- ......... us from so 5082 -telikoutos- >
-telikoutos- ......... which though they be so 5082 -telikoutos- >
-toioutos- ......... And such 5108 -toioutos- >
-toioutos- ......... For such 5108 -toioutos- >
-toioutos- ......... For they that are such 5108 -toioutos- >
-toioutos- ......... from such 5108 -toioutos- >
-toioutos- ......... in such 5108 -toioutos- >
-toioutos- ......... not : for with such 5108 -toioutos- >
-toioutos- ......... of like 5108 -toioutos- >
-toioutos- ......... of such 5108 -toioutos- >
-toioutos- ......... Of such 5108 -toioutos- >
-toioutos- ......... such 5108 -toioutos- >
-toioutos- ......... that , such 5108 -toioutos- >
-toioutos- ......... that he that is such 5108 -toioutos- >
-toioutos- ......... them not : for of such 5108 -toioutos- >
-toioutos- ......... them that are such 5108 -toioutos- >
-toioutos- ......... to such 5108 -toioutos- >
-toioutos- ......... unto me : for of such 5108 -toioutos- >
-toioutos- ......... us , that such 5108 -toioutos- >
-toioutos- ......... with such 5108 -toioutos- >
-toioutos- ......... ye them that are such 5108 -toioutos- >
-toioutos- ......... you , and such 5108 -toioutos- >
-toioutos- ......... yourselves unto such 5108 -toioutos- >
-tosoutos- ......... and for all there were so 5118 -tosoutos- >
-tosoutos- ......... By so 5118 -tosoutos- >
-tosoutos- ......... for so 5118 -tosoutos- >
-tosoutos- ......... great 5118 -tosoutos- >
-tosoutos- ......... is as large 5118 -tosoutos- >
-tosoutos- ......... long 5118 -tosoutos- >
-tosoutos- ......... many 5118 -tosoutos- >
-tosoutos- ......... much 5118 -tosoutos- >
-tosoutos- ......... one another : and so 5118 -tosoutos- >
-tosoutos- ......... should we have so 5118 -tosoutos- >
-tosoutos- ......... so 5118 -tosoutos- >
-tosoutos- ......... There are , it may be , so 5118 -tosoutos- >
-tosoutos- ......... these 5118 -tosoutos- >
-tosoutos- ......... with so 5118 -tosoutos- >
-touto- ......... And for this 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... and for this 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... and hath so 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... And having this 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... And therefore 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... and therefore 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... and this 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... And this 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... And when he had so 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... And when he had thus 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... And when they had this 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... as this 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... be this 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... be thus 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... but for this 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... But this 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... cause 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... Even for this 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... For even hereunto 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... For for this 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... for in so 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... For therefore 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... for therefore 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... for this 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... For this 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... For to this 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... for you : this 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... from him ; for this 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... he therefore 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... he unto them , Therefore 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... him ; therefore 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... Howbeit this 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... in this 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... is it therefore 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... is this 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... let this 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... Let this 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... me this 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... not at this 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... not us . Hereby 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... of this 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... shall this 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... so 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... that this 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... that ye are thereunto 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... the same 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... them out ? therefore 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... therefore 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... Therefore 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... thereunto 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... things : and this 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... things : for this 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... This 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... this 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... thou this 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... to this 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... To this 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... unto thee for this 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... unto them , Do ye not therefore 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... unto them , Doth this 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... unto them , This 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... unto you , that this 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... unto you , This 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... upon this 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... us ; because we thus 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... us for the selfsame 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... was not this 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... was thus 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... we were with you , this 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... Wherefore 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... with us with this 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... ye therefore 5124 -touto- >
-touto- ......... ye this 5124 -touto- >
-toutoi- ......... according to this 5129 -toutoi- >
-toutoi- ......... am I not hereby 5129 -toutoi- >
-toutoi- ......... And hereby 5129 -toutoi- >
-toutoi- ......... And herein 5129 -toutoi- >
-toutoi- ......... and I therein 5129 -toutoi- >
-toutoi- ......... And in this 5129 -toutoi- >
-toutoi- ......... And the same 5129 -toutoi- >
-toutoi- ......... And to this 5129 -toutoi- >
-toutoi- ......... And upon this 5129 -toutoi- >
-toutoi- ......... are we in this 5129 -toutoi- >
-toutoi- ......... be to this 5129 -toutoi- >
-toutoi- ......... by this 5129 -toutoi- >
-toutoi- ......... By this 5129 -toutoi- >
-toutoi- ......... For in this 5129 -toutoi- >
-toutoi- ......... hath this 5129 -toutoi- >
-toutoi- ......... Hereby 5129 -toutoi- >
-toutoi- ......... hereby 5129 -toutoi- >
-toutoi- ......... Herein 5129 -toutoi- >
-toutoi- ......... herein 5129 -toutoi- >
-toutoi- ......... in him , and he in him . And hereby 5129 -toutoi- >
-toutoi- ......... In this 5129 -toutoi- >
-toutoi- ......... in this 5129 -toutoi- >
-toutoi- ......... me in this 5129 -toutoi- >
-toutoi- ......... of this 5129 -toutoi- >
-toutoi- ......... thee : by this 5129 -toutoi- >
-toutoi- ......... therein 5129 -toutoi- >
-toutoi- ......... this 5129 -toutoi- >
-toutoi- ......... thyself to this 5129 -toutoi- >
-toutoi- ......... to this 5129 -toutoi- >
-toutoi- ......... unto one 5129 -toutoi- >
-toutoi- ......... unto this 5129 -toutoi- >
-toutoi- ......... upon this 5129 -toutoi- >
-toutoi- ......... you in this 5129 -toutoi- >
-toutois- ......... And in these 5125 -toutois- >
-toutois- ......... and such 5125 -toutois- >
-toutois- ......... For he that in these 5125 -toutois- >
-toutois- ......... in these 5125 -toutois- >
-toutois- ......... in those 5125 -toutois- >
-toutois- ......... let us be therewith 5125 -toutois- >
-toutois- ......... of these 5125 -toutois- >
-toutois- ......... therein 5125 -toutois- >
-toutois- ......... therewith 5125 -toutois- >
-toutois- ......... these 5125 -toutois- >
-toutois- ......... this 5125 -toutois- >
-toutois- ......... to these 5125 -toutois- >
-toutois- ......... upon these 5125 -toutois- >
-toutois- ......... with these 5125 -toutois- >
-touton- ......... and these 5130 -touton- >
-touton- ......... and this 5126 -touton- >
-touton- ......... And when these 5130 -touton- >
-touton- ......... as for this 5126 -touton- >
-touton- ......... Away with this 5126 -touton- >
-touton- ......... For of this 5130 -touton- >
-touton- ......... For these 5130 -touton- >
-touton- ......... from these 5130 -touton- >
-touton- ......... Hath in these 5130 -touton- >
-touton- ......... him this 5126 -touton- >
-touton- ......... I for these 5130 -touton- >
-touton- ......... in them of these 5130 -touton- >
-touton- ......... in this 5126 -touton- >
-touton- ......... is it that ye do not discern this 5126 -touton- >
-touton- ......... not have this 5126 -touton- >
-touton- ......... not this 5126 -touton- >
-touton- ......... Not this 5126 -touton- >
-touton- ......... of such 5130 -touton- >
-touton- ......... of these 5130 -touton- >
-touton- ......... of this 5126 -touton- >
-touton- ......... of those 5130 -touton- >
-touton- ......... such 5130 -touton- >
-touton- ......... than these 5130 -touton- >
-touton- ......... that by these 5130 -touton- >
-touton- ......... that same 5126 -touton- >
-touton- ......... that these 5130 -touton- >
-touton- ......... that this 5126 -touton- >
-touton- ......... the same 5126 -touton- >
-touton- ......... these 5130 -touton- >
-touton- ......... things than these 5130 -touton- >
-touton- ......... This 5126 -touton- >
-touton- ......... this 5126 -touton- >
-touton- ......... to have these 5130 -touton- >
-touton- ......... to them this 5126 -touton- >
-touton- ......... unto her , For this 5126 -touton- >
-touton- ......... unto this 5126 -touton- >
-touton- ......... upon this 5126 -touton- >
-touton- ......... us this 5126 -touton- >
-touton- ......... when these 5130 -touton- >
-touton- ......... ye these 5130 -touton- >
-toutou- ......... And from thenceforth 5127 -toutou- >
-toutou- ......... For this 5127 -toutou- >
-toutou- ......... from this 5127 -toutou- >
-toutou- ......... is not of this 5127 -toutou- >
-toutou- ......... not of this 5127 -toutou- >
-toutou- ......... not this 5127 -toutou- >
-toutou- ......... of this 5127 -toutou- >
-toutou- ......... Of this 5127 -toutou- >
-toutou- ......... one of this 5127 -toutou- >
-toutou- ......... out of this 5127 -toutou- >
-toutou- ......... thereabout 5127 -toutou- >
-toutou- ......... this 5127 -toutou- >
-toutou- ......... This 5127 -toutou- >
-toutou- ......... unto this 5127 -toutou- >
-toutou- ......... were of this 5127 -toutou- >
-toutou- ......... when this 5127 -toutou- >
-toutou- ......... ye are of this 5127 -toutou- >
-toutou- ......... ye thus 5127 -toutou- >
-toutous- ......... for these 5128 -toutous- >
-toutous- ......... from such 5128 -toutous- >
-toutous- ......... hither these 5128 -toutous- >
-toutous- ......... Let these 5128 -toutous- >
-toutous- ......... that these 5128 -toutous- >
-toutous- ......... These 5128 -toutous- >
-toutous- ......... these 5128 -toutous- >
-toutous- ......... this 5128 -toutous- >
about ......... about 1330 -dierchomai->
about ......... about 1909 -epi->
about ......... about 1994 -epistrepho->
about ......... about 2021 -epicheireo->
about ......... about 2212 -zeteo->
about ......... about 2596 -kata->
about ......... about 2943 -kuklothen->
about ......... about 2944 -kukloo->
about ......... about 2945 -kukloi->
about ......... about 3163 -mache->
about ......... about 3195 -mello->
about ......... about 3329 -metago->
about ......... about 3840 -pantothen->
about ......... about 3840 -pantothen->
about ......... about 3936 -paristemi->
about ......... about 3985 -peirazo->
about ......... about 4012 -peri->
About ......... About 4012 -peri->
about ......... about 4013 -periago->
about ......... about 4015 -periastrapto->
about ......... about 4016 -periballo->
about ......... about 4017 -periblepo->
about ......... about 4019 -perideo->
about ......... about 4022 -perierchomai->
about ......... about 4024 -perizonnumi->
about ......... about 4029 -perikeimai->
about ......... about 4034 -perilampo->
about ......... about 4037 -perimeno->
about ......... about 4038 -perix->
about ......... about 4043 -peripateo->
about ......... about 4064 -periphero->
about ......... about 4066 -perichoros->
about ......... about 5418 -phragmos->
about ......... about 5613 -hos->
about ......... about 5616 -hosei->
about ......... about holy 2413 -hieros->
about ......... about the midst 3322 -mesoo->
about ......... about threescore 1835 -hexekonta->
about ......... And about 4012 -peri->
about ......... And about 5613 -hos->
about ......... and about 5616 -hosei->
about ......... And about 5616 -hosei->
about ......... and about the elders 4245 -presbuteros->
about ......... And it was about 5613 -hos->
about ......... And it was about 5616 -hosei->
about ......... and it was about 5616 -hosei->
about ......... and they about 4012 -peri->
about ......... as about 4314 -pros->
about ......... be about 1722 -en->
about ......... every stone about 5613 -hos->
about ......... for him , as he was about 3195 -mello->
about ......... for it was about 5613 -hos->
about ......... For they were about 5616 -hosei->
about ......... from them about 5616 -hosei->
about ......... him about 1994 -epistrepho->
about ......... him about 4762 -strepho->
about ......... I was about 3195 -mello->
about ......... it about 4060 -peritithemi->
about ......... it round about 4060 -peritithemi->
about ......... man , about 4012 -peri->
about ......... not about words 3054 -logomacheo->
about ......... of about 5613 -hos->
about ......... out about 4012 -peri->
about ......... round about 4017 -periblepo->
about ......... that was about 1909 -epi->
about ......... that were hired about 4012 -peri->
about ......... they that were about 4012 -peri->
about ......... they were about 5613 -hos->
about ......... to be about 5616 -hosei->
about ......... to pass about 5616 -hosei->
about ......... unto them : and about 4012 -peri->
about ......... unto them about 5616 -hosei->
about ......... was about 5616 -hosei->
about ......... were about 2212 -zeteo->
about ......... were about 5613 -hos->
about ......... were about 5616 -hosei->
about ......... when he was about 3195 -mello->
about ......... when he was about 4225 -pou->
about ......... When they which were about 4012 -peri->
about ......... with her about 5616 -hosei->
about ......... ye about 2212 -zeteo->
author ......... is not the author of confusion 0181 -akatastasia->
author ......... the author 0159 -aitios->
author ......... the author 0747 -archegos->
authorities ......... and authorities 1849 -exousia->
authority ......... and authority 1849 -exousia->
authority ......... authority 0831 -authenteo->
authority ......... authority 1849 -exousia->
authority ......... authority 1850 -exousiazo->
authority ......... authority 2003 -epitage->
authority ......... authority 2715 -katexousiazo->
authority ......... for with authority 1849 -exousia->
authority ......... him authority 1849 -exousia->
authority ......... of great authority 1413 -dunastes->
authority ......... of our authority 1849 -exousia->
authority ......... that are in authority 5247 -huperoche->
authority ......... thou authority 1849 -exousia->
authority ......... with authority 1849 -exousia->
beautiful ......... beautiful 5611 -horaios->
Beautiful ......... Beautiful 5611 -horaios->
beautiful ......... How beautiful 5611 -horaios->
Beautiful ......... the Beautiful 5611 -horaios->
brute ......... as brute 0249 -alogos->
brute ......... brute 0249 -alogos->
but ......... Abraham 11 : but if 1437 -ean->
but ......... and are not , but are the synagogue 4864 -sunagoge->
but ......... and are not , but do lie 5574 -pseudomai->
but ......... as unto them : but the word 3056 -logos->
but ......... at ; but now 3568 -nun->
but ......... away : but my words 3056 -logos->
But ......... But ( which 3739 -hos->
but ......... but , as it is written 1125 -grapho->
But ......... But , behold 2400 -idou->
But ......... But , beloved 0027 -agapetos->
but ......... but , except 3362 -ean me->
but ......... but , If 1437 -ean->
but ......... but , In Isaac 2464 -Isaak->
But ......... But , lo 2396 -ide->
but ......... but , O man 0444 -anthropos->
but ......... but , The man 0444 -anthropos->
but ......... but , Until 2193 -heos->
But ......... But , when he was in Rome 4516 -Rhome->
But ......... But a certain 5100 -tis->
but ......... but a corrupt 4550 -sapros->
but ......... but a doer 4163 -poietes->
but ......... but a judge 2923 -krites->
But ......... But a lover 5382 -philoxenos->
but ......... but a new 2537 -kainos->
but ......... but a short 3641 -oligos->
but ......... but a son 5207 -huios->
but ......... but a sword 3162 -machaira->
But ......... But above 4253 -pro->
but ......... but above 5228 -huper->
But ......... But Abraham 0011 -Abraam->
but ......... but according 2596 -kata->
but ......... but admonish 3560 -noutheteo->
But ......... But after 2596 -kata->
but ......... but after 2596 -kata->
but ......... but after 3326 -meta->
But ......... But after 3326 -meta->
But ......... But after 3753 -hote->
But ......... But after 4137 -pleroo->
But ......... But after 5225 -huparcho->
But ......... But after that faith 4102 -pistis->
but ......... but after they had looked 4328 -prosdokao->
but ......... but afterward 5023 -tauta->
but ......... but against 4314 -pros->
but ......... but alive 2198 -zao->
But ......... But all 3650 -holos->
but ......... but all 3956 -pas->
But ......... But all 3956 -pas->
but ......... but almost 4975 -schedon->
but ......... but also 2532 -kai->
but ......... but also 2532->
but ......... but also 2532->
but ......... but also 2579 -kan->
But ......... But and if 1437 -ean->
But ......... But and if ye suffer 3958 -pascho->
but ......... but are as the angels 0032 -aggelos->
but ......... but are busybodies 4020 -periergazomai->
but ......... but are helpers 4904 -sunergos->
but ......... but are not able 1410 -dunamai->
but ......... but are now 3568 -nun->
but ......... but are within 2081 -esothen->
But ......... But as God 2316 -theos->
But ......... But as he went 5217 -hupago->
But ......... But as he which hath called 2564 -kaleo->
but ......... but as it is in truth 0230 -alethos->
But ......... But as it is written 1125 -grapho->
but ......... but as it were by the works 2041 -ergon->
but ......... but as it were foolishly 0877 -aphrosune->
but ......... but as it were in secret 2927 -kruptos->
but ......... but as it were two 1250 -diakosioi->
But ......... But as many 3745 -hosos->
but ......... but as my Father 3962 -pater->
but ......... but as of God 2316 -theos->
but ......... but as of one 1520 -heis->
but ......... but as of sincerity 1505 -eilikrineia->
but ......... but as soon 3752 -hotan->
But ......... But as soon 3753 -hote->
But ......... But as the days 2250 -hemera->
but ......... but as the servants 1401 -doulos->
But ......... But as then 5119 -tote->
But ......... But as they sailed 4126 -pleo->
but ......... but as thou wilt .
