twice Interlinear Index Study

twice GEN 041 032 And for that the dream <02472 +chalowm > was
doubled <08138 +shanah > unto Pharaoh <06547 +Par {twice}
<06471 +pa ; [ it is ] because <03588 +kiy > the thing
<01697 +dabar > [ is ] established <03559 +kuwn > by God <00430
+>elohiym > , and God <00430 +>elohiym > will shortly <04116
+mahar > bring <06213 + it to pass <06213 + .

twice EXO 016 005 And it shall come <01961 +hayah > to pass ,
that on the sixth <08345 +shishshiy > day <03117 +yowm > they
shall prepare <03559 +kuwn > [ that ] which <00834 +>aher > they
bring <00935 +bow> > in ; and it shall be {twice} <04932
+mishneh > as much <00834 +>aher > as they gather <03950 +laqat
> daily <03117 +yowm > .

twice EXO 016 022 . And it came <01961 +hayah > to pass , [ that
] on the sixth <08345 +shishshiy > day <03117 +yowm > they
gathered <03950 +laqat > {twice} <04932 +mishneh > as much bread
<03899 +lechem > , two <08147 +sh@nayim > omers <06016 +
for one <00259 +>echad > [ man ] : and all <03605 +kol > the
rulers <05387 +nasiy> > of the congregation <05712 + came
<00935 +bow> > and told <05046 +nagad > Moses <04872 +Mosheh > .

twice NUM 020 011 And Moses <04872 +Mosheh > lifted <07311 +ruwm
> up his hand <03027 +yad > , and with his rod <04294 +matteh >
he smote <05221 +nakah > the rock <05553 +cela< > {twice} <06471
+pa : and the water <04325 +mayim > came <03318 +yatsa> >
out abundantly <07227 +rab > , and the congregation <05712
+ drank <08354 +shathah > , and their beasts <01165
+b@ [ also ] .

twice 1SA 018 011 And Saul <07586 +Sha>uwl > cast <02904 +tuwl >
the javelin <02595 +chaniyth > ; for he said <00559 +>amar > , I
will smite <05221 +nakah > David <01732 +David > even to the
wall <07023 +qiyr > [ with it ] . And David <01732 +David >
avoided <05437 +cabab > out of his presence <06440 +paniym >
{twice} <06471 +pa .

twice 1KI 011 009 . And the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > was angry
<00599 +>anaph > with Solomon <08010 +Sh@lomoh > , because
<03588 +kiy > his heart <03824 +lebab > was turned <05186 +natah
> from the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > God <00430 +>elohiym > of
Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > , which had appeared <07200 +ra>ah >
unto him {twice} <06471 +pa ,

twice 2KI 006 010 And the king <04428 +melek > of Israel <03478
+Yisra>el > sent <07971 +shalach > to the place <04725 +maqowm >
which <00834 +>aher > the man <00376 +>iysh > of God <00430
+>elohiym > told <00559 +>amar > him and warned <02094 +zahar >
him of , and saved <08104 +shamar > himself there <08033 +sham >
, not once <00259 +>echad > nor <03808 +lo> > {twice} <08147
+sh@nayim > .

twice NEH 013 020 So the merchants <07402 +rakal > and sellers
<04376 +makar > of all <03605 +kol > kind of ware <04465 +mimkar
> lodged <03885 +luwn > without <02351 +chuwts > Jerusalem
<03389 +Y@ruwshalaim > once <06471 +pa or {twice} <08147
+sh@nayim > .

twice JOB 033 014 . For God <00410 +>el > speaketh <01696 +dabar
> once <00259 +>echad > , yea {twice} <08147 +sh@nayim > , [ yet
man ] perceiveth <07789 +shuwr > it not .

twice JOB 040 005 Once <00259 +>echad > have I spoken <01696
+dabar > ; but I will not answer <06030 + : yea , {twice}
<08147 +sh@nayim > ; but I will proceed <03254 +yacaph > no
<03808 +lo> > further .

twice JOB 042 010 . And the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > turned <07725
+shuwb > the captivity <07622 +sh@buwth > of Job <00347 +>Iyowb
> , when he prayed <06419 +palal > for his friends <07453 +rea<
> : also the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > gave <03254 +yacaph > Job
<00347 +>Iyowb > {twice} <04932 +mishneh > as much <00634 +>Ecar
- Chaddown > as he had before .

twice PSA 062 011 God <00430 +>elohiym > hath spoken <01696
+dabar > once <00259 +>echad > ; {twice} <08147 +sh@nayim > have
I heard <08085 +shama< > this <02098 +zuw > ; that power <05797
+ [ belongeth ] unto God <00430 +>elohiym > .

twice ECC 006 006 Yea <00432 +>illuw > , though he live <02421
+chayah > a thousand <00505 +>eleph > years <08141 +shaneh >
{twice} <06471 +pa [ told ] , yet hath he seen <07200
+ra>ah > no <03808 +lo> > good <02896 +towb > : do not all
<03605 +kol > go <01980 +halak > to one <00259 +>echad > place
<04725 +maqowm > ?

twice MAR 014 030 And Jesus <2424 -Iesous -> saith <3004 -lego -
> unto him , Verily <0281 -amen -> I say <3004 -lego -> unto
thee , That this <4594 -semeron -> day <4594 -semeron -> , [
even ] in this <5026 -taute -> night <3571 -nux -> , before
<2228 -e -> the cock <0220 -alektor -> crow <5455 -phoneo ->
{twice} <1364 -dis -> , thou shalt deny <0533 -aparneomai -> me
thrice <5151 -tris -> .

twice MAR 014 072 And the second <1208 -deuteros -> time the
cock <0220 -alektor -> crew <5455 -phoneo -> . And Peter <4074 -
Petros -> called <0363 -anamimnesko -> to mind <0363 -
anamimnesko -> the word <4487 -rhema -> that Jesus <2424 -Iesous
-> said <2036 -epo -> unto him , Before <4250 -prin -> the cock
<0220 -alektor -> crow <5455 -phoneo -> {twice} <1364 -dis -> ,
thou shalt deny <0533 -aparneomai -> me thrice <5151 -tris -> .
And when he thought <1911 -epiballo -> thereon <1911 -epiballo -
> , he wept <2799 -klaio -> .

twice LUK 018 012 I fast 3522 -nesteuo - {twice} 1364 -dis - in
the week 4521 -sabbaton - , I give tithes LUK 0586 -apodekatoo -
of all 3956 -pas - that I possess 2932 -ktaomai - .

twice JUDE 001 012 These <3778 -houtos -> are spots <4694 -
spilas -> in your <5216 -humon -> feasts of charity <0026 -agape
-> , when they feast <4910 -suneuocheo -> with you , feeding
<4165 -poimaino -> themselves <1438 -heautou -> without <0870 -
aphobos -> fear <0870 -aphobos -> : clouds <3507 -nephele -> [
they are ] without <0504 -anudros -> water <0504 -anudros -> ,
carried <4064 -periphero -> about <4064 -periphero -> of winds
<0417 -anemos -> ; trees <1186 -dendron -> whose fruit <5352 -
phthinoporinos -> withereth <5352 -phthinoporinos -> , without
<0175 -akarpos -> fruit <0175 -akarpos -> , {twice} <1364 -dis -
> dead <0599 -apothnesko -> , plucked <1610 -ekrizoo -> up by
the roots <1610 -ekrizoo -> ;
