* transgressor , 3848 parabates ,


transgressor -3848 breaker, transgress, {transgressor},

transgressors -0459 law, lawless, {transgressors}, unlawful,
wicked, without,

transgressors -3848 breaker, transgress, transgressor,


transgressor -0898 deceitfully , offend , transgress ,
transgressed , transgresseth , {transgressor} , transgressors ,
treacherous , treacherously , unfaithful , unfaithfully , very ,

transgressor -6586 offended , rebelled , revolt , revolted ,
transgress , transgressed , transgressing , {transgressor} ,
transgressors ,

transgressors -0898 deceitfully , offend , transgress ,
transgressed , transgresseth , transgressor , {transgressors} ,
treacherous , treacherously , unfaithful , unfaithfully , very ,

transgressors -5674 alienate , altered , anger , apart , away ,
beyond , bring , brought , came , carried , carry , come ,
cometh , coming , conduct , conducted , convey , current ,
delivered , do , enter , escape , fail , forth , gendereth , get
, go , gods , goeth , going , gone , have , laid , make ,
meddleth , more , over , overcome , overpass , overpast ,
overran , overrunning , partition , pass , passage , passed ,
passedst , passengers , passest , passeth , passing , past ,
perish , perishing , proclaim , proclaimed , provoketh , put ,
rageth , raiser , removed , sent , shave , smelling , sound ,
speedily , sweet , take , taken , through , took , transgress ,
transgressed , transgressest , transgressing , {transgressors} ,
translate , turn , went , wroth ,

transgressors -6586 offended , rebelled , revolt , revolted ,
transgress , transgressed , transgressing , transgressor ,
{transgressors} ,


transgressor 0459 ** anomos ** without law, lawless,
{transgressor}, unlawful,wicked.


transgressor ......... a transgressor 3848 -parabates->

transgressors ......... as transgressors 3848 -parabates->

transgressors ......... the transgressors 0459 -anomos->

transgressors ......... with the transgressors 0459 -anomos->



transgressor 0459 # anomos {an'-om-os}; from 1 (as a negative
particle) and 3551; lawless, i.e. (negatively) not subject to
(the Jewish) law; (by implication, a Gentile), or (positively)
wicked: -- without law, lawless, {transgressor}, unlawful,


transgressor 021 018 Pro /^{transgressor /for the
upright .

transgressor 048 008 Isa /^{transgressor /from the
womb .

transgressor 002 011 Jam /${transgressor /of the law .

transgressors 023 028 Pro /^{transgressors /among men .

transgressors 053 012 Isa /^{transgressors /and he
bare the sin of many , and made intercession for the
transgressors .

transgressors 001 028 Isa /^{transgressors /and of the
sinners shall be together , and they that forsake the LORD shall
be consumed .

transgressors 119 015 Psa /^{transgressors /and was
grieved ; because they kept not thy word .

transgressors 008 023 Dan /^{transgressors /are come
to the full , a king of fierce countenance , and understanding
dark sentences , shall stand up .

transgressors 022 037 Luk /${transgressors /for the
things concerning me have an end .

transgressors 013 015 Pro /^{transgressors /is hard .

transgressors 059 005 Psa /^{transgressors /Selah .

transgressors 037 038 Psa /^{transgressors /shall be
destroyed together : the end of the wicked shall be cut off .

transgressors 002 022 Pro /^{transgressors /shall be
rooted out of it.

transgressors 011 006 Pro /^{transgressors /shall be
taken in their own naughtiness .

transgressors 011 003 Pro /^{transgressors /shall
destroy them.

transgressors 013 002 Pro /^{transgressors /shall eat
violence .

transgressors 014 009 Hos /^{transgressors /shall fall

transgressors 051 013 Psa /^{transgressors /thy ways ;
and sinners shall be converted unto thee.


transgressor 5 -

transgressors 20 -


transgressor The wicked [shall be] a ransom for the

righteous, and the {transgressor} for the upright.

transgressor The eyes of the LORD preserve knowledge,

and he overthroweth the words of the {transgressor}.

transgressor Yea, thou heardest not; yea, thou knewest

not; yea, from that time [that] thine ear was not opened: for I

that thou wouldest deal very treacherously, and wast called a

{transgressor} from the womb.

transgressor For if I build again the things which I

destroyed, I make myself a {transgressor}.

transgressor For he that said, Do not commit adultery,

said also, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if

kill, thou art become a {transgressor} of the law.