But ......... But as touching 4012 -peri->
but ......... but as unto carnal 4559 -sarkikos->
but ......... but as we spake 2980 -laleo->
But ......... But as we were allowed 1381 -dokimazo->
but ......... but as wise 4680 -sophos->
but ......... but at 4648 -skopeo->
But ......... But avoid 4026 -periistemi->
But ......... But bade 0657 -apotassomai->
But ......... But Barnabas 0921 -Barnabas->
but ......... but be filled 4137 -pleroo->
but ......... but be gentle 2261 -epios->
But ......... But be it so , I did not burden 2599 -katabareo->
But ......... But be not ye called 2564 -kaleo->
but ......... but be of good cheer 2293 -tharseo->
But ......... But be shod 5265 -hupodeo->
but ......... but be thou an example 5179 -tupos->
but ......... but be thou partaker 4777 -sugkakopatheo->
But ......... But be ye doers 4163 -poietes->
but ......... but be ye transformed 3339 -metamorphoo->
but ......... but became 3154 -mataioo->
but ......... but because 1223 -dia->
But ......... But because 3754 -hoti->
but ......... but because 3754 -hoti->
but ......... but before 1909 -epi->
But ......... But before 4253 -pro->
but ......... but being 1096 -ginomai->
but ......... but being 5225 -huparcho->
but ......... but being 5607 -on->
but ......... but believing 4103 -pistos->
But ......... But beware 4337 -prosecho->
But ......... But blessed 3107 -makarios->
but ......... but bring 1625 -ektrepho->
But ......... But brother 0080 -adephos->
But ......... But by an equality 2471 -isotes->
but ......... but by Beelzebub 0954 -Beelzeboul->
but ......... but by every 3956 -pas->
but ......... but by his own 2398 -idios->
but ......... but by Jesus 2424 -Iesous->
but ......... but by love 0026 -agape->
but ......... but by manifestation 5321 -phanerosis->
but ......... but by me .
but ......... but by occasion 1223 -dia->
but ......... but by prayer 4335 -proseuche->
but ......... but by reason 1223 -dia->
but ......... but by the consolation 3874 -paraklesis->
but ......... but by the faith 4102 -pistis->
but ......... but by the grace 5485 -charis->
But ......... But by the grace 5485 -charis->
but ......... but by the Holy 0040 -hagios->
but ......... but by the law 3551 -nomos->
but ......... but by water 5204 -hudor->
But ......... But by what 4459 -pos->
but ......... but Caesar 2541 -Kaisar->
But ......... But call 0363 -anamimnesko->
but ......... but can 1410 -dunamai->
but ......... but canst 1492 -eido->
but ......... but cast 0906 -ballo->
but ......... but cast 5020 -tartaroo->
But ......... But chiefly 3122 -malista->
but ......... but chosen 1588 -eklektos->
but ......... but Christ 5547 -Christos->
But ......... But Christ 5547 -Christos->
but ......... but climbeth 0305 -anabaino->
but ......... but clothed 1902 -ependuomai->
but ......... but come 2064 -erchomai->
but ......... but considerest 2657 -katanoeo->
But ......... But continue 3306 -meno->
But ......... But contrariwise 5121 -tounantion->
but ......... but contrariwise 5121 -tounantion->
But ......... But covet 2206 -zeloo->
but ......... but deceiveth 0538 -apatao->
but ......... but deliver 4506 -rhoumai->
but ......... but delivered 3860 -paradidomi->
but ......... but denying 0720 -arneomai->
but ......... but desire 2309 -thelo->
but ......... but Diotrephes 1361 -Diotrephes->
but ......... but do 4160 -poieo->
But ......... But do not thou yield 3982 -peitho->
but ......... but doting 3552 -noseo->
but ......... but dureth 2076 -esti->
but ......... but eat 2068 -esthio->
but ......... but either 2228 -e->
But ......... But Elymas 1681 -Elumas->
But ......... But Esaias 2268 -Hesaias->
but ......... but Esau 2269 -Esau->
but ......... but especially 3122 -malista->
But ......... But even 2193 -heos->
but ......... but even 2532 -kai->
But ......... But even 2532 -kai->
but ......... but every 1538 -hekastos->
But ......... But every 1538 -hekastos->
but ......... but every 3956 -pas->
But ......... But every 3956 -pas->
But ......... But evil 4190 -poneros->
But ......... But exhort 3870 -parakaleo->
but ......... but faith 4102 -pistis->
but ......... but fear 5399 -phobeo->
but ......... but fellowcitizens 4847 -sumpolites->
But ......... But Festus 5347 -Phestos->
but ......... but few 3641 -oligos->
But ......... But first 4412 -proton->
but ......... but first 4412 -proton->
but ......... but five 4002 -pente->
but ......... but follow 1377 -dioko->
but ......... but followers 3402 -mimetes->
But ......... But foolish 3474 -moros->
but ......... but for a time 4340 -proskairos->
but ......... but for that meat 1035 -brosis->
but ......... but for the elect s 1588 -eklektos->
but ......... but for the glory 1391 -doxa->
but ......... but for the Lord 2962 -kurios->
but ......... but for the priests 2409 -hiereus->
but ......... but for the truth 0225 -aletheia->
but ......... but for the worse 2276 -hetton->
but ......... but for them also 2532 -kai->
but ......... but for them which 3739 -hos->
but ......... but for this 5124 -touto->
But ......... But for us also 2532 -kai->
but ......... but for you it is safe 0809 -askemon->
But ......... But forasmuch as he had 2192 -echo->
But ......... But fornication 4202 -porneia->
But ......... But found 2147 -heurisko->
but ......... but from him that hath 2192 -echo->
but ......... but from the beginning 0746 -arche->
But ......... But from the beginning 0746 -arche->
but ......... but gentle 1933 -epieikes->
but ......... but giveth 1325 -didomi->
But ......... But glory 1391 -doxa->
but ......... but go 0565 -aperchomai->
but ......... but go 4198 -poreuomai->
But ......... But go 4198 -poreuomai->
but ......... but go 5217 -hupago->
But ......... But go 5217 -hupago->
But ......... But God 1096 -ginomai->
But ......... But God 2316 -theos->
but ......... but God 2316 -theos->
but ......... but godliness 2150 -eusebeia->
But ......... But godliness 2150 -eusebeia->
but ......... but grace 5485 -charis->
but ......... but grievous 3077 -lupe->
But ......... But grow 0837 -auzano->
But ......... But had 2192 -echo->
but ......... but had pleasure 2106 -eudokeo->
but ......... but hath 2192 -echo->
but ......... but hath committed 1325 -didomi->
But ......... But hath in due 2398 -idios->
but ......... but have 2192 -echo->
but ......... but have pleasure 4909 -suneudokeo->
But ......... But have renounced 0550 -apeipomen->
but ......... but having 2192 -echo->
but ......... but having seen 1492 -eido->
But ......... But he , beckoning 2678 -kataseio->
But ......... But he , being 5225 -huparcho->
But ......... But he , knowing 1492 -eido->
But ......... But he , whom 3739 -hos->
But ......... But he , willing 2309 -thelo->
but ......... but he :
but ......... but he answered 0611 -apokrinomai->
But ......... But he answered 0611 -apokrinomai->
But ......... But he began 0756 -archomai->
but ......... but he charged 3853 -paraggello->
but ......... but he cried 2896 -krazo->
but ......... but he deceiveth 4105 -planao->
but ......... but he delivered 3860 -paradidomi->
But ......... But he denied 0720 -arneomai->
but ......... but he for our profit 4851 -sumphero->
But ......... But he giveth 1325 -didomi->
But ......... But he held 4623 -siopao->
but ......... but he himself .
but ......... but he himself 0846 -autos->
But ......... But he is a Jew 2453 -Ioudaios->
But ......... But he knew 1492 -eido->
but ......... but he of the freewoman 1658 -eleutheros->
But ......... But he passing 1330 -dierchomai->
But ......... But he perceived 2657 -katanoeo->
but ......... but he received 2983 -lambano->
But ......... But he said 2036 -epo->
But ......... But he said 5346 -phemi->
but ......... but he saith 3004 -lego->
But ......... But he saith 3004 -lego->
but ......... but he sent 0649 -apostello->
but ......... but he shall baptize 0907 -baptizo->
But ......... But he shall receive 2983 -lambano->
But ......... But he shall say 2046 -ereo->
But ......... But he spake 3004 -lego->
but ......... but he that acknowledgeth the Son hath 2192 -echo->
but ......... but he that believeth 0569 -apisteo->
but ......... but he that believeth 4100 -pisteuo->
but ......... but he that came 2597 -katabaino->
but ......... but he that cometh 2064 -erchomai->
but ......... but he that committeth 4203 -porneuo->
But ......... But he that denieth 0720 -arneomai->
but ......... but he that denieth 0720 -arneomai->
But ......... But he that did 0091 -adikeo->
But ......... But he that doeth 0091 -adikeo->
but ......... but he that doeth 2554 -kakopoieo->
but ......... but he that doeth 4160 -poieo->
But ......... But he that doeth 4160 -poieo->
But ......... But he that entereth 1535 -eite->
but ......... but he that giveth her not in marriage 1547 -ekgamizo->
But ......... But he that glorieth 2744 -kauchaomai->
But ......... But he that had received 2983 -lambano->
But ......... But he that hateth 3404 -miseo->
But ......... But he that heareth 0191 -akouo->
But ......... But he that is an hireling 3411 -misthotos->
but ......... but he that is called 2564 -kaleo->
but ......... but he that is called 2564 -kaleo->
but ......... but he that is greatest 3187 -meizon->
But ......... But he that is greatest 3187 -meizon->
But ......... But he that is joined 2853 -kollao->
but ......... but he that is least 3398 -mikros->
But ......... But he that is married 1060 -gameo->
But ......... But he that is spiritual 4152 -pneumatikos->
but ......... but he that judgeth 0350 -anakrino->
But ......... But he that knew 1097 -ginosko->
But ......... But he that lacketh 3918 -pareimi->
But ......... But he that prophesieth 4395 -propheteuo->
but ......... but he that prophesieth 4395 -propheteuo->
But ......... But he that received 4687 -speiro->
but ......... but he that said 2980 -laleo->
but ......... but he that seeketh 2212 -zeteo->
but ......... but he that sent 3992 -pempo->
But ......... But he that shall blaspheme 0987 -blasphemeo->
But ......... But he that shall endure 5278 -hupomeno->
but ......... but he that soweth 4687 -speiro->
but ......... but he that troubleth 5015 -tarasso->
but ......... but he took 1949 -epilambanomai->
But ......... But he turned 4672 -Solomon->
But ......... But he turned 4762 -strepho->
but ......... but he was asleep 2518 -katheudo->
But ......... But he went 1831 -exerchomai->
But ......... But he who was of the bondwoman 3814 -paidiske->
But ......... But he whose descent 1075 -genealogeo->
but ......... but he will 3195 -mello->
but ......... but he will come 2064 -erchomai->
But ......... But Herod 2264 -Herodes->
but ......... but him they saw 1492 -eido->
but ......... but his bodily 4983 -soma->
But ......... But his citizens 4177 -polites->
but ......... but his clothes 2440 -himation->
but ......... but his father 3962 -pater->
but ......... but his that sent 3992 -pempo->
but ......... but his will 2307 -thelema->
but ......... but holy 0040 -hagios->
but ......... but hope 1680 -elpis->
But ......... But how 4459 -pos->
but ......... but how 4459 -pos->
but ......... but I am 1510 -eimi->
but ......... but I and the Father 3962 -pater->
But ......... But I beseech 1189 -deomai->
But ......... But I beseech 3870 -parakaleo->
But ......... But I certify 1107 -gnorizo->
but ......... but I desire 1934 -epizeteo->
But ......... But I determined 2919 -krino->
But ......... But I fear 5399 -phobeo->
but ......... but I follow 1377 -dioko->
but ......... but I go 4198 -poreuomai->
But ......... But I have 0568 -apecho->
But ......... But I have 2192 -echo->
but ......... but I have called 2046 -ereo->
but ......... but I have chosen 1586 -eklegomai->
But ......... But I have prayed 1189 -deomai->
But ......... But I have used 5530 -chraomai->
but ......... but I honour 5091 -timao->
But ......... But I keep 5299 -hupopiazo->
But ......... But I know 1097 -ginosko->
But ......... But I know 1492 -eido->
but ......... but I laboured 2872 -kopiao->
but ......... but I must decrease 1642 -elattoo->
but ......... but I obtained 1653 -eleeo->
But ......... But I receive 2983 -lambano->
But ......... But I rejoiced 5463 -chairo->
But ......... But I said 2036 -epo->
But ......... But I say , that the things which 3739 -hos->
But ......... But I say 3004 -lego->
But ......... But I see 0991 -blepo->
but ......... but I shall shew 0312 -anaggello->
but ......... but I spare 5339 -pheidomai->
But ......... But I speak 3004 -lego->
but ......... but I speak 3004 -lego->
But ......... But I suffer 2010 -epitrepo->
But ......... But I tell 3004 -lego->
but ......... but I trust 1679 -elpizo->
But ......... But I trust 1679 -elpizo->
but ......... but I trust 1679->
but ......... but I trust 1679->
But ......... But I trust 3982 -peitho->
But ......... But I was free born 1080 -gennao->
but ......... but I will 2309 -thelo->
But ......... But I will come 2064 -erchomai->
but ......... but I will confess 1843 -exomologeo->
But ......... But I will forewarn 5263 -hupodeiknumi->
but ......... but I will return 0344 -anakampto->
but ......... but I will see 3700 -optanomai->
But ......... But I will tarry 1961 -epimeno->
But ......... But I would 2309 -thelo->
But ......... But I would ye should understand 1097 -ginosko->
but ......... but if 1437 -ean->
But ......... But if 1437 -ean->
but ......... but if 1487 -ei->
But ......... But if 1487 -ei->
But ......... But if 1499 -ei kai->
But ......... But in a great 3173 -megas->
But ......... But in all 3956 -pas->
but ......... but in deed 2041 -ergon->
but ......... but in demonstration 0585 -apodeixis->
but ......... but in every 3596 -hodoiporeo->
But ......... But in every 3956 -pas->
but ......... but in fleshy 4560 -sarkinos->
but ......... but in God 2316 -theos->
but ......... but in him was yea 3483 -nai->
but ......... but in his own country 3968 -patris->
but ......... but in lowliness 5012 -tapeinophrosune->
but ......... but in mine 3450 -mou->
but ......... but in power 1411 -dunamis->
but ......... but in singleness 0572 -haplotes->
but ......... but in that he liveth 2198 -zao->
But ......... But in the days 2250 -hemera->
but ......... but in the Greek 1673 -Hellenikos->
but ......... but in the Greek 1673 -Hellenikos->
but ......... but in the Hebrew 1447 -Hebraisti->
but ......... but in the living 2198 -zao->
but ......... but in the power 1411 -dunamis->
but ......... but in the Spirit 4151 -pneuma->
but ......... but in the tombs 3418 -mnema->
But ......... But in those 0846 -autos->
But ......... But in those 3588 -ho->
but ......... but in uncircumcision 0203 -akrobustia->
but ......... but in understanding 5424 -phren->
But ......... But in vain 3155 -maten->
but ......... but in works 2041 -ergon->
But ......... But into 1519 -eis->
but ......... but into 1519 -eis->
but ......... but intreat 3870 -parakaleo->
but ......... but inwardly 2081 -esothen->
but ......... but is abundant 4052 -perisseuo->
but ......... but is clean 2513 -katharos->
but ......... but is earthly 1919 -epigeios->
but ......... but is in danger 1777 -enochos->
but ......... but is longsuffering to us -ward 2248 -hemas->
but ......... but is mighty 1414 -dunateo->
But ......... But is now 3568 -nun->
but ......... but is of the world 2889 -kosmos->
but ......... but is passed 3327 -metabaino->
but ......... but is risen 1453 -egeiro->
But ......... But is under 5259 -hupo->
But ......... But Israel 2474 -Israel->
but ......... but it is evil 2556 -kakos->
But ......... But it is good 2570 -kalos->
But ......... But it is happened 4819 -sumbaino->
but ......... but it is the same 0846 -autos->
but ......... but it shall be given to them for whom 3739 -hos->
but ......... but it shall be in thy mouth 4750 -stoma->
But ......... But it shall be more 0414 -anektoteros->
But ......... But it shall not be so 3779 -houto->
but ......... but it withereth 3583 -xeraino->
But ......... But Jerusalem 2419 -Hierousalem->
But ......... But Jesus 2424 -Iesous->
But ......... But John 2491 -Ioannes->
but ......... but judge 2919 -krino->
But ......... But know 1097 -ginosko->
But ......... But last 5305 -husteron->
But ......... But lay up for yourselves 5213 -humin->
but ......... but Lazarus 2976 -Lazaros->
but ......... but leaves 5444 -phullon->
But ......... But let a man 0444 -anthropos->
But ......... But let every 1538 -hekastos->
But ......... But let him ask 0154 -aiteo->
but ......... but let him glorify 1392 -doxazo->
But ......... But let it be the hidden 2927 -kruptos->
but ......... but let it rather 3123 -mallon->
But ......... But let none 3387 -metis->
But ......... But let patience 5281 -hupomone->
but ......... but let them come 2064 -erchomai->
But ......... But let us , who 3588 -ho->
but ......... but let us watch 1127 -gregoreuo->
But ......... But let your 5216 -humon->
but ......... but let your 5216 -humon->
but ......... but live 2198 -zao->
But ......... But love 0025 -agapao->
but ......... but made 0871 -aphomoioo->
But ......... But made 1096 -ginomai->
But ......... But many 4183 -polus->
but ......... but many 4183 -polus->
But ......... But Martha 3136 -Martha->
But ......... But Mary 3137 -Maria->
but ......... but me ye have 2192 -echo->
But ......... But meat 1033 -broma->
but ......... but men cast 0906 -ballo->
but ......... but mighty 1415 -dunatos->
but ......... but ministers 1249 -diakonos->
but ......... but my Father 3962 -pater->
But ......... But my God 2316 -theos->
but ......... but my understanding 3563 -nous->
but ......... but my words 3056 -logos->
But ......... But neither 3761 -oude->
but ......... but new 3501 -neos->
But ......... But new 3501 -neos->
But ......... But none 3762 -oudeis->
but ......... but not according 2596 -kata->
but ......... but not all 3956 -pas->
But ......... But not as the offence 3900 -paraptoma->
but ......... but not before 4314 -pros->
but ......... but not destroyed 0622 -apollumi->
but ......... but not forsaken 1459 -egkataleipo->
but ......... but not in despair 1820 -exaporeomai->
But ......... But not long 4183 -polus->
but ......... but not with God 2316 -theos->
but ......... but nourisheth 1625 -ektrepho->
But ......... But now 0737 -arti->
but ......... but now 3568 -nun->
But ......... But now 3568 -nun->
but ......... but now 3570 -nuni->
But ......... But now 3570 -nuni->
but ......... but now I forbear 5339 -pheidomai->
but ......... but obey 3982 -peitho->
but ......... but of a ready 4289 -prothumos->
but ......... but of debt 3783 -opheilema->
but ......... but of God 2316 -theos->
But ......... But of him are ye in Christ 5547 -Christos->
but ......... but of him that calleth 2564 -kaleo->
but ......... but of incorruptible 0862 -aphthartos->
but ......... but of peace 1515 -eirene->
but ......... but of power 1411 -dunamis->
But ......... But of that day 2250 -hemera->
but ......... but of the doctrine 1322 -didache->
but ......... but of the fathers 3962 -pater->
but ......... but of the free 1658 -eleutheros->
but ......... but of the living 2198 -zao->
but ......... but of the other 2087 -heteros->
but ......... but of the spirit 4151 -pneuma->
But ......... But of the times 2540 -kairos->
but ......... but of them that believe 4102 -pistis->
But ......... But of these who seemed 1380 -dokeo->
but ......... but on 1909 -epi->
but ......... but on me also 2532 -kai->
but ......... but one 1520 -heis->
But ......... But one 1520 -heis->
but ......... but one 3391 -mia->
But ......... But one 5100 -tis->
but ......... but one flesh 4561 -sarx->
but ......... but one mightier 2478 -ischuros->
but ......... but only 3441 -monos->
But ......... But other 0243 -allos->
But ......... But other 2087 -heteros->
but ......... but our sufficiency 2426 -hikanotes->
but ......... but out of them all 3956 -pas->
but ......... but overcome 3528 -nikao->
but ......... but patient 1933 -epieikes->
but ......... but Paul 3972 -Paulos->
But ......... But Paul 3972 -Paulos->
but ......... but perceivest 2657 -katanoeo->
but ......... but perfect 5046 -teleios->
But ......... But Peter 4074 -Petros->
But ......... But Philip 5376 -Philippos->
But ......... But Pilate 4091 -Pilatos->
But ......... But pray 4336 -proseuchomai->
but ......... but prayer 4335 -proseuche->
but ......... but present 3918 -pareimi->
but ......... but privately 2398 -idios->
But ......... But put 1746 -enduo->
but ......... but quickened 2227 -zoopoieo->
but ......... but ran 1532 -eistrecho->
but ......... but rather 2228 -e->
but ......... but rather 3123 -mallon->
But ......... But rather 4133 -plen->
but ......... but rather give 1325 -didomi->
but ......... but rather through their fall 3900 -paraptoma->
but ......... but receive 2983 -lambano->
but ......... but received 1209 -dechomai->
But ......... But refuse 3868 -paraiteomai->
But ......... But rejoice 5463 -chairo->
but ......... but rejoiceth 4796 -sugchairo->
but ......... but righteousness 1343 -dikaiosune->
But ......... But rise 0450 -anistemi->
but ......... but said 2036 -epo->
but ......... but said 3004 -lego->
But ......... But sanctify 0037 -hagiazo->
but ......... but Satan 4567 -Satanas->
But ......... But Saul 4569 -Saulos->
but ......... but saved 5442 -phulasso->
but ......... but secretly 2928 -krupto->
but ......... but seeing 2334 -theoreo->
But ......... But seek 2212 -zeteo->
but ......... but served 3000 -latreuo->
but ......... but setteth 2007 -epitithemi->
but ......... but shall believe 4100 -pisteuo->
but ......... but shall have 2192 -echo->
But ......... But she constantly 1340 -diischurizomai->
but ......... but she hath washed 1026 -brecho->
But ......... But she is happier 3107 -makarios->
but ......... but she of her penury 5303 -husterema->
but ......... but she of her want 5304 -husteresis->
but ......... but she that is married 1060 -gameo->
But ......... But she that liveth 2198 -zao->
But ......... But shewed 0518 -apaggello->
but ......... but shewing 1731 -endeiknumi->
but ......... but should raise 0450 -anistemi->
But ......... But shun 4026 -periistemi->
but ......... but Silas 4609 -Silas->
But ......... But Simon s 4613 -Simon->
But ......... But sin 0266 -hamartia->
but ......... but sin 0266 -hamartia->
but ......... but sinners 0268 -hamartolos->
but ......... but sleepeth 2518 -katheudo->
but ......... but smote 5180 -tupto->
But ......... But so 3779 -houto->
But ......... But so much 3123 -mallon->
But ......... But Solomon 4672 -Solomon->
But ......... But some 0243 -allos->
but ......... but some 0243 -allos->
but ......... but some 5100 -tis->
But ......... But some 5100 -tis->
but ......... but speak 0669 -apophtheggomai->
but ......... but speak 2036 -epo->
But ......... But speak 2980 -laleo->
but ......... but speak 2980 -laleo->
But ......... But speaking 0226 -aletheuo->
But ......... But straightway 2112 -eutheos->
But ......... But strong 4731 -stereos->
but ......... but such as I have 2192 -echo->
but ......... but suffer 4722 -stego->
But ......... But take heed 0991 -blepo->
But ......... But take ye heed 0991 -blepo->
but ......... but taking my leave 0657 -apotassomai->
but ......... but tattlers 5397 -phluaros->
but ......... but teachest 1321 -didasko->
But ......... But thanks 5485 -charis->
but ......... but that all 3956 -pas->
but ......... but that also 2532 -kai->
but ......... but that he loved 0025 -agapao->
but ......... but that he said 2036 -epo->
but ......... but that his disciples 3101 -mathetes->
but ......... but that I am 1510 -eimi->
but ......... but that it should come 2064 -erchomai->
But ......... But that it spread 1268 -dianemo->
But ......... But that no 3762 -oudeis->
but ......... but that offences 4625 -skandalon->
But ......... But that on 1722 -en->
but ......... but that our care 4710 -spoude->
but ......... but that rather 3123 -mallon->
but ......... but that the members 3196 -melos->
but ......... but that the scripture 1124 -graphe->
but ......... but that the works 2041 -ergon->
But ......... But that the world 2889 -kosmos->
but ......... but that the world 2889 -kosmos->
but ......... but that they might eat 5315 -phago->
but ......... but that they might see 1492 -eido->
but ......... but that thou shouldest keep 5083 -tereo->
but ......... but that thou thyself 0846 -autos->
but ......... but that we receive 0618->
but ......... but that we receive 0618->
But ......... But that we write 1989 -epistello->
but ......... but that which 1536 -ei tis->
but ......... but that which 3588 -ho->
But ......... But that which beareth 1627 -ekphero->
but ......... but that which cometh 1607 -ekporeuomai->
but ......... but that which is good 0018 -agathos->
but ......... but that which is natural 5591 -psuchikos->
But ......... But that which ye have 2192 -echo->
but ......... but that with all 3956 -pas->
But ......... But that ye also 2532 -kai->
But ......... But that ye may know 1492 -eido->
but ......... but that ye might know 1097 -ginosko->
but ......... but that ye should do 4160 -poieo->
but ......... but that ye sorrowed 3076 -lupeo->
But ......... But the angel 0032 -aggelos->
But ......... But the anointing 5545 -chrisma->
but ......... but the answer 1906 -eperotema->
but ......... but the blasphemy 0988 -blasphemia->
but ......... but the body 4983 -soma->
but ......... but the bringing 1898 -epeisagoge->
But ......... But the centurion 1543 -hekatontarches->
but ......... but the chaff 0892 -achuron->
But ......... But the chief 0749 -archiereus->
But ......... But the chief 5506 -chiliarchos->
but ......... but the children 5043 -teknon->
But ......... But the children 5207 -huios->
But ......... But the Comforter 3875 -parakletos->
But ......... But the court 0833 -aule->
But ......... But the day 2250 -hemera->
But ......... But the days 2250 -hemera->
but ......... but the disciples 3101 -mathetes->
but ......... but the doers 4163 -poietes->
But ......... But the end 5056 -telos->
but ......... but the face 4383 -prosopon->
But ......... But the father 3962 -pater->
but ......... but the Father 3962 -pater->
but ......... but the Father s 3962 -pater->
But ......... But the fearful 1169 -deilos->
but ......... but the fishermen 0231 -halieus->
but ......... but the flesh 4561 -sarx->
but ......... but the free 5486 -charisma->
but ......... but the friend 5384 -philos->
But ......... But the fruit 2590 -karpos->
but ......... but the gift 5486 -charisma->
but ......... but the glory 1391 -doxa->
But ......... But the God 2316 -theos->
but ......... but the God 2316 -theos->
but ......... but the greatest 3187 -meizon->
but ......... but the heavenly 2032 -epouranios->
But ......... But the heavens 3772 -ouranos->
But ......... But the high 0749 -archiereus->
but ......... but the hinder 4403 -prumna->
but ......... but the Holy 0040 -hagios->
But ......... But the hour 5610 -hora->
but ......... but the hundred 1540 -hekaton->
but ......... but the husband 0435 -aner->
but ......... but the husbandmen 1092 -georgos->
But ......... But the Jews 2453 -Ioudaios->
but ......... but the keeping 5084 -teresis->
but ......... but the labourers 2040 -ergates->
But ......... But the Lord 2962 -kurios->
But ......... But the manifestation 5321 -phanerosis->
But ......... But the men 0444 -anthropos->
but ......... but the more 3745 -hosos->
But ......... But the multitude 4128 -plethos->
But ......... But the natural 5591 -psuchikos->
But ......... But the other 2087 -heteros->
but ......... but the other 2087 -heteros->
But ......... But the other of love 0026 -agape->
but ......... but the parents 1118 -goneus->
but ......... but the Pharisees 5330 -Pharisaios->
But ......... But the Pharisees 5330 -Pharisaios->
but ......... but the profit 4851 -sumphero->
But ......... But the rest 3062 -loipoy->
But ......... But the rich 4145 -plousios->
but ......... but the righteous 1342 -dikaios->
But ......... But the righteousness 1343 -dikaiosune->
but ......... but the root 4491 -rhiza->
but ......... but the same 0846 -autos->
But ......... But the same 1565 -ekeinos->
But ......... But the same day 2250 -hemera->
but ......... but the same which is made 3076 -lupeo->
But ......... But the scripture 1124 -graphe->
but ......... but the sheep 4263 -probaton->
But ......... But the ship 4143 -ploion->
but ......... but the Son 5207 -huios->
but ......... but the son 5207 -huios->
but ......... but the spirit 4151 -pneuma->
but ......... but the Spirit 4151 -pneuma->
but ......... but the tares 2215 -zizanion->
but ......... but the things that be of men 0444 -anthropos->
but ......... but the things which are not seen 0991 -blepo->
but ......... but the throne 2362 -thronos->
but ......... but the time 5610 -hora->
But ......... But the tongue 1100 -glossa->
But ......... But the unbelieving 0544 -apeitheo->
But ......... But the very 2532 -kai->
But ......... But the voice 5456 -phone->
but ......... but the water 5204 -hudor->
but ......... but the wife 1135 -gune->
but ......... but the will 2307 -thelema->
But ......... But the wisdom 4678 -sophia->
But ......... But the wise 5429 -phronimos->
But ......... But the woman 1135 -gune->
but ......... but the woman 1135 -gune->
But ......... But the word 3056 -logos->
but ......... but the word 3056 -logos->
But ......... But the word 4487 -rhema->
but ......... but the world 2889 -kosmos->
but ......... but the wrath 3709 -orge->
But ......... But the younger 3501 -neos->
But ......... But their eyes 3788 -ophthalmos->
but ......... but their heart 2588 -kardia->
But ......... But their laying 1917 -epiboule->
But ......... But their minds 3540 -noema->
but ......... but their own 1438 -heautou->
But ......... But their scribes 1122 -grammateus->
But ......... But them that are without 1854 -exo->
but ......... but then 5119 -tote->
but ......... but there 1563 -ekei->
But ......... But there are some 5100 -tis->
but ......... but there be some 5100 -tis->
but ......... but there is one 0243 -allos->
But ......... But there rose 1817 -exanistemi->
But ......... But there shall not an hair 2359 -thrix->
but ......... but there standeth 2476 -histemi->
But ......... But there was a certain 5100 -tis->
But ......... But there were certain 5100 -tis->
But ......... But there were false 5578 -pseudoprophetes->
but ......... but these 3778 -houtos->
But ......... But these 3778 -houtos->
But ......... But these 5023 -tauta->
but ......... but these 5023 -tauta->
But ......... But they , supposing 3543 -nomizo->
But ......... But they , when they were departed 1831 -exerchomai->
but ......... but they are commanded to be under 5293 -hupotasso->
but ......... but they came 3918 -pareimi->
But ......... But they constrained 3849 -parabiazomai->
But ......... But they cried 2019 -epiphoneo->
but ......... but they cried 2896 -krazo->
But ......... But they cried 2896 -krazo->
But ......... But they cried 2905 -kraugazo->
but ......... but they discovered 2657 -katanoeo->
but ......... but they had 1510 -eimi->
But ......... But they had heard 0191 -akouo->
But ......... But they have not all 3956 -pas->
but ......... but they heard 0191 -akouo->
But ......... But they held 4623 -siopao->
but ......... but they led 5496 -cheiragogeo->
But ......... But they made 0272 -ameleo->
but ......... but they measuring 3354 -metreo->
but ......... but they put 0906 -ballo->
But ......... But they said 3004 -lego->
but ......... but they shall be priests 2409 -hiereus->
But ......... But they shall proceed 4298 -prokopto->
But ......... But they shook 1621 -ektinasso->
but ......... but they that are after 2596 -kata->
but ......... but they that are sick 2560 -kakos->
But ......... But they that will 1014 -boo -lom -ahee->
but ......... but they themselves will 2309 -thelo->
but ......... but they thought 1380 -dokeo->
But ......... But they understood 0050 -agnoeo->
but ......... but they went 2021 -epicheireo->
but ......... but they were all 3956 -pas->
But ......... But they were terrified 4422 -ptoeo->
but ......... but they which are written 1125 -grapho->
But ......... But they which shall be accounted 2661 -kataxioo->
but ......... but they which were bidden 2564 -kaleo->
but ......... but thine 4674 -sos->
But ......... But this 3588 -ho->
But ......... But this 3778 -houtos->
but ......... but this 3778 -houtos->
But ......... But this 5124 -touto->
But ......... But this cometh to pass , that the word 3056 -logos->
but ......... but this one 1520 -heis->
but ......... but this with an oath 3728 -horkomosia->
But ......... But Thomas 2381 -Thomas->
But ......... But those 1565 -ekeinos->
but ......... but those 3588 -ho->
But ......... But those 3588 -ho->
But ......... But those things , which 3739 -hos->
But ......... But thou , O man 0444 -anthropos->
But ......... But thou , when 3752 -hotan->
But ......... But thou , when thou fastest 3522 -nesteuo->
but ......... but thou art 1488 -ei->
But ......... But thou hast fully 3877 -parakoloutheo->
but ......... but thou hast kept 5083 -tereo->
but ......... but thou remainest 1265 -diameno->
but ......... but thou shalt follow 0190 -akoloutheo->
but ......... but thou shalt know 1097 -ginosko->
But ......... But though 1437 -ean->
But ......... But though 1499 -ei kai->
But ......... But though he had done 4160 -poieo->
but ......... but thought 1380 -dokeo->
but ......... but through 1223 -dia->
but ......... but thrust 0683 -apotheomai->
but ......... but thy disciples 3101 -mathetes->
but ......... but to be cast 0906 -ballo->
but ......... but to be in silence 2271 -hesuchia->
but ......... but to be spiritually 4151 -pneuma->
But ......... But to do 2140 -eupoiia->
but ......... but to eat 5315 -phago->
but ......... but to fulfil 4137 -pleroo->
but ......... but to have 2192 -echo->
but ......... but to him that esteemeth 3049 -logizomai->
But ......... But to him that worketh 2038 -ergazomai->
But ......... But to Israel 2474 -Israel->
but ......... but to make 1325 -didomi->
but ......... but to obtain 4047 -peripoiesis->
but ......... but to others 3062 -loipoy->
but ......... but to preach 2097 -euaggelizo->
but ......... but to save 4982 -sozo->
But ......... But to sit 2523 -kathizo->
but ......... but to that also 2532 -kai->
but ......... but to the evil 2556 -kakos->
But ......... But to the rest 3062 -loipoy->
but ......... but to the subverting 2692 -katastrophe->
but ......... but to the will 2307 -thelema->
but ......... but to them it is not given 1325 -didomi->
but ......... but to them that believe 0571 -apistos->
but ......... but to them that believed 0544 -apeitheo->
but ......... but to think 5426 -phroneo->
but ......... But to us there is but one 1520 -heis->
But ......... But to us there is but one 1520 -heis->
But ......... But to which 5101 -tis->
but ......... but to whom 3739 -hos->
but ......... but to you of salvation 4991 -soteria->
but ......... but toward 1909 -epi->
but ......... but Trophimus 5161 -Trophimos->
but ......... but try 1381 -dokimazo->
but ......... but under 1772 -ennomos->
but ......... but under 5259 -hupo->
but ......... but understanding 4920 -suniemi->
but ......... but unto all 3956 -pas->
But ......... But unto every 1538 -hekastos->
but ......... but unto God 2316 -theos->
but ......... but unto him which died 0599 -apothnesko->
but ......... but unto holiness 0038 -hagiasmos->
But ......... But unto none 3762 -oudeis->
but ......... but unto the Jews 2453 -Ioudaios->
but ......... but unto the lost 0622 -apollumi->
But ......... But unto the Son 5207 -huios->
But ......... But unto them that are contentious 2052 -eritheia->
but ......... but unto them that are defiled 3392 -miaino->
but ......... but unto them that are without 1854 -exo->
But ......... But unto them which 3588 -ho->
but ......... but unto them which be disobedient 0544 -apeitheo->
but ......... but unto thy Father 3962 -pater->
but ......... but unto us they did minister 1247 -diakoneo->
but ......... but unto us which are saved 4982 -sozo->
but ......... but unto witnesses 3144 -martus->
But ......... But unto you I say 3004 -lego->
but ......... but use 5530 -chraomai->
but ......... but wait 4037 -perimeno->
but ......... but was in all 3956 -pas->
but ......... but was in that place 5117 -topos->
but ......... but was manifest 5319 -phaneroo->
But ......... But was rebuked 1649 -elegxis->
but ......... but was sent to bear 3140 -martureo->
but ......... but was strong 1743 -endunamoo->
but ......... but was without 1854 -exo->
But ......... But watch 3525 -nepho->
But ......... But we , brethren 0080 -adephos->
But ......... But we all 3956 -pas->
but ......... but we an incorruptible 0862 -aphthartos->
But ......... But we are bound 3784 -opheilo->
but ......... but we are despised 0820 -atimos->
but ......... but we are made 5319 -phaneroo->
but ......... but we are Moses 3475 -Moseus->
But ......... But we are not of them who draw 5289 -hupostole->
But ......... But we are sure 1492 -eido->
But ......... But we believe 4100 -pisteuo->
but ......... but we beseech 3870 -parakaleo->
But ......... But we desire 0515 -axioo->
but ......... but we do all 3956 -pas->
But ......... But we had 2192 -echo->
But ......... But we have 2192 -echo->
but ......... but we have been throughly 3956 -pas->
But ......... But we know 1492 -eido->
But ......... But we preach 2784 -kerusso->
But ......... But we see 0991 -blepo->
but ......... but we seek 1934 -epizeteo->
but ......... but we shall all 3956 -pas->
But ......... But we speak 2980 -laleo->
But ......... But we trusted 1679 -elpizo->
But ......... But we were gentle 2261 -epios->
but ......... but we were troubled 2346 -thlibo->
But ......... But we will give 4342 -proskartereo->
But ......... But we will not boast 2744 -kauchaomai->
but ......... but went 0565 -aperchomai->
but ......... but were eyewitnesses 2030 -epoptes->
But ......... But what 3739 -hos->
But ......... But what 3748 -hostis->
but ......... but what 5100 -tis->
But ......... But what 5101 -tis->
but ......... but what 5101 -tis->
but ......... but whatsoever 0302 -an->
but ......... but whatsoever 1437 -ean->
But ......... But when 1875 -epan->
But ......... But when 2531 -kathos->
but ......... but when 3752 -hotan->
But ......... But when 3752 -hotan->
But ......... But when 3753 -hote->
but ......... but when 3753 -hote->
but ......... but when 4218 -pote->
But ......... But when 5613 -hos->
But ......... But when he had put 1544 -ekballo->
But ......... But when he had turned 1994 -epistrepho->
But ......... But when he heard 0191 -akouo->
But ......... But when he saw 0991 -blepo->
But ......... But when he saw 1492 -eido->
But ......... But when he was yet 2089 -eti->
But ......... But when Herod 2264 -Herodes->
But ......... But when Herod s 2264 -Herodes->
But ......... But when his disciples 3101 -mathetes->
But ......... But when I found 2638 -katalambano->
But ......... But when Jacob 2384 -Iakob->
But ......... But when Jesus 2424 -Iesous->
But ......... But when Paul 3972 -Paulos->
but ......... but when the commandment 1785 -entole->
But ......... But when the first 4413 -protos->
But ......... But when the husbandmen 1092 -georgos->
But ......... But when the Jews 2453 -Ioudaios->
But ......... But when the king 0935 -basileus->
But ......... But when the morning 4405 -proia->
But ......... But when the multitudes 3793 -ochlos->
But ......... But when the officers 5257 -huperetes->
But ......... But when the Pharisees 5330 -Pharisaios->
But ......... But when the sun 2246 -helios->
But ......... But when the young 3495 -neaniskos->
But ......... But when they departed 1330 -dierchomai->
But ......... But when they had commanded 2753 -keleuo->
But ......... But when they knew 1921 -epiginosko->
But ......... But when they saw 1492 -eido->
But ......... But when they sought 2212 -zeteo->
But ......... But when thou doest 4160 -poieo->
But ......... But when we are judged 2919 -krino->
but ......... but when we had opened 0455 -anoigo->
But ......... But when ye pray 4336 -proseuchomai->
But ......... But when ye sin 0264 -hamartano->
But ......... But where 3757 -hou->
but ......... but where 4226 -pou->
But ......... But whereunto 5101 -tis->
but ......... but whether 1535 -eite->
But ......... But which 5101 -tis->
but ......... but which the Holy 0040 -hagios->
But ......... But while 3588 -ho->
but ......... but while 3739 -hos->
But ......... But while he thought 1760 -enthumeomai->
but ......... but while they made 3903 -paraskeuazo->
But ......... But while they wondered 2296 -thaumazo->
but ......... but who 3588 -ho->
but ......... but who 5101 -tis->
but ......... but who was also 2532 -kai->
but ......... but whom 3739 -hos->
but ......... but whoremongers 4205 -pornos->
But ......... But whoso 0302 -an->
But ......... But whoso 3588 -ho->
But ......... But whosoever 0302 -an->
but ......... but whosoever 0302 -an->
but ......... but whosoever 3748 -hostis->
But ......... But why 5101 -tis->
but ......... but will flee 5343 -pheugo->
but ......... but will with the temptation 3986 -peirasmos->
but ......... but willingly 1595 -hekousion->
but ......... but willingly 1596 -hekousios->
But ......... But wilt 2309 -thelo->
But ......... But wisdom 4678 -sophia->
but ......... but with God 2316 -theos->
But ......... But with many 4119 -pleion->
But ......... But with me it is a very 1646 -elachistos->
but ......... but with the flesh 4561 -sarx->
But ......... But with the precious 5093 -timios->
but ......... but with the Spirit 4151 -pneuma->
but ......... but with the unleavened 0106 -azumos->
But ......... But with whom 5101 -tis->
But ......... But withal 0260 -hama->
but ......... but within 2081 -esothen->
But ......... But without 5565 -choris->
but ......... but woe 3759 -ouai->
But ......... But woe 3759 -ouai->
but ......... but wrapped 1794 -entulisso->
but ......... but wrought 2038 -ergazomai->
But ......... But ye , beloved 0027 -agapetos->
But ......... But ye , brethren 0080 -adephos->
But ......... But ye are a chosen 1588 -eklektos->
But ......... But ye are come 4334 -proserchomai->
but ......... but ye are justified 1344 -dikaioo->
But ......... But ye are not in the flesh 4561 -sarx->
but ......... but ye are sanctified 0037 -hagiazo->
but ......... but ye are strong 2478 -ischuros->
But ......... But ye believe 4100 -pisteuo->
but ......... but ye cannot 1492 -eido->
But ......... But ye denied 0720 -arneomai->
But ......... But ye have 2076 -esti->
But ......... But ye have 2192 -echo->
But ......... But ye have despised 0818 -atimazo->
but ......... but ye have made 4160 -poieo->
But ......... But ye have not so 3779 -houto->
but ......... but ye have obeyed 5219 -hupakouo->
but ......... but ye have received 2983 -lambano->
But ......... But ye know 1097 -ginosko->
but ......... but ye lacked 0170 -akaireomai->
but ......... but ye only 3441 -monos->
But ......... But ye say 3004 -lego->
but ......... but ye see 2334 -theoreo->
but ......... but ye seek 2212 -zeteo->
but ......... but ye shall be baptized 0907 -baptizo->
But ......... But ye shall not be so 3779 -houto->
But ......... But ye shall receive 2983 -lambano->
but ......... but yet 1161 -de->
but ......... but yield 3936 -paristemi->
but ......... but you : for the children 5043 -teknon->
but ......... but your 5212 -humeteros->
but ......... but your 5216 -humon->
but ......... cases : but God 2316 -theos->
but ......... cometh not , but for to steal 2813 -klepto->
but ......... estate , but left 0620 -apoleipo->
but ......... for ; but the election 1589 -ekloge->
but ......... for me , but all 3956 -pas->
but ......... for me , but I will not be brought 1850 -exousiazo->
but ......... for them which were with him , but only 3441 -monos->
but ......... for us and you : but go 4198 -poreuomai->
but ......... gifts , but rather 3123 -mallon->
but ......... hand , but the goats 2055 -eriphion->
but ......... he is : but when 3752 -hotan->
But ......... he unto them , But now 3568 -nun->
but ......... her : but he said 2036 -epo->
but ......... him , but also 2532 -kai->
but ......... him , but their witness 3141 -marturia->
But ......... him . But Jesus 2424 -Iesous->
But ......... him . But now 3568 -nun->
but ......... him : but conduct 4311 -propempo->
but ......... him : but he escaped 1831 -exerchomai->
but ......... him : but he said 3004 -lego->
but ......... him : but if thou canst 1410 -dunamai->
but ......... him : but Jesus 2424 -Iesous->
but ......... him : but Mary 3137 -Maria->
but ......... him : but no 3762 -oudeis->
but ......... him : but some 3588 -ho->
but ......... him : but the Jews 2453 -Ioudaios->
but ......... him : but the things which come 1607 -ekporeuomai->
but ......... him : but unto him that blasphemeth 0987 -blasphemeo->
but ......... him : but whosoever 0302 -an->
but ......... him : but ye know 1492 -eido->
but ......... him ; but because 1223 -dia->
but ......... him ; but I know 1492 -eido->
but ......... him ; but no 3762 -oudeis->
but ......... him ; but she could 1410 -dunamai->
But ......... him ? But we have 2192 -echo->
but ......... him not , but have done 4160 -poieo->
but ......... him not , but saith 3004 -lego->
but ......... him not : but he that sent 3992 -pempo->
but ......... him not : but that he should be made 5319 -phaneroo->
but ......... him not : but the publicans 5052 -telesphoreo->
but ......... him that he might be with him : but Jesus 2424 -Iesous->
but ......... himself to them : but the people 2992 -laos->
but ......... I may but touch 0680 -haptomai->
but ......... I not ; but what 3739 -hos->
but ......... in him , but we shall live 2198 -zao->
But ......... in him . But Jesus 2424 -Iesous->
but ......... in us , but life 2222 -zoe->
but ......... in us , but ye are straitened 4729 -stenochoreo->
but ......... is , but the Father 3962 -pater->
but ......... is , but the Son 5207 -huios->
but ......... is ; but exhorting 3870 -parakaleo->
but ......... is but for a moment 3910 -parautika->
but ......... is it but that he also 2532 -kai->
but ......... is present 3873 > with me ; but how to perform 2716 -katergazomai->
but ......... is present 3873> with me ; but how to perform 2716 -katergazomai->
but ......... is with them ? but the days 2250 -hemera->
but ......... it , but by the revelation 0602 -apokalupsis->
but ......... it , but cast 2975 -lagchano->
but ......... it , but sin 0266 -hamartia->
but ......... it , but the sign 4592 -semeion->
but ......... it : but he could 1410 -dunamai->
but ......... it : but whosoever 0302 -an->
but ......... it ; but whosoever 0302 -an->
but ......... it be but a man s 0444 -anthropos->
but ......... it from me , but I lay 5087 -tithemi->
but ......... it is but the third 5154 -tritos->
but ......... it unto thee , but my Father 3962 -pater->
but ......... it was : ( but the servants 1249 -diakonos->
but ......... it were but for a season 5610 -hora->
but ......... it were but the border 2899 -kraspedon->
but ......... man , but Barabbas 0912 -Barabbas->
but ......... man , but for the lawless 0459 -anomos->
but ......... man ; but ever 3842 -pantote->
but ......... man ; but he that built 2680 -kataskeuazo->
but ......... me , but I have chosen 1586 -eklegomai->
but ......... me , but in part 3313 -meros->
but ......... me , but on 1519 -eis->
But ......... me . But he said 2036 -epo->
but ......... me : but this 3778 -houtos->
but ......... me ; but I went 0565 -aperchomai->
but ......... me not : but the scriptures 1124 -graphe->
but ......... meat ? but I am 1510 -eimi->
but ......... needs be ; but the end 5056 -telos->
but ......... not , but a body 4983 -soma->
but ......... not , but believeth 4100 -pisteuo->
but ......... not , but for them which believe 4100 -pisteuo->
but ......... not , but his disciples 3101 -mathetes->
but ......... not , but spake 2551 -kakologeo->
but ......... not : but afterward 5305 -husteron->
but ......... not : but prophesying 4394 -propheteia->
but ......... not : but the evil 2556 -kakos->
but ......... not : but went 0565 -aperchomai->
but ......... not : but what 3745 -hosos->
but ......... not ; but committed 3860 -paradidomi->
but ......... not ; but confessed 3670 -homologeo->
but ......... not ; but he that is begotten 1080 -gennao->
but ......... not ; but though 1499 -ei kai->
but ......... not for it : but if 1499 -ei kai->
but ......... not for me , but weep 2799 -klaio->
But ......... not he . But , behold 2400 -idou->
but ......... not I , but Christ 5547 -Christos->
but ......... not I , but the grace 5485 -charis->
but ......... not me , but him that sent 0649 -apostello->
but ......... not out but by prayer 4335 -proseuche->
but ......... Not so ; but he shall be called 2564 -kaleo->
but ......... of , but on 2596 -kata->
but ......... of : but the sorrow 3077 -lupe->
but ......... of any , but teachest 1321 -didasko->
but ......... of him : but woe 3759 -ouai->
but ......... of me , but for your 5209 -humas->
but ......... of them be , but life 2222 -zoe->
but ......... of you , but Crispus 2921 -Krispos->
but ......... of you : but he that sent 3992 -pempo->
but ......... of you : but ye are washed 0628 -apolouo->
but ......... on him , but feared 5399 -phobeo->
but ......... out from us , but they were not of us ; for if 1487 -ei->
but ......... sake , but ye are wise 5429 -phronimos->
but ......... sake : but he that endureth 5278 -hupomeno->
but ......... sake : but he that shall endure 5278 -hupomeno->
but ......... sakes : but as touching 2596 -kata->
but ......... so , but we also 2532 -kai->
but ......... so , but we glory 2744 -kauchaomai->
but ......... that shall be , but bare 1131 -gumnos->
but ......... that there are yet but twelve 1177 -dekaduo->
but ......... thee : but I have known 1097 -ginosko->
but ......... thee ; but let 2010 -epitrepo->
but ......... thee not ; but for blasphemy 0988 -blasphemia->
but ......... them , but that they should be tormented 0928 -basanizo->
but ......... them : but gather 4863 -sunago->
but ......... them : but they understood 4920 -suniemi->
but ......... them : but when his disciples 3101 -mathetes->
but ......... them but dung 4657 -skubalon->
but ......... they , but ourselves also 2532 -kai->
but ......... thing , but to love 0025 -agapao->
but ......... thing ; but that it should be holy 0040 -hagios->
but ......... things , but condescend 4879 -sunapago->
but ......... things , but every 1538 -hekastos->
but ......... things , but now 3570 -nuni->
but ......... things : but he answered 0611 -apokrinomai->
but ......... things : but now 3568 -nun->
but ......... things but loss 2209 -zemia->
but ......... this ; but when Rebecca 4479 -Rhebekka->
but ......... thou , but also 2532 -kai->
But ......... thou ? But Jesus 2424 -Iesous->
but ......... thyself , but shalt perform 0591 -apodidomi->
but ......... to it , but the sign 4592 -semeion->
but ......... to me , but how 4214 -posos->
but ......... to pass , but the end 5056 -telos->
but ......... to pass ; but the end 5056 -telos->
but ......... to you : but seeing 1894 -epeide->
but ......... unto , but to minister 1247 -diakoneo->
but ......... unto it , but the sign 4592 -semeion->
but ......... unto me , but all 3956 -pas->
but ......... unto thee , but that which 3739->
but ......... unto thee , but that which 3739->
but ......... unto thee : but say 2036 -epo->
But ......... unto them , But whom 5101 -tis->
but ......... unto them : but his mother 3384 -meter->
but ......... unto them : but they understood 1097 -ginosko->
but ......... unto you , ( but was let 2967 -koluo->
but ......... unto you , but an old 3820 -palaios->
but ......... unto you , but give 1325 -didomi->
but ......... unto you , but have shewed 0312 -anaggello->
but ......... unto you , but ye cannot 1410 -dunamai->
but ......... unto you : but I know 1492 -eido->
but ......... unto you ; but if 1437 -ean->
but ......... unto you ; but rather 3123 -mallon->
but ......... up , but charity 0026 -agape->
but ......... up , but the power 1411 -dunamis->
but ......... upon it : but if 1437 -ean->
but ......... upon you , but for that which is comely 2158 -euschemon->
but ......... upon you : but tarry 2523 -kathizo->
but ......... we shall be : but we know 1492 -eido->
but ......... with : but to sit 2523 -kathizo->
but ......... with me , but all 3956 -pas->
but ......... with us : but they went out , that they might be made 5319 -phaneroo->
but ......... with you ; but me ye have 2192 -echo->
but ......... ye , but not to doubtful 1261 -dialogismos->
but ......... yet not I , but the Lord 2962 -kurios->
but ......... you , but as my beloved 0027 -agapetos->
but ......... you , but being absent 0548 -apeimi->
but ......... you , but not well 2573 -kalos->
but ......... you , but of the ship 4143 -ploion->
but ......... you : but as the same 0846 -autos->
but ......... you : but whosoever 1437 -ean->
but ......... you ; but me it hateth 3404 -miseo->
but ......... you ; but that ye be perfectly 2675 -katartizo->
but ......... you but such as is common 0442 -anthropinos->
contribution ......... contribution 2842 -koinonia->
cut ......... and cut 0609 -apokopto->
cut ......... and cut 0851 -aphaireo->
cut ......... and cut 4932 -suntemno->
cut ......... And shall cut 1371 -dichotomeo->
cut ......... and will cut 1371 -dichotomeo->
cut ......... cut 0609 -apokopto->
cut ......... cut 1581 -ekkopto->
cut ......... cut 2875 -kopto->
cut ......... shalt be cut 1581 -ekkopto->
cut ......... that , they were cut 1282 -diaprio->
cut ......... that I may cut 1581 -ekkopto->
cut ......... that thou shalt cut 1581 -ekkopto->
cut ......... thee , cut 0609 -apokopto->
cut ......... thee , cut 1581 -ekkopto->
cut ......... things , they were cut 1282 -diaprio->
cut ......... thou wert cut 1581 -ekkopto->
cutting ......... and cutting 2629 -katakopto->
Dalmanutha ......... of Dalmanutha 1148 -Dalmanoutha->
deputies ......... and there are deputies 0446 -anthupatos->
deputy ......... the deputy 0446 -anthupatos->
deputy ......... was the deputy 0446 -anthupatos->
deputy ......... was with the deputy 0446 -anthupatos->
destitute ......... and destitute 0650 -apostereo->
destitute ......... and destitute 3007 -leipo->
destitute ......... being destitute 5302 -hustereo->
devout ......... A devout 2152 -eusebes->
devout ......... a devout 2152 -eusebes->
devout ......... And devout 2126 -eulabes->
devout ......... and devout 2126 -eulabes->
devout ......... and of the devout 4576 -sebomai->
devout ......... and with the devout 4576 -sebomai->
devout ......... devout 2126 -eulabes->
devout ......... servants , and a devout 2152 -eusebes->
devout ......... up the devout 4576 -sebomai->
disputation ......... and disputation 4803 -suzetesis->
disputations ......... disputations 1253 -diakrisis->
disputed ......... and disputed 4802 -suzeteo->
disputed ......... disputed 1256 -dialegomai->
disputed ......... he disputed 1256 -dialegomai->
disputed ......... they had disputed 1256 -dialegomai->
disputed ......... was it that ye disputed 1260 -dialogizomai->
disputer ......... is the disputer 4804 -suzetetes->
disputing ......... disputing 1256 -dialegomai->
disputing ......... disputing 4802 -suzeteo->
disputing ......... disputing 4803 -suzetesis->
disputings ......... and disputings 1261 -dialogismos->
disputings ......... disputings 3859 -paradiatribe->
distribute ......... and distribute 1239 -diadidomai->
distribute ......... to distribute 2130 -eumetadotos->
distributed ......... hath distributed 3307 -merizo->
distributed ......... he distributed 1239 -diadidomai->
Distributing ......... Distributing 2841 -koinoneo->
distribution ......... and distribution 1239 -diadidomai->
distribution ......... distribution 2842 -koinonia->
duty ......... things , their duty 3784 -opheilo->
duty ......... was our duty 3784 -opheilo->
Eutychus ......... Eutychus 2161 -Eutuchos->
execute ......... to execute 4160 -poieo->
execute ......... To execute 4160 -poieo->
execute ......... to execute wrath 3709 -orge->
executed ......... he executed 2407 -hierateuo->
executioner ......... an executioner 4688 -spekoulator->
gluttonous ......... a gluttonous 5314 -phagos->
gluttonous ......... gluttonous 5314 -phagos->
heautou- ......... heautou- >
houtos- ......... houtos- >
immutability ......... the immutability 0276 -ametathetos->
immutable ......... immutable 0276 -ametathetos->
impute ......... will not impute 3049 -logizomai->
imputed ......... and it was imputed 3049 -logizomai->
imputed ......... is not imputed 1677 -ellogeo->
imputed ......... it shall be imputed 3049 -logizomai->
imputed ......... it was imputed 3049 -logizomai->
imputed ......... might be imputed 3049 -logizomai->
imputed ......... that it was imputed 3049 -logizomai->
imputeth ......... imputeth 3049 -logizomai->
imputing ......... not imputing 3049 -logizomai->
mouth ......... and his mouth 4750 -stoma->
mouth ......... And his mouth 4750 -stoma->
mouth ......... And in their mouth 4750 -stoma->
mouth ......... And out of his mouth 4750 -stoma->
mouth ......... and out of his mouth 4750 -stoma->
mouth ......... and out of the mouth 4750 -stoma->
mouth ......... and their mouth 4750 -stoma->
mouth ......... and with the mouth 4750 -stoma->
mouth ......... as the mouth 4750 -stoma->
mouth ......... but it shall be in thy mouth 4750 -stoma->
mouth ......... by my mouth 4750 -stoma->
mouth ......... by the mouth 4750 -stoma->
mouth ......... come out of the mouth 4750 -stoma->
mouth ......... he not his mouth 4750 -stoma->
mouth ......... her mouth 4750 -stoma->
mouth ......... him on the mouth 4750 -stoma->
mouth ......... his mouth 4750 -stoma->
mouth ......... in his mouth 4750 -stoma->
mouth ......... is in their mouth 4750 -stoma->
mouth ......... it to his mouth 4750 -stoma->
mouth ......... it up ; and it was in my mouth 4750 -stoma->
mouth ......... mouth 4750 -stoma->
mouth ......... my mouth 4750 -stoma->
mouth ......... of his mouth 4750 -stoma->
mouth ......... of my mouth 4750 -stoma->
mouth ......... our mouth 4750 -stoma->
mouth ......... out of his mouth 4750 -stoma->
mouth ......... out of the mouth 4750 -stoma->
mouth ......... Out of the mouth 4750 -stoma->
mouth ......... out of their mouth 4750 -stoma->
mouth ......... own mouth 4750 -stoma->
mouth ......... that in the mouth 4750 -stoma->
mouth ......... the mouth 4750 -stoma->
mouth ......... the mouth of the ox 1016 -bous->
mouth ......... thee , even in thy mouth 4750 -stoma->
mouth ......... thee out of my mouth 4750 -stoma->
mouth ......... things by mouth 3056 -logos->
mouth ......... to you . In the mouth 4750 -stoma->
mouth ......... unto him a mouth 4750 -stoma->
mouth ......... unto me with their mouth 4750 -stoma->
mouth ......... with thy mouth 4750 -stoma->
mouth ......... you a mouth 4750 -stoma->
mouths ......... and out of their mouths 4750 -stoma->
mouths ......... mouths 1993 -epistomizo->
mouths ......... mouths 4750 -stoma->
mouths ......... out of their mouths 4750 -stoma->
mouths ......... the mouths 4750 -stoma->
mutual ......... with you by the mutual 0240 -allelon->
out ......... anchors out of the foreship 4408 -prora->
out ......... and on them that are out of the way 4105 -planao->
out ......... and out of his mouth 4750 -stoma->
out ......... And out of his mouth 4750 -stoma->
out ......... and out of the holy 0040 -hagios->
out ......... and out of the mouth 4750 -stoma->
out ......... and out of the prophets 4396 -prophetes->
out ......... And out of the throne 2362 -thronos->
out ......... and out of the town 2968 -kome->
out ......... and out of their mouths 4750 -stoma->
out ......... but out of them all 3956 -pas->
out ......... come out of the mouth 4750 -stoma->
out ......... for out of Galilee 1056 -Galilaia->
out ......... For out of much 4183 -polus->
out ......... For out of the heart 2588 -kardia->
out ......... for out of thee shall come 1831 -exerchomai->
out ......... he out devils 1140 -daimonion->
out ......... he out of the land 1093 -ge->
out ......... he should be put out of the synagogue 0656 -aposunagogos->
out ......... he them out of it .
out ......... him out , and buried 2290 -thapto->
out ......... him out .
out ......... him out ; and they could 1410 -dunamai->
out ......... him out ; and they could 2489 -Ioanna->
out ......... him out ; and when he had found 2147 -heurisko->
out ......... him out ?
out ......... him out of all 3956 -pas->
out ......... him out of sleep 1852 -exupnizo->
out ......... him out of the city 4172 -polis->
out ......... him out of the prison 5438 -phulake->
out ......... him out of the temple 2411 -hieron->
out ......... him out of the tombs 3419 -mnemeion->
out ......... him out of the town 2968 -kome->
out ......... him out of the vineyard 0290 -ampelon->
out ......... him out of their sight 3788 -ophthalmos->
out ......... him out on 1722 -en->
out ......... him out to crucify 4717 -stauroo->
out ......... in and out , and find 2147 -heurisko->
out ......... in and out among 1909 -epi->
out ......... it out , and cast 0906 -ballo->
out ......... it out . He that hath 2192 -echo->
out ......... it out : and his hand 5495 -cheir->
out ......... it out : it is better 2570 -kalos->
out ......... it out ?
out ......... it out of the way 3319 -mesos->
out ......... it out to husbandmen 1092 -georgos->
out ......... me out of the hand 5495 -cheir->
out ......... me out of the world 2889 -kosmos->
out ......... me out very 4708 -spoudaioteros->
out ......... not out but by prayer 4335 -proseuche->
out ......... out !
out ......... out ,
out ......... out , and abode 0835 -aulizomai->
out ......... out , and began 0756 -archomai->
out ......... out , and cast 4496 -rhipto->
out ......... out , and departed 0565 -aperchomai->
out ......... out , and departed 4198 -poreuomai->
out ......... out , and entered 1525 -eiserchomai->
out ......... out , and escape 1309 -diapheugo->
out ......... out , and fell 4363 -prospipto->
out ......... out , and followed 0190 -akoloutheo->
out ......... out , and found 2147 -heurisko->
out ......... out , and gave up the ghost 1606 -ekpneo->
out ......... out , and held 2983 -lambano->
out ......... out , and her daughter 2364 -thugater->
out ......... out , and his disciples 3101 -mathetes->
out ......... out , and intreated 3870 -parakaleo->
out ......... out , and measure 3354 -metreo->
out ......... out , and passed 4281 -proerchomai->
out ......... out , and preached 2784 -kerusso->
out ......... out , and said 3004 -lego->
out ......... out , and say 3004 -lego->
out ......... out , and saying 3004 -lego->
out ......... out , and the bottles 0779 -askos->
out ......... out , and to be trodden 2662 -katapateo->
out ......... out , and took 2902 -krateo->
out ......... out , and went 4198 -poreuomai->
out ......... out , and wept 2799 -klaio->
out ......... out , as against 1909 -epi->
out ......... out , Away 0142 -airo->
out ......... out , behold 2400 -idou->
out ......... out , followed 0190 -akoloutheo->
out ......... out , Great 3173 -megas->
out ......... out , he could 1410 -dunamai->
out ......... out , he taketh 3880 -paralambano->
out ......... out , Jesus 2424 -Iesous->
out ......... out , Men 0435 -aner->
out ......... out , not knowing 1987 -epistamai->
out ......... out , Pharaoh s 5328 -Pharao->
out ......... out , saw 1492 -eido->
out ......... out , saying 3004 -lego->
out ......... out , that old 0744 -archaios->
out ......... out , the dumb 2974 -kophos->
out ......... out , the only 3439 -monogenes->
out ......... out , they found 2147 -heurisko->
out ......... out , they might have 2192 -echo->
out ......... out , they went 0565 -aperchomai->
out ......... out , when 3704 -hopos->
out ......... out .
out ......... out :
out ......... out : and I will write 1125 -grapho->
out ......... out : and it was night 3571 -nux->
out ......... out ; and it teareth 4682 -sparasso->
out ......... out ; and let not them that are in the countries 5561 -chora->
out ......... out ; and when he is come 2064 -erchomai->
out ......... out a decree 1378 -dogma->
out ......... out a devil 1140 -daimonion->
out ......... out a fame 5345 -pheme->
out ......... out a little 3641 -oligos->
out ......... out a sower 4687 -speiro->
out ......... out about 4012 -peri->
out ......... out again 3825 -palin->
out ......... out all 3829 -pandocheion->
out ......... out all 3956 -pas->
out ......... out another 0243 -allos->
out ......... out as against 1909 -epi->
out ......... out at 1722 -en->
out ......... out before 0575 -apo->
out ......... out devils 1140 -daimonion->
out ......... out early 4404 -proi->
out ......... out fear 5401 -phobos->
out ......... out first 4412 -proton->
out ......... out for fear 5401 -phobos->
out ......... out from among 3319 -mesos->
out ......... out from God 2316 -theos->
out ......... out from the altar 2379 -thusiasterion->
out ......... out from thee , and they have believed 4100 -pisteuo->
out ......... out from thence 1564 -ekeithen->
out ......... out from us , but they were not of us ; for if 1487 -ei->
out ......... out from us have troubled 5015 -tarasso->
out ......... out from you ? or 2228 -e->
out ......... out great 3173 -megas->
out ......... out his hand 5495 -cheir->
out ......... out his name 3686 -onoma->
out ......... out his sword 3162 -machaira->
out ......... out his vial 5357 -phiale->
out ......... out his vineyard 0290 -ampelon->
out ......... out in the council 4892 -sunedrion->
out ......... out in the rock 4073 -petra->
out ......... out in those 1565 -ekeinos->
out ......... out into 1519 -eis->
out ......... out many 4183 -polus->
out ......... out now 3568 -nun->
out ......... out of a good 2570 -kalos->
out ......... out of a man 0444 -anthropos->
out ......... out of a pure 2513 -katharos->
out ......... out of a rock 4073 -petra->
out ......... out of all 3956 -pas->
out ......... out of darkness 4655 -skotos->
out ......... out of due time .
out ......... out of Egypt 0125 -Aiguptos->
Out ......... Out of Egypt 0125 -Aiguptos->
out ......... out of every 3956 -pas->
out ......... out of Galilee 1056 -Galilaia->
out ......... out of great 3173 -megas->
out ......... out of heaven 3772 -ouranos->
out ......... out of her , my people 2992 -laos->
out ......... out of her . And he came 1831 -exerchomai->
out ......... out of her daughter 2364 -thugater->
out ......... out of him , and enter 1525 -eiserchomai->
out ......... out of him , and healed 2390 -iaomai->
out ......... out of him , and hurt 0984 -blapto->
out ......... out of him , those 1565 -ekeinos->
out ......... out of him , turned 1994 -epistrepho->
out ......... out of him .
out ......... out of him . And when the devil 1140 -daimonion->
out ......... out of him : and he was as one dead 3498 -nekros->
out ......... out of him : and the child 3816 -pais->
out ......... out of his belly 2836 -koilia->
out ......... out of his grave 3419 -mnemeion->
out ......... out of his kingdom 0932 -basileia->
out ......... out of his mouth 4750 -stoma->
out ......... out of his place 5117 -topos->
out ......... out of his prison 5438 -phulake->
out ......... out of his sleep 1853 -exupnos->
out ......... out of his treasure 2344 -thesauros->
out ......... out of Jericho 2410 -Hiericho->
out ......... out of Jerusalem 2419 -Hierousalem->
out ......... out of Juda 2455 -Ioudas->
out ......... out of Judaea 2449 -Ioudaia->
out ......... out of Macedonia 3109 -Makedonia->
out ......... out of many 4183 -polus->
out ......... out of me .
out ......... out of measure 4057 -perissos->
out ......... out of measure 5236 -huperbole->
out ......... out of my Spirit 4151 -pneuma->
out ......... out of Nazareth 3478 -Nazareth->
out ......... out of our hands 5495 -cheir->
out ......... out of season 0171 -akairos->
out ......... out of Sion 4622 -Sion->
out ......... out of sleep 5258 -hupnos->
out ......... out of Sodom 4670 -Sodoma->
out ......... out of temptations 3986 -peirasmos->
out ......... out of that city 4172 -polis->
out ......... out of that house 3614 -oikia->
out ......... out of that house 3624 -oikos->
out ......... out of that which ye have 2192 -echo->
out ......... out of the altar 2379 -thusiasterion->
out ......... out of the angel s 0032 -aggelos->
out ......... out of the body 4983 -soma->
out ......... out of the book 0976 -biblos->
out ......... out of the bottomless 0012 -abussos->
out ......... out of the cities 4172 -polis->
out ......... out of the city 4172 -polis->
out ......... out of the cloud 3507 -nephele->
out ......... out of the council 4892 -sunedrion->
out ......... out of the country 0068 -agros->
out ......... out of the country 5561 -chora->
out ......... out of the east 0395 -anatole->
out ......... out of the evil 4190 -poneros->
out ......... out of the good 0018 -agathos->
out ......... out of the graves 3419 -mnemeion->
out ......... out of the hand 5495 -cheir->
out ......... out of the heart 2588 -kardia->
out ......... out of the heat 2329 -therme->
out ......... out of the house 3614 -oikia->
out ......... out of the land 1093 -ge->
out ......... out of the law 3551 -nomos->
out ......... out of the loins 3751 -osphus->
out ......... out of the man 0444 -anthropos->
out ......... out of the mouth 4750 -stoma->
Out ......... Out of the mouth 4750 -stoma->
out ......... out of the multitude 3793 -ochlos->
out ......... out of the olive 0065 -agrielaios->
out ......... out of the one part under 5259 -hupo->
out ......... out of the pit 5421 -phrear->
out ......... out of the prison 5438 -phulake->
out ......... out of the right 1188 -dexios->
Out ......... Out of the same 0846 -autos->
out ......... out of the same 1565 -ekeinos->
out ......... out of the sepulchre 3419 -mnemeion->
out ......... out of the ship 4143 -ploion->
out ......... out of the smoke 2586 -kapnos->
out ......... out of the stern 4403 -prumna->
out ......... out of the stewardship 3622 -oikonomia->
out ......... out of the synagogue 0656 -aposunagogos->
out ......... out of the synagogue 4864 -sunagoge->
out ......... out of the temple 2411 -hieron->
out ......... out of the temple 3485 -naos->
out ......... out of the throne 2362 -thronos->
out ......... out of the tombs 3419 -mnemeion->
out ......... out of the water 5204 -hudor->
out ......... out of the way , they are together 0260 -hama->
out ......... out of the way 1624 -ektrepo->
out ......... out of the way 3319 -mesos->
out ......... out of the west 1424 -dusme->
out ......... out of the winepress 3025 -lenos->
out ......... out of the world 2889 -kosmos->
out ......... out of their coasts 3725 -horion->
out ......... out of their hand 5495 -cheir->
out ......... out of their hearts 2588 -kardia->
out ......... out of their mouth 4750 -stoma->
out ......... out of their mouths 4750 -stoma->
out ......... out of their places 5117 -topos->
out ......... out of their sight .
out ......... out of them , and were washing 0637 -apopluno->
out ......... out of them .
out ......... out of them a people 2992 -laos->
out ......... out of thine 4675 -sou->
out ......... out of this 5127 -toutou->
out ......... out of those 3588 -ho->
out ......... out of thy brother s 0080 -adephos->
out ......... out of thy daughter 2364 -thugater->
out ......... out of weakness 0769 -astheneia->
out ......... out of whom 3739 -hos->
out ......... out of your 5216 -humon->
out ......... out one 1520 -heis->
out ......... out our fathers 3962 -pater->
out ......... out our liberty 1657 -eleutheria->
out ......... out quickly 5030 -tacheos->
out ......... out quickly 5035 -tachu->
out ......... out rather 3123 -mallon->
out ......... out Satan 4567 -Satanas->
out ......... out that himself 1448 -eggizo->
out ......... out that other 0243 -allos->
out ......... out the beam 1385 -dokos->
out ......... out the bondwoman 3814 -paidiske->
out ......... out the changers 2855 -kollubistes->
out ......... out the chief 4411 -protoklisia->
out ......... out the corn . And , The labourer 2040 -ergates->
out ......... out the corn . Doth God 2316 -theos->
out ......... out the gift 1431 -dorea->
out ......... out the handwriting 5498 -cheirographon->
out ......... out the more 4056 -perissoteros->
out ......... out the more 4057 -perissos->
out ......... out the mote 2595 -karphos->
out ......... out the same 0846 -autos->
out ......... out the spirits 4151 -pneuma->
out ......... out the vials 5357 -phiale->
out ......... out the wheat 4621 -sitos->
out ......... out the word 3056 -logos->
out ......... out their own 1438 -heautou->
out ......... out their young 1025 -brephos->
out ......... out them that sold 4453 -poleo->
out ......... out thence 1564 -ekeithen->
out ......... out therefore 3767 -oun->
out ......... out threatenings 0547 -apeile->
out ......... out to deceive 4105 -planao->
out ......... out to him Jerusalem 2414 -Hierosoluma->
out ......... out to lay hold 2902 -krateo->
out ......... out to meet 4877 -sunantesis->
out ......... out to see 1492 -eido->
out ......... out to sow 4687 -speiro->
out ......... out two 1417 -duo->
out ......... out unto Bethany 0963 -Bethania->
out ......... out unto him all 3956 -pas->
out ......... out unto him their disciples 3101 -mathetes->
out ......... out unto them , and said 2036 -epo->
out ......... out with a loud 3173 -megas->
out ......... out with him .
out ......... out with our own 0849 -autocheir->
out ......... out without 0194 -akratos->
out ......... out your 1438 -heautou->
out ......... out your 5216 -humon->
out ......... that was taken out of the new 2537 -kainos->
out ......... thee out , and depart 4198 -poreuomai->
out ......... thee out . +
out ......... thee out of my mouth 4750 -stoma->
out ......... thee out of thy country 1093 -ge->
out ......... them out , after that he had shewed 4160 -poieo->
out ......... them out , and desired 2065 -erotao->
out ......... them out , and said 5346 -phemi->
out ......... them out , and to heal 2323 -therapeuo->
out ......... them out .
out ......... them out ? therefore 5124 -touto->
out ......... them out another 2087 -heteros->
out ......... them out as far 2193 -heos->
out ......... them out of my Father s 3962 -pater->
out ......... them out of my hand 5495 -cheir->
out ......... them out of the church 1577 -ekklesia->
out ......... them out of the fire 4442 -pur->
out ......... them out of the land 1093 -ge->
out ......... them out of the world 2889 -kosmos->
out ......... them out of their coasts 3725 -horion->
out ......... them out to the people 1218 -demos->
out ......... themselves out of the snare 3803 -pagis->
out ......... there out blood 0129 -haima->
out ......... thing out of his house 3614 -oikia->
out ......... things ? for out of the abundance 4051 -perisseuma->
out ......... to him out of every 2596 -kata->
Out ......... unto him , Out of thine 4675 -sou->
out ......... up out of the earth 1093 -ge->
out ......... up out of the sea 2281 -thalassa->
out ......... up out of the water 5204 -hudor->
out ......... us out , suffer 2010 -epitrepo->
out ......... us out .
out ......... us out of the land 1093 -ge->
out ......... us out of the land 1093 -ge->
out ......... us out privily 2977 -lathra->
out ......... we were out of the city 4172 -polis->
out ......... with them out of the scriptures 1124 -graphe->
out ......... with us : but they went out , that they might be made 5319 -phaneroo->
out ......... ye out among 1537 -ek->
out ......... ye out for to see 1492 -eido->
out ......... ye out into 1519 -eis->
out ......... ye out to meet 0529 -apantesis->
out ......... you out of darkness 4655 -skotos->
out ......... you out of the synagogues 0656 -aposunagogos->
out ......... you out of the world 2889 -kosmos->
out ......... your ways out into 1519 -eis->
outer ......... outer 1857 -exoteros->
outrun ......... did outrun 5032 -tachion->
outside ......... that the outside 1623 -hektos->
outside ......... the outside 1855 -exothen->
outward ......... let it not be that outward 1855 -exothen->
outward ......... our outward 1854 -exo->
outward ......... outward 1855 -exothen->
outward ......... the outward 4383 -prosopon->
outward ......... which is outward 5318 -phaneros->
outwardly ......... outwardly 1855 -exothen->
outwardly ......... which is one outwardly 5318 -phaneros->
outwent ......... and outwent 4281 -proerchomai->
persecute ......... and persecute 1377 -dioko->
persecute ......... and persecute 1559 -ekdioko->
persecute ......... persecute 1377 -dioko->
persecute ......... them which persecute 1377 -dioko->
persecute ......... they persecute 1377 -dioko->
persecute ......... you , and persecute 1377 -dioko->
persecuted ......... and have persecuted 1559 -ekdioko->
persecuted ......... And I persecuted 1377 -dioko->
persecuted ......... are they which are persecuted 1377 -dioko->
persecuted ......... being persecuted 1377 -dioko->
persecuted ......... he persecuted 1377 -dioko->
persecuted ......... I persecuted 1377 -dioko->
persecuted ......... persecuted 1377 -dioko->
Persecuted ......... Persecuted 1377 -dioko->
persecuted ......... That he which persecuted 1377 -dioko->
persecuted ......... them , I persecuted 1377 -dioko->
persecuted ......... they have persecuted 1377 -dioko->
persecutest ......... persecutest 1377 -dioko->
persecutest ......... thou persecutest 1377 -dioko->
persecuting ......... persecuting 1377 -dioko->
persecution ......... persecution 1375 -diogmos->
persecution ......... persecution 1377 -dioko->
persecution ......... upon the persecution 2347 -thlipsis->
persecutions ......... in persecutions 1375 -diogmos->
Persecutions ......... Persecutions 1375 -diogmos->
persecutions ......... persecutions 1375 -diogmos->
persecutions ......... with persecutions 1375 -diogmos->
persecutor ......... and a persecutor 1376 -dioktes->
polluted ......... and hath polluted 2840 -koinoo->
pollutions ......... from pollutions 0234 -alisgema->
pollutions ......... the pollutions 3393 -miasma->
presbuteros- ......... presbuteros- >
put ......... And hath put 5293 -hupotasso->
put ......... And have put 1746 -enduo->
put ......... And he put 1544 -ekballo->
put ......... And he put 1614 -ekteino->
put ......... and he put 1688 -embibazo->
put ......... And he put 3004 -lego->
put ......... and let us put 1746 -enduo->
put ......... and not put 1746 -enduo->
put ......... and put 0615 -apokteino->
put ......... and put 0906 -ballo->
put ......... And put 1252 -diakrino->
put ......... and put 1746 -enduo->
put ......... and put 2007 -epitithemi->
put ......... and put 3856 -paradeigmatizo->
put ......... and put 4060 -peritithemi->
put ......... and put 4374 -prosphero->
put ......... and put 5087 -tithemi->
put ......... And that ye put 1746 -enduo->
put ......... and they put 4016 -periballo->
put ......... and to put 0630 -apoluo->
put ......... and when they were put 0337 -anaireo->
put ......... be put 0142 -airo->
put ......... being put 2289 -thanatoo->
put ......... But put 1746 -enduo->
put ......... but they put 0906 -ballo->
put ......... But when he had put 1544 -ekballo->
put ......... do men put 0906 -ballo->
put ......... For he hath put 5293 -hupotasso->
put ......... For in that he put 5293 -hupotasso->
put ......... for that which is put in to fill 4138 -pleroma->
put ......... for to put 0615 -apokteino->
put ......... for to put 0906 -ballo->
put ......... for us to put 0615 -apokteino->
put ......... from him , and put 1745 -endusis->
put ......... from him , and put 1746 -enduo->
put ......... hath he not put 5293 -hupotasso->
put ......... hath put 1325 -didomi->
put ......... hath put 5087 -tithemi->
put ......... have put 0615 -apokteino->
put ......... have put 1746 -enduo->
put ......... having put 0683 -apotheomai->
put ......... having put 1911 -epiballo->
put ......... He hath put 2507 -kathaireo->
put ......... he hath put 5087 -tithemi->
put ......... he shall have put 2673 -katargeo->
put ......... he should be put out of the synagogue 0656 -aposunagogos->
put ......... her that is put 0630 -apoluo->
put ......... him , and put 0615 -apokteino->
put ......... him , and put 4060 -peritithemi->
put ......... him , and put 5087 -tithemi->
put ......... him , he put 5087 -tithemi->
put ......... him ; and put 1325 -didomi->
put ......... him to put 2007 -epitithemi->
put ......... I am put 3179 -methistemi->
put ......... I must put 0595 -apothesis->
put ......... I put 0363 -anamimnesko->
put ......... I put 2673 -katargeo->
put ......... I will put 0906 -ballo->
put ......... I will put 1325 -didomi->
put ......... I will put 3982 -peitho->
put ......... I will put 5087 -tithemi->
put ......... If thou put 5294 -hupotithemi->
put ......... is put 0630 -apoluo->
put ......... man put 5087 -tithemi->
put ......... must be put 0906 -ballo->
put ......... must put 1746 -enduo->
put ......... on them , and put 5087 -tithemi->
put ......... put 0659 -apotithemi->
put ......... put 0863 -aphiemi->
put ......... put 0906 -ballo->
Put ......... Put 0906 -ballo->
put ......... put 1325 -didomi->
put ......... put 1544 -ekballo->
put ......... put 1614 -ekteino->
put ......... put 1677 -ellogeo->
Put ......... Put 1746 -enduo->
put ......... put 1746 -enduo->
put ......... put 3908 -paratithemi->
put ......... put 5087 -tithemi->
Put ......... Put 5279 -hupomimnesko->
put ......... put 5563 -chorizo->
put ......... seeing that ye have put 0554 -apekduomai->
put ......... shall have put 1746 -enduo->
put ......... shall put 0630 -apoluo->
put ......... that he had put the Sadducees 4523 -Saddoukaios->
put ......... that he put 2007 -epitithemi->
put ......... that he should put 2007 -epitithemi->
put ......... that is not put 0506 -anupotaktos->
put ......... that they might put 0615 -apokteino->
put ......... that they should be put 0520 -apago->
put ......... That ye put 0659 -apotithemi->
put ......... them to be put 2289 -thanatoo->
put ......... Therefore put 1808 -exairo->
put ......... therefore put 5279 -hupomimnesko->
put ......... they put 2007 -epitithemi->
put ......... They shall put 4160 -poieo->
put ......... they should be put 1096 -ginomai->
put ......... things are put 5293 -hupotasso->
put ......... things put 5279 -hupomimnesko->
put ......... things put 5293 -hupotasso->
put ......... things put on charity 0026 -agape->
put ......... Thou hast put 5293 -hupotasso->
put ......... to be put 2289 -thanatoo->
put ......... to be put 4160 -poieo->
put ......... to be put 5087 -tithemi->
put ......... to have put 0906 -ballo->
Put ......... to him , Put 3089 -luo->
put ......... to put 0115 -athetesis->
put ......... to put 0630 -apoluo->
put ......... to put 0906 -ballo->
put ......... to put 2007 -epitithemi->
put ......... to put 2289 -thanatoo->
put ......... to put 4160 -poieo->
put ......... to put 5279 -hupomimnesko->
Put ......... unto him , Put 0654 -apostrepho->
put ......... unto him that put 5293 -hupotasso->
put ......... unto them , He put 2007 -epitithemi->
put ......... was put 0906 -ballo->
put ......... was put 3860 -paradidomi->
put ......... we put 0906 -ballo->
put ......... were put 1544 -ekballo->
put ......... which did put 5293 -hupotasso->
put ......... which put 5087 -tithemi->
put ......... with him , let him not put 0863 -aphiemi->
put ......... with him to be put 0337 -anaireo->
put ......... ye may put 5392 -phimoo->
put ......... ye put 0683 -apotheomai->
put ......... ye put 5087 -tithemi->
put ......... ye shall put 1746 -enduo->
put ......... ye shall put 1749 -enedron->
put ......... you to put 0630 -apoluo->
Puteoli ......... day to Puteoli 4223 -Potioloi->
putteth ......... and putteth 1631 -ekphuo->
putteth ......... he putteth 0649 -apostello->
putteth ......... he putteth 1544 -ekballo->
putteth ......... putteth 0630 -apoluo->
putteth ......... putteth 0906 -ballo->
putteth ......... putteth 1911 -epiballo->
putteth ......... putteth 5087 -tithemi->
putting ......... and putting 2007 -epitithemi->
putting ......... as putting 1878 -epanamimnesko->
putting ......... in , and putting 2007 -epitithemi->
putting ......... in putting 0555 -apekdusis->
putting ......... is in thee by the putting 1936 -epithesis->
putting ......... of putting 1745 -endusis->
putting ......... putting 0659 -apotithemi->
putting ......... putting 1746 -enduo->
putting ......... putting 4261 -proballo->
putting ......... putting 5087 -tithemi->
putting ......... us ( not the putting 0595 -apothesis->
putting ......... you up by putting 5279 -hupomimnesko->
reputation ......... had in reputation 5093 -timios->
reputation ......... in reputation 1784 -entimos->
reputation ......... reputation 2758 -kenoo->
reputation ......... to them which were of reputation 1380 -dokeo->
restitution ......... of restitution 0605 -apokatastasis->
Ruth ......... of Ruth 4503 -Rhouth->
salutation ......... of salutation 0783 -aspasmos->
salutation ......... of thy salutation 0783 -aspasmos->
salutation ......... salutation 0783 -aspasmos->
salutation ......... the salutation 0783 -aspasmos->
salutation ......... The salutation 0783 -aspasmos->
salutations ......... and love salutations 0783 -aspasmos->
salute ......... and salute 0782 -aspazomai->
salute ......... salute 0782 -aspazomai->
Salute ......... Salute 0782 -aspazomai->
salute ......... that are with me salute 0782 -aspazomai->
salute ......... There salute 0782 -aspazomai->
salute ......... to salute 0782 -aspazomai->
salute ......... ye salute 0782 -aspazomai->
saluted ......... and saluted 0782 -aspazomai->
saluted ......... And when he had saluted 0782 -aspazomai->
saluted ......... to him saluted 0782 -aspazomai->
saluted ......... up , and saluted 0782 -aspazomai->
saluteth ......... saluteth 0782 -aspazomai->
saluteth ......... with you , saluteth 0782 -aspazomai->
shout ......... gave a shout 2019 -epiphoneo->
shout ......... with a shout 2752 -keleuma->
shut ......... and when thou hast shut 2808 -kleio->
shut ......... being shut 2808 -kleio->
shut ......... did I shut 2623 -katakleio->
shut ......... for ye shut 2808 -kleio->
shut ......... of it shall not be shut 2808 -kleio->
shut ......... pit , and shut 2808 -kleio->
shut ......... shut 2808 -kleio->
shut ......... shut 4788 -sugkleio->
shut ......... that he shut 2623 -katakleio->
shut ......... to shut 2808 -kleio->
shut ......... up , and hath shut 0608 -apokleio->
shut ......... was shut 2808 -kleio->
shut ......... we shut 2808 -kleio->
shut ......... were shut 2808 -kleio->
shutteth ......... and shutteth 2808 -kleio->
shutteth ......... shutteth 2808 -kleio->
south ......... and from the south 3558 -notos->
south ......... And when the south 3558 -notos->
south ......... of the south 3558 -notos->
south ......... the south 3047 -lips->
south ......... the south 3314 -mesembria->
south ......... the south 3558 -notos->
south ......... ye see the south 3558 -notos->
taute- ......... taute- >
thereabout ......... thereabout 5127 -toutou->
throughout ......... and throughout 1519 -eis->
throughout ......... and throughout 1722 -en->
throughout ......... of throughout 1722 -en->
throughout ......... throughout 1223 -dia->
throughout ......... throughout 1330 -dierchomai->
throughout ......... throughout 1519 -eis->
throughout ......... throughout 1722 -en->
throughout ......... throughout 1909 -epi->
throughout ......... throughout 2596 -kata->
throughout ......... throughout 3650 -holos->
throughout ......... throughout all 3956 -pas->
throughout ......... throughout Pontus 4195 -Pontos->
throughout ......... was throughout 1909 -epi->
tribute ......... me the tribute 2778 -kensos->
tribute ......... tribute 1323 -didrachmon->
tribute ......... tribute 2778 -kensos->
tribute ......... tribute 5411 -phoros->
tribute ......... ye tribute 5411 -phoros->
truth ......... a truth 0225 -aletheia->
truth ......... and in truth 0225 -aletheia->
truth ......... and of the truth 0225 -aletheia->
truth ......... and the truth 0225 -aletheia->
truth ......... and truth 0225 -aletheia->
truth ......... and truth 0226 -aletheuo->
truth ......... As the truth 0225 -aletheia->
truth ......... but as it is in truth 0230 -alethos->
truth ......... but for the truth 0225 -aletheia->
truth ......... by him , as the truth 0225 -aletheia->
truth ......... For of a truth 0225 -aletheia->
truth ......... for the truth 0225 -aletheia->
truth ......... from the truth 0225 -aletheia->
truth ......... in the truth 0225 -aletheia->
truth ......... in the truth 0225->
truth ......... in the truth 0225->
truth ......... in truth 0225 -aletheia->
truth ......... in truth 0225->
truth ......... in truth 0225->
truth ......... in truth 0226 -aletheuo->
truth ......... is in you of a truth 3689 -ontos->
truth ......... is of a truth 0230 -alethos->
truth ......... is of the truth 0225 -aletheia->
truth ......... is truth 0225 -aletheia->
truth ......... man truth 0226 -aletheuo->
truth ......... men , and of the truth 0225 -aletheia->
truth ......... not in the truth 0225 -aletheia->
truth ......... not the truth 0225 -aletheia->
truth ......... Of a truth 0225 -aletheia->
truth ......... Of a truth 0230 -alethos->
truth ......... of the truth 0225 -aletheia->
truth ......... of the truth 0226 -aletheuo->
truth ......... of truth 0225 -aletheia->
truth ......... one that is of the truth 0225 -aletheia->
truth ......... that the truth 0225 -aletheia->
truth ......... that we are of the truth 0225 -aletheia->
truth ......... the truth 0225 -aletheia->
truth ......... the truth 0225->
truth ......... the truth 0225->
truth ......... the truth 0226 -aletheuo->
truth ......... the truth s 0225->
truth ......... the truth s 0225->
truth ......... things , and is truth 0227 -alethes->
truth ......... things to you in truth 0225 -aletheia->
truth ......... thy truth 0225 -aletheia->
truth ......... to the truth 0225 -aletheia->
truth ......... to truth 0225 -aletheia->
truth ......... truth 0225 -aletheia->
Truth ......... Truth 3483 -nai->
truth ......... unto the truth 0225 -aletheia->
truth ......... with truth 0226 -aletheuo->
truth ......... you of a truth 0225 -aletheia->
truth ......... you of a truth 0230 -alethos->
truth ......... you the truth 0225 -aletheia->
truth ......... you the truth 0226 -aletheuo->
tutors ......... tutors 2012 -epitropos->
utmost ......... from the utmost 4009 -peras->
utter ......... I will utter 2044 -ereugomai->
utter ......... to utter 2980 -laleo->
utter ......... ye utter 1325 -didomi->
utterance ......... And for me , that utterance 3056 -logos->
utterance ......... and utterance 3056 -logos->
utterance ......... of utterance 3056 -logos->
utterance ......... them utterance 0669 -apophtheggomai->
utterance ......... utterance 3056 -logos->
uttered ......... be uttered 0215 -alaletos->
uttered ......... had uttered 2980 -laleo->
uttered ......... to be uttered 3004 -lego->
uttered ......... uttered 2980 -laleo->
utterly ......... and she shall be utterly 2618 -katakaio->
utterly ......... not ; and shall utterly 2704 -katphtheiro->
utterly ......... there is utterly 3654 -holos->
uttermost ......... and unto the uttermost 2078 -eschatos->
uttermost ......... from the uttermost 0206 -akron->
uttermost ......... from the uttermost 4009 -peras->
uttermost ......... the uttermost 2078 -eschatos->
uttermost ......... the uttermost 2556 -kakos->
uttermost ......... them to the uttermost 3838 -panteles->
uttermost ......... to the uttermost 0206 -akron->
uttermost ......... upon them to the uttermost 5056 -telos->
without ......... and without 0112 -atheos->
without ......... and without 0299 -amomos->
without ......... and without 0505 -anupokritos->
without ......... and without 0677 -aproskopos->
without ......... and without 0784 -aspilos->
without ......... And without 3672 -homologoumenos->
without ......... and without 5565 -choris->
without ......... And without 5565 -choris->
without ......... are without 0278 -ametameletos->
without ......... as kings without 5565 -choris->
without ......... as not without 5565 -choris->
without ......... as we are , yet without 5565 -choris->
without ......... as without 0459 -anomos->
without ......... be without 0505 -anupokritos->
without ......... be without 0866 -aphilarguros->
without ......... being not without 0459 -anomos->
without ......... But them that are without 1854 -exo->
without ......... but unto them that are without 1854 -exo->
without ......... but was without 1854 -exo->
without ......... But without 5565 -choris->
without ......... by him ; and without 5565 -choris->
without ......... for they are without 0299 -amomos->
without ......... For without 1854 -exo->
without ......... for without 5565 -choris->
without ......... For without 5565 -choris->
without ......... from without 1855 -exothen->
without ......... have you without 0275 -amerimnos->
without ......... him without 0870 -aphobos->
without ......... I unto you without 0369 -anantirrhetos->
without ......... is not without 0820 -atimos->
without ......... is without 1622 -ektos->
without ......... is without 1855 -exothen->
without ......... may without 0427 -aneu->
without ......... me without 1432 -dorean->
without ......... not without 5565 -choris->
without ......... of them is without 0880 -aphonos->
without ......... of them which are without 1855 -exothen->
without ......... of things without 0280 -ametros->
without ......... out without 0194 -akratos->
without ......... side ; without 1855 -exothen->
without ......... that are without 1854 -exo->
without ......... that he may be with you without 0870 -aphobos->
without ......... that they are without 0379 -anapologetos->
without ......... that without 0088 -adialeiptos->
without ......... that without 0089 -adialeiptos->
without ......... that without 5565 -choris->
without ......... them that are without 0459 -anomos->
without ......... them that are without 1854 -exo->
without ......... them without 3326 -meta->
without ......... they are without 0504 -anudros->
without ......... thing for us , that they without 5565 -choris->
without ......... thing from without 1855 -exothen->
without ......... things that are without 3924 -parektos->
without ......... things without 0895 -apsuchos->
without ......... things without 5565 -choris->
without ......... time without 5565 -choris->
without ......... To them that are without 0459 -anomos->
without ......... unto him without 1854 -exo->
without ......... unto them , He that is without 0361 -anamartetos->
without ......... was without 0729 -arrhaphos->
without ......... without 0035 -agenealogetos->
without ......... without 0077 -adapanos->
without ......... without 0087 -adiakritos->
without ......... without 0089 -adialeiptos->
without ......... without 0175 -akarpos->
without ......... without 0186 -aklines->
without ......... without 0267 -amarturos->
without ......... without 0282 -ametor->
without ......... without 0298 -amometos->
without ......... without 0299 -amomos->
without ......... without 0427 -aneu->
without ......... without 0448 -anileos->
without ......... without 0460 -anomos->
without ......... without 0504 -anudros->
Without ......... Without 0540 -apator->
without ......... without 0563 -aperispastos->
without ......... without 0678 -aprosopoleptos->
without ......... without 0772 -asthenes->
without ......... without 0784 -aspilos->
Without ......... Without 0794 -astorgos->
without ......... without 0794 -astorgos->
without ......... without 0801 -asunetos->
Without ......... Without 0801 -asunetos->
without ......... without 0815 -ateknos->
without ......... without 0870 -aphobos->
without ......... without 0886 -acheiropoietos->
without ......... without 1500 -eike->
without ......... without 1618 -ektenes->
without ......... without 1854 -exo->
without ......... without 2673 -katargeo->
without ......... without 3361 -me->
without ......... without 4160 -poieo->
without ......... without 5565 -choris->
without ......... without end 0165 -aion->
without ......... ye be without 5565 -choris->
without ......... ye were without 5565 -choris->
without ......... you without 0817 -ater->
youth ......... from my youth 3503 -neotes->
youth ......... thy youth 3503 -neotes->
youthful ......... youthful 3512 -neoterikos->